Case Analysis: A. Relevant Facts

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Name: Vahia Ralliza H.

Course & Year: BSA-3

A. Relevant Facts
Bert Cruz has been working for 6 months as staff assistant for a law form,
Alvendia and Castro. Currently he is assigned to the case of Ryan manufacturing
Company under the supervision of Carlo Reyes, an experienced senior lawyer. During
lunch on the first day, Carlos says, “it will be necessary for us to work few extra hours on
our own time to make sure we come in on budget. This case isn’t very profitable
anyway, and we don’t want to hurt our firm by going over budget. We can accomplish
this easily by coming in half hour early, taking short lunch break, and working an hour or
so after normal quitting time. We just won’t write that time down on our time report.”
Bert read in the company's approach manual that working hours and not charging for
them on the time report is an infringement of Alvendia and Castro business strategy. He
additionally realizes that seniors are paid rewards, rather than extra time, while staffs
are paid for additional time however get no rewards.

B. Ethical Issue
The ethical issue face in the scenario is that, is it ethical for Bert to work beyond
his work hours and to not record them as hours worked?

C. Who is affected and how they are affected?

There are five key person who are affected in the scenario in which ethical
dilemma occurs. The first person would be Bert, aside from being asked to violate the
firm policy, his hours of work, his pay, his performance evaluation, and his attitude
towards the firm may be affected. The second person would be Martha, in which she
greatly be affected the same as Berth since she is one of the legal assistant assigned to
the case. Third would be Carlos, his success on the engagement and hours of work may
be affected. Fourth would be Alvendia and Castro Law Firm, knowing that their term
policy is being violated this may result in under billing clients in their current and future
engagements, may affect the firm’s ability to realistically budget engagements and bill
clients and may affect the firm’s ability to motivate and retain employees. Lastly would
be the other staff in the firm, following the practice of this engagement may motivate
others to follow the same practice on other engagements.

D. Available Alternatives
This section deals with different ways in which the problem can be resolved.
Typically, being creative at this stage helps. Bert can decide on the following alternatives
to solve the said dilemma; Bert may refuse to work the additional work hours suggested
by his supervisor Carlo Reyes. He may also inform him that he will not work the
additional hours or he will charge the additional hours to the engagement. Also, he may
also perform in the manner requested. Bert can also talk to the manager about Carlos
request or directly talk to Carlos about his concern. He may also refuse to work in the
engagement to avoid conflict or quit work in the firm.

E. Consequences of Each Alternative

Potential consequences may arise in deciding the best alternative to be used
which therefore helpful and essential to evaluate both short and long term effects of
each alternative. As such, we will measure the alternatives against each key decision
criteria. Consider the potential consequences if Bert decide to work the additional hours
and not report them. By doing so, he will likely get good evaluation for his cooperation
to the engagement, he may also be able to build a good relationship with his co-workers
and perhaps a salary increase however, his behavior and perception towards the people
he works with and the company he works at may be affected. If Bert on the other hand
refuse to work the additional work hours suggested by his supervisor Carlos Reyes, he
may get angry for disagreeing with him and cause conflict towards each other. On the
other side, Bert can also talk to the manager about Carlos’ request but it would also
create conflict. If Bert will refuse to work in the engagement, by doing so, he will have to
adjust again to another team. Or if he will quit his job, he will be having a hard time
looking for another job/company to accept him. Lastly, if he will talk directly to Carlos
and raise his concern regarding the situation, he may voice out what he think is right
and to be able to figure out what to do in order to satisfy each other opinion.

F. Appropriate Action
In every situation we should always choose the best alternative to decide on
what circumstance best fit to solve the issue. Best alternative should be in accordance
with what is ethically and morally right. The key to making effective decisions is to think
about choices in terms of their ability to accomplish our most important goals. This
means we have to understand the difference between immediate and short-term goals
and longer-range goals. A choice that produces unintended and undesirable results is
ineffective. All decisions have an ethical or moral dimension for a simple reason—they
have an effect on others. Ethical decisions generate and sustain trust; demonstrate
respect, responsibility, fairness and caring; and are consistent with good citizenship.
These behaviors provide a foundation for making better decisions by setting the ground
rules for our behavior. As such, ethics are moral principles that guide a person’s
As for Bert, the best alternative would be talking to Carlos. In such a way it would
mitigate possible conflict and would create a healthy work environment. Carlos may also
be enlightened by doing so, talking to him can be a way to end such unethical behavior
for which in a long run would create a positive impact to the both of them as
professionals. It would also create and motivate other workers to work and decide
things in accordance to what is morally and ethically right. By also doing this, both Bert
and Carlos would still attain a good reputation in their workplace. By deciding ethically,
it makes Bert feel good about it – by being true to himself, he will feel good about the
ethical decisions he make. Many people report that they find gift giving more rewarding
than receiving a gift. Though that is not an ethical analogy it does speak to the
importance of doing good for others. Being honest is part of being ethical and you will
likely feel good about being an ethical business person.

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