Prevalence of Financial Fraud and Scams Among Older Adults in The United States: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Prevalence of Financial Fraud and Scams Among Older Adults in The United States: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Prevalence of Financial Fraud and Scams Among Older Adults in The United States: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Background. The financial exploitation of older adults was recently Main Results. We included 12 studies involving a total of 41 711
recognized by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as individuals in the meta-analysis. Overall pooled elder financial
a serious public health problem. Knowledge of the prevalence of fraud–scam prevalence (up to 5-year period) across studies was 5.6%
elder financial exploitation is mostly limited to the category of (95% confidence interval [CI] = 4.0%, 7.8%), with a 1-year period
financial abuse, which occurs in relationships involving an expecta- prevalence of 5.4% (95% CI = 3.2%, 7.6%). Studies using a series
tion of trust. Little is known about the other major category of elder of questions describing specific fraud–scam events to measure
financial exploitation—elder financial fraud and scams, which is victimization found a significantly higher prevalence (7.1%;
perpetrated by strangers. A valid estimate of elder financial 95% CI = 4.8%, 9.4%) than studies using a single, general-
fraud–scam prevalence is necessary as a foundation for research and question self-report assessment approach (3.6%; 95% CI = 1.8%,
prevention efforts. 5.4%).
Objectives. To estimate the prevalence of elder financial fraud–scam Author’s Conclusions. Elder financial fraud and scams is a common
victimization in the United States based on a systematic review and problem, affecting approximately 1 of every 18 cognitively intact,
meta-analysis. community-dwelling older adults each year; it requires further attention
from researchers, clinicians, and policymakers. Elder financial fraud–scam
Search Methods. Multiple investigators independently screened titles prevalence findings in this study likely underestimate the true population
and abstracts and reviewed relevant full-text records from PubMed, prevalence. We provide methodological recommendations to limit
Medline, PsycINFO, Criminal Justice Abstracts, Social Work Abstracts, and older adult participation and reporting bias in future population-based
AgeLine databases. research.
Selection Criteria. To maximize the validity and generalizability of Public Health Implications. Elder financial exploitation victimization
prevalence estimation, we restricted eligibility to general population- is associated with mortality, hospitalization, and poor physical
based studies (English speaking, 1990 onward) using state- or and mental health. Health care professionals working with
national-level probability sampling and collecting data directly from older adults likely routinely encounter patients who are fraud–scam
older adults. victims. Validation of instruments to screen for elder financial
fraud and scams in clinical settings is an important area of future
Data Collection and Analysis. Information on elder financial research. Without effective primary prevention strategies,
fraud–scam prevalence and study-level characteristics was extracted the absolute scope of this problem will escalate with the
independently by 2 investigators. Meta-analysis of elder financial growing population of older adults. (Am J Public Health. Published
fraud–scam prevalence used generalized mixed models with online ahead of print June 22, 2017: e1–e9. doi:10.2105/AJPH.2017.
individual studies as levels of a random classification factor. 303821)
PLAIN-LANGUAGE SUMMARY known about financial fraud and scams per- every 18) of cognitively intact older adults
As the population ages, the financial ex- petrated by strangers. This study sought to living in the community are victims of
ploitation of older adults is a growing issue estimate a valid prevalence of elder financial financial fraud or scams each year in the
that is associated with major consequences, fraud and scams using a meta-analysis strategy United States. Thus, elder financial fraud and
such as shortened survival, hospitalization, that pooled data from several existing studies. scams is a common problem, affecting mil-
and poor physical and mental health. Al- To enhance the generalizability of prevalence lions of older adults annually, which requires
though previous prevalence research on elder estimation, the meta-analysis only included further attention from researchers, clinicians,
financial exploitation has mostly focused on large-scale studies that drew on state- or and policymakers. Prevalence information
financial abuse that occurs in families and national-level random samples of older adults. from this study can be used as a rationale for
other types of trust relationships, little is Results indicate that 5.4% (approximately 1 of further research and prevention efforts.
Published online ahead of print June 22, 2017 AJPH Burnes et al. Peer Reviewed Systematic Review e1
e2 Systematic Review Peer Reviewed Burnes et al. AJPH Published online ahead of print June 22, 2017
response to new regulations and laws, de- was obtained by contacting the lead study Bias Assessment
tection and enforcement tactics, technolog- organization. We evaluated study bias using a tool
ical advancements, consumer behaviors, Our search strategy resulted in 12 records specifically designed by Hoy et al. to assess
finance and investment trends, public edu- that satisfied inclusion–exclusion criteria. risk of bias in population-based prevalence
cation and awareness, and other factors. Figure 1 provides a flow diagram representing studies.20 The tool consists of 10 items cov-
Thus, a stable set of EFFS subtypes has not the overall search and exclusion process ering the following domains of bias, which
historically existed, and studies vary over following Preferred Reporting Items for are each rated as contributing to low or high
time in regard to EFFS definitions and the Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses study bias: selection, nonresponse, measure-
specific types of fraud–scam activities con- (PRISMA) guidelines. ment, and analysis. Item 11 is an overall
sidered. We included studies that assessed any summary assessment of bias (low, moderate,
type of financially related fraud–scam activity high) based on the rater’s responses to the
Data Extraction
perpetrated by a stranger or other person previous 10 items. Bias assessment ratings
One investigator (D. B.) extracted in-
standing outside of a conventional trust re- were completed by 2 independent raters
formation from each record on the following
lationship. The literature on fraud and scams (D. B. and C. S.). The raters independently
methodological specifications that represent
is mixed in regard to the inclusion11 or agreed on 126 of 132 items (95.5%) across
overall study design or factors that may in-
exclusion18 of identity theft and fraud as 12 studies. Agreement on the remaining
fluence prevalence estimation: geographic
a subtype. To be comprehensive in this first 6 items was reached through consensus.
area covered, older adult age cutoff, older
systematic review of EFFS, we included Appendix E provides bias assessment rating
adult sample size, study inclusion criteria, year
studies covering identity theft and fraud; details for each individual study and a bias
and method of data collection, response rate,
however, we conducted a disaggregated rating summary table for all studies.
fraud–scam assessment approach, types of
analysis to provide separate prevalence rates
fraud and scams considered, and EFFS
for studies that covered financial fraud and
prevalence period. A second investigator
scams in general versus those that focused Data Analysis
(R. Z.) independently reviewed each study
on identity theft and fraud. We carried out a meta-analysis in gener-
for the accuracy of extracted information.
alized mixed models with a binomial error
No discrepancies in data extraction were
assumption, logistic link function, un-
identified. Most studies were designed to
Search Strategy structured variance and covariance, and
examine fraud and scams among adults of
Two investigators (D. B. and C. S.) in- studies included as levels of a random classi-
all ages; thus, very few studies provided EFFS
dependently screened titles and abstracts fication factor. Random effects took into
prevalence rates for older adult sociodemo-
for records that reported on the prevalence account heterogeneity among studies. Given
graphic subgroups (e.g., gender, race/
of EFFS victimization in the following the small number of studies, we estimated
interdisciplinary collection of databases: overall EFFS prevalence in a model including
PubMed, Medline, PsycINFO, Criminal no additional variables. To examine
Justice Abstracts, Social Work Abstracts, Quality Assessment whether specific study-level methodological
and AgeLine. We searched databases with To appraise study quality, we used characteristics had an effect on prevalence
advanced search tools by combining key- a common evaluation-scoring framework estimates, we examined 8 additional mixed
words related to prevalence and incidence developed by Loney et al.19 designed spe- models with each of the following method-
and to scam–fraud–financial exploitation. cifically to assess the rigor underlying the ological specifications included as an addi-
Full database search details, including search prevalence estimation of a health problem. tional fixed classification factor: older adult
terms and number of records, are given in We scored study quality assessment on a scale age cutoff (< 65 vs ‡ 65 years), year of
Appendix B (available as a supplement to this from 0 to 8 using items related to the fol- data collection (£ 2005 vs > 2005), EFFS
article at Full texts lowing criteria: sampling strategy, sampling assessment approach (closed-ended and de-
of relevant titles and abstracts were in- frame, sample size, outcome measurement, scriptive vs single self-report), number of
dependently reviewed by 2 investigators assessor bias, response rate and description of EFFS subtypes considered (£ 10 vs > 10),
(D. B. and C. S.). A list of excluded full-text- refusers, confidence intervals and subgroup focus on identity fraud (no vs yes), preva-
reviewed records appears in Appendix C with analysis, and sample description. Higher lence period (1 year vs 5 years), and study
annotated exclusion justification. Two in- scores indicated stronger quality of prevalence quality assessment score (< 5 vs ‡ 5).
vestigators (D. B. and C. S.) manually estimation. Quality assessment scoring was Because significant effects (P < .05) are
screened reference lists of retained records completed by 2 independent raters (D. B. and difficult to detect with a small number of
and relevant literature reviews related to the C. S.). No scoring discrepancies emerged. studies, we also used Cohen’s d effect size
topic of fraud and scams, including a report Appendix D provides quality assessment statistic as a measure of the magnitude and
published by the Financial Fraud Research scoring details for each individual study, importance of the difference in EFFS
Center listing all known original fraud–scam a quality scoring summary table for all studies, prevalence.
research studies.16 Only 1 relevant record and graphical representations of item score In this type of meta-analysis, it is clear that
in the search process was unavailable, and it variation across studies. an assumption of studies as fixed (a single true
Published online ahead of print June 22, 2017 AJPH Burnes et al. Peer Reviewed Systematic Review e3
FIGURE 1—Flow Diagram for Identifying Population-Based Studies Reporting the Prevalence of Elder Financial Fraud and Scams
prevalence rate for all studies) is inappropriate. Appendix F presents the meta-analysis of and 2 studies represented state-level coverage.
True rates will vary by studies owing not just observational studies in epidemiology Minimum age cutoffs for older adults in-
to sampling error but also to differences in (MOOSE) checklist. We conducted analyses cluded 50 (n = 2), 55 (n = 1), 60 (n = 1),
sample composition (age, ethnicity, educa- using SAS version 9.3 (SAS Institute, Cary, and 65 (n = 8) years. Nine studies used
tion), methods of assessment and study pro- NC). a 1-year prevalence period and 3 studies
tocol, variable definitions, overall study used a 5-year prevalence period. Eight studies
quality, and numerous other factors. We used used a closed-ended, descriptive EFFS
mixed models in which studies were assumed assessment–measurement approach exam-
to be random (sampled from a population RESULTS ining multiple specific EFFS activities, and
of studies). Rates were assumed to differ We included 12 studies involving a total 4 studies used a single self-report question
by studies. For the sake of completeness, of 41 711 individuals in the current meta- assessment–measurement approach. Re-
we computed the Cochran Q statistic to analysis (Table 1).11,22–32 The mean sample sponse rates across studies ranged from 14.0%
examine heterogeneity across studies. size was 3456 (SD = 4380; median = 1125; to 68.2% (mean = 47.3%; SD = 20.2%).
Publication bias is often examined using range = 210–12 024). In all studies, partici- Quality assessment ratings ranged from 3 to
a funnel plot with 1 divided by the standard pants were community dwelling, with 5.5 (mean = 4.6; SD = 0.8). Overall bias
error, which is a measure of sample size those living in institutional settings excluded. risk ratings included moderate (n = 7) and
plotted against prevalence rate. However, Ten studies were limited to cognitively high (n = 5).
evidence suggests that when outcomes are intact older adults, and 2 studies included Appendix G outlines types of scam–fraud
proportions (especially small proportions), older adults with a range of cognitive func- activities covered across each study. The
this standard type of funnel plot may show tioning. Across studies, data collection oc- number of fraud and scams considered across
asymmetry, even when there is no publica- curred between 1991 and 2014, with most studies ranged from 3 to 22 (mean = 10.8;
tion bias.21 Thus, we examined a funnel plot studies (n = 10) collecting data after 2000. SD = 7.3). Among studies using the
of sample size versus prevalence rate. Ten studies collected data on a national scale closed-ended and descriptive EFFS
e4 Systematic Review Peer Reviewed Burnes et al. AJPH Published online ahead of print June 22, 2017
Published online ahead of print June 22, 2017
TABLE 1—Population-Based Studies Using Random Samples and Reporting on Prevalence of Elder Financial Fraud and Scam (EFFS): United States, 1991–2016
Overall EFFS
Older Adult Age Data Collection Type and Year Prevalence Period Study Qualityb
Reference Geographic Area (Study Name) (Sample Size) Inclusion Criteria (Response Rate) EFFS Measurement (Rate) (Risk of Bias)c
Lichtenberg et al., United States (Health and ‡ 50 y Participated in both the regular Telephone interview and self- Single general self-report question 5-y 4.5 (high)
201622 Retirement Study [HRS]) (n = 7 252) 2008 HRS interview and the administered questionnaire in (6.1%)
2008–2012 Leave Behind HRS 2008–2012 (response rate not
Questionnaire provided)
Harrell, 2015 United States (National Crime ‡ 65 y Age ‡ 16 y, English speaking, Computer-assisted interviews in Several closed-ended questions 1-y 5.5 (moderate)
Victimization Survey Identity (n = 11 464) community dwelling, cognitively person or by telephone in 2014 describing 3 different identity (5.8%)
Theft Supplement) intact (66.1%) fraud types
Holtfreter et al., Florida and Arizona ‡ 60 y Age ‡ 60 y, with land-line phone, Computer-assisted telephone Several closed-ended questions 1-y 5.5 (moderate)
201411 (n = 2 000) English or Spanish speaking, interviews in 2011 (48.4%) describing 10 different EFFS types (13.6%)
community household,
cognitively intact
Lichtenberg et al., United States (HRS) ‡ 50 y Participated in both the regular Self-administered questionnaire in Single general self-report question 5-y 4.5 (high)
201324 (n = 4 440) 2002 HRS interview and the 2008 2008 (response rate not provided) (4.5%)
Leave Behind HRS Questionnaire
Anderson, 2013 United States ‡ 65 y Age ‡ 18 y, English or Spanish Computer-assisted telephone Several closed-ended questions 1-y 5.5 (moderate)
(n = 992) speaking, land-line or mobile interviews in 2011 (14%) describing 17 specific or general (7.0%)
phone, residential household, fraud–scam types
cognitively intactd
Harrell and United States (National Crime ‡ 65 y Age ‡ 16 y, English speaking, Computer-assisted interviews in Several closed-ended questions 1-y 5.5 (moderate)
Langton, 201326 Victimization Survey Identity (n = 12 024) community dwelling, cognitively person or by telephone in 2012 describing 3 different identity (5.0%)
Theft Supplement) intact (68.2%) fraud types
Anderson, 2007 United States ‡ 65 y Age ‡ 18 y, English or Spanish Computer-assisted telephone Several closed-ended questions 1-y 5 (moderate)
(n = 677) speaking, community dwelling, interviews in 2005 (23%) describing 16 specific or general (8.3%)
Burnes et al.
Anderson, 200429 United States ‡ 65 y Age ‡ 18 y, English speaking, Telephone interviews in 2003 Several closed-ended questions 1-y 4 (moderate)
(n = 505) land-line phone, community (response rate not provided) describing 12 specific or general (4.7%)
dwelling, cognitively intactd fraud–scam events
Federal Trade United States ‡ 55 y Age ‡ 18 y, English speaking (other Computer-assisted telephone Several closed-ended questions 5-y 4 (high)
Systematic Review
Commission, (n = 1 258)e languages unknown), residential interviews in 2003 (response rate describing 3 different identity (9.0%)
200330 dwelling, cognitively intactd not provided) fraud types
4 (moderate)
Study Qualityb
(Risk of Bias)c
Note. Study quality assessment relates to the rigor of studies in estimating the prevalence of EFFS. Some studies were designed with a broader focus on all adults and therefore may attain a higher quality
lowing categories of fraud and scams were
4 (high) covered: investment (n = 4), products and
services (n = 5), employment (n = 5), prize
and grant (n = 5), charity (n = 2), and identity
Prevalence Period
(n = 5).
Overall EFFS
A Cochran Q statistic of 1567.6 (P < .001)
indicated the presence of between-study
describing 21 specific events and
Single general self-report question
Exact sample size of older adults was not provided in the study. Number provided is an estimate based on US population statistics in year closest to the study.
heterogeneity. Meta-analytic pooling of
Several closed-ended questions
We assumed that older adults with cognitive impairment were excluded since there was no indication of methods to include.
Computer-assisted telephone
interviews in 1998 (48.9%)
score in relation to estimating fraud–scam prevalence for the broader adult population.
residential dwelling,
Range = 0–8. See Appendix D for a full description of scoring details on each study.
cognitively intactd
cognitively intactd
(n = 210)
‡ 65 y
‡ 65 y
e6 Systematic Review Peer Reviewed Burnes et al. AJPH Published online ahead of print June 22, 2017
Note. The dotted line refers to the meta-analyzed EFFS summary prevalence (5.6%; 95% confidence interval = 4.0%, 7.8%).
FIGURE 2—Prevalence of Elder Financial Fraud and Scam (EFFS) Across Studies, With 95% Confidence Intervals: United States, 1994–2016
smaller or nonsignificant studies. We do not elder financial exploitation, a 1-year EFFS information. Finally, EFFS victims tend to
believe publication bias has led to inflated prevalence of 5.4% is similar to, but slightly underreport their victimization.17
estimates of prevalence because, unlike higher than, the estimated 1-year prevalence
evaluations of drugs or interventions where of elder financial abuse that occurs in re-
positive findings may be favored, there should lationships of trust.33 A recent review of Methodological
be little incentive by researchers or reviewers population-based elder mistreatment studies Recommendations
to favor studies with higher estimates. Ad- found a 1-year elder financial abuse preva- Several methodological procedures can be
ditionally, studies in our sample from non– lence of 4.5% among community-dwelling, implemented to enhance the quality of future
peer-reviewed sources had, on average, cognitively intact older adults in the EFFS research and address the various forms
greater quality assessment scores (4.8) than did United States.34 Combining these 2 major of participation and reporting bias described
studies from peer-reviewed sources (4.3). categories of elder financial exploitation, we here. This meta-analysis found that studies
can crudely estimate that between 5.4% characterized by greater overall methodo-
(complete overlap of EFFS and financial logical quality detected higher rates of EFFS
abuse victims) and 9.9% (no overlap of victimization. Specifically, studies that used
DISCUSSION EFFS and financial abuse victims) of an EFFS assessment–measurement approach
This study conducted a systematic review community-dwelling, cognitively intact with multiple closed-ended questions de-
and meta-analysis to estimate the preva- older adults experience some form of scribing specific fraud–scam events identified
lence of EFFS in the United States. To financial exploitation each year. victims at a higher rate than did studies that
generate the most generalizable EFFS prev- Guided by information from the risk of employed a single general self-report ques-
alence estimate possible, we restricted the bias assessment, we found a prevalence of tion. The closed-ended and descriptive
meta-analysis to population-based studies EFFS in this meta-analysis that likely un- assessment method is meant to improve
using state- or national-level probability derestimates true population prevalence identification of EFFS victimization by re-
sampling. for several reasons. First, the studies pre- ducing a respondent’s confusion about what
This study found an overall 1- to 5-year dominantly excluded particularly vulnerable constitutes “fraud–scam” and cueing–
EFFS prevalence of 5.6% and a 1-year older adult subpopulations, such as those activating memory recall.17 Research and
EFFS prevalence of 5.4% among living with cognitive impairment or in industry experts have recently created
community-dwelling and (predominantly) long-term care settings. Second, several a fraud–scam taxonomy intended to guide the
cognitively intact older adults. Thus, ap- studies reported low response rates. The development of prevalence study surveys that
proximately 1 of every 18 cognitively intact nonresponse group in EFFS research is likely capture a comprehensive array of specific
older adults living in the community expe- disproportionately represented by victims fraud–scam types and to move the field to-
riences financial fraud or scam each year. who have become cautious of participating in ward greater measurement standardization.18
Within the context of the broader issue of a process involving the provision of personal The principles underlying this taxonomy
Published online ahead of print June 22, 2017 AJPH Burnes et al. Peer Reviewed Systematic Review e7
TABLE 2—Elder Financial Fraud and Scam (EFFS) Prevalence, by Study-Level Methodological
meta-analysis were designed for adults of
Characteristic: United States, 1994–2016 all ages without a specific focus on older
adults. A comprehensive, methodologically
EFFS Prevalence, % Difference in Prevalence, Effect Size rigorous national-level prevalence study
Characteristic (95% CI) Percentage Points (d) focusing on older adults is required to help
Year of data collection 1.8 0.7 understand EFFS within different older
2005 or earlier 4.7 (2.3, 7.1) adult subgroups. Further scholarship is nec-
After 2005 6.5 (3.5, 9.5) essary to distinguish boundaries between
EFFS assessment approach 3.5 1.6
identity theft and financial fraud and scams.
Single, self-report question 3.6 (1.8, 5.4)
Multiple closed-ended and descriptive 7.1 (4.8, 9.4)
Public Health Implications
Our findings suggest that EFFS is a com-
No. of EFFS subtypes considered 1.3 0.4
mon problem in the United States that affects
£ 10 7.7 (4.5, 10.9)
millions of older adults each year. Financial
> 10 6.4 (3.5, 9.3)
fraud victimization is associated with serious
Focus on identity theft and fraud 1.0 0.3 physical and mental health consequences,
No 5.4 (3.2, 7.6) including major depression, generalized
Yes 6.4 (2.1, 10.7) anxiety disorder, lower subjective health
Prevalence period, y 0.9 0.3 ratings, and increased functional somatic
1 5.4 (3.2, 7.6) complaints.5 A majority of fraud–scam vic-
5 6.3 (2.0, 10.5) tims report resulting anger, stress, regret,
Study quality assessment score 2.9 1.1 betrayal, embarrassment, sadness, helpless-
<5 4.5 (2.6, 6.4) ness, and shame.35 Related to EFFS, elder
‡5 7.5 (4.1, 10.8) financial abuse is associated with premature
Older adult age cutoff, y 2.9 1.0
mortality and greater hospitalization.3,4
< 65 7.7 (3.8, 11.6)
EFFS victims suffer both direct and indirect
‡ 65 4.8 (2.9, 6.7)
financial costs at a stage in life when it is
particularly difficult to recover losses and
Note. CI = confidence Interval. Prevalence estimates were generated from generalized mixed models, when financial savings are necessary to
with studies included as levels of a random classification factor and methodological specifications
included as a fixed classification factor.
manage age-associated health issues. Further,
EFFS is an issue that affects vulnerable
older adult subpopulations, including those
recognize, however, that prevalence surveys linguistic appropriateness. Finally, future with cognitive, functional, and health im-
must also incorporate some flexibility and EFFS research should include use of close pairments.6 Barring the development of
open-endedness to capture fluctuations in proxy respondents to represent older adults effective primary EFFS prevention, the
specific fraud–scam popularity over time and with cognitive impairment or other physical number of cases of EFFS will nearly
the emergence of new fraud–scam types. or mental conditions that limit direct double over the next 2 to 3 decades in
Other ways to address underreporting participation. accordance with older adult population
among EFFS victims include the following: growth.
priming for honesty at the beginning of Prevalence findings from this study suggest
the survey, designing fraud–scam questions Limitations that health care professionals who work with
with forgiving wording, and contextual- The main limitation of this meta-analysis is older adults are likely to encounter patients
izing survey questions with content that the small sample size of population-based who are victimized by EFFS on a routine
reduces social stigma attached to EFFS studies reporting EFFS prevalence. Without basis. Primary EFFS prevention in health care
victimization.17 a large sample, the scope of analytic tech- settings is critical. Although clinicians may not
To limit the extent of nonresponse among niques and detection of significant effects is see this in their purview, they are ideally
EFFS victims, it may be necessary to imple- limited. However, we integrated a measure of situated to detect victimization in annual
ment face-to-face interviewing or leave- effect size to identify factors warranting fur- wellness visits or when older people
behind, self-administered surveys that ther attention in research. Although it is present for intercurrent medical problems.
provide an opportunity to meet the researcher possible that some studies in this meta-analysis Validation of instruments to screen for
and engender credibility. Recruitment contained overlapping participants, we be- EFFS in hurried clinical settings represents
scripts and survey items should be designed lieve the risk is low given the national scope of an important area for future research. Al-
with input from older adults, known EFFS most sampling frames and the small number though not empirically derived, suspicious
victims, and other key stakeholders to ensure of studies. Many studies constituting this signs for EFFS victimization may include
e8 Systematic Review Peer Reviewed Burnes et al. AJPH Published online ahead of print June 22, 2017
nonadherence with medications, failure to 7. Han SD, Boyle PA, James BD, Yu L, Bennett DA. vulnerability predicts fraud cases in older adults: results of
Mild cognitive impairment is associated with poorer a longitudinal study. Clin Gerontol. 2016;39(1):48–63.
follow up on ordered tests, or nonpayment
decision-making in community-based older persons. J Am 23. Harrell E. Victims of identity theft, 2014. September
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patterns. Poorer financial and health literacy among 24. Lichtenberg PA, Stickney L, Paulson D. Is psycho-
community-dwelling older adults with mild cognitive logical vulnerability related to the experience of fraud in
impairment. J Aging Health. 2015;27(6):1105–1117. older adults? Clin Gerontol. 2013;36(2):132–146.
Conclusions 9. Han SD, Boyle PA, James BD, Yu L, Bennett DA. Mild 25. Anderson KB. Consumer fraud in the United States,
Perhaps the greatest constraint in the na- cognitive impairment and susceptibility to scams in old 2011: the third FTC survey. April 2013. Available at:
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scent EFFS field is a lack of basic knowledge
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regarding the extent or scope of the prob- AS, Bennett DA. Poor decision making is a consequence survey/130419fraudsurvey_0.pdf. Accessed May 15,
lem.17 Without an accurate sense of EFFS of cognitive decline among older persons without 2016.
prevalence, it is difficult to mobilize and Alzheimer’s disease or mild cognitive impairment. 26. Harrell E, Langton L. Victims of identity theft, 2012.
PLoS One. 2012;7(8):e43647. December 2013. Available at:
coordinate efforts toward resource allocation,
11. Holtfreter K, Reisig MD, Mears DP, Wolfe SE. Fi- content/pub/pdf/vit12.pdf. Accessed May 15, 2016.
policy development, prevention, and re-
nancial exploitation of the elderly in a consumer context. 27. Anderson KB. Consumer fraud in the United States:
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CONTRIBUTORS 28. Holtfreter K, Reisig MD, Blomberg TG. Consumer
13. US Senate Special Committee on Aging. Fighting
D. Burnes, C. R. Henderson Jr, K. Pillemer, and M. S. fraud victimization in Florida: an empirical study.
fraud: US Senate Aging Committee identifies top 10
Lachs contributed to the study’s conceptualization and St Thomas Law Rev. 2006;18(3):761–789.
scams targeting our nation’s seniors. Available at: https://
design. D. Burnes and C. Sheppard were responsible for 29. Anderson KB. Consumer fraud in the United States:
searching, screening, and selecting study records for the 20Fraud%20Book%20Final.pdf. Accessed September an FTC survey. August 2004. Available at: https://www.
systematic review, as well as conducting study quality and 2016.
bias assessments. D. Burnes and R. Zhao extracted data consumer-fraud-united-states-ftc-survey/
14. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Scams and safety—
from study records. C. R. Henderson Jr was responsible 040805confraudrpt.pdf. Accessed May 15, 2016.
for data meta-analysis. D. Burnes, C. R. Henderson Jr, seniors. Available at:
common-fraud-schemes/seniors. Accessed September 2016. 30. Federal Trade Commission. Identity theft survey
K. Pillemer, and M. S. Lachs were involved in in- report. September 2003. Available at: https://www.ftc.
terpretation of results. D. Burnes, C. R. Henderson Jr, and 15. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Money smart gov/sites/default/files/documents/reports/federal-
M. S. Lachs contributed to article writing. All authors for older adults: prevent financial exploitation. June 2013. trade-commission-identity-theft-program/
contributed to article editing or revisions. Available at: synovatereport.pdf. Accessed May 15, 2016.
201306_cfpb_msoa-participant-guide.pdf. Accessed
31. AARP. Consumer behavior, experiences and atti-
tudes: a comparison by age groups. March 1999. Available
This work was supported by funding from a Social 16. Deevy M, Lucich S, Beals M. Scams, schemes, & at:
Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada swindles: a review of consumer financial fraud research. behavior.pdf. Accessed May 15, 2016.
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Published online ahead of print June 22, 2017 AJPH Burnes et al. Peer Reviewed Systematic Review e9