Articles: Background
Articles: Background
Articles: Background
Background Nine potentially modifiable risk factors (less childhood education, midlife hearing loss, hypertension, Lancet Glob Health 2019;
and obesity, and later-life smoking, depression, physical inactivity, social isolation, and diabetes) account for 35% of 7: e596–603
worldwide dementia, but most data to calculate these risk factors come from high-income countries only. We aimed See Comment page e538
to calculate population attributable fractions (PAFs) for dementia in selected low-income and middle-income Division of Psychiatry,
University College London,
countries (LMICs) to identify potential dementia prevention targets in these countries.
London, UK (N Mukadam PhD,
A Sommerlad MSc,
Methods The study was an analysis of cross-sectional data obtained from the 10/66 Dementia Research surveys of J Huntley PhD,
representative populations in India, China, and six Latin America countries (Cuba, Dominican Republic, Mexico, Prof G Livingston MD)
Peru, Puerto Rico, and Venezuela), which used identical risk factor ascertainment methods in each country. Between Correspondence to:
2004 and 2006 (and between 2007 and 2010 for Puerto Rico), all residents aged 65 years and older in predefined Dr Naaheed Mukadam, Division
of Psychiatry, University College
catchment areas were invited to participate in the survey. We used risk factor prevalence estimates from this London, London W1T 7NF, UK
10/66 survey data, and relative risk estimates from previous meta-analyses, to calculate PAFs for each risk factor. To
account for individuals having overlapping risk factors, we adjusted PAF for communality between risk factors, and
used these values to calculate overall weighted PAFs for India, China, and the Latin American sample.
Findings The overall weighted PAF for potentially modifiable risk factors for dementia was 39·5% (95% CI 37·5–41·6)
in China (n=2162 participants), 41·2% (39·1–43·4) in India (n=2004), and 55·8% (54·9–56·7) in our Latin American
sample (n=12 865). Five dementia risk factors were more prevalent in these LMICs than worldwide estimates, leading
to higher PAFs for dementia: less childhood education (weighted PAF of 10·8% in China, 13·6% in India, and
10·9% in Latin America vs 7·5% worldwide), smoking (14·7%, 6·4%, and 5·7%, respectively, vs 5·5% worldwide),
hypertension (6·4%, 4·0%, and 9·3%, vs 2·0%), obesity (5·6%, 2·9%, and 7·9%, vs 0·8%), and diabetes (1·6%,
1·7%, and 3·2%, vs 1·2%).
Interpretation The dementia prevention potential in India, China, and this sample of Latin American countries is
large, and greater than in high-income countries. Less education in early life, hypertension, hearing loss, obesity, and
physical inactivity have particularly high PAFs and could be initial targets for dementia prevention strategies.
Funding No funding.
Copyright © 2019 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an Open Access article under the CC BY-NC-ND
4.0 license.
Research in context
Evidence before this study dementia and then we calculated the percentage of potentially
We searched PubMed on March 21, 2018, for any studies preventable dementia cases in these regions. To the best of
investigating population attributable fractions (PAFs) or our knowledge, this is the first such calculation. We searched
preventable dementia in low-income and middle-income the literature for other studies of risk factor prevalence for
countries (LMICs) using the search terms “dementia”, dementia and used the studies with the highest and lowest
“preventable”, and “low income”, with no limits on language or prevalence estimates in sensitivity analyses to calculate
date of publication. We found no papers investigating overall highest and lowest possible PAF estimates.
dementia risk, although there were some articles investigating
Implications of all the available evidence
individual risk factors and their link with dementia in LMICs.
The PAF percentage is higher in India, China, and our
We have previously published estimates of PAFs for dementia
Latin American sample of countries than worldwide estimates,
risk factors based on worldwide prevalence estimates from
indicating greater potential for dementia prevention in these
meta-analyses (primarily those that included studies from
regions. Low education was the risk factor with the highest
higher-income countries), and found that up to 35% of
PAF in all three regions, but other priority risk factors are
dementia cases are potentially preventable worldwide.
hypertension in China and Latin America and smoking in India.
Added value of this study
We used data from the 10/66 Dementia Research Group from
eight LMICs to estimate the prevalence of nine risk factors for
differ in these regions because of different educational risk factor are presented in panel 1. We dealt with missing
policies, health behaviours, genetic predisposition, and data by case-wise deletion given that the proportion of
health-care practice. PAF in LMICs might therefore be missing data was very low (0–2%) for all variables, except
higher or lower than in high-income countries, resulting social contact, which had 10–12·7% missing data.
in specific priority targets for dementia prevention in Some factors that are risks in middle age (eg, hyper
particular countries. In this study, we aimed to estimate the tension and obesity) decrease before the onset of dementia
PAF of potentially modifiable risk factors for dementia in as part of the developing illness, and therefore attributing
LMICs for which we could obtain population-level data. risk factors to specific time periods within the lifecourse
is essential.2 However, for hypertension and obesity,
Methods prevalence data for midlife were not available. We there
Data fore used the prevalence of pre-existing hypertension
The study was an analysis of cross-sectional data and obesity at the time of the survey as an estimate of mid
For more on the 10/66 Dementia obtained from the 10/66 Dementia Research Group life prevalence. Although the 10/66 Dementia Research
Research Group see comprehensive one-phase prevalence surveys,9 given Group sample contained individuals who were older than
that these surveys reported data on the nine identified 65 years, 60% of those were younger than 75 years, and so
potentially modifiable risk factors for dementia. The for a substantial proportion of the sample, the diagnosis of
10/66 Dementia Research Group aimed to interview all hypertension and the development of obesity are likely to
residents aged at least 65 years in geographically have occurred during midlife. Obesity was measured by
defined catchment areas in selected LMICs, and used waist circumference (which is considered to be a more
cross-culturally validated assessments for dementia.9 valid measure of obesity-related risk than body-mass
Participants were interviewed between 2004 and 2006 index)13 and was favoured over waist-to-hip ratio because of
(and between 2007 and 2010 in Puerto Rico). These data the relative ease of obtaining this measurement.11
are available for 17 031 participants in eight countries The PAF for a risk factor is defined as the percentage of
(Cuba, Dominican Republic, Mexico, Peru, Puerto Rico cases of a disease that would be eliminated if that
and Venezuela [grouped hereafter as the Latin American particular risk factor was eliminated. The value of the
sample]; China; and India). Sample size varied between PAF depends on the prevalence of the risk factor and the
1900 and 3000 for each country and more than 80% of strength of its association (RR) with the disease.
the target population responded in all areas surveyed.
Statistical analysis
Risk factor prevalence We calculated the prevalence estimates of the nine risk
We calculated prevalence for the risk factors of interest factors for each of the eight countries using
using 10/66 Dementia Research Group data,9 aiming 10/66 Dementia Research Group data. Given that the
to group them into early-life (age <45 years), midlife prevalence estimates were similar in each Latin
(age 45–64 years), and later-life (age ≥65 years) risk factors American country, we grouped these into one estimate
on the basis of previous literature10 that linked these for the Latin American sample by calculating the
factors to these particular age groups. Definitions of each prevalence from the combined data. As in our previous
Panel 1: Definitions of risk factors from 10/66 Dementia Panel 2: Standard method for the calculation of population attributable fractions and
Research Group data9 communality10
Less education Formula for individual population attributable fraction
Not receiving more than primary education in early life Population attributable fraction (PAF)=Pe(RRe – 1) / (1 + Pe[RRe – 1]), in which Pe is the
prevalence of the exposure and RRe the relative risk of disease because of that exposure.
Hearing loss
Self-reported hearing impairment Calculation of communality
Input data for all nine risk factors into our model.
Self-reported known diagnosis of hypertension Calculate the tetrachoric correlation to generate correlation coefficients and a correlation
matrix. This calculation establishes the correlation between unobserved and latent
Obesity variables and observed dichotomous variables.
Waist circumference measured by the 10/66 research team,
of at least 88 cm in women and more than 102 cm in men, Do a principal component analysis on the correlation matrix to generate eigenvectors,
according to WHO guidelines11 which are directions mapped onto the datapoints from which variance to the data is
measured. These eigenvectors represent unobserved factors underlying all the variables
Smoking that explain the variance observed.
Self-reported smoking in later life
Components with eigenvalues of at least 1 were retained in the model, as is standard
Depression practice, so that only eigenvectors that hold the most information about the data
Diagnosis of depression (according to the fourth edition of distribution are retained.
the Diagnostics and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) in Communality was calculated as the sum of the square of all factor loadings (ie, how much
later life following a structured Geriatric Mental State12 each unobserved component explained each measured variable).
interview or self-report of previous depression
Calculation of overall PAF
Physical inactivity We then calculated overall PAF:
Self-report of being either not at all or not very physically PAF=1 – [(1 – PAF1)(1 – PAF2)(1 – PAF3)…]
active in later life on a four-point Likert scale of level of physical
activity (categories are not at all, not very, fairly, and very Each individual risk factor’s PAF was weighted according to its communality using the
physically active) formula:
Weight (w)=1 – communality
Social isolation
Weighting was included in the calculation of overall PAF using the formula:
Social contact occurring less than once per month in later life,2
PAF=1 – [(1 – w*PAF1)(1 – w*PAF2)(1 – w*PAF3)...]
calculated using pooled self-reported contact frequency with
friends, relatives, and neighbours or attendance at social clubs
Diabetes We did sensitivity analyses to estimate variability in
Self-report of known diagnosis of diabetes in later life PAF depending on prevalence of each risk factor,
by using estimates from other high-quality studies
(appendix) of risk factor prevalence. We did a literature
study, we used previously published meta-analyses of search in PubMed for articles published from database
RR for individual risk factors.8 We then adjusted the inception to June 8, 2018, using the search terms for
results for com munality (ie, overlap between risk each risk factor, the country or region of interest, and the
factors). age group of interest—eg, “China”, “older adults”, and
The formula used to calculate PAF is available in “hypertension” or “high blood pressure”. We did not
panel 2. We chose to use RRs for risk factors on the basis restrict our searches by language or date of publication.
of previous meta-analyses.2,8,10 Details of how we In line with guidance14 for evaluating prevalence
calculated overall PAF are shown in panel 2. People studies, we defined a prevalence study as one that used
might have several risk factors and individual PAFs probability sampling with at least 70% response and
cannot therefore be summed to get the total PAF; thus, it reported a prevalence for the specified risk factor from
is important to consider communality and to calculate a the relevant countries, using valid tools for measuring
weighted PAF, taking communality into account. each risk factor.14 We used the lowest and highest
Individual weighted PAFs were calculated with the prevalence figures found to calculate possible lowest and
following formula: highest PAFs. In cases in which we found no differing
prevalence estimates for a specific risk factor from
individual weighted PAF= population surveys, we used 10/66 Dementia Research
Group prevalence figures in the sensitivity analyses to
(individual PAF) calculate the overall PAF. Therefore, in these calculations
× (overall PAF)
∑(individual PAF) the weighted prevalence still changed in our sensitivity
analyses despite using the same prevalence figures,
Low education
11% Low education 14% Midlife 11% Low education
Midlife Midlife
6% Smoking
6% Smoking 4% Smoking
7% Depression 2% 0·5%
5% Depression Physical inactivity 6% Depression
Physical inactivity 2% Physical inactivity
Social isolation 0·1% 0·7%Social isolation
Social isolation 2%
3% Diabetes 2% Diabetes Potentially 2% Diabetes Potentially
modifiable modifiable modifiable
56% 41% 40%
Figure: Population attributable fractions for potentially modifiable risk factors in low-income and middle-income countries
*Our data for Latin America include the data for Cuba, Dominican Republic, Mexico, Peru, Puerto Rico, and Venezuela.
sample. In particular, we found a trend for better Low education 1·6 (1·3–2·0) 92·2% 44% 35·6% 13·6%
(33·5–37·7) (12·2–15·2)
educational attainment over time, which reduces the
Midlife (45–64 years)
PAF for less education in each region. Variability in
Hearing loss 1·9 (1·4–2·7) 22·3% 37% 16·7% 6·4%
prevalence estimates were due in part to variations in (15·2–18·4) (5·4–7·6)
measurement (eg, in hearing loss) and in part due to the Hypertension 1·6 (1·2–2·2) 19·3% 60% 10·4% 4·0%
subjective nature of some assessments, such as physical (9·1–11·8) (3·2–4·9)
activity. Details of the studies that were used to calculate Obesity 1·6 (1·3–1·9) 13·7% 64% 7·6% 2·9%
the sensitivity analyses are shown in the appendix. (6·5–8·8) (2·2–3·7)
Later life (≥65 years)
Discussion Smoking 1·6 (1·2–2·2) 39·9% 68% 19·3% 6·4%
To our knowledge, this study is the first to estimate the (17·6–21·1) (5·4–7·6)
proportion of dementia cases that are attributable to nine Depression 1·9 (1·6–2·3) 5·2% 72% 4·5% 1·7%
(3·7–5·5) (1·2–2·4)
risk factors (ie, the PAF) in LMICs. Overall PAFs for
dementia were higher in China and India than our Physical inactivity 1·4 (1·2–1·7) 15·3% 78% 8·4% 2·2%
(7·3–9·7) (1·6–2·9)
previous worldwide estimate of 35%, and higher still
Low social contact 1·6 (1·3–1·9) 10·4% 57% 4·0% 2·3%
in our Latin American sample at 56%. The potential for (3·2–4·9) (1·7–3·1)
prevention of dementia is therefore even greater in these Diabetes 1·5 (1·3–1·8) 9·3% 52% 4·4% 1·7%
countries than in higher-income countries. The highest (3·6–5·4) (1·2–2·4)
PAF in each region was for less education in early life, but Overall weighted PAF ·· ·· ·· ·· 41·2%
smoking, hypertension, obesity, and physical inactivity (39·1–43·4)
PAFs were also high, which highlights the potential PAF=population attributable fraction. RR=relative risk. *Weighted PAF is the relative contribution of each risk factor to
priorities for prevention of dementia in these regions. the overall PAF when adjusted for communality.
Dementia is more prevalent overall in India and Latin Table 2: PAF for dementia risk factors in India (n=2004)
America than in developed countries (eg, the UK, when
culturally appropriate screening tools are used), with
prevalence estimates of 8·5% in India, 6·4% in China,
and 8·6% in our Latin American sample,15 as compared RR for dementia Risk factor Communality PAF Weighted
with 6·4% in the EURODEM study16 of 11 European (95% CI) prevalence PAF*
countries (to which the 10/66 data were directly Early life (<45 years)
standardised for age, sex, and education). Low education 1·6 (1·3–2·0) 68·8% 36% 29·2% 10·9%
The estimation of PAFs are dependent on accurate (28·4–30·0) (10·4–11·5)
prevalence data, which in turn are dependent on accurate Midlife (45–64 years)
measurement of a risk factor in the population. We did Hearing loss 1·9 (1·4–2·7) 28·8% 48% 20·6% 7·7%
sensitivity analyses to identify whether alternative (19·9–21·3) (7·3–8·2)
prevalence data changed our PAF estimates. We found Hypertension 1·6 (1·2–2·2) 55·6% 59% 25·0% 9·3%
(24·3–25·8) (8·8–9·8)
that all regions had a similar or higher overall PAF than
Obesity 1·6 (1·3–1·9) 44·8% 53% 21·2% 7·9%
our previous worldwide estimates, even when the lowest (20·5–21·9) (7·5–8·4)
prevalence figures were used, indicating the potential for Later life (≥65 years)
greater targeting of dementia risk factors in these Smoking 1·6 (1·2–2·2) 30·0% 60% 17·8% 5·7%
regions. In general, the prevalence estimates of low (17·2–18·5) (5·3–6·1)
education, hypertension, obesity, and diabetes were Depression 1·9 (1·6–2·3) 23·9% 55% 17·7% 6·6%
higher than worldwide estimates across all three LMIC (17·1–18·4) (6·2–7·0)
regions (although the diabetes estimate was similar to Physical inactivity 1·4 (1·2–1·7) 34·2% 37% 17·0% 4·5%
the US prevalence),10 leading to higher PAFs for all of (16·4–17·7) (4·2–4·9)
these risk factors than previously calculated PAFs, which Low social contact 1·6 (1·3–1·9) 0·5% 69% 0·2% 0·1%
(0·1–0·3) (0–0·2)
were mostly based on data from higher-income countries.
Diabetes 1·5 (1·3–1·8) 18·5% 35% 8·5% 3·2%
The relative importance of each risk factor, as indicated (8·0–8·9) (2·9–3·5)
by their individual PAF, also remained the same in most Overall weighted PAF ·· ·· ·· ·· 55·8%
sensitivity estimates. (54·9–56·7)
Previous estimates of the proportion of people with low PAF=population attributable fraction. RR=relative risk. *Weighted PAF is the relative contribution of each risk factor to
education17 found that, in the 1960s, 57% of people older the overall PAF when adjusted for communality.
than 15 years in Latin America, 80·3% in south Asia, and
Table 3: PAF for dementia risk factors in the Latin American sample (n=12 865)
68·5% in east Asia had no education or only completed
that a substantial proportion of older people (aged 10 years ago, and the current prevalence of some risk
≥65 years) with hearing loss are unaware of their factors might have changed. This limitation is, however,
impairment.34 Hearing loss has been previously classed common within research that involves large amounts of
as a midlife risk factor given that the lowest mean age of data collection and periods of time between analyses.
participants in studies that showed this link was 55 years. Although overall numbers of people with dementia are
However, hearing loss is also a risk factor in adults aged increasing globally, the age-specific incidence and preva
65 years or older, and preliminary evidence suggests that lence of dementia has reduced in many high-income
hearing aid use can mitigate the risk of dementia from countries over the past two decades.2,3,41 This reduction
hearing loss, indicating some potential for prevention.35 has been attributed to reduced frequency of dementia
To our knowledge, this study is the first to estimate risk factors, particularly low education and cardiovascular
PAFs for the widely accepted dementia risk factors in risk, in successive generations of older people. Our study
LMICs. We used data from a study whose methodology suggests that, because these risk factors are more
was identical in the eight countries it surveyed, making common in Asia and Latin America, there is greater
these figures comparable between countries. Our study dementia prevention potential in these LMICs than in
has some limitations. Because the quality of the high-income countries. Low education, hearing loss,
10/66 survey’s data on the prevalence of some risk factors, obesity, and physical activity had particularly high PAFs
such as hearing loss, was uncertain, we did sensitivity and so might be initial targets for policy makers devising
analyses to model the potential effect of different risk dementia prevention strategies. Public health strategies
factor prevalence estimates. The population sample was are likely to need to be specific to the setting in which
aged 65 years and older, so we could not measure midlife they are used, and future research should establish
hypertension or obesity. We were also unable to measure whether such strategies affect the prevalence of risk
exercise in midlife, but our calculations are based on the factors and subsequent dementia prevalence. As
risk of physical inactivity in later life. The data relied on dementia is forecast to become the leading public health
self-report for some of the risk factors, which is not ideal challenge globally, capitalising on the potential for
(eg, previous studies29,30,32 have shown that awareness of prevention is an urgent priority.
diabetes can be very low). Self-report is likely to have led to Contributors
the underestimation of PAFs. Although 10/66 study NM obtained and analysed the data. All authors designed the study,
participants had their blood pressure measured, we used interpreted the data, and wrote the manuscript.
self-report data, given that blood pressure might decrease Declaration of interests
in people who are developing dementia, which could lead We declare no competing interests.
to the underestimation of its prevalence. We did not use Acknowledgments
country-specific studies for risk associated with factors but This is a secondary analysis of data collected by the 10/66 Dementia
Research Group. NM and JH are funded by the University College
rather available meta-analysis data, more of which London Hospitals (UCLH) National Institutes of Health Research
was from higher-income countries than from LMICs. (NIHR) Biomedical Research Centre. AS is funded by the Wellcome
However, these meta-analysis-based estimates are likely to Trust. GL is supported by the Economic and Social Research Council and
be more precise than individual studies in specific NIHR (ES/L001780/1) and the UCLH NIHR Biomedical Research Centre,
and receives funding from the NIHR Collaboration for Leadership in
countries, given that they combine the findings from Applied Health Research and Care, North Thames at Bart’s Health National
several studies, and they make the PAF more directly Health Service Trust, and through an NIHR Senior Investigator Award.
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