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Innovative Systems Design and Engineering www.iiste.

ISSN 2222-1727 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2871 (Online)
Vol.5, No.11, 2014

Thermal analysis of various duct cross sections using altair

hyperworks software
Sanjeev Kumar
M. Tech, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Bipin Tripathi Kumaon Institute of Technology,
Dwarahat, Almora, UK, India, 263653, Email id: [email protected]

Satyendra Singh
Associate professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Bipin Tripathi Kumaon Institute of Technology,
Dwarahat, Almora, UK, India, 263653, E-mail: [email protected]

Ravi Kumar
Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Bipin Tripathi Kumaon Institute of Technology,
Dwarahat, Almora, UK, India, 263653, E-mail: [email protected]

Sushil Kumar Choudhary

Research Scholar, Industrial & Production Engineering, G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & Technology,
Pantnagar, U.S. Nagar, UK, India, 263145, E-mail:[email protected]

In this work thermal analysis and comparison of various duct cross sections is done computationally using Altair
Hyperworks Software. Simple Analytical results were obtained for conduction and convection through the ducts
which can be used to build up thermal circuit. The inner surface of all ducts is maintained at constant
temperature and ambient air is at certain temperature that is less than inner surface temperature of pipe. Due to
temperature difference heat will flow from higher temperature to lower temperature. Due to temperature
difference heat will flow from higher temperature to lower temperature. The material of pipe provides
conductive resistance and air provides convective resistance. Hence this is a mix mode of heat transfer. The heat
transfer takes place in one dimension only and properties are considered to be isotropic. The ducts are assumed
to be made of aluminium having known thermal conductivity and density. The surroundings of ducts have
known convective heat transfer coefficient and temperature. The results are obtained on hyperview which are for
heat flux, temperature gradient and grid temperature. The different characteristics can be obtained by varying the
material of the ducts.
Keywords: Ducts, Altair Hyperworks
A duct system installation is designed to ensure the thermal and acoustic comfort of a building’s occupants, use
energy efficiently and comply fully with safety requirements. Installation design takes into account the air
exchange rates in the building, the number of its occupants and their activities, its interior characteristics and the
materials from which it is constructed. Associated with pipelines, dump combustors; different ducting devices
etc. are examples of the turbulent flow through change in cross section. To improve the performance of such
applications, an accurate description of the flow patterns are required. The numerical analysis of the flow
through an problem the experimental results are very rare because it is both difficult and costly to make detailed
flow measurements under real operating conditions. So the numerical analysis becomes an extremely important
and significant tool for the visualization and simulation of these types of problems. The flow in such devices is
very complicated owing to generation of recirculation bubble and thereby changing the downstream flow
structures. The sudden change in the surface geometry of the passage increases the pressure along the direction
of flow. Due to this adverse pressure gradient the boundary layer separates at the sharp step edge. The resulting
flow in the downstream thus behaves essentially like a free shear layer.

The convective heat transfer coefficient term is used to describe heat transfer from surface to a moving fluid. The
flow may be forced using some external means or free caused by buoyancy forces arising from density
difference. The flow may be laminar and turbulent which depends upon the Reynold’s number. Heat transfer rate
tends to be much higher in turbulent flow than in laminar flow. The rate of heat transfer by convection is usually
function of surface area, geometry and thermo physical properties Mills and Ganesan, Second Edition (2009). In
an external flow heat transfer is directly proportional to the temperature difference. When convective heat
transfer coefficient is known than that can be finding by correlation given in hand book for external and internal
flow. Knowing the value of h we can find the rate of heat transfer rate. Here, in the given case we know the

Innovative Systems Design and Engineering
ISSN 2222-1727 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2871 (Online)
Vol.5, No.11, 2014

value of convective heat transfer coefficient. Laufer carried out in detail the first experiment on the fully
developed turbulent flow in a circular duct. Chaurvedi first analyzed the flow characteristics in the axi-
symmetric expansion. The effects of the sudden expansions and compressions on the turbulent boundary layer
were presented by White. Vasilev et al numerically computed the turbulent flow in the sudden expansion of the
channel. Szymocha presented the experimental analysis for the turbulent water flow in the downstream of a
plane symmetric sudden expansion. Asymmetric contraction exists in case of flow diversion when the
construction is needed in a part of the channel and the flow is running in the other part. The flow through the
contracted section may be critical, sub critical or supercritical with sub critical flow upstream. In these studies,
the effects of horizontal asymmetric channel contraction on the flow characteristics are presented and discussed
based on experimental observations. He investigated the effect of asymmetric sudden and gradual contraction
parameters on the flow when it changes from sub critical to supercritical through the contracted reach of the
channel. G.Satish describes an analytical approach to describe the areas where Pipes (used for flow of fluids) are
mostly susceptible to damage and tries to visualize the flow behavior in various geometric conditions of a pipe.
The author suitably to discount macro scale hydrodynamics and fluid mechanics in favour of velocity slip
conditions and free molecular flow analysis techniques. Then, an overview of macro scale fluid mechanics is
given for pressure driven internal flow. These equations and derivations represent the foundational assumptions,
theories, and flow behaviours of Newtonian fluids, and can be found in most introductory textbooks on the


Effort has been made to predict the heat flux and temperature gradient on the outer surface of the ducts under
consideration. Subsequently, the type of duct can be selected as per the applications either heat transfer
maximization or minimization.
4.1 Heat conduction through circular duct
Governing Equation
1. One dimensional steady state heat transfer.
2. Constant thermal conductivity of material.
3. No heat generation in the material.
4. The heat transfer coefficient between the duct and the surrounding fluid, i.e., air is constant.
5. Heat transfer by radiation is negligible.

Governing differential equation for the heat transfer through circular duct is as follows:
Figure 1 shows a circular duct cross section of inside radius r1, outside radius r2, length L, and thermal
conductivity k. The inside and outside surfaces are maintained at constant temperatures Ts,1 and Ts,2,
respectively with Ts,1 > Ts,2. Ambient temperature is T∞=25°C

Fig.1 Heat transfer through a circular duct

For steady-state conduction in the radial direction with no internal heat generation and constant thermal
conductivity, the general heat conduction equation is as follows:

Boundary Conditions
a) The temperature at the inner surface of the duct, i.e., at 20mm radius is 50° C.
Mathematically: T (r1=20mm) = 50° C
(b)The ambient temperature is 25° C.
Mathematically:qcond(r2=25mm) = hdt

Innovative Systems Design and Engineering
ISSN 2222-1727 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2871 (Online)
Vol.5, No.11, 2014

4.2 Thermal Resistance Concept

The thermal resistance can be expressed as electrical analogy given as:

T1 ---------/\/\/\/\-------/\/\/\/\----------- T∞
Fig.2 Conductive and Convective resistance

Fig. 2 shows a circular duct cross section of inside radius r1, outside radius r2 and thermal conductivity k. The
inside surface is maintained at constant temperatures T1. Ambient temperature is T∞=25°C. The convective heat
transfer coefficient of surroundings is h.
The overall heat transfer is given by:

Where Rth is total thermal resistance and is sum of conductive and convective resistance.
∑Rth = Rcond + Rconv

Rate of heat transfer is given by:

In the present work thermal analysis is done for the four types of ducts. Inner cross sections are same of all ducts.
The circular duct is taken as reference. This implies the rectangular, square, elliptical have the same inner cross
sections as that of circular. The material thickness is same in all types of ducts. The material thickness is to be
taken 5 mm. The material of ducts is aluminium. In this case, the inner surface of the duct is constant 50ºCdue to
flow of hot fluid. The ambient temperature is 25ºC. The direction heat flow will be from inner surface towards
the surroundings. The material and the surroundings will provide the resistance to heat flow.The ducts
considered for analysis are
(a) Circular duct
(b) Rectangular duct
(c) Square duct
(d) Elliptical duct

Fig.3 Circular Duct

Innovative Systems Design and Engineering
ISSN 2222-1727 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2871 (Online)
Vol.5, No.11, 2014

(a) Circular duct
The dimensions of the circular duct are as follows:
The inner radius of the circular duct =20mm
Outer radius of the circular duct=25mm
Length of the circular duct=100mm
b) Rectangular duct
The dimensions of the rectangular duct are as follows:
-For the inner cross section
The length to width ratio =2:1
-For the outer cross section

Fig.4 Rectanular Duct

(c) Square duct
The dimensions of the square duct are as follows:
For the inner cross section
The dimension =35.449mm
For the outer cross section
The dimension=45.456mm

Fig. 5 Square duct

(d) Elliptical duct
The dimensions of the elliptical duct are as follows:
The ratio of major to minor axis=2:1
For inner cross section
The dimension of the major axis=28.2842mm
The dimension of the minor axis=14.1421mm
For outer cross section
The dimension of the major axis=33.2842mm
The dimension of the minor axis=19.1421mm
The Length=100mm

Fig.6 Elliptical duct

Innovative Systems Design and Engineering
ISSN 2222-1727 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2871 (Online)
Vol.5, No.11, 2014

Table-1 Properties used in analysis

1. Material of joints Aluminium
2. Density(ρ) 2700kg/m3
3. Thermal conductivity(k) 237 W/m.K
4. Coefficient of thermal expansion(α) 23.5×10-6 /K
5. Poisson’s Ratio(µ) 0.30
6. Young’s Modulus(E) 68.3 GPa
7. Convective Heat Transfer Coefficient(h) 20 W/m2.K

The modelling and meshing of the ducts according to the dimensions mentioned is done in HyperMesh. The
thermal analysis is done in Radioss.
System of units used in RADIOSS
The unit system used for analysis in RADIOSS is millimetre-second-tonne (mm-s-t). In this system the length,
time and mass are considered in millimetre, seconds and tonnes respectively. So, units of flux and temperature
gradient in the results are as follows:
Flux: ×103 W/m2
Temperature Gradient: K/mm

Altair Hyper Works is the engineering frame work for product design for maximizing product performance,
automating design process and improving profitability with an open and flexible environment. Built from the
core up to be programmable, automated and interoperable with all major commercial CAD system and CAE
solvers. Hyper works enable innovation by providing high end, value–based product design solution within one
common engineering environment.
7.1 Modelling and Meshing In Hyper Mesh
The modelling of the ducts is done in Hyper Mesh as per the dimensions mentioned in previous section. The
meshing of the models is also done in Hyper Mesh. The element density for all the joints is taken same, i.e., 40.
Firstly, a 2D mesh is generated. Taking it as a reference the final 3D mesh is generated. It is also important to
delete every other geometries and elements by masking the 3D mesh because they can create hurdles during the
thermal analysis in radios. The final meshed joints are shown below:

Fig.7 Meshing of circular duct

Fig.8 meshing of rectangular ducts

Innovative Systems Design and Engineering
ISSN 2222-1727 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2871 (Online)
Vol.5, No.11, 2014

Fig.9 meshing of square and elliptical duct

7.2 Analysis in RADIOSS
Steps in given problem
• Create the thermal material and property
• Create and apply the thermal boundary conditions on the model
• Submit the job to RADIOSS
• Post-process the results in Hyper View
Step 1: Load the RADIOSS (Bulk Data) User Profile and draw the model.
Step 2: Create the thermal material properties. Create the material and property collectors before creating the
component collectors.
Step 3: Link the material and property to the existing structure. Once the material and property are defined, they
need to be linked to the structure.
Step 4: Create temperatures on the inner surface of the duct joint.
Step 5: Create ambient temperature.
Step 6: Create CHBDYE surface elements for heat convection. Surface elements are to be created to simulate
the heat exchange between the solid pipe and the surrounding air.
Step 7: Define the convection boundary condition to surface elements
Step 8: Create a heat transfer load step. A RADIOSS steady state heat convection load step will be created
which references the thermal boundary conditions in the load collector spc temp. The gradient, flux, and
temperature output for the heat transfer analysis will also be requested in the load steps panel.
Step 9: Launch RADIOSS View and Post process the Results. Gradient temperatures and flux contour results for
the steady state heat conduction analysis are computed from RADIOSS. Hyper View will be used to post process
the results.

Fig. 10 The ducts after applying the loads and boundary conditions

Results are viewed in Hyper View.


8.1 Contour Plots Heat flux
(a) Circular Duct

Fig.11circular duct

Innovative Systems Design and Engineering
ISSN 2222-1727 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2871 (Online)
Vol.5, No.11, 2014

The maximum heat flux on the outer surface of circular duct ranges from 0.5266 to 0.5335 units. Therefore the
average maximum heat flux is 0.530 units, i.e., 530 W/m2.
(b) Rectangular Duct

Fig.12 Rectangular duct

The maximum heat flux on the outer surface of rectangular duct ranges from 0.4999 to 0.5578 units. Therefore
the average maximum heat flux is 0.529 units, i.e., 529 W/m2
(c) Square Duct

Fig. 13 Square duct

The maximum heat flux on the outer surface of square duct ranges from 0.5009 to 0.5588 units. Therefore the
average maximum heat flux is 0.5299 units, i.e., 529.9 W/m2.
(d) Elliptical Duct

Fig.14 Elliptical duct

The maximum heat flux on the outer surface of elliptical duct ranges from 0.5104 to 0.5305 units. Therefore the
average maximum heat flux is 0.5205 units, i.e., 520.5 W/m2.
8.2 Contour Plots Temperature Gradient
(a) Circular Duct

Fig.15 Temperature gradient-Circular duct

Innovative Systems Design and Engineering
ISSN 2222-1727 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2871 (Online)
Vol.5, No.11, 2014

The maximum temperature gradient on the outer surface of circular duct ranges from 0.002222 to 0.002251
K/mm. Therefore the average maximum temperature gradient is 0.002237 K/mm.
(b) Rectangular Duct

Fig.16 Tempareture gradient-Circular Duct

The maximum temperature gradient on the outer surface of rectangular duct ranges from 0.002109 to 0.002354
K/mm. Therefore the average maximum temperature gradient is 0.002232 K/mm.

(c) Square Duct

Fig.17 Square duct

The maximum temperature gradient on the outer surface of square duct ranges from 0.002114 to 0.002358
K/mm. Therefore the average maximum temperature gradient is 0.002236 K/mm.
(d)Elliptical Duct

Fig.18 Elliptical duct

The maximum temperature gradient on the outer surface of elliptical duct ranges from 0.002154 to 0.002238
K/mm. Therefore the average maximum temperature gradient is 0.002196 K/mm.
8.3 Graphs
(a) Circular Duct
(b)Rectangular Duct
(c)Square Duct
(d) Elliptical Duct
Graph.1 Max. Flux (avg.) in outer surface

Innovative Systems Design and Engineering
ISSN 2222-1727 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2871 (Online)
Vol.5, No.11, 2014

Fig. 19 heat flux

Fig.20 max temperature gradient

The maximum heat flux on the outer surface is available in the circular duct. Thus, it can be used in applications
where maximization of heat transfer is desired. The minimum heat flux on the outer surface is available in the
elliptical duct. Thus, it can be used in applications where minimization of heat transfer is desired.

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