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BS815 Safety of Unshielded Tunnel Boring Machines and Rodless Shaft Boring Machines For Rock

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Licensed copy: Mr. City University of Hong Kong, City University of Hong Kong, Version correct as of 11/07/2013 12:54, (c) The British Standards Institution 2013

Safety of unshielded
tunnel boring machines
and rodless shaft
boring machines for

ICS 93.060

BS EN 815:1996+A2:2008

National foreword
Licensed copy: Mr. City University of Hong Kong, City University of Hong Kong, Version correct as of 11/07/2013 12:54, (c) The British Standards Institution 2013

This British Standard is the UK implementation of EN 815:1996+A2:2008.

It supersedes BS EN 815:1996+A1:2005 which is withdrawn. It is one of a
number of European standards on machinery safety and the UK played an
active part in its development.
The start and finish of text introduced or altered by amendment is indicated in
the text by tags. Tags indicating changes to CEN text carry the number of the
amendment. For example, text altered by CEN amendment A1 is indicated by
The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted to Technical Committee
B/513, Construction equipment and plant and site safety.
A list of organizations represented on this committee can be obtained on
request to its secretary.
This publication does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a
contract. Users are responsible for its correct application.
Compliance with a British Standard cannot confer immunity from
legal obligations.

This British Standard was

published under the authority
of the Standards Board and
comes into effect on 15 May

Amendments/corrigenda issued since publication

© BSI 2009 Amd. No. Date Comments

17029 30 April 2007 Implementation of CEN amendment A1:2005

31 July 2009 Implementation of CEN amendment

A2:2008, and alignment of BSI and CEN
publication dates

ISBN 978 0 580 61777 5

Licensed copy: Mr. City University of Hong Kong, City University of Hong Kong, Version correct as of 11/07/2013 12:54, (c) The British Standards Institution 2013


ICS 91.220; 93.060 Supersedes EN 815:1996

English Version

Safety of unshielded tunnel boring machines and rodless shaft

boring machines for rock - Safety requirements

Sécurité de tunneliers sans boucliers et des machines Sicherheit von Tunnelbohrmaschinen ohne Schild und
foreuses pour puits sans tige de traction - Exigences de gestängelosen Schachtbohrmaschinen zum Einsatz in Fels
sécurité - Sicherheitsanforderungen

This European Standard was approved by CEN on 5 August 1996 and includes Amendment 1 approved by CEN on 22 December 2004
and Amendment 2 approved by CEN on 9 July 2008.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European
Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national
standards may be obtained on application to the CEN Management Centre or to any CEN member.

This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation
under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN Management Centre has the same status as the
official versions.

CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland,
France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal,
Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.



Management Centre: rue de Stassart, 36 B-1050 Brussels

© 2008 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. EN 815:1996+A2:2008: E
worldwide for CEN national Members.
BS EN 815:1996+A2:2008
EN 815:1996+A2:2008 (E)
Licensed copy: Mr. City University of Hong Kong, City University of Hong Kong, Version correct as of 11/07/2013 12:54, (c) The British Standards Institution 2013

Contents Page

Introduction .........................................................................................................................................................6
1 Scope ......................................................................................................................................................6
1.1 Field of application ................................................................................................................................6
1.2 Description of the machines.................................................................................................................6
1.3 Hazards ...................................................................................................................................................7
1.4 This European Standard applies primarily to machines which are manufactured after the date of
approval of this European Standard. .......................................................................................................7
2 Normative references ............................................................................................................................7
3 Definitions ..............................................................................................................................................8
4 List of significant hazards ..................................................................................................................10
4.1 Mechanical hazards .............................................................................................................................10
4.2 Electrical hazards ................................................................................................................................10
4.3 Thermal hazards ..................................................................................................................................10
4.4 Hazards generated by noise ...............................................................................................................10
4.5 Hazards generated by vibrations .......................................................................................................10
4.6 Hazards generated by laser ................................................................................................................10
4.7 Hazards generated by materials and substances ............................................................................10
4.8 Hazards generated by neglect of ergonomic principles..................................................................10
4.9 Hazards caused by failure of energy supply ....................................................................................10
4.10 Hazards caused by missing and/or incorrectly positioned safety related measures ..................11
5 Safety requirements and/or provisions .............................................................................................11
5.1 General safety requirements ..............................................................................................................11
5.1.1 Contact surfaces..................................................................................................................................11 Hazards due to sharp and rough parts ......................................................................................11 Hazards due to hot surfaces .......................................................................................................11
5.1.2 Hoses and pipes under pressure .......................................................................................................11
5.2 Cutter head ...........................................................................................................................................12
5.3 Handling of heavy loads .....................................................................................................................12
5.3.1 Transport and lifting ............................................................................................................................12
5.3.2 Handling of machine parts..................................................................................................................13
5.3.3 Handling of elements for rock support..............................................................................................13
5.4 Gripping and regripping......................................................................................................................13
5.5 Access to and egress from operating positions and servicing points ..........................................13
5.5.1 General..................................................................................................................................................13
5.5.2 Walkways..............................................................................................................................................14
5.5.3 Access openings .................................................................................................................................15
5.6 Protection against falling objects and flood.....................................................................................15
5.6.1 Falling objects......................................................................................................................................15
5.6.2 Flood .....................................................................................................................................................16
5.7 Control points ......................................................................................................................................16
5.7.1 Ergonomics ..........................................................................................................................................16
5.7.2 Visibility ................................................................................................................................................16
5.7.3 Cab ........................................................................................................................................................16
5.8 Guards and protective devices ..........................................................................................................17
5.8.1 General..................................................................................................................................................17
5.8.2 Specification of guards .......................................................................................................................17
5.8.3 Access to cutter head .........................................................................................................................17
5.8.4 Conveyor ..............................................................................................................................................17

BS EN 815:1996+A2:2008
EN 815:1996+A2:2008 (E)
Licensed copy: Mr. City University of Hong Kong, City University of Hong Kong, Version correct as of 11/07/2013 12:54, (c) The British Standards Institution 2013

5.9 Control systems and devices.............................................................................................................17

5.9.1 General .................................................................................................................................................17
5.9.2 Control systems ..................................................................................................................................17
5.9.3 Control devices....................................................................................................................................18
5.9.4 Starting, warning systems, stopping and emergency stopping.....................................................19 Starting..........................................................................................................................................19 Warning systems .........................................................................................................................19 Stopping........................................................................................................................................20 Emergency stopping ...................................................................................................................20
5.9.5 Failure of the power supply................................................................................................................21
5.10 Towing connection..............................................................................................................................21
5.11 Laser guidance ....................................................................................................................................21
5.12 Ventilation, control of dust and gas ..................................................................................................22
5.12.1 General .................................................................................................................................................22
5.12.2 Dust suppression ................................................................................................................................22
5.12.3 Dedusting .............................................................................................................................................22
5.12.4 Atmospheric changes .........................................................................................................................22 General..........................................................................................................................................22 Methane monitoring.....................................................................................................................22 Monitoring for other gases .........................................................................................................23
5.13 Noise .....................................................................................................................................................23
5.14 Electrical equipment ...........................................................................................................................23
5.14.1 General .................................................................................................................................................23
5.14.2 Protective measures ...........................................................................................................................24
5.14.3 Cables and leads .................................................................................................................................24
5.14.4 Transformers .......................................................................................................................................24
5.14.5 Bonding ................................................................................................................................................24
5.14.6 Switch gear ..........................................................................................................................................24
5.14.7 Lighting.................................................................................................................................................25
5.14.8 Emergency lighting .............................................................................................................................25
5.15 Isolation of power supply ...................................................................................................................25
5.16 Energy supply other than electricity .................................................................................................25
5.17 !Fire protection"...........................................................................................................................26
5.17.1 Fire extinguishing system ..................................................................................................................26
5.17.2 Fixed fire extinguishing systems.......................................................................................................26
5.17.3 Installation of portable fire extinguishers.........................................................................................27
5.17.4 Water sprays ........................................................................................................................................27
5.18 Storage of safety equipment for personnel ......................................................................................27
5.19 Indicators..............................................................................................................................................27
5.19.1 Marking .................................................................................................................................................27
5.19.2 Warning signs ......................................................................................................................................28
5.19.3 Warning devices ..................................................................................................................................28
5.19.4 Symbols................................................................................................................................................28
5.20 Maintenance.........................................................................................................................................28
6 Verification of safety measures and/or provisions..........................................................................28
7 Information for use..............................................................................................................................29
7.1 General .................................................................................................................................................29
7.2 Instruction handbooks........................................................................................................................29
7.2.1 General .................................................................................................................................................29
7.2.2 Identification of handbooks................................................................................................................29
7.2.3 Content of operator's handbook........................................................................................................30
7.2.4 Content of maintenance handbook ...................................................................................................31
7.2.5 Spare parts list.....................................................................................................................................32
Annex A (normative) Protective measures for electrical accessories and lighting...................................33
Annex B (informative) Bibliography................................................................................................................34
Annex C (informative) Figures .........................................................................................................................35

BS EN 815:1996+A2:2008
EN 815:1996+A2:2008 (E)
Licensed copy: Mr. City University of Hong Kong, City University of Hong Kong, Version correct as of 11/07/2013 12:54, (c) The British Standards Institution 2013

Annex ZA (informative) #Relationship between this European Standard and the Essential
Requirements of EU Directive 98/37/EC$.......................................................................................39
Annex ZB (informative) #Relationship between this European Standard and the Essential
Requirements of EU Directive 2006/42/EC$...................................................................................40

BS EN 815:1996+A2:2008
EN 815:1996+A2:2008 (E)
Licensed copy: Mr. City University of Hong Kong, City University of Hong Kong, Version correct as of 11/07/2013 12:54, (c) The British Standards Institution 2013

This document (EN 815:1996+A2:2008) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 151
“Construction equipment and building material machines - Safety”, the secretariat of which is held by DIN.

This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical
text or by endorsement, at the latest by March 2009, and conflicting national standards shall be withdrawn at
the latest by December 2009.

This document includes Amendment 1, approved by CEN on 2004-12-22 and Amendment 2, approved by
CEN on 2008-07-09.

This document supersedes EN 815:1996.

The start and finish of text introduced or altered by amendment is indicated in the text by tags ! " and
# $.

This European Standard has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the European Commission
and the European Free Trade Association, and supports essential requirements of EU Directive(s).

#For relationship with EU Directive(s), see informative Annexes ZA and ZB, which are integral parts of this

According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the following
countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech
Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia,
Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain,
Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.

BS EN 815:1996+A2:2008
EN 815:1996+A2:2008 (E)
Licensed copy: Mr. City University of Hong Kong, City University of Hong Kong, Version correct as of 11/07/2013 12:54, (c) The British Standards Institution 2013

This European Standard is a Type C-standard as defined in EN 292-1:1991.

The machinery concerned and the extent to which hazards are covered is indicated in the scope of this

1 Scope

1.1 Field of application

This standard is applicable to unshieldsed tunnel boring machines, TBM's, and rodless shaft boring machines,
SBM's, and their towed or attached back-up equipment for driving tunnels or shafts in rock where the whole
area is excavated in one or more steps by mechanical means. It specifies essential safety requirements for
the design, construction and maintenance of such machines when used in non-explosive atmosphere together
with the methods of verification. The standard specifies monitoring for hazardous atmosphere.

For TBM's and SBM's which are to be used continuously in explosive atmosphere, additional relevant
standards also apply.

This European Standard deals with all significant hazards pertinent to unshielded tunnel boring machines and
rodless shaft boring machines for rock, when they are used as intended and under the conditions foreseen by
the manufacturer (see clause 4). This European Standard specifies the appropriate technical measures to
eliminate or reduce risks arising from the significant hazards.

1.2 Description of the machines

The general term "unshielded tunnel boring machines" encompasses various kinds of machines for
mechanical excavation of underground openings such as tunnels and inclined shafts. This is done in a
continuous process, without blasting, using a rotating cutter head.

Depending on the hardness of the material being excavated, tools of different types are used to cut the rock.
Normally, rolling discs are employed in medium to very hard rock. All tunnel boring machines, TBM's, and
rodless shaft boring machines, SBM's, have the tools mounted on a cutter head which rotates under thrust
against the rock. The torque required to rotate the cutter head is developed by electric or hydraulic motors and
the thrust is normally delivered by hydraulically powered cylinders.

The torque and thrust reactions created by a TBM or SBM have to be resisted by anchoring the complete
machine inside the bore itself by means of a gripping system which is reset after each boring stroke and
allows the machine to be steered in the desired direction.

TBM's normally operate in a near to horizontal direction but can also be used to drive inclined tunnels. When
the incline becomes too steep, a second anchoring system will be provided to prevent the machine from
sliding down while the primary grippers are reset.

In most cases TBM's work the full face of the tunnel. However, in some cases the tunnel is driven in two or
more phases, by starting with a pilot hole which is enlarged in one or more steps. This method is called
reaming. The machines used are in principle the same as a TBM driving the whole tunnel area in one step.

BS EN 815:1996+A2:2008
EN 815:1996+A2:2008 (E)
Licensed copy: Mr. City University of Hong Kong, City University of Hong Kong, Version correct as of 11/07/2013 12:54, (c) The British Standards Institution 2013

SBM's resemble closely TBM's but operate in vertical direction. The shaft is in many cases sunk in a
multistage operation, that is (i.e.), first a pilot hole is bored using a raise bore machine and the pilot hole is
reamed by using the SBM. Normally for this method, the shaft bottom is already undercut to provide adequate
room for the muck and its removal. The full face of the shaft can also be bored in one step. In this case the
muck is transported to the top of the shaft.

TBM's and SBM's intended for work in unstable rock are provided with equipment for the erection and
handling of rock reinforcement and/or lining.

The specified requirements of this standard conform to the European Standards EN 292-1 and EN 292-2.

1.3 Hazards

This standard deals with all identified significant hazards caused by TBM's and SBM's, when they are used
under the conditions stated by the manufacturer in the operator's handbook.

NOTE When TBM's and SBM's are to be used in explosive atmospheres the additional relevant standards apply.

1.4 This European Standard applies primarily to machines which are manufactured after the date of
approval of this European Standard.

2 Normative references
This European Standard incorporates by dated or undated references, provisions from other publications.
These normative references are cited at the appropriate places in the text and the publications are listed
hereafter. For dated references, subsequent amendments to or revisions of any of these publications apply to
this European Standard only when incorporated in it by amendment or revision. For undated references the
latest edition of the publication referred to applies.

EN 3:1975, Portable fire extinguishers.

EN 292-1:1991, Safety of machinery - Basic concepts, general principles for design - Part 1: Basic
terminology, methodology.

EN 292-2:1991/A1:1995, Safety of machinery - Basic concepts, general principles for design - Part 2:
Technical principles and specifications.

EN 418:1992, Safety of machinery - Emergency stop equipment, functional aspects - Principles for design.

prEN 547-1:1994, Safety of machinery – Human body measurements – Part 1: Principles for determining the
dimensions required for openings for whole body access into machinery.

prEN 547-2:1994, Safety of machinery – Human body measurements – Part 2: Principles for determining the
dimensions required for access openings.

EN 563:1994, Safety of machinery - Temperatures of touchable surfaces – Ergonomics data to establish

temperature limit values for hot surfaces.

prEN 894-1:1992, Safety of machinery – Ergonomic requirements for the design of displays and control
actuators – Part 1: Human interactions with displays and control actuators.

prEN 894-2:1992, Safety of machinery – Ergonomic requirements for the design of displays and control
actuators – Part 2: Displays.

prEN 894-3:1993, Safety of machinery – Ergonomic requirements for the design of displays and control
actuators – Part 3: Control actuators.

BS EN 815:1996+A2:2008
EN 815:1996+A2:2008 (E)
Licensed copy: Mr. City University of Hong Kong, City University of Hong Kong, Version correct as of 11/07/2013 12:54, (c) The British Standards Institution 2013

prEN 953:1992, Safety of machinery – General requirements for the design and construction of guards (fixed,

EN 954-1, Safety of machinery - Safety related parts of control systems - Part 1: General principles for design.

EN 981:1995, Safety of machinery – System of danger and non-danger signals with sound and light.

EN 982:1996, Safety requirements for fluid power systems and components - Hydraulics

EN 983:1996, Safety requirements for fluid power systems and components - Pneumatics

ENV 1070:1993, Safety of machinery – Terminology.

EN 23411:1988, Earth-moving machinery – Human physical dimensions of operators and minimum operator
space envelope.

EN 50014:1992, Electric apparatus for potentially explosive atmospheres – General requirements.

EN 61310-1:1995, Safety of machinery – Indicating, marking and actuating principles – Part 1: Visual, audible
and tactile signals.

EN 61310-2:1995, Safety of machinery – Indicating, marking and actuating principles – Part 2: Marking.

EN 60204:1993, Safety of machinery – Electrical equipment of machines – Part 1: General requirements.

EN 60439-1:1993, Low voltage switch gear and control gear assemblies – Part 1: Requirements for type-
tested and partially type-tested assemblies.

EN 60529:1991, Classification of degrees of protection provided by enclosures.

EN 60825:1994, Laser – Radiation safety of laser products, equipment classification, requirements and user's

EN 60947-1:1991, Low voltage switch gear and control gear – Part 1: General rules.

EN ISO 3457:1995, Earth-moving machinery – Guards and shields – Definitions and specifications.

ISO 3795:1989, Road vehicles, tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry – Determination of burning
behaviour of interior materials.

ISO 3864:1984, Safety colours and safety signs.

EN ISO 11202:1996, Acoustics – Noise emitted by machinery and equipment – Measurement of emission
sound pressure levels at the work-station and at other specified positions – Survey method in situ.

3 Definitions
For the purposes of this European Standard the definitions stated in ENV 1070:1993 apply.

unshielded tunnel boring machine, TBM
machine for full face mechanical excavation of underground openings such as tunnels and inclined shafts
using a rotating cutter head. The machine has no shield for tunnel support but can have a shield for the
protection of the cutter head. See figure C.2.

BS EN 815:1996+A2:2008
EN 815:1996+A2:2008 (E)
Licensed copy: Mr. City University of Hong Kong, City University of Hong Kong, Version correct as of 11/07/2013 12:54, (c) The British Standards Institution 2013

reaming TBM
tunnel boring machine that enlarges a pilot hole in one or more steps.

shaft boring machine, SBM
Rodless shaft boring machine operating downwards in a vertical direction. The SBM may ream a pilot hole in
one or more steps in which case the muck is falling down to an undercut space. See figure C.1. The full face
can also be bored in one step (blind boring). In this case the muck is removed up to the top of the shaft.

Abbreviation for boring machines, covering all machines according to 3.1 – 3.3 for which common
specifications apply.

back-up equipment
Assembly of equipment, normally towed behind or attached to a BM to provide the BM with services for the
operation and its crew with facilities for their work and comfort. See figure C.2.

erecting device
Tunnel support erection and handling equipment situated within a TBM and its back-up equipment which is
used to install any tunnel support which acts structurally to maintain the tunnel void.

main control point
The control point from where the boring operation and advance of the BM is controlled.

control point
Any location from where one or more functions of the BM or its separate working units are controlled by an

exposed person
Any person wholly or partially in a danger zone.

part of the access system that permits walking or crawling between locations on a BM and its back-up

walkway surface
The footpath within the walkway.

access opening
Opening within a BM and its back-up equipment, for example (e.g.) in the bulkhead or the cutter head through
which man access may be made to servicing points.

servicing point
Any location on a BM and its back-up equipment where maintenance or servicing is normally carried out.

BS EN 815:1996+A2:2008
EN 815:1996+A2:2008 (E)
Licensed copy: Mr. City University of Hong Kong, City University of Hong Kong, Version correct as of 11/07/2013 12:54, (c) The British Standards Institution 2013

4 List of significant hazards

This clause contains all hazards, as far as they are dealt with in this European Standard, identified by risk
assessments significant for this type of machinery and which require action to eliminate or reduce risk.

4.1 Mechanical hazards See clause

a) Crushing hazard 5.2, 5.3, 5.5, 5.6, 5.8.3, 5.8.4, 7.2.3, 7.2.4
b) Friction or abrasive hazard
c) High pressure fluid ejection hazard 5.1.2
d) Loss of stability 5.4, 7.2.3
e) Slip, trip and fall hazards 5.5
4.2 Electrical hazards
a) Electrical contact, direct or indirect 5.14, 5.15
b) External influences on electrical equipment 5.14
4.3 Thermal hazards, 7.2.3
4.4 Hazards generated by noise 5.13
4.5 Hazards generated by vibrations 5.7.1, 5.7.3
4.6 Hazards generated by laser 5.11
4.7 Hazards generated by materials and substances

a) Dust and gas 5.12

b) Fire or explosion 5.7.3, 5.12, 5.16, 5.17, 7.2.3
c) Falling objects and flood 5.6
4.8 Hazards generated by neglect of ergonomic

a) Unhealthy posture or excessive efforts 5.7.1, 5.7.2, 5.7.3

b) Neglected use of personal protection equipment 5.13, 5.18, 7.2.3
c) Inadequate local lighting 5.14.7, 5.14.8
4.9 Hazards caused by failure of energy supply

a) Failure of energy supply 5.9.5, 5.16

b) Failure of control system 5.9

BS EN 815:1996+A2:2008
EN 815:1996+A2:2008 (E)
Licensed copy: Mr. City University of Hong Kong, City University of Hong Kong, Version correct as of 11/07/2013 12:54, (c) The British Standards Institution 2013

4.10 Hazards caused by missing and/or incorrectly See clause

positioned safety related measures

a) All kinds of guards 5.8

b) All kinds of safety related devices 5.9, 5.10, 5.12
c) Starting and stopping devices 5.9.3, 5.9.4
d) Safety signs and tags 5.19.2
e) All kinds of information or warning devices, 5.19, 7.2.3
f) Emergency stop devices
g) Safe handling of machinery and parts 5.3
h) Essential equipment and accessories for safe 7.2.3, 7.2.4
adjusting and/or maintaining
i) Equipment for evacuating gases 5.12

5 Safety requirements and/or provisions

Machinery shall comply with the safety requirements and/or technical provisions of this clause and in addition
with EN 292-2:1991 and EN 292-2:1991 for hazards relevant but not significant which are not covered by this

5.1 General safety requirements

This clause gives the requirements and measures for those hazards, for which particular action appears
necessary. So for applicable requirements and measures which are already contained in other standards,
specifically in EN 292 in its annex A or in type B – standards, reference is made to them, to relevant
subclauses and to the applicable performance category.

Unless stipulated otherwise in this standard, the BM shall satisfy the general safety requirements – as
appropriate – set down in type A or B standards and particularly in EN 292 with special reference to annex A
of part 2.

5.1.1 Contact surfaces Hazards due to sharp and rough parts

Accessible parts of a BM shall be designed and manufactured to avoid an exposed person's contact with
sharp edges, angles or rough surfaces which are likely to cause injury. See 3.1 of EN 292-2. Hazards due to hot surfaces

Where there is a risk of human contact with hot surfaces, protective covers for cases of normal access shall
be provided. For other cases warning signs shall be provided. See EN 563.

5.1.2 Hoses and pipes under pressure

Hoses, pipes and fittings shall be able to withstand the stresses from the pressure. The hoses shall be marked
with the rated working pressure. The requirements of prEN 982 and prEN 983 shall be complied with.

BS EN 815:1996+A2:2008
EN 815:1996+A2:2008 (E)
Licensed copy: Mr. City University of Hong Kong, City University of Hong Kong, Version correct as of 11/07/2013 12:54, (c) The British Standards Institution 2013

Where there is a risk that a rupture of a hose or pipe at a control point could cause a hazard to the operator,
the hoses and pipes shall be firmly secured and be provided with protective guards in accordance with 4.9 of
EN ISO 3457:1995.

5.2 Cutter head

In order to carry out inspection and maintenance work in safety, e.g. replacement of cutters, depending on the
size of the BM and the rock conditions for which the BM is designed one of the following alternative measures
shall be taken:

 For stable rock conditions no action is required;

 For unstable rock conditions and where the size of the cutter head allows, the cutter head shall be so
designed that replacement of cutters can be done without entering the area in front of the cutter head,
e.g. back loaded cutters;

 For unstable rock conditions, where access to the area in front of the cutter head is required, the user
shall provide protective measures, e.g. temporary rock support or pre-treatment of the rock for the area in
front of the cutter head.

The following two additional requirements for SBM's apply:

 The cutter head shall be equipped with hydraulically extendable and mechanically lockable supports to
hold the cutter head in place during maintenance;

 Adequate anchoring points for safety harnesses shall be provided for personnel working on the cutter

The measures foreseen above, the rock conditions for which the BM has been designed and warnings against
residual risks shall be listed in the operator's handbook as required in 7.2.3.

To gain access through a bulkhead or a dust shield to the area behind a cutter head and similarly through a
cutter head to the area in front of it, access openings of adequate size shall be provided. See 5.5.3.

Access shall be prevented during normal working operation by an interlocking barrier or door, e.g. by a key
trapped exchange system interlocked with the main control. See also 5.9.2.

The cutter head of the TBM shall be equipped with a holding brake system to prevent unintentional rotational
movement of the head. This system shall be actuated prior to access being made to the cutter head, e.g.
initiated by the access interlock. The brake shall be capable of holding an unbalanced mass of at least 500 kg
at maximum radius.

Verification of the holding brake system shall be by test.

Regarding work on the cutter head, see also 7.2.3.

5.3 Handling of heavy loads

5.3.1 Transport and lifting

Systems for the transport and lifting of heavy loads in the BM and its back-up area shall be provided to
minimise the need for manual handling.

Equipment shall be provided for lifting of such parts which require regular replacement, e.g. cutters.

All hydraulic and pneumatic rams and motors which sustain load shall hold the load in the event of a circuit
failure. See EN 982 and EN 983.

BS EN 815:1996+A2:2008
EN 815:1996+A2:2008 (E)
Licensed copy: Mr. City University of Hong Kong, City University of Hong Kong, Version correct as of 11/07/2013 12:54, (c) The British Standards Institution 2013

In all cases, winches and drive motors shall be fitted with brakes which are released during operation.

Due to the varied designs of BM's, no specific requirements can be given for the design of lifting equipment.

5.3.2 Handling of machine parts

Where the weight of parts exceeds 25 kg the parts shall be either:

 Fitted with attachments for lifting gear;

 Or so designed that they can be fitted with such attachments;

 Or shaped in such a way that standard lifting gear can easily be attached.

See also 7.2.4.

5.3.3 Handling of elements for rock support

When a rock support system requires the lifting of units weighing more than 50 kg an erecting or lifting device
shall be fitted.

Such devices may be either stationary, with winch wires and levers moving the elements, or rotary where the
elements can be lifted directly to any position around the circumference of the tunnel.

5.4 Gripping and regripping

To prevent rotation or sliding backwards of the BM the gripping system shall ensure that the cutter head
rotation can be activated and the thrust force applied only when the minimum gripping pressure required has
been reached.

If the gripping pressure falls below this minimum, the cutter head rotation and the thrust force shall be shut off

For duty in tunnels and inclined shafts with an inclination of 25 % or more to the horizontal, a device shall be
provided to prevent the TBM and its back-up equipment from sliding backwards during regripping or in the
case of failure of the gripping device, e.g. a spring loaded gripping system. This device shall be independent
of the hydraulic system and of external power sources. In the case of regripping or loss of power to the TBM, it
shall be activated automatically.

This additional gripping device shall be able to hold the TBM with a force equal to at least 1,25 times the
component of the dead weight of the TBM which is parallel to the shaft. This device shall, when operating, not
cause any additional risk.

Verification shall be by calculation and by inspection during manufacture.

5.5 Access to and egress from operating positions and servicing points

5.5.1 General

Tunnelling can involve work in very confined spaces. During tunnelling operations, access to a BM can only
be gained through the tunnel which is being driven and the available space is therefore limited. The
specification of walkways, access and egress openings in 5.5.2 and 5.5.3 give minimum requirements.
Wherever feasible the dimensions prescribed by prEN 547 shall be respected, see in particular figure 4.5 of
prEN 547-1:1991.

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The BM shall be provided with stairs, ladders and walkways to allow safe access to and egress from all
working areas. Parts of BM where personnel are able to move about or stand shall be designed and
constructed to minimise risk of falls and to prevent crushing.

The areas of a BM and its back-up equipment where transfer of materials to and from the tunnel transport
system takes place shall be designed and constructed to ensure that safe access and egress for personnel is

The requirement for rescue by stretchers and supply of fresh air to emergency personnel shall be taken into

5.5.2 Walkways

Walkways within the BM and between the BM and the tunnel wall shall have a minimum cross sectional area
of at least 0,5 m within which there shall be a rectangular clear body opening with a vertical dimension of at
least 700 mm and a horizontal dimension of at least 450 mm. Walkway surfaces should be at least 300 mm
wide but if they are less than 300 mm or where injury can be caused by falling then handrails and toeboards
shall be provided. See figure 1.

Storage areas for materials and equipment shall not be situated so that walkways and access openings can
be obstructed.

Whenever possible, changes in level and alignment of the walkway shall be avoided. Where ramps and
stairways are necessary, handrails or handholds to at least one side of the walkway shall be fitted. Small BM's
without stairs or ladders shall be equipped with handrails, footsteps, non-slip surfaces and anchoring points
for safety wires. ISO 2867 clauses 6 and 7 and EN 22860 are referred to for guidance but the above
requirements shall prevail.

Verification shall be by measurement during manufacture.

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EN 815:1996+A2:2008 (E)
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Dimensions in millimetres


1 conveyor

Figure 1 — Walkway clearances

(Examples of the application of the requirements of 5.5.2)
3 2
NOTE Areas within broken lines 0,5 m
Areas hatched = 700 mm x 450 mm

5.5.3 Access openings

Access openings, e.g. to bulkheads and cutter head, shall have a clear body opening with a minimum
sectional dimension of 400 mm and a minimum area of 0,2 m .

Verification shall be by measurement during manufacture.

5.6 Protection against falling objects and flood

5.6.1 Falling objects

The main control point of the BM shall be provided with a cab or protective roof to protect against falling rock
and other falling objects such as tools and spare parts. The roof of the cab or the protective roof shall be able
to carry a point load of at least 2000 N at any position.

The main control point shall be located in areas where the risk of falling objects is minimised.

Space for extra equipment for rock stabilisation shall be provided. This standard does not cover the extra
equipment needed, but their interaction to the BM shall be considered. See also 7.2.3.

This extra equipment shall be mounted as close to the tunnel face as practicable. The manufacturer shall
inform the user in the operator's handbook regarding the intended use and limits of the BM and also warn
against residual risks if any, and of protective measures recommended.

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When driving inclined shafts of 25 % inclination or more to the horizontal, the main control point shall be
protected from rolling or falling objects by a wall designed to withstand the accumulated load or by installing a
deflector to prevent the load from accumulating.

All sensitive components such as cables, transformers, hydraulic pipes and hoses shall as far as necessary
be protected against rock fall.

5.6.2 Flood

The risk of flooding shall be considered. All BM's shall be provided with clearly marked escape ways for all
personnel working on the BM and its back-up equipment. For audible warning of flood see

5.7 Control points

5.7.1 Ergonomics

Control points shall be ergonomically designed in order to avoid operator fatigue and stress. Consideration
shall be given to the fact that operators may wear heavy gloves and footwear and other personal protection
equipment. See 3.6 of EN 292-2:1991. Where the design permits, dimensions according to EN 23411 shall be
used. For guidance see also prEN 984. The operator's seat, when fitted, shall in all cases keep the operator in
a stable and comfortable position. The seat shall be designed so that vibrations transmitted to the operator are
reduced to the lowest level that can reasonably be achieved.

5.7.2 Visibility

Visibility from the main control point shall be such that the operator can operate the BM in the intended
conditions of use in complete safety for himself and other exposed persons. Where necessary, optical aids
including closed circuit television shall be provided to remedy inadequate direct vision.

In the case that the whole of the BM is not visible from the main control point, illuminated indicators or
equivalent devices shall be installed at this control point to indicate the following:

 That the BM is ready for operation;

 That all auxiliary equipment required for the operation is ready or has been started;

 That the monitoring system is in function;

 That no emergency stop is actuated.

5.7.3 Cab

When the main control point is fitted with a cab it shall provide the operator with the following:

 Ventilation with, where necessary and applicable, heating and/or cooling;

NOTE For this requirement no verification is given

 Protection against noise; the sound pressure level shall not exceed #80 dB(A)$ within the cab;

 Isolation against vibration;

 A seat, unless the operator has to work in a standing position. The seat shall fulfil the requirements of

Materials used in the cab shall be fire retardant and not create toxic fume in the event of fire. See clause

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5.8 Guards and protective devices

5.8.1 General

Moving parts of the BM shall be fitted with guards or protective devices to prevent risk of contact between
exposed persons and moving parts which can lead to accidents. Where it is not reasonably predictable to
guard all slow moving parts such as gripper devices, thrust movement or back-up cylinders adequate warning
signs shall be positioned so as to be readily visible to persons on the BM, or the slow moving parts shall be
painted in warning colours in accordance with ISO 3864.

5.8.2 Specification of guards

For design of suitable guards see prEN 953.

5.8.3 Access to cutter head

Access to the area where contact with the cutter head can occur shall only be possible when the cutter head
has been brought to a complete standstill. The access to the cutter head shall be prevented and access ways
interlocked during boring, as required in 5.2. See also 5.9.2 and 7.2.3.

Only if the cutter head is operated from the cutter head jog control point access to the cutter head shall be
possible. See 5.9.2 and 7.2.3.

5.8.4 Conveyor

Drive and front rollers, where the belt is accessible, shall be provided with guards to prevent access to the
running nip. The guards shall be interlocked to the conveyor drive, e.g. by a trapped key exchange system.

Idlers and return idlers shall also be provided with guards unless the conveyor system is completely enclosed.
Trip wires shall be provided along all accessible sides of the conveyor.

For requirements on emergency stops including trip wires see

The guards shall also be effective when the conveyor is equipped with a retract system.

If the conveyor belt is used as a means of man riding to reach the cutter head during maintenance or repair
the conveyor belt shall have a maximum slope of 10 %, be operated in creep speed only and be controlled
from the conveyor belt creep control point close to the conveyor by a control device of hold-to-run type. This
conveyor belt creep control point shall be subject to similar specifications as the cutter head jog control point
described in 5.9.2.

5.9 Control systems and devices

5.9.1 General

Control systems shall comply with the requirements of EN 954-1, category 2. They shall be so designed and
constructed that they are reliable in service in an underground environment. They shall be able to withstand
rigorous handling, severe stresses, shocks and vibration.

5.9.2 Control systems

The BM shall have a main control point from where all functions of boring and advance of the BM are
controlled. In addition some functions may have a local control, e.g. the cutter head jog. Where there is a local
control this shall only be enabled by the main control.

The control systems of BM's shall be so designed that:

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 The switching on of drive motors for hydraulic pumps does not result in any form of hydraulically
controlled movements which could be of danger to persons, e.g. movement of cutter head, back-up
equipment, lifting devices, beam erectors, drill rigs;

 The cutting operation on a TBM can only be started if the dust removal system or the dust suppression
system, is in operation;

 All different operational functions which are sequentially started or stopped shall, during maintenance, be
possible to start and stop individually.

An interlocking system shall allow a function to be operated from one control point only. Only the enabled
control point shall be able to pass the control to another control point. Indicating lamps at every control point
shall indicate which control point is enabled.

Additionally, every control point shall have a key operated switch which shuts down and prevents the restart of
all systems controlled from that point. This key switch shall operate so that all systems controlled from that
control point are closed down automatically.

For maintenance on the cutter head on a TBM a cutter head jog control point connected to a connection box
directly behind the cutter head shall be provided. This cutter head jog control point shall override all other
control functions controlling the cutter head and shall allow only the positioning of the cutter head in jog
operation. The connection of the cutter head jog control point shall be interlocked from the main control point,
e.g. by a key. See also 7.2.3.

When on a TBM the jog operation is actuated from the cutter head jog control point an automatic warning
signal in accordance with shall be given.

Verification shall be by testing.

5.9.3 Control devices

Control devices shall:

 Conform to the requirements of prEN 894-3;

 Be clearly visible and identifiable and appropriately marked where necessary;

 Be positioned for safe operation, i.e. so that unintentional actuation of nearby controls is avoided;

 In case of separate start and stop functions, be located close to each other;

 Be provided with guards when an unintentional actuation could cause a hazardous movement;

 Be positioned so that frequently used controls are placed within easy reach of the operator;

 Be so arranged that the layout and movement are compatible with the action to be performed and be
ergonomically well designed;

 Be of a hold-to-run type for the jog operation of the cutter head;

 Be of a hold-to-run type for the creep operation of the conveyor belt, if fitted;

 Be of robust design to suit the operating conditions.

Where a control device is designed and constructed to perform several different actions, the actions to be
performed shall be clearly displayed and subject to confirmation where necessary.

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BM's shall be fitted with indicator devices, dials and signals as required for safe operation. The operator shall
be able to read them from the control point.

5.9.4 Starting, warning systems, stopping and emergency stopping Starting

The BM shall be started only by an intentional actuation of a control provided for the purpose. There shall only
be one start control which shall be located at the main control point.

After a stop for any reason the BM shall only be restarted by means of this start control.

The cutting operation shall be interlocked with the control system of the conveyor so that the cutting operation
can start only after the start of the conveyor.

Verification shall be by testing.

For detailed requirements see EN 954-1:1996, clause 5.2. Warning systems

EN 981 gives a specification of different signals.

Warning systems shall fulfil the following requirements:

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Table 1
Function Type of warning Prewarning Perception of signal Duration

Jog operation of the Audible 10s At the cutter head During the whole
cutter head area operation

Operation of the Audible 10s Along the whole At start up

conveyor length of the conveyor

Movement of the Audible or visual 10s Be heard or seen At start up

back-up equipment along the whole
independently of the length of the back-up
advance of the cutter equipment

Emergency Audible, see table ------ Along the whole Continuous

evacuation, fire or 2 of prEN 981 length of the conveyor

Each warning system shall be identifiable, e.g. being continuous or intermittent. The warning system shall be
automatically interlocked with the start function. Stopping

Each control point shall be fitted with controls to stop some or all of the moving parts of the BM, depending on
the type of hazard, so that the BM or its separate working units are brought safely to a complete stop. The
stop control shall have priority over the start control.

Verification shall be by testing. Emergency stopping

Each BM shall be fitted with emergency stop devices to enable actual or impending danger to be averted.
Emergency stops can also be activated by trip wires.

Emergency stops on BM's shall be installed where they are necessary and suitable for reducing hazards
particularly at the main control point and at additional local control points.

An emergency stop shall be mounted at each entrance to the cutter head which shall stop any movement of
the cutter head.

Emergency stop devices shall conform to EN 418 and in particular:

 Operate in separate safety circuits;

 Be easily and safely accessible;

 Be mechanically locked in the stop position and shall only be reset intentionally at the device which was
actuated. At this operation the BM shall not restart.

An actuation of an emergency stop command shall not generate an additional risk, e.g. back-running

Verification shall be by testing.

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5.9.5 Failure of the power supply

The interruption, re-establishment after an interruption or fluctuation in whatever manner of the power supply
to the BM shall not lead to a dangerous situation. In particular provision shall be made for the following:

 After re-establishment of the power supply, the BM shall only start after an intentional actuation of the
start control;

 The BM shall not be prevented from stopping if the command to stop has already been given;

 The interlock which controls the access to the cutter head shall remain fully effective.

Verification shall be by testing.

5.10 Towing connection

Each individual towing connection between the TBM and its back-up equipment and between the individual
elements of the back-up equipment shall be designed and constructed to withstand the tractive force required
to tow the full back-up equipment with the following safety factors:

 For chain connections, - a safety factor of 4 of the breaking load;

 For bars and other connections, - a safety factor of 2 of the yield stress.

For duty in tunnels and inclined shafts at an inclination of 25 % or more to the horizontal, two independent
towing connections designed for the full tractive force shall be installed. See also 5.4.

For the calculation of the tractive force the following friction factors shall be applied:

 For wheel mounted trailers where they run on rail tracks, m = 0,2;

 For wheel mounted trailers where they run on other surfaces, m = 0,3;

 For sledge mounted trailers on any surface, m = 0,8.

The load in the towing connections between the TBM and its back-up equipment shall be monitored by a
device to warn against overload, e.g. a hydraulic ram or a strain gauge. If the load exceeds the design figure
by more than 25 %, the towing operation shall stop automatically.

Verification shall be by calculation.

Steel cables shall not be used as towing connections except between the back-up equipment and ancillary
trailers such as rail cross-overs.

5.11 Laser guidance

If a BM is guided by a laser, the laser window shall be positioned so that exposure of the eye to the laser
beam is minimised and signs, warning against the laser beam, shall be provided. Low powered laser
according to clause 1 or 2 of EN 60825 shall be used.

NOTE If a high power laser is required, special precautions should be taken which are not covered by this standard.

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5.12 Ventilation, control of dust and gas

5.12.1 General

BM's shall have appropriate equipment for ventilation, atmospheric monitoring, dust suppression and dust
collection. No personnel shall be exposed to harmful dust, gases or vapours during the intended use of the

5.12.2 Dust suppression

A dust suppression system shall be incorporated into the cutter head to lay the dust and prevent it propagating
backwards, e.g. by water spray and dust shield.

On SBM's and reaming TBM's dust can be removed through the pilot hole by means of the ventilation system.

5.12.3 Dedusting

A dedusting system shall be installed which ensures that the occupational hygienic limit values for quartz dust
are not exceeded during the intended use of the BM.

The dedusting system shall be capable of handling dirty and wet atmosphere as well as dry dust and shall
require a minimum of maintenance.

Maintenance points and control points on such equipment shall be easily accessible and well illuminated.

5.12.4 Atmospheric changes General

Tunnelling may present a physiological hazard due to the possible ingress of gases from the surrounding rock.
These gases may be toxic, flammable or may simply reduce the concentration of oxygen in the normal air to a
harmful level.

The ventilation system shall provide sufficient air flow in all sectors of the BM to reduce the concentration of
dangerous gases to values below the harmful level.

All BM's shall be fitted with a permanent methane monitoring system.

All BM's shall be equipped with a ventilation monitoring device in the fresh air flow which shall give a visual
and audible alarm if the air flow falls below a preset value. Methane monitoring

The monitoring sensors shall be mounted:

 At the highest point of the cross section directly behind the cutter head or dust shield;

 In the outflow of the dust removal system;

 In the unloading/transfer points of the conveyor system.

Any electrical equipment in the air flow of the dust removal system between the cutter head and the end of the
air duct shall be explosion proof. See EN 50014, equipment-group II.

The monitoring system shall give a visual and audible alarm when the preset limit value of 1 % of methane in
the air by volume is reached or at a value specified by national regulations.

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If the methane concentration reaches a preset limit value of 1,5 % of methane in the air by volume or a value
specified by national regulations, all electrical and mechanical equipment which is unsuitable for use in
explosive atmospheres shall be shut down immediately and automatically.

The following equipment, which shall be explosion proof, shall continue to function following an automatic

 Methane monitoring equipment;

 Emergency lighting. Monitoring for other gases

If the occurrence of other gases is expected, the BM shall be equipped with atmospheric monitoring
equipment capable of detecting oxygen deficiency and toxic gases including radiation gases (radon) which
may be considered likely to occur in the expected rock conditions.

The sensors of the monitoring equipment shall be mounted on the BM as close as to the working face as
possible. Additional sensors may be required throughout the BM and its back-up equipment.

All atmospheric monitoring devices shall give a visual and audible warning of potentially hazardous
concentrations of these toxic and flammable gases or of a preset value of oxygen deficiency.

5.13 Noise

It is not possible to determine the total sound power emission from a BM working underground.

NOTE During operation the process noise dominates the total noise emission from a BM and is subject to variation.
No method is available to determine the total noise emission in a tunnel with repeatable results.

Appropriate measures to reduce noise shall be taken in order to protect personnel, e.g. by installing a sound
insulated cab on the BM for the main control point.

Noise can be reduced by for example the following measures:

 Use of noise abated equipment;

 Reduction of vibration;

 Insulation.

For further guidance see ISO TR 11688.

The equivalent continuous sound pressure level at the operator's position at the main control point shall be
measured during the first operation and stated in the operator's handbook. See EN ISO 11202 for a detailed
specification of the measurement procedure and definition of the microphone position.

5.14 Electrical equipment

5.14.1 General

All electrical equipment operating at less than 1000 V alternating current (a.c.) or 1500 V direct current (d.c.)
shall comply with EN 60204-1 and as modified below. Electrical equipment operating a higher voltage shall
comply with national regulations and standards.

NOTE At the time of publication of this standard no European standard for high voltage installations exists but will at
a future revision be considered.

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5.14.2 Protective measures

For accessories and lighting see annex A.

For control circuits clause 9 of EN 60204-1:1993 applies, with the addition that hand-held pendant controls
shall operate at control voltages not exceeding 50 V.

In power circuits up to 1 kV a residual current protective device with a fault current rating of maximum 300 mA
or an insulation monitoring system shall be installed in accordance with the type of supply system.

If insulation monitoring is used and a reduction of the insulation resistance to less than 100 Ohm/V occurs, the
failure shall be indicated by means of a visual or audible signal. In the case that the insulation resistance is
less than 50 Ohm/V, the circuit breaker shall open.

Cables and leads operating on a voltage above 1 kV shall be monitored by a device which shall immediately
shut off the power supply under any of the following conditions:

 Interruption of the protective earth conductor or the monitoring conductors;

 A short circuit between the protective earth conductor and the monitoring conductor;

 A short circuit between a phase conductor and the protective earth conductor;

 A short circuit between a phase conductor and the monitoring conductor.

An automatic reconnection of the power supply following a disconnection shall be prevented.

5.14.3 Cables and leads

All conductors and cables shall be selected in accordance with clause 14 of EN 60204-1:1993. In addition,
insulated power cables shall be oil and water proof and have low smoke and flame resistant characteristics.

PVC-cables shall only be used on a BM for control circuits.

When cables are wound on drums the current load factor shall be reduced in relation to the straight cable
rating as a function of the number of windings in accordance with the cable manufacturer's specification.

5.14.4 Transformers

Only transformers employing air cooling or a non-inflammable coolant containing no polychlorinated biphenyl,
PCB, shall be used underground.

5.14.5 Bonding

In addition to the specification of clause 8 of EN 60204-1:1993 an equipotential bonding conductor shall be

installed within the boundaries of the BM and its back-up equipment. The material for the bonding conductor
shall be a copper braid with an appropriate cross section. All electrically conductive components of the BM
which are individually insulated shall be connected to the bonding conductor.

5.14.6 Switch gear

All switch gears shall comply with the relevant provisions of EN 60439-1 and EN 60947 and shall, where
possible, be installed in cabinets having at least a protection according to class IP 55 and shall be arranged or
built to protect them against mechanical damage. Switch gear outside such a cabinet shall have at least a
protection according to class IP 55 with mechanical protection where equipment may be subjected to
mechanical damage. The degree of protection provided by an enclosure in indicated by the IP code as
described in clause 4 of EN 60529:1991.

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5.14.7 Lighting

Illumination in the operator's area shall be at least 100 lx. In walkways the illumination shall be at least 30 lx.
Where service work is expected to be carried out, sockets for additional lighting shall be provided.

Light fittings shall be protected against mechanical damage.

5.14.8 Emergency lighting

Independent emergency lighting, which is switched on automatically in the event of failure of the main lighting
system, shall be fitted on the BM and its back-up equipment.

Power supply for battery charging for emergency lighting equipment shall be connected directly to the low
voltage supply via a switch separate from the main switch of the BM.

Illumination at walkway level in the BM and its back-up equipment provided by the emergency lighting shall be
at least 15 lx for 10 min.

5.15 Isolation of power supply

Devices for isolation of the mains supply (on both the high and low voltage side of the transformer) shall be
provided. Such devices shall be lockable in the open position.

5.16 Energy supply other than electricity

Hydraulic pumps and motors, control systems and the interconnecting pipe work shall be designed and
constructed according to EN 982 and the following requirements:

 Non-toxic hydraulic fluids shall be used;

 The tanks containing hydraulic fluids shall be fitted with a warning alarm for low level;

 Hydraulic cylinders used for erection and lifting shall be fitted with load-sustaining devices mounted on
the cylinder and shall be selfbleeding or fitted with an air bleed point at the highest point;

NOTE Bleeding can also be made by moving the piston between the full stroke movements.

 Flexible hydraulic hoses intended for pressures higher than 15 MPa shall be fitted with swaged fittings;

 Hydraulic hoses and pipes shall be separated from electric power wiring and shall be guarded against hot
surfaces and sharp edges;

 Hoses and pipes which have to be disconnected in operation shall be fitted with self sealing couplings
with built-in check valves. Couplings shall be marked to ensure correct reconnection;

 A temperature gauge or a temperature monitor which gives a warning signal if the allowed temperature is
exceeded shall be provided in the hydraulic system;

 All hydraulic systems shall be designed so that in the event of a rupture of a component the loss of fluid is
minimised and an early warning is given of the rupture;

 Electrically operated valves shall have a degree of protection fulfilling the requirements of class IP 55 in
accordance with EN 60529.

Compressors, air motors, control systems and pneumatic accessories and interconnecting pipework of any
pneumatic system shall be designed and constructed according to EN 983.

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When hydraulic or pneumatic systems have no separate emergency stops fitted the controls shall
automatically return to the neutral position when released.

Where hydraulic or pneumatic accumulators are used they shall be designed according to appropriate design

5.17 !Fire protection

5.17.1 Fire extinguishing system

Power units, e.g. motors, transformers, hydraulic power packs and electrical cabinets for BMs generate fire
risks. Areas with concentrations of hydraulic hoses and electrical cables also constitute a risk. Typical reasons
for the increase of the fire risk and the origin of a fire are:

 short circuits in electric systems;

 connector faults;

 welding and cutting;

 hot surfaces;

 lack of lubrication;

 leakages in lines for lubricant or hydraulic fluids.

The construction of the BM shall minimize the hazard caused by fire. In particular the following shall be

 reduction of the combustible inventory, e.g. use fire resistant materials including hydraulic fluids, flexible
ducts, hoses, electrical cables, conveyor belting;

 removal of sources of ignition;

 installation of fire alarms;

 installation of fire extinguishing systems.

All BMs shall be provided with clear and unobstructed escape routes for all personnel working on the BM and
its back-up equipment. All BMs shall be designed so that as far as reasonably practicable incombustible
materials are used in the construction. Upholstery and insulation shall be made of fire retardant material which
has a maximum linear velocity of flame propagation of 250 mm/min tested in accordance with ISO 3795.

5.17.2 Fixed fire extinguishing systems

BMs and their back-up equipment shall be equipped with fixed fire extinguishing systems, which cover the
areas, where the fire risk according to the fire load analyse is high. For example:

 at the main control point;

 at the main drive motors, except water-cooled motors, for the cutter head;

 at the hydraulic power packs;

 at the electrical cabinets;

 at the transformers.

BS EN 815:1996+A2:2008
EN 815:1996+A2:2008 (E)
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The systems shall be filled with appropriate extinguishing agents for the relevant fire risks envisaged.
Activation of each system shall be by manual operation although automatic operation may be utilised if
requested by the BM user. Each system once activated, shall be capable of discharging extinguishant over a
predetermined area of the BM or back-up equipment without the need for further human intervention. For
equipment within enclosures, discharge shall be within that enclosure. Gas extinguishant shall only be used in
sealed electrical cabinets.

The fixed fire extinguishing system shall be supplemented by portable fire extinguishers for minor fires not
affecting equipment (see 5.17.3).

Verification of fixed installed fire extinguishing systems shall be by visual inspection and test of function during
the site assembly.

NOTE For maintenance and service it may be preferable to have fire extinguishing system supplied from local
suppliers. In that case, verification of fire extinguishing systems should be by visual inspection during first site assembly to
ensure that fire extinguishing systems are of the correct type and are correctly marked.

5.17.3 Installation of portable fire extinguishers

Portable fire extinguishers shall be distributed along the BM and its back-up equipment including at all
operator's control points. They shall be easily accessible and positioned so that tools are not needed for their
removal from the brackets. They shall be filled with an appropriate extinguishing agent. Portable extinguishers
shall fulfil the requirements of EN 3.

Verification shall be by inspection during first site assembly to ensure that portable fire extinguishers are
correctly located.

5.17.4 Water sprays

On TBMs a water spray system which provides a curtain of water across the whole of the tunnel cross section
shall be fitted at the rear of the back-up equipment. It shall be capable of being operated manually without
electrical energy from the TBM walkway(s).

Verification shall be by visual inspection and test of function during site assembly.

Water sprays are not applicable on SBMs."

5.18 Storage of safety equipment for personnel

Storage on the back-up equipment shall be provided for the personnel's safety equipment, e.g. blankets,
stretchers, breathing apparatus and first aid equipment.

This storage space shall be protected against dust and moisture. It shall be clearly marked.

5.19 Indicators

5.19.1 Marking

A data plate giving the following information shall be fixed to every BM and its back-up equipment complying
with requirements of this standard:

 business name and full address of the manufacturer or his authorised representative;

 designation of machinery;

BS EN 815:1996+A2:2008
EN 815:1996+A2:2008 (E)
Licensed copy: Mr. City University of Hong Kong, City University of Hong Kong, Version correct as of 11/07/2013 12:54, (c) The British Standards Institution 2013

 type and serial number;"

 Total rating of the electric power, power factor, voltage and frequency for the BM and its back-up

 Weight;

 CE-marking.

Data plates shall be made of non-corrosive material, the text shall be durable and the data plate shall be
permanently fastened. The text shall be in one of the official languages of the country of first use.

5.19.2 Warning signs

Warning signs shall be provided at the entrance to the BM and its back-up equipment and at other hazardous
places where hazards can occur, such as:

 Moving parts;

 High voltage;

 Squeezing risks;

 Noise.

Signs shall state that anyone operating the BM and its separate working units shall be fully familiar with the
operator's handbook and be authorised to operate the BM.

Warning signs shall be made of non-corrosive material, the text shall be durable and the warning signs shall
be permanently fastened. The text shall be in one of the official languages of the area or the country of first

5.19.3 Warning devices

Warning devices (audible or visual) shall be of robust design and construction and be located where they
cannot easily be put out of order.

5.19.4 Symbols

Symbols used on a BM shall be selected from appropriate ISO and EN standards, see particularly
EN 61310-1 and EN 61310-2.

5.20 Maintenance

The BM and its back-up equipment shall be designed and constructed so that adjustment, lubrication and
maintenance can be carried out without danger to the personnel concerned. Where possible the BM shall be
designed so that adjustment, maintenance, repair, cleaning and servicing operations can be carried out when
the BM is at a standstill.

6 Verification of safety measures and/or provisions

Verification of compliance with the safety requirements given in this standard shall be made by calculation,
inspection and, whenever feasible, testing during manufacture or on assembly at site, if the verification
requirements are not explicitly stated in the pertinent clauses.

BS EN 815:1996+A2:2008
EN 815:1996+A2:2008 (E)
Licensed copy: Mr. City University of Hong Kong, City University of Hong Kong, Version correct as of 11/07/2013 12:54, (c) The British Standards Institution 2013

7 Information for use

The written instructions shall be drawn up according to 5.5 of EN 292-2:1991.

They shall specify when the need arises for the use of personal protection equipment.

The written instructions shall give information on noise as specified in 1.7.4 f. of Annex A in EN 292-2:1991.
So far as is applicable, they shall give information on vibrations as specified in 2.2 of Annex A in
EN 292-2:1991 (regarding hand-arm vibration) and in 3.6.3 a of Annex A in EN 292-2:1991/A1:1995
(regarding hand-arm- and whole-body-vibration).

7.1 General

The manufacturer of BM's shall provide, at the time of delivery, instruction handbooks containing information
for the safe operation and maintenance of the BM. These instruction handbooks shall include information on
all matters detailed in 5.5.1 of EN 292-2:1991 and shall detail the hazards listed in clause 4 of this standard
together with any relevant information to minimise the risk to personnel from exposure to these hazards.

NOTE In the text where the term BM appears, the instructions and specifications also apply, where relevant, to the
back-up equipment.

7.2 Instruction handbooks

7.2.1 General

The following handbooks shall be provided and those dealt with in this standard are:

 Operator's handbook, as in 7.2.3;

 Handbook for maintenance, service, lubrication, handling as in 7.2.4;

 Spare parts list as in 7.2.5.

This standard specifies only safety related matters in these handbooks.

The handbooks are part of the BM and are important documents for the safe and proper operation,
maintenance and service of BM's. The text shall be simple, adequate and complete. The wording shall be
suited to the people who are using the BM. The information shall be comprehensive and explicit.

All information concerning personal safety shall be printed in a type conspicuously different from the rest of
the text.

The handbooks specified in this standard shall be supplied in at least one of the official languages of the area
or country of first use and by request, in additional languages, according to agreement between manufacturer
and purchaser.

7.2.2 Identification of handbooks

All handbooks shall on their first pages and front covers give at least the following information:

 Title of the handbook, with revision number and date of revision;

 Type designation of the BM, model, serial number, if applicable;

 Name and full address of the manufacturer and the sales company, distributor or authorised agent.

BS EN 815:1996+A2:2008
EN 815:1996+A2:2008 (E)
Licensed copy: Mr. City University of Hong Kong, City University of Hong Kong, Version correct as of 11/07/2013 12:54, (c) The British Standards Institution 2013

7.2.3 Content of operator's handbook

The operator's handbook shall inform the operator how to use the BM. All instructions which are important for
the safe operation of the BM shall be included.

The operator's handbook shall state or provide:

 The same information as on the data plate, see 5.19.1;

 A specification of the intended use of the BM, with specification of the rock condition for which the BM is

 Complete instructions for the operation of the BM envisaged by the design;

 That if the owner of the BM modifies or extends the BM he has the responsibility for the safety aspects

 That the operators shall be given practical training in the operation of the BM with special emphasis on
the safety precautions including fire fighting;

 A general view of the BM in the form of drawings and photographs, circuit diagrams for electric, hydraulic
and pneumatic circuits. All such illustrations shall be of sufficient size to be clear;

 A nomenclature of major components, their functions and locations within the whole BM shall be listed;

 Warnings against hot surfaces such as cutters, drive motors, hydraulic power packs and components;

 Warnings against residual risks to the operator or other personnel, such as moving parts, squeezing, high
voltage, obstruction of walkways, falling objects, face collapse, flood and fire;

 Information about any identified risks that may occur due to shortcomings in the protection system;

 Specification regarding the steepest slope for which the BM is designed;

 Specification for the inspection of pressure vessels, dust filters and gripper system;

 Instructions for work at the cutter head:

 That suitable means of rock support to prevent danger to personnel from rock falling shall be
provided, see 5.6;

 That the rotation of motors for the cutter head shall be shut off and locked against unintentional
restart when using the cutter head jog control point referred to in 5.9.2;

 That provision for communication between persons working in front of the cutter head and the
operator at the cutter head jog control point shall be established and maintained throughout the
period of work on the cutter head;

 That while work is carried out on the cutter head on the BM, no work or tests of any electric or
hydraulic system, which could have an influence on the control systems for the cutter head, shall be
carried out, see 5.9.2;

 In addition the following requirements apply for work on the cutter head on a SBM:

 The cutter head shall be held in place using the hydraulically extendable and mechanically locking

BS EN 815:1996+A2:2008
EN 815:1996+A2:2008 (E)
Licensed copy: Mr. City University of Hong Kong, City University of Hong Kong, Version correct as of 11/07/2013 12:54, (c) The British Standards Institution 2013

 The SBM shall be gripped firmly in the shaft;

 The opening to the pilot hole shall be covered by a platform which is not part of the SBM;

 A specification of where and how the emergency stops according to are installed and function;

 A description of the controls and their function;

 An explanation of all symbols used;

 A rule that the personnel shall wear ear protection when the sound pressure level in the working areas
exceeds #80 dB(A) averaged over 8 h$. The sound pressure level is subject to variations due to rock
conditions and cutter head thrust force when boring;

 Information regarding the location, use, service and check-up of fire extinguishers;

 Instructions that the conveyor shall be operated only when the guards are in position;

 Specification regarding size, type and limit of the ventilation system, atmospheric monitoring system, dust
suppression system and dust collection system;

 Instructions that the restart of the BM after a shutdown due to activation of the methane gas monitor shall
be carried out only by an authorised person after having eliminated the cause of the shut down;

 A rule that egress and access ways on the BM and its back-up equipment shall never be blocked;

 Detailed information of the tunnel transport system including rolling stock which forms the basis for the
back-up equipment design (to be specified by the manufacturer of the back-up equipment);

 Information concerning the radiation emitted for the operator and exposed persons;

 Information about weighted root mean square acceleration emission of the machine to which the whole-body
of a person is subjected, if it exceeds 0,5 m/s .$

For reference, see 5.2 and 5.5 of EN 292-2:1991.

7.2.4 Content of maintenance handbook

The maintenance handbook shall contain:

 Instructions for the safe assembly and dismantling of parts which are heavy or difficult to handle. The
weight of parts which are frequently replaced, e.g. cutters, shall be stated;

 A list of parts, which are classified by the manufacturer to be of particular importance for safety with
recommendations for the frequency of checking and replacement;

 Warnings for actions which can cause injuries to the maintenance personnel or other personnel;

 A specification that electrical systems and equipment shall be installed, modified and repaired by a
qualified electrician or under the supervision of such a qualified electrician;

 Recommendations for periodical retesting of stop controls, emergency stops, gas warning systems, brake
systems, visual and audible warning systems;

 Specification of regular cleaning of dust filters and of other equipment, e.g. transformers.

BS EN 815:1996+A2:2008
EN 815:1996+A2:2008 (E)
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For reference, see 5.5 of EN 292-2:1991.

7.2.5 Spare parts list

The spare parts list shall contain specification of all relevant spare parts and data including the identification of
the parts and their location on the BM.

BS EN 815:1996+A2:2008
EN 815:1996+A2:2008 (E)
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Annex A

Protective measures for electrical accessories and lighting

For accessories and lighting clause 17 of EN 60204-1:1993, applies, with addition of the following note:

The measures to overcome the hazards associated with difficult tunnel environments include:

 use of residual current protective devices set to trip at 30 mA maximum;


 use of 110 V centre earth tap supply

NOTE This last alternative is predominantly used in the United Kingdom.

BS EN 815:1996+A2:2008
EN 815:1996+A2:2008 (E)
Licensed copy: Mr. City University of Hong Kong, City University of Hong Kong, Version correct as of 11/07/2013 12:54, (c) The British Standards Institution 2013

Annex B


Below are listed standards which have a bearing on the specifications of this standard and are not Normative

[1] prEN 547:1994, Safety of machinery – Human body measurements – Part 3: Anthropometric data

[2] EN 22860:1985, Earth-moving machines – Minimum access dimensions

[3] EN 23164:1985, Earth-moving machinery – Laboratory evaluation of roll-over and falling-object

protective structures – Specification for the deflecting limiting volume

[4] IEC 79-10, Classification of hazardous areas

[5] ISO 2867:1980, Earth-moving machinery – Access systems

[6] ISO 3449:1992, Earth moving machinery – Falling-object protective structures – Laboratory tests and
performance requirements

[7] ISO 4301-1:1986, Cranes and lifting appliances – Classification – Part 1: General

[8] ISO 4301-2:1985, Lifting appliances – Classification – Part 2: Mobile cranes

[9] ISO 4413:1979, Hydraulic fluid power – General rules for the application of equipment to transmission
and control systems

[10] ISO 4414:1982, Pneumatic fluid power – Recommendations for the application of equipment to
transmission and control systems

[11] EN 25353:1988, Earth moving machinery – Seat index point

[12] ISO 6405-1:1991, Earth moving machinery – Symbols for operator controls and other displays – Part
1: Common symbols

[13] ISO 6405-2:1993, Earth moving machinery – Symbols for operator controls and other displays – Part
2: Symbols for earth-moving machinery

[14] ISO 6682:1986, Earth moving machinery – Zones of comfort and reach for controls

[15] ISO TR 11688-1, Acoustics – Recommended practice for the design of low noise machinery and
equipment – Part 1: Planning

[16] ISO TR 11688-2, Acoustics – Recommended practice for the design of low noise machinery and
equipment – Part 2: Noise generation principles

Licensed copy: Mr. City University of Hong Kong, City University of Hong Kong, Version correct as of 11/07/2013 12:54, (c) The British Standards Institution 2013

Annex C
BS EN 815:1996+A2:2008
EN 815:1996+A2:2008 (E)

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EN 815:1996+A2:2008 (E)
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1 lining platform

2 control console

3 inner kelly

4 clamping yields

5 thrust cylinder

6 outer kelly

7 motors

8 steering cylinders

9 cutter head

10 pilot hole

Figure C.1 — Example of a rodless Shaft Boring Machine (SBM)

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1 2 3 4 5 6

0 5 10 7 15 20 25 30 35 40

a b

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85

19 20 21 22

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125

23 24
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EN 815:1996+A2:2008 (E)

BS EN 815:1996+A2:2008
EN 815:1996+A2:2008 (E)
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1 probe drilling unit

2 stair to working platform

3 working platform

4 chain hoist

5 probe drill power pack

6 conveyor bridge

7 tow cylinder

8 rear bridge support

9 cement + sand

10 TBM hydraulic

11 electric cabinet

12 toilet

13 crew room

14 transformer

15 high tension switch

16 ventilation duct

17 cable reel

19 dust scrubber

20 scrubber fans

21 silencer

22 operators area train handling

23 back-up hydraulic

24 work bench

a typical full face tunnel boring machine (TBM)

b typical back-up equipment

Figure C.2 — Example of a full face Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) with its back up equipment

BS EN 815:1996+A2:2008
EN 815:1996+A2:2008 (E)
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Annex ZA

#Relationship between this European Standard and the Essential

Requirements of EU Directive 98/37/EC

This European Standard has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the European Commission
and the European Free Trade Association to provide a means of conforming to Essential Requirements of the
New Approach Directive Machinery 98/37/EC, amended by 98/79/EC.

Once this standard is cited in the Official Journal of the European Communities under that Directive and has
been implemented as a national standard in at least one Member State, compliance with the normative
clauses of this standard confers, within the limits of the scope of this standard, a presumption of conformity
with the relevant Essential Requirements of that Directive and associated EFTA regulations.

WARNING — Other requirements and other EU Directives may be applicable to the product(s) falling within
the scope of this standard.$

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EN 815:1996+A2:2008 (E)
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Annex ZB

#Relationship between this European Standard and the Essential

Requirements of EU Directive 2006/42/EC

This European Standard has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the European Commission
and the European Free Trade Association to provide a means of conforming to Essential Requirements of the
New Approach Directive Machinery 2006/42/EC.

Once this standard is cited in the Official Journal of the European Communities under that Directive and has
been implemented as a national standard in at least one Member State, compliance with the normative
clauses of this standard confers, within the limits of the scope of this standard, a presumption of conformity
with the relevant Essential Requirements of that Directive and associated EFTA regulations.

WARNING — Other requirements and other EU Directives may be applicable to the product(s) falling within
the scope of this standard.$

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