Method Statement For Columns2

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Method Statement for Columns

To provide true line & position of columns/walls we shall provide starter/kicker for each column & shear
walls, column wall position shall be marked on raft/slab top for providing starter/kicker.

Ø Starters shall be made of 100 mm x 50 mm channel section.

Ø Concreting of starter will proceed after checking of layout with necessary clearance from clients.

Ø Column wall Shutters/boxes will be 12mm thick film coated ply with backing angles at the edges and
flat at the center about 300C/C both ways. The lift for columns will be of 2.4 m height in general but
however this may vary depending on requirement.

Ø Vertical reinforcement bars and Stirrups shall be provided as per Drawings & BBS Checked by clients
and suitably tied with binding wire.

Ø The reinforcement bars shall be held in position rigidly from sway by suitable scaffolding

Ø Proper cover to the reinforcement shall be ensured by providing adequate numbers of concrete cover

Ø Column shutters shall be erected true to line and plumb and adequate supports shall be provided to
keep the same in position during & after concreting.

Ø Proper staged platform will be provided for concreting.

Ø Concrete pour card as per approved format shall be made and maintained for each pour duly signed
by client & Simplex.

Ø Columns shall be poured in layers of 300 mm thick and each layer shall be vibrated properly.

Ø Adequate numbers of manpower in terms of skilled and unskilled shall be made available to receive
the concrete.

Ø Proper lighting arrangements shall be made for night works.

Ø Construction and expansion joints shall be provided and treated as per instructions/specifications.

Ø Any loose deposited concrete afterwards shall be removed & disposed off.

Ø Hessian cloth shall be wrapped around the column/wall for keeping the element wet for minimum of
14 days.

De-shuttering shall be done after 12 hours/24 hours after casting of individual pours as per Technical
requirements and codal provisions.
Method Statement of Column Construction (cast-in king-
post of temporary deck/bridge)
In some cases, temporary structures are deemed permanent when its location and purpose
coincides with the master plan. Design have to be modified in order to cater the influence of such
temporary structure. Most of them are king posts supporting temporary deck for crane or pump
car parking. RC columns reinforcements should be changed to smaller sizes when the steel area
and inertia of the steel king-post is considered. This is on the design change part but on this
article, I will show you the actual construction of RC column with cast-in king-post. I will go
through some of the steps and some tips on how to get a good finished concrete quality of RC
column. As usual I will show some actual photos to help the readers understand the important
steps and procedures.

For good bonding between steel column and concrete, wash thoroughly using high pressured
water jet to remove dusts and oil.

Ensure that the base construction joint is roughened and clean before closing of formwork.
Close the formwork once the rebars are inspected and cleanliness is accepted by the client

To prevent bulging surface and column deformation due to concrete pressure, install walers at
maximum of 600mm distributed along the column height.
Check the column formwork verticality and braces should be enough to prevent from swaying
during concrete placement. Gaps must be sealed to prevent grout loss. Remember that the aim is
to have a good finished concrete quality. Concrete workers handling the vibration pokers must be
trained on how to compact wet concrete for vertical elements. Pouring shall be done in layers of
1m and vibration draw-out at 1m per second. Too much vibration will lead to segregation and
less vibration may cause honeycomb. Only when no more air bubbles should the compaction
would stop.

When concreting is done, remove the supports, walers and formwork after 24hrs.
When the formwork is removed, you should notice that a good concrete surface quality is

At this stage, a post-pour inspection should be carried out by the engineer to record the quality of
concrete. A clearance is given when there are no defects recorded like honeycomb, minor grout
loss and bulging surface. If such defects are found, it should be rectified and re-inspected before
a clearance is given to proceed the next stage of work.

I think that is all that I can share for this topic. Please feel free to comment and share this post if
you find it useful.

I hope you enjoyed reading my post.


Rey Joy Mangubat

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