Application Implementation Method: Enterprise Wide

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Oracle Implementation Methodalagy


Application Implementation Method is a provan approach, which

specifies all the activities which are required to implement oracle
applications successfully.

The scope of the AIM is enterprise wide.

There are eleven processes of implementation.

1. Business Process Architecture[BP]

This phase explains

Existing business practices
Catalog change practices
Leading practices
Future practices

2. Business Requirement Definition[RD]

This phase explains about the

Base line questionnaire and
The gathering of information.

3. Business Requirement Mapping[BR]

In this phase we can match all the requirements of business with the
standard functionality of the oracle applications.

If all the requirements match with oracle standard (with out

customization) functionality then, it is called as vanilla

4. Application and Technical Architecture [TA]

Explains the infrastructure requirements to implement oracle

For example:

5. Build and Module Design[MD]

In this phase concentrate on developing the new functionality which is

required by the client.
This is called customization.
In this phase explains how to design a forms, database and reports...

6. Data Conversion:[CV]

Is the process of converting or transferring the data from legacy

system to oracle applications? This is called as data migration.
Ex: transferring the closing balances of the previous year as an
opening balances to next year.

7. Documentation:[DO]
n this phase we have to prepare module wise user guides and
implementation manuals which helps in the implementation.

8. Business System Testing:[TE]

A process of validating the setup’s and the functionality by a tester to

certify its status is allied business system testing. It is done by a
functional consultant.

9. Performance Testing:[PT]

Performance testing means evaluation of transaction saving time,

transaction retrieval times. It is done by a technical team.

10; Adoption and Learning.[AP]

This phase explains about the removal of the legacy system of the
client. The entire user should be trained with new oracle applications.
In this phase we have to prepare user manuals.
11. Production Migration[PM]

A process of decommissioning of legacy system and the usage of

new oracle application system begins in this phase.
Author: Sreenivas.Bandi

As promised, here is yet another detailed analysis for AIM's.

Big -5 Implemenation consulting companies uses AIM

(Application Implementation Methodology) to manage all of
its Oracle Application projects. AIM can also be used for
other different software implementations and does not
limited to only Oracle Applications. However, the
methodology was/is purposely built for Oracle Applications
and the detailed deliverables produced are designed with the
Oracle Application products in mind, as these are initially
used for oracle consulting guys, and with time these are
adopted methodology in Oracle application across the

The following Oracle Applications Areas are covered by AIM:

 Oracle Financials
 Oracle Distribution
 Oracle Human Resources
 Oracle Manufacturing
 Oracle Projects
 Oracle Process Manufacturing
 Business Intelligence

AIM incorporates two things. First, it is a methodology

showing what tasks are required, what order they
should be completed in, and what resources are
required . Secondly,it provides deliverable templates
for all the tasks that require them. Hence the hybrid of
methodology with a deliverable template tool makes AIM a
powerful product.
One biggest disadvantage of AIM methodology is that is very
complicated. Complicated in the sense it has ample number
of deliverables which are more than 225 in number. In other
word , the project time frame can be makes direct impact on
this methodology , i mean to say if you tried to use them all
you would be spending atleast 9-12 months implementing a
3 month project. AIM is supposed to be used by experienced
project managers that pick and choose the tasks they
require for each project.Most of Consulting company have
fine tuned and took tailored approach for AIM's
methodology, based of there standard implementation

AIM defines business needs at the beginning of the project

and maintains their visibility throughout the implementation.
It defines internal, external, and time sensitive business
events and maps each event to the responding business and
system processes. Using this method, the client gains an
accurate understanding of the business requirements that
need to be focused on during the course of the

AIM Structure Framework

AIM is a framework of related elements. It

involves phases, processes, tasks and dependencies:

 A task is a unit of work, which results in a single

deliverable. That deliverable may take many different
forms like reports, schedules, code, or test results for
 A process is a closely related group of dependent
tasks, which meets a major objective. A process is
usually based on a common discipline.
 A phase is a chronological grouping of tasks. It enables
a flexible way to organize tasks, schedule major
deliverables, and deliver projects.

Processes and phases are explained in more detail below.


A process in AIM represents a related set of objectives,

resource skill requirements, inputs, and deliverable outputs.
A task can belong to only one process. Project team
members are usually assigned to a process according to
their specialization and background. A brief description of
the AIM processes are given below:

1. Business Requirements Definition: Business

Requirements Definition defines the business needs that
must be met by the implementation project. You document
business processes by identifying business events and
describing the steps that respond to these events.

2. Business Requirements Mapping: Business

Requirements Mapping compares the business requirements
to standard application software functionality and identifies
gaps that must be addressed to fully meet business needs.
As gaps between requirements and functionality emerge,
they are resolved by documenting workarounds, alternative
solutions, application extensions, or by changing the
underlying business process.

3. Application and Technical Architecture: During the

Application and Technical Architecture you design an
information systems architecture that reflects your business
vision. Using the business and information systems
requirements, this process facilitates development of a plan
for deploying and configuring the hardware required for a
successful implementation.

4. Module Design and Build: Module Design and Build

produces custom software solutions to gaps in functionality
identified during Business Requirements Mapping. Custom
software solutions include program modules that must be
designed, built, and tested before they can be incorporated
into the system.
5. Data Conversion : Data Conversion defines the tasks
and deliverables required to convert legacy data to the
Oracle Applications tables. The first step of this process
explicitly defines the business objects that are required for
conversion and the legacy source systems that store these
objects. The converted data may be needed for system
testing, training, and acceptance testing as well as for

6. Documentation :Documentation begins with materials

created early in the project. Using detailed documents from
the project, the writing staff develops user and technical
material that are tailored to the implementation.

7. Business System Testing: Business System Testing

focuses on linking test requirements back to business
requirements and securing project resources needed for
testing. It supports utilizing common test information
including data profiles to promote testing co-ordination and
to minimize duplication of test preparation and execution

8. Performance Testing:Performance Testing enables you

to define, build, and execute a performance test. Use the
results to make decisions on whether the performance is
acceptable for the business and to help propose tactical or
strategic changes to address the performance quality
shortfall. Performance Testing is closely related to
Application and Technical Architecture; they are

9. User Training:Training prepares both users and

administrators to assume on the tasks of running the new
application system. It includes development of materials and
methods as well as administration. Instructors and
courseware developers orient their material toward roles and
jobs, and not toward application modules.
10.Production Migration : Production Migration moves the
company, system, and people to the new enterprise system.
Following production cutover, it monitors and refines the
production system and plans for the future. The Production
Migration process encompasses transition to production
readiness, production cutover, and post-production support

The Process can easily understood by this diagram against

Phases discussed below.


An AIM project is conducted in phases that provide quality

and control checkpoints to co-ordinate project activities that
have a common goal. During a project phase, your project
team will be executing tasks from several processes. A brief
description of the AIM processes are given below:

1. Definition: This consist of review the organization's

business objectives, evaluate the feasibility of meeting those
objectives under time, resource, and budget constraints.
Moreover this can be best consider as SOW(statement of
work) preparation phase.

2. Operations Analysis:During Operations Analysis, the

project team develops Business Requirements Scenarios
based on deliverables from Definition that are used to assess
the level of fit between the business requirements and
standard application functionality. Gaps are identified and
corresponding solutions developed. The analysis results in a
proposal for conducting business operations under the
envisioned application technical architecture. Solutions for
gaps evolve into detailed designs during Solution Design.

3. Solution Design:The purpose of Solution Design is to

develop the detailed designs for the optimal solutions to
meet the future business requirements. During this phase,
project team members create detailed narratives of process
solutions developed during Operations Analysis. Supporting
business requirements may require building application
extensions to standard features; several alternative
solutions may have been defined during Operations Analysis.
The project team carefully scrutinizes these solutions and
chooses the most cost effective alternatives.

4. Build:The coding and testing of all customizations and

other custom software including enhancements, data
conversions, and interfaces is done during Build. Policy and
procedure changes relating to business process
modifications are developed. Business system testing is
performed to validate that the developed solutions meet
business requirements. If customizations, extensions, or
conversions are not required, Build is still important because
it includes the business system test, which is commonly
conducted as a formal conference room pilot. The business
system test validates the solutions and is performed in an
environment that closely resembles production.

5. Transition: During Transition, the project team deploys

the finished solution into the organization. All the elements
of the implementation must come together to transition
successfully to actual production. The project team trains
the end users while the technical team configures the
production environment and converts data. Transition ends
with the cutover to production, when end users start
performing their job duties using the new system.
6.Production: Production begins immediately with the
production cutover. It marks the last phase of the
implementation, and the beginning of the system support
cycle. Included in this final phase is a series of refinements
and performance measurement steps. The inhoues MIS/IT
Department personnel work quickly to stabilize the system
and begin regular maintenance. They will provide the
ongoing support to the organization for the remaining life of
the system. During Production, you compare actual results
to project objectives.

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