Mind Map Burn & Bleeding

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Maintenance of adequate tissue


Damage to the skin or Maintenance of patent airway  Stop the burning

other body parts Restoration of optimal fluid and  ABCDE
caused by extreme  Determine the
.heat, flame, contact Maintenance of adequate body percentage area of burn
 First-degree burns (superficial (Rule of 9’s)
burns) Control of pain.
 Second-degree burns (partial
thickness burns)
 Third-degree burns (full thickness  Bacterial infection
burns)  Fluid loss, hypovolemia
 Fourth-degree burns go even BURN  Hypothermia
deeper than third-degree burns  Breathing problems from the intake
and can affect your muscles and of hot air or smoke
bones.  Scars or ridged (keloids)

Burn is an acute tissue injury caused by exposure to

materials, solid or liquid, hot or showing effects of hot. In
skin and/or subcutaneous tissues, all of the acute damage  complete blood count
caused by exposure to heat, cold, electricity, radiation, or  metabolic panelmay
chemical agents is burn  carboxyhemoglobin
 arterial blood gas
 fluorescein staining
 Blisters
 Pain
 Peeling skin
 Red skin
 Shock
 Swelling
 White or charred skin
Signs and symptoms depend on Supplementtal oxygen
the mechanism that leads to red Crystalloid/colloid fluid resuscitation
cell destruction
Blood transfusion
Acute back pain
Consider correcting coagulopathy
Renal failure
Medical managemen
Loss of stamina
Physical findings 1. Bleeding time (BT)
Bleeding is the loss of (Simplate)
blood. It can be external, or
outside the body, like when 2. Platelet count,
you get a cut or wound. It 3. activated partial
can also be internal, or thromboplastin time
inside the body, like when BLEEDING
you have an injury to an
internal organ. 3. Prothrombin time (PT),
and thrombin time (TT).

Internal bleeding is considered a Interview/screen each individual

leading cause of trauma-associated for risk factors for bleeding
mortality globally. Anticipate conditions and episodes
of care
If untreated, severe or chronic 1. Dizziness and weakness Perform vital signs and basic
hemorrhaging might lead to organ - External bleeds can occur physical assessments for the
2. Pain in certain parts
failure, seizures, coma, external in the mouth, after biting patient
bleeding, and eventually death. Even the mouth, lips or tongue. 3. Hard to breathe Chest or
shoulder pain Tingling in the Obtain laboratory tests
with treatment, severe internal - The most frequent sites
bleeding is often fatal. hands or feet Visual and Examine dressings, drainage
of internal bleeds are the
nervous disorders tubes, and collection canisters
knee, ankle, elbow and hip
joints. 4. Nausea and vomiting Black Teach patient about intended and
stool unintended effects of medications

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