The Runes by Ormungandr Melchizedek

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The text discusses various meanings of the word 'rune' across different cultures and languages. It also talks about theories on the origins of runes ranging from Phoenician to more esoteric ideas.

Some theories mentioned are that runes developed from Phoenician, Latin, Greek or Etruscan alphabets. Others suggest they were created by Atlantis or were observed in nature as natural phenomena.

The text discusses runes representing phonetics, numbers, concepts, mysteries, wisdom, and archetypes of human experience. They can be used as instruments of creation and to channel will and manifestation.


What does the word ‘Rune’ mean?

The word rune has meant similar things to the various groups of our
ancestors that used them. The Goths called them ‘Runa’ the Secret
Whispers. The Hungarians called them ‘Rovás’, which means carving
and the Serbs ‘Rabos’ or ‘Rabus’. In Old English we find the use of
the words ‘Roun’ and ‘Rowan’ associated with the runic way. In
Iceland they were called ‘Runar’, a magical sign. The Welsh have the
word ‘Rhin’, which refers to a mysterious secret. The Old Celts,
Anglo-Saxons and the Old Irish referred to them as ‘Rún’, used
sometimes to refer to a secret meeting. Scottish Gaelic also has the
word ‘Rún’, which refers to a secret mystery, purpose, wish or love.
All stem it seems from the Indo-European word ‘Ru’, ‘Ró’ or ‘Reu’.
This root word means to carve, roar or incant.
Archaeological and Historical Observations
of the Origins of the Runes
It has been suggested by some Runic scholars that the runes are a
development of Phoenician, Latin, Greek or the Etruscan alphabets.
Others have suggested that the Atlantians created them. Most of
these theories are based on observing the similarities between
lettering systems used by neighbouring people, often found in caves,
and their movement between places and the fact that to date no one
is sure where they originated, archeologically and historically
speaking. No doubt a significant level of lettering interchange
occurred over the several thousand years of our recorded history.

For a long time the orthodox view was that runes were only a
phonetic alphabet and a numeric system. Few now deny that our
ancestors saw them as special and magical. A recent theory is that
one group designed the runes in extreme antiquity. This theory ties in
with those who think it was a long-gone advanced civilization that first
used them. This theory comes from observing the regular
geometrical nature of all runic writings, and is the one closest to the
truth in my mind.

The Flower of Life

In my view the truth of their origin is that the Runes are geometrical
symbol generated by the natural frequencies that materialised the
multiverse. Geometry is at the foundation of all things, and it is my
view that Spirit (Life) takes form through the vehicle geometries.
From this perspective the runes are older than time and permeate all
existence. They were not designed or developed by humans; they
were observed by the wise as natural phenomena. Runes are an
intrinsic part of the language of light and the language of nature.
They are part of us and we of them. Looking at a rune is like looking
at page of the Book of Life.
What are Runes?

Elder Futhark Sequence

Runes are many things to many people, all of whom have a slightly
different perspective of them as all have a different perspective of
Self. They are simple letter-like shapes that have represented
phonetics, numbers and concepts worldly and otherwise for hundreds
and in some places thousands of years. At the same time every
‘Rune’ is a ‘Mystery, a stream of profound wisdom and a key to our
Universal Mind.

I see the Runes as children of the Sacred Primal Crystal Snowflake,

as it is this pattern that birthed them (the Seed of Life, above right ).
They are one with the sacred geometry of our cells, our DNA. They
are keepers of the Akashic memory of all life, experiences and

Runes are geometrical forms that represent one of the millions of

elemental facets that the Source of All weaves constantly in the
continuing manifestation of all that is. Symbolically, local to our world,
they can represent the archetypes of total human experience. As
universal geometric shapes they represent mental channels of
creative power and function as emissaries from the Heart-Mind of the
Cosmos. Their intelligence is our unified universal intelligence
reflected back to us through their geometric forms.
The awareness of the runic forms is a gift to us. It is given to us (by
the All Mind) to be an instrument of creation, an instrument with
which to further play the music of creation. This music of creative will
attracts the manifestation of our wishes and ideals in harmony with
the Vision of Spirit. Runes have the capacity to hold our attention and
channel our will. This ability, this gift of forming, was given to us in a
free will environment. We have the choice of how to focus these
creative forms and the power of our being inherent in them.

Spirit will unconditionally manifest what we ask for (whatever we

have our attention upon) or will to be. This law of manifestation is
made more tangible through engaging the runes as a psychic focus.
Runes can efficiently draw our creative power through the channel of
their forms. This is so because: A) The Runes are an eternal facet of
the Language of Light. B) We are the children of Spirit and reality
moulds itself to our vision/meditation/attention.

The Runes have their roots throughout the all-spheres of all that is,
that ever have been or ever will be in potentiality. Initially transmitted
from the Omnipresent Source at the inception point where the Divine
Idea was externalised as manifest forms. The intelligence
represented by the Runes streams through nameless dimensions
into the heart of all manifestation (through the manifestation of
nothing to the manifestation of something) moulding all into the
collective Isness (the singularity that is everything). Weaving worlds
together Runes are both the essence of and represent the awesome
alchemy of multiversal expression, the meditations of the All Mind.

The Runes are part of the language of light, their essence is of the
immense creativity of the All Mind. Their power is not only in their
individual natures but also in the way their geometric forms can be
bound together in a harmonic unity. They are a dynamic family of
forms that reflect many facets of the ineffable multiversal intelligence
of Spirit.

The Runes can be related to as abstract multifaceted conceptual

teachers. They are like portals to our innermost being which can help
us access truths about our essence self. As windows through which
to perceive and comprehend the infinite we can utilise them to
access the wisdom and memory of the ages. They present to us the
worlds of our archetypal being where we can find profound insight
into the Great Light and the paradox of existence. They shine their
light upon paths to the sacred spaces within which we can explore
the limitlessness of our Divine Nature and listen to the wisdom of
Intrinsic Awareness.
The Runes have always been and always will be. Their power is
unparalleled in harnessing the elements of Creation for the purpose
of harmonically engineering manifestations. Shamans of the ages are
known to have harnessed the runic elements, in many different ways,
to steer the destiny of their tribes.

The Runes can never be lost as they exist everywhere, in the

geometry of flowers, in the crystals of the ice, in the gems of the
Earth, the DNA of life and the memory of collective mind. Intangible
at times their wisdom and knowledge has infinite depth and
complexity. To begin to unlock their secrets they must be related to
within at the seat of the self. With meditative dedication to self-
development in the image of High-Self and appropriate personal
practice, the Runes will make themselves known, opening up further
levels of their enigmatic profundity.

A Runic Revelation
I realised that each rune is naturally linked to a number through their
two-dimensional image. I called it the Geometric Number Emanation
(GNE). Traditionally runes have a number associated with them that
is observed by their position in their Futhark (An ‘alphabet’ of runes
or which there are several). However, on more intimate level each
rune is a member one of many families of number, or of vibration.

For example: the UR rune resonates to the number 4

As runes are angular, they have a finite number of ends and joins to
their forms. As geometry is number this is a way of observing the
Runes as pure number. All Runic forms transmit the wavelength of
their numeric family. It was through applying this principle to the
Runes which make up the Torch of Life that I discovered the
Arcturian Shield Program. This is explored in the document called the
Torch Stargate investigation.

Ormungandr Melchizedek

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