Kyron Channelling John Magnetics Part 1

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Dear spirit tell me what I need to know You are dearly loved, that is what you need to now

through the knowledge of love compassion follows for one must have the ability to love oneself in order to communicate communication is not quite a better word is in duct Which is why the magnetics involved of the atoms are involved in the creation of compassion and love. Greetings dear one IM client of magnetic service as I've told my partner many times lead any one channel car is channeling required before group otherwise he would never want stage. On your planet the expiration of ColdFusion is at hand there are many mechanisms involved mostly magnetics it also has to do with the quantum states of matter itself at first we will talk about magnetics As a been channel before magnetics and a nuclear level is very different for the magnetics that you employ the macrolevel, as you have noted there are the two polarities of the north magnetic pole and the South magnetic Pole this is a reflection of the dual Ms. that we have expressed many times it also expresses polarity thereby you will get for properties of magnetic fields There is also the fifth and sixth property with magnetic fields this is what you will call the magnetic force is your clockwise and the counterclockwise loops of magnetic field's however they are not the spin qualities that was traded by the Howard Johnson The exchange of magnetic energies is highly dependent on the time frame that is utilized is also on the perception of the timeframe that you are for I will tell you again that the men medical field lines that you see is a single field is a single field indicating between the nucleus of one atom to the nucleus of another atom There is all also the matter of induction magnetic induction as you have brought out the spin properties of the magnetic fields create a exchange of magnetic energy of what which you will call magnetic force this is a property of connected magnetics There are different properties of disconnected magnetics for at the quantum level the quantum of magnetics is also the quantum of polarity of the magnetic polarized particles Remember that in nature there's always a polarity particles this is always been created to create the solidification of matter correction the prevention of the solidification of matter As always the properties of resonance matters in the energy exchanges that also matters in the dimensional exchange. Nikolai Tesla's, really called into notification of the secret of the three and six and nine I tried

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