Methodist Church and Social Justice - Winter 2010

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Winter A • 2010-2011

Methodists and Social Justice

United Methodists take seriously their responsibility to claims the primary moral duty of every nation is to
serve the poor in spirit, the meek, the merciful, those resolve disputes peacefully.
who mourn, those who are persecuted, those who hunger
for righteousness, the peacemakers. These, of course, are The Church’s General Board of Church and Society is
the very groups Jesus calls “blessed,” in the beatitudes charged with showing Methodists that “the reconcilia-
(Matthew 5:1-12). tion that God effected through Christ involves personal,
social, and civic righteousness” (2008 Book of Discipline).
Ever since John Wesley first exhorted followers to practice It does this through a number of church-sponsored
both personal and social piety, Methodists––as individuals ministries and campaigns. Among them:
and as a denomination––have been involving themselves
in efforts to bring about peace and social justice. This ◆ The “I Am Prophet-Driven” campaign is an attempt
fundamental tenet of Methodism is spelled out explicitly to advocate on behalf of those whose lives have been
in the “Social Principles,” a statement found in the Book ravaged by our profit-driven society. As the country
of Discipline that guides both official church action as well slowly works its way out of this current recession, the
as individuals’ actions. These principles set forth official campaign calls on the government to focus primarily
Methodist teaching on what constitutes just action in the on the needs of the poor rather than the affluent.
social community, the economic community, the political Congregations are being asked to sign a “just economy
community and the world community, as well as in the pledge,” which stipulates that “scripture demands we
natural world and in our families. place those living on the economic margins at the
center of our vision of a just economy.”
Among the stances endorsed in the Social Principles:
◆ The UM Power Action Center is an online advocacy
◆ In social community, the church rejects racism and ministry that alerts subscribers to pending legislative
asserts the rights of racial minorities to equal oppor- votes in a variety of social justice areas, and helps them
tunities, upholds the rights of religious minorities, as send email messages or make phone calls to policy
well as the old, the young, women, and those who are makers to influence the outcome.
disabled, and calls for abstinence from alcohol and
illegal drugs. ◆ The Faith in Action weekly newsletter provides
regular news and views from the General Board of
◆ In the economic community, the church recognizes Church and Society. Each edition offers editorials,
the right of employees to organize for collective profiles of United Methodists engaged in social justice
bargaining, the right of safe and meaningful work, work, announcements of upcoming conferences or
supports efforts to ensure truth in pricing, packaging, seminars, links to study resources and other guides
lending and advertising, moderation in consumption for those wanting to become in some aspect of social
of consumer goods and abstinence from gambling. justice.
◆ In the political community, the church calls for ◆ The United Methodist Seminar Program on
freedom of information and quality education, National and International Affairs designs one- to
defends the rights of individuals to practice conscien- three-day seminars and field trips in Washington D.C.
tious, non-violent civil disobedience, and urges the or New York City for both Methodist and non-Meth-
creation of new systems of criminal rehabilitation. odist groups on a range of social justice topics.
◆ In the world community, the church holds nations In short, ever since John Wesley fearlessly spoke out on
accountable for unjust treatment of their citizens, the controversial issues of his day––issues such as slavery,
affirms the right of people in developing nations to health care for the poor, prison reform––generation after
shape their own destiny, applauds efforts to create a generation of those who have come after him in the
more justice international economic order, condemns church have been empowered to continue to speak out
war as incompatible with the teachings of Christ, and and to act on behalf of those whom Jesus called “blessed.”
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