12 Item MCQ

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1. Which of the following is punishable act 6.

What act may be presented by the maker or

under BP 22 also known as Bouncing drawer of a check to destroy prima facie
Checks Law? presumption of knowledge of insufficiency of
a. Any person who (a) makes or draws and funds or credit as established by the
issues any check to apply on account or preceding number?
for value, (b) knowing at the time of issue The maker or drawer pays the holder
that he does not have sufficient funds in thereof the amount due thereon, or
or credit with the drawee bank for the makes arrangements for payment in
payment of such check in full upon its full by the drawee of such check
presentment, (c) which check is within (5) banking days after receiving
subsequently dishonored by the drawee notice that such check has not been
bank for insufficiency of funds or credit or paid by the drawee.
would have been dishonored for the 7. Which of the following is not a duty of a
same reason had not that drawer, drawee bank under BP 22?
without any valid reason, ordered the The drawee bank report the act of
bank to stop payment. issuance of worthless check to AMLC
b. Any person who, having sufficient funds even if the amount does not exceed
in or credit with the drawee bank when the quantitative threshold to be
he makes or draws and issues a check, considered covered transaction.
shall fail to keep sufficient funds or to 8. The introduction in evidence of any unpaid
maintain a credit to cover the full amount and dishonored check. Having the drawee’s
of the check if presented within a period refusal to pay stamped or written thereon or
of ninety (90) days from the date attached thereto, with the reason therefor as
appearing thereon, for which it is aforesaid, shall be prima facie evidence of
dishonored by the drawee bank. the following elements of crime of issuance
c. Either A or B of worthless check, except
d. Both A and B The knowledge of the maker or drawer
2. Which of the following is not an element of of the insufficiency of fund or credit of
violation of BP 22 for issuance of worthless the check he issued.
check sufficient fund (NSF) check? 9. Under BP 22, it shall be construed as an
There must be criminal intent to arrangement or understanding with the bank
defraud on the part of the drawer of for the payment of such check.
the check. Credit.
3. What is the legal obligation on the part of the 10. What is the quantum of evidence required to
drawer of a funded check in order to exempt sue or file a criminal case for criminal
himself from criminal liability for bouncing offense involving violation of BP 22 for
check? issuance of worthless checks?
He must keep sufficient fund or Probable cause or prima facie
maintain credit to cover the full evidence.
amount of the check within a period of 11. What is the quantum of evidence required for
90 days from the maturity date of the conviction of criminal offense involving
check. violation of BP 22 for issuance of worthless
4. What is the penalty for violation of BP 22 or checks?
Bouncing Checks Law? Proof beyond reasonable doubt.
Imprisonment of not less than 30 days 12. What is the quantum of evidence required for
but not more than (1) years or fine of awarding of civil damages for issuance of
not less than but not more than worthless checks?
double the amount of the check which Preponderance of evidence.
fine shall in no case exceed Two
Hundred Thousand Pesos or both
imprisonment and fine.
5. What is the prima facie evidence of the
knowledge of insufficiency of funds or credit
by the maker or drawer of a check?
The making, drawing and issuance of
a check payment of which is refused
by the drawee because of insufficient
funds in or credit with such bank,
when presented within (90) days from
the date of the check.

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