Effects of Social Media To The Learning Process of 11 Stem Students

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The key takeaways are that social media has evolved with technology and allows users to generate and share content online through profiles and networks. Popular social media websites include Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and Twitter.

Some of the most popular social media websites mentioned are Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Google+, Myspace, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Snapchat, Tumblr, Twitter, Viber, VK, WeChat, Weibo, Baidu Tieba, and Wikia.

Some key features of social media mentioned are that it is interactive, has user-generated content, allows users to create profiles and connect with others, and facilitates the development of online social networks.

Chapter I



As the generation begin to evolve and the technologies have started to take

over the functionality of the word’s system, social media has been a huge part of

this whole technology. According to the definition of Social Media in the Merriam

Webster’s dictionary: Social Media is a form of electronic communication (such as

websites for social networking and microblogging) through which users create

online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other

content (such as videos). This term was first used in the year 2004.

Looking through another definition, in Wikipedia, Social media are

interactive computer-mediated technologies that facilitate the creation and sharing

of information, ideas, career interests and other forms of expression via virtual

communities and networks. The variety of stand-alone and built-in social media

services currently available introduces challenges of definition and these were the

stated features:

(a) Social media are interactive Web 2.0 Internet-based applications.

(b) User-generated content, such as text posts or comments, digital photos

or videos, and data generated through all online interactions, is the

lifeblood of social media.

(c) Users create service-specific profiles for the website or app that are

designed and maintained by the social media organization.

(d) Social media facilitate the development of online social networks by

connecting a user's profile with those of other individuals or groups.

It is also stated there that the users typically access social media services

via web-based technologies on desktops and laptops, or download services that

offer social media functionality to their mobile devices (e.g., smartphones and

tablets) Also, when engaging with these services, users can create highly

interactive platforms through which individuals, communities, and organizations

can share, co-create, discuss, and modify user-generated content or pre-made

content posted online. In Wikipedia, it is also mentioned that they "introduce

substantial and pervasive changes to communication between organizations,

communities, and individuals”. Social media changes the way individuals and large

organizations communicate. These changes are the focus of the emerging fields

of techno-self-studies.

Social media differ from paper-based media (e.g., magazines and

newspapers) to traditional electronic media such as TV broadcasting in many ways,

including quality, reach, frequency, interactivity, usability, immediacy, and


Users nowadays are relying on social media and therefore keeping track of

news and updates, gossips, entertainment etc. has been easier for people. This

has been part of the culture in this digital age. With this long term trend, social

networking sites – or most commonly known as SNS – began to spread worldwide

and different types of SNS have opened for social purposes (e.g., sharing, posting,

photography and mostly chatting).

Some of the most popular social media websites are Facebook (and its

associated Facebook Messenger), Instagram, WhatsApp, Google+, Myspace,

LinkedIn, Pinterest, Snapchat, Tumblr, Twitter, Viber, VK, WeChat, Weibo, Baidu

Tieba, and Wikia. According to Wikipedia, these social media websites have more

than 100,000,000 registered users and some individual users have multiple

registered accounts.

They are using social media as an invisible connection between groups of

people conversing virtually whether it be through text communication or oral

communication with the use of private video chatting or online phone calls. With

these said functionalities of SNS, according to Hootsuite; We Are Social, Global

Social Media Research Summary of 2018, 55% of the active Social Media Users

are from the Southeast Asia (Dave Chaffey, 2018) and based on 10 eye-opening

facts about social media in PH, 26% of the total population in the Philippines are

Facebook users ranging from ages 13 to 19 and 41% of users ages 20 – 29 are

active Facebook users, and 3.7 average hours are used in Social media daily in

the Philippines. This only shows that the common users of the social media and

surf non-stop on social networking sites are ranging from the ages 13 – 29 which

are considered as the youth of this present generation.

The one who benefits the most in social media are mostly students who use

SNS to communicate with fellow students with regards to lesson, announcements,

and they find SNS the easier way to communicate with their teachers or proctors

about the topics and tips, this makes it easier to collaborate and relay researches

and information and can also be a basis and center of learning process in both

students and teachers, yet, since the scope of social media is large, this can be a

hindrance and a reason to why most students lose focus in their given

responsibilities and also lose personal communication and tight relationship with

their families.


Social media has been a big hit since the newer generation has entered the

digital age. Countless social networking sites are entered by teenage internet

users with multiple accounts on different famous social networking sites and

through this study we are stating the most effects of social media to the young

users specifically the 11th grade STEM students of University of Pangasinan,


This conducted research entitled “Effects of Social Media to the Learning

Process of Grade 11STEM students of PHINMA UPang College of Urdaneta” aims

to provide clear and understandable answers to the questions below that is

affecting the chosen topic in this qualitative research:

1. What are the major causes of using Social Media in students?

2. What are the advantages and disadvantages encountered within the

usage of Social Media specifically by the Grade 11STEM students of

3. What are the possible solutions to stop other students on the abusing of
the Social Media's purposes and uses?

4. How will the STEM students use the social media properly?

5. What are the things an 11 STEM student may encounter using social

6. What are the main reasons behind the huge percentage of social media
users especially on STEM students?

7. What are the benefits that the 11 STEM students will gain in using the
social media?

8. What will be the 11 STEM students’ initial reaction if the social media was
shut down?

9. How will the 11 STEM students keep up with the constant changes in
social media?

10. What are the different opinion of Grade-11 STEM Students of PUCU with
regards to the effects of social media?

As mentioned in the background of the studies, ‘according to Hootsuite; We

Are Social, Global Social Media Research Summary of 2018, 55% of the active

Social Media Users are from the Southeast Asia (Dave Chaffey, 2018) and based

on 10 eye-opening facts about social media in PH, 26% of the total population in

the Philippines are Facebook users ranging from ages 13 to 19 and 41% of users

ages 20 – 29 are active Facebook users, and 3.7 average hours are used in Social

media daily in the Philippines.’ Youth in this age is a heavy internet and social

media users and this shows that the users begin to neglect the important

responsibilities including the responsibilities inside the school premises hence,

through this study we are pointing out that what affects the learning processes of

a student is the social media.

Social media has a large circumference wherein 42% of the global

population are within the circle of social media (stated in the Global Social Media

Research summary of 2018; David Chaffey) and according to Hayley Tsukayama

(excerpt from an article in The Washington Post) Teens spend nearly nine hours

every day consuming media. It is stated in Hayley’s blog that teens are spending

more than one-third of their days using media such as online video or music –

nearly nine hours on average, according to a new study from the family technology

education non-profit group, Common Sense Media. For tweens, those between

the ages 8 and 12, the average is nearly six hours per day.

With these said results of their findings, it only proves that teenagers in

general are spending more time on the online world than the actual outside world

and as Rachel Ehmke has stated in her article (Child Mind Institute), experts worry

that the social media and text messages that have become so integral to teenage

life are promoting anxiety and lowering self-esteem. In summary of her article,

teenagers are prone to mental health issues when exposed to too much social

media and this can lead to lose interest of studying and their learning processes

are being upheld. Mental health issues caused by social media can be a huge

contribution to distracting a student and lose focus on studies and neglect school

in general.

Coming from the article of Abby Ohlheiser (excerpt from an article in The

Washington Post), adults tend to talk about the negatives of teen social media use

in terms of addiction. And, Anderson noted, one of the key themes in their study

was the idea that teens “felt that social media caused distraction”. What Abby has

stated was being agreed on by people since teenage users are being distracted

by lots of features, issues, entertaining blogs etc. in social media.

Observing the teenagers who use social media, Senior High school

students in PHINMA UPANG College of Urdaneta, social media is an in-demand

possession. Without social media, it is hard to catch up with the teacher’s

announcement which sometimes takes place in the social media (Facebook). It is

okay to have social media in order to catch up with a lot of things online. The only

problem that students are facing is the distraction and loss of time management

and spend most of the time socializing and surfing rather than using the large

percent of time in making school works and lesson researching for additional

information and often go straight to online gaming and completely forget the

important tasks to do.

In the end of this study, people, especially students will realize the effects

of Social Media in our daily life for this is already a part of the needs of this

generation and for us to be able to be updated with the world. Televisions and

radio news are not enough to reach the corners of this planet therefore users resort

to the use of social media.

Through this study we can give them some extra knowledge about it by

conducting a specific scope of values regarding the importance and negative

effects of what the social media can do. And also, within this study we will be

tackling the major contribution of Social media as a learning medium for studying.

Users will be aware of what will be the result of using it too much e.g., people

who give a lot time on social media has the prior possibility to have lack of

confidence in Socializing in the real world for chatting is what improves their

confidence more than socializing with actual people.


As we have stated earlier, most of the people are using Social Media for

updates and communications but that is the usage of people from decades of years

ago. Since the newer generations or what we call "The Millennials" expand the

scope of their usage of the social networking sites, the creators decided to update

the versions and the usage of these sites expands on purposes as the creators

upgraded its uses. They made it more attracting and addicting due to the addition

of its uses. If before it is only just for updates and communications, the newer

version is totally far different from it. They made this purposes for the user to be

more addicted to what the new features are made of. They added these sites

where we can play videos and music for fun and in additional they added a feature

where users or subscribers can play online games (in particular site, the Facebook

messenger and Facebook). Facebook Messenger has features where the creators

created a newer version that the subscribers could interact through online gaming

such as Big fish, Ever Wing etc. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Skype, Facetime,

Messenger, YouTube are just few examples of the most influencing thing that can

only be accessed through the invented and upgraded technologies like

smartphones, laptops and any gadgets that can be use with Wi-Fi or cellular data

and is the most addicting part of having gadgets nowadays. Because through

these social networking sites, people are able to communicate with their far-away

loved ones and even be updated on what is happening inside and outside of our

country Philippines.

As the purpose of Social Media expands we are not aware of its negative

sides especially for those kids whose ages are ranging from 3 – 5 years old. They

are being exposed to the new technology of this digital age where they are more

addicted and knowledgeable about the twists and turns of every sites they use

surpassing the current knowledge of their siblings. Parents are having a hard time

catching up with their offspring with regards to the topic technology, specifically

speaking, social media.

Society has been engrossed to the fact that everyone should be in the

“Millennial age” where everyone, instead of talking to each other and communicate

verbally and personally, everyone is mostly enjoying chatting through messenger

applications that were made by intelligent minds for the purpose of “easier and

convenient life”.

Through this social media, it has been a great contribution with regards to

the advantage of the society most especially to the people who live far away from

each other. Communication can be done nationwide and worldwide. It is true that

communication is what unites a whole society and it is also a fact that although

there has been a great legacy about social media, try looking on the other side.

There are lots of disadvantages within.

In a society, wicked minds have taken over half of the internet and they are

mostly taking place on social media. This may be used in different aspects such

as Education, Businesses, New Updates and Communications and these are

supposed to be fully used in good intentions yet humans have this tendency to be

a hard headed individual and spread crime and unpleasant contents they post.

Social Media also bring addiction to the users much worse than taking illegal drugs.

Users can’t let go of a day or even an hour to spend their time on social networking

sites. And the common reason of this is that users use this as an escape box for

the cruel reality of the world.

As we have seen our fellow millennials using Social Media sites, it is truly

disappointing to see the fact that people use the social media not only for

entertainment but to taint other people’s business and harm people virtually and

use SNS for unexpected and countless crimes that may also harm the youth and

those who are innocent. Cybercrimes are spreading involving young people and

influencing the youth a negative idealism and beliefs more like tainting the minds

of each and every one on social media.

And since we are given a chance to stop this unlikely addiction we had

chosen to conduct a study about the effects of social media to the learning process

of students specifically the Grade 11 STEM students of PHINMA-UPANG College

Urdaneta. This research aims to explain the importance of the proper way or usage

of social media especially in the 11-STEM students of PHINMA-UPANG. It aims

to point out the particular effects of it in everyday lives as a student. Since social

media phenomenon is continuing to grow at a fast pace, it is important for us to

understand the effects it has to the learning process of the 11-STEM students of

UPANG. This study would like to lighten the said phenomena. We provided the

causes, effects, and solutions through this study for you to understand it even more.

And also we provided some facts regarding this issue. In example are the different

ways on how are people specifically the 11-STEM students using social media in

turns of fun, communication and of course for their education. And also social

networks offer the opportunity for people to re-connect with their old friends, trade

ideas, share content and pictures and many other activities. Many introverts and

socially reclusive uses too much emphasis on virtual interaction and ignore the real

world outside.

Let us connect this one to the point of view of every individuals living on

Earth. Every individuals in this generation had made social media a sort of an

"addiction". He or she has a Facebook account like every second or every minute

she/he is checking his/her notification if there's a new update to pop up. He/ she is

not aware the she/he spending so much time in social world without noticing that

she/he is wasting his/her time in browsing nonsense things. And then suddenly

she/he realized that she/he has more important things to do like school works that

she/he had already missed doing because of signing in into a social network

services. We all know that there are many advantages of social media this days,

but the word "addiction" is the main problem of it. As an individual spending more

time in social media than spending time in studying and working up on school

works can lead into a conflict and consequences in your performances at school.

The results of this study will give benefits and have a great impact to every

individual in our society and it will provide some knowledge about the

advantageous of social media in different aspects including the learning process.

It is very relevant and a must to every person in this society to be able to know the

essence of social media so therefore, we tackle it here to widen their knowledge

about the attribution of social media and also to warn them to the adverse effect of

using it too much.


The study tends to know the effect of social media to the learning

progress of the STEM students in Phinma UPang College Urdaneta School

Year 2018-2019. This study wants to know the good and bad effects of social

media to the students. The researchers will be making thorough interviews

through giving some questionnaires to the students and also a counsel on

how to cope the difficult moments in Social Media (addiction and etc.) that

necessary to leave for this situations. They will also browse the reliable sites

of the internet to gather information regarding the study and ask previous

researchers about this. This study also is about to modify on what is the

relevant of the social media by using this for the academic preferences.

It is also intended to make the readers have the right knowledge in this

certain topic from a reliable source. Being part of this research is such a pain

but for the sake of the readers who will read this, we make this truthfully and

reliably. This research assures you that the information they got was from a

reliable source and all are based in facts.


In this piece, the impacts on the learning progress to the student’s flow

into curiosity because the researchers have used terms may cause struggle

to the readers to understand the details of the study.

Internet – an electronic communications network that connects computer

networks and organizational computer facilities around the world. For this

particular study, this term is used to represent the root of Social media

wherein users needed the internet to proceed with the online interaction and

communicate within the social media circle.

Social Media – according to Wikipedia it is an interactive computer-mediated

technologies that facilitate the creation and sharing of information, ideas,

career, interests and other forms of expression via virtual communities and

networks. Forms of electronic communication (such as websites for social

networking and microblogging) through which users create online

communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other

content (such as videos). In this study, the term “Social Media” is used to

point out the current generation’s required necessity especially the young


Communication – the act or process of using words, sounds, signs or

behaviors to express or exchange information or to express your ideas,

thoughts feelings, etc., to someone else. A message that is given to someone:

a letter, telephone call, etc. The ways of sending information to people by

using technology. A process by which information is exchanged between

individuals through a common system of symbols, signs or behavior .A

system (as of telephones or computer) for transmitting or exchanging

information may it be wireless or wired. In this study communication is used

to define the interaction between individuals conversing through social media.

Exchange of ideas, thoughts and feelings are applied.

Addiction – according to Wikipedia it is a brain disorder characterized by

compulsive engagement in rewarding stimuli despite adverse consequences.

In this study, the word “Addiction” has been used to emphasize or

acknowledging their escape route for their own problems (comfort zone).

Interaction – according to Wikipedia it is a kind of action that occur as two

or more objects have an effect upon one another. The idea of a two-way

effect is essential in the concept of interaction, as opposed to a one-

way casual effect. Mutual or reciprocal action or influence. Interaction

between network users or social media users are mentioned in this study

proving that social media is intended for interaction among individuals or

group of users around the globe.

Tweens – teen’s age bracket ranging between the age 8 and 12. In this study,

‘Tweens’ has been mentioned to be one of the heavy users with regards to

social networking or social media.

SNS – Abbreviation for Social Networking Site: an online service or site

through which people create and maintain interpersonal relationships <And

millions of people have become comfortable using smart-phones to share

information about themselves, via mobile apps that access social networks

such as Facebook and Twitter. A network of individuals (such as friends,

acquaintances, and coworkers) connected by interpersonal relationships.

SNS is defined in this study as the social networking sites specifically pointing

out the sites that is used for social media such as Facebook, Twitter,

Instagram, Tumblr etc.

Online – connected to a computer, a computer network, or the internet. Done

over the internet. Connected to, served by, or available through a system and

especially a computer or telecommunications system (such as the Internet)

<an online database> done while connected to such a system <online

shopping> <online games> <online searching>. Within this study this term

was used to convey the effectiveness of social media through online. Social

media cannot work unless the user will proceed online and begin the

connection through the cloud.

Network – a system of computers and other devices (such as printers) that

are connected to each other. A group of people or organizations that are

closely connected and that work with each other. In this study this term

Network is used to determine the connection of the people through social

media; Networking alongside social media.

Mental Health – the condition of being sound mentally and emotionally that

is characterized by the absence of mental illness and by adequate especially

as reflected in feeling comfortable about oneself, positive feelings about

others, and the ability to meet the demands of daily life; also: the general

condition of one’s mental and emotional state. Health care dealing with the

promotion and improvement of mental health and the treatment of mental

illness. Mental health is being affected by countless cyberbullying through

social media. Not only cyberbullying but mental health is also affected with

just being in the social media may it be positive or negative effect. In this

study this is used to point out that Mental Health is affected by social media

in a positive or negative areas. Users may be affected mentally by seeing

posts (e.g., comments, status, updates, trolls, memes, photos etc.) within the

social media.

STEM – An abbreviation for Science, Technology, Engineering and

Mathematics; a strand for the new senior high school here in the Philippines.

In this study, STEM students specifically the 11th grade students are the

respondents of this chosen research

The Millennials – in Wikipedia this means, a person who was born in the 1980’s

or 1990’s. In this study “The Millennials” is used to define the newer generation of

users with regards to the latest trends of the society mostly online and on social

media trends.

Chapter 2



Social Media connecting to Students through technology

According to the article A Teacher’s Guide to Surviving Fortnite, article

excerpt from techlearning.com) improving education is a huge issue (and always

has been). Technology can be used to improve teaching and learning and help our

students be successful. Hence this article have also stated, that technology can

be a parent and teacher’s substitute. Parental involvement is another factor that

can increase student achievement. Most parents these days have extremely busy

schedules, work different hours, and can’t always help their child with homework

or come to school for conferences. Technology can help. Parents can go to a class

website and see what their child is working on, they can contact teachers via email

and web sites, and they can even check their child’s attendance and grades

through online systems. They can also talk to their children from work via email

and instant messaging.

Janelle Cox has stated in her article “Benefits of Technology in the

Classroom” (techhub.com), as we sail through the 21st century, technology in the

classroom is becoming more and more predominant. Tablets are replacing our

textbooks, and we can research just about anything that we want to on our

smartphones. Social Media has become common place, and the way we use

technology has completely transformed the way we live our lives. Educators, too,

have seen firsthand the benefits of technology in the classroom.

According to a study by IT Trade Association CompTIA just released this

month, around 75 percent of educators think that technology has a positive impact

in the education process. Educators also recognize the importance of developing

these technological skills in students so they will be prepared to enter the

workforce once they complete their schooling. The impact that technology has had

on today’s schools has been quite significant. This widespread adoption of

technology has completely changed how teachers teach and students learn.

Teachers are learning how to teach with emerging technologies (tablets, iPads,

Smart Boards, digital cameras, computers), while students are using advanced

technology to shape how they learn. By embracing and integrating technology in

the classroom, we are setting our students up for a successful life outside of school.

Here are a few benefits of using it. Technology in the Classroom Makes Learning

More Fun According to the study mentioned above, students prefer technology

because they believe that it makes learning more interesting and fun. They

especially like laptops and tablets. Subjects that students deem challenging or

boring can become more interesting with virtual lessons, through a video, or when

using a tablet.

According to Adobe 2013 Mobile Consumer Survey (2013) Media

consumption In the category of media consumption, as compared to other

categories such as retail and consumer electronics, consumers reported having

the most negative-to-neutral experiences overall for both mobile websites and

applications in the areas of speed and performance, transaction processes, ability

to load the website on a phone, and entering data. Consumers also highlighted

navigation as a key area for improvement. People still predominantly use their

mobile devices to gain information, including social. Of those surveyed, 71%

reported using their mobile device to access social media, while 70% searched for

local information (such as event times, weather, maps, and reviews), and 65%

reported reading news, including entertainment and national and world events.

While other categories of media consumption were reported at lower rates, the

younger segment is much more likely than the older segment (71% versus 43%)

to use a mobile device for playing music. Video consumption also decreases

significantly by age group, with 69% of the younger segment watching videos on

mobile devices compared to only 37% of the older segment. In looking at media

consumption by age and the time spent on a device per week, the younger

segment again reported the most hours, with 45% averaging over 3 hours per

week (similar to 2012), and only 25% of the older segment reporting over 3 hours

per week.

Social Media in Education

Priyanka Gupta (2015) has stated Social media is about collaborating, networking,

sharing and generating knowledge and content, and all of these features are of

great value in the context of higher education.

As stated also in Priyanka’s article, Social media plays an important role in

every student’s life. It is easier and convenient to access information, provide

information and communicate via social media. Teachers and students are

connected to each other and can make good use of these platforms for the working

of their education.

Social media also helps professors to be connected to their students off

campus as well as with their former students. Professors use social media as a

way of teaching by creating groups and accounts for students where the

information can be accessed. Professors can share ideas with each other and

point students to LinkedIn and Facebook. Professors create hashtags that allow

students to tag their academic posts, and view submissions to see what the

collective has creatively produced.

In this conversation with Scott Talan, an assistant professor in the School of

Communication at American University, get insights about the value of social

media in teaching.

Social Media for community building is the missing piece of the puzzle for

Admissions departments, Enrollment Management departments, Public Relations

and Student Services departments that are seeking to engage their audiences

using social media. People today are intimately involved with social media at every

stage. If you’re missing onto the usage of social media you are pushing away a lot

of potential audience. Using it in Higher Ed Institutions can prove to be a very

effective measure.

Social Media in Communication

According to Amit Kumar, former Manager Sales at Doseat.com (2016-

2017 Why is social media important; subtopic: Communication) social media is a

medium of communication which is different from all other Media such as Print

electronics and similar media. Social media form a virtual world with the help of

internet. The user or person who is using these social media platform like (e.g.,

Facebook, twitter, Instagram, etc.) can become famous in the fortnight. These days,

social media has become a very important part of everyone’s life and it has many

feature such as providing information, entertainment, and learning. It is a non-

traditional media, made a virtual world, it is a very strong medium that kept

connected to the whole world. It is a very good medium of communication with the

help of it we can get information of all over the world very fast.

Eric Cohen (Independent Marketing Manager and Branding Consultant)

stated that social Media has become a very powerful tool (for almost anything,

truthfully). This is due to the fact that they have a huge user base. Just so you have

an idea of the power this has, let’s take Instagram as an example: Essentially,

Instagram is a “virtual place” where people go, share, follow their idols and favorite

brands, and more. As of September 2017, Instagram had 800M monthly active

users. This means, that 800M different accounts used the app at least once a

month. Now, think how you can leverage that to your advantage (business-wise,

of course). You literally have a little over 10% of the world’s total population in the

same “virtual place”, actively on a monthly basis and growing.

Instagram started by just allowing you to upload pictures; then videos came; then

stories and so on. Nowadays, you can create a profile for your business, or even

your blog, and use the power this social media tool for your benefit. In addition, a

new revolution began since the social media boom occurred; this is the term you

have probably heard over and over: “influencer”. Now, everyone wants to be one.

However, the most “effective” ones, from a marketing perspective, are people’s

idols (artists, actors, producers, entrepreneurs, etc.). They have massive following;

some even in the hundreds of millions. Many years ago, let’s say Gucci, had to put

a belt in a specific actor, pay them to wear it for a certain event, and wait for their

paparazzi picture to be published in a successful magazine so the belt would

appear and generate the “influencer effect”. These days, you just pay a relevant

influencer to upload a picture with one of the items from your clothing brand, or

with your new watch brand, and you’ll immediately get that effect.

This is why social media is so important, mostly for businesses and bloggers.

We have seen how social media has gained massive traction and growth in the

past decade; and we haven’t even mentioned the rest of them. This growth and

power will continue to increase, along with the business and blogging benefits it


According to Fazal Aasar, Social Media is a two way communication

channel which let brands get feedback from consumers in order to constantly

transform as per changing consumer needs. Social Media is much cheaper as

compare to traditional marketing channels. All level of personalities can be easily

interacted and approached on social channels irrespective of how big a name is.

Social media is great for increasing brand awareness fast, as we can see now

many brand ads go viral on social channels which make them a success in

relatively much shorter amount of time. Rapid response for consumer queries can

be given on social presence so that consumers never go dissatisfied. Constantly

being good and serving to your target market on social channels also builds your

authority in the industry. These are the benefits of utilizing social media for

businesses. After reading all these facts, I believe any person can make a fair

judgement about how important social media actually has become.

Active users on different social channels as per 2017. ( Facebook 2 Billion,

YouTube 1.5 Billion, Instagram 700 Million, Twitter 328 Million and Snapchat 255

Million. 97% of customers search about local businesses online of which decisions

of 93% get influenced by online search. Volume of users who engage on social

media daily. (70% Facebook users, 49% Instagram users and 36% Twitter users).

In Ashkay Verma’s blog, it is stated that Social Media is source of

communication which is most powerful and the best way to increase the

conversion of the business. If you use social media platforms such as (Facebook,

Twitter, Instagram, etc) you can strive the business in the right direction. These

days Social Media is part of everyone's life and in India itself 50 to 70 percent

people are using social media platforms to engage with the friends and family, but

not only that it become a enigma for the business to promote their product and get

a huge conversion. Firstly, in the every social platforms if you are having a certain

number of followers, you can become influencer and earn decent amount of money

from each brand to promote them. Secondly, it is very important now a days to

keep in competition. Every brand using social media tools like YouTube, Facebook,

twitter, and many more for getting edge in the market. Thirdly, It become earning

source to people, but they have to invest their time in You Tube and affiliate

marketing to understand the whole concept. Finally, Social Media becomes

humongous and still growing very rapidly in across the world. Advantage of social


Social media communication tools by Steve Adubato (Stand-deliver.com),

PhD Social media has become an effective and efficient way to communicate and

stay connected with key stakeholders and customers. However, coordinating the

messages being sent by your organization and following up on the feedback you

receive can be challenging. In addition, monitoring and measuring the success of

your social media efforts is critical to understanding whether your communication

game plan is on track. Social media is not the same as simply running a static ad

and hoping to get a response. Rather, by using social media to truly listen and

respond to what your customers are saying, you have the ability to measure

whether your message is being received as you had intended or whether you need

to tweak your communication based on this instantaneous feedback.

According to Common Sense Media (2012) with article entitled Social Media,

Social Life: How Teens View Their Digital Lives, Most teens prefer face-to-face

communication, and many of them think using social media can interfere with that.

Despite being avid social media users, talking to each other in person is still teens'

favorite way to communicate. About half (49%) of all teens say their favorite way

to communicate with their friends is in person. Texting is the next favorite (33%),

with social networking (7%), talking on the phone (4%), and Twitter (1%) far behind.

Social Media affecting Mental Health

According to Rachel Ehmke (Child Mind Org), many parents worry about

how exposure to technology might affect toddlers developmentally. We know our

preschoolers are picking up new social and cognitive skills at a stunning pace, and

we don’t want hours spent glued to an iPad to impede that. But adolescence is an

equally important period of rapid development, and too few of us are paying

attention to how our teenagers’ use of technology – much more intense and

intimate that 3-year-old playing with dad’s iPhone – is affecting them. In fact,

experts worry that the social media and text messages that have become so

integral to teenage life are promoting anxiety and lowering self-esteem.

Under the article from Rachel Ehmke, a survey was conducted by the Royal

Society for Public Health asked 14 – 24 years olds in the UK how social media

platforms impacted their health and wellbeing. The survey results found that

Snapchat, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram all led to increased feeling of

depression, anxiety, poor body image and loneliness.

In Courtney B’s article (Why Social Media Is Bad for Mental Health, 2017),

it is stated that there are some positive aspects to social media, like keeping in

touch with friends and family who are far away. Social media also spreads

information quickly, and when this information is true and factual, this can be an

advantage. Use of social media needs to be carefully managed, though, because

it can lead to practices that can adversely affect your mental health.

Comparing yourself to others – Social media makes it easy for you to

compare your life to others, and that is not good for your mental health. As humans,

we cannot help being somewhat competitive. We tend to judge ourselves by

comparing our lives to other people’s lives. When it comes to reporting their “news”

on Social Media, though, people tend to make their lives look better than they really

are. The result is that you are comparing yourself to a highly polished version of a

moment in someone else’s life, which can lead to feelings of low self-worth.

Using it as a way to escape – Many times, people turn to social media for a

break – they are looking to get away from what they are doing for a little while.

Their expectation is a relaxing, entertaining or recreational experience after which

they will feel good. In reality, many people experience feelings of isolation and

depression after using social media. The effect on mental health is the opposite of

having an in-personal social interaction.

Establishing a false sense of being social – Although using social media

may appear to connect you with other people it is a solitary activity and not social.

Facebook, Twitter and the like simulate social interaction, but the result can be one

of loneliness. People who use social media throughout the day tent to become sad

or feel disconnected from the people in their lives.

Relying too much on the image – Social media platforms track the number

of connections you have and in most cases display the number publicly. People

who spend more time on social media tens to collect more connections or “friends”.

The number of connections becomes a status and a means of judging how social

you are. Having friends on social media, however, is not the same as friends in

real life. Often, those who have many connections on social media actually lead a

more anti-social existence – there is more to keep up with and more enticement to

spend additional time with social media.

In accordance to this article, it is also mentioned under subtopic ‘Social

Media and Mental Health Statistics’, Courtney stated: We are now seeing the first

generation to grow up using social media, and we are better able to understand

the effects on mental health. Some studies of mental health issues related to social

media have been done and the others are still to come.

Positive effects are also mentioned in this article and it stated that while

social media can lead to feelings of loneliness and depression, it can also be

helpful in the right circumstances to people who suffer from those conditions,

especially young adults. Social media can help connect people with similar

interests who might never have had the chance to meet up in real life, whether due

to geographical boundaries or lack of opportunity. Additionally, being able to

provide opinions and participate in discussions in a group can help establish a

feeling of belonging. Social media also allows communication with people around

the world, providing a means of social education. The key to a positive social media

experience it moderation. Limiting the amount of time spent on social media and

balancing it with real life social interaction can help protect your mental health.

According to R.K Green (2013) blog entitled: The Social Media Effect: Are

You Really Who You Portray Online, Consider the fact that on social media sites,

we consider our profiles to be presentations of who we are. Therefore, through

interaction with the social medium, the real and ideal selves intersect; and the ideal

self is at least partially actualized. In essence, our online selves represent our

ideals and eliminate many of our other real components.

Social Media in the Philippines

According to Miguel R. Camus (2018) in the article at inquirer dot net

entitled PH is world leader in social media usage, The Philippines again topped

the world in terms of social media usage as the number of internet users in the

country hit 67 million people, according to a new report by London, United

Kingdom-based consultancy We Are Social. In its Digital 2018 report, which

compiled data from various third-party sources, We Are Social said Filipinos spent

an average of 3 hours and 57 minutes a day on social media sites, mainly on

Facebook. It said there were 67 million accounts on Facebook in the Philippines,

matching the total number of internet users in the county. Another 10 million

Filipinos were on Instagram, which is owned by Facebook. It is also stated in his

article that the Philippines was ahead in terms of social media usage in a list of 40

countries. The Philippines was also No. 1 in the world in terms of social media

usage in 2017. Overall, Filipinos spent 9 hours and 29 minutes a day on the

internet, based on the 2018 report. This was the second-highest in the world after

Thailand at 9 hours and 38 minutes. Apart from social media, Filipinos used the

internet to watch videos on YouTube and access news sites.

Excerpt from Wikipedia entitled Social networking in the Philippines, Social

networking is one of the most active web-based activities in the Philippines, with

Filipinos being declared as the most active users on a number of web-based social

network sites such as Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and Twitter. The use of

social networking website has become so extensive in the Philippines that the

country has been tagged as "The Social Networking Capital of the World," and has

also become part of Filipino cyber culture. Social networking is also used in the

Philippines as a form of election campaign material, as well as tools to aid criminal


A study released by Universal McCann entitled "Power to the People -

Wave3" declared the Philippines as "the social networking capital of the world,"

with 83 percent of Filipinos surveyed are members of a social network. They are

also regarded as the top photo uploaders and web video viewers, while they are

second when it comes to the number of blog readers and video uploaders.

The popularity of social networking in the Philippines can be traced in the

Filipinos' culture of "friends helping friends." For Filipinos, their friends and who

they know can become more valuable than money, especially when what they

need can be achieved through nepotism, favoritism, and friendship among others.

According to Kyle Chua (PH top in social media usage for straight years,

2018) there are now 4 billion people using the internet which sees a 250,000

increase from last year’s 3.75 billion. The Philippines, in particular have 67 million

internet and active social media users. 62 million use social media on their mobile

devices. The most interesting part of the study is that even after 3 years, Filipinos

are still on top when it comes to social media usage on any device, averaging

almost 4 hours every day – 3 hours and 57 minutes a day, to be specific. Brazil

comes in second with an average of 3 hours 39 minutes, followed by Thailand and

Indonesia at third and fourth respectively. As previously reported, Japan is still at

the bottom, barely even reaching an hour only averaging 48 minutes. Philippines

came in at a close second when it comes to average time spent on the internet

with 9 hours and 29 minutes to Thailand, who’s first with 9 hours 38 minutes.

Overall, the worldwide average time spent on internet-powered devices has gone

up, now reaching 6 hours per day.

Facebook is still the number 1 social media site being used around the world

along with its messaging platform, Facebook Messenger. Messenger, as the study

notes, is currently the primary chatting platform for the Philippines, based on its

Google Play store country rank in December of 2017. The Philippines also ranked

6th in countries with the largest active Facebook users with 67,000,000 –

14,000,000 of them from Quezon City. Instagram, on the other hand, doesn’t seem

to be doing as well locally – only amounting to 9% penetration, which is 3 ranks

below the global average of 11%. Even e-commerce in the country seem to be

slowly growing. The percentage of connected Filipinos who bought something

online in December of last year only saw a 1% increase. From December 2016’s

38%, the figure has only grown to 39% year-over-year. Average total spent on

items bought online is now $37, a $4 increase from 2016’s $33. Despite being far

from global e-commerce leaders South Korea, US, and UK, the slight increase in

e-commerce penetration seem to suggest that more and more people are now

shifting to purchasing online. The study attributes most of these increases to

smartphones and data plans becoming more and more affordable, adding that

more than 200 million people got their first mobile device last year.

Kyle Chua also stated in another article “Over 3.4 billion people actively use

social media” There are now approximately 3.4 billion people who are now on

social media, according to the latest Global Digital Statshot report from Hootsuite

and We Are Social, released on October 17. This means 44% of the world’s

population are now on social media. The number of social media users grew a

whopping 10% since September 2017 with over 320 million new sign ups. While

the it was not indicated how many of the 320 million new users in are from the

Philippines, the number of active social media the country will have likely also

increased since the January report. Despite controversial scandals, Facebook

remains popular as it is the social media platform with the most active users.

Because of this, the platform has a large audience for ads. The Philippines ranks

6th among countries that have potential reach of Facebook ads with 73,000,000

users. Facebook, however, is losing its younger audience with over 3 million fewer

13 to 17-year olds since July 2018. This seems to confirm reports that teens prefer

other social media platforms such as Snapchat and the Facebook-owned

Instagram. Twitter appears to be popular among Filipinos too as it ranks 13th

among countries that have the largest ad audience with an estimated 4.9 million

users. The Philippines also ranks 18th among countries with the greatest number

of registered LinkedIn users at 6.7 million. Snapchat, meanwhile, is not as popular

to Filipinos as the 3 other social media platforms previously mentioned since the

Philippines did not make the top 20 countries with the highest number of users.

Outside of social media, Filipinos seem to have adapted to the use of voice-

controlled functionality as the report finds that roughly 38% of the country’s internet

users use the technology. In the article “4 More Reasons Why Social Media in the

Philippines is still huge; eye on Asia”. For the 3rd year in a row, the Philippines

holds on to its title of social media capital in the world. Learn about the different

factors that are driving social media trends and activity in the Philippines.


According to Deborah Chambers (2013) friendship has become a powerful

emblem of interpersonal democratization during late modernity. ‘Friendship’, as an

idea and set of practices, is used to navigate both intimate and casual ties in the

framework of increasingly diverse channels of communication. Social network

sites have further reconfigured the apparent flexibility, informality and conviviality

of friendship through the public display of personal connections. The type of social

media engagement articulated on social network sites promotes a new form of

friendship administration (Ellison et al. 2011b). This chapter explores the ways

people are managing their personal connections online within personalized

networked publics by investigating the ways in which sites are used by participants

to present the self. It considers the techniques available to users for managing the

public display of the personal and to navigate the uncertain and often risky

boundaries between ‘personal’ and ‘public’. (Social Media and Personal

Relationships page 61-81, Abstract)

According to Deborah Chambers (2013) as well, Social network sites are

said to have the potential to create virtual communities. In this respect, the

medium’s particular affordances and patterns of engagement have been viewed

both optimistically and pessimistically. On the one hand, online social networks

have been described as ‘virtual communities’ to highlight their socially beneficial

qualities and as an indicator of renewed ‘community’. The rise of digital media has

therefore generated hope about the recovery of community in an electronic form

through social network sites such as Facebook and Twitter. On the other hand,

negative claims have been made that heavy social network site users are more

likely to be socially isolated than occasional users and that new technology leads

to a breakdown of traditional community. This negative account views online

networking as a sign of a fragmentation of identities and the disintegration of

community. This chapter addresses debates about the qualities of remote and

face-to-face interaction, the relationship between the two and how the societal

disadvantages and benefits of these connections have been described and

assessed. It explores the ways that these online associations are thought to affect

social cohesion, participation and the generation of social capital. The concept of

‘community’, ‘virtual community’ and ‘social capital’ is therefore examined in

relation to the idea of the ‘personal’ and ‘network’ to consider the role of social

network sites in fostering social cohesion online. (Social Media and Personal

Relationships pp 142-161, Abstract)

According to Mahmud M.M., Ramachandiran C.R., Ismail O. (2018) With

the prevalent technological advancements, social media are ubiquitous. Such

phenomenon has notably shifted and redefined the paradigms of communication.

In the last decades, numerous studies have documented an increased number of

social detachment attributed to the uprising utilization of social media and have

linked it to the deterioration and mitigation of face to face interactions. In this paper,

we postulated that computer-mediated communications, predominantly social

media, are the widely preferred means of communication among students in which

they have become too reliant on social media; thus, it influences and compromises

the quality of face to face interactions. The data was collected via an administered

online survey to probe on the postulated variables. Besides the survey, a field

observation was conducted to facilitate the validation of the collected data through

different means of sources. Findings from the online survey suggest that students

prefer face to face interaction. However, students rely on social media because

they can be portrayed differently and be less shy. When it comes to distant

relationships, social media increases the quality of face to face interactions. As for

the observation, the findings show that students were inclined to resort to social

media when situated in social contexts. (Redesigning Learning for Greater Social

Impact pp 71-87, Social Media Dependency: The Implications of Technological

Communication Use Among University Students; Abstract)

According to Hrastinski, S. & Aghaee, N.M.(2012) Social media hype has

created a lot of speculation among educators on how these media can be used to

support learning, but there have been rather few studies so far. Our explorative

interview study contributes by critically exploring how campus students perceive

using social media to support their studies and the perceived benefits and

limitations compared with other means. Although the vast majority of the

respondents use social media frequently, a “digital dissonance” can be noted,

because few of them feel that they use such media to support their studies. The

interviewees mainly put forth e-mail and instant messaging, which are used among

students to ask questions, coordinate group work and share files. Some of them

mention using Wikipedia and YouTube for retrieving content and Facebook to

initiate contact with course peers. Students regard social media as one of three

key means of the educational experience, alongside face-to-face meetings and

using the learning management systems, and are mainly used for brief questions

and answers, and to coordinate group work. In conclusion, we argue that teaching

strategy plays a key role in supporting students in moving from using social media

to support coordination and information retrieval to also using such media for

collaborative learning, when appropriate. (Education and Information

Technologies; December 2012, Volume 17, Issue 4, pp 451–464; How are campus

students using social media to support their studies? An explorative interview study)

According to Seng Yue Wong and Wee Jing Tee (2018) Learning

approaches that utilize social media and social networking can promote

pedagogical innovation by encouraging teaching and learning processes which are

based on personalization and collaboration. The aim of this study is to uncover the

impact of social media approach in terms of students’ learning performance in a

foundation course, ascertain which social media that students prefer and what

satisfaction of student from social media. Hence, a descriptive study is selected

for this study and 53 students have participated in this study. Results suggest that

social media significantly impact on students’ learning performance. The value of

this study may contribute alternative learning pathway for effective blended

learning in higher education institutions. (Redesigning Learning for Greater Social

Impact pp 355-363; The Effectiveness and Impact of Social Media Approach on

Students’ Learning Performances)

According to Students’ participation in peer-to-peer communication

supported by social media by Siriporn Mikum, Surachai Suksakulchai, Settachai

Chaisanit, and Elizabeth Murphy (2018) Social media (SM) support new

approaches to learning that rely on voluntary, peer-to-peer communication using

devices and software provided and managed by students rather than on

institutional course management systems. We present one case of such an

approach with first-year university students (n = 86) in Thailand using SM for

asking and answering questions between peers in a face-to-face computer-

programming course. Encouraging students to ask questions about course content

can result in improved performance. In general, understanding how students

participate and what drives them to participate can provide insights into how

universities and instructors can be socially ready. Students used SM during 10

weeks of an 18-week course. Each of four sections selected one form of SM as

follows: Facebook [n = 33], Instagram [n = 21], Twitter [n = 21], and Line [n = 11].

The mixed-methods case study involved quantitative measures of how students

participated and quantitative and qualitative measures of students’ perceptions of

what drives or discourages their participation. Results revealed patterns in

participation as follows: participation and motivation; passive and active

participation; participation and sample size; participation and type of SM and;

participation and student demographics. Implications for practice relate to the

value of instructors’ understanding of the social incentives for student participation

such as social recognition, gratification of needs and convenience. Implications for

research focus on the value of investigating new forms of participation available to

read-only participants and ‘lurkers’ using features of SM such as ‘liking’ and

sharing. (Education and Information Technologies, March 2018, Volume 23, Issue

2, pp 659–679)

According to Ling He, Lee Murphy, and Jiebo Luo (2016) STEM (Science,

Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) fields have become increasingly

central to U.S. economic competitiveness and growth. The shortage in the STEM

workforce has brought promoting STEM education upfront. The rapid growth of

social media usage provides a unique opportunity to predict users’ real-life

identities and interests from online texts and photos. In this paper, we propose an

innovative approach by leveraging social media to promote STEM education:

matching Twitter college student users with diverse LinkedIn STEM professionals

using a ranking algorithm based on the similarities of their demographics and

interests. We share the belief that increasing STEM presence in the form of

introducing career role models who share similar interests and demographics will

inspire students to develop interests in STEM related fields and emulate their

models. Our evaluation on 2,000 real college students demonstrated the accuracy

of our ranking algorithm. We also design a novel implementation that recommends

matched role models to the students. (Joint European Conference on Machine

Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases; ECML PKDD 2016: Machine

Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases pp 79-95; Using Social Media to

Promote STEM Education: Matching College Students with Role Models)

According to Gautami Tripathi and Mohd Abdul Ahad (2018) The

widespread use of social media has revolutionized the mode of communication in

today’s world. It has become an unparalleled mode of interaction around the globe.

With such deep penetration of this technology in people’s life, it has brought about

many changes in their lifestyle including their health. The concept of health in

today’s world not only refers to the physical fitness but also encompasses the

mental and social well-being. With the advent of technology, most individuals are

exposed to the Internet and social networking and spend a major portion of their

time using these for performing one or the other activities. The constant and

excessive use of social media has affected human life in multiple ways. This paper

lucidly examines the impacts of social media on the physical, mental, and social

health aspects of youngsters. (Computational Intelligence in Data Mining pp 685-

695; Effects of Social Media on Social, Mental, and Physical Health Traits of


• We, the researchers conducted this research titled "Effects of
Social Media to the Learning Process of 11STEM students in
PUCU" because we want to solve problems and answer
questions like "What really are the effects"? "What are the
negative and positive sides of Social Media?" "What are the
causes of this addiction and how can it distract students
INPUT specifically the 11STEM students of Phinma Upang College of
Urdaneta in their learning process? Those are the problems we,
the researchers are aiming to solve within this case of study and
be able to achieve great results.

• We the researchers are going to answer and aim to solve the

problems stated in the input box of this conceptual framework by:
a) Making 10 questionnaires that will be provided to the
respondents spcifically the grade 11 STEM Students of PUCU.
b) Interviews with the students will be taken into action in
order to excrete opinions from them that can be of help to this
c) By finding information from other studies and
PROCESS researches that is related to the case study and problems.
d) And lastly, by combining all the gathered data and
information excerpt from the researches and the online reviews
related to this study and to order the information for further

• We, the researchers are expecting to have an output that will be

beyond the expected output of those respondents who have
helped in conducting this research. We are expecting that
someday it will be very convinient and helpful for other's study and
OUTPUT research papers as well.

Chapter 3

This part of the research will discuss the steps and procedures that will be

conducted in order to accomplish the goals and objectives of the study. Additionally,

a run-through of the research design will be taken place to give a substantial

preview of the methodology as well as the description of the setting and

participants, instrumentation, and the data gathering and analysis to be done.

Research Methodology

This Research study is both qualitative and quantitative because it has

utilized descriptive phenomenology as it research design and has also emphasized

objective measurement and the statistical and mathematical analysis of data

through the distribution of questionnaires and collecting data coming from survey,

in order to carry out the internal assessment on the impact of social media usage

on the students of PHINMA UPang College Urdaneta.

Research Design

This Research Study will use the descriptive method design. This design

simply means that we, the researchers are able to seek for any information from

one or more variables. This design is used to depict the participants in an accurate

way. More simple meaning, this research design is a scientific type of method that

involves observations and descriptions about the subject without influencing it in

any way. We, the researchers chose to use this method for us to determine the

Effects of Social Media to the learning process of 11STEM students in PUCU and

also for us to provide some possible solutions or possible ways to overcome or to

minimize these effects.

Data-Collection Instruments

The instrument used was researcher-made questionnaires rating scale to

gather needed data for the study. Relevant questions must be considered for the

respondents' interest to be captured. Open ended options were also to

accommodate free formatted views related to the topics or issues. The name of

the respondents are also optional to fill for them to have the confidentiality. The

questionnaire will contain on how to prevent the impact of social media to the

learning process of Grade 11 STEM students in PHINMA UPANG COLLEGE OF

URDANETA. And rather than surveying, researchers interviewed some STEM

students to answer the question that is written in the made questionnaire. Another

instrument we used was the internet. The internet is a wide virtual place where you

can browse. The researchers used it for citing some facts that are needed in the

previous chapters.

Respondents of the Study

Selection Process and Description of participants

Respondents are selected randomly from each sections of the 11th

grade STEM strand, PM sections. Either one or two volunteers are recruited in the

conducted formal interview. For the conducted formal interview, a consent form

will be given to them beforehand as well as the questionnaires to be answered in

the focus group discussion.

Selection Process and Description of Setting

This focus group discussion will be held at a concealed location

wherein noise is less penetrating to the area for clearer recording and peaceful

ambience surrounding the interview. We are also considering the availability of the

respondent’s time to avoid any schedule conflicts and for us researchers to

comfortably ask few questions without being time conscious.

Data Gathering Procedure

Gathering Data is important for us to know the different perceptions of each

individual. It is easy to make study if you have the necessary things that you will

be needed and the right knowledge to make a study. Gathering data involves

statistics and knowledge using it. And it is one of the major dilemmas of students

in making research paper. The first procedure that we used in conducting this study

is Data Mining where we, the researchers, get the data from any institutions and

academic centers. It is a simple method but it helps a lot in gathering data that will

help us conducting our study. Published data are the one we are using in this Data



A consent form will be released to the key informants stating the details of

the focus group discussion. This includes the time and location of the mini-

interview to be held so that the interviewees can confirm their availability. The

questions prepared beforehand will also be attached to the letter to give them a

general background of the topic to be discoursed on. Part of this will also contain

questions asking for their permission to record and document the whole interview

so that the researchers will be able to analyze their answers clearly. It is also

important to add that we are adhering to the Data Privacy Act. Therefore, there is

assurance that the statements and answers that the respondents will be providing

are solely for the purpose of this research.


The following chart shows the timetable of our conducted survey to the

following respondents to indicate clear understandings and procedures created

by the researcher for the next chapter.

Activities | Date: January 190128 190129 190130

Survey for 11 STEM 01P

Survey for 11 STEM 02P

Survey for 11 STEM 03P

Survey for 11 STEM04P

Tallying of data gathered

Interpretation of Data and analysis

Chapter 4



Within this chapter, you can see the findings, Data analysis and the

interpretation of data from the survey questionnaires that the researchers have

provided to the corresponding respondents stated in the previous chapter. The

data that we gather from the questionnaires were statistically analyzed by the

researchers presented and stated in more descriptive form presented through

tables and charts and interpret each questionnaires in a narrative form in order to

expound the answers reaching this research’s objectives.


The researchers have gathered and collected data from the following profile

of respondents that are randomly chosen from each sections from a specific strand

of population of 11 STEM students. Three (3) students are randomly picked from

the section of 1P, four (4) students were randomly selected from the section of 2P,

and two (2) students were chosen randomly from 3P and three (3) students were

chosen randomly from 4P. The respondent’s profile in terms of gender and age

are the following:

Respondents in terms of Age





0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

The chart stated above shows that the majority of the respondents are

seventeen (17) years old. Therefore this shows that according to The Statistics

Portal, ranging from ages sixteen (16) – twenty-four (24), 38% are using Tumblr,

37% who are using Instagram, 31% who uses YouTube often, 30% for those who

stays in Twitter, 29% in Pinterest, and 25% are those who use Facebook. In this

case, it is significant to collect data from these students with the age of 15 – 18

since this is the age where it has been critical for them to focus solely on their

studies now that social media has taken over. The data to be collected will be

significant for this study because of the relationship between the research


Respondents in terms of Gender



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

This chart shows that the total number of female and male being chosen as

a respondent for this study is equal to avoid the biased answers. The data gathered

and collected by the researchers remains unbiased because of the equal number

of the gender of respondents. Hence, the data gathered and collected by the

researchers are purely significant.


The following content contains the different answers of the respondents

from the survey questionnaires provided by the researchers. For every collected

data of every question, different analysis and interpretation will be shown to

present the different interpretation of collected data from the researchers, the

supported studies, as well as the findings that is gathered from the data.

1. Spending more time on social media rather than studying

Respondent's Response






0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5

Among all the 12 respondents coming from the four different 11STEM PM

class sections, only one respondent answered “strongly disagree”, three (3)

respondents chose to answer “agree”, there were four (4) respondents who chose

answer “somewhat agree”, yet three (3) respondents checked “disagree” and only

one (1) respondent answered “strongly disagree”. The checked degrees of

agreement by the different respondents to the statement “Spending more time on

social media rather than studying” simply shows that most of them are into the

statement and some of them are not. This simply states that most of the

respondents agreed because they know in their own selves they are into social

media than in their studies. While on the other hand, the remaining respondents

maybe are still focusing on their studies than surfing on social media. Distraction

has become a common issue within the students especially for those who gets

easily distracted by devices and easily neglects studying. According to Lauren

Angelastro, “There are almost always other things a student would rather be doing

than working on homework and studying. Whether that be playing sports and

games or hanging out with friends. Another common distraction that has only

recently evolved would be social media and the internet. As social media is

becoming so much more popular, students all over the country and in various

grades spend a large amount of their time communicating online.”

2. Social Media affects my Studies (Negatively)

Respondent's Response






0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5

Based on the 12 respondents coming from the four different 11STEM PM

class sections, only one (1) respondent chose to answer “strongly disagree”, two

(2) from the respondents answered “agree”, then three (3) respondents picked

“somewhat agree”, four (4) respondents checked “disagree” and two (2) from the

respondents answered “strongly agree”. The checked degrees of agreement by

the different respondents to the statement “Social media affects my studies

(negatively)” simply shows that half of all the respondents are into the statement

and half of them aren’t. This simply states that half of all the respondents agreed

that spending most of your time on social media really does affects your studies

negatively because students are being distracted by the social media. While on

the other hand, the remaining half of the respondents disagreed, because they

have their own time management that will serve as their guide on using their free

times. According to Star Online, “However, those who used social networking sites

very frequently, regularly post messages and photos, did have slightly lower

grades, although the team stressed that the negative effect is very small. Those

who used social media while studying or doing homework also had slightly worse

grades than students who didn't use the sites, possibly because this form of multi-

tasking distracted students from their work.”

3. I sometimes neglect my responsibilities in studying just to use social


Respondent's Response






0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

From all 12 respondents coming from the four different 11STEM PM class

sections, seven (7) respondents agreed, and the remaining five (5) answered

“somewhat agree” to the given statement “I sometimes neglect my responsibilities

in studies just to use social media”. The chart shows that the respondents still value

their sense of responsibility as a senior high student and knows how to manage

their time according to the time management law. They can divide their time

according to studies and leisure activities specifically social networking. According

to the Staff Writers of Online college courses, “being so connected all the time

comes with serious drawbacks. It can shorten attention spans, become addictive,

lead to less diverse social groups, and even, among student users, cause a

marked drop in academic performance. For those who use social media in class

or take online courses steeped in social media interaction, these potential effects

can be a bit scary and may have many wondering what role, if any, social media

should play in higher education.”

4. Social Media is helping me cope up with my studies.

Respondent's Response






0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Among the 12 respondents from four different sections of 11 STEM PM

class, two (2) chose to answer “strongly agree”, three (3) respondents have

answered “somewhat agree”, seven (7) which the majority of the respondents

answered “agree” and no one chose to disagree for the given statement “Social

Media is helping me cope up with my studies”. Social media can be used as a

platform for studying purposes such as source of collaboration and communication

between close peers or faculty with regards to the classroom topics. According to

McGraw Hill Education, “It's common for many students to be challenged by the

same learning concept or course assignment. Social media can help centralize the

collective knowledge of an entire class to make studying and communicating more

efficient for everyone. Starting a collaborative study network to tap into the group

mind can save everyone time and effort. And Social media tools can help keep

course information organized and accessible.”

5. I use Social Media for Studying

Respondent's Response






0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Among the 12 respondents from four different sections of 11 STEM PM

class, two (2) chose to answer “strongly agree”, four (4) respondents have

answered “somewhat agree”, six (6) which the majority of the respondents

answered “agree” and no one chose to disagree for the given statement “I use

social media for studying”. According to Before Writing, “instructors are now using

social media platforms to extend and improve their teaching. Academic institutions

have found that approximately 75% of their students have accounts in Twitter. So,

using this online space, educational institutions engage students by sharing

content, promoting debates, and answering questions with the clever use of

hashtaging system. In this way, these institutions have reached the attention of

their target audience and are utilizing the Web for their benefit.”

6. Social Media helps me find information conveniently.

Respondent's Response






0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Among the 12 respondents from four different sections of 11 STEM PM class,

three (3) chose to answer “strongly agree”, two (2) respondents have answered

“somewhat agree”, while seven (7) chose to answer “agree” and no one chose to

disagree for the given statement “Social Media helps me find information

conveniently.” According to Social Media Research Group, “Social media research

varies from other forms of online research, such as internet-based surveys or

webpage reviewing, due to the social nature of the data being extracted from

purpose-built platforms. As with any new form of research, several methodological

points must be taken into consideration in order to ensure that rigour is maintained;

such practicalities will be discussed in this and subsequent chapters of this

guidance document. As with other methods, social media research should be

considered one tool in a researcher’s toolkit. Whilst some research questions may

only use social media research methods, many research questions will benefit

from the use of social media research in addition to other methods.”

7. Social Media is useful during class period.

Respondent's Response






0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Based on the 12 respondents from the four different sections of 11 STEM

PM class, no one answered for “strongly agree”, while there are four (4) who chose

to answer “agree”, six (6) respondents answered “somewhat agree” for being

unsure, and one (1) respondent disagreed and another one respondent strongly

disagreed that “Social Media is useful during class period”. The majority of the

respondents showed that ten (10) out of twelve (12) respondents agreed on this

statement. According to Tarra Coffin and Janice Fournier, “Social media can be an

effective learning tool in higher education, facilitating interaction between students

and instructors, improving communication, promoting social and peer learning, and

increasing collaboration. Students indicate that social media helps them remain

connected with their peers and their institution. Social media enables students to

build connections with instructors, peers, and campus community—interactions

that improve retention rates. Students want to become better at using social media

for educational purposes.”

Chapter 5


This following chapter is aiming to show the overall summary of this study,

summary of finding basing on the collected data from the corresponding respondents,

conclusions and the recommendations of the researchers. The conducted study will

be presented in this chapter.


Social Media became inseparable with the youth especially in this generation,

not referring to general but most of the people living in today's generations proved it

right. Some are suffering mentally, some are suffering for loss of responsibility and

sense of initiative in making a simple job work. Hence, the researchers have decided

to come up with a plan to help motivate the social media users especially the senior

high students and conducted a study to prove the great effect of social media in a

student’s life.

The conducted procedures included twelve (12) respondents in order to come

up with a successful conclusion for the main problem. The researchers have chosen

this topic to cite the different causes of the said addiction to social media and to provide

some possible solutions. New data coming from the related literature and studies

published or not published by some researchers that are uploaded on the internet was

gathered, organized and formed more useable information about the said topic namely;

Social Media in Communication, Social Media in Education, Social Media affecting

mental illness, Social Media in the Philippines. This study use a descriptive type of

method wherein, the respondents will be able to express their answers through

answering the rating scale used as a survey questionnaire. In this study, Survey

questionnaires in a rating scale form was used as a research instrument for the

Science and Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) students specifically

the 11th grade since they can be of potential help to this conducted research because

of greater usage of their age bracket when it comes to usage of social media.


Basing on the interpreted data gathered, the researchers have successfully

came up with a conclusion with regards to the different effects of social media to the

learning process of the students. The research study has clearly outlined the effects

of the social media on the 11 stem students. It can be concluded that although the

students has high usage of social media, these help to increase their grades. Based

on our study, the researchers found out that applying social information processing as

our theory helps the researchers to communicate with the respondents through online


1. Social Media has great contribution to the lack of sense of responsibility of the


2. The study shows the usage of internet has a positive effect to the students. It

doesn't matter how long they used internet, it is how they used it for

academically purposes, for entertainment etc. This establishes new strategies

and techniques for learning.

3. The use of incredible Internet resources is of greater importance for academic

study, especially in high class courses which to examine the effect of internet

senior high school students.

4. The majority of the respondents are using the social Media as an educational


5. Most respondents are always distracted by social media and possibly neglect

their responsibilities as a student.

6. Respondents use Social media as a source of information when it comes to

daily announcements of faculty and gathering information through peers and


7. Students can experience emotional stress and online anxiety when overusing

Social Media affecting the academic performances and social stability of a


8. Most students are spending more time on socializing on social media rather

than using it to communicate for educational purposes.

9. Social Media causes students to lose track of time and overuse it instead of

attending to their personal responsibilities as a human and as a family member.

10. Students are using Social Media to cope up with studies they were not able to

attend to and be able to follow on the flow of lessons.


After reviewing and interpreting the data gathered by the researchers, they

finally came up with a conclusion upon the following questions stated in the statement

of the problem. The researchers conclude the following statements.

11. What are the major causes of using Social Media in students?

In accordance to the gathered data, the major causes of the increasing

percentage of the usage of social media is for socialization like

communicating and interacting to gain more interactional relationships and

the second one is for education purposes.

12. What are the advantages and disadvantages encountered within the usage

of Social Media specifically by the Grade 11STEM students of PUCU?

The advantages of using social media according to the 11STEM

students of PUCU is that they can be updated on the latest news and also,

they can gather information about a certain thing and making us

knowledgeable about that thing. While on the other hand, the disadvantages

of social media increasing usage are made by the own people itself. They

are doing wrong things such as cyber bullying and some other illegal


13. What are the possible solutions to stop other students on the abusing of the

Social Media's purposes and uses?

There are a lot of possible solutions on how to stop those students

who are onto abusing social media like limiting them by their parents for

them to have lesser free time on using their gadgets and surfing on different

social media sites. And also, parents or even friends can advice the person

about the negative effects of having so much addiction so that he/she will

be afraid on what social media can do to his/her life.

14. What are the benefits that the 11 STEM students will gain in using the social


We have a thinking that if we heard about social media, we are also

thinking about addiction, online games, and other things. But all of that

depends on how we are going to use it as an individuals. Social media helps

us to send and receive information immediately with the help of the internet.

15. What are the different opinion of Grade-11 STEM Students of PUCU with

regards to the effects of social media?

The opinions of the respondents are divided specifically on the terms of social

media affecting their studies, less than half of the respondents think that social

media can have a huge impact on their learning process as an 11STEM students

of PUCU negatively and the rest of the left respondents answered that social

media can be a way to connect with their studies and use this as a tool for

increasing their positive study habits.


The following are the recommendations from the researchers for those who

can benefit in this study. It is to warn and make them aware what will be the effects of

social media to the learning process of the students.

To Students

1. Minimize using social media for things that are not important

2. Use social media properly, by means of gathering data and for school purposes

3. Avoid using social media when it comes to discussion or during class hours.

4. In order to make the social media efficient to the students, they must manage

their time wisely in using it.

To Teachers

1. There should be policy that says “No Using of Phone during class hours, even

when your teacher is done with their discussion”

2. Use phone for social media access information from it.

3. Guide their students on what will be the effect of social media to their studies.

4. Don’t rely too much on using Social Media as source of information.

To Parents

1. Don’t let your children be engulfed in using social media

2. Monitor your Child’s studying habits and their internet usage


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PHINMA-UPang College Urdaneta

Senior High School Department
Urdaneta City, Pangasinan
To the respondents,

We the 11th grade STEM researchers from section 02P would like to take

little of your time to gather some data with regards to our study entitled “Effects of

Social Media to the Learning Process of Grade 11 STEM PM Students of

PHINMA UPang College Urdaneta”

We are here to ask for your permission to let us conduct a survey to the

respondents we have purposively chosen. We assure you that everything will be

confidential and solely the researchers can view your answers.

Thank you for your cooperation.


Alvarado, Denver Castigo, Charleswin

Bagos, Noel Dela Cruz Jubilado, Joebart
Baltazar, Marianne Kate Perrion, Rafael
Bernardino, Michael Josh Renomeron, Noemi
Cabunacan, Rose Jane Villanueva, Daphney
Approved by:
Liane Neill N. Bautista
Research Adviser


Name (Optional): ____________________________ Gender: F M

Grade/Section: ____________________
Directions: Put a (/) on the column representing your degree of agreement to the
statement given. Please use the following description as guide to your rating:
Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly
Agree Agree Disagree
1. Spending
more time on
social media
rather than
2. Social media
affects my
3. I sometimes
neglect my
in studies just
to use social
4. Social media
is helping me
cope up with
my studies
5. I use social
media for

6. Social Media
helps me find
7. Social Media
is useful
DURING class


Researchers conducting a survey on Survey conducted at 11 Stem 4p

11 Stem 2p

Survey Conducted at 11 Stem 3p

Personal Information

Name: Noel C. Bagos

Address: Sta. Rosa, Sta. Maria


Birthdate: August 9, 2001

Contact No. 09663745056

E-mail Address: [email protected]

Educational Background

Senior High School: PHINMA Upang College Urdaneta

Urdaneta City, Pangasinan

S.Y 2018-2019

Junior High School: Eastern Pangasinan Agricultural College

Sta. Rosa, Sta. Maria Pangasinan

S.Y 2014 - 2018

Elementary: Sta. Rosa Elementary School

Sta. Rosa, Sta. Maria Pangasinan

S.Y 2008 – 2014


Personal Information

Name: Marianne Kate C. Baltazar

Address: Casantiagoan Laoac,


Birthdate: September 19, 2002

Contact No. 09950244003

E-mail Address: [email protected]

Educational Background

Senior High School: PHINMA Upang College Urdaneta

Urdaneta City, Pangasinan

S.Y 2018-2019

Junior High School: Merryland Montessori and Highschool Inc.

Urdaneta City, Pangasinan

S.Y 2016 - 2018

Elementary: Casabula Elemetary School

Urdaneta City, Pangasinan

S.Y 2008 – 2016


Personal Information

Name: Michael Josh Bernardino

Address: 130 Nancalobasaan,

Urdaneta City Pangasinan

Birthdate: October 11, 2002

Contact No. 09058421700

E-mail Address: [email protected]

Educational Background

Senior High School: PHINMA UPang College Urdaneta

Urdaneta City, Pangasinan

S.Y 2018-2019

Junior High School: Nancalobasaan National Highschool

Urdaneta City, Pangasinan

S.Y 2014-2018

Elementary: Urdaneta I Central School

Urdaneta City, Pangasinan

S.Y 2008-2014


Personal Information

Name: Rose Jane Cabunacan

Address: Minien East,

Sta. Barbara Pangasinan

Birthdate: October 8, 2001

Contact No. 09559408722

E-mail Address: [email protected]

Educational Background

Senior High School: PHINMA UPang College Urdaneta

Urdaneta City, Pangasinan

S.Y 2018-2019

Junior High School: Minien National Highschool

Minien West, Sta. Barbara, Pangasinan

S.Y 2014 - 2018

Elementary: Minien Tebag – Elementary School

Minien West, Sta. Barbara, Pangasinan

S.Y 2008 - 2014


Personal Information

Name: Charleswin P. Castigo

Address: Laoac Poblacion, Pangasinan

Birthdate: August 18, 2002

Contact No. 09389556104

E-mail Address: [email protected]

Educational Background

Senior High School: PHINMA UPang College Urdaneta

Urdaneta City, Pangasinan

S.Y 2018-2019

Junior High School: International Colleges for Excellences

Urdaneta City, Pangasinan

S.Y 2014-2018

Elementary: Full of Grace Montessori

Laoac Poblacion, Pangasinan

S.Y. 2008 - 2014


Personal Information

Name: Joebart E. Jubilado

Address: Guset Norte San Manuel


Birthdate: August 24, 2001

Contact No. 09294791783

Email: [email protected]

Educational Background

Senior High School: PHINMA UPang College Urdaneta

Urdaneta City, Pangasinan

S.Y 2018-2019

Junior High School: Mataas na Paaralang Juan C. Laya

San Manuel Pangasinan

S.Y 2014 - 2018

Elementary: Juan C. Laya

San Manuel Pangasinan

S.Y 2008 - 2014


Personal Information

Name: Rafael C. Perrion

Address: 93 Pindangan East

Alcala Pangasinan

Birthdate: September 6, 2002

Contact No. 09770185383

Email: [email protected]

Educational Background

Senior High School: PHINMA UPang College Urdaneta

Urdaneta City, Pangasinan

S.Y 2018-2019

Junior High School: Arboleda National High School.

Alcala Pangasinan

S.Y 2014 - 2018

Elementary: Pindangan West Elementary School

Alcala Pangasinan

S.Y 2008 - 2014


Personal Information

Name: Noemi B. Renomeron

Address: Camanang Riverside,

Urdaneta City, Pangasinan

Birthdate: August 15, 2000

Contact No. 09568226035

Email: [email protected]

Educational Background

Senior High School: PHINMA UPang College Urdaneta

Urdaneta City, Pangasinan

S.Y 2018-2019

Junior High School: Merryland Montessori and High School Inc.

Urdaneta City, Pangasinan

S.Y 2014-2018

Elementary: Merryland Montessori and High School Inc.

Urdaneta City, Pangasinan

S.Y 2008 – 2014


Personal Information

Name: Daphney L. Villanueva

Address: 116 Brgy. Moreno

Binalonan Pangasinan

Birthdate: March 04, 2003

Contact No. 09164474375

Email: [email protected]

Educational Background

Senior High School: PHINMA UPang College Urdaneta

Urdaneta City, Pangasinan

S.Y 2018-2019

Junior High School: Minien National High School

Minien West, Sta. Barbara, Pangasinan

S.Y 2014 - 2018

Elementary: Moreno Elementary

Moreno, Binalonan Pangasinan

S.Y 2008 – 2014


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