Recount Text Holiday: Sumatera Besides of Medan. The City Has Been The Capital of Indonesia During The Emergency

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Bukittinggi (Indonesian for "high hill") is the second biggest city in West Sumatra, Indonesia, with
a population of over 117,000 people and an area of 25.24 km². It is in the Minangkabau
Highlands, 90 km by road from the West Sumatran capital city ofPadang. The whole area is
directly adjacent to the Agam Regency. It is located at 0°18′20″S 100°22′9″E, near the
volcanoesMount Singgalang (inactive) and Mount Marapi (still active). At 930 m above sea level,
the city has a cool climate with temperatures between 16.1° to 24.9°C. The city is the birthplace
of some of the founders of the Republic of Indonesia, such asMohammad Hatta and Assaat.

Bukittinggi was formerly known as Fort de Kock and was once dubbed as Parijs van
Sumatera besides of Medan. The city has been the capital of Indonesia during the Emergency
Government of the Republic of Indonesia (PDRI). Before it became the capital of PDRI, the city
has become the center of government, both at the time of the Dutch East Indies and during the
Japanese colonial period.

Bukittinggi is also known as a tourist city in West Sumatera. It is siblings (sister city) with
Seremban in Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia. A well-visited tourist spot is the Jam Gadang, a clock
tower located in the heart of the city which is also a symbol for the city.



My friends and I decided to visit Bali on our school holiday last month. There were a
lot of places to see in there. Because we never went to Bali before, we joined the
tours to see as much as possible. My friends and I stayed in one of hotel in Kuta on

Sequence of events

In Kuta beach, we spent our two days by surfing and swimming. Fikri, one of my
friends tried to sunbathe as if he were a foreigner. We really enjoyed our time there.
On the next day, we were ready to visit the other place listed by the tour guide. the
first place we visited was SIngaraja. Singaraja is a city of about 95 thousands
people. It is a busy city but quiet town. The street are lined with trees adn ther are a
lot of old Dutch houses. We learnt about history of SIngaraja there. Then we
returned very late to the hotel. We went to bed to regain our stamina.
Our last tour destination was Ubud. There were a lot of art and craft in Ubud. The
first stop was at Batu bulan, a center of stone sclupture. We watched young boys
were carving away at big block of stone. The next place we visited was Celuk, a
center for silversmiths and goldensmiths. After that, we had a lunch at Sukawati and
continued touring to Mass, a tourist center. We bought some souvenirs in there.

Our holiday ended very quickly. Beside visiting some places, all our days were spent
on the beach. We went sailing or surfboarding every day. We really enjoyed our
holiday in Bali.

Bogor Botanical Garden

Kebun Raya Bogor or Bogor Botanical Gardens. It is a beautiful 87 hectares garden that worth for
visit. Situated in Bogor city, 60 km south of Jakarta, its country-capital, Bogor Botanical Gardens is
Indonesia's first and foremost botanical gardens. 

Bogor Botanical Gardens, today is one of the important destination, together with Bogor Palace. The
garden is an important part of Bogor city providing not only employment but a large recreational area
for local residents, visitors from Jakarta and many passing tourists. 

Dating back to Dutch colonial era, Bogor Botanical Gardens was build by Java's Dutch Governor-
General Gustaaf Willem, Baron van Imhoff who was governor of Java at the time. The extensive
grounds of the presidential palace were converted into the gardens by the German-born Dutch
botanist, Professor Casper George Carl Reinwardt. 

The gardens officially opened in 1817 as 's Lands Plantentuin ('National Botanical Garden') and were
used to research and develop plants and seeds from other parts of the Indonesian archipelago for
cultivation during the 19th century. This is a tradition that continues today and contributes to the
garden's reputation as a major center for botanical research. 

Bogor Botanical Gardens now kept more than 15.000 species of trees and plants located among
streams and lotus ponds. There are 400 types of exceptional palms to be found along the extensive
lawns and avenues, helping the gardens create a refuge for more than 50 different varieties of birds
and for groups of bats roosting high in the trees. The bats can be easily detected by the noise they
make while competing for space under the canopies. The orchid houses contain some 3000 varieties. 

One of the main attraction in Bogor Botanical Gardens is Bunga bangkai (Amorphophalus titanum)
because its has a stinging smell when blomming. This flower can reach 2m tall and is the compound
interest on the world's largest plants. Next, the oldest palm trees in Southeast Asia are still alive

In January 2006, around 20.00-20.30 pm, as many as 124 trees in Bogor Botanical Gardens, many of
which are over 100 years of falling due to heavy rain and storms. The park was closed to the public
for a week. 

Bogor Botanical Gardens open daily from 8 am until 5 pm. Admission fee less than one dolar. There
are some facilities in the park, from museums, library, until guess house. There are three routes for
exploring the park. 

In first route, in the Kenari street, there are kenari trees (Canarium commune) planted by Johannes
Elias Teysmann in 1832. After that, there is a Lady Raffles Monument. This monument was created
for honouring Lady Olivia Mariamne Raffles, wife of Thomas Stamford Rraffles, Governor of Java in
1811-1816 who death in 1814 due to malaria. On this route visitors can see the magnificent Bogor
Palace surrounded with kolam Gunting (literally translated as scissors pond) with beautifull lotus.
Across the pond was the oldest trees in the Bogor Botanical Gardens planted in 1823. Namely, the
tree Litchi lychees or special chinenis imported from China. 
In the second route, visitor will greeted by beautiful scenery in and arround cafe Botanicus.
Commonly, visitor choose this place for take a rest for a while. 

In the third route, it is a right place for orchid lovers. In 1977, first lady Siti Hartinah Soeharto, wife of
former President Suharto to fund it greenhouse specifically for the collection of wild orchids found in

Raja Ampat

Raja Ampat or The Four Kings is a famous island located off the northwest tip of Bird's Head
Peninsula on the island of New Guinea, in Indonesia's West Papua Province. It is well known as a
diving heaven for people around the world. 
Raja Ampat covers 9.8 million acres of land and sea, home to 540 types of corals, 1,000 types of coral
fish and 700 types of mollusks. It makes Raja Ampat as the most diverse living library for world’s
coral reef and underwater biota. Beside that, Raja Ampat has a beautiful scenery, especially from its
underwater corals and its beach. 
Under the water of Raja Ampat Island, we can see many natural coral’s reef that never touched by
human. We can also see many fishes that have many colors and types. They usually hide between the
coral reefs to take a rest or brood their eggs. Not only that, we can see many war planes and ships that
sunken in World War II
Because of its beautiful underwater scenery, many tourists come to Raja Ampat island. They come
from Indonesia or from the other country. They come to Raja Ampat by plane or by ship, but most
tourists go to Raja Ampat by plane to shorten their trip time.
There are many things that you can see also beside the underwater scenery. You can meet many
fishermen around the beach, some of them become the tourist guide for the foreign tourists. The
fishermen are very friendly and they will offer you “Pinang” (betel nuts) or some sweet candies.
Komodo National Park
The Komodo National Park is a national park in Indonesia located within the Lesser Sunda
Islands in the border region between the provinces of East Nusa Tenggara and West Nusa
Tenggara. The park includes the three larger islands Komodo,Padar and Rinca, and 26 smaller
ones, with a total area of 1,733 km² (603 km² of it land). The national park was founded in 1980
to protect the Komodo dragon, the world's largest lizard. Later it was dedicated to protecting
other species, including marine species. In 1991 the national park was declared
a UNESCO World Heritage Site.Komodo National Park has been selected as one of
the New7Wonders of Nature.

Wakatobi is the most beautiful place for diving in Indonesia. Location of Wakatobi is south-east
Buton Island. Wakatobi is abbreviation of four big islands in south-east Sulawesi that is Wangi-
Wangi, Kaledupa, Tomia, and Binongko. Wakatobi island width is 306.680 ha and became a
conservation water area since july 30th 1996. Wakatobi has potential riches of sea. According to
whole, Wakatobi has 750 from 850 species coral around the worlds. The kind of coral found
like Acrophora Spp, Dendrophyllia Spp, Favia Abdita, Echinopora Horrida, Favites Spp, Heliofungia
Actiniformis, Holothuria Edulis, Lobophylla Spp, Montastrea Spp, Mycedium Spp, Millepora spp,
Nepthea Spp, Oulophylla Crispa, Oxypora Spp, Pavona Clavus, P decussata, Platygira Lamellina,
P.Pini, Porites Spp, Porithes Spp, Spirobranchus Giganteus, Symphyllia Spp,  danTurbinaria Frondens.
There are also many kinds of fish like Abudefduf Leucogaster, A. Saxatilis, Acanthurus Achilles, A.
Aliosa, A. Mata, Amphiprion tricinctus, Chaetodon Specullum, Chelinus Undulatus, Chelmon
Rostratus, Heniochus Acuminatus, H. Permutatus, Macolor Macularis (snapper), Napoleon Wrasse,
Paramia Quinquelineata, Scarus Qibbus,  dan  S. Taeniurus. Some others biota in Wakatobi like kima,
lola, fish, turtle and others. Wakatobi not only has a beauty place in sea but also in its land. The
rivers are really clean and we can see from the transparency water. Enchantment of Wangi-Wangi
Island is a wellspring in the space of lime hill and also some fortress and old mosque used by Buton
kingdom. Kalidupa and Tomia have scenery of beach and some villagers there perform the
traditional dance. Wakatobi is well known for its riches of sea and the scenery in the land.

Saman Dance
Saman (or the dance of thousand hands) is one of the most popular dances in Indonesia. Its
origin is from the Gayo ethnic group from Gayo Lues, Aceh province, Sumatra, and is
normally performed to celebrate important occasions. The dance is characterized by its fast-
paced rhythm and common harmony between dancers. These two elements are key figures
of Saman, and are among the reasons Saman are widely known and practiced in Indonesia,
beside being relatively easy to learn.

On November 24, 2011, UNESCO officially recognized Aceh's traditional Saman dance as

a Masterpiece of Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity, which needs UNESCO's urgent

The ASEAN Tourism Association (ASEANTA) named Saman dance as the best ASEAN

cultural preservation effort at the 25th ASEANTA Awards for Excellence 2012.

The simple present tense

 (+) = She always washes her face before going to bed.

(dia selalu mencuci mukanya sebelum tidur)
 (-) = I get scholarship, unless I can’t study abroad since I don’t have enough money.
(aku dapat beasiswa, jika tidak aku tidak bisa kuliah keluar negeri karena aku tidak
punya uang)
 (?) = Do you never drinks coffee?
(apakah kamu tidak pernah minum kopi?
The Simple past tense
Jenis Kalimat Rumus Contoh Simple Past Tense

The teacher came

positif (+) S + Verb-2 (past tense)
S + be(was/were) I was a stamp collector

The teacher didn’t come

negatif (-) S + did + not + bare infinitive
S + be(was/were) + not I wasn’t a stamp collector
Did the teacher come
interogatif (?) Did + S + bare infinitive
be(was/were) + S Was I a stamp collector

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