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Text 1

Borobudur Temple
Borobudur temple is one of the most beautiful tourist resorts in Indonesia. It is
situated in central Java. Borobudur temple is one of the seven wonders of the world which
needs to be preserved its circumstances. The people all over the world know that Borobudur
is one of the greatest art works that ever known since long time ago.
Borobudur temple was built by Syailendra Dynasty during the eighth century. It needed
more than two million river stones. It is the biggest temple in the world.
After going into some restorations, Borobudur is visited by more and more tourists,
both domestic and foreign tourists. Most of them admire Borobudur temple because of its
beauty, its elegance and the story of the relief on its walls.
Domestic tourists usually go there by bus or private cars, while foreign tourists like to
join travel bureau because they don’t need to think of the transportation, accommodation, and
itinerary. There are some money changers around the location. It makes them easier to
change their money. But some of them like to bring credit cards and checks.

Source : https://www.jagoanbahasainggris.com/2017/11/contoh-descriptive-text-tentang-
Text 2
The Eiffel Tower
The Eiffel Tower is an iron lattice tower located on the Champ de Mars in Paris. Built
in 1889, it has become both a global icon of France and one of the most recognizable
structures in the world. The tower is the tallest building in Paris and the most-visited paid
monument in the world; millions of people ascend it every year.
Named for its designer, engineer Gustave Eiffel, the tower was built as the entrance
arch to the 1889 World's Fair.The tower stands 324 metres (1,063 ft) tall, about the same
height as an 81-story building. Upon its completion, it surpassed the Washington Monument
to assume the title of tallest man-made structure in the world, a title it held for 41 years, until
the Chrysler Building in New York City was built in 1930; however, due to the addition in
1957 of the antenna, the tower is now taller than the Chrysler Building. Not including
broadcast antennas, it is the second-tallest structure in France after the 2004 Millau Viaduct.
The tower has three levels for visitors. Tickets can be purchased to ascend, by stairs or
lift, to the first and second levels. The walk to the first level is over 300 steps, as is the walk
from the first to the second level. The third and highest level is accessible only by elevator.
Both the first and second levels feature restaurants.
The tower has become the most prominent symbol of both Paris and France, often in
the establishing shot of films set in the city.
Source : https://www.jagoanbahasainggris.com/2017/11/contoh-descriptive-text-tentang-
Text 3
Monas National Monument
The National Monument, or "Monas" as it is popularly called, is one of the
monuments built during the Sukarno era of fierce nationalism. The top of the National
Monument (Monas) is Freedom Square.
It stands for the people's determination to achieve freedom and the crowning of their
efforts in the Proclamation of Independence in August 1945. The 137-meter tall marble
obelisk is topped with a flame coated with 35 kg of gold. The base houses a historical
museum and a hall for meditations. The monument is open to the public and upon request the
lift can carry visitors to the top, which offers a bird's eye view on the city and the sea.
Go early to beat the crowds and the haze. It is easy for the less physically able as lifts
take visitors to the top. The diorama exhibition in the basement gives such a distorted view of
Indonesian history.
This imposing obelisk is Jakarta's most famous landmark. Construction started in 1961
under President Soekarno but was not completed until 1975, under President Soeharto. The
monument houses a couple of museums. The Freedom Hall depicts Indonesia's struggle for
independence through a series of dioramas, whereas the Hall of Contemplation displays the
original Declaration of Independence document and a recording of the speech.

Source : https://www.jagoanbahasainggris.com/2017/11/contoh-descriptive-text-tentang-
Text 4
Way Kambas National Park
Way Kambas National Park is a national park for elephant sanctuary located in
Lampung precisely in the Labuhan Ratu sub district, East Lampung, Indonesia. Way Kambas
National Park, established in 1985, is the first school for elephant in Indonesia.
In the beginning of its establishment, Way Kambas National Park was named the
Elephant Training Center / Pusat Latihan Gajah (PLG), but the last few years this name was
changed into Elephant Conservation Center / Pusat Konservasi Gajah (PKG), which is
expected to become a center for elephant conservation in taming, training, breeding and
conserving elephants. Until now, this PKG has trained for about 300 elephants which have
been deployed to all over the country.
In Way Kambas National Park, there are some endangered animals such as Sumatran
Rhinos, Sumatran elephant, Sumatran tiger, Mentok Rimba, and Buaya sepit. There are also
so some plants which are mostly found there such as Api-api, Pidada, Nipah, and Pandan. On
the marshy coasts of Way Kambas National Park is often found various species of birds, such
as, Lesser Adjutant, Pheasant Blue, Kuau Raja, Pependang Timur, and some other birds.

Source : https://www.jagoanbahasainggris.com/2017/11/contoh-descriptive-text-tentang-
Text 5
Mount Bromo Tour

Mount Bromo is one of the favorite tourist destinations in East Java. Not only local
tourists, but tourists from abroad also come to watch the beautiful sunrise from Bromo.

Bromo is known as one of the main tourist attractions in East Java, so it is not
surprising that this place is visited by many tourists. This place is located in Bromo Tengger
Semeru National Park, precisely in the east of Malang city.

The beauty of this mountain has attracted the attention of visitors from abroad to
come here. Watching the sunrise is an interesting event. The tourists who come are willing to
wait starting from 05.00 so as not to miss this special moment. When the sky is clear, you can
see the sun ball. First, the sun looks like a match, slowly zooming in until it forms a full circle
and brightens. Very beautiful scenery.

The temperature on this mountain reaches 10 degrees to 0 degrees Celsius even in the
morning. So, the tourists who come must prepare complete clothes such as beanie hats,
gloves, socks, scarves to overcome them. But if there are visitors who forget to bring their
equipment, there will be many vendors offering goods in the form of hats, gloves, or scarves.

This mountain is quite famous for its beautiful sunset and sunrise views. Another
place around Mount Bromo that is suitable to see the sunrise is the hill in front of the
mountain. This is a great view to enjoy the sunset and sunrise. On this hill, visitors can enjoy
views of the mountain from the other side and of course can enjoy the beautiful sea of sand.

Source: https://www.brilio.net/ragam/25-contoh-text-descriptive-bahasa-inggris-lengkap-
Text 6
Istiqlal Mosque

Istiqlal Mosque is the largest mosque in Southeast Asia . This mosque is a pride for
the nation of Indonesia , as a manifestation of an expression of gratitude to Allah SWT for the
outpouring of His grace , the nation's Muslim -majority Indonesia can successfully fight for
independence and the formation of the State of RI . Hence it is called Istiqlal mosque means

After the transfer of sovereignty from the Dutch colonial government to the Republic
of Indonesia in 1949, the building was an idea Istiqlal Mosque in Jakarta by Mr KH . Wahid
Hasyim ( Minister of Religion in 1950) and Mr. Anwar Tjokroaminoto , hereinafter
designated as the Chairman of the Istiqlal Mosque Foundation .

In 1953 the committee was formed for the construction of the Istiqlal Mosque , which
is headed by Mr. Anwar Tjokroaminoto . He expressed the idea of the construction of the
Istiqlal Mosque to the President DR . Ir . Sukarno and has received rave reviews , even the
President will fully support the construction of the Istiqlal Mosque .

Source: https://www.brilio.net/ragam/25-contoh-text-descriptive-bahasa-inggris-lengkap-
Text 7
Komodo island

One of the famous islands in Indonesia is Komodo Island. This island is famous
because in it there is one species of animal that is almost extinct, namely the Komodo dragon.
This island is a bit remote and needs special preparation to be able to visit this island.

The small 280 sq km island known as Komodo Island is located between the islands
of Sumbawa and Flores. This island is famous for its giant lizard which is considered the last
species left in the world today, the Komodo dragon. Called ora by the locals, the Komodo
Naga (Varanus Komodoensis) is actually a giant monitor lizard. With a length of 3 to 4
meters, its ancestors roamed the earth about half a million years ago. Komodo dragons live
on goats, deer, and even carrion of their own kind.

The island's only human population is in a fishing village called Komodo who
supplement their income-breeding goats, which are used to feed the lizards. Komodo dragons
are protected by law and although they are considered harmless it is advised to keep their
distance. Komodo Island is now a nature reserve home to a number of rare bird species, deer
and wild pigs, which are also prey for lizards.

Source: https://www.brilio.net/ragam/25-contoh-text-descriptive-bahasa-inggris-lengkap-
Text 8
Parangtritis beach

One of the mainstays of Yogyakarta City tourism is Parangtritis Beach. Precisely

Parangtritis Beach is located in Kretek District, Bantul, Yogyakarta Special Region. This
beach is located about 27 km south of Yogyakarta.

The view of Parangtritis Beach is very charming. On the left, we can see a very high
cliff, on the right, we can see a large rock that seems ready to guard against the onslaught of
the waves that come at any time. The beach is clean with white foam grading gray and a
combination of green is really beautiful.

The beauty of the beach feels perfect in the afternoon. In the afternoon, we can see the
sunset which is a very special moment. Beautiful nature painting. A tinge of golden red in the
sky with the sheen of the beach water in the afternoon sun is a stunning sight. The feeling of
warmth mingled with the gentle breeze of the afternoon, enveloped the whole body.

The number of tourists who always visit Parangtritis Beach makes this beach never
empty of visitors. On this beach we can see a crowd of children playing in the sand. Young
and old enjoying the fresh sea breeze. We can also ride a horse or a type of carriage
transportation that can take us to the coral reef area which is really very beautiful.

Source: https://www.brilio.net/ragam/25-contoh-text-descriptive-bahasa-inggris-lengkap-
Text 9
Keraton Yogyakarta (Sultan Palace)

Kraton Yogyakarta or Sultan Palace was build in 1756 by Prince Mangkubumi

(Hamengkubuwono I) as a center of the Kingdom Ngayogyakarta.The palace building
stretches from north to south. In the north front side of the palace you can find the square also
called Plaza North and at the the backyard is called Southern Square.

The inner Palace is the center of the compound and is decorated with beautiful
ornaments and has teak wood structures in its interior.Inside the inner palace is the Sultans
work room and library where he used to carry out his work. There is also a special room for
royal weddings and for the inauguration of Princes or Princesses.

The most important area in the inner palace is Bangsal Prabayeksa, a hall where
sacred weapons are kept. On permanent display in the hall are a collection of keris, spears,
knifes, arrows, war uniforms and guns. Once a year, in the Suro month, a Javanese month, the
weapons are cleaned during a sacred ceremony.

Source: https://www.brilio.net/ragam/25-contoh-text-descriptive-bahasa-inggris-lengkap-
Text 10

Gelora Bung Karno

Main Stadium Gelora Bung Karno Main Stadium or commonly abbreviated as

SUGBK in Indonesian is a stadium that was built during the reign of Indonesia's first
president, Ir. Soekarno.

This stadium was built in 1962 and now its appearance has changed a little to a more
modern appearance because in 2018 it was used as the venue for the 18th Asian Games.

In order to improve the quality of the stadium, several things have been changed and
arranged in such a way. The stadium's seat capacity is reduced, from 110,000 seats to 76,127
seats. The grass used in the field is Zoysia Matrella grass. To keep the grass healthy and
green, it used rain gun. The drainage system is also well maintained.

The lighting system is also brighter, namely 3,500 lux. The system is integrated with
an LED lighting system which makes electricity more efficient. This lighting is also
integrated with a powerful 80,000 watt PMPO sound system.

For security, this place is equipped with CCTV that can identify someone's suspicious
behavior. There is also a bullet-proof glass in the VVIP area that can withstand sniper with
7.62 caliber bullet. The stadium can also be vacated within 15 minutes in case of an

Source; https://www.sonora.id/read/423665492/10-contoh-descriptive-text-tentang-tempat-
Text 11


Monas or National Monument is a monument that has been built since the days of Ir.
Sokarno. Monas has the upper part in the form of a Freedom Box. The section symbolizes the
effort and determination of the people to achieve the freedom of the Proclamation of
Independence that occurred in August 1945.

The monument has a section that forms a flame with a layer of gold of 35 kg. Monas
building has a height of 137 meters with a layer of marble in parts. At the bottom there is a
floor that is used for the meditation hall and used as a historic museum. This national
monument is open to the public and is provided with an elevator for visitors who want to see
the sights of the city through the top of the monas.

You can go early to see a scene that is not foggy and certainly not crowded. Monas
also provides certain access for people who have special needs. The history of Indonesia is
mostly explained on the floor of the underground room through diorama exhibitions.

In 1961, President Soekarno had begun the construction of monas, but was not
completed in 1975 and continued by President Soeharto. Inside the monument there are
several museums namely the Contemplation Hall which contains recordings of speeches and
original documents from the Declaration of Independence and there is also the room of The
Freedom Hall which contains exposure to a series of Indonesian struggles through dioramas
to achieve independence.

Source; https://www.sonora.id/read/423665492/10-contoh-descriptive-text-tentang-tempat-
Text 12
My Sister
My Older Sister I have an older sister. Her name is Anisa Rahayu. I call her ‘Kak
Nisa’ and she is seven years older than me. Although we are siblings, we have some different
characteristics and personalities.
My sister has black wavy hair, but she dyed it brown. She is 160 cm tall and has long
legs. Her skin is tanned because she likes to travel. She also has nice facial features. Her face
is small, with round eyes and a pointed nose.
People like to see her smile and laugh because she has gummy smile. My sister is
pretty but she always denies it. She is also kind to everyone. She likes to buy me food and ask
me to the cinema.
Yet sometimes she can annoy my mother. She rarely cleans her room because she is
quite busy. She often sleeps a lot on weekend due to her working schedule which is from
Monday to Saturday. My sister is a hard-working person who I adore so much. She is the
type of older sister who can be relied on.

Source: https://www.kompas.com/skola/read/2020/11/04/121841769/contoh-descriptive-text-
Text 13
Jeong Jaehyun
Jeong Jaehyun I have a favorite idol named Jeong Jaehyun. He is a member of a
Korean boy group named NCT. He was born on February 14th, 1997 and now he is 23 years
old. He is 183 cm tall. He has very white skin which makes him called ‘Casper’.
According to some sources, he has an ideal body proportion. His legs are long. He
also has broad shoulders. His hair looks very soft and his eyebrows are thick. He also has
pointed nose. One charming point that everybody would notice is his dimple. He has very
deep dimples on his chubby cheeks and they are clearly visible when he smiles.
Despite having several nicknames, most of his fans often call him ‘peach’ because of
his rosy cheeks. He is also called ‘bread’. This is because he often makes a facial expression
which makes him look like a bread.
He also has a lot of talents. He can sing, rap, and dance well. He is also good at sports
and playing musical instruments such as piano. Moreover, he is also adept at cooking meat so
that he has a nickname 'Jung Jaeyuk' which means meat.

Source: https://www.kompas.com/skola/read/2020/11/04/121841769/contoh-descriptive-text-
Text 14
My classmate
I have a classmate at school. Her name is Mark Lee. We met often to play and he was
always nice to me. Mark's body was tall and well-proportioned. His slender body made his
friends envious. Mark also has an actor-like face which many female students like.
He has straight hair with black color. His hobbies are running, swimming and writing
a poem. Mark is not only handsome, but also very friendly to his friends and polite to his
teachers. Mark always smiled for those who greeted him.
Every morning, Mark and I used to go to school together. At school, wherever I went,
Mark was always with me. He is quite hyperactive and has a funny response. During the
holidays, Mark often came to my house to play.
Sometimes Mark would also stay at my house and come home in the morning. We
often go outside to visit exciting places.

source: https://www.inews.id/news/nasional/5-contoh-descriptive-text-tentang-orang-singkat-
text 15
Lionel Messi
Leo Messi or Lionel Messi is a soccer athlete who is liked by many people. Lionel
Messi deserves to be the best football player that can be seen with the awards he gets. He was
born in Argentina and became a mainstay of the national team. Lionel Messi is a member of
the FC Barcelona club with a very high income.
Lionel Messi’s position at club is captain, centre-forward or winger. The high skill
possessed by Lionel Messi is dribble that is often done during the game. Many other players
agree that Lionel Messi’s dribbling is extraordinary. People call Lionel Messi able to dance
with ball and it’s as if the ball is stuck to Messi’s feet.
Lionel Messi’s jersey number is 10, and he has achieved many achievements and
records with his national team and club, FC Barcelona. He broke the UEFA record as being
able to score 5 goals in just one game. Lionel Messi is white and has a round face. His smile
is distinctive and his hair is straight.

source: https://www.inews.id/news/nasional/5-contoh-descriptive-text-tentang-orang-singkat-
Text 16
My friend, John

John, a nature enthusiast and adventurer, has a spirit as untamed as the wilderness he
loves. With sun-kissed skin and windswept hair, he epitomizes a life lived under open skies.

His eyes, the color of deep forest pools, reflect the landscapes he’s explored and the
mysteries he’s uncovered. John’s tall and lean frame moves with the fluidity of a river, a
testament to his outdoor pursuits.

His calloused hands and strong grip bear witness to countless hours spent climbing
mountains and traversing rocky terrains. Each step he takes seems in harmony with the
rhythm of the earth itself. His voice, as warm and welcoming as a campfire, carries stories of
far-off lands and encounters with elusive creatures.

Whether he’s recounting his encounters with grizzly bears in Alaska or describing the
ethereal dance of the Northern Lights, his words paint vivid pictures that transport listeners to
the heart of nature’s wonders.

In the company of John, one can’t help but feel the pull of adventure and the allure of
unexplored realms. His boundless enthusiasm and unwavering respect for the natural world
make him not only a captivating storyteller but also a true steward of the environment.

Source: https://artikel.rumah123.com/contoh-descriptive-text-tentang-orang
Text 17

My firend, Sarah

Among my circle of friends, Sarah stands out as a radiant beacon of creativity and

With her wild curls that frame her face like an artist’s brushstrokes, she embodies the
essence of free-spirited expression.Her bright blue eyes seem to hold a universe of
imagination, reflecting the boundless creativity that lies within her. Sarah’s wardrobe is a
canvas of her artistic flair. Each outfit is a masterpiece of unexpected combinations, colors,
and textures that only she could pull off with such grace.

From vintage dresses adorned with quirky accessories to hand-painted jackets that tell
stories of her travels, her style is an ever-evolving reflection of her eclectic personality. Her
laughter, a melodic symphony, echoes through every room she enters, infecting everyone
with a sense of joy.

Her voice, gentle and soothing, contrasts with the vibrant energy that emanates from
her being. As we walk through the city streets, her eyes often light up at the sight of a hidden
alleyway or a graffiti-covered wall, reminding me of her uncanny ability to find beauty in the

But beyond her appearance and creative endeavors, it’s Sarah’s heart that truly shines.
Her passion for helping others is evident in her involvement in community art projects and
her constant support for local artisans

She is not only inspires us with her artistic talents but also with her dedication to
making the world a more beautiful and compassionate place. Sarah, with her kaleidoscope of
ideas and her ability to turn the ordinary into something extraordinary, is a friend who brings
color and wonder to every chapter of life.

Source: https://artikel.rumah123.com/contoh-descriptive-text-tentang-orang
Text 18
My Friend, Jacques

Jacques has been my close friend for two years. I first met him on a school exchange
trip to Calais, France. I asked him the way to the library and we started talking. We’ve been
friends ever since.
Jacques is quite good-looking. He’s tall and slim, with olive skin and curly dark hair.
Like many French people, he has a great sense of style, so he always looks well-dressed even
in casual clothes.
Jacques is very outgoing. He is always friendly and loves to have fun. He’s got a
fantastic sense of humour and he always makes me laugh. However, he can be a bit immature
at times. For example, when he doesn’t get what he wants, he acts childishly and stamps his
Jacques is very keen on water sports. He likes sailing and he spends a lot of time on
his boat. He enjoys scuba diving, too, and loves exploring life under sea.
All in all, I’m glad to have Jacques as my friend. It’s a pleasure to be with him and I really
enjoy his company. I’m sure we’ll always be close friends.

Source: https://www.scribd.com/doc/52785660/describing-people-examples
Text 19
Taj Mahal India

Taj Mahal is regarded as one of the eight wonders of the world. Taj Mahal was built
by a Muslim Emperor Shah Jahan in the memory of his dear wife at Agra. Taj Mahal is a
Mausoleum that houses the grave of queen Mumtaz Mahal.

The mausoleum is a part of a vast complex comprising a main gateway, an elaborate

garden, a mosque (to the left), a guest house (to the right), and several other palatial
buildings. The Taj is at the farthest end of this complex, with the river Jamuna behind it.

The Taj stands on a raised, square platform (186 x 186 feet) with its four corners
truncated, forming an unequal octagon. The architectural design uses the interlocking
arabesque concept, in which each element stands on its own and perfectly integrates with the
main structure.

It uses the principles of self replicating geometry and a symmetry of architectural

elements. Its central dome is fifty-eight feet in diameter and rises to a height of 213 feet. It is
flanked by four subsidiary domed chambers. The four graceful, slender minarets are 162.5
feet each.

The central domed chamber and four adjoining chambers include many walls and
panels of Islamic decoration. Taj Mahal is built entirely of white marble. Its stunning
architectural beauty is beyond adequate description, particularly at dawn and sunset.

The Taj seems to glow in the light of the full moon. On a foggy morning, the visitors
experience the Taj as if suspended when viewed from across the Jamuna river.

source: https://www.detik.com/edu/detikpedia/d-6705526/10-contoh-descriptive-text-singkat-
Text 20
Museum Satria Mandala

The Satria Mandala is a museum that stores the history of the military, especially the
struggle of the Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI) in defending the Tanah Air. It is
located at Jalan Gatot Subroto No. 14, West Kuningan, South Jakarta
Quoted from the TNI's official website, the construction of the Satria Mandala
Museum began on November 15, 1971 on a land area of 56,670 m2.
The implementation of the first phase of the construction of the Satria Mandala
Museum was inaugurated by the 2nd President of Indonesia Soeharto on October 5, 1972.
Before being made into a museum, the Satria Mandala Museum Building was formerly
named Wisma Yaso which was the residence of Ir Soekarno and his wife, Ratna Sari Dewi
The Satria Mandala Museum has various military historical objects, especially those
related to the TNI struggle from 1945 - until now. Like a collection of dioramas, military
weapons, war vehicles, to statues of heroes.

source: https://www.detik.com/edu/detikpedia/d-6705526/10-contoh-descriptive-text-singkat-
Text 21
Hansamu Yama

Hansamu Yama is considered to be one of the ten most shining young player in AFF
Suzuki Cup 2016. He is an Indonesian football player who was born in Mojokerto, East Java
on 16 January 1995.

His zodiac is Capricorn and he is 22 years old by now. His full name is Hansamu
Yama Pranata. He is the first child of Mr. Puji and Mrs. Endang Riwayati. His back number
is 16 and he usually play as a back player or as a midfielder during a match.

He starts his junior career with SSB Mojokerto Muda in 2010, but in 2011 he joined
the SAD Indonesia until he was choosen to be one of the player in Timnas U-19 in 2013. His
current club is PS Barito Putera, it is the same club with his teammate during the AFF Cup
2016, Rizky Pora.

Hansamu Yama has an athletic body. His height is 180 centimeters and his weight is
70 kilogram. His skin color is brown. His hair is straight and the color is black. He has an
oval face and without beard or moustache. His nose is pointed ans his eyebrow is thin. He has
slanted eyes and the color is brown. I think he is very energetic, especially during the match.
His favorite food is spicy fried rice.

Source: https://www.bigbanktheories.com/contoh-descriptive-text-singkat-terbaru-tentang-
Text 22
Rizky Pora
Rizky Pora is one of the best football player in Indonesia. His full name is Rizky
Rizaldi Ripora. He is 27 years old by now. He was born in Ternate, Indonesia on 22
November 1989, so his zodiac is Scorpion.

His father is Mr. Abdullah Pora and his mother is Mrs. Nuraisa. His back number is
26 and he usually play as left winger or left back during a match. He used to play for
Persambong Sula and Persita Tanggerang before he became a member of his current club, PS
Barito Putera, an Indonesian football club based in Banjarmasin, south Kalimantan. His name
starts rising since his appearance on the AFF Suzuki Cup 2016 as a left winger for the
Indonesia National Football Team.

His height is 172 centimeters and his weight is 61 kilogram. His skin color is brown.
His hair is curly and the color is black. He loves to keep his hair short because it looks tidy.
He has a square face with thin beard and moustache on it.
He has deep set eyes, a type of eye which set deeper into the skull, and the color is
brown. I think he is very friendly, because whenever he meet his fans he always welcome
them with a big smile.

Text 23
Gambyong Dance

Gambyong dance is a dance to welcome guests or start a wedding reception. This

dance is named after the dancer named Gambyong. This dancer lived during the time of
Sunan Paku Buwana IV in Surakarta. He was proficient in dancing and had a melodious
voice so that he became the idol of the youth at that time.

Gambyong dance choreography is mostly centered on the use of footwork, body,

arms, and head. The dancer not only flexes his body, but also has to be skilled. There are
various movements in the Gambyong dance.

The srisig movement is a movement with a standing position on tiptoe followed by

small steps. Nacah oblique, namely the left foot moves to the side, alternately followed by the
right foot placed in front of the left foot.

Kengser is the movement of the foot sideways by shifting with the foot position still
close to the floor. Embat or entrag motion is a movement with the knee open because it
moves downwards and upwards. In addition, there is also a walking movement (now mlaku),
and motion in place (now mandheg).

Source: https://www.brilio.net/ragam/25-contoh-text-descriptive-bahasa-inggris-lengkap-
Text 24

Saman dance

Saman Dance is listed in UNESCO on the Representative List of Intangible Cultural

Heritage of Humanity. The decision was made at the 6th Session of the Intergovernmental
Committee for the Protection of UNESCO's Intangible Cultural Heritage in Bali, on
November 24, 2011. Initially, Saman Dance was one of the media to convey messages
(da'wah) and was danced by men. Saman dance contains religious education, manners,
heroism, cohesiveness, and togetherness.

There are an odd number of Saman dancers. They sing the lyrics of the song in Gayo
language mixed with Arabic while dancing. The songs in the Saman Dance are divided into
five kinds. Regnum is a song in the form of a roar. The ringing is the roaring sound made by
all dancers. Redet is a short song with a short voice sung by a dancer in the middle of the

Sek is a song sung by a dancer in a long, high-pitched voice, usually as a sign of a

change in motion. Saur is a song that is repeated together by all dancers after being sung by a
solo dancer. In addition to singing, the movements of the Saman dancers are accompanied by
musical instruments in the form of drums, the sound of screaming dancers, clapping of hands
from dancers, clapping of dancers' chests, and clapping of dancers' thighs. The movements in
this dance are called shaking, kirep, lingang, and surang-saring (all the names of these
movements are Gayo).

The costumes or special clothes for the Saman Dance are divided into three parts. The
head is worn with a headdress and kepies edit. Bulang teleng, which is a black cloth with a
rectangular shape. Edit kepies or flower crowns are used on the right side of the head. On the
body, a pocket shirt, pants, and sarong are worn. Pocket clothes, also known as openwork
clothes, are short-sleeved black clothes embroidered with white, green, and red threads.

Source: https://www.brilio.net/ragam/25-contoh-text-descriptive-bahasa-inggris-lengkap-
Text 25


Rabbits are cute animals and have a thick hair. They have two eyes, four
legs, two ears,and a tail. Their hair has become the main attraction so many people buy
rabbits becauseof their hair color which is really fascinating. You can see a rabbit with a
variety of differenthair colors such as white, black, brown, gray, and others.
One of the most preferred color is w h i t e , b e c a u s e o f w h i t e , r a b b i t
s y m b o l i z e d a s a c l e a n a n i m a l a n d a b s o l u t e l y a d o r a b l e . Rabbit eye is very
funny and most of them are back. Some types even have a red color of eye.
One of the types of rabbits that have red eyes are Australian rabbits.They have two long
ears and even theirs can grow up to 10 cm. with their long ears, they could hear
better and know the voices of their predators when approaching.
Rabbit ears look so funny and sometimes moving up. Four feet they have
are very strong, especially the hind feet because those are used as a point for
jump. front feet have 5 fingers while t h e h i n d f e e t h a v e 4 f i n g e r s .
W i t h t h e f o u r l e g s , t h e y c a n r u n v e r y f a s t a n d i t m a k e s t h e m easier to run
away from chasing predators.
They have an enough long body. They can grow between 20
t o 5 0 c m w i t h a w e i g h t between 0.4 kg to 2 kg. They have a short tail.
Their tails look like a cotton ball because it is so short. Female rabbit is pregnant for
30 days. In every birth, rabbits can deliver between4 -12 babies.
This is why the rabbit population continues to grow rapidly and they do not become
an endangered species. Females can mate since the age of 6 months, while the
males when they reach the age of 7 months. After mating, the females will then make
their nests in the ground to deliver the babies.
Rabbit population continues to grow to this day due to the reproduction done
consistently. R a b b i t s e v e n b e c o m e a n i m p o r t a n t e l e m e n t i n t h e l i v e s t o c k
b u s i n e s s . C u r r e n t l y , t h e y become pet and food which are bought and sold
continuously throughout the world.

Source: https://www.academia.edu/16868947/DESCRIPTIVE_TEXT_ABOUT_ANIMAL
Text 26

The cheetah
The cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) is a species in the Felidae family of cats. Four
African subspecies exist, differentiated based on the regions of the continent where they
occur. The Asiatic cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus venaticus) was once common across Asia and
India. The animal's common name is taken from "chita," a Hindi word meaning "spotted."
Cheetahs lived throughout the African continent, India and the Arabian peninsula.
Modern cheetahs are restricted to sub-Saharan Africa, where they live in small populations
that are increasingly isolated due to habitat loss and human incursion.
Cheetahs prey on hoofed animals, primarily gazelles and wildebeests that graze in
open savannas, although they also take down smaller game. The sleek cheetah is built for
high-speed sprints, not for power like the leopard and other big cats are. They average 3.5 to
4.5 feet long from nose to rump and stand 2 to 3 feet at the shoulder.
The cheetah’s slim legs are proportionately longer than those of other big cats. They weigh
between75 and 145 pounds, males tending to weigh more than females of similar size.
The cheetah’s coarse, smooth fur is a pale tawny base covered with simple black spots of irregular shape
and occurrence. Black stripes of fur known as “tear lines” frame the cheetah’s face
from the outer corner of its eyes down its nose to its mouth.
These dark stripes keep the sun out of the cheetah’s eyes when it is hunting. The
simplicity of a cheetah’s spots distinguishes it from the leopard. Leopards have more
complex coloration, with black and brown clusters of spots called rosettes.

Source: https://www.academia.edu/38549399/Descriptive_text
Text 27


Panda is one of the mammals with a large size that is liked by many people. This is
because Panda has a very adorable body shape and behavior. Some of the main
characteristics of this animal are its large shape and the combination of black and white
colors on its body. The panda is a native animal from China that belongs to the bear family.

The body shape of the panda is very similar to the bear, both in posture and in other
body characteristics. It’s just that it has a difference in terms of color. Panda has quite a
thick fur with two colors, namely white and black. The overall color of the panda’s fur is
white with black spots in some parts. Usually, panda eyes have patches of black fur around
their eyes.
Panda also has a tail that is not so long and looks around so it will look even funnier
when viewed. Pandas have an average size of 1.2 meters to 1.5 meters. And weighs between
75 to 135 kg. Pandas like bamboo their main food because it is used for diet. They can spend
40 kg of bamboo per day. Because the panda is an omnivorous animal that eats all kinds of
Unfortunately, this cute mammal can only be found in some zoos. Because pandas
are included in protected animals because they are almost extinct where the population does
not reach 1000 heads.

source: https://www.sonora.id/read/423691526/12-contoh-descriptive-text-tentang-hewan-
text 28


Giraffes are truly giant animals. They amaze me. I like giraffes because their long
neck.Theycan grow up to 17 feet tall and weigh as much as 3,000 pounds.

The male giraffe, called bulls, are typically larger than the females, called cows.
The babies aren’t exactly small either. baby giraffe, called a calf, is 6feet tall at birth Giraffes
also have large hearts. Their hearts can be up to 2 feet long and weigh over 20 pounds.

They need these large hearts to pump blood all the way up their long
necks. It is always fun to watch giraffes eat from the tree. Their favourite types
of leaves are from the acacia tree. Giraffes are herbivores, meaning they
eat plants rather than meat.

They use their long necks and tongues which they can stick out up to a
foot and a half to get to leaves on trees. typical full grown adult giraffe will eat
over 700 pounds of leaves, twigs, and fruit each day. Giraffes don’t need to drink
water very often because there is so much water in the leaves they eat.

However, when they do drink water, they can drink several gallons at a time. I
think this is not good because a giraffe has to bend down and get into
a vulnerable position when drinking. It is not a good idea when there are lions sneaking

Sorce : https://www.academia.edu/26722072/Descriptive_Text_Gifaffes

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