Method Statement Kgala

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To ensure environmental protection, a Construction Method Statement (CMS) will be prepared

providing a mechanism to prevent, reduce, and mitigate environmental effects. The draft CMS will
be discussed and agreed with DGC and other stakeholders at a later date, if planning consent is
granted, and enforced and monitored during all key stages of the works.

A detailed method statement for the construction period should be provided with the EIA for
Dumfries and Galloway Council to approve. In this report should be an assessment of potentially
noisy operations and an outline of the proposed noise mitigation measures. Guidance should be
taken from ‘BS5228: 1997: Part 1: Noise and Vibration Control on Construction and Open sites’

Encourage development of site specific method statements to identify all waste streams.

Method statement - a document that clearly sets out the details of how the work will be carried out.

HNF-PRO-10863, Notebooks and Logbooks

• GPR-EE-01-1.11, Purgewater Management

• GPR-EE-01-3.0, Chain of Custody

• GPR-EE-01-3.1, Sample Packaging and Shipping

• GPR-EE-01-4.0, Soil and Sediment Sampling

• GPR-EE-01-6.2, Field Cleaning and/or Decontamination of Geoprobe and Drilling Equipment

• GPR-EE-01-7.0, Geologic Logging

• GPR-EE-02-14.0, Drilling, Maintaining, Remediating, and Decommissioning Resource Protection

Wells, Geoprobe, and Geotechnical Soil Borings

The FHI quality management program is implemented for this project via the following BHI manuals:

• BHI-QA-01, ERC Quality Program

• BHI-QA-03, ERC Quality Assurance Program Plans

• BHI-DE-01, Design Engineering Procedures Manual

• BHI-EE-01, Environmental Investigations Procedures

• BHI-EE-02, Environmental Requirements

• BHI-EE-10, Waste Management Plan

• BHI-MA-02, ERC Project Procedures

• BHI-SH-02, Safety and Health Procedures, Vols. 1, 3, and 4

• BHI-SH-05, Industrial Hygiene Work Instructions

1 Scope of Works
This method statement covers the drilling and equipping of borehole and reticulation of
water across Kgalagadi District and Ghanzi South. A Method Statement (MS) will be
prepared providing a mechanism to prevent, reduce, and mitigate environmental effects
through protective measures.
2 Plant and equipment
Drilling rig
Drill casings and tools
Drill weights
Drill tanks
Dip meter
Water pump
Flow meter
Nitrogen cylinder
Installation gear
Emergency spill kit
Fire extinguishers
First aid kits
Shovel and spade
Power pack and breaker
Rig support vehicle and tow board
All lifting equipment and accessories shall conform to the requirements of the Lifting
Operations and lifting equipment and be subject to regular six monthly inspection.
The rig, lifting equipment and accessories shall be subject to daily inspection by the lead
driller in control of the rig which will be recorded on the weekly inspection forms, any
defects will be noted on the forms which shall be submitted to the plant department
weekly. The plant department and site agent shall be informed immediately of any safety
critical defects to enable prompt action to be taken out of operation until remedial
action has been taken.
3 Mobilisation/ Demobilisation
The rigs will be towed to site behind in a convoy and parked in a designated area until
ready for use on site.
Drill casing and equipment will be delivered to site by a wagon and stored at a
designated location on site until required. Kgalagadi District and Ghanzi South is a
semi-arid area, the day temperatures are usually high, therefore, any volatile compound
should be stored in a safe place.
The bowser will be delivered by towing behind a vehicle or on the back of a wagon and
winched off.
The condition of the equipment will be inspected by the site team prior to use.
Survey work
Before proceeding with the works, contractor shall carry out traveres survey,
Method of Work
Access routes to all the exploratory hole locations shall be agreed in advance with the
Access to borehole positions inclusive shall be via rough tracks off. Due to the possibility
of encountering soft ground, both along the access tracks and at the borehole positions,
appropriate precautions must be put in place to allow safe access and egress to and
from the borehole positions and provide a safe working area for the rig and crew. Safety
measures must be appropriate for the size and type of the plant being used to complete
the works. Precautions may include the use of Navvy Mats/ track matts, benching/
grading of embankments and/or sloping ground and the placement of roadstone as
appropriate but will at the discretion of the Principal Contractor.
The hole locations will be marked out and agreed in advance of the works with the
Utilities ground investigation supervisor. A pre-condition photograph shall be
undertaken as part of this process. If there is an issue with the exploratory hole location
with regards to services or features on site, an alternative location shall be agreed with
the Engineers supervisor. Holes shall be marked out in accordance with service plans
and any surface features identified
All holes shall have a permit to dig and a borehole sampling and testing instruction
issued prior to breaking ground. A permit to work system must also be approved by the
Principal Contractor.
Prior to any works commencing, all personnel undergo induction. Any SOPs and specific
rules are communicated within the induction, must be adhered to at all times. Speed
limits and one-way system in operation must be followed.
Quality Assurance and Environmental Management Systems
Trip hammers are to be calibrated prior to use.
Drip trays are to be placed under the drill rig once rigged up
Emergency spill kit is to be placed in the work areas together with fire extinguishers.
Works will be carried out in accordance with the works procedure for the Boreholes Act

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