LACEcologicalSystems PDF
LACEcologicalSystems PDF
LACEcologicalSystems PDF
Josse, C., G. Navarro, P. Comer, R. Evans, D. Faber-Langendoen, M. Fellows, G. Kittel, S. Menard,
M. Pyne, M. Reid, K. Schulz, K. Snow, and J. Teague. 2003. Ecological Systems of Latin America
and the Caribbean: A Working Classification of Terrestrial Systems. NatureServe, Arlington, VA.
© NatureServe 2003
Funding for this report was provided by a grant from The Nature Conservancy.
Front cover: Cushion plant community, Antisana Volcano, Ecuador. Photo © Hugo Arnal
1101 Wilson Boulevard, 15th Floor
Arlington, VA 22209
(703) 908-1800
Carmen Josse
Gonzalo Navarro
Pat Comer
Rob Evans
Don Faber-Langendoen
Meghan Fellows
Gwen Kittel
Shannon Menard
Milo Pyne
Marion Reid
Keith Schulz
Kristin Snow
Judy Teague
We wish to acknowledge the generous support provided for this effort by The Nature
Conservancy, mostly through allocation of discretionary funds and also with additional funding from
USAID and the U.S. Forest Service. We are extremely grateful to Roger Sayre, the contact person for
this project at The Nature Conservancy, for his sustained support and help. Many of the concepts and
approaches for defining and applying ecological systems have greatly benefited from collaborations
with Conservancy staff and the classification has been refined during its application in Conservancy-
sponsored conservation assessments.
The NatureServe Science staff engaged in this effort included: Pat Comer, Rob Evans, Don
Faber-Langendoen, Meghan Fellows, Denny Grossman, Carmen Josse, Gwen Kittel, Stephanie Lu,
Larry Master, Shannon Menard, Larry Morse, Milo Pyne, Marion Reid, Mary Russo, Keith Schulz,
Leslie Sneddon, Kristin Snow, and Alan Weakley (now with University of North Carolina
Herbarium). Dr. Gonzalo Navarro (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) coordinated classification
development for most of Bolivia, the Andes, and the Chaco in Paraguay and Argentina.
Conceptual Basis
A terrestrial ecological system is defined as a group of plant community types that tend to co-
occur within landscapes with similar ecological processes, substrates, and/or environmental
gradients. A given terrestrial ecological system will typically manifest itself in a landscape at
intermediate geographic scales of 10s to 1,000s of hectares and persist for 50 or more years.
Ecological processes include natural disturbances such as fire and flooding. Substrates may
include a variety of soil surface and bedrock features, such as shallow soils, alkaline parent
materials, sandy/gravelling soils, etc.. Finally, environmental gradients include local climates,
hydrologically defined patterns in coastal zones, arid grassland or desert areas, or life zones such
as montane, alpine or subalpine zones
In Latin America and the Caribbean, where classification at the floristic levels equivalent to
the US NVC association and alliance is not available region-wide, multiple references on plant
communities at local scale become the potential units to group through an iterative “bottom-up”
and “top-down” process of information synthesis, where abiotic and environmental
characterizations within a given geographic setting help to define the spatial criteria that bond
these communities.
Given the relative ease of recognizing vegetative structure and composition, this approach is
preferable to, for example, defining biotic components using animal species that are more
difficult to consistently observe and identify. Ecological systems are defined using both spatial
and temporal criteria that influence the grouping of communities.
In developing an ecological systems approach, we are mindful that in principle ecological
systems can be defined in a number of ways. Indeed, there are so many different definitions, that
perhaps the concept is in danger of losing its utility for ecological research and application.
Recently, O’Neill (2001) made a number of suggestions to help improve the ecosystem concept;
namely, that the ecosystem (1) be explicitly scaled, (2) include variability, (3) consider long-term
sustainability in addition to local stability, and (4) include population processes as explicit system
dynamics. Here we define our ecological system concept as follows:
Meso-Scale Systems
Our conceptualization of terrestrial ecological systems includes temporal and geographic
scales intermediate between those commonly considered for local stand and landscape-scale
analyses, which can range from 50 to 1,000s of years and 10s to 1,000s of hectares (Delcourt and
Delcourt 1988). These “meso-scales” are intended to constrain the definition of system types to
scales that are of prime interest for conservation and resource managers who are managing
landscapes in the context of a region or state. More precise bounds on both temporal and
geographic scales take into account specific attributes of the ecological patterns that characterize
a given region.
Temporal Scale. The temporal scale we have chosen determines the means by which we account
for both successional changes and disturbance regimes in each classification unit. Relatively
rapid successional changes resulting from disturbances are encompassed within the concept of a
given system unit. Therefore, daily tidal fluctuations will be encompassed within a system type.
Some of the communities describing one system may represent multiple successional stages. For
example, a given floodplain system may include both early successional associations and later
mature woodland stages that form dynamic mosaics along many kilometers of a river. Many
vegetative mosaics resulting from annual to decadal changes in coastal shorelines will be
encompassed within a system type. Many forest and grassland systems will encompass common
successional pathways that occur over 20-50 year periods. Selecting this temporal scale shares
Pattern and Geographic Scale. Spatial patterns that we observe at “intermediate” scales can
often be explained by landscape attributes that control the location and dynamics of moisture,
nutrients, and disturbance events. For example, throughout the tropical Andes it is possible to see
distinctions in vegetation along the elevation gradient, with the slope aspect adding complexity to
the moisture patterns. In extensive plains such as the ones of the South American Chaco, micro
topography and substrate induce clear distinctions in vegetation, going abruptly from wetlands to
xerophylous types. Rivers provide moisture, nutrients, and scouring soil disturbance that regulate
the regeneration of some plant species. In each of these settings we find a number of plant
communities co-occurring due to controlling factors in the environment. The communities that
co-occur may or may not share the same physiognomy or floristic characteristics that would place
them in the same UNESCO formation. More often than not, we see mosaics of communities
from different formations, such as woodlands, shrublands, and herbaceous meadows, occurring in
a complex mosaic along a riparian corridor, and we can often predict that along riparian corridors
within a given elevation zone, and along a given river size and gradient, we should encounter a
limited suite of communities.
Having said this, we still define “intermediate” spatial scales within rather broad bounds of
10s to 1,000s of hectares. For the purposes of guiding field identification, mapping, and
interpreting ecological relations among terrestrial ecological systems, it is often helpful to
categorize ecological system types based on their typical patch type characteristics. Table 1
describes four categories for patch types that encompass all terrestrial ecological systems. These
include “matrix-forming,” “large patch,” “small patch,” and “linear.” In each of these instances,
an expected geographic scale (size of the patch) is included as initial guidance for identifying
systems within a given area. Review of broad scale ecological pattern for a given region should
result in an initial suite of ecological systems types that could fall into each of these categories.
For example, matrix-forming forests, shrublands, and/or grasslands may dominate extensive
uplands for a given regional landscape. Both large patch and small patch systems tend to appear
Linear Ecological Systems that occur as linear strips. They are often ecotonal between
terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. In undisturbed conditions, typical occurrences
range in linear distance from 0.5 to 100 km.
The concepts of both “linear” and “small patch” types result in the definition of units that can
only fall into either category. The same is not always true with “large patch” vs. “matrix” types.
There are circumstances where an ecological system form the matrix within one part of its range,
but then occurs as a “large patch” type in another part of its range. This likely results in differing
dynamics of climate and related disturbance processes – and interactions with other systems –
that vary in ways that are unique to each system type. For example, a savanna system may form
the matrix of one ecoregion where landscape-scale fire regimes have historically been supported
by regional climate. But an adjacent, more humid, ecoregion might support the same type of
savanna system, where it occurs as patches within a matrix of forests. Importantly, we have
established as a classification rule that this type of change in spatial character – between “large
patch” and “matrix” categories across the range of a type - does not force the distinction of two
system types. The environmental and disturbance dynamics that result in that variation can be
described and addressed for conservation purposes without defining a distinct type. With these
Diagnostic Classifiers
As the definition for ecological systems indicates, this is a multi-factor approach to ecological
classification. Multiple environmental factors – or diagnostic classifiers - are evaluated and
combined in different ways to explain the spatial co-occurrence of natural communities.
Diagnostic classifiers is used here in the sense of Di Gregorio and Jansen (2000); that is, the
structure of the ecological systems classification is more “modular” than “hierarchical” in that it
aggregates diagnostic classifiers in multiple, varying combinations, without a specific hierarchy.
The focus is on a single set of ecological system types. This is in contrast to, for example, the
framework and approach of most vegetation classification systems where the lower level units are
grouped into the upper levels of the hierarchy based solely on floristic and/or physiognomic
criteria. These hierarchies provide more of a conceptual aggregation with no presumption that
communities co-occur in a given landscape. The ecological system unit links plant communities
using multiple factors that help to explain why they tend to be found together in a given
landscape due to similar ecological processes, substrates, and/or ecological gradients. Therefore,
ecological systems tend to be better “grounded” as ecological units than most vegetation
classification types and are more readily identified, mapped, and understood as practical
ecological classification units. Diagnostic classifiers include a wide variety of factors
representing bioclimate, biogeographic history, physiography, landform, physical and chemical
substrates, dynamic processes, landscape juxtaposition, and vegetative structure and composition.
Classification Structure
As previously mentioned, the structure of the ecological systems classification could be
described as “modular” in that it aggregates diagnostic classifiers in multiple, varying
combinations. This approach has allowed us maximum flexibility in the definition of multi-factor
units. For the landscape hierarchy, we emphasize the division level and the WWF version of the
ecoregional level, because that level is being used for conservation planning by The Nature
However, it is possible that some type of hierarchy may be advantageous. With approximately
1,000 upland and wetland system types across Latin America and the Caribbean, a hierarchy
Qualitative description. Each type is described in a database that includes a summary of known
distribution, environmental setting, vegetative structure and composition, and dynamic processes.
A separate portion of the database allows any combination of classifying criteria to be selected,
then attributed as a diagnostic classifier. This permits subsequent sorts and further evaluation of
types using any combination of diagnostic classifiers (e.g. all riparian systems, all High Andean
systems, all upper slope systems found in the Andean Divisions, etc.).
General UPLAND
Life Zone AltiAndino (3600-) 3900 – 4900 m ASL
Landscape Upper slopes Upper slopes/Plateaus Lower Slopes
Major Forest & Woodland Grassland & Steppe Sparse Vegetated Grassland &
Physionomy Steppe
Landform/ Side Slopes Side Slopes Side Slopes Side slopes/ Flats Internal
Topography /Toe Slopes Slopes/West
thorn scrub
Figure 2. Sample decision matrix for classification of upland ecological systems in the South-Central Dry Andes
Stands/areas below the recommended minimum size become difficult to judge in terms of
community or system type characteristics, and, if isolated, become heavily influenced by edge
effects. For conservation purposes, generally only larger sized occurrences of each community or
system type are tracked and the threshold for minimum size is seldom approached.
Mapping Applications
Vegetation forms one of the most readily observable natural features of the landscape. It
provides an important measure of the current condition of natural systems and can serve as a cost-
effective monitoring tool for ongoing management of those systems. Vegetation mapping is the
process of integrating multiple sets of information. It often involves interpreting signatures from
vegetation from remotely sensed data – sometimes integrating ancillary spatial data - then
assigning each signature to a map unit. In order to ensure that each mapper bases his or her
interpretation of those signatures on the same ecological perspective, a consistent classification is
Given the inherent difficulties in achieving a consistently agreed-upon classification scheme,
it may appear that classification should really be the end result of mapping; that is, the vegetation
mapper is free to explore the vegetation patterns as they appear on the local landscape, and
choose those features that are most relevant to the species combinations and environmental
factors on hand (a posteriori classification). Indeed, Kuchler (1988) argued that this approach
has much to recommend it. But Kuchler also pointed out that such a posteriori classifications
have a major drawback – they are best applicable only in the mapped area or, at best, only short
distances beyond the borders of the area. Since the scope of the NatureServe Ecological Systems
Classification is hemispheric, basing the mapping on these classifications should allow any map
produced to be compared to other areas in an integrated and consistent manner.
Only a few countries in Latin America have national vegetation maps based on remote sensing
data and modern mapping tools. On the other hand, a contrasting situation occurs at the local
level, where increasingly easier access to mapping tools (i.e. software) is causing a proliferation
of ad-hoc legends for local vegetation maps and therefore increasing the difficulties in using those
for spatial analysis of trends across entire ecosystems ranges.
Figure 5. Draft map of terrestrial ecological system units of the Gran Chaco and partial
2) Indicator – measurable entity that is used to assess the status and trend of a Key Ecological
3) Indicator rating – the point within a given expected range of variation one would rate each
Indicator that describes its current status.
To assess the quality of element occurrences, one must first identify and document a limited
number of key ecological attributes that support them (the terms “key ecological attribute” and
“indicators” are comparable to the term “ecological attributes” and “indicator” used by TNC in
Parrish et al. 2003 and by the EPA publication of Young and Sanzone 2002). After these are
identified, a set of measurable indicators are established to evaluate each attribute and document
their expected ranges of variation. For each indicator, we may then establish thresholds for
distinguishing their current status along a relative scale from “Excellent” to “Poor.”
Because occurrence ranks are used to represent the relative conservation value of an
occurrence as it currently exists, occurrence ranks are based solely on attributes that reflect the
present status, or quality, of that occurrence. There are three generalized occurrence rank
categories used to organize the various key ecological attributes. These are condition, size, and
landscape context. They are combined further to arrive at an overall occurrence rank. Thus:
Condition+ Size + Landscape Context ⇒ Estimated Viability or Integrity ≈ Occurrence
For community and system Elements, the term “ecological integrity” is preferable to that of
viability, since communities and systems are comprised of many separate species, each with their
own viability. Ecological integrity is the “maintenance of…structure, species composition, and
the rate of ecological processes and functions within the bounds of normal disturbance regimes1.
More directly, occurrence ranks reflect the degree of negative anthropogenic impact to a
From. Lindenmayer and Recher (in Lindenmayer and Franklin 2002). Similarly, Karr and Chu (1995)
define ecological (or biological) integrity as “the capacity to support and maintain a balanced, integrated,
adaptive biological system having the full range of elements (genes, species, and assemblages) and
processes (mutations, demography, biotic interactions, nutrient and energy dynamics, and metapopulation
processes) expected in the natural habitat of a region.
Indicators. Key Ecological Attributes may be difficult or impossible to directly measure. Where
this is the case, an indicator of the Attribute that may be reasonably and effectively measured
should be identified. In a river floodplain system, for example, river flow dynamics may be an
ecological process that is a Key Ecological Attribute, but it is not reasonable to expect that every
minimum C rank criteria
(C rank threshold)
minimum EO criteria
* within the next 10-25 years, based on historic evidence and current status
Figure 6. Rank scale for “A”, “B”, “C”, and “D”-ranked Occurrences
Future Applications
We envision this project as a point of departure to develop comprehensive mapping and
continually updated databases on the nomenclature, distribution, ecological characteristics, and
conservation status of terrestrial ecological system types throughout the western hemisphere. As
stated previously, ecological classification may ideally proceed through several phases in a
continual process of refinement. These phases could include 1) literature review and synthesis of
current knowledge, 2) formulating initial hypotheses and tentatively describing each type, that
support 3) establishing a field sample design, 4) gathering of field data, 5) data analysis and
interpretation, 6) description of types, 7) establishing dichotomous keys to classification units, 8)
mapping of classification units, and 9) refinement of the classification.
As noted by Jennings et al. (2003) and others before, a vegetation association or community
represents a statistical and conceptual synthesis of floristic patterns. It can be a “useful
abstraction,” representing a defined range of floristic, structural, and environmental variability.
Ecological systems represent a similar kind of “useful abstraction” that encompasses the
concepts of multiple vegetation associations, and emphasizes the environmental attributes that
result in their co-occurrence on the ground. The definition of both associations and ecological
systems as individual types is the result of a set of classification decisions based on field
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