On The SEM Features of Glass-Epoxy Composite System Subjected To Dry Sliding Wear
On The SEM Features of Glass-Epoxy Composite System Subjected To Dry Sliding Wear
On The SEM Features of Glass-Epoxy Composite System Subjected To Dry Sliding Wear
The scanning electron microscope (SEM) features of glass fiber–epoxy composites subjected to sliding wear for distances ranging from
500 m to 6 km are recorded in this work. The results have shown that there is an existence of noticeable features on the worn surfaces.
Thus for the longer run case interface separation is noticed, while for shorter runs matrix debris formation and occasional glass fiber
fragmentation are seen. The work also highlights the effect of load and sliding velocity on the wear loss pattern. © 2001 Published by
Elsevier Science B.V.
Keywords: Glass–epoxy; Pin-on-disc; Dry sliding wear; SEM observations
Fig. 1. (a) Schematic showing the mounting of the test piece in the pin
holder assembly and (b) inset of the G–E test sample showing glass fabric Fig. 3. A plot describing weight loss vs. sliding velocity for a sample at
arrangement. 40 N load.
210 Kishore et al. / Wear 247 (2001) 208–213
Fig. 4. SEM photograph showing the features of worn surface at 500 m sliding distance, 40 N and 3 m/s.
by the surface features as seen in SEM photomicrographs for the exposed longitudinal fibers to fragment thus bringing
taken at the central region of the worn surfaces. out the effect of distance on the wear surface features. The
Fig. 4 records the SEM features of the worn surfaces for matrix (Fig. 5) retains less of the wide spread, continuous
the 0.5 km at constant values of load (40 N) and velocity mass-like features seen in Fig. 4. Further the matrix debris
(3 m/s). The spread of the matrix and faint cracks, with some appear (Fig. 5) in increasing amount and the discontinuous
debris (marked ‘P’) are noticed. However, a detailed exam- glass fibers that are fragmented are distributed at random
ination of the 1 km run sample showed (Fig. 5) a tendency orientations (for example, at regions marked ‘F’).
Fig. 5. Surface features showing the SEM observation for 1 km run at 40 N and 3 m/s.
Kishore et al. / Wear 247 (2001) 208–213 211
Fig. 6. SEM surface features for 2 km run at 40 N, 3 m/s showing debris on the sample surface.
Increasing amounts of debris are noticed in longer run longer sliding distance of 6 km (40 N, 3 m/s) is depicted
sample (2 km, Fig. 6). The spread of the debris partly in Fig. 8, wherein in addition to debris formation and bro-
masks the fibers at regions marked ‘K’ on top center of ken fibers, crater formation due to combined factors like
the photograph. Fig. 7 features situation prevailing for still the long wearing-in process coupled with widening of an
longer run case (4 km). Both transverse and longitudinal existing defect (for instance a void) and its emergence at
fibers can be noticed. Also visible are a few broken fibers the surface leading to hollow appearance. Consequently,
(marked by arrows). The test sample subjected to still in this photomicrograph, the subsurface (underneath) layer
Fig. 7. SEM surface features depicting fragmentation of fibers with debris on the surface of sample at 4 km sliding distance, 40 N and 3 m/s.
212 Kishore et al. / Wear 247 (2001) 208–213
Fig. 8. SEM picture for 6 km run sample at 40 N, 3 m/s showing a crater-like feature.
clearly exposed due to the parting off of the top layer is On the other hand, increasing the load to 60 N (Fig. 10) has
noticed. The matrix debris seen in the photomicrograph the effect of showing the features resembling interface sepa-
could be an additional factor in furthering the wear process ration (across the top region of the photograph). Besides the
[11]. matrix has a coloration change probably effected by the fric-
The effect of changing the load to either 20 or 60 N at tional heat developed. Summarizing, the photomicrographs
sliding distance (4 km) and velocity (3 m/s) is brought out in (Figs. 7, 9 and 10) presented earlier corroborate the general
Figs. 9 and 10, respectively. Compared to Fig. 7, the surface trend seen in weight changes in that the matrix debris for-
features depicts (Fig. 9) less of fiber exposure thus highlight- mation and fragmentation of fibers are larger when the value
ing the effect of decreasing the applied load from 40 to 20 N. of the applied load is higher.
Fig. 9. SEM picture depicting worn surface features for 4 km run sample at a load of 20 N and velocity of 3 m/s.
Kishore et al. / Wear 247 (2001) 208–213 213
Fig. 10. SEM photograph showing features at 60 N, 3 m/s, for 4 km distance run sample.
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