An Exploratory Research Examining Knowledge Retention Using Virtual Reality and 3D Printing in Education

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8 XI November 2020
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.429
Volume 8 Issue XI Nov 2020- Available at

An Exploratory Research Examining Knowledge

Retention using Virtual Reality and 3D printing in
Vishakh L Iyer
Academic Research Student, Department of Information Technology, B.K. Birla College of Arts, Science and Commerce
(Autonomous) Kalyan, Maharashtra, India

Abstract: The revolution of education has changed drastically from chalk – duster mode to 3D methods featuring Hologram
projection in online education and distance learning, virtual and augmented reality in 3D way of live streaming, haptics for 3D
sensing i.e. used in game simulation etc. The main area focused on this research is educating people in the world along with
conceptual learning with more practical examples for recreating the essence of practical knowledge in educational world. The
purpose of the research study is to achieve the factors required for interactive education by using 3D printing and Virtual
modules. A Virtual Reality specimen is taken into consideration as an experiment to feel the virtual environment in education.
Keywords: 3D-printing, Virtual-Reality, Virtual-haptic system, HoloLens, Simulation, Google Cardboard, Augmented Reality.

Growing fame and acquisition of smartphones, had viewed subsequent rise in Virtual Reality (VR) applications that leverages
smartphone technology. The main aim of virtual reality is imitating the sight i.e. the perception of being present as in real world.
Low cost consumer VR headsets such as the Samsung Gear VR, Google Cardboard and Google Daydream had established digital
environment which is more accessible than before. Moreover, VR transformed the educational possibilities. Empirical research
depicts that the technology promotes students by challenging the barriers in education and creating blissful moment in different
contexts and across various subjects. Similarly, 3D printing technology (alias “Additive Manufacturing”) is seen to have made a
deep impact in the field of education. It is the most advanced manufacturing technique that has changed the era of additive
manufacturing industry. It refers to the layer-based additive technique building 3D models using digital data provided by various
(Computer Aided Design) CAD software portrayed in meshed phase as Stereolithography (STL) format and then converted into
sliced layers in the form of G-code to instruct the 3D printer. Three-dimensional printing is especially useful for numerable topics
and even subjects at different levels of education. E.g.: Teachers can print out historical artifacts viz. monuments, coins, etc.,
biology students can print out organs and cells, geography teachers can get print out a mountain range etc. laying the path of
invention & innovation in education field. Implementing 3D automation to the classroom unlocks the barriers to find how students
think and incorporate information into useful subjects. Digital 3D domain come to life with 3D printers, which can encourage
teamwork, planning, design, and thinking through complex ideas. At present stage, the technology is used in varied dimensions as
the limitations like time consumption, less availability and cost have been solved up to an extent due to computational intelligence
called artificial intelligence. Combination of both the above technologies will promote professor to encompass students on an
intense environment where they can perform multi tasks i.e. visualizing and creating new artifacts or 3D models at the same time to
understand the concept in an enjoyable and creative format.
A. To find out if theoretical studies is more adaptable to teachers and students when compared to 3D visualization
B. To understand the concepts through VR
C. To analyze different methods that can be used in teaching-learning process

These objectives will be attained by checking through survey analysis based on the following hypotheses as under: -
1) H1: “Individuals experiencing a VR environment by means of digital content report - a) High levels of attention to the mediated
environment, b) Presence and c) Creative thinking.”
2) H2: “3D printing technology boosts fields of education that promotes students to pursue challenging courses because it could
build school solidarity also upgrade the intellect in divergent areas.”

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International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.429
Volume 8 Issue XI Nov 2020- Available at


The article explaining the aspects of Haptic technology was introduced by L. Liu et al. [6]. The article explained the basic concepts
of haptic technology, how it functions in different levels and sectors of education, applications, and features of the same. The author
aimed at step-by-step approach in detailing the Virtual Haptic System. They stated certain problems viewed by their experimental
analysis viz. Selective learning content, Improvised learning methodology etc. which could be neglected to some extent considering
the changing environment and boost of technology in education. The main objective validated was that the Virtual Haptic System
could become a beneficial interaction technology which can intensify the potential of human in educational world. Survey based
analysis on Holographic learning proposed by Leonard et al. [4] traced the pilot study of educational design research project using
Microsoft HoloLens in a secondary school. The concept of HoloLens Mixed Reality was initially understood by the teachers,
students. This study gathered 73 responses from 7-12 sections of the school which was analyzed using PCA analysis through SPSS
software. The design approach stated in this study embodies the challenging environment explored and positive impact gained by
the students through this system which could be used to revolutionize the education environment. Literature study on 5G technology
reinventing Virtual and Augmented realities in education proposed by Baratè, A. et al. [5] focused more on the 5G technology and
its applications in developing the VR & AR in education environment. For this, the author had specified the stream (i.e. fine arts) to
show insights of the topic. Also, study discussed the failure of performance, connectivity of 4G, 3G technologies in online education
and how it can be rectified by 5G. The main objective of the research study was to derive the feasibility of AR and VR in education
clubbing it with the high performance rendered by 5G technology. The article [2] by Pates. D focused on the gap that is faced in the
online education and generalized the ways to eradicate the problem by defining each part in detail through various examples. The
author paved the way for the educator and learner to experience interactive learning in online education through holographic

A. Participants
This study used a survey analysis through Google Forms to test the proposed hypotheses which verified certain parameters in pre-
test and post-test with participants containing both teachers and students. A total of 60 participants (14 teachers and 46 students)
recruited from Indian Cultural English High School between 5th-9th standard. The participants were randomly selected without any
bias. The survey was conducted within the city limits of Kalyan.

B. Materials
As per the above hypothesis stated to prove it a Vivo Y51L smartphone and a DIY (Do It Yourself) VR headset was used to display
a content named “The Exoplanets”. The video portrayed had three-dimensional representation of our Milky Way Galaxy and some
exoplanets with key details of them and having audio-visual information about the same. The device that was prepared was
comfortably used by all the participants.

Fig. 1 Hierarchical diagram of Protoplanetary Disk (Pre-test)

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International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.429
Volume 8 Issue XI Nov 2020- Available at

Fig. 2 Screenshot of Exoplanet in Virtual Reality (Post-test)

Even if they require it for personal use it can be built in low cost and eco-friendly way which is easily available. A 360-degree vison
was projected by the VR headset to sense the environment. The space provided for the eyes and nose was as per their convenience.
The audio data played automatically upon the startup of the experience did not require any specific action from the participants.

Fig. 3 Demonstration of how to use VR headset to view digital content

C. Procedure
As per the current scenario teacher used the method of e-learning where a platform was set for discussion on exoplanets between
students and teacher in the form of diagrams and models as in physical classrooms. The teacher was asked to check the parameters
like comfort (in understanding concepts), interaction, immersion into the topic and teaching-learning process (theoretical mode with
few diagrams to display as done in physical classrooms).For this certain multiple-choice questions were proposed for pre-test and
post-test aiming to understand the knowledge of participants. The score was assigned as the feedback of pre-test conducted for each
parameter listed above in scores viz. 1 (Bad), 2 (Average), 3(Good), 4(Very Good), 5(Excellent). The same procedure was repeated
for the posttest using VR headset by following all the safety measures and the practical test was organized. Presentation of using the
VR headset was demonstrated and rules to be followed while using VR headset were stated. Again, a feedback was taken in scores
as in pretest on each parameter.

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International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.429
Volume 8 Issue XI Nov 2020- Available at

The test scores of paired samples were calculated at the confidence level of 95 percent using t-test. The score of survey parameters
were summed and averaged to create overall variable scores. The teacher presented multiple choice questions to test the parameters
in pre-test (e.g. Which exoplanet is 880 light years apart? Which planets are considered as exoplanets?) and post-test (e.g. What is
one-way exoplanets are indirectly detected?). Each test contained 5 different multiple-choice questions to compare the knowledge of
participants regarding the topic. The statistical t-values of parameters at p-value of 0.05 are comfort (-7.18), interaction with virtual
world (-5.96), immersion in virtual environment (-7.96), teaching-learning process (-7.23). The fig.4 and fig.5 display the scores of
participants in pretest and posttest.


No. of participants



1 2 3 4 5


Comfort Interaction Immersion Teaching-learning Process

Fig. 4 Pre-test Parameter Rating



No. of participants




1 2 3 4 5


Comfort Interaction Immersion Teaching-learning Process

Fig. 5 Post-test Parameter Rating

The test scores of paired samples rendered through survey analysis (pretest and posttest) calculated using the t-test resulted in stating
that the participants were able to understand the concept more precisely through VR mode than normal mode. The results also
rendered that there was a significant difference in scores of parameters checked in VR mode(mean=3.96) and normal teaching
executed in pretest (mean=2.16). Therefore, the hypothesis “H1” is accepted.

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved 441

International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.429
Volume 8 Issue XI Nov 2020- Available at

The survey included few outcomes to support the second hypothesis i.e. “H2”. The participants were asked few questions in the
posttest which focused mainly on the technologies used in changing the educational environment. Here, majority of participants
supported 3D printing and stated advantages and disadvantages of using it in education. Therefore, the hypothesis “H2” is partially
accepted which will be validated in the future research study.

This study characterized the impacts of VR and laid the insights into various technologies stated by the participants in
revolutionizing the educational environment. Participants in VR mode allocated more attention to the topic, discerned more
presence and enjoyment than in normal teaching process. Furthermore, those intellectual and thoughtful responses to the media
helped them to gain more knowledge that was visually projected in mobile based platform.
This study has certain theoretically implications for literature to Virtual Reality and 3D printing because both have varied cognitive
demands depending on the user. The VR can assist the educators in exploring different realities and alternate experiences. Students
of any age will always find this technology quite interesting as it creates amazing experiences which can never be lived-in real-
world scenario also it improvises the quality of education in different sectors without having language as a barrier. But there are few
flaws which must be noted i.e. VR declines the human behaviour of communication because in VR-based education user can only
interact with software and nothing else which can deteriorate interactive culture. Also, it cannot provide flexibility to students in
exploring new ideas, ask questions as using specific software you will not be able to do anything else except what you are supposed
to do. With the rising technology these flaws can be rooted out and stabilized to the education environment.
On other hand, 3D Printing also called “Additive Manufacturing” has transformed the education due to creation of experiential
learning opportunities in students, teachers etc. The biggest advantage for education with 3D printing revolves around its hands-on
approach to manufacturing that empower students to design, collaborate, and create amazing artifacts with ideas, projects, and
activities in a classroom environment. This area looks more like a workshop than a classroom and is consistent with innovations
portraying that hands-on projects and activities displays deeper understanding of concept when compared with traditional textbooks
and test-based teaching [23]. This technology could be used by teachers, universities as it provides them all the training tools and
simplifies complex concepts in simple manner. Financial perspective of 3D printing is more diverse as students can indulge their
creativity in making amazing artifacts which can be traded to gain income and understand how the processes in business
organization are operated.


This research study utilized less sample of student participants for validating the hypothesis. The study only included prescribed
content on which various parameters were rated to establish the credibility of the teaching-learning process. Also, the study did not
specify the use of 3D Printing in detail. The future researchers should expand the scope and population by generalizing the
diversification in educational levels (primary, secondary etc.) and educational sectors with validating the parameters stated in this
research study on varied subjects. The researchers should verify the consistency of audio-visual information (viz. relevant or
irrelevant) or audio-types (earphones, speaker of the phone etc.) optimizes the output of teaching-learning process. The future
research will incorporate demonstration of a project on 3D Printing technology using IOT (Internet of Things) by printing robotic
artifacts that will be analyzed on large population aiming at its applications and scope.

Cost-effective VR technologies provided by smartphone or certain mobile applications and varied technologies like 3D Printing,
Haptics, Hologram can pave way for interactive and immersive education. This study has proved that concepts portrayed in practical
manner would increase the potential and understanding ability in students as well as it would revolutionize the teaching-learning
process. In the end, both the technologies viz. Virtual Reality and 3D Printing provide students with exciting and adventurous
educational environment. However, all the technologies discussed have their own set of strength and weakness that should be
considered while integrating these in education.

The author would convey special gratitude to Prof. Swapna Augustine Nikale, Department of Information Technology of B.K. Birla
College of Arts, Science and Commerce (Autonomous) Kalyan, Thane and Indian Cultural English High School, Kalyan for their
encouragement and support.

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International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.429
Volume 8 Issue XI Nov 2020- Available at

1) 5G: Fifth generation mobile technology which provides broadband access
2) Haptics: sense of touch for interacting with digital devices
3) Microsoft HoloLens: A mixed/augmented reality head-mounted display manufactured and devised by Microsoft
4) T-test: Inferential statistic used to determine if there is a significant difference between the mean of two groups which may be
related to certain features
5) Exoplanets: Planets outside the solar system

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