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The Final Test

Drugi pismeni zadatak sastoji se iz 3 dela: Grammar, Vocabulary / Functions i Writing. U nastavku
teksta slede uputstva i saveti za rad. Pismeni radite na papiru kojim vam budem dao tako da ćete stići sve
da uradite za 45 minuta.


1 Complete the sentences using the appropriate present simple, present continuous and past simple

1 Last year John ....................... (find) a strange bottle on the beach.

2 ………………….. (you/eat) pasta every day?

3 John and George ……………….. (run) now.

4 I often ………………… (have) an egg and sausages for breakfast.

5 My parents ……………… (be) in Brazil ten years ago.

6 He …………………. (not do) the dishes at home every evening.

7 ………………………… (you/study) biology at the moment?

8 Sophie …………………. (not write) an email yesterday morning.

9 I …………………… (not listen) to the news in the mornings.

10 They …………………. (drive) to Paris last month.

2 Complete the sentences with the comparative or superlative form of the adjectives in brackets

1 Our neighbourhood is ……………………… (dangerous) than yours.

2 John is ……………… (fast) boy in our class.

3 Which is ……………. (long) river in Serbia?

4 Peter is ……………. (slow) than me.

5 That was ……………… (happy) day in my life.

6 She is a …………….. (bad) swimmer than me.

3 Circle the letter before the correct answer

1 Tom ………got a few pencils.

a) have b) has c) is d) had

2 I …………….. basketball every Sunday.

a) play b) playing c) am playing d) am play

3 The phone ……….. . Can you answer it, please?

a) rings b) ring c) rang d) is ringing

4 I want to play tennis with ………….. .

a) she b) her c) hers d) they

5 We go to work ……… car.

a) by b) by the c) on d) on the

6 Do you like classical music?

a) Yes, I like. b) Yes, I likes. c) Yes, I do. d) Yes, I does.

7 There isn’t …………rice.

a) some b) any c) many d) a


1 Write the numbers in words




1905 (year)

1878 (year)

2007 (year)


II Complete the sentences with the words in the box. There are some words you do not need

theatre wet alien telescope exciting canyon

1 It was an …………… day. We saw a lot of people and had fun.

2 She went to the ………………. to see her favourite comedy.

3 It was a ……….. day yesterday. It rained heavily.

4 You need a …………….. if you want to see the surface of other planets.

1 Answer the questions

U ovom zadatku imaćete pet pitanja o sebi, svojim interesovanjima, školi i slično. Sledi spisak pitanja
koja će biti slična pitanjima koja ćete dobiti na pismenom

1 What is your name? How old are you?

2 What is your favourite colour? Sport?

3 What is your least favourite subject? Why?

4 Do you like pets?

5 What do you do in your free time? What does your best friend do in his/her free time?

6 When were you born?

7 Do you have any hobbies?

8 When do you have Serbian lessons?

9 What are your friends doing at the moment?

10 What are you going to do tomorrow?

11 Where are you going to travel next year?

12 Where did you travel last year?

13 What do you have to do every day?

14 What does your mum have to do every day?

15 What shouldn’t you do at school?

2 Answer the questions

Ponovite sledeće tekstove:

Adventure Island (sve epizode koje smo radili)

Tekstove na sledećim stranama u udžbeniku: SB pp. 26, 30, 44, 48, 54, 62

Ne tražim detalje!

3 Desribe....

Opis stvari i situacija koje smo učili. Opis ne treba da bude duži od 50 reči.
Zadatak će biti sličan sledećim vežbanjima u udžbeniku:

Ex.10 (page 21)

Ex.3-4 (page 26)

Ex. 7 (page 29)

Ex. 7 (page 39)

Ex. 4 (page 44)

Ex. 3-4 (page 62)

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