Unit 2 The Study of English Module 3 Lexis: Task 1

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Unit 2 The Study of English

Module 3 Lexis

Find 2 other different forms from each of the following three nouns.
Name the forms (noun, verb, adjective etc) and then use each of them
appropriately in a sentence. For example: care (careful adj), carelessly
(adv), carer (noun).


(noun) that company has a high standard of cleanliness

(adverb) He had never in his life seen a horizon so cleanly


(verb) that person is not allowed in here

(noun) only 75-pound luggage allowance


(noun) She has a low tolerance for noise

(verb) John doesnt tolerate Katy at all


Give 5 examples of each of the following compounds:-

eg football; [foot+ball]

1. Two nouns making a single compound noun

A chessboard; [chess+board]
B postman; [post+man]

C railway; [rail+wail]

D mailbox; [mail+box]

E girlfriend; [girl+friend]

2. A noun and a gerund making one item

eg ice skating or skating rink

a Horse riding

b Air conditioning

c Bird watching

d Book binding

e House cleaning


Form 1 word from each of the following prefixes. Use free-standing

words to which prefixes can be added. eg un(friendly)

1. auto autobiography

2. con conserve
3. per percent

4. sub submarine

5. ante antediluvian

Form 1 word from each of the following suffixes, ie add the suffixes to
already existing words. eg sad(ness)

1. abe wasable

2. ness cleanliness

3. er - believer

4. ise magnetise

5. tion organization


Which of the following words would you not teach beginners and why?




welder it is use for specific contexts, not everyday needs.


bloke this is not a common word in the USA, needs more explanation.

Chauffeur is not a daily activity word






How many different lexical choices do we have to say someone has

died? Select at least 5 COMMON ones, describe the situations/contexts
in which they would be appropriate and give example sentences for
eg for different lexical choices to invite somebody out somewhere:
Would you like to go to the cinema tonight? - this is a polite way of
asking somebody out.
Do you fancy going to..? - this is an informal term; you would use it
with friends. Etc

Think about the relationship between the speaker and the addressee, as
well as the language context (where and when the expression might be

1 This is not easy to say John but he passed away. (Formal, use to
communicate the death of a person both know in a tender manner/in a
hospital or clinic).
2 He is gone to heaven we will not see him again. (Formal, this is often
use to a child).

3 He kicked the bucket bro (Informal, may be two friends, that were at
school and didnt know each other after some time)

4 Mary bite the dust 15 days ago. (Informal, to tell a person the death
of someone that is not very close in relationship)

5 He has expired Dr. Sebi. (Formal, we can use this in the medical or
religious context)

Ricardo Muoz Mitre


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