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U r i n a r y Tr a c t I n f e c t i o n

and Bacteriuria in
Alexander P. Glaser, MD, Anthony J. Schaeffer, MD*

 Urinary tract infection  Bacteriuria  Antimicrobials  Urinary tract infection  Pyelonephritis

 Antimicrobial choice in pregnancy should reflect safety for both the mother and the fetus.
 During pregnancy, asymptomatic bacteriuria (ASB) significantly increases the risk of pyelonephritis
and subsequent maternal and fetal complications. Treatment of ASB significantly reduces these
 Pregnant patients should be screened for ASB at least once early in pregnancy, and, if culture is
positive, treated for 3 to 7 days. These patients should be followed with serial cultures throughout
pregnancy, and prophylactic antimicrobial therapy should be considered.
 Pregnant patients with cystitis should also be treated for 3 to 7 days. These patients should be fol-
lowed with serial cultures throughout pregnancy, and prophylactic antimicrobial therapy should be
 Pregnant patients with pyelonephritis should initially be admitted for intravenous antimicrobial ther-
apy and receive a total of 7 to 14 days of culture-directed treatment. These patients should be fol-
lowed with serial cultures throughout pregnancy, and prophylactic antimicrobial therapy should be
strongly considered.

INTRODUCTION due to the physiologic changes of the urinary tract

during pregnancy.1–3 Both lower and upper urinary
Urinary tract infections (UTIs) during pregnancy tract bacteriuria, including ASB, are associated
may be classified as asymptomatic bacteriuria with adverse maternal and fetal outcomes,
(ASB), infections of the lower urinary tract (cystitis), including preterm birth.4–10 Therefore, screening
or infections of the upper urinary tract (pyelone- and treatment of bacteriuria during pregnancy
phritis). Lower tract bacteriuria (ASB or cystitis) is have become standard of care recommended by
associated with a 20% to 30% increased risk of multiple professional organizations.2,11–15
developing pyelonephritis in pregnancy, likely

A.P. Glaser has nothing to disclose. A.J. Schaeffer has the following relationships to disclose: Advanstar Com-
munications Inc (author honorarium); Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH (advisory board participant);
ClearView Healthcare Partners (consultant honorarium); Hollister Incorporated (consultant honorarium); KLJ
Associates, Inc (consultant honorarium); Melinta Therapeutics, Inc (advisory board participant); Navigant

Consulting, Inc (consultant honorarium); Philadelphia Urological Society (speaker honorarium); UpToDate,
Inc (royalty payments for author contribution).
Department of Urology, Northwestern University, 303 East Chicago Avenue, Tarry 16-703, Chicago, IL
60611, USA
* Corresponding author. Department of Urology, Northwestern University, Tarry Building Room 16-703, 300
East Superior, Chicago, IL 60611.
E-mail address: [email protected]

Urol Clin N Am 42 (2015) 547–560

0094-0143/15/$ – see front matter Ó 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
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Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2020. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
548 Glaser & Schaeffer

PATHOGENESIS bladder also experiences progressive superior

and anterior displacement as well as hypertrophy
The urinary tract is sterile under normal circum- and smooth muscle relaxation, leading to
stances. Bacteriuria generally occurs because of increased capacity and urinary stasis.1,3,24–26
ascending bacteria from a fecal reservoir or
vaginal/perineal skin flora.16 Pathogenic organ-
isms in pregnant women are similar to those found ANTIMICROBIALS IN PREGNANCY
in the nonpregnant population. Escherichia coli is Choice of Treatment
the most common pathogen, representing 70% Choice of antimicrobials during pregnancy must
to 80% of all UTIs in pregnancy.7,8,16–19 Entero- reflect safety considerations for both the mother
bacteriaceae, including Klebsiella and Entero- and the fetus. In the mother, physiologic changes
bacter, are also common pathogens, and in pregnancy can alter pharmacokinetics and
infections with other gram-negative organisms decrease serum drug concentrations; changes
such as Proteus, Pseudomonas, and Citrobacter include increased maternal fluid intravascular
can occur.7,8,16–20 Gram-positive organisms, and extravascular fluid volumes, increased renal
mostly group B Streptococci (GBS), are also com- blood flow, increased glomerular filtration rate,
mon pathogens and are the cause of up to 10% of and drug distribution to the fetus.27,28 Most antimi-
UTIs in pregnant women.17,20 Infection with other crobials cross the placenta, and drugs that can
microorganisms, including Mycoplasma hominis, cause teratogenesis or other harm to the fetus
Ureaplasma parvum, Gardnerella vaginalis, lacto- should be avoided. Despite this known risk, few
bacilli, and Chlamydia trachomatis, have also large-scale trials on antimicrobial use during preg-
been described.21–23 nancy have been performed because of logistical
and ethical issues. Much of the known drug safety
URINARY TRACT CHANGES IN PREGNANCY data derives from studies when pregnant women
The entire urinary tract is anatomically and physio- were not excluded from new therapies,29,30 or
logically altered in pregnant women (Table 1).1 from data extracted from animal models and
Together, these upper and lower urinary tract observational studies.27,28,31
changes are thought to increase the risk of devel- The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
opment of pyelonephritis from ASB and lower previously published a classification system for
UTIs.4,7 During pregnancy, renal length increases drugs in pregnancy, labeling medications either
by approximately 1 cm and glomerular filtration class A, B, C, D, or X. This system was widely
rate increases by approximately 30% to 50%.1 panned as being unhelpful because of a lack of
Mild hydroureteronephrosis is observable as early high-quality data, therefore leading to classifica-
as the seventh week of gestation.5 This dilation is tion of most drugs, including antimicrobials, as
due to the overall decreased peristalsis in the category C (“animal studies have shown an
collecting system and ureters, attributable to adverse effect on the fetus and there are no
both the muscle-relaxing effects of progesterone adequate and well-controlled studies in humans,
and the progressive mechanical obstruction from but potential benefits may warrant use of the
the gravid uterus.1,3,5,24 During pregnancy, the drug in pregnant women despite potential
risks”).28,32 In December 2014, the FDA approved
a rule to remove the pregnancy categories A, B, C,
Table 1 D, and X from drug product labeling and instead
Urinary tract changes in pregnancy instituted a new system for labeling medications
in pregnancy that is intended to be more practical
Kidneys Increased renal length and help guide decision-making by physicians
Increased glomerular and patients.33 Labeling changes go into effect
filtration rate by 30%–50% in June 2015.
Collecting Decreased peristalsis Despite a lack of high-quality safety data, many
System antimicrobials have been used in pregnancy for
Ureters Decreased peristalsis years without adverse maternal or fetal outcomes,
Mechanical obstruction including penicillins, cephalosporins, clindamycin,
Bladder Displaced anteriorly and and macrolides (Table 2).27,28 Recent meta-
superiorly analyses found no evidence to support one partic-
Smooth muscle relaxation ular antimicrobial over another for either ASB34 or
Increased capacity symptomatic UTIs.35 Therefore, after reviewing
Data from Waltzer WC. The urinary tract in pregnancy. safety profiles of antimicrobials, choice of empiric
J Urol 1981;125(3):271–6. treatment should reflect local antibiograms and

Descargado para german zamudio ([email protected]) en University of Antioquia de ClinicalKey.es por Elsevier en agosto 18, 2020.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2020. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
UTI and Bacteriuria in Pregnancy 549

Table 2
Antimicrobials in pregnancy

Prior FDA
Drug Fetal Toxicity Comments Category
Penicillin G Low risk Commonly used B
Amoxicillin Low risk Commonly used B
Ampicillin Low risk Commonly used B
Cephalexin Low risk 1st generation; commonly B
Cefuroxime Low risk 2nd generation; commonly B
Ceftriaxone Low risk 3rd generation; commonly B
Ceftazidime Low risk (limited data) 3rd generation with B
antipseudomonal coverage
Cefepime Low risk (limited data) 4th generation with B
antipseudomonal coverage
Aztreonam Low risk (limited data) Limited data; consider ID B
Imipenem Very limited data Limited data; must be C
administered with cilastatin;
consider ID consultation
Meropenem Very limited data Limited data; consider ID B
Clindamycin Low risk Commonly used; useful in B
penicillin-allergic patients
Azithromycin Low risk Commonly used B
Erythromycin Low risk More gastrointestinal side
effects than azithromycin
Nitrofurantoin Controversial teratogenic Commonly used; use for only B
risk; risk of hemolytic for lower UTIs
anemia in G6PD
deficiency during third
Fosfomycin Low risk (limited data) Use for only for lower UTIs B
Sulfadiazine Risk of antifolate Avoid if alternatives available C
teratogenesis; risk of
hyperbilirubinemia in
third trimester
Trimethoprim- Risk of antifolate Avoid in pregnancy C
sulfamethoxazole teratogenesis
Vancomycin Very limited data Limited data; consider ID B
(continued on next page)

Descargado para german zamudio ([email protected]) en University of Antioquia de ClinicalKey.es por Elsevier en agosto 18, 2020.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2020. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
550 Glaser & Schaeffer

Table 2
(continued )

Prior FDA
Drug Fetal Toxicity Comments Category
Linezolid Only case reports available Limited data; consider ID C
Daptomycin Only case reports available Limited data; consider ID B
Gentamycin Potential risks of ototoxicity Commonly used; useful for C
and nephrotoxicity pyelonephritis
Ciprofloxacin Theoretic risk of arthropathy Avoid in pregnancy C
Tetracycline Risk of teratogenicity and Avoid in pregnancy D
discoloration of teeth/bones
Doxycycline — Avoid in pregnancy D

Abbreviations: G6PD, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase; ID, infectious disease.

Data from Refs.18,27,28,44

susceptibility patterns, and final treatment should Cephalosporins

be tailored to culture-directed data.11 Cost-
Cephalosporins are also a group of b-lactam anti-
effective choices should also be considered.36
microbials with a well-established safety profile in
Finally, as with all patients, health care providers
pregnancy.27,28,31,36,43,44,48,49 Susceptible bacte-
should prescribe antimicrobials for pregnant
ria vary with the different generations. Third-
patients only for appropriate indications and dura-
generation cephalosporins are particularly useful
tion, and after discussing the benefits and poten-
because of their excellent coverage of gram-
tial risks of treatment.
negative organisms as well as some gram-
Antimicrobial Resistance positive organisms and are often used empirically
in the treatment of pyelonephritis. In addition,
The prevalence of multi-drug-resistant (MDR) or- certain third-generation cephalosporins such as
ganisms is increasing at an alarming pace in the ceftazidime have antipseudomonal activity. It is
general population.37–40 In addition, few drugs important to remember that none of the cephalo-
are being developed to combat the spread of sporins are effective against Enterococcus. More
resistance.37,39 Although the spread of MDR data in pregnancy are available for the earlier
organisms to the pregnant population has not generations of cephalosporins, including cepha-
been widely reported, it is likely that this challenge lexin and cefuroxime, yet overall the cephalo-
will be encountered in the future,41 stressing the sporins are considered generally safe in
need for culture-directed therapy and clinician- pregnancy.28,48
driven antimicrobial stewardship.42

Penicillins Monobactams
Penicillins are one of the oldest groups of antimi- Aztreonam is the only monocyclic b-lactam antimi-
crobials and have been used for many years in crobial currently commercially available. It is effec-
pregnancy without known adverse effects.43,44 tive against many gram-negative organisms
Their safety profile has been confirmed in multiple and has low cross-reactivity in penicillin-allergic
studies.31,44–47 These b-lactams include penicillin patients, but must be administered intravenously
G, ampicillin, and amoxicillin. Although resistance or intramuscularly. Limited data are available on
is common, these drugs are considered first-line the use of aztreonam in pregnancy, yet the risk
therapy for susceptible bacteria, especially for of adverse events or teratogenicity is considered
GBS.28,31,36,43,48 low.27,50

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UTI and Bacteriuria in Pregnancy 551

Carbapenems population-based studies demonstrated no in-

crease in teratogenicity in patients exposed to
Carabenems are a class of b-lactam antimicrobials
nitrofurantoin.56,57 The American Congress of
that are resistant to the extended-spectrum b-lac-
Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) supports
tamase enzymes made by MDR gram-negative
appropriate use of nitrofurantoin in the first
bacteria.40,51 They are available in intravenous
trimester when no suitable alternatives are avail-
form only. Because of their limited indications for
able, and as a first-line agent in the second and
use and relatively recent development, data on
third trimesters.48
safety of these drugs in pregnancy are scarce.27,36
Aside from potential teratogenic risks, there are
known rare but serious risks, including pulmonary
toxicity58 and hemolytic anemia, in patients with
Clindamycin, a lincosamide antimicrobial, is useful glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenate deficiency;
in penicillin-allergic patients for treatment of infec- nitrofurantoin should therefore be avoided in these
tions caused by Staphylococcus and GBS. It is not patients.59 Nitrofurantoin is also contraindicated at
active against Enterococcus or most aerobic term and in the neonate less than 1 month of age
gram-negative bacteria. Clindamycin can cause because neonates have immature enzymatic
diarrhea in up to 10% of patients, and rarely, activity and insufficient quantities of reduced
pseudomembranous colitis, but there are no glutathione in circulating neonatal red blood cells,
known studies associating clindamycin with leading to risk of hemolytic anemia.60,61
Fosfomycin, a phosphonic acid derivative, is a
The macrolide antimicrobials, such as erythro- broad-spectrum antimicrobial not commonly
mycin, azithromycin, and clarithromycin, are used in clinical practice in the United States
useful for treatment of Staphylococcus infections, that may see resurgence in use because of
with limited activity against gram-negative pa- increasing antimicrobial resistance.62,63 It has
thogens. The most common side effect is gas- no structural analogues to other antimicrobials
trointestinal upset, especially with erythromycin. and is useful against many MDR organisms,
Macrolide antimicrobials have a long safety record including extended-spectrum b-lactamase-pro-
in pregnancy, and large studies have not found as- ducing organisms, Pseudomonas, methicillin-
sociations between macrolide use and teratogenic resistant S aureus, and vancomycin-resistant
risk.27,28,36,53,54 Enterococcus.62,63 Use of fosfomycin in preg-
nancy has been studied primarily because it
Nitrofurantoin achieves high concentrations in the urine for up
to 3 days, making it an attractive choice for treat-
Nitrofurantoin is a unique antimicrobial specifically
ment of uncomplicated lower UTIs.62–64 Gastro-
useful for lower UTIs. It achieves therapeutic levels
intestinal upset is the most common adverse
in the urine but not in tissue and therefore should
event.63 Although there are no adequate studies
not be used to treat pyelonephritis. For lower
specifically examining teratogenic risk, several
UTIs, nitrofurantoin is useful because of limited
trials have examined the use of single-dose
resistance and bactericidal activity against many
fosfomycin for treatment of ASB and lower UTIs
common uropathogens, including E coli, Entero-
in pregnancy with no reported adverse out-
coccus faecalis, Klebsiella spp, Staphylococcus
comes.34,62,65–68 Overall, fosfomycin has a broad
saprophyticus, and Staphylococcus aureus,
spectrum of activity against many MDR organ-
although it does not have activity against Proteus,
isms, and it may have an increasing role in the
Serratia, or Pseudomonas.36,55
antimicrobial armamentarium for treatment of
Safety data for nitrofurantoin are conflicting. The
lower UTIs.
National Birth Defects Prevention Study recently
demonstrated an association between nitrofuran-
Sulfonamides and Trimethoprim
toin and congenital malformations, such as anoph-
thalmia, microphthalmia, atrial septal defects, and Sulfonamides and the combination drug
cleft lip and palate.31 However, results from this trimethoprim-sulfamethoxasole are not recom-
retrospective case-control study should be inter- mended as first-line agents in pregnancy. Sul-
preted with caution because of recall bias and fonamides inhibit folate synthesis and therefore
other flaws associated with this study design (for have been implicated in antifolate teratoge-
example, only 35% of patients could recall the nicity.27,28,36,69 In the National Birth Defects Pre-
drug name they were given).31,48 Two recent vention Study, sulfonamides were associated with

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Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2020. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
552 Glaser & Schaeffer

more congenital defects than any other anti- nephrotoxicity and ototoxicity,76 although these
microbial.31 However, other studies have not effects have not been demonstrated in the few
demonstrated this risk,70 and ACOG states that sul- published reports of vancomycin use in preg-
fonamide treatment remains appropriate in the first nancy.44,77,78 Because of the very limited evidence
trimester when no other suitable antimicrobial of vancomycin use in pregnancy, it should be used
alternatives are available.48 Aside from teratogenic with caution only when no alternatives exist.
risk, sulfonamides have also been reported to
cause hyperbilirubinemia and kernicterus when Linezolid, Daptomycin, and Newer
used in the third trimester.27 Antimicrobials
Trimethoprim, a dihydrofolate reductase inhibi-
tor, is also associated with antifolate teratogenicity Even less is known about the use of newer
and should be avoided in pregnancy.69 antimicrobials in pregnancy at this time. Only
case reports of linezolid, an oxazolidone anti-
Aminoglycosides microbial,79,80 and daptomycin, a lipopeptide
antimicrobial,81 have been published in the liter-
The aminoglycosides, gentamycin, amikacin, and ature to date. Fittingly, these drugs should be
tobramycin, are effective for treating gram- used with extreme caution in pregnancy and
negative bacilli and are often useful in the treat- with consideration of infectious disease con-
ment of pyelonephritis in combination with sultation.
ampicillin.28,70 However, aminoglycosides have
potential risks of ototoxicity and nephrotoxicity ASYMPTOMATIC BACTERIURIA IN
in both the mother and the fetus.27,28,71,72 Genta- PREGNANCY
mycin is the preferred aminoglycoside in obstet- Definition
rics, if needed, because of its comparatively
superior safety profile and low cost.36 Despite po- ASB is the presence of significant bacteriuria
tential risks, no teratogenicity or neonatal ototox- without symptoms, such as dysuria, urgency, fre-
icity or nephrotoxicity has been reported after quency, hematuria, or suprapubic discomfort.
administration of gentamycin in pregnancy, and The Infectious Diseases Society of America
gentamycin is widely used.28,44 (IDSA) defines ASB as 2 consecutive voided cul-
tures with 105 or more colony-forming units of
Quinolones the same bacteria, or a single catheterized urine
specimen with 102 or more colony-forming units
Quinolones, including ciprofloxacin and levofloxa- of one bacterium.2 This definition is based on
cin, achieve high tissue concentrations, making observations from asymptomatic nonpregnant
them effective choices for pyelonephritis in women who, when screened for ASB with urine
nonpregnant patients, yet they are generally cultures, only had confirmed bacteriuria in a sec-
avoided during pregnancy because of possible ond culture 80% of the time.4,82–84 The United
arthropathies and teratogenicity.27,28 Quinolone States Preventative Services Task Force (USPTF),
exposure in animal models can induce abnormal ACOG, and others recommend screening with one
cartilage development.73 Interestingly, despite urine culture and do not clarify whether this culture
this risk, when pregnant women were exposed to should be repeated to confirm the diagnosis of
quinolones, adverse events have not been consis- ASB.12–15 Although a single culture may overesti-
tently demonstrated.31,74,75 Overall, this class of mate the prevalence of bacteriuria, it is reasonable
antimicrobials should be avoided in pregnancy if to treat ASB without a confirmatory culture in the
suitable alternatives are available. pregnant population.
Tetracycline and doxycycline should not be used
Pregnancy alone is not a risk factor for ASB; ASB
in pregnancy, because they are associated with
occurs in 2% to 10% of pregnant and nonpreg-
teratogenicity as well as discoloration of the bones
nant women (see Table 3).2,85–87 The incidence
and teeth.27–30
of ASB in nonpregnant women increases with
advancing age, the presence of diabetes, sexual
activity, history of prior UTI, and anatomic or func-
Vancomycin is a glycopeptide antimicrobial useful tional urinary tract abnormalities.2,85,88–90 In preg-
for treatment of methicillin-resistant S aureus and nant women, socioeconomic status and parity
other resistant gram-positive organisms such as have been inconsistently associated with preva-
Enterococcus. Its use is associated with potential lence of ASB.91–95

Descargado para german zamudio ([email protected]) en University of Antioquia de ClinicalKey.es por Elsevier en agosto 18, 2020.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2020. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
UTI and Bacteriuria in Pregnancy 553

Table 3
Incidence, diagnosis, and recommended treatment and follow-up of asymptomatic bacteriuria, cystitis,
and pyelonephritis

Incidence (%) Diagnosis Duration (d) Follow-up
ASB 2–10  No symptoms 3–7  Periodic screening
 Bacteriuria for recurrent bacteriuria
 Consider antimicrobial
Lower UTI 1–2  Dysuria 3–7  Periodic screening
(cystitis)  Urgency for recurrent bacteriuria
 Frequency  Consider antimicrobial
 Hematuria prophylaxis
 Suprapubic discomfort
Upper UTI 1  Fever 7–14  Periodic screening
(pyelonephritis)  Chills for recurrent bacteriuria
 Flank pain  Strongly consider
 Nausea antimicrobial
 Vomiting prophylaxis
Data from Refs.2,12,34,35,124

Significance Screening
Unlike in the general population, ASB should be The USPTF, IDSA, ACOG, American Academy of
screened for and treated in pregnant women. If Pediatrics (AAP), and the American Academy of
left untreated, up to 40% of pregnant women Family Physicians (AAFP) recommend screening
with ASB may develop pyelonephritis.2,4–6 Treat- pregnant women for ASB.2,12,14,15 The IDSA,
ment of ASB with antimicrobials significantly de- AAP, and ACOG recommend pregnant women
creases the risk of symptomatic infection and be screened with a urine culture early in preg-
pyelonephritis.6,96,97 Untreated bacteriuria is also nancy,2,14 whereas the USPTF and AAFP re-
associated with preterm birth and low birth weight, commend screening with a urine culture at
likely due to association with pyelonephri- 12–16 weeks’ gestation, or at the first prenatal
tis,20,21,96,98–102 although this link remains contro- visit, if this occurs later.12,15
versial due to possible confounders and has not If the initial culture is negative, the IDSA and
been consistently reported.103–105 others do not make a specific recommendation
Because of the outdated nature of much of the for or against repeated screening for ASB, because
data linking ASB to pyelonephritis from the early there is limited evidence to guide timing of
antibiotic era, unclear methodology in these pub- screening.2 Conflicting data exist on the incidence
lications, and the possible consequences of anti- of ASB after 20 weeks’ gestation.87,107,108 Howev-
microbial overuse in the era of MDR organisms, a er, only 1% to 2% of women with an initial negative
study is currently re-examining the significance of culture obtained early in pregnancy will develop py-
ASB. This trial is examining the benefits and cost- elonephritis later, and no data exist to date that
effectiveness of screening low-risk pregnant additional screening decreases this risk.2,84,86,109
women for ASB at 16 and 22 weeks’ gestation The gold standard screening test for ASB in
and then randomizing patients with a positive pregnancy is a urine culture.2,12 Culture should
culture to treatment with either placebo or be obtained midstream.110 Many studies have
5 days of nitrofurantoin (Netherlands Trial Registry examined alternative tests because urine cultures
NTR3068).106 Primary outcomes are maternal are expensive, are labor-intensive, and require a
pyelonephritis and preterm delivery. This study period of 24 to 48 hours before a result is deter-
is being performing in the Netherlands, one of mined; however, at this time, an inexpensive,
the few countries where screening and treatment rapid, sensitive, and specific alternative to culture
of ASB in pregnancy is not currently standard of has not been proven. Urinalysis and urine dipstick
care. are specific, but not sensitive, for bacteriuria, and

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Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2020. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
554 Glaser & Schaeffer

therefore, use in screening would result in many LOWER URINARY TRACT INFECTIONS
false-negative results.13,107,111–118 Urine dipslide, (CYSTITIS)
a variant method of urine culture that uses an
agar-soaked plastic paddle attached to a plastic A symptomatic lower UTI (cystitis) is diagnosed
vial, is both sensitive and specific for bacteriuria based on the presence of symptoms such as
in pregnancy and could be useful in countries dysuria, urgency, frequency, hematuria, and
with limited resources and microbiologist availabil- suprapubic discomfort in combination with bacte-
ity.114 However, further validation is needed, espe- riuria. The incidence of cystitis during pregnancy is
cially in standard daily practice.119 Therefore, in less well characterized than ASB but is estimated
light of the consequences of bacteriuria and pyelo- at 1% to 2% (Table 3).98,101,127
nephritis in the obstetric population, and because Diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up of symp-
culture data are vital to tailor appropriate antimi- tomatic lower UTI are identical to those for ASB.
crobial therapy in the era of increased antimicro- Urine culture remains the diagnostic modality of
bial resistance, urine culture remains the choice. As with ASB, there is no evidence to
recommended screening test. support one specific antimicrobial regimen over
another for treatment of symptomatic UTI, and
treatment is recommended for 3 to 7 days.35
Treatment Follow-up, including periodic screening for re-
Antimicrobial treatment of ASB in pregnancy elimi- current bacteriuria and consideration of daily
nates bacteriuria and significantly reduces the inci- antimicrobial prophylactic therapy, is also recom-
dence of pyelonephritis.96 There is insufficient mended after treatment.122–125
evidence to recommend one specific drug over
another,34 and the ideal treatment duration also UPPER URINARY TRACT INFECTIONS
remains debatable, ranging from a single dose to (PYELONEPHRITIS)
7 days of treatment. Most single-dose regimens Epidemiology
are based on the unique pharmacokinetic properties The incidence of pyelonephritis in the ASB
of fosfomycin, which achieves high concentrations screening era is 1% or less (see Table 3).17,20,99,128
in the urine for up to 3 days after treatment with a This incidence is decreased from an incidence of
single 3 g oral dose.63,64,66–68 However, single doses 4% or higher before routine screening and treat-
of nitrofurantoin, sulfa, amoxicillin, and trimethoprim ment of ASB was initiated.4–6 Risk factors for
have also been examined.34,67 A Cochrane Review pyelonephritis include ASB, young age, nulliparity,
of the duration of antimicrobial therapy in 13 studies previous episodes of pyelonephritis, sickle-cell
reported that single-dose therapy may be less effec- disease/trait, diabetes, and other immunosup-
tive than a 7-day regimen.34 The IDSA recommends pression.17,20,128 Pyelonephritis occurs more often
a treatment duration of 3 to 7 days.2 in the second and third trimesters, when stasis and
hydronephrosis are most evident, and only 10%
Follow-up and Prevention to 20% of pyelonephritis occur in the first
Options for follow-up after treatment of ASB
include close surveillance or antimicrobial prophy- Significance
lactic therapy. Up to one-third of patients treated
for ASB will have recurrent bacteriuria after treat- As stated previously, up to 40% of pregnant women
ment if prophylaxis is not instituted, and therefore, with untreated ASB develop pyelonephritis,2,4–6
periodic screening for recurrent bacteriuria is which may also be associated with preterm birth
recommended.2,120,121 Daily prophylactic therapy and low birth weight,20,21,96,98–102 although this re-
with 50 to 100 mg of nitrofurantoin should also mains controversial.103–105 In addition to the poten-
be considered. Although there is limited high- tial detrimental effects on the fetus, pyelonephritis is
quality evidence that antimicrobial prophylaxis also associated with maternal morbidity. Maternal
decreases bacteriuria in pregnancy,122,123 this is complications of pyelonephritis include anemia,
a well-established therapy in nonpregnant pa- acute kidney injury, sepsis, pulmonary insufficiency,
tients.124 Postcoital prophylaxis can also be and acute respiratory distress syn-
considered.125 However, nonpharmacologic pro- drome.17,20,98,128–130 Maternal morbidity of pyelo-
phylaxis such as cranberry juice supplementation nephritis is similar across all 3 trimesters.129
is not recommended, because it has not been
proven to reduce ASB in pregnancy and is associ-
ated with a high dropout rate, and efficacy even in Pyelonephritis is a clinical diagnosis consisting of
nonpregnant patients remains controversial.126 symptoms such as fever, chills, flank pain, nausea,

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UTI and Bacteriuria in Pregnancy 555

vomiting, and costovertebral angle tenderness in pregnant women with pyelonephritis, 45% had
the presence of bacteriuria and pyuria.11,16,131,132 right hydronephrosis, 17% had left hydronephro-
Imaging is not required to diagnose pyelonephritis. sis, and only 14% had a normal ultrasound,
Urine culture is the diagnostic test of choice. yet all patients were managed with antimicrobials
Whether routine blood cultures should also be ob- alone.99
tained for pregnant patients with pyelonephritis
has not yet been adequately studied. Approxi-
mately 20% to 30% of blood cultures will be pos- SUMMARY
itive in pregnant patients with pyelonephritis.17,133
Bacteriuria is a common complication of preg-
However, discrepancies between positive blood
nancy that may lead to significant adverse
and urine cultures are rare and excluding routine
maternal and fetal outcomes. Antimicrobial selec-
blood cultures would result in significant cost sav-
tion should reflect safety considerations for both
ings.133 A recent Cochrane Review concluded that
the mother and the fetus. ASB, cystitis, and pyelo-
there was insufficient evidence at this time to
nephritis should be treated promptly, and patients
conclude if routine blood cultures should be ob-
should be followed closely after treatment, with
tained in pregnant women with pyelonephritis.134
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