Study of Relationship Between Anemia and Urinary Tract Infection in Pregnant Women

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A l A m e e n J M e d S c i 2 0 1 8 ; 1 1 ( 1 ) : 7 1 - 7 5 ● US National Library of Medicine enlisted journal ● I S S N 0 9 7 4 - 1 1 4 3


Study of relationship between anemia and urinary tract infection in

pregnant women
Shobha Bembalagi* and Mitul P. Sojitra
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Karnataka Institute of Medical sciences, P. B. Road,
Vidyanagar, Hubballi-580022, Karnataka, India

Abstract: Background: Pregnancy is a state of decreased immunity .Physiological changes occurring in the
pregnancy make women susceptible to urinary tract infection (UTI), more so in anemic pregnant women. The
global prevalence of bacteriuria in pregnancy ranges from 4% to 23% in various studies. Maternal anemia has
been associated with both asymptomatic bacteriuria and pyelonephritis. Materials and Method: This cross
sectional study was conducted to determine the relationship of UTI with anemia in pregnant women attending
antenatal clinic in tertiary centre, KIMS Hubli. A total of 100 pregnant women were enrolled in this study. The
sample was divided into two study groups cases and controls. The cases group had Hb level of <10 gm% and
control group had Hb level >/= 10gm%. Hemoglobin estimation was done by sahli's method. Anemia was
classified accordingly. UTI was diagnosed using mid stream urine (MSU) culture, using >105 colony forming
unit per millilitre as significant level of bacteriuria. Result: The overall prevalence was found to be 26%. There
was a high prevalence of UTI of about 40% in anemic pregnant women (whose Hb was <10 gm %) as
compared to 12% in non anemic pregnant women (whose Hb was 10 gm %). The mean blood Hb was
significantly lower in UTI case (8.2%). There was high prevalence in 21-25yrs age group and also in 2nd
trimester (75%). Multiparity is associated with increased UTI in pregnancy. E.coli was most frequently isolated
pathogen (61%). Conclusion: We can conclude that there is an association between UTI and anemia of different
causes during pregnancy. There was a high risk of having anemia amongst the complicated pregnancy with UTI
in association with their parity, age and gestational age.
Keywords: Bacteriuria, Pyelonephritis, Amaemia, Hemoglobin.

Introduction organisms/mL of urine with accompanying

pyuria (> 5 WBCs/mL) in a symptomatic
Urinary tract infections (UTI) which are caused
patient. Particularly in asymptomatic patients,
by the presence and growth of microorganisms in
diagnosis of UTI should be supported by a
the urinary tract are perhaps the single
positive culture for auto pathogen [7].
commonest bacterial infections of mankind [1]
Untreated asymptomatic bacteriuria is a risk
and in pregnancy, it may involve the lower
factor for acute cystitis (40%) and
urinary tract or the bladder [2]. UTI has been
pyelonephritis (25-30%) in pregnancy. These
reported among 20% of the pregnant women and
cases account for 70% of all cases of
it is the most common cause of admission in
symptomatic UTI among unscreened pregnant
obstetrical wards [3]. Anatomically UTI can be
women [7]. Symptomatic and asymptomatic
classified into lower urinary tract infection
bacteriuria have been reported among 17.9%
involving the bladder and urethra and upper
and 13.0% pregnant women, respectively.
urinary tract infection involving the kidney,
pelvis, and ureter. The majority of the UTI occur
Pregnancy increases the risk of UTI. At
due to ascending infection [4-5].
around 6th week of pregnancy, due to the
physiological changes of pregnancy the
Three common clinical manifestations of UTIs in
ureters begin to dilate. This is also known as
pregnancy are: asymptomatic bacteriuria, acute
"hydronephrosis of pregnancy", which peaks
cystitis and acute pyelonephritis [6]. UTI is
at 22-26 weeks and continues to persist until
defined as the presence of at least 100,000
delivery, returning to normal within several
organisms per milliliter of urine in an
weeks after delivery in most women. Both
asymptomatic patient or as more than 100

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Al Ameen J Med Sci; Volume 11, No.1, 2018 Bembalagi S & Sojitra MP

progesterone and estrogen levels increase during pregnancy reduces the incidence of these
pregnancy and these will lead to decreased complications and lowers the long-term risk
ureteral and bladder tone. Dilatation of renal of sequelae following asymptomatic
pelvis along with the elongation and dilatation of bacteriuria.
the ureters above the pelvic brim ocuurs due to
compression of ureters by gravid uterus. Material and Methods
Increased plasma volume during pregnancy leads
Study design: This hospital based cross
to decrease urine concentration and increased
sectional study was conducted in a tertiary
bladder volume. The combination of all these
centre, KIMS Hubli between October 2015
factors leads to urinary stasis and uretero-vesical
and December 2015. This was a case control
reflux [4]. In addition glycosuria and
study conducted to determine the relationship
aminoaciduria provide an excellent culture
of UTI with anemia in pregnant women.
medium for bacteria in areas of urinary stasis.
Additionally, the apparent reduction in immunity
Study Population: 100 pregnant women
of pregnant women appears to encourage the
attending antenatal clinic were randomly
growth of both commensal and non-commensal
recruited into the study.
microorganisms [5].
Data collection: Antenatal women who
Female gender itself is a risk factor because of
presented at the antenatal clinics of the above
short urethra, its proximity to vagina and anus
mentioned hospital during the study period
and inability of women to empty their bladder
were randomly recruited into the study.
completely. High incidence is seen in lower
Verbal informed consent was obtained from
socioeconomic group. Sexual activity and certain
each women before the commencement of the
contraceptive methods are also said to increase
research. Socio- demographic data such as
the risk. The anatomical relationship of female's
age, parity and duration of gestation were
urethra and the vagina makes it liable to trauma
collected from the pregnant women using
during sexual intercourse as well as bacteria been
standard questionnaires and kept confidential
massaged up the urethra into the bladder during
during the research. Hemoglobin estimation
pregnancy/ childbirth [8]. Abnormalities of
was done by Sahli's method.
urinary tract or stones, diabetes mellitus, sickle
cell traits, immunosuppression and past history of
Early morning clean-catch midstream urine
UTI, low socioeconomic status tend to increase
was collected from each pregnant women into
the risk [9].
a wide-mouthed sterile screw capped
container. Urine was cultured on to a Blood
The global prevalence of bacteriuria in pregnancy
agar & a MacConkey agar plate using the
ranges from 4% to 23% in various studies.
standard loop technique. After overnight
Maternal anemia has been associated with both
incubation at 370 C for 24 hours, colony
asymptomatic bacteriuria and pyelonephritis.
counts yielding bacterial growth of >105 /ml
Urinary tract infection during pregnancy
was taken as being significant in both
contributes significantly to maternal and perinatal
symptomatic and asymptomatic pregnant
morbidity. Abortion, low birth weight, maternal
women. Centrifuged urine deposit was
anemia, hypertension, preterm labour, and
examined microscopically at high
chronic pyelonephritis are related to urinary tract
magnification for pus cells, red blood cells,
infection during pregnancy. E. coli remains the
epithelial cells, casts, crystals, yeast-like cells.
predominant organism implicated in urinary tract
Pus cells 5/HPF were also considered
infection in pregnancy, though recent reports
significant for infection.
show changes in pattern of the infection.
Data analysis: Data was computed to extract
Recent studies in Nigeria show an increasing
relevant descriptive statistics for each
involvement of Klebsiella Spp, Staphylococcus
parameter. Data was analysed using statistical
aureus, Proteus spp., and Pseudomonas spp in
software SPSS version 19.0 at a significance
urinary tract infection in pregnancy. Studies have
level, p=0.05.
also shown that treatment of bacteriuria during

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Table-2: Case control difference in mean
blood Hb concentration
Table-1: Frequency distribution of study groups
by age, parity and gestational age Blood Hb Cases Controls
Age in years Cases Controls concentration (gm/dl) n=50 N=50
16-20 4 5 Range 6.4-9.9 10-12.
21-25 22 20
Mean 8.2 11.2
26-30 16 17
31-35 7 6
36-40 1 2
Table-3: Prevalence of UTI (urine culture
Parity positivity) among two study groups
Nullipara 16 14
Cases (n=50) Controls (n=50)
1-2 24 25
Hb<10gm% Hb>/=10 gm%
3-4 10 11
No positive 20 6
Gestational Age
(trimester of pregnancy) % positive 40% 12%
First 5 6
Second 15 16
Third 30 28
Total 50 50

Table-4: Case-control difference in prevalence of UTI in relation to the age, parity and Gestational age
Cases Controls
Age groups No examined No positive % positive No examined No positive % positive
16-20 4 1 5% 5 0 0%
21-25 22 10 50% 20 3 50%
26-30 16 5 25% 17 2 33.3%
31-35 7 3 5% 6 1 16.66%
36-40 1 1 5% 2 0 0%
Nullipara 16 4 20% 14 1 16.6%
1-2 24 8 40% 25 2 33.3%
3-4 10 8 40% 11 3 50%
Gestational age
First 5 2 10% 6 1 16.6%
Second 15 3 15% 16 1 16.6%
Third 30 15 75% 28 4 66.6%

Table-5: Percentage of isolation of various Discussion

significant pathogen in urine of pregnant
The highest incidence is seen in age group 20-
25 years followed by 26-30 years. The
Pathogen No isolated Percentage% aforementioned age groups having the highest
E.coli 16 61 was also observed in previous studies. The
Klebsiella 4 15 reason could be due to the fact that many
women within this age group are likely to
Enterobacter 3 12
have had many children before the present
Proteus 2 8 pregnancy and it has been reported that
Pseudomonas 1 4 multiparty is a risk factor for acquiring

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bacteriuria in pregnancy [10]. Sexual activity and Conclusion

certain contraceptive methods are also said to
The physiological changes of pregnancy
increase the risk and women are mostly sexually
predispose women to UTI. This happens more
active at this age. The report of this study is also
so in anemic pregnant women. We can
similar to that of Leigh and Onuh et al , who also
conclude that there is an association between
found the similar age group has highest incidence
UTI and anemia of different causes during
in developing urinary tract infection in
There was a high risk of having anemia
pregnancy. In this study, the frequency of urinary
amongst the complicated pregnancy with UTI
tract infection was higher in the third trimester
in association with their parity, age and
compared to the first and second trimester. This is
gestational age.
in agreement with Leigh , who reported an
increased frequency of urinary tract infection in
All pregnant women should be screened for
the third trimester compared to the first and
UTI with a urine culture, treated with
second trimester of pregnancy.
antibiotics if the culture is positive and then
In this study, twenty six urine samples gave retested for cure. The goal of early diagnosis
significant growth amounting to 26.0% and treatment of UTI during pregnancy is to
prevalence, which is nearly similar to Akinloye et prevent complications with all the added
al [11] who reported a prevalence of 21.7%. This benefits to the mother and the fetus.
study does not agree with that of Onuh and
colleagues who reported 32.7%, a bit higher to Awareness creation and nutritional education
the present study. There was a high prevalence of are recommended to prevent anemia in
UTI of about 40% in anemic pregnant women pregnancy. Nutritional counseling on
(whose Hb was <10gm%) as compared to 12% in consumption of iron rich foods and iron/
non anemic pregnant women (whose hb was folate supplementation are recommended to
>/=10gm%). The mean blood significantly lower prevent anemia in pregnant women. It is
in UTI case (8.2%). These findings agreed with recommended to redistribute the health
study done in Erbil in 2013 which revealed services according to the needs of the
significant association between anemia and UTI population, to train clinical providers to
and also agreed with study done in Mexico 2009 deliver services up to the standards of the
which stated that significant association present guidelines, to increase the awareness of
between UTI and anemia. National centre of ASHA worker regarding the diagnosis and
Health statistics in United states supported this referral system of anemia cases, to increase
association between anemia and UTI through the utilization of family planning services and
research published in 2004 . Study done in iron supplementation in reproductive age.
Baghdad found that maternal anemia is associated
with UTI during pregnancy.


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*All correspondences to: Dr. Shobha Bembalagi, Professor and HOD, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Karnataka Institute of
Medical sciences, P.B. Road, Vidyanagar, Hubballi-580022, Karnataka, India. Email: [email protected]

© 2018. Al Ameen Charitable Fund Trust, Bangalore 75

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