Gas Turbine Generators: NIOEC-SP-43-13
Gas Turbine Generators: NIOEC-SP-43-13
Gas Turbine Generators: NIOEC-SP-43-13
JULY, 2005
JULY, 2005 NIOEC-SP-43-13(0)
JULY, 2005 NIOEC-SP-43-13(0)
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1 SCOPE.........................................................................................................................................2
2 REFERENCES ...........................................................................................................................2
3 UNITS..........................................................................................................................................2
4 DEFINITION & TERMINOLOGY .........................................................................................3
5 GENERAL ..................................................................................................................................3
5.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................3
5.2 Design conditions and construction requirements ..........................................................3
5.3 Supply Scope.......................................................................................................................4
5.4 Language .............................................................................................................................5
5.5 Compliance with Spec........................................................................................................5
5.6 Packing ................................................................................................................................5
6 GAS TURBINE AND AUXILIARY EQUIPMENT ...............................................................5
6.1 Mechanical ..........................................................................................................................5
6.2 Electrical ...........................................................................................................................10
7 CONTROL AND INSTRUMENTATION.............................................................................14
7.1 Scope of supply .................................................................................................................14
7.2 General ..............................................................................................................................15
7.3 Turbine starting/shutdown..............................................................................................15
7.4 Turbine governing............................................................................................................15
7.5 Potection scheme ..............................................................................................................16
7.6 Instrumentation................................................................................................................18
8 SWITCHGEAR........................................................................................................................18
8.1 Ratings...............................................................................................................................18
8.2 LV switchgear and MCC.................................................................................................18
8.3 DC section .........................................................................................................................18
8.4 Accessories ........................................................................................................................19
9 BATTERIES AND DC EQUIPMENT...................................................................................19
9.1 General ..............................................................................................................................19
9.2 Duty ...................................................................................................................................19
9.3 Rating ................................................................................................................................19
9.4 Battery type.......................................................................................................................19
9.5 Battery charging and distribution equipment ...............................................................19
9.6 Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS)...............................................................................19
10 CABLING AND EARTHING.................................................................................................19
10.1 General ..............................................................................................................................19
10.2 Cable types ........................................................................................................................20
10.3 Cable sizes .........................................................................................................................20
10.4 Cable markers ..................................................................................................................20
10.5 Cable termination’s..........................................................................................................20
10.6 Cable schedules.................................................................................................................20
10.7 Earthing systems ..............................................................................................................20
11 INSPECTION AND TESTING...............................................................................................20
11.1 General requirements ......................................................................................................20
11.2 Tests at the Vendor/Contractor's works ........................................................................20
11.3 Tests on completion..........................................................................................................21
11.4 Gas turbine unit performance tests ................................................................................21
11.5 Operational site tests........................................................................................................22
11.6 Performance test report...................................................................................................22
Appendix A: SCHEDULE 1 - Utilities Specifications................................................................23
JULY, 2005 NIOEC-SP-43-13(0)
1.1 NIOEC Specifications cover the general requirements for detailed engineering,
procurements, testing inspection & construction of refinery/ oil plant, distribution depots,
pump stations and pipelines.
1.2 The self-contained gas turbine generator unit and all associated electrical and auxiliary
equipment shall be supplied in accordance with this Specification. The Specification is
intended to cover the requirements for a gas turbine in exhaust heat recovery cycle type.
Throughout this Specification the following dated and undated standards/ codes are referred to.
These referenced documents shall, to the extent specified herein, form a part of this
For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any
supplements and amendments) applies. For dated references, the edition cited applies.
The applicability of changes in dated references that occur after the cited date shall mutually be
agreed upon by NIOEC and the Vendor/Contractor.
International system of units (SI) shall be used in accordance with NIOEC-SP-00-10, unless
otherwise specified.
JULY, 2005 NIOEC-SP-43-13(0)
Contractor: The person, firm, Company or consortium whose tender has been accepted by the
Employer or legal successors in title to such person.
Purchaser: National Iranian Oil Engineering & Construction Company in cases where this
Specification is part of a direct purchase by National Iranian Oil Engineering & Construction
Company: In cases where this Specification is part of Contract Documents, "Purchaser" means
the Contractor.
5.1 Introduction
The gas turbine shall be designed and constructed for safe, long, economical and
uninterrupted continuous service with exception from short intermediate and scheduled
shutdown for inspection and cleaning.
The gas turbine shall be capable of operation under the site conditions specified herein.
The gas turbine and its auxiliaries shall be of well proven design and data shall be submitted
to demonstrate successful operation of units of the same type and rating installed for
electrical power generation at similar operating conditions.
The gas turbine shall be of industrial heavy duty type.
For good part load efficiency and performance, a concept with a free power turbine is
preferred if available.
To allow compressor and turbine replacement at site the design shall be of modular type
with horizontally or vertically split compressor/turbine casings.
The gas turbine shall have good accessibility and also allow inspection of the hot parts
within the GT enclosure.
The gas turbine shall be furnished with adequate facilities to meet Emission standard
requirements as per NIOEC-SP-47-37 and also the latest standard of Environmental
Protection Organization of Iran.
The Vendor/Contractor is required to carry out complete function and performance tests on
site. The tests will be witnessed and approved by the Purchaser.
The design shall allow long running periods, at least 10 000 equivalent hours between
inspections and overhauls. All scheduled maintenance, shall be done at site.
When evaluating the proposals, the following shall be taken into consideration:
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5.3 Supply Scope
Packaged heavy duty industrial gas turbine generating set complete with all
necessary auxiliaries including the following items:
Starting equipment
Lubricating oil system, common for gas generator, power turbine, gear and AC
Ventilation systems
Fire detection and suppression system with CO2 extinguisher.
Gas detection system
Fuel system
Compressor washing system
All necessary pipework and valves within the terminal points
AC Generator with excitation equipment
Gear box
MCC and switchgear for auxiliaries.
Batteries and Charger, DC Distribution system and UPS
Lighting and small power systems
Turbine and AC Generator control and protection equipment
Instrumentation including cables, and piping.
Cabling and earthing
Weatherproof enclosure over the turbine, auxiliaries and control room, noise
Air intake louvers, filtration equipment, silencing equipment and intake ducting,
supports for gas turbine and AC Generator.
Exhaust stack, ducting, supports and silencing equipment.
Adequate facilities to meet Emission standard requirements as per NIOEC-SP-47-
37 and also the latest standard of Environmental Protection Organization of Iran.
Ladders and platforms
Transport (FOB)
Supervision of erection, commissioning and test
Delivery limits
Inlet flange of the gas fuel pipe, at the external filter unit
Inlet flange of the diesel fuel pipe, at gas turbine base frame
Inlet/outlet flange for cooling water supply/return at GT- base frame
Connection for instrument air at GT- base frame
Drain connections at GT- base frame
Connections in the neutral/lineside cubicle for outgoing MV cables
Terminals in the LV-switchgear for incoming LV supply
Terminals in the Control panel for signal exchange with the generator circuit
breaker and the bus VT.
Earthing connections at GT- base frame and – AC-Generator
Interface to foundation at lower end of GT- base frame
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5.3.2 Spares
The vender shall include a recommendation of spare parts required for 2 years
For the control system sufficient replacement plug-in elements for two years
normal operation shall be supplied and shall be available prior to initial
commissioning. Any elements used during commissioning shall be replaced.
5.3.4 Training of
5.4 Language
The English language shall be used in all documents and in all correspondence between the
Vendor/Contractor and the Purchaser.
Not withstanding any description, drawings or illustrations which may have been submitted
with the Tender, all details will be deemed to be in accordance with the Specification and
the standard specifications and codes referred to therein, unless deviations have been made
and agreed upon.
5.6 Packing
6.1 Mechanical
6.1.1 General
This section of the Specification covers the gas turbine prime mover and unit
The turbine generating set shall be the standard product of the Vendor/Contractor
and each set shall be delivered as a package plant complete with buildings,
auxiliary-, control- and electrical systems.
It is essential that the gas turbine unit and all ancillary equipment should have been
fully proven by extensive and successful operation in commercial service under
similar operating conditions and on similar fuels to those specified for this
application. If the Vendor/Contractor is unable to comply with these requirements,
specified details of the components concerned shall be entered in the List of
The gas turbine generating set should fulfil the following basic requirements:
Good accessibility: the complete inspection of hot parts shall be possible within
the gas turbine enclosure.
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The material used for construction shall be carefully selected for use in the
atmospheric conditions of the site.
JULY, 2005 NIOEC-SP-43-13(0) Power turbine
6.1.3 Couplings
-The couplings shall be designed to withstand, without damage, the torque’s which
would be imposed upon them during generator short circuit conditions. They shall
also accommodate for any misalignments that will occur after aligning the unit at
erection. The Vendor/Contractor shall include details of the design basis for the
couplings and state their maximum full load torque’s under normal operating
conditions and their design torques.
-The speed reduction gear shall be of parallel double helical design and equipment
with necessary instruments to facilitate maintenance and fault tracing.
-The gas turbine unit shall be equipped with an electric starter motor driven by a
static frequency converter to provide a smooth start and limit the required size.
- Starter motor rotation continues until the airflow through the engine is sufficient
to maintain combustion and the engine is in a self sustaining condition.
- Intermediate shaft with SSS type clutch between AC electric starter motor and
gas generator shaft.
- The electric staring system could be for starting and cooling down as a Barring
gear. The cooling down turning system includes controls such that it is only
operable if there is sufficient lube oil pressure at the bearings.
- Lubricating oil systems complete with tank, pumps, valves, cooler, filters,
supervisory equipment, instrumentation, pipework and all equipment necessary for
a self-contained system for the automatic supply of oil to the various parts of the
plant shall be provided.
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- Starting and stopping of the motor driven pumps shall normally be automatic but
manual control facilities shall be incorporated. Interlocks shall be provided to
prevent damage to the plant in the event of malfunction of the lubricating
oil system.
- The lubricating oil should be a mineral based oil acc to ISO VG46.
- The lubricating oil consumption, if any, during operation shall be stated in the
tender. Tank Filters
-The lubricating oil system shall include 2 x 100 % filter, with possibility
to switch over during operation. Cooler
-The lubricating oil cooler shall be of air- blast simplex lubricating oil
cooler type.
- The cooler unit provided for the gas turbine unit shall be such that
maximum peak load output can be maintained under the most adverse
ambient conditions.
-An AC-driven ventilation system shall be provided for the gas turbine enclosure,
to reduce the heat at personal service areas to maximum 20°C above ambient
-An automatic CO2 based fire extinguishing system shall be installed for the
package unit enclosure compartments which include the gas turbine.
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trip all running plant including ventilation and release of fire dampers and CO2 to
completely flood the enclosure will be initiated. Facilities shall be provided for
manual initiation and shutdown of the CO2 discharge system.
-Initiation of this system shall automatically trip the gas turbine generating set and
shut off the fuel supplies at a point outside the enclosure.
-Complete internal fuel system shall be provided including filter and high
pressure pump. The system downstream filter shall be in stainless steel.
-Vendor/Contractor shall provide gas turbine air intake filter chamber, intake
filtration equipment, ducting, guide-vanes, silencer, and all necessary supports and
-To prevent of sand and dust, the ambient air to inlet air compressor is filtered in
self-cleaning type air filter. The filter shall be cleaned by a brief back-pluse of air
from the gas turbine compressor. Upon command from the automatic sequencing
control, pressure differential control and manual control etc. A single cleaning
cycle shall be completed in 25 minutes.
-The filter housing and components shall be made of the construction materials,
including surface preparations, suitable for severe erosion and corrosion
- The air filter shall be designed for maximum efficiency coupled with low
pressure losses. The air filter shall be designed with 50% of oversizing.
- All ladders and platforms necessary for access to, and maintenance of the
filtration equipment shall be included.
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6.1.13 Exhaust system
-The gas turbine exhaust stack provided shall not discharge below air intake roof
level. All exhaust ducting shall be suitably lagged.
-Silencing equipment shall be provided for the gas turbine intake and exhaust
systems, and such other parts of the plant as may be necessary, to ensure that the
sound pressure level stays within limits. The sound pressure level as measured 1.5
m above ground level at any point 100 m from the gas turbine unit when it is
operating at its maximum base load rating, shall not exceed 65db(A) corresponding
to ISO noise rating.
6.2 Electrical
6.2.1 General
-The electrical equipment shall be designed to ensure continuos service under all
working conditions encountered at the site as the first consideration and to
facilitate inspection, maintenance and repairs. All precautions shall be taken to
ensure the safety of personnel concerned with operation and maintenance.
6.2.2 AC Generator
- Short time current ratings shall comply with the requirements of the relevant IEC
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the limits as specified in IEC 34-1. Temperature rise of turbine rated output shall
be within class B absolute according to §16.3.4 and figure 11 of IEC 34-1.
1 in each bearing
-The temperature detector leads are to be brought out to a terminal box at the side
of the AC Generator where the detectors may be tested.
-Ventilation slots are to be provided in the stator core to ensure uniform cooling
and the conductor slots are to be smooth and free from sharp corners.
-The stator windings are to be star connected fully insulated throughout and have a
high impulse ratio. Both ends of each phase winding are to be brought out to
insulated terminals. The neutral point shall be earthed through a high ohmic
-The stator end coils are to be securely braced to prevent movement and the end
winding covers are to be of an approved non-magnetic material.
6.2.7 Rotor
-The rotor is to be of solid forged steel designed to have a large margin between
the critical and running speeds under normal operating conditions.
-The conductor material, insulation and the design and construction is to be such as
to avoid earth faults and deformation in the winding during operation.
- Adequate provision is to be made for cooling the conductors and the rotor body
with a view to obtaining a uniform temperature gradient.
- An open air circuit cooling system will be considered. The design and supply of
the entire cooling system shall be based on an ambient air temperature of 40oC.
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-The open air circuit cooling system shall be in accordance with IEC 34-6
Designation IC 3 A1.
-Integral shaft driven fans shall be employed for the cooling air requirements and
the requisite filtration equipment ducting shall be included.
-The degree and design of filtration shall be as applicable for the environment.
6.2.9 Anticondensation
-Anticondenstation heater units with all necessary switches, cables and indications
shall be supplied for the AC Generator and exciter.
-Full details of the VTs and CTs and the proposed arrangements are to be
submitted for approval.
-The continuous rating of the exciters shall be such that all conditions of machine
loading can be obtained and shall be in accordance with IEC 34-3 but the nominal
exciter response rate as defined shall be not less than 1.5.
- The exciters are to be of the enclosed type and cooled by the same cooling system
as the generator itself.
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a)Provision for operation over the full regulating range specified above
with the following facilities:
1.Automatic change over from auto to manual control and alarms, for
failure of the voltage circuit or power supply. Change-over switch from
auto to manual and vice versa. To ensure a bumpless transfer automatic
follow-up by the regulator not in service shall be provided.
2.The AVR shall be provided with the following limitors and controllers:
Temperature compensated over-excitation limiter.
Underexcitation limiter.
Power factor & MVAr control
-The panel shall be supplied and located alongside and matched with the
associated gas turbine control panel.
- Relays shall comply with IEC 255 or equivalent national standard. The panel
supplied shall be equipped as follows:
-The relays shall be of the solid state microprocessor based. The relays shall have
selfsupervision features including self diagnostics for improved system reliability.
-The panel and/or the visual display unit shall generally contain the following:
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1 emergency shut-down push button
-The panel shall be complete with all trip supervision, time delay, tripping,
intertripping, auxiliary and lock-out relays as required for the tripping, alarm and
interlocking functions, terminal boards, small wiring fuses, cable terminations,
labels, internal lighting, space heaters and foundation anti-vibration mountings and
6.2.13 Synchronising
This section covers all control and protective devices, alarms and instrumentation required
for the safe, reliable and efficient operation of the plant.
1.The Vendor/Contractor shall provide a control system to accomplish the starting, running
and stopping sequence of the unit and all the instrumentation and control logic required for
the control and protection of the unit during all phases of operation.
2.The Vendor/Contractor shall provide, but not be limited to the following equipment:
c.On-set gauges.
d.Package and panel mounted turbine and generator protection, control and indication
devices, as defined elsewhere.
3.The control system shall operate with 24 VDC power. An uninterrupted power supply
system (UPS) shall be supplied by the Vendor/Contractor.
4.The turbine generator shall be controlled from the main control console or if applicable
from a remote control console.
6.The electrical and control equipment shall comply with applicable IEC and EU standards
and be suitable for an installation in a non-hazardous area.
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7.2 General
The control system shall be microprocessor based with high availability. The configuration
shall consist of one or several Process Stations (PS) interconnect via serial links to each
other and to the Operators Station (OS). The PS shall effectively support handling of
analogue and digital signals and be easily reconfigurable. The system shall be easily
expandable and support facilities for communication through an open architecture. The
preferred system shall be based on a programmable controllers of modular type with plug-in
elements and supervisory circuitry to enable faults to be quickly located without resort to
test apparatus and replaced on-line.
The man machine interface shall be conducted via the OS by means of colour VDU and key
board. The control system shall have extensive built in diagnostic self-check routines and
fulfil the European Community requirements regarding EMC.
The documentation of the application program shall be function block based and structured
in a way to enhance easy and quick understanding at fault finding.
The gas turbine generator shall be capable of being started and loaded from the cold or hot
condition in as short a time as possible commensurate with the requirements of long life and
minimum maintenance.
A mimic diagram, visual display system or annunciator system shall be included to indicate
salient steps in the starting and shut-down sequences. Failure to complete any particular step
within the normal time shall be monitored by timing devices being part of the PS. The
interlocking system shall prevent starting until the key items of a pre-start procedure have
been satisfactorily completed.
Any signal releasing an interlock shall originate from an actual condition being monitored
and not implied. The interlocking, pre-alarm and protective system shall operate on the "fail
safe" principles.
1.Start sequence: The turbine generator shall operate upon receiving the start signal. The
sequence shall be fully automatic from standstill to the stage where the turbine is operating
with preset load.
2.Running sequence: The turbine generator speed and voltage shall be regulated
automatically during normal operation. Manual speed and voltage adjust provisions shall be
3.Stop sequence: The turbine generator shall shut down upon receiving the normal stop
signal. A control signal shall be initiated to decrease the load, disconnect the generator from
the grid and begin decelerate the engine.. The unit shall be ready for start when the engine
rotation has reached the cooling down sequence.
4.In the event that a shutdown is caused by a malfunction stop signal, the turbine generator
shall be interlocked for restart until the shut-down course has been eliminated.
The turbine governor shall be capable of controlling generator output frequency when
running as an independent unit or of controlling load when operating in parallel with the
existing network, with no sign of hunting or tendency to creep from the speed or load set
point, other than that which is normal from the inherent droop characteristics.
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7.4.1 Speed governing
1.The governor shall have the capability of controlling the turbine speed to meet
the performance criteria’s specified herein.
3.The governor shall sense speed by means of a magnetic pickup on the engine
shaft. These signals shall be used to activate an AC servo motor or electro-
hydraulic fuel actuator.
4.The governor shall have "fail-safe" features such that a loss of signal shall
initiate a shutdown.
5.The governor shall be capable of both isochronous and speed droop control.
6.Steady state frequency control. Frequency shall not vary by more than 0.25
percent of rated frequency from the initially preset frequency after application of
load and all transients have decayed.
8.Frequency drift: The change in frequency shall not exceed 0.25 percent of rated
frequency for a constant load between no load and full load. Frequency variation
shall be of random nature and not of a cyclic nature.
9.Load sharing: Real load sharing capability shall be provided for multiple units
operating in parallel. The system shall be capable of automatically sharing the load
within 5 percent while maintaining the isochronous speed.
A maximum load limiting device shall be provided which fully override the
speed/load governor, and reduce fuel flow to the combustion system, in order to
maintain the mean turbine inlet temperature below a set limit. It shall be possible
to select the set point for the maximum load limiter according to the duty
requirement of the machine. Maximum load limitation shall also be included for
gasgenerator rotor speeds.
A plant protection, alarm and trip annunciation scheme shall be provided. The scheme shall
incorporate the necessary monitoring and protective devices to prevent damage to the plant.
Alarms or trips which are considered necessary for the safe reliable and efficient operation
of the plant shall be provided. As a minimum requirement, the following items shall be
-Bearing inlet oil temperatures
-Machine vibration
-Lubricating oil pressure
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-Oil tank low level
-Fuel gas pressure low
-Standby lubricating oil pump running
-Maximum load limiter operating
-Barring failure
-Fire protection fault
-Flame failure
-Generator protection operated
-Generator air temperature
-Generator stator temperature
-Generator field failure
-Generator AVR failure
-Turbine cooling air temperature
-Emergency trip
-Auxiliaries supply failure
-Gas generator exhaust temperature
The generator shall be provided with duplicate over-speed trip devices.
The annunciation scheme shall provide the following features:
b. The “Horn Stop” push button silences the audible alarm, the "Alarm accept" push button
steadies the flashing signal.
"Alarm cancel" push button, operation of which extinguishes the visual signal.
The cancel circuit shall be inoperative until the alarm has been accepted and the initiating
criterias have been reset. suffer the minimum disturbance when any plant item is removed.
Each instrument shall be identified with a suitable label and all scales marked in SI units.
Permanent equipment to monitor machine vibration shall be supplied.
All instruments considered necessary by the Vendor/Contractor for the safe and reliable
operation of the plant shall be included. As a minimum requirement, instruments shall be
provided to measure the following:
The annunciation scheme shall provide a means of differentiating between these categories.
The annunciation system shall be included in the microprocessor based control system
giving the operator all necessary information together with time marking on the individual
alarms or trips with a precision of 10 ms or better.
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7.6 Instrumentation
The entire plant shall be comprehensively instrumented to facilitate normal operation and
maintenance. All instrument piping and cables shall be properly supported, identified and
laid in such a way as to
suffer the minimum disturbance when any plant item is removed.
Each instrument shall be identified with a suitable label and all scales marked in SI units.
Permanent equipment to monitor machine vibration shall be supplied.
All instruments considered necessary by the Vendor/Contractor for the safe and reliable
operation of the plant shall be included. As a minimum requirement, instruments shall be
provided to measure the following:
The instrumentation schemes shall be designed to provide maximum assistance for fault
8.1 Ratings
The ratings of the switchgear, current transformers, and cables shall be based on the ratings
of the gas turbine and alternator at site ambient temperatures and the short circuit capacity of
the incoming supply.
8.3 DC section
A motor control centre complete with all necessary motor starters and breaker units shall be
provided for the DC auxiliaries.
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8.4 Accessories
The switchgear/motor control centres shall be supplied with all necessary protections,
terminals, small wiring, auxiliary switches and/or relays, mechanical indicators, earthing and
locking facilities, terminals for power and control cables, foundation bolts and anti-
condensation heaters.
Special concern shall be taken to provide a "fuseless" system.
9.1 Scope
This section of the Specification covers the provision of batteries with charger, distribution
boards and all interconnections to form complete DC systems as necessary for the gas
turbine generator package.
9.2 Duty
The system shall constitute emergency power supply for lube oil pump and oil ventilation
9.3 Rating
The capacity of the emergency battery shall be determined by what is required to ensure a
complete emergency cooling down sequence of the unit.
The emergency battery may be maintenance free of the lead-acid type mounted on steel
racks or equivalent. Cells shall be numbered consecutively and terminals marked to indicate
The equipment shall consist of a constant voltage controlled charger with possibility for
boost charging and a DC distribution board.
The charging equipment shall be designed for operation from a 400/480 V, 3-phase supply.
The rating of the system chargers shall as to recharge the batteries within 12 hours while
providing the normal system load.
The UPS system shall provide uninterrupted, battery secured and regulated sine wave power
supply to the GT controls and include an internal high integrity battery and supervision
10.1 Scope
The Vendor/Contractor shall supply and install all cables, earthing material and connections
and the necessary hardware as required to form a complete system for the works covered by
this Specification.
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10.2 Cable types
The conductor material for power cables shall be copper. High voltage power cables could
be made of aluminum. The conductor sizes for cables shall be determined according to the
manufacturer's assigned continuous current rating taking account of the site ambient
temperature and installation conditions. Power cables shall withstand the short circuit
currents corresponding to the system fault levels.
Conductors in control circuit cables shall be copper multithreaded and not less than 0.
5 sq. mm. In electronic systems smaller dimensions are allowed.
All cables shall be provided with identification markers of permanent materials. Where
cables are laid direct in the ground, route markers shall be provided. The cores of all control
cables shall be fitted with lettered and numbered ferrules.
Cable lugs, terminating boxes, glands and jointing materials shall be of a type approved by
the cable manufacturer.
The Vendor/Contractor shall provide detailed cable schedules giving details of the circuit,
cable type and size, and route details. Details of the cables installed at site and all joints and
termination’s made shall be recorded on these schedules by the Vendor/Contractor.
An earthing system shall be provided to the approval of the Purchaser to which plant and
equipment shall be connected. The Vendor/Contractor shall provide final record drawings of
all earthing as installed.
The whole plant shall be subject to inspections and tests according to the
Vendor/Contractor’s standard. Any additional inspection or test required by the Purchaser
can be carried out to the expense of the Purchaser.
Rotors shall be subject to full speed balancing and racing test. The gas generator shall be
tested in the workshop to full load. Performance and mechanical functions shall be checked.
AC generator:
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The generator should be tested according to an inspection plan complying with IEC34-1,2,4
IEEE115 and ISO3744.
The Purchaser shall be given adequate notice of at least two weeks prior to the date when
the Vendor/Contractor intends to commence final testing of the completed installation on
Tests shall include initial operation and reliability tests, performance tests and operational
site tests.
Initial operation and reliability tests shall consist of starting each item of plant and operating
it under working conditions, within the limits of output specified, for a minimum of 48
hours. Operation shall be continuous or intermittent as appropriate.
Should failure or interruption occur in any portion of the plant due to, or arising from faulty
design, materials or workmanship or due to incorrect erection or adjustment or the
Vendor/Contractor's failure to obtain or use information available to him, then the
Vendor/Contractor shall remedy the defect.
The responsibility of proving that any defect is due to causes other than those referred to in
the preceding paragraph will be with the Vendor/Contractor.
The issuing of any taking-over certificate, will neither relieve the Vendor/Contractor of any
of his responsibilities in respect of the proving of the performance guarantees nor prevent
the Purchaser from seeking any of the remedies provided in the event of these guarantees
failing to be proved.
The output and efficiency tests using the specified fuels shall be carried out by the
Vendor/Contractor. The Purchaser shall provide fuel, lubricating oil etc. and if necessary a
dummy load.
The tests to determine the performance of the gas turbine relative shall be carried out
generally in accordance with ISO Standard No. 2314 "Gas Turbine - Acceptance Tests".
Comprehensive details of the Vendor/Contractor's proposed test procedure shall be
submitted to the Purchaser for approval 2 months prior to the anticipated test date. This
submission shall include in particular, precise details of the readings to be taken and the
instrumentation to be used, evaluation formulas and any standard reference charts or curves.
Before the test runs, the Vendor/Contractor shall be at liberty to carry out two standard
compressor cleaning cycles.
The relevant test readings shall be taken at appr. 65%, 85%, 100% of max. continuous load
rating corresponding to the prevailing ambient conditions. The mean turbine inlet
temperature shall be determined at each of the three points by calculation from the test
The power absorbed by the continuously running auxiliaries shall be measured and recorded
during all tests.
The power output and specific heat consumption so determined shall be corrected for any
variations in ambient temperature, relative humidity and barometric pressure from the
corresponding figures on which the guarantees are based.
The instruments used for the verification of the performance guarantee will all be special
test instruments, traceable to BIPM (Bureau International des Poids et Measures). These test
instruments shall cover all important parameters but, in addition, sufficiency test instruments
shall be provided to enable spot checks to be carried out on the accuracy of the permanent
plant instruments.
JULY, 2005 NIOEC-SP-43-13(0)
A calibration curve, certified by an approved independent authority shall be provided for
each test instrument.
During the performance test of the gas turbine unit, a sample of the specified fuels shall be
taken. The sample shall be fully analyzed by an independent authority and the costs of these
analysis shall be borne by the Vendor/Contractor.
During the performance tests, the plant shall be operated by the Vendor/Contractor’s staff.
The measuring tolerances to be applied before comparison to guaranteed data will be based
on the measuring uncertainties of the acceptance test. The procedure to calculate the
uncertainties must be agreed upon.
The following operational site tests shall be carried out to the satisfaction of the Purchaser.
a. Governing tests including stability, maximum and minimum speed, permanent speed
change over the load range.
b. Synchronising tests.
c. Cold and hot starting tests. The hot starting test shall be carried out immediately upon
tripping from full load.
d. Vibration measurements.
Within three months of completion of the performance tests, the Vendor/Contractor shall
prepare a report in the form prescribed in Clause 9 of ISO Standard No. 2314 and submit 6
copies to the Purchaser.
JULY, 2005 NIOEC-SP-43-13(0)
Fuel gas
Nitrogen 5.3
CO2 0.2
C1 88.6
C2 3.9
C3 1.3
C4 0.5
C5 0.2
H2S 1.5ppm
Mercaptan 3.5ppm
Liquid fuel
Site conditions