MISSION: The University shall provide excellent instruction, relevant and responsive
research and extension services, and quality-assured production through competent
and highly motivated human capital.
S - spirituality
A - accountability
P - professionalism
P - patriotism
H- harmony
I - integrity
R - respect
E – excellence
1. Wash your hands anytime as needed with soap and water for at least 20
seconds. You can also use a hand sanitizer or an alcohol with 70% solution
antiseptic disinfectant if soap and water are not available.
2. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands.
3. Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing (a cough
etiquette), then throw the tissue into the trash bin. Do not forget to wash your
hands after.
4. Use face mask while in public areas. This face mask has to be used when we
feel sick with fever, cough, colds, sore throat and other respiratory symptoms.
The use of face shield is recommended as an additional protection.
5. Clean and disinfect objects and surfaces using alcohol with 70% solution
antiseptic disinfectant or 0.5% chlorine solution (DOH: 900ml water mixed with
100ml bleach or 90ml water and mixed with 10ml bleach) Note: Chlorine
solution is not recommended for misting and spraying as well as hand washing
or for any skin contact. Wiping objects with cloth for disinfection is
recommended by the Department of Health (DOH).
6. Maintain social distancing especially in public areas by observing 1 meter space
(DOH Recommendation) apart from each other (front and back) to comply with
the social distancing protocol.
7. Avoid handshaking, touching, hugging, kissing or any form of physical contact.
These are definitely discouraged.
8. Avoid unnecessary travel.
9. Postpone mass gathering to curb the spread of the virus. It is suggested
strongly that you follow the recommendations of the DOH/Local Government
with the number of people allowed to gather following social distancing.
10. Without proper PPE (Personal Protective Equipment), avoid close contact with
sick people.
11. Seek advice and get proper assessment from City Health doctors/Hospitals or
any equipped and accepting physician if you have fever, cough, colds, sore
throat, difficulty breathing, and any respiratory illness.
12. Be aware that OFWs and LSIs are subjected to fourteen (14) Days self-
quarantine with proper coordination with the Inter Agency Task Force
(IATF)/City Health or Barangay Health Unit starting from the date of arrival in
this province/country for proper guidance and assessment.
13. Seek advice from the Inter Agency Task Force (IATF)/City Health or Barangay
Health Unit if you have possible exposure to a probable or confirmed COVID-19
14. Be aware that a “No Smoking” health advice is encouraged because smokers are
more vulnerable to COVID-19 infection as it increases the chance for bilateral
viral pneumonia in which 25% of them have been admitted to ICU (Intensive
Care Unit) needing mechanical ventilation or, worst, they could die once
infected with COVID-19 based on recent studies.
15. Drink enough water and eat healthy foods like fruits and vegetables.
16. Cook food thoroughly.
17. Wash spoon, fork, and other eating utensils properly.
18. Avoid close contact with sick or dead farm/wild animals. Avoiding contact with
live wild animals is also recommended (e.g., bats, snakes, etc.).
19. Try not to worry too much if you are not truly at risk.
20. Stop posting or sharing false/fake news as well as inaccurate information that
may lead to panic and undue distress.
21. Pray always for each other, for our families and friends as well as for our
community, country, and loved ones. Seek divine protection from Him against
this COVID-19 pandemic.
Note: For Clinic Consultations, please call the University Clinic first for advice,
guidance, and triage to determine who will be referred to the Hospital/City Health
and who will be catered for at the clinic for physical consultation. Here is the
University Clinic’s contact number: (035) 225-9400 local 187.