Business Plan

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Tris Reyes, Ma. Cristina D.

BsCrim III- Block 4

Business Plan
Business idea
establishing a milk tea business with a name creativitea, nowadays milk tea
become a unpredicted trend and leads milk tea shops to be current among the
most popular hangout places in the country.
It is a product or a service
Creativitea serves all types of tea, we sell the milk tea as bottled beverage ready
to drink product. Creativitea intention is not about making money but also deal in
various products that are associated with milk tea.
What makes your idea different
It is different from the others, because most of the milk tea shops is focusing on
the profit of the business, they don’t think about the service that they give about
the customers. The product includes putting name within the cup. Through this
unique feature we can provide a more personalized product which is not suitable
for distribution. For instance, during valentines season, couple will have a chance
to write their partners name on their cups and write their sweet message. In
Creativitea I'll make sure that the price and the service and equal, the crew will
be a friendly to the customers also the ambiance of the place you feel like home.
How’s will make your product/services stand out from the competition?
To make our products and services stand out from the competition, we should
provide legendary customer service treat every customer like royalty even if you
are not in the service industry. All customers have an expectation of great service
and will not put up with waiting in long lines or receiving poor responses from
representatives. Fix problems to build stronger relationship, be honest about your
products and services, Come up with a something new and lastly embrace
corporate social responsibility, take case of its core stakeholders such as
customers, employees and owners, I believe that business should give back to
society as well.
Why will people want to buy?
- It is a New Kind of Refreshment - Since Philippines is a hot country, Filipinos
do love refreshments. Juices and Soft drinks have been there always
whenever we want. Milk tea perhaps is a new taste for us.
- It is Suitable for Chilling and Dialogue - Most people often love to talk while
drinking something. Milk tea is somehow good for this kind of daily event.
- We are Milk Lovers - Aside from knowing that milk has lots of health benefits,
Milk tea offers a wide range of flavors that we can choose from. Different
shade and taste of milk in tea.
- It is Affordable - At an estimated price of 50 to 100 pesos that I have
encountered so far, this product is somewhat cheaper compared to other
forms of refreshments.
Business Name: Creativitea
What does this name say about your business? Is it unique? Memorable? Easy
The name of the business is Creativitea, I want something new that is why I name the
shop creativitea. It is unique because I came up of something creative than a creative
way of giving service to the customers. And it is very easy to pronounce than any other
name of milk tea shops.

Target market and demographics

Who will be your customer?
Anyone. But the most capable to buy was a professional teachers who can visit to
creativitea because the milk tea shop is In front of the school. Similarly, the students,
have the capacity to buy the milk tea products. And also the researchers want income
earners such as teachers to feel the positive vibes that can soothe the stress they are
currently having their works in schools nearby.
How will you get the word out about your business?
By advertising it online, based on the situation right now the best suitable was posted
online about your business. When the interested customers want to buy your product
they can easily approach you by means of messaging online and they can order it
instantly with the help or delivery services you can easily purchase what you want
How much will you charge?
A lot of effort goes into the process of establishing the price based on competition. So,
competitive pricing is a game to play. Competitive pricing intelligence demands that you
have in-depth knowledge of your market and target audience.
What are your competitors charging?
 - If you’re planning to set the price above the price of your competitor, then you’d need
to bring in new features and improvements in your product that would justify the
increased price.
- Pricing below your competitor’s price depends on your resources. If you can increase
the volume without affecting the production cost to a great extent, then this might be a
good strategy for you. However, there’s the risk of diminishing profit margin and you
might not be able to recover your sunk cost and even face bankruptcy.

-  When you set a price equivalent to your competitor’s, then the differentiating factors
cease to exist. The focus shifts to the product itself, and if you can offer more features
at the same time, it’s a win-win for you, and your competitors will fall behind.

How much will you make on each sale after you subtract your expenses

Cost of goods sold= 40,000 a month

Cup- 1,500
Straw- 500
Rent- 4,00
Salaries- 10,000
Wifi -. 1625
Total earn : 22,375 pesos
Sale price of the item
An estimated price of the item range from 50- 100 pesos budget friendly to anyone
especially to the students.
Cost of item
- We conducted a inventory to calculate all the expenses. Calculation of
average cost per attribute and of actual cost per lot number have been
added together with an adjustment of the description of how to manually
update the actual cost.

What will you do with the money you make?

Of course I will invest it again in a business, to earn more money. And I will pay for my
revenues, Save money for the future.

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