TR - Animation NCII

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East Service Road, South Superhighway, Taguig City, Metro Manila
Technical Education and Skills Development Act of 1994
(Republic Act No. 7796)

Section 22, “Establishment and Administration of the National

Trade Skills Standards” of the RA 7796 known as the TESDA
Act mandates TESDA to establish national occupational skills
standards. The Authority shall develop and implement a
certification and accreditation program in which private
industry group and trade associations are accredited to
conduct approved trade tests, and the local government units
to promote such trade testing activities in their respective
areas in accordance with the guidelines to be set by the
The Training Regulations (TR) serve as basis for the:

Competency assessment and certification;

Registration and delivery of training programs; and
Development of curriculum and assessment instruments.

Each TR has four sections:

Section 1 Definition of Qualification – describes the qualification and

defines the competencies that comprise the qualification.

Section 2 The Competency Standards format was revised to include the

Required Knowledge and Required Skills per element. These fields
explicitly state the required knowledge and skills for competent
performance of a unit of competency in an informed and effective
manner. These also emphasize the application of knowledge and
skills to situations where understanding is converted into a
workplace outcome.

Section 3 Training Arrangements - contain information and requirements

which serve as bases for training providers in designing and
delivering competency-based curriculum for the qualification. The
revisions to section 3 entail identifying the Learning Activities
leading to achievement of the identified Learning Outcome per unit
of competency.

Section 4 Assessment and Certification Arrangements - describe the

policies governing assessment and certification procedures for the


Page No.


 Basic Competencies 2 - 24

 Common Competencies 25- 28

 Core Competencies 29 - 63


3.1 Curriculum Design 64 - 78

3.2 Training Delivery 79 - 80

3.3 Trainee Entry Requirements 80

3.4 List of Tools, Equipment and Materials 81

3.5 Training Facilities 82

3.6 Trainers Qualification 82

3.7 Institutional Assessment 82


SECTION 4 83 - 84






The ANIMATION NC II Qualification consists of competencies that a person must

achieve to produce traditional and digital cleaned-up and in-between drawings for animation
in both production and post-production stages.

This Qualification is packaged from the competency map of the Information and
Communication Technology (ICT) Industry as shown in Annex A.

The units of competency comprising this qualification include the following:


500311105 Participate in workplace communication
500311106 Work in team environment
500311107 Practice career professionalism
500311108 Practice occupational health and safety procedures
500311132 Contribute to workplace innovation
500311133 Solve/Address general workplace problems
500311134 Exercise sustainable development in the workplace


ICT315202 Apply quality standards
ICT311203 Perform Computer Operations


ICT216300 Apply traditional drawing techniques for animation
ICT216301 Produce traditional cleaned-up key drawings
ICT216302 Produce traditional in-between drawings
ICT216303 Produce digital cleaned-up key drawings
ICT216304 Produce digital in-between drawings

A person who has achieved this Qualification is competent to be:

Clean-Up Artist
In-between Artist/In-betweener
Clean-Up Art Checker
In-between Checker
Digital Clean up Artist
Digital In-between artist

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TR - ANIMATION NC II (Version 02) Amended February 27, 2018

This section gives the details of the contents of the basic, common and core units
of competency required in ANIMATION NC II.



UNIT CODE : 500311105
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required
to gather, interpret and convey information in response to
workplace requirements.


ELEMENT Italicized terms are elaborated
in the Range of Variables
Obtain and Specific and relevant 1.1. Procedure of 1.1. Gathering of
convey information is accessed from gathering workplace workplace
workplace appropriate sources information information skills
information Effective questioning, active 1.2. Techniques in 1.2. Sourcing of
listening and speaking skills gathering information information skills
are used to gather and 1.3. Effective methods of 1.3. Sorting of
convey information conveying information information skills
Appropriate medium is used 1.4. Written 1.4. Obtaining
to transfer information and communication workplace
ideas methods information skills
Appropriate non- verbal 1.5. Techniques in 1.5. Conveying
communication is used conveying workplace
Appropriate lines of communication information skills
communication with 1.6. Different modes of 1.6. Gathering and
supervisors and colleagues communication providing
are identified and followed 1.7. Organizational policies information in
Defined workplace 1.8. Communication response to
procedures for the location procedures and workplace
and storage of information systems Requirements
are used 1.9. Technology relevant to
Personal interaction is the enterprise and the
carried out clearly and individual’s work
concisely responsibilities
Participate in Team meetings are attended 2.1 Effective 2.1 Participating skills
workplace on time communication in workplace
meetings and Own opinions are clearly 2.2 Different modes of meetings and
discussions expressed and those of communication discussions
others are listened to without 2.3 Written communication 2.2 Following simple
interruption 2.4 Organizational policies spoken language
Meeting inputs are 2.5 Communication 2.3 Completing work
consistent with the meeting procedures and related
purpose and established systems documents
protocols 2.6 Decorum in 2.4 Estimating,
Workplace interactions are participating workplace calculating and
conducted in a courteous meetings and recording routine
manner discussions workplace
Questions about simple measures

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ELEMENT Italicized terms are elaborated
in the Range of Variables
routine workplace 2.5 Relating to people
procedures and matters of social range in
concerning working the workplace
conditions of employment 2.6 Gathering and
are asked and responded to providing
Meetings outcomes are information in
interpreted and implemented response to
Complete Range of forms relating to 3.1 Methods of 3.1 Documenting
relevant work conditions of employment are making/completing skills
related completed accurately and legibly work related 3.2 Report writing
documents Workplace data is recorded on documents skills
standard workplace forms and 3.2 Company standards 3.3 Making/developin
documents and procedures in g work related
Basic mathematical processes making work related documents
are used for routine calculations documents 3.4 Perform routine
Errors in recording information 3.3 Effective workplace duties
on forms/ documents are communication following simple
identified and properly acted 3.4 Different modes of written notices
upon communication 3.5 Completing work
Reporting requirements to 3.5 Written related
supervisor are completed communication documents
according to organizational 3.6 Organizational 3.6 Estimating,
guidelines policies calculating and
3.7 Communication recording routine
procedures and workplace
systems measures
3.8 Technology relevant 3.7 Ability to relate to
to the enterprise and people of social
the individual’s work range in the
responsibilities workplace

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Appropriate sources Team members
Trade personnel
Local government
Industry bodies

Medium Memorandum
Information discussion
Follow-up or verbal instructions
Face to face communication

Storage Manual filing system

Computer-based filing system

Forms Personnel forms

Telephone message forms
Safety reports

Workplace interactions Face to face

Electronic and two-way radio
Written including electronic, memos, instruction and forms,
non-verbal including gestures, signals, signs and

Protocols Observing meeting

Compliance with meeting decisions
Obeying meeting instructions

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TR - ANIMATION NC II (Version 02) Amended February 27, 2018

Critical aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

Competency Prepared written communication following standard format
of the organization
Accessed information using communication equipment
Made use of relevant terms as an aid to transfer information
Conveyed information effectively adopting the formal or
informal communication

Resource Implications The following resources should be provided:

Fax machine
Writing materials

Methods of Assessment Competency in this unit may be assessed through:

Direct Observation
Oral interview and written test

Context for Assessment Competency may be assessed individually in the actual

workplace or through accredited institution

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TR - ANIMATION NC II (Version 02) Amended February 27, 2018
UNIT CODE : 500311106
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the skills, knowledge and attitudes to identify role
and responsibility as a member of a team.


ELEMENT Italicized terms are elaborated
in the Range of Variables
Describe team The role and objective of 1.1. Company vision/ 1.1. Communicating
role and the team is identified from mission statements skills
scope available sources of 1.2. Company policies and appropriately
information employee code of and consistent
Team parameters, reporting conduct with the culture
relationships and 1.3. Communication process of the workplace
responsibilities are identified 1.4. Team structure 1.2. Adopting skills to
from team discussions and team role and
1.5. Team roles
appropriate external scope of
1.6. Group planning and
sources responsibilities
decision making
2. Identify own 2.1. Individual role and 2.1. Company vision/ 2.1. Communicating
role and responsibilities within the mission statements skills
responsibility team environment are 2.2. Company policies and appropriately
within team identified employee code of and consistent
2.2. Roles and responsibility of conduct with the culture
other team members are 2.3. Communication process of the workplace
identified and recognized 2.4. Team structure 2.2. Role and
2.3. Reporting relationships 2.5. Team roles responsibility
within team and external to 2.6. Group planning and identification
team are identified decision making skills
2.7. Methods and techniques
of role and responsibility
identification with a
3. Work as a 3.1. Effective and appropriate 3.1. Approaches of 3.1. Team working
team forms of communications interacting with team skills
member are used and interactions members 3.2. Communicating
undertaken with team 3.2. Types of skills
members who contribute to communications used in appropriately
known team activities and effective interaction with and consistent
objectives team members with the culture
3.2. Effective and appropriate 3.3. Methods of working as a of the workplace
contributions are made to team 3.3. Skills in
complement team activities 3.4. Techniques in working observing
and objectives, based on as a team protocols when
individual skills and making reports
competencies and 3.4. Using standard
workplace context procedures when
3.3. SOP/Protocols in reporting making reports
are observed 3.5. Developing
3.4. Contribute to the teamwork plans
development of team work based on team’s
plans based on an role and
understanding of team’s objectives
role and objectives and
individual competencies of

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ELEMENT Italicized terms are elaborated
in the Range of Variables
the members

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Role and objective of Work activities in a team environment with enterprise or

team specific sector
Limited discretion, initiative and judgment maybe
demonstrated on the job, either individually or in a
team environment

Sources of information Standard operating and/or other workplace procedures

Job procedures
Machine/equipment manufacturer’s specifications and
Organizational or external personnel
Client/supplier instructions
Quality standards
OSH and environmental standards

Workplace context Work procedures and practices

Conditions of work environments
Legislation and industrial agreements
Standard work practice including the storage, safe
handling and disposal of chemicals
Safety, environmental, housekeeping and quality

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Critical aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

Com Operated in a team to complete workplace activity
pete Worked effectively with others
ncy Conveyed information in written or oral form
Selected and used appropriate workplace language
Followed designated work plan for the job
Reported outcomes

Resource Implications The following resources should be provided:

Access to relevant workplace or appropriately simulated
environment where assessment can
take place
Materials relevant to the proposed activity or tasks

Methods of Assessment Competency in this unit may be assessed through:

Observation of the individual member in relation to the
work activities of the group
Observation of simulation and or role play involving the
participation of individual member to
the attainment of organizational goal
Case studies and scenarios as a basis for discussion of
issues and strategies in teamwork

Context for Assessment Competency may be assessed in workplace or in a

simulated workplace setting
Assessment shall be observed while task are being
undertaken whether individually or in

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TR - ANIMATION NC II (Version 02) Amended February 27, 2018
UNIT CODE : 500311107
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes in promoting
career growth and advancement.


ELEMENT Italicized terms are elaborated
in the Range of Variables
1. Integrate 1.1. Personal growth and work 1.1. Work values and 1.1. Integrating skills
personal plans are pursued towards ethics (Code of of personal
objectives with improving the qualifications Conduct, Code of objectives with
organizational set for the profession Ethics, etc.) organizational
goals 1.2. Intra- and interpersonal 1.2. Company policies goals
relationships are maintained 1.3. Company operations, 1.2. Pursuing
in the course of managing procedures and personal growth
oneself based on standards and work plans
performance evaluation 1.4. Company 1.3. Demonstrating
1.3. Commitment to the mission/vision commitment to
organization and its goal is statements the organization
demonstrated in the 1.5. Ways of integrating and its goals
performance of duties personal objectives 1.4. Intra and
with organizational Interpersonal
goals skills

2. Set and meet 2.1. Competing demands are 2.1. Company policies 2.1. Setting skills of
work priorities prioritized to achieve procedures and work priorities
personal, team and standards 2.2. Meeting with
organizational goals and 2.2. Company and work priorities
objectives. departmental goals 2.3. Intra and
2.2. Resources are utilized and priorities Interpersonal
efficiently and effectively to 2.3. Managing priorities skills
manage work priorities and and commitments 2.4. Communication
commitments 2.4. Economic use and skills
2.3. Practices along economic maintenance of
use and maintenance of equipment and
equipment and facilities are facilities
followed as per established 2.5. Ways and means of
procedures practicing economic
use and maintenance
of equipment and

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ELEMENT Italicized terms are elaborated
in the Range of Variables
3. Maintain 3.1. Trainings and career 3.1. Ways of identifying 3.1. Identifying
professional opportunities are identified trainings and career trainings and
growth and and availed of based on job opportunities career
development requirements 3.2. Techniques of seeking opportunities
3.2. Recognitions are and receiving 3.2. Seeking
sought/received and recognitions recognitions are
demonstrated as proof of 3.3. Procedures of sought/received
career advancement obtaining licenses and
3.3. Licenses and/or and/or certifications demonstrated as
certifications relevant to relevant to the job proof of career
job and career are obtained advancement
and renewed 3.3. Obtaining and
Licenses and/or
relevant to job
and career

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1. Evaluation 1.1 Performance Appraisal
1.2 Psychological Profile
1.3 Aptitude Tests

2. Resources 2.1 Human

2.2 Financial
2.3 Technology
2.3.1 Hardware

3. Trainings and career 3.1 Participation in training programs

opportunities 3.1.1 Technical
3.1.2 Supervisory
3.1.3 Managerial
3.1.4 Continuing Education
3.2 Serving as Resource Persons in conferences and

4. Recognitions 4.1 Recommendations

4.2 Citations
4.3 Certificate of Appreciations
4.6 Awards
4.7 Tangible and Intangible Rewards

5. Licenses and/or 5.1 National Certificates

certifications 5.2 Certificate of Competency
5.3 Support Level Licenses
5.4 Professional Licenses

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1. Critical aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

Competency Attained job targets within key result areas (KRAs)
Maintained intra - and interpersonal relationship in the
course of managing oneself based on performance
Completed trainings and career opportunities which are
based on the requirements of the industries
Acquired and maintained licenses and/or certifications
according to the requirement of the qualification

2. Resource Implications The following resources should be provided:

2.1 Workplace or assessment location
2.2 Case studies/scenarios

3. Methods of Competency in this unit may be assessed through:

Assessment Portfolio Assessment
Third Party Reports
Exams and Tests

4. Context for 4.1 Competency may be assessed in the work place or

Assessment in a simulated work place setting

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TR - ANIMATION NC II (Version 02) Amended February 27, 2018
UNIT CODE : 500311108
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the outcomes required to comply with regulatory
and organizational requirements for occupational health and


ELEMENT Italicized terms are elaborated
in the Range of Variables KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
Identify hazards Safety regulations and Company workplace 1.1 Clarifying and
and risks workplace safety and safety regulations explaining safety
hazard control practices Industry hazard control regulations and
and procedures are practices and workplace safety
clarified and explained procedures and hazard control
based on organization Internationally 1.2 Identifying
procedures recognized OSH hazards/risks in
Hazards/risks in the procedures and the workplace and
workplace and their practices and their
corresponding indicators regulations corresponding
are identified to minimize PPE types and uses indicators
or eliminate risk to co- Personal hygiene 1.3 Recognizing
workers, workplace and practices contingency
environment in Hazards/risks measures during
accordance with identification and workplace
organization procedures control accidents, fire and
Contingency measures Threshold Limit Value other emergencies
during workplace -TLV 1.4 Practice of
accidents, fire and other OSH indicators personal hygiene
emergencies are Organization safety 1.5 Interpersonal skills
recognized and and health protocol 1.6 Communication
established in Safety consciousness skills
accordance with Health consciousness
organization procedures
2. Evaluate 2.1 Terms of maximum 2.1 Methods of identifying 2.1 Identifying terms
hazards and tolerable limits which terms of maximum of maximum
risks when exceeded will tolerable limits tolerable limits
result in harm or damage 2.2 Hazard effects 2.2 Determining
are identified based on 2.3 Reporting methods on effects of hazards
threshold limit values OSH issues/concerns and risks
(TLV) 2.4 OSH procedures and 2.3 Reporting OSH
2.2 Effects of the hazards practices and issues and/or
are determined regulations concerns
2.3 OSH issues and/or 2.5 PPE types and uses 2.4 Identifying safety
concerns and identified 2.6 Hazards/risks hazards
safety hazards are identification and 2.5 Hazards/risks
reported to designated control identification and
personnel in accordance 2.7 Threshold Limit Value control skills
with workplace -TLV 2.6 Interpersonal
requirements and 2.8 OSH indicators skills
relevant workplace OSH 2.9 Organization safety 2.7 Communication
legislation and health protocol skills
2.10Safety consciousness
2.11 Health consciousness

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ELEMENT Italicized terms are elaborated
in the Range of Variables KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
3. Control 3.1 Occupational Safety and 3.1 Ways of following 3.1 Following
hazards and Health (OSH) Occupational Safety occupational
risks procedures for and Health (OSH) health and safety
controlling hazards/risks procedures for (OSH)
in workplace are controlling procedures for
consistently followed hazards/risks in controlling
3.2 Procedures for dealing workplace hazards/risks in
with workplace 3.2 Ways of following workplace
accidents, fire and procedures for dealing 3.2 Following
emergencies are with workplace procedures for
followed in accordance accidents, fire and dealing with
with organization OSH emergencies workplace
policies 3.3 Types and use of accidents, fire
3.3 Personal protective personal protective and emergencies
equipment (PPE) is equipment (PPE) 3.3 Using correctly
correctly used in 3.4 OSH procedures and personal
accordance with practices and protective
organization OSH regulations equipment (PPE)
procedures and 3.5 Methods and 3.4 Providing
practices techniques in providing assistance in the
3.4 Appropriate assistance appropriate assistance event of a
is provided in the event in the event of a workplace
of a workplace workplace emergency emergency in
emergency in 3.6 Hazards/risks accordance with
accordance with identification and established
established organization control organization
protocol protocol
4. Maintain 4.1 Emergency-related 4.1 Participation 4.1 Participating in
OSH drills and trainings are procedures in emergency-
awareness participated in as per emergency-related related drills and
established organization drills and trainings trainings
guidelines and 4.2 Ways of completing 4.2 Completing and
procedures and updating OSH updating OSH
4.2 OSH personal records personal records personal records
are completed and 4.3 OSH procedures and
updated in accordance practices and
with workplace regulations
requirements 4.4 OSH indicators

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Safety regulations May include but are not limited to:
Clean Air Act
Building code
National Electrical and Fire Safety Codes
Waste management statutes and rules
Philippine Occupational Safety and Health Standards
DOLE regulations on safety legal requirements
ECC regulations
Hazards/Risks May include but are not limited to:
2.1 Physical hazards – impact, illumination, pressure, noise,
vibration, temperature, radiation
2.2 Biological hazards - bacteria, viruses, plants, parasites,
mites, molds, fungi, insects
2.3 Chemical hazards – dusts, fibers, mists, fumes, smoke,
gasses, vapors
2.4 Ergonomics
Psychological factors – over exertion/ excessive
force, awkward/static positions, fatigue, direct
pressure, varying metabolic cycles
Physiological factors – monotony, personal
relationship, work out cycle
Contingency measures May include but are not limited to:
(Calling designed) emergency personnel
PPE May include but are not limited to:
4.1 Mask
4.2 Gloves
4.3 Goggles
4.4 Hair Net/cap/bonnet
4.5 Face mask/shield
4.6 Ear muffs
4.7 Apron/Gown/coverall/jump suit
4.8 Anti-static suits
Emergency-related 5.1 Fire drill
drills and training 5.2 Earthquake drill
5.3 Basic life support/CPR
5.4 First aid
5.5 Spillage control
5.6 Decontamination of chemical and toxic
5.7 Disaster preparedness/management
OSH personal records Medical/Health records
Incident reports
Accident reports
OSH -related training completed

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1. Critical aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

Competency Explained clearly established workplace safety and
hazard control practices and procedures
Identified hazards/risks in the workplace and its
corresponding indicators in accordance with
company procedures
Recognized contingency measures during workplace
accidents, fire and other emergencies
Identified terms of maximum tolerable limits based on
threshold limit value- TLV.
Followed Occupational Health and Safety (OSH)
procedures for controlling hazards/risks in
Used Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in
accordance with company OSH procedures and
Completed and updated OSH personal records in
accordance with workplace requirements

2. Resource Implications The following resources should be provided:

2.1 Workplace or assessment location
2.2 OSH personal records
2.3 PPE
2.4 Health records

3. Methods of Assessment Competency may be assessed through:

3.1 Portfolio Assessment
3.2 Interview
3.3 Case Study/Situation
4. Context for Assessment 4.1 Competency may be assessed in the work place or
in a simulated work place setting

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TR - ANIMATION NC II (Version 02) Amended February 27, 2018

UNIT CODE : 500311132

UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to
make a pro-active and positive contribution to workplace

ELEMENT Italicized terms are elaborated
in the Range of Variables
Identify Be aware of own role in 1.1. Roles of 1.1. Identifying roles of
opportunities to workplace innovation individuals in individuals in suggesting
do things better Opportunities for improvement suggesting and and making improvements
are identified proactively in making and the importance of pro-
own area of work improvements active involvement
Information are gathered and 1.2. Positive 1.2. Listing of positive
reviewed which may be impacts and impacts and the
relevant to ideas and challenges in challenges of change and
which might assist in innovation innovation
gaining support for idea. 1.3. Types of 1.3. Identifying examples
changes and of the types of changes
responsibility that are within and outside
own scope of
Discuss and Identify people who could 2.1. Types of 2.1. Providing examples
develop ideas provide input into ideas for changes in the of the types of changes
with others improvements individual that can occur as a result
Select the best way of participation of effective individual
approaching people to 2.2. Improveme participation within own
begin sharing ideas nts or scope of responsibility
Review and select ideas for innovations in 2.2. Listing of typical
follow up based on the reasons why suggested
feedback implementation improvements or
2.3. Communic innovations may not be
ation of ideas implemented, including
for improvement constraints
Implement Take action to implement 3.1. Types of 3.1. Providing examples
changes and routine changes in changes and of the types of changes
present/ suggest consultation with others effective that can occur as a result
ideas with others and within scope of own individual of effective individual
responsibility participation participation within own
Present ideas and practical 3.2. Communic scope of responsibility
suggestions to the ate ideas for 3.2. Stating the typical
appropriate people about improvement reasons why suggested
how improvements could improvements or
be made innovations may not be
implemented, including
operational and
management constraints
3.3. Describing how to
prepare and communicate
ideas for improvement to
maximize likelihood of

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1. Information 1.1. Standard operating and/or other workplace

1.2. Job procedures
1.3. Machine/equipment manufacturer’s specifications
and instructions
1.4. Organizational or external personnel
1.5. Client/supplier instructions
1.6. Quality standards
1.7. OSH and environmental standards

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Critical aspect of Assessment must show that the candidate:

competency Identified ideas for improvements and used information from
a range of sources including other people to review and
select ideas to put forward for implementation
Identified ideas are implemented and communicated to seek
input from others.
Implemented routine changes within scope of responsibility.

Resource implication The following resources should be provided:

2.1 Pens
2.2 Note pads

Method of assessment Competency in this unit may be assessed through:

Written Evaluation

Context of Assessment Competency may be assessed individually in the actual

workplace or simulation environment in TESDA
accredited institutions

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TR - ANIMATION NC II (Version 02) Amended February 27, 2018
UNIT CODE : 500311133
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit of covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes
required to apply problem-solving techniques to determine
the origin of a malfunction and plan for its resolution.


ELEMENTS Italicized terms are elaborated REQUIRED SKILLS
in the Range of Variables
1. Identify 1.1. Identify routine problems 1.1. Current industry 1.1. Identifying current industry
routine or procedural problem hardware and hardware and software
problems areas. software products products and services
1.2. Define and determine and services 1.2. Identifying current industry
problem to be 1.2. Industry maintenance, services and
investigated. maintenance, helpdesk practices,
1.3. Identify and document service and processes and procedures
current conditions of the helpdesk practices, 1.3. Identifying current industry
problem. processes and standard diagnostic tools
procedures 1.4. Describing common
1.3. Industry standard malfunctions and
diagnostic tools resolutions.
1.4. Malfunctions and 1.5. Determining the root cause
resolutions of a routine malfunction

2. Look for 2.1. Identify potential 2.1. Current industry 2.1. Identifying current industry
solutions to solutions to problem. hardware and hardware and software
routine 2.2. Develop, document, rank software products products and services
problems and present and services 2.2. Identifying services and
recommendations about 2.2. Industry service and helpdesk practices,
possible solutions to helpdesk practices, processes and procedures.
appropriate person for processes and 2.3. Identifying operating system
decision. procedures 2.4. Identifying current industry
2.3. Operating systems standard diagnostic tools
2.4. Industry standard 2.5. Describing common
diagnostic tools malfunctions and
2.5. Malfunctions and resolutions.
resolutions. 2.6. Determining the root cause
2.6. Root cause analysis of a routine malfunction

3. Recommend 3.1. Plan implementation of 3.1. Standard 3.1 Producing documentation

solutions to solutions procedures that recommends solutions
problems 3.2. Plan evaluation of 3.2. Documentation to problems
implemented solutions produce 3.2 Following established
3.3. Document procedures
recommended solution
and submit to
appropriate person for

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TR - ANIMATION NC II (Version 02) Amended February 27, 2018
1. Appropriate person May Include:
1.1. Supervisor or manager
1.2. Peers/work colleagues
1.3. Other members of the organization
2. Plan May include
2.1. Priority requirements
2.2. Co-ordination and feedback requirements
2.3. Safety requirements
2.4. Risk assessment
2.5. Environmental requirements
3. Document May include :
3.1. Electronic mail
3.2. Briefing notes
3.3. Written report


1. Critical aspects Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

of Competency
1.1. Determine the root cause of a routine malfunction
1.2. Identify solutions
1.3. Produce documentation that recommends solutions to
1.4. Follow established procedures
1.5. Refer unresolved problems to support persons.
2. Resource 2.1. Assessment will require access to an operating plant
Implications over an extended period of time, or a suitable method
of gathering evidence of operating ability over a
range of situations
3. Methods of Competency in this unit may be assessed through:
3.1. Written test
3.2. Interview

The unit will be assessed in a holistic manner as is practical

and may be integrated with the assessment of other relevant
units of competency. Assessment will occur over a range of
situations, which will include disruptions to normal, smooth
operation. Simulation may be required to allow for timely
assessment of parts of this unit of competency. Simulation
should be based on the actual workplace and will include walk
through of the relevant competency components
4. Context for 4.1. In all workplace, it may be appropriate to assess this
Assessment unit concurrently with relevant teamwork or operation

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TR - ANIMATION NC II (Version 02) Amended February 27, 2018
UNIT CODE : 500311134
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers knowledge, skills and attitude to identify
current resource use, comply with environmental
regulations and seek opportunities to improve resource
ELEMENT Italicized terms are elaborated in the
Range of Variables KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
1. Identify current 1.1. Resources used in the 1.1. Types of 1.1. Listing of
resource use workplace and potential for resources resources used
environmental 1.2. Techniques in 1.2. Measuring current
improvements are listed measuring current usage of resources
following industry usage of 1.3. Recording and
procedures. resources storing of data
1.2. Current usage of resources 1.3. Calculating current 1.4. Conveying
used in the workplace is usage of workplace
measured using appropriate resources resource efficiency
techniques. 1.4. Data recording issues
1.3. Data are recorded and and storage
stored following workplace 1.5. Workplace
protocol. resource efficiency
1.4. All workplace resource issues
efficiency issues are
conveyed to work
team and supervisor
2. Comply with 2.1 Workplace environmental 2.1 Types of 2.1 Identifying and
environmental hazards are identified and workplace reporting
regulations reported to appropriate environmental workplace
supervisor. hazards environmental
2.2 All workplace 2.2 Workplace hazards
environmental efficiency environmental 2.2 Conveying all
issues are conveyed to efficiency issues environmental
work team and supervisor. 2.3 Environmental issues.
2.3 Environmental regulations regulations 2.3 Following
are followed based on 2.4 Methods of environmental
industry protocol. meeting efficiency regulations.
2.4 Work toward meeting targets 2.4 Practicing meeting
efficiency targets are efficiency targets
practiced following in complying
environmental regulations environmental

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TR - ANIMATION NC II (Version 02) Amended February 27, 2018
ELEMENT Italicized terms are elaborated in the
Range of Variables KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
3. Seek 3.1 Enterprise plans to 3.1 Enterprise plans 3.1 Following
opportunities to improve environmental 3.2 Improvement of enterprise plans to
improve practices and resource environmental improve
resource efficiency are followed practices and environmental
efficiency based on industry resource practices and
procedures efficiency resource efficiency
3.3 Impact of 3.2 Making
3.2 Suggestions for sustainable suggestions for
improvements to workplace practices on work improvements to
practices and resource requirements and workplace
efficiency are made efficiency practices and
according to industry 3.4 Preparation of resource efficiency
protocol environmental 3.3 Seeking
3.3 Clarifications relating to plan clarifications
work requirements, 3.5 Sustainable relating to work
efficiency and impact of practices requirements and
sustainable practices are efficiency and
sought from team members impact of
and/or supervisors. sustainable

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TR - ANIMATION NC II (Version 02) Amended February 27, 2018

1. Resources May include:
1.1 Electric
1.2 Water
1.3 Fuel
1.4 Telecommunications
1.5 Supplies
1.6 Materials

2. Workplace environmental May include:

hazards 2.1 Biological hazards
2.2 Chemical and dust hazards
2.3 Physical hazards


1. Critical aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

1.1. Identified current resource use
1.2. Complied with environmental regulations
1.3. Sought opportunities to improve resource
2. Resource The following resources should be provided:
2.1. Workplace
2.2. Tools, materials and equipment relevant to the
2.3. PPE
2.4. Manuals and references

3. Methods of Competency in this unit may be assessed through:

3.1. Demonstration
3.2. Oral questioning
3.3. Written examination

4. Context for 4.1. Competency assessment may occur in workplace

Assessment or any appropriately simulated environment
4.2. Assessment shall be observed while task are
being undertaken whether individually or in-group

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TR - ANIMATION NC II (Version 02) Amended February 27, 2018


UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills, (and) attitudes and
values needed to perform computer operations which include
inputting, accessing, producing and transferring data using the
appropriate hardware and software


Italicized terms are elaborated in KNOWLEDGE
the Range of Variables
Plan and Requirements of task are 1.1. Main types of 1.1. Reading and
prepare for determined computers and comprehension
task to be Appropriate hardware and basic features of skills required to
undertaken software are selected different operating interpret work
according to task assigned systems instruction and to
and required outcome 1.2. Main parts of interpret basic user
Task is planned to ensure a computer manuals.
OH&S guidelines and 1.3. Information on 1.2. Communicatio
procedures are followed hardware and n skills to identify
software lines of
1.4. Data security communication,
guidelines request advice,
follow instructions
and receive
1.3. Interpreting
user manuals and
security guidelines
Input data into Data are entered into the 2.1. Basic 2.1. Technology
computer computer using appropriate ergonomics of skills to use
program/application in keyboard and equipment safely
accordance with company computer user including keyboard
procedures 2.2. Storage skills.
Accuracy of information is devices and basic 2.2. Entering data
checked and information is categories of
saved in accordance with memory
standard operating 2.3. Relevant
procedures types of software
Inputted data are stored in
storage media according
to requirements
Work is performed within
ergonomic guidelines
Access Correct program/application is 3.1. General 3.1. Accessing
information selected based on job security, privacy information
using requirements legislation and 3.2. Searching and
computer Program/application containing copyright browsing files and
the information required is 3.2. Productivity data
accessed according to Application
company procedures 3.3. Business
Desktop icons are correctly Application
selected, opened and

_____________________________________________________________________________________ 27
TR - ANIMATION NC II (Version 02) Amended February 27, 2018
Italicized terms are elaborated in KNOWLEDGE
the Range of Variables
closed for navigation
Keyboard techniques are
carried out in line with
OH&S requirements for
safe use of keyboards
Produce/ output Entered data are processed 4.1. Computer 4.1. Computer data
data using using appropriate software application in processing
computer commands printing, scanning 4.2. Printing of data
system Data printed out as required and sending 4.3. Transferring
using computer facsimile files and data
hardware/peripheral 4.2. Types and
devices in accordance with function of
standard operating computer
procedures peripheral
Files, data are transferred devices
between compatible
systems using computer
software, hardware/
peripheral devices in
accordance with standard
operating procedures
Maintain Systems for cleaning, minor 5.1 Computer 5.1 Removing computer
computer maintenance and equipment/syste viruses from
equipment replacement of m basic infected machines
and systems consumables are maintenance 5.2 Making backup files
implemented procedures
Procedures for ensuring 5.2 Viruses
security of data, including 5.3 OH&S principles
regular back-ups and virus and
checks are implemented in responsibilities
accordance with standard 5.4 Calculating
operating procedures computer
Basic file maintenance capacity
procedures are 5.5 System Software
implemented in line with 5.6 Basic file
the standard operating maintenance
procedures procedures

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Hardware and peripheral Personal computers
devices Networked systems
Communication equipment

Software Software includes the following but not limited to:

Word processing packages
Data base packages

OH & S guidelines OHS guidelines

Enterprise procedures

Storage media Storage media include the following but not limited to:
zip disks
hard disk drives, local and remote

Ergonomic guidelines Types of equipment used

Appropriate furniture
Seating posture
Lifting posture
Visual display unit screen brightness

Desktop icons Icons include the following but not limited to:
network devices
recycle bin

Maintenance Creating more space in the hard disk

Reviewing programs
Deleting unwanted files
Backing up files
Checking hard drive for errors
Using up to date anti-virus programs
Cleaning dust from internal and external surfaces

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TR - ANIMATION NC II (Version 02) Amended February 27, 2018

Critical aspect of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

competency Selected and used hardware components correctly and
according to the task requirement
Identified and explain the functions of both hardware and
software used, their general features and capabilities
Produced accurate and complete data in accordance with
the requirements
Used appropriate devices and procedures to transfer
files/data accurately
Maintained computer system

Method of assessment The assessor may select two of the following assessment
methods to objectively assess the candidate:
Practical demonstration

Resource implication Computer hardware with peripherals

Appropriate software

Context of Assessment Assessment may be conducted in the workplace or in a

simulated work environment

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TR - ANIMATION NC II (Version 02) Amended February 27, 2018


UNIT CODE : ICT 216300
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitude required to apply
drawing techniques in preparation for traditional animation
ELEMENT Italicized terms are elaborated
in the Range of Variables KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
1. Identify 1.1 Different drawing 1.1 Verbal 1.1 Drawing skills for
traditional materials are identified Communication both living and non-
drawing in preparation for hand 1.2 Written living.
requirements drawing requirements. Communication 1.2 Analytical and
for animation 1.2 Animation drawing 1.3 Layout drawings comprehension
equipment are prepared and instruction skills
to support hand drawing 1.4 Animation 1.3 Observational skills
activities terminologies and 1.4 Skills in analyzing
1.3 Drawing references are production the animator’s
gathered to use as guide procedure rough and timing
for lecture activities or 1.5 Physical Science grid
assignments (environment) 1.5 Effective
1.4 Storyboard, layout, 1.6 Physiology Communication
background and model (anatomy of human skills
sheet are identified and animals) 1.6 Skills in interpreting
according to task 1.7 Mechanical science basic principles of
undertaken 1.8 Basic principles of animation
animation 1.7 Presentation skills
1.9 Computer line test
1.10Drawing equipment
and materials
1.11 Knowledge in
Identification of
Storyboard, layout
and model sheet
2. Apply hand 2.1 Hand & wrist pencil 2.1 Verbal 2.1 Drawing skills for
drawn exercises techniques Communication both living and non-
techniques are performed on paper 2.2 Written living.
to practice right pencil Communication 2.2 Analytical and
grip, hand position and 2.3 Constructive Solid comprehension
arm movement. Geometry for basic skills
2.2 Different Line drawing shapes 2.3 Effective
strokes are practiced to 2.4 Human and Animal Communication
familiarize hand grip on Anatomy skills
pencil for line 2.5 Mechanical science 2.4 Skills in interpreting
consistency. 2.6 Basic principles of basic principles of
2.3 Basic construction animation animation
techniques are applied to 2.7 Practicing 3Rs – 2.5 Presentation skills
draw human figure, Reduce, Re-use, 2.6 Practicing OSHS,
cartoons, animals and Recycle/recover EHSM, 3Rs and 5S
objects using basic and environmental 2.7 Human and animal
shapes. policies. anatomy drawing
2.4 Proportion of sizes is skills
maintained in drawing 2.8 Skills in copying or
characters, props and tracing characters,
objects. objects and
_____________________________________________________________________________________ 31
TR - ANIMATION NC II (Version 02) Amended February 27, 2018
ELEMENT Italicized terms are elaborated
in the Range of Variables KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
2.5 Basic perspectives are environment
applied to draw angles 2.9 Skills in perspective
on characters, props, drawings both living
objects and and non-living
backgrounds. things.

3. Apply line art 3.1 Model sheets are 3.1 Verbal 3.1 Drawing skills for
drawings prepared to serve as Communication both living and non-
based on reference for hand 3.2 Written living.
model sheet drawing activities. Communication 3.2 Analytical and
3.2 Rough action poses, 3.3 Constructive Solid comprehension
attitude poses and Geometry for Basic skills
different facial Shapes 3.3 Effective
expressions are drawn 3.4 Human and Animal Communication
on-model. Anatomy (Rough skills
3.3 Different line drawing action, attitude 3.4 Skills in interpreting
strokes are identified and poses and different basic principles of
applied based on the facial expressions) animation
model sheet. 3.5 Mechanical science 3.5 Presentation skills
3.4 Colored pencil is used to (rough movement 3.6 Practicing OSHS,
draw rough sketches, and behavior) EHSM, 3Rs and 5S
construction & proportion 3.6 Basic principles of
3.5 Lead pencil is used to animation
draw quality line art in 3.7 Practicing 3Rs –
cleaning up rough Reduce, Re-use,
drawings Recycle/recover
3.6 Full drawings in pencil and environmental
line style are submitted policies
for comments, 3.8 Different Line
corrections & evaluation drawing strokes
of relevant personnel.

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TR - ANIMATION NC II (Version 02) Amended February 27, 2018

1. Drawing materials May include:
1.1 Lead pencils – B, 2B, 3B soft pencils
1.2 Bond paper
1.3 Animation paper
1.4 Eraser - kneaded eraser, rubber eraser
1.5 Ruler
1.6 Sharpener – Manual or electric
1.7 Mechanical pencil
1.8 Mechanical eraser

2. Animation drawing May include:

equipment Animation Table with lightbox
Peg Bar
Portable Animation lightbox
Movable Light / desk lamp

3. Drawing references May include:

Basic Drawing books/e-books
Anatomy books/e-books
Character design books/e-books
Model sheets
Videos / DVDs
Live model
Online references
Background books/e-books
Buildings and houses books/e-books
Mechanical design books/e-books

4. Hand & wrist pencil May include:

exercises techniques Drawing loops – clockwise and counterclockwise
Pencil, hand and arm movement
Drawing zigzag lines
Drawing vertical and horizontal lines
Drawing gradient lines
Pencil grip exercises

5. Line drawing strokes May include:

5.1 Thin lines
5.2 Thick lines
5.3 Thin & thick lines combined
5.4 Circles and spheres
5.5 Wriggly lines
5.6 Straight lines
5.7 Zigzag lines
5.8 Curve and loops
6. Model sheets May include:
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TR - ANIMATION NC II (Version 02) Amended February 27, 2018
6.1 Character turn around
6.2 Animal turn around
6.3 Objects turn around
6.4 Props turn around
6.5 Background angles
6.6 Expressions and special poses
6.7 Character size comparison
6.8 Mouth chart

7. Action poses May include dynamic poses of:

7.1 Running
7.2 Fighting
7.3 Pushing
7.4 Lifting
7.5 Walking

8. Expressions May Include facial expressions:

8.1 Angry / Mad
8.2 Happy / Ecstatic
8.3 Sad / depressed
8.4 In love / passion

9. On-model Should include:

9.1 Proportion
9.2 Volume
9.3 Size
9.4 Facial features
9.5 Attitude and appeal
9.6 Arms and legs
9.7 Design and style specifications

10. Relevant personnel May include:

10.1 Trainer
10.2 Animation Checker
10.3 Animation Director
10.4 Supervisor

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TR - ANIMATION NC II (Version 02) Amended February 27, 2018

Critical Aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

Identified all traditional drawing requirements
including line drawing materials, equipment
and references
Applied hand drawn techniques including basic
construction, proportion, perspective and
Applied line art drawings based on the creative
requirements using appropriate tools and

Method of Assessment Competency must be assessed through:

Demonstration with oral questioning

Resource Implication The following resources should be provided:

Appropriate work area or location
Appropriate supplies and materials
Applicable tools and equipment

Context of Assessment 4.1 Competency maybe assessed in actual

workplace or at the designated TESDA
Accredited Assessment Center.

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TR - ANIMATION NC II (Version 02) Amended February 27, 2018
UNIT CODE : ICT 216301
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitude required to
draw, analyze and produce traditional clean up key drawings
for animation to ensure integrity of movement and character
model is maintained.


ELEMENT Italicized terms are elaborated in
the Range of Variables KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
1. Identify 1.1 Traditional animation 1.1 Verbal 1.1 Drawing skills
requirements equipment & materials are Communication for both living
for traditional identified and prepared 1.2 Written and non-living.
cleaned-up according to the task Communication 1.2 Analytical and
drawings undertaken. 1.3 Physical Science (all comprehension
1.2 Traditional Clean up Key environments) skills
Drawing requirements are 1.4 Mechanical science 1.3 Skills in reading
identified from the given 1.5 Basic principles of and analyzing
source material. animation storyboard
1.3 Appropriate model sheets 1.6 Traditional animation 1.4 Effective
are gathered for reference equipment & Communication
in the given scene folder materials skills
1.4 Incomplete materials and 1.7 Traditional Clean up 1.5 Presentation
faulty equipment are Key Drawing skills
reported to appropriate requirements

2. Prepare 2.1 Rough key animation 2.1 Verbal 2.1 Drawing skills
Traditional drawings in a scene folder Communication for both living
Rough Key are counted and checked if 2.2 Written and non-living.
Drawings complete and written on the Communication 2.2 Analytical and
provided exposure sheet. 2.3 Physical Science (all comprehension
2.2 Rough breakdowns are environments) skills
checked if provided by the 2.4 Human anatomy 2.3 Skills in reading
animator 2.5 Mechanical science and analyzing
2.3 Timing grid is checked if 2.6 Basic principles of timing grids and
written legibly and animation exposure sheet
corresponding to the 2.7 Practicing 3Rs – 2.4 Effective
drawings indicated in the Reduce, Re-use, Communication
exposure sheet Recycle/Recover and skills
2.4 Special instructions from environmental 2.5 Presentation
Animator or animation concerns
director are checked and 2.8 Exposure sheet
2.9 Timing grid
2.6 Practicing
read if written on the Timing OSHS, EHSM,
grid or in the exposure 2.10Rough key animation
3Rs and 5S
sheet drawings
2.11 Knowledge on
2.5 Traditional cleaned-up
exposure sheets
line quality stroke
2.12Rough breakdowns
requirement for the final
2.13Cleaned-up line
drawing is checked against
quality stroke
the approved model sheets.

3. Produce 3.1 All rough key drawings 3.1 Verbal 3.1 Clean-up
Traditional are arranged properly and Communication Drawing Skills
cleaned-up flipped by hand to see and 3.2 Written 3.2 Analytical and
key analyze the animation Communication comprehension
drawings movements 3.3 Physical Science (all skills
_____________________________________________________________________________________ 36
TR - ANIMATION NC II (Version 02) Amended February 27, 2018
ELEMENT Italicized terms are elaborated in
the Range of Variables KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
3.2 Rough Key drawings poses environments) 3.3 Skills in
and rough expressions are 3.4 Mechanical science reading and
analyzed and understood 3.5 Basic principles of analyzing
as indicated in the animation timing grids
storyboard and the 3.6 Human anatomy and
exposure sheet. 3.7 Cross platform data breakdowns
3.3 All rough key drawings transfer 3.4 Effective
pose that are off-model are 3.8 Rough Key Communicatio
redrawn using the correct drawings poses and n skills
model sheet construction & rough expressions 3.5 Computer
proportion. 3.9 Body Attitude and operation skills
3.4 Rough body Attitude and facial expressions 3.6 Presentation
facial expressions are 3.10 Rough breakdowns skills
maintained and captured 3.7 Practicing
3.11 Key drawing &
during the redrawing and OSHS, EHSM,
breakdown labels
modeling process. 3Rs and 5S
3.12 animator
3.5 Rough breakdowns are instructions
analyzed, redrawn and put
3.13 production
on model based on
animation flow.
3.6 Line quality stroke is 3.14 timing grid
applied to all redrawn 3.15 Cleaned-up Key
rough key animation poses drawings and
and breakdowns. breakdowns
3.7 Key drawing & 3.16 Practicing 3Rs –
breakdown labels, Reduce, Re-use,
animator instructions, Recycle/Recover
production information, and environmental
timing grid are copied concerns
carefully from the original 3.17 Geometry for Basic
rough key drawings and Shapes
written clearly on the clean
animation paper in the
appropriate position.
3.8 All final traditional cleaned-
up key drawings and
breakdowns are organized
and bundled neatly
together inside a folder.
3.9 Old rough key drawings
and rough breakdowns are
also organized, bundled
and returned neatly
together inside scene
3.10 Scene folder contents are
double checked, signed
and submitted to
appropriate personnel.

4. Edit / Revise 4.1 Scene folder with revision 4.1 Verbal 4.1 Clean-up
cleaned-up calls are read and Communication Drawing Skills
Key understood based on the 4.2 Written 4.2 Analytical and
Drawings instructions written by a Communication comprehension
supervisor. 4.3 Physical Science (all skills
_____________________________________________________________________________________ 37
TR - ANIMATION NC II (Version 02) Amended February 27, 2018
ELEMENT Italicized terms are elaborated in
the Range of Variables KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
4.2 All affected cleaned-up key environments) 4.3 Skills in reading
drawings & breakdowns are 4.4 Mechanical science and analyzing
redrawn based on the 4.5 Basic principles of timing grids and
scope of the revision calls. animation breakdowns
4.3 Revised scene folder 4.6 Cross platform data 4.4 Effective
contents are doubled transfer Communication
checked and signed off as 4.7 Rough Key drawings skills
done after all corrections poses and rough 4.5 Computer
are made. expressions operation skills
4.4 Revised scene folder is 4.8 Body Attitude and 4.6 Presentation
submitted to appropriate facial expressions skills
personnel. 4.9 Rough breakdowns 4.7 Practicing
4.10 Key drawing & OSHS, EHSM,
breakdown labels 3Rs and 5S
4.11 animator instructions
4.12 production
4.13 timing grid
4.14 Cleaned-up Key
drawings and
4.15 Practicing 3Rs –
Reduce, Re-use,
and environmental

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TR - ANIMATION NC II (Version 02) Amended February 27, 2018

1. Traditional May include:
animation 1.1 Animation table 1.9 Ruler
equipment and 1.2 Lightbox 1.10 Bull clip
materials 1.3 Animation disc 1.11 Magic tape
1.4 Manual/ electric 1.12 Light colored pencils
sharpener 1.13 Lead pencils
1.5 Desk lamp 1.14 Rubber/ kneaded eraser
1.6 Chair 1.15 Reinforcement peg hole
1.7 Animation paper stickers
1.8 Peg bar

2. Source material May include:

2.1 Storyboard
2.2 Lay-out drawings
2.3 Director’s instructions
2.4 Model sheets
2.5 Exposure sheets
2.6 Key animation drawings
2.7 Animation folder / envelope

3. Scene folder May include:

3.1 Storyboard
3.2 Lay-out
3.3 Background Layout/ Rough Background
3.4 Exposure sheets
3.5 Key animation drawings
3.6 Model sheets
3.7 Special Instructions

4. Model sheets May include:

4.1 Character turn around 4.7 Special effects
4.2 Props turn around 4.8 Construction
4.3 background angles instructions
4.4 mouth/ lip-sync chart 4.9 size comparison
4.5 Poses / Attitude 4.10 Main characters
4.6 Expressions 4.11 incidental characters

5. Appropriate May include:

personnel 5.1 Production assistant
5.2 Production manager
5.3 Dept. head
5.4 Animation Director
5.5 Supervisor (* this can also be the Trainer)

6. Rough key Main rough drawing poses drawn only by animators and is
animation distinguished on paper by:
drawings 6.1 Numbers & letters that are encircled
6.2 Timing grid
6.3 Special animation Instructions

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TR - ANIMATION NC II (Version 02) Amended February 27, 2018
7. Exposure sheet A chart containing the following:
7.1 Directors notes and instructions
7.2 Number of drawings
7.3 camera instructions
7.4 dialogue track and mouth lip-sync
7.5 length of scene
7.6 Production information

8. Rough A special drawing provided only by animators to indicate:

Breakdowns 8.1 a different path of action or movement
8.2 a special timing or spacing

9. Timing grid May include:

9.1 slow in timing grid
9.2 slow out timing grid
9.3 equal timing grid
9.4 special timing grid
10. Special May include:
Instructions 10.1 separation parts
10.2 mouth / lip-sync
10.3 breakdown
10.4 cycles in timing
10.5 shadow/ high light indications
10.6 shading instructions
10.7 eye blinks / eye movement
10.8 head turn
11. Traditional May include:
cleaned-up line 11.1 Thin lines
quality stroke 11.2 Thick lines
requirements 11.3 Thin & thick lines combined
11.4 Wriggly lines
11.5 Broken / stylized lines
12. Rough Key May include:
drawings 12.1 Action poses
12.2 Expressions
12.3 Gestures

13. Key drawing & May include:

Breakdown 13.1 Encircled letters with numbers
labels 13.2 Triangle shaped symbol with letters &numbers
13.3 Abbreviation ( eg : B/D) with letter & numbers

14. Animator May include:

instructions 14.1 eye blink/ eye ball direction
14.2 separation of parts
14.3 Registration mark
14.4 mouth chart / lip-sync
14.5 cycle instructions
14.6 wave flow instructions
14.7 arrows & direction of action
14.8 highlight / shadows

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TR - ANIMATION NC II (Version 02) Amended February 27, 2018
15. Production May include:
information 15.1 production episode
15.2 production title
15.3 scene number
15.4 registration instructions

16. Linetest software May include one of the following:

16.1 CTP pro
16.2 Retas Pro
16.3 Flipbook
16.4 Flash
16.5 Toonboom
16.6 After effects

May include:
17. Appropriate 17.1 Bottom portion near or beside the peg holes
position (of 17.2 upper portion on top of paper
drawing labels) 17.3 lower right or left corner of the paper
17.4 upper right or left corner of paper

18. Revision calls May include:

18.1 Off model key drawings
18.2 Poor cleaned-up line quality
18.3 Wrong labels
18.4 Dirty and crumpled animation paper
18.5 Disorganized submission of scene folder
18.6 Missing final cleaned-up Key drawing
18.7 Missing rough key drawings
18.8 Missing details
18.9 Missing Drawings
18.10 Missing exposure sheet
18.11 Wrong labels on exposure sheet
18.12 Wrong mouth chart / lip-sync used
18.13 Timing grid copied wrong
18.14 Wrong counting of drawing contents
18.15 Wrong eye direction
18.16 Wrong costume, props
18.17 Wrong light direction/shadows/tones/highlights/mark up

19. Revised scene May include:

folder 19.1 Revision call instructions
19.2 Revised Cleaned-up Key Drawings
19.3 Original Rough key drawings
19.4 Original Cleaned-up Key drawings
19.5 Exposure sheet
19.6 Layout
19.7 Storyboard

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TR - ANIMATION NC II (Version 02) Amended February 27, 2018

Critical Aspects of Assessment must show that the candidate:

Identified and prepared all Traditional clean up drawing
requirements including Model sheets, equipment
and materials
Prepared all Traditional rough key in accordance with
the instructions contained on the scene folders
Produced on-model traditional cleaned-up key drawings
following all the constraints of production
Edited the necessary revision to obtain quality standard
of the Cleaned-up drawings in compliance with
relevant personnel
Method of Assessment Competency must be assessed through:
Demonstration with oral questioning
Resource Implication Appropriate supplies and materials
Applicable equipment

Context of Assessment Assessment may be conducted in the workplace or in a

simulated environment

_____________________________________________________________________________________ 42
TR - ANIMATION NC II (Version 02) Amended February 27, 2018
UNIT CODE : ICT 216302
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitude required to
produce traditional in-between drawings to ensure that the flow of
animation based on the traditional key drawings will move
ELEMENT Italicized terms are elaborated in the
Range of Variables KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
Identify 1.1 Traditional animation 1.1 Verbal 1.1 Drawing skills for
requirements equipment & materials are Communication both living and
for traditional identified and prepared 1.2 Written non-living.
in-between according to the task Communication 1.2 Analytical and
drawings undertaken. 1.3 Physical Science (all comprehension
1.2 Traditional in-between elements) skills
requirements are identified 1.4 Mechanical Science 1.3 Skills in reading
from the given source 1.5 Basic principles of and analyzing
material. animation storyboard and
1.3 Appropriate model sheets 1.6 Traditional exposure sheet
are gathered for reference in animation 1.4 Effective
the given scene folder equipment & Communication
1.4 Incomplete materials and materials skills
faulty equipment are reported 1.7 Traditional in- 1.5 Presentation
to appropriate personnel between drawing skills
1.8 Model sheets
Prepare 2.1 Required Model sheets are 2.1 Verbal 2.1 Drawing skills
materials for taped, clipped or pinned at a Communication for both living
traditional In- location easily seen by the 2.2 Written and non-living.
between eye within arm’s length of the Communication 2.2 Analytical and
drawings drawing area. 2.3 Physical Science (all comprehension
2.2 Animation paper and environments) skills
drawing materials are 2.4 Mechanical Science 2.3 Skills in reading
prepared in the drawing area 2.5 Basic principles of and analyzing
for easy access. animation storyboard
2.3 Cleaned-up key animation 2.6 Practicing 3Rs – 2.4 Skills in reading
drawings and breakdowns Reduce, Re-use, and analyzing
in the scene folder are Recycle/Recover timing grids and
counted and checked if and environmental exposure sheet
complete and written on the concerns 2.5 Effective
provided exposure sheet. 2.7 Exposure sheet Communication
2.4 Scene folder contents are 2.8 Timing grids skills
checked if bundled, organized 2.9 Rough key 2.6 Presentation
and complete inside the animation drawings skills
folder for reference. 2.10 Knowledge on 2.7 Practicing
2.5 Timing grids are checked if exposure sheets OSHS, EHSM,
written legibly on each 2.11 Rough breakdowns 3Rs and 5S
cleaned-up key drawing and 2.12 Cleaned-up line
indicated on the exposure quality stroke
sheet requirement
2.6 Special instructions written
on the cleaned-up key
drawings and exposure sheet
are noted and will be used for
reference on in-between

2.7 Traditional cleaned-up key

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TR - ANIMATION NC II (Version 02) Amended February 27, 2018
ELEMENT Italicized terms are elaborated in the
Range of Variables KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
drawing line quality stroke is
noted and will be followed
strictly for all required in-
between drawings in the

Produce 3.1 All cleaned-up key drawings 3.1 Verbal 3.1 Clean-up and
traditional in- and breakdowns are carefully Communication In-between
between held together and flipped by 3.2 Written Drawing Skills
drawings hand to see and analyze the Communication 3.2 Analytical and
line quality and animation 3.3 Physical Science (all comprehension
movement flow. environments) skills
3.2 Two cleaned-up key drawings 3.4 Mechanical Science 3.3 Skills in reading
are arranged on top of each 3.5 Basic principles of and analyzing
other at a time and higher animation timing grids and
number is always placed at 3.6 Computer hardware exposure sheet
the topmost pile. requirements for 3.4 Skills in
linetest analyzing
3.3 Light from the animation 3.7 Cross platform data animation
lightbox / table is opened to transfer breakdowns
see through the two cleaned- 3.8 Rough key drawing 3.5 Effective
up key drawings and see the poses and rough Communication
intersecting lines of both expressions skills
papers. 3.9 Body attitude and 3.6 Presentation
3.4 A clean sheet of animation facial expressions skills
paper is placed on top of the 3.10Rough breakdowns 3.7 Practicing
two cleaned-up key drawings 3.11Key drawing & OSHS, EHSM,
in preparation to sketch the breakdown labels 3Rs and 5S
first traditional rough in- 3.12animator instructions
between drawing. 3.13production
3.5 Timing written on the
3.14timing grid
cleaned-up key drawing at
3.15Cleaned-up Key
the topmost pile is analyzed &
drawings and
followed to produce the first
traditional rough in-between
3.16Linetest software
sketch based on the length of
3.17Practicing 3Rs –
the indicated timing grid
Reduce, Re-use,
lines and the model sheet.
3.6 Traditional rough in-betweens and environmental
are labeled properly based on concerns
the labeling system of the 3.18Geometry for Basic
cleaned-up key drawings Shapes
3.7 Breakdowns are strictly
followed as an in-between
drawing if provided in the
scene folder.
3.8 All remaining rough in-
betweens are produced from
the timing grid lines written on
the remaining pairs of
arranged cleaned-up key
drawings contained in the
scene folder.
3.9 All rough in-betweens
produced are carefully
_____________________________________________________________________________________ 44
TR - ANIMATION NC II (Version 02) Amended February 27, 2018
ELEMENT Italicized terms are elaborated in the
Range of Variables KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
cleaned-up using the same
line quality stroke clearly
seen at the cleaned-up key
3.10 All cleaned-up In-between
drawings are carefully
checked again against the
light of the lightbox if all
timing grid lines are followed.
3.11 All final key drawings and in-
between drawings are shot
in sequence at the linetest
software to check model
drawing & line consistency
and to produce correct flow
of in-between drawing.
3.12 All final cleaned-up key
drawings & final in-between
drawings are arranged,
organized and bundled
neatly together inside scene
3.13 Old rough key drawings and
rough in-betweens are
organized, bundled and
returned neatly together
inside scene folder.
3.14 Scene folder contents are
double checked, signed and
submitted to appropriate

Edit / Revise in- Returned scene folder with 4.1 Verbal 4.1 Clean-up and In-
between revision calls are read and Communication between
drawings analyzed based on the 4.2 Written Drawing Skills
instructions written Communication 4.2 Analytical and
specifically for the affected in- 4.3 Physical Science comprehension
between drawings. (all environments) skills
All affected in-between drawings 4.4 Mechanical 4.3 Skills in reading
are redrawn accordingly Science and analyzing
based on the scope of the 4.5 Basic principles of timing grids and
revision calls animation exposure sheet
Revised scene folder contents 4.6 Computer hardware 4.4 Skills in
and revision calls are doubled requirements for analyzing
checked, organized properly linetest animation
and signed off as done after 4.7 Linetest software breakdowns
all corrections are made. 4.8 Cross platform data 4.5 Effective
Revised scene folder is submitted transfer Communication
to appropriate personnel. 4.9 In-between skills
drawings 4.6 Presentation
4.10 Rough key drawing skills
poses and rough 4.7 Practicing
expressions OSHS, EHSM,
4.11 Body attitude and 3Rs and 5S
facial expressions
_____________________________________________________________________________________ 45
TR - ANIMATION NC II (Version 02) Amended February 27, 2018
ELEMENT Italicized terms are elaborated in the
Range of Variables KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
4.12 Rough breakdowns
4.13 Key drawing &
breakdown labels
4.14 animator
4.15 production
4.16 timing grid
4.17 Cleaned-up key
drawings and
4.18 Practicing 3Rs –
Reduce, Re-use,
and environmental
4.19 Geometry for basic

_____________________________________________________________________________________ 46
TR - ANIMATION NC II (Version 02) Amended February 27, 2018

1. Traditional May include:
animation 1.1 Animation table
1.10 bull clip
equipment & 1.2 lightbox
1.11 magic tape
materials 1.3 animation disc
1.12 Light colored pencils
1.4 Manual/ electric
1.13 Lead pencils
1.14 Rubber/ kneaded eraser
1.5 Desk lamp
1.15 Reinforcement peghole
1.6 chair
1.7 Animation paper
1.16 line test machine / computer
1.8 Pegbar
1.17 linetest software
1.9 Ruler
2. Source material May include:
2.1 Storyboard
2.2 Lay-out drawings
2.3 Director’s instructions
2.4 Model sheets
2.5 Exposure sheets
2.6 Key animation drawings
2.7 Animation folder / envelope

3. Scene folder May include:

3.1 Storyboard
3.2 Lay-out
3.3 Exposure sheets
3.4 Key animation drawings
3.5 Model sheets
4. Model sheets 4.6 Expressions
May include:
4.7 Special effects
4.1 Character turn around
4.8 Construction instructions
4.2 Props turn around
4.9 size comparison
4.3 background angles
4.10 Main characters
4.4 mouth/ lip-sync chart
4.11 incidental characters
4.5 Poses / Attitude
5. Appropriate 5.1 Production assistant
personnel 5.2 Production manager
5.3 Department head
5.4 Animation director
5.5 Supervisor ( * this can also be the Trainer )
6. Animation paper May include:
6.1 standard pegbar punched bond paper
6.2 standard pegbar punched Animation paper
7. Drawing materials May include:
7.1 colored pencils
7.2 lead pencils
7.3 kneaded / rubber eraser
7.4 ruler
7.5 sharpener
8. Cleaned-up Key May include:
animation 8.1 Characters

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TR - ANIMATION NC II (Version 02) Amended February 27, 2018
drawings 8.2 Animals
8.3 props
8.4 objects
8.5 backgrounds
9. Breakdowns A special drawing that is provided only by Animators if needed
in the scene. May include:
9.1 a drawing with a different path of action
9.2 a drawing with a wave or flow action
9.3 a drawing that favors its spacing to one key drawing
10. Exposure sheet A chart containing the following:
10.1 Directors notes and instructions
10.2 Number of drawings
10.3 camera instructions
10.4 dialogue track and mouth lip-sync
10.5 length of scene
10.6 Production information
11. Timing grid May include:
11.1 slow in timing grid
11.2 slow out timing grid
11.3 equal timing grid
11.4 special timing grid
12. Special
Special Instructions may include:
Instructions 12.5 shadow/ high light
12.1 separation parts
12.2 mouth / lip-sync
12.6 shading instructions
12.3 breakdown
12.7 eye blinks / eye
12.4 cycles in timing
13. Line quality stroke May include
13.1 Thin lines
13.2 Thick lines
13.3 Thin & thick lines combined
13.4 Wriggly lines
13.5 Broken / stylized lines
14. Animation May include
lightbox / table 14.1 Portable square lightbox
14.2 Animation table with disc
14.3 Square lightbox with animation disc
15. Timing grid lines These are horizontal or vertical lines with varying length sizes
dividing a single straight line into specific spaces. This May
15.1 Single long line – the first to be in-between
15.2 Short line – the last to be in-between
15.3 Equal length lines – indicating equal spaced in-betweens
15.4 Line with an “X” mark – indicating a special in-between
instruction of a favored space
15.5 Series of lines that gradually tapers like a fish bone on
one or both sides of a single line, indicating a series on
in-betweens that starts with the longest and ends at the
shortest line.
16. Labeling system May include:
16.1 Letter and number

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TR - ANIMATION NC II (Version 02) Amended February 27, 2018
16.2 double letter and number
16.3 Symbol and a number

17. Linetest software May include:

17.1 CTP pro
17.2 Retas Pro
17.3 Flipbook
17.4 Flash
17.5 Toonboom
17.6 After effects

18. Revision calls May include:

18.1 Off model in-between drawings
18.2 Poor in-between line quality
18.3 wrong labels
18.4 wrong in-betweens
18.5 dirty and crumpled animation paper
18.6 Disorganized submission of scene folder
18.7 Missing final in-between drawings
18.8 Missing rough in-between drawings
18.9 Missing rough key drawings
18.10 Missing details
18.11 Missing Drawings
18.12 Missing exposure sheet
18.13 wrong mouth chart / lipsync used
18.14 Wrong counting of drawing contents
18.15 Wrong eye direction
18.16 Wrong costume, props
18.17 Wrong light direction/shadows/tones/highlights/mark up

19. Revised scene May include:

folder 19.1 Revision call instructions
19.2 Revised cleaned-up in-between drawings
19.3 Original rough in-between drawings
19.4 Original rough key drawings
19.5 Original cleaned-up key drawings
19.6 Exposure sheet
19.7 Layout
19.8 Storyboard

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TR - ANIMATION NC II (Version 02) Amended February 27, 2018

Critical Aspects of
Competency Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

Identified all traditional in-between drawing

requirements including model sheets, materials
and equipment
Prepared all necessary materials needed for traditional
In-between drawings including model sheets,
animation papers.
Checked all clean-up animation key drawings, timing
grids and breakdowns according to the exposure
sheet provided.
Checked the contents of the scene folder.
Produced on-model traditional cleaned-up in-between
drawings following all the constraints of
Edited the necessary revisions to obtain quality
standard of the cleaned-up in-between drawings
in compliance with the relevant personnel

Method of Assessment Competency in this unit may be assessed through:

2.1 Demonstration with oral questioning
2.2 Interview

Resource Implication The following resources should be provided:

Appropriate supplies and materials
Applicable equipment

Context of Assessment 4.1 Competency maybe assessed in actual

workplace or at the designated TESDA Accredited
Assessment Center.

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TR - ANIMATION NC II (Version 02) Amended February 27, 2018
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitude required to
draw, analyze, and produce digital cleaned-up key drawings for
animation to ensure integrity of movement and character model is


ELEMENT Italicized terms are elaborated in
the Range of Variables KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
Identify 1.1 Digital animation 1.1 Verbal 1.1 Effective
requirements equipment & materials Communication Communication
for digital are identified and prepared 1.2 Written skills
cleaned-up according to the task Communication 1.2 Computer
drawings undertaken. 1.3 Intellectual Property operation skills
1.2 Digital clean-up drawing rights and concerns 1.3 Drawing skills
requirements are identified 1.4 OHS processes and 1.4 Reporting skills
from the given source procedure for
material. Computer Hardware
1.3 Appropriate digital copies 1.5 Computer hardware
of model sheets are requirements for
gathered for reference in video playback
the given file folder. 1.6 Digital animation
1.4 Range of industry standard equipment &
2D animation software materials
including computer- 1.7 Digital Clean-up
assisted techniques are Drawing
identified for suitability requirements
1.5 Software selected is in 1.8 Model sheets
accordance with the 1.9 2D animation
specified delivery software
platform. 1.10Cross platform /
1.6 Incomplete materials and delivery platform
faulty equipment are
reported to appropriate
Produce digital 2.1 User interface and basic 2.1 Verbal 2.1 Digital clean-up
cleaned-up tools of selected 2D Communication drawing Skills
key drawings animation software is 2.2 Written 2.2 Analytical and
utilized based on the Communication comprehension
client’s specific technical 2.3 OHS Standards and skills
requirements. 5S’s principles 2.3 Skills in reading
2.2 Scanned hard copy or soft 2.4 Intellectual Property and analyzing
copy of digital rough Rights and concerns timing grids and
animation key drawings 2.5 Knowledge in exposure sheet
are provided in file folder computer operations 2.4 Skills in
per scene number. and applications analyzing
2.3 Digital rough 2.6 OHS processes and animation
breakdowns are checked procedures for breakdowns
if provided and indicated computer hardware 2.5 Computer
on timeline or exposure 2.7 timeline or exposure operating skills
sheet sheet 2.6 Effective
2.4 Digital model sheets and 2.8 User interface and Communication
special file instructions tools of 2D skills
are gathered and uploaded animation software 2.7 Presentation
for reference use on the 2.9 Rough animation skills
specified task undertaken. key drawings 2.8 Practicing
2.5 Digital rough key drawings 2.10 Digital rough OSHS, EHSM,

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TR - ANIMATION NC II (Version 02) Amended February 27, 2018
ELEMENT Italicized terms are elaborated in
the Range of Variables KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
& breakdowns provided breakdowns 3Rs and 5S
are played back to view 2.11 Digital model
and analyze the fluidity of sheets
animation movements and 2.12 special file
consistency in drawings instructions
2.6 New column or layer is 2.13 layering of drawing
added to the to the elements
timeline or exposure sheet 2.14 digital line size &
in preparation for the layer stroke
of the digital cleaned-up 2.15 Digital Key drawing
key drawings & Digital
2.7 All off-model drawings Breakdown labels
are re-drawn based on 2.16 production
digital model sheets information
provided and put on- 2.17 Timing grids
model and placed also in 2.18 Cross platform data
its own layer transfer
2.8 Required digital line size 2.19 Practicing 3Rs –
& stroke is applied to all Reduce, Re-use,
digital cleaned-up key Recycle/Recover
drawings. and environmental
2.9 Digital key drawing & concerns
digital breakdown labels, 2.20 Geometry for Basic
production information, Shapes
timing grids are copied
carefully from the original
rough key drawings and
written clearly at an
appropriate position on
the workspace
2.10 All finished Digital drawing
sequences are exported to
video format and saved at
scene file folder.
2.11 Scene File folder
contents are double
checked and submitted to
appropriate personnel
Edit / Revise 3.1. Returned file folder with Verbal 3.1. Clean-up and
digital revision calls are read Communication In-between
cleaned-up and analyzed based on the Written Drawing Skills
key drawings instructions written. Communication 3.2. Analytical and
3.2. All affected digital cleaned- OHS Standards and comprehension
up drawings & breakdowns 5S’s principles skills
are redrawn accordingly Intellectual Property 3.3. Skills in reading
based on the scope of the Rights and concerns and analyzing
revision calls Knowledge in timing grids and
3.3. All revised digital drawings computer operations exposure sheet
are labeled appropriately and applications 3.4. Skills in
to distinguish that it is the OHS processes and analyzing
latest revised version. procedures for animation
3.4. Final Revised Digital Computer Hardware breakdowns
cleaned-up drawings and User interface and 3.5. Computer
breakdowns are exported tools of 2D operating skills
to video format to check animation software 3.6. Effective
the consistency of revised Rough Animation Communication
_____________________________________________________________________________________ 52
TR - ANIMATION NC II (Version 02) Amended February 27, 2018
ELEMENT Italicized terms are elaborated in
the Range of Variables KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
drawings Key Drawings skills
3.5. Revised scene File Digital Rough 3.7. Presentation
folder contents are Breakdowns skills
double-checked and then Digital model sheets 3.8. Practicing
saved in a different folder special file instructions OSHS, EHSM,
label as a revised work layering of drawing 3Rs and 5S
version. elements
3.6. Revised scene file folder digital Line size & stroke
is submitted to Digital Key drawing &
appropriate personnel. Digital Breakdown
production information
Timing grids
Cross platform data
Cross platform data
Practicing 3Rs – Reduce,
and environmental
Geometry for Basic

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TR - ANIMATION NC II (Version 02) Amended February 27, 2018

1. Digital Animation May include:
Equipment & materials 1.1 Chair
1.2 Table
1.3 computer
1.4 computer peripherals
1.5 pen tablet
1.6 2D animation software
1.7 USB
1.8 external hard drive
1.9 keyboard
1.10 mouse

2. Source materials May include Digital copies of:

2.1 Storyboard
2.2 Lay-out drawings
2.3 Director’s instructions
2.4 Model sheets
2.5 Exposure sheets
2.6 Key animation drawings
2.7 file folder

3. Model sheets May include

3.1 Character turn around
3.2 Props turn around
3.3 background angles
3.4 mouth/ lip-sync chart
3.5 Poses / Attitude
3.6 Expressions
3.7 Special effects
3.8 Construction instructions
3.9 size comparison
3.10 Main characters
3.11 incidental characters

4. File folder File folders, also called directories may include files of:
4.1 Storyboard
4.2 Lay-out
4.3 Exposure sheets
4.4 Key animation drawings
4.5 Animation scene file
4.6 Model sheets
4.7 Exported video file

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TR - ANIMATION NC II (Version 02) Amended February 27, 2018
5. 2D animation software May include one of the
5.6 After Effects
5.7 Open Toonz
5.1 CTP Pro
5.8 Paintool Sai
5.2 Retas Pro
5.9 Krita
5.3 Flipbook
5.10 Clip Studio
5.4 Flash
5.11 TV Paint
5.5 Toonboom
6. Delivery Platform Delivery platform may include:
6.1 Worldwide web
6.2 CD-ROM
6.3 DVD
6.4 Film
6.5 Video format
6.6 Broadcast format
6.7 Video game format
7. Appropriate personnel 7.1 Production assistant
7.2 Production manager
7.3 Department head
7.4 Animation Director
7.5 Supervisor ( * this can also be the Trainer )
8. Digital Rough key May include digitally produced rough drawings of:
animation drawings 8.1 Characters
8.2 Animals
8.3 props
8.4 objects
8.5 backgrounds
9. Digital rough breakdowns Digital rough breakdowns may include:
9.1 a drawing with a different path of action
9.2 a drawing with a wave or flow action
9.3 a drawing that favors its spacing to one key
10. Exposure sheet A vertical chart with columns containing the following:
10.1 Directors notes and instructions
10.2 Number of drawings
10.3 Camera instructions
10.4 Dialogue track and mouth lip-sync
10.5 Length of scene
10.6 Slugging
10.7 Production information
11. Timeline A horizontal chart containing layers similar to the
exposure sheet that may contain the following:
11.1 Directors notes and instructions
11.2 Frame Numbers
11.3 Number of drawings
11.4 camera instructions
11.5 dialogue track and lip sync
11.6 length of scene
11.7 Slugging
11.8 Production information

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TR - ANIMATION NC II (Version 02) Amended February 27, 2018
12. Special file May include instructions on:
Instructions 12.1 separation parts 12.7 special effects
12.2 mouth / lip-sync 12.8 shading
12.3 breakdown instructions
12.4 cycles in timing 12.9 eye blinks / eye
12.5 shadow/ high light movement
indications 12.10 timing
12.6 drawing registration specifications
13. Off-model drawings A drawing that does not look or conform to the provided
model sheet. May include:
13.1 wrong proportion
13.2 wrong details
13.3 wrong expression
13.4 wrong construction
13.5 wrong face features
14. On-model Should include:
14.1 proportion
14.2 volume
14.3 size
14.4 facial features
14.5 attitude and appeal
14.6 arms and legs
14.7 design and style specifications
15. Digital line size and May include size and stroke for:
stroke 15.1 Thin lines
15.2 Thick lines
15.3 Thin & thick lines combined
15.4 Wriggly lines
15.5 Broken / stylized lines
16. Digital key drawings & May include:
digital breakdown 16.1 Letter and number
labels 16.2 double letter and number
16.3 Symbol and a number
17. Production information May include:
17.1 episode number
17.2 production title
17.3 Act number
18. Appropriate personnel May include:
21.1 Production Manager
21.2 Production Assistant
21.3 Animation director
19. Video Format May include following video file format:
18.1 QuickTime file format (.mov)
18.2 AVI (.avi)
18.3 Flash video (FLV)
18.4 MP4
18.5 Matroska (.mkv)
18.6 .vlc
18.7 Windows media video .wmv
18.8 Windows media player (WMP)

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TR - ANIMATION NC II (Version 02) Amended February 27, 2018
20. Revised scene file folder May include
20.1 Revision call instructions
20.2 Revised digital cleaned-up key drawings
20.3 Original digital rough key drawings
20.4 Original digital cleaned-up key drawings

21. Revision calls May include

19.1 Off model digital key drawings
19.2 Poor line quality
19.3 Wrong labels
19.4 Missing digital drawings
19.5 Wrong lip-sync
19.6 Wrong Action
19.7 Wrong counting of drawing contents
19.8 Wrong layering
19.9 Wrong labels
19.10 Missing details
19.11 Missing exposure sheet
19.12 Wrong mouth chart / lip-sync used
19.13 Wrong eye direction
19.14 Wrong costume, props
19.15 Wrong light direction/shadows/tones/
highlights/mark up

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TR - ANIMATION NC II (Version 02) Amended February 27, 2018

1. Critical Aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

Competency 1.1 Identified all digital clean-up requirements
including source materials, file folders, appropriate
2D animation software, materials and equipment.
1.2 Produced on-model digital cleaned-up key
drawings using appropriate tools and features of
the selected software to meet the constraints of the
1.3 Edited the necessary revision to obtain quality
standard of the clean-up drawing in compliance
with relevant personnel

2. Method of Assessment Competency in this unit may be assessed through:

Demonstration with oral questioning
3. Resource Implication The following resources should be provided:
3.1 Appropriate supplies and materials
3.2 Applicable equipment

4. Context of Assessment 4.1 Competency maybe assessed in actual workplace

or at the designated TESDA Accredited
Assessment Center.

_____________________________________________________________________________________ 58
TR - ANIMATION NC II (Version 02) Amended February 27, 2018
UNIT CODE : ICT 216304
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitude required to
produce digital in-between drawings to ensure that the flow of
animation based on the digital key drawings will move smoothly.


ELEMENT Italicized terms are elaborated in
the Range of Variables KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
1. Identify 1.1 Digital animation 1. Verbal 1.1 Analytical and
requirements equipment & materials Communication comprehension
for Digital In- are identified and prepared 2. Written skills
between according to the task Communication 1.2 Skills in reading
drawings undertaken. 3. OHS and analyzing
1.2 Digital in-between drawing Standards and 5S’s timing grids and
requirements are identified principles exposure sheet
from the given source 4. Intellectual 1.3 Skills in
material. Property Rights and analyzing
1.3 Appropriate digital copies concerns animation
of model sheets are 5. OHS breakdowns
gathered for reference in processes and 1.4 Effective
the given file folder. procedures for Communication
1.4 Incomplete materials and Computer Hardware skills
faulty equipment are 6. Digital 1.5 Computer
reported to appropriate animation equipment operating skills
personnel. & materials 1.6 Presentation
7. Digital in- skills
between Drawing
8. Source
9. Digital model
10. Geometry for
Basic Shapes
11. timing grids
and exposure sheet
2. Produce Digital 2.1 Digital scene file folder 2.1 Verbal 2.1 Digital In-
In-between is obtained containing Communication between
drawings digital cleaned-up key 2.2 Written Drawing Skills
drawings & breakdowns Communication 2.2 Analytical and
2.2 Appropriate 2D 2.3 OHS Standards and comprehension
animation software is 5S’s principles skills
used based on the file 2.4 Intellectual Property 2.3 Skills in reading
format contained inside Rights and concerns and analyzing
the scene file folder. 2.5 OHS processes and timing grids and
2.3 All digital cleaned-up key procedures for exposure sheet
drawings and breakdowns Computer Hardware 2.4 Skills in
are played back to see 2.6 Use of 2D animation analyzing
and analyze the animation software. animation
movements 2.7 Digital model sheets breakdowns
2.4 Digital model sheets and and special file 2.5 Computer
special file instructions instructions operating skills
are gathered and 2.8 Onion skin/ light 2.6 Effective
uploaded for reference table feature Communication
use on the specified task 2.9 Timing grid skills
undertaken. 2.10 Digital rough in- 2.7 Presentation
2.5 Onion skin/ light table betweens skills
_____________________________________________________________________________________ 59
TR - ANIMATION NC II (Version 02) Amended February 27, 2018
ELEMENT Italicized terms are elaborated in
the Range of Variables KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
feature of the 2D 2.11 labeling system 2.8 Practicing
animation software is 2.12 digital breakdowns OSHS, EHSM,
used to see through the 2.13 Cross platform data 3Rs and 5S
two digital Cleaned-up transfer
Key drawings and see 2.14 Practicing 3Rs –
intersecting lines of both Reduce, Re-use,
frames Recycle/Recover
2.6 Timing grid written on the and environmental
cleaned-up key drawing is concerns
analyzed & followed to 2.15 Geometry for Basic
produce the first rough Shapes
digital in-between sketch
2.7 Digital rough in-betweens
are labeled and marked
on the timeline or
exposure sheet based on
the labeling system of
the Cleaned-up Key
2.8 Digital Breakdowns are
strictly followed if provided
in the scene file folder
2.9 All remaining digital in-
betweens are produced
basing from the timing
grid lines written on the
remaining pairs of
arranged digital Cleaned-
up key drawings
2.10 All digital in-betweens
produced should follow
the same line quality
stroke of the digital
cleaned-up key drawings
2.11 All completed digital
drawings are checked
through playback if
animation movements are
running smoothly.
2.12 Final digital drawings are
exported to required
video format and saved
in a scene file folder.
2.13 Complete scene File
folder contents are double
checked and submitted to
appropriate personnel

3. Edit / Revise 3.1 Returned file folder with 3.1 Verbal 3.1 Digital In-
digital in- revision calls are read Communication between
between and analyzed based on 3.2 Written Drawing Skills
drawings the instructions written Communication 3.2 Analytical and
specifically for the 3.3 OHS Standards and comprehension
affected Digital In- 5S’s principles skills
between Drawings. 3.4 Intellectual Property 3.3 Skills in reading
3.2 All affected digital in- Rights and concerns and analyzing
_____________________________________________________________________________________ 60
TR - ANIMATION NC II (Version 02) Amended February 27, 2018
ELEMENT Italicized terms are elaborated in
the Range of Variables KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
between drawings are 3.5 OHS processes and timing grids and
redrawn accordingly procedures for exposure sheet
based on the scope of the Computer Hardware 3.4 Skills in
revision calls 3.6 Use of 2D animation analyzing
3.3 Revised File folder software. animation
contents and revision 3.7 Digital model sheets breakdowns
calls are double checked, and special file 3.5 Computer
organized and signed off instructions operating skills
as done after al 3.8 Onion skin/ lightbox 3.6 Effective
corrections are made. feature Communication
3.4 Revised Digital cleaned- 3.9 Timing skills
up drawings and in- 3.10 Digital rough in- 3.7 Presentation
between drawings are betweens skills
exported to video format 3.11 Labeling and 3.8 Practicing
to check the consistency marking OSHS, EHSM,
of revised drawings 3.12 labeling system of 3Rs and 5S
3.5 Revised file folder is the Cleaned-up Key
submitted to appropriate drawings
personnel. 3.13 Cross platform data
3.14 Practicing 3Rs –
Reduce, Re-use,
and environmental
3.15 Geometry for Basic

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TR - ANIMATION NC II (Version 02) Amended February 27, 2018

1. Digital Animation May include:
Equipment & materials 1.1 Chair
1.2 Table
1.3 computer
1.4 computer peripherals
1.5 Digitizing pen and tablet
1.6 2D animation software
1.7 Mouse
1.8 Keyboard
1.9 USB
1.10 removable hard drive

2. Source material 2.1 Storyboard

2.2 Lay-out drawings
2.3 Director’s instructions
2.4 Model sheets
2.5 Exposure sheets
2.6 Key animation drawings

3. File folder Also called directories a way to organize computer files.

May include files of:
3.1 Storyboard
3.2 Lay-out
3.3 Exposure sheets
3.4 Key animation drawings
3.5 Animation scene file
3.6 Model sheets
3.7 Exported video file

4. Digital Model sheets May include digital copies of:

4.1 Character turn around
4.2 Props turn around
4.3 background angles
4.4 mouth/ lip-sync chart
4.5 Poses / Attitude
4.6 Expressions
4.7 Special effects
4.8 Construction instructions
4.9 size comparison
4.10 Main characters
4.11 incidental characters
5. Appropriate personnel May include:
5.1 Production assistant
5.2 Production manager
5.3 Department head
5.4 Animation Director
5.5 Supervisor (* this can also be the Trainer)

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TR - ANIMATION NC II (Version 02) Amended February 27, 2018
6. 2D animation May include one of the following:
software 6.1 CTP Pro
6.2 Retas Pro
6.3 Flipbook
6.4 Flash
6.5 Toonboom
6.6 After Effects
6.7 Open Toonz
6.8 Paintool Sai
6.9 Krita
6.10 Clip Studio
6.11 TV Paint

7. Video Format May include following video file format:

7.1 QuickTime file format (.mov)
7.2 AVI (.avi)
7.3 Flash video (FLV)
7.4 MP4, etc.
8. Exposure sheet A vertical chart containing the following:
8.1 Directors notes and instructions
8.2 Number of drawings
8.3 Camera instructions
8.4 Dialogue track and mouth lip-sync
8.5 Length of scene
8.6 Production information
9. Timeline A horizontal chart containing layers similar to the exposure
sheet that may contain the following:
9.1 Directors notes and instructions
9.2 Frame Numbers
9.3 Number of drawings
9.4 Camera instructions
9.5 Dialogue track and lip sync
9.6 Length of scene
9.7 Production information
10. Timing grid lines May include:
10.1 Single long line – the first to be in-between
10.2 Short line – the last to be in-between
10.3 Equal length lines – indicating equal spaced in-
10.4 Line with an “X” mark – indicating a special in-
between instruction of a favored space
10.5 Series of lines that gradually tapers like a fish bone
on one or both sides of a single line, indicating a
series on in-betweens that starts with the longest
and ends at the shortest line.
11. Labeling system May include:
11.1 Letter and number
11.2 double letter and number
11.3 Symbol and a number
12. Revision calls May include:
12.1 Off model digital In-between drawings
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12.2 Poor cleaned-up line quality
12.3 wrong labels
12.4 dirty and crumpled animation paper
12.5 Disorganized submission of scene folder
12.6 Missing final cleaned-up Key drawing
12.7 Missing rough key drawings
12.8 Missing exposure sheet
12.9 Missing details
12.10 wrong mouth chart / lipsync used
12.11 Timing grid copied wrong
12.12 Wrong counting of drawing contents
12.13 Wrong eye direction
12.14 Wrong costume, props
12.15 Wrong light direction/shadows/tones/highlights/mark

13. Revised scene May include:

folder 13.1 Revision call instructions
13.2 Revised Cleaned-up Key Drawings
13.3 Original Rough key drawings
13.4 Original Cleaned-up Key drawings
13.5 Exposure sheet
13.6 Layout
13.7 Storyboard

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TR - ANIMATION NC II (Version 02) Amended February 27, 2018

1. Critical Aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

1.1 Identified all digital in-between requirements
including source materials, file folders, materials
and equipment.
1.2 Produced on-model digital cleaned-up and in-
between drawings using appropriate tools and
features of the selected software to meet the
constraints of the production
1.3 Edited the necessary revision to obtain quality
standard of the clean-up and in-between drawing
in compliance with relevant personnel
2. Method of Assessment Competency in this unit may be assessed through:
2.1 Demonstration with oral questioning
2.2 Interview

3. Resource Implication The following resources should be provided:

3.1 Appropriate supplies and materials
3.2 Applicable equipment

4. Context of Assessment 4.1 Competency maybe assessed in actual

workplace or at the designated TESDA
Accredited Assessment Center.

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TR - ANIMATION NC II (Version 02) Amended February 27, 2018

These standard arrangements are developed to give technical and vocational

education and training (TVET) provides information and guidance on important
requirements needed when designing training programs for Electrical Installation and
Maintenance NC II.

These include information on curriculum design, training delivery, trainee entry

requirements, tools and equipment, training facilities and trainer’s qualification.


TESDA shall provide the training on the development of competency-based

curricula to training providers. This will equip them with needed knowledge and skills in
developing their own curricula based on the components mentioned below.

Delivery of knowledge requirements for the basic, common and core units of
competency specifically in the areas of mathematics, science/technology,
communication/language and other academic subjects shall be contextualized. To this
end, TVET providers shall develop a Contextual Learning Matrix (CLM) to include green
technology, issues on health and drugs and catering to persons with disabilities (PWD’s)
to accompany their curricula.

Course Title: Animation NC Level: NC II

Nominal Training Duration: 52 hours – Basic Competencies

28 hours – Common Competencies
536 hours – Core Competencies
616 hours - TOTAL

Course Description:

This course is designed to develop & enhance the knowledge, skills, & attitudes of
an assistant animator/clean-up and In-betweener (CU/IB Artist) in accordance with
industry standards. It covers the basic & common competencies in addition to the core
competencies – apply line drawing techniques and produce cleaned-up and in-between
drawings in both and traditional & digital output.

The nominal duration of 616 hours covers the required units at Animation NC II.
TVET providers can however, offer a longer, ladderized course covering the NC II basic,
common and core units.

To complete the course, all units prescribed for this qualification must be achieved:

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TR - ANIMATION NC II (Version 02) Amended February 27, 2018
52 hrs

Unit of Assessment Nominal

Learning Outcomes Learning Activities Methodology
Competency Approach Duration
1. Participate in 1.1. Obtain and convey  Discuss organizational policies  Gro  Oral 2 hours
workplace workplace  Read: up discussion evaluation
communication information o Effective communication  Lect  Writt
o Written communication ure en examination
o Communication procedures and systems  De  Obs
 Identify: monstration ervation
o Different modes of communication
o Medium of communication
o Flow of communication
o Available technology relevant to the
enterprise and the individual’s work
 Prepare different Types of question
 Gather different sources of information
 Apply storage system in establishing workplace
 Demonstrate Telephone courtesy
1.2. Complete relevant  Discuss communication procedures and  Gro  Oral 4 hours
work related systems up discussion evaluation
documents  Read:  Lect  Writt
o Meeting protocols ure en examination
o Nature of workplace meetings  De  Obs
o Workplace interactions monstration ervation
o Barriers of communication  Rol
 Read instructions on work related forms/ e play
 Practice:
o Estimate, calculate and record routine

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TR - ANIMATION NC II (Version 02) Amended February 27, 2018
Unit of Assessment Nominal
Learning Outcomes Learning Activities Methodology
Competency Approach Duration
workplace measures
 Basic mathematical processes of addition,
subtraction, division and multiplication
 Demonstrate office activities in:
o workplace meetings and discussions
 Perform workplace duties scenario following
simple written notices
 Follow simple spoken language
 Identify the different Non-verbal communication
 Demonstrate ability to relate to people of social
range in the workplace
 Gather and provide information in response to
workplace requirements
 Complete work related documents
1.3. Participate in  Identify:  Lect  Written 2 hours
workplace meeting o types of workplace documents and forms ure examination
and discussion o kinds of workplace report  De  Observation
o Available technology relevant to the monstration
enterprise and the individual’s work
 Read and follow instructions in applying basic
mathematical concepts
 Follow simple spoken language
 Demonstrate ability to relate to people of social
range in the workplace
 Gather and provide information in response to
workplace requirements
2. Work in a team 2.1. Describe and  Discuss the team role and scope  Gro  Oral 2 hours
environment identify team role  Read and discuss definition of Team up discussion evaluation
and responsibility in  Difference between team and group  Lect  Writt
a team.  Objectives and goals of team ure en examination
 Identify different sources of information

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Unit of Assessment Nominal
Learning Outcomes Learning Activities Methodology
Competency Approach Duration
2.2. Describe work as a  Discuss team goals and objectives  Gro  Oral 2 hours
team  Perform exercises in setting team goals and up discussion evaluation
expectations scenario  Rol  Obs
 Identify: e play ervation
o individual role and responsibility  Lect  Writt
 Practice Interacting effectively with others ure en examination
 Read:
o Fundamental rights at work including
gender sensitivity
o Understanding individual competencies
relative to teamwork
o Types of individuals
o Role of leaders
3. Practice career 3.1. Integrate personal  Discuss performance evaluation  Gro  Oral 2 hours
professionalism objectives with  Read: up discussion evaluation
organizational o Work values and ethics (Code of Conduct,  Lect  Writt
goals Code of Ethics, etc.) ure en examination
o Understanding personal objectives  De  Obs
o Understanding organizational goals monstration ervation
 Demonstrate Intra and Interpersonal skills at
 Demonstrate personal commitment in work
3.2. Set and meet work  Discuss company policies, operations,  Gro  Oral 4 hours
priorities procedures and standards up discussion evaluation
 Read:  Lect  Writt
o Time Management ure en examination
o Basic strategic planning concepts  De  Obs
o Resource utilization and management monstration ervation
o Apply managing goals and time
 Practice:
o economic use of resources and facilities
o time management
3.3. Maintain  Discuss company recognition and incentives  Gro  Oral 2 hours

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TR - ANIMATION NC II (Version 02) Amended February 27, 2018
Unit of Assessment Nominal
Learning Outcomes Learning Activities Methodology
Competency Approach Duration
professional growth  Read: up discussion evaluation
and development o Career development opportunities  Lect  Writt
o Information on relevant licenses and or ure en examination
certifications personal career development
 Identify career opportunities
 Determine personal career development needs

4. Practice 4.1. Identify hazard and  Discuss OHS procedures, practices and  Gro  Oral 2 hours
occupational risks regulations up discussion evaluation
health and  Read  Lect  Writt
safety o OHS indicators ure en examination
o Organizational contingency practices
 Practice hazards/risks identification and control
4.2. Evaluate hazard  Gro  Oral 2 hours
and risks up discussion evaluation
 Describe effects of safety hazards
 Lect  Writt
o Read Threshold Limit Value –TLV
ure en examination
 Practice reporting safety hazards
 Rol  Obs
 Demonstrate evaluating hazards and risks
e play ervation
using communication equipment
 De
4.3. Control hazards  Discuss:  Gro  Oral 2 hours
and risks o Organization safety and health protocol up discussion evaluation
o Company emergency procedure practices  De  Obs
 Practice personal hygiene monstration ervation
 Practice drills on responding to emergency  Sim
4.4. Maintain  Identify emergency-related drills information  Lect  Writt 2 hours
occupational health  Practice occupational safety and health ure en examination
and safety standards on personal records in the workplace  Rol  Obs
awareness  Practice emergency related drills in the e play ervation
workplace  De

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TR - ANIMATION NC II (Version 02) Amended February 27, 2018
Unit of Assessment Nominal
Learning Outcomes Learning Activities Methodology
Competency Approach Duration
 Sim
5. Contribute to 5.1. Identify  Lecture and discussion on:  Gro  Oral 2 hours
workplace opportunities to do o Roles of individuals in suggesting and up discussion evaluation
innovation things better making improvements  Lect  Writt
o Positive impacts and challenges in ure en examination
innovation  Rol  Obs
o Types of changes and responsibility e play ervation
 Identification of opportunities for improvement  De
5.2. Discuss and  Lecture and discussion on:  Gro  Oral 2 hours
develop ideas with o Types of changes in the individual up discussion evaluation
others participation  Lect  Writt
o Improvements or innovations in the ure en examination
implementation  Rol  Obs
 Communication of ideas for improvement e play ervation
 De
5.3. Implement changes  Lecture and discussion on:  Gro  Oral 4 hours
and present/ o Types of changes and effective individual up discussion evaluation
suggest ideas with participation  Lect  Writt
others o Typical reasons why suggested ure en examination
improvements or innovations may not be  Rol  Obs
implemented, including operational and e play ervation
management constraints  De
 Present/Suggest ideas/changes in consultation monstration
with others for improvement
6. Solve/address 6.1. Identify routine  Lecture and discussion on:  Gro  Oral 2 hours
general problems o Possible routine problems or procedural up discussion evaluation
workplace problem areas  Lect  Writt
problems o Current industry hardware and software ure en examination
products and services  Rol  Obs
o Malfunctions and resolutions e play ervation

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TR - ANIMATION NC II (Version 02) Amended February 27, 2018
Unit of Assessment Nominal
Learning Outcomes Learning Activities Methodology
Competency Approach Duration
 De
6.2. Look for solutions  Lecture and discussion on:  Gro  Oral 2 hours
to routine problems o Industry service and helpdesk practices, up discussion evaluation
processes and procedures  Lect  Writt
o Operating systems ure en examination
o Industry standard diagnostic tools  Rol  Obs
o Root cause analysis e play ervation
 Identification of potential solutions to problem  De
6.3. Recommend  Lecture and discussion on:  Gro  Oral 4 hours
solutions to o Standard/Established procedures up discussion evaluation
problems o Implementation of solutions  Lect  Writt
o Evaluation of implemented solutions ure en examination
 Produce documentation that recommends  Rol  Obs
solutions to identified problems e play ervation
 De
7. Exercise 7.1. Identify current  Lecture and discussion on:  Gro  Oral 2 hours
sustainable resource use o Types of resources up discussion evaluation
development in o Techniques in measuring current usage of  Lect  Writt
the workplace resources ure en examination
o Calculating current usage of resources  Rol  Obs
o Data recording and storage e play ervation
o Workplace resource efficiency issues  De
7.2. Comply with  Lecture and discussion on:  Gro  Oral 2 hours
environmental o Types of workplace environment hazards up discussion evaluation
regulations o Workplace environmental efficiency issues  Lect  Writt
o Environmental regulations ure en examination
o Methods of meeting efficiency targets  Rol  Obs
 Identification of workplace environmental e play ervation
hazards and environmental regulations  De

_____________________________________________________________________________________ 72
TR - ANIMATION NC II (Version 02) Amended February 27, 2018
Unit of Assessment Nominal
Learning Outcomes Learning Activities Methodology
Competency Approach Duration
7.3. Seek opportunities  Lecture and discussion on:  Gro  Oral 4 hours
to improve resource o Enterprise plans for improvement of up discussion evaluation
efficiency environmental practices and resource  Lect  Writt
efficiency ure en examination
o Sustainable practices  Rol  Obs
o Impact of sustainable practices on work e play ervation
requirements and efficiency  De
 Preparation of environmental plan monstration

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28 hrs

Unit of Assessment Nominal

Learning Outcomes Learning Activities Methodology
Competency Approach Duration
1. Apply Quality 4.1 Assess quality of  Identify relevant production  Lecture  Written test 3 hours
Standards received materials processes, materials and products  Field trip  Demonstration &
 Study and interpret characteristics  Symposium questioning
of materials, software and hardware  Video clips  Observation &
used in production processes  Simulation/ questioning
 Perform quality checking Role playing
 Apply quality Workplace
 Identify faulty materials
 Check quality of materials or
component parts as per
manufacturer’s standards
 Interpret specifications or symbols
4.2 Assess own work  Perform workplace procedure in  Field trip  Demonstration & 3 hours
documenting completed work  Symposium questioning
 Perform fault identification and  Simulation  Observation &
reporting  On the job questioning
 Observe safety and environmental training
aspects of production processes
 Utilize workplace quality indicators
 Document and report deviations
from specified quality standards
4.3 Engage in quality  Participate in quality improvement  Field trip  Demonstration & 2 hours
improvement processes  Symposium questioning
a. IEC/ISO standards  Simulation  Observation &
b. Environmental and  On the job questioning
safety standards training
 Carry out work as per process

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TR - ANIMATION NC II (Version 02) Amended February 27, 2018
Unit of Assessment Nominal
Learning Outcomes Learning Activities Methodology
Competency Approach Duration
improvement procedures
 Monitor operation performance
 Implement continuous
2. Perform 1.1 Plan and prepare for  Plan and prepare computer  Lecture  Written/Oral 4 hours
Computer task to be undertaken operation activity  Modular examination
Operations  Determine task requirements  Computer  Practical
based on required output based training (e- demonstration
 Determine appropriate hardware learning)
and software  Project method
 Identify/Select types of computers  On the job
and basic features of different training
operating systems
 Interpret and follow client-specific
guidelines & procedures
 Plan task as per data security
1.2 Input data into  Apply basic ergonomics of  Lecture  Written/Oral 4 hour
computer keyboard and computer user  Modular examination
 Enter/Encode data using  Group  Practical
appropriate computer discussion demonstration
programs/applications  Project method
 Check accuracy of encoded  On the job
data/information per SOP training
 Save and store inputted data in
storage media
 Storage devices and basic
categories of memory
 Identify and define relevant types
of software
1.3 Access information  Select correct program/  Lecture  Written/Oral 5 hours
using computer application based on job  Computer examination
requirements based training (e-  Practical
 Access computer data/files learning) demonstration

_____________________________________________________________________________________ 75
TR - ANIMATION NC II (Version 02) Amended February 27, 2018
Unit of Assessment Nominal
Learning Outcomes Learning Activities Methodology
Competency Approach Duration
 Interpret general security, privacy  On the job
legislation & copyright training
 Use Productivity Application
 Microsoft office applications
 Learn Business Application
o Introduction to Basic
Programming software
 Apply basic ergonomics of
keyboard and computer user
 Identify types and function of  Lecture  Written/Oral 5 hour
computer peripheral devices  Group examination
 Print and scan office documents discussion  Practical
and materials  Modular demonstration
 Send office/ business documents  On the job
through facsimile training
1.4 Produce/output data  Transfer files or data between
using computer compatible systems using computer
system software, hardware/ peripheral
 Save documents in storage
b. USB drives
c. Hard disk drives
1.5 Maintain computer  Perform computer equipment/  Demonstration  Written/Oral 2 hours
equipment and system basic maintenance  Simulation examination
systems procedures  Modular  Practical
a. Perform basic file  Video clips demonstration
maintenance procedures  Computer
b. Perform cleaning of PC based training (e-
parts/ hardware components learning)
c. Scan/Debug computer
software and applications
d. Perform cleaning and

_____________________________________________________________________________________ 76
TR - ANIMATION NC II (Version 02) Amended February 27, 2018
Unit of Assessment Nominal
Learning Outcomes Learning Activities Methodology
Competency Approach Duration
defragmentation of computer files
e. Perform backup of
computer files
 Enumerate and define different
types of computer viruses

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TR - ANIMATION NC II (Version 02) Amended February 27, 2018
536 hours

Unit of Learning Outcomes Learning Activities Methodology Assessment Nominal

Competency Approach Duration
Apply Traditional Identify traditional Identifying and preparing line drawing Lecture/ Discussion Written exam 16 hours
drawing drawing tools, materials, and equipment Hands on Exercises Practical exam
techniques for requirements for Identifying and preparing reference Demonstration Observation in
animation animation materials Viewing multimedia workplace
Familiarization on Animation terms and Interviews/
(136 hrs) terminologies questioning
Familiarization on storyboards, layout,
and model sheet
Apply hand drawn Practicing Hand & wrist exercises Lecture/ Discussion Written exam 80 hours
techniques Familiarization oh different line drawing Hands on Exercises Practical exam
strokes Demonstration Observation in
Familiarization on Basic construction Viewing multimedia workplace
drawing techniques Interviews/
Proportion and anatomy questioning
Basic Perspective Drawing
Utilize line art drawings Familiarization on different Types of Lecture/ Discussion Written exam 40 hours
model sheets Hands on Exercises Practical exam
Character Construction Drawing Demonstration Observation in
Drawing Character actions, attitudes/ Viewing multimedia workplace
different facial expressions Interviews/
Produce Traditional Identify requirements for Identifying and Preparing materials, tools Lecture/ Discussion Written exam 8 hours
cleaned-up Key Traditional clean and equipment Clean-up drawing Hands on Exercises Practical exam
drawings up drawings History of Animation Demonstration Observation in
Animation Workflow Viewing multimedia workplace
(140 hrs) Principles and concept of Animation Interviews/
Preparing model sheets questioning
Prepare Traditional Animation Scene Folder Lecture/ Discussion Written exam 16 hours
Rough Key Timing and Exposure Sheet Hands on Exercises Practical exam
Drawings Animation Keys (Key drawings) and Demonstration Observation in
animation breakdowns Viewing multimedia workplace
Familiarization on different special Interviews/
_____________________________________________________________________________________ 78
TR - ANIMATION NC II (Version 02) Amended February 27, 2018
Unit of Learning Outcomes Learning Activities Methodology Assessment Nominal
Competency Approach Duration
instructions on scene folders questioning
Line quality: Techniques and Concept
Labeling conventions/ Identifying symbols
used for labeling animation drawings
Produce traditional Modeling animation key drawings Lecture/ Discussion Written exam 100 hours
cleaned-up Producing cleaned-up key drawings for Hands on Exercises Practical exam
drawings animation Demonstration Observation in
Head turn/ expressions (Cartoony, Viewing multimedia workplace
Realistic) Interviews/
Half body character turn (Cartoony, questioning
Character movements (walk cycles,
run cycles)
Dialogue (Lip-sync)
Wave Principles or Wave actions
Effects animation
Applying line quality techniques
Procedures and policies in keeping
Edit/ revise clean up key Identifying and analyzing different revision Lecture/ Discussion Written exam 16 hours
drawings calls for cleaned-up key drawings Hands on Exercises Practical exam
Editing/ revising cleaned-up key drawings Demonstration Observation in
Viewing multimedia workplace
Produce Traditional Identify requirements Identifying and Preparing materials, tools Lecture/ Discussion Written exam 8 hours
in-between for traditional in- and equipment for In-between drawing Hands on Exercises Practical exam
drawings between drawings Concept of in-betweening based on Demonstration Observation in
specification Viewing multimedia workplace
(140 hrs) Do’s and Don’ts of in-betweening Interviews/
Prepare materials for Preparing required model sheets for in- Lecture/ Discussion Written exam 16 hours
Traditional in- between drawings Hands on Exercises Practical exam
between drawings Familiarization on different types of Demonstration Observation in
timings Viewing multimedia workplace

_____________________________________________________________________________________ 79
TR - ANIMATION NC II (Version 02) Amended February 27, 2018
Unit of Learning Outcomes Learning Activities Methodology Assessment Nominal
Competency Approach Duration
Interpretation of Clean-up drawings Interviews/
against in-between drawings questioning
Produce in-between Use of different timings Lecture/ Discussion Written exam 100 hours
drawings in actual Use of a breakdown, Direct and in-direct Hands on Exercises Practical exam
scene folder in-between Demonstration Observation in
Producing In-between drawings for Viewing multimedia workplace
animation Interviews/
Head turn/ expressions (Cartoony, questioning
Half body character turn (Cartoony,
Character movements (walk cycles,
run cycles)
Dialogue (Lip-sync)
Wave Principles or Wave actions
Effects animation
Procedures for pegging and un-pegging
Performing line test for in-between
Procedures and policies in keeping
Edit /revise in-between Identifying and analyzing different revision 16 hours
drawings calls for in-between drawings
Editing/ revising cleaned-up and in-
between drawings

Produce 4.1 Identify Identifying and preparing tools, materials Lecture/ Discussion Written exam 8 hours
digital requirements for and equipment for Digital Clean-up Hands on Exercises Practical exam
cleaned-up digital clean-up drawings Demonstration Observation in
drawings Familiarization on software user interface Viewing multimedia workplace
drawings questioning
4.2 Produce Digital Familiarization on software tools and Lecture/ Discussion Written exam 44 hours
other features Hands on Exercises Practical exam
_____________________________________________________________________________________ 80
TR - ANIMATION NC II (Version 02) Amended February 27, 2018
Unit of Learning Outcomes Learning Activities Methodology Assessment Nominal
Competency Approach Duration
Clean-up drawings Familiarization on the digital clean up Demonstration Observation in
drawing procedures Viewing multimedia workplace
Producing Digital cleaned-up drawings for Interviews/
animation questioning
Head turn/ expressions (Cartoony,
Half body character turn (Cartoony,
Character movements (walk cycles,
run cycles)
Dialogue (Lip-sync)
Wave Principles or Wave actions
Effects animation
File exporting and saving
4.3 Edit/ revise digital Identifying and analyzing different revision Lecture/ Discussion Written exam 8 hours
cleaned-up key calls for digital cleaned-up key drawings Hands on Exercises Practical exam
drawings Editing/ revising digital cleaned-up key Demonstration Observation in
drawings Viewing multimedia workplace
Produce 5.1 Identify Identifying and preparing tools, materials Lecture/ Discussion Written exam 8 hours
Digital In- requirements for and equipment for Digital Clean-up Hands on Exercises Practical exam
between digital in-between drawings Demonstration Observation in
drawings Viewing multimedia workplace
(60 hrs) questioning
5.2 Produce Digital In- Familiarization on Onion skin/ lightbox Lecture/ Discussion Written exam 44 hours
between drawings feature Hands on Exercises Practical exam
Familiarization on different digital in- Demonstration Observation in
betweening techniques Viewing multimedia workplace
Producing Digital In-between drawings for Interviews/
animation questioning
Head turn/ expressions (Cartoony,
Half body character turn (Cartoony,

_____________________________________________________________________________________ 81
TR - ANIMATION NC II (Version 02) Amended February 27, 2018
Unit of Learning Outcomes Learning Activities Methodology Assessment Nominal
Competency Approach Duration
Character movements (walk cycles,
run cycles)
Dialogue (Lip-sync)
Wave Principles or Wave actions
Effects animation
File saving and exporting
5.3 Revise/ edit Digital Identifying and analyzing different revision Lecture/ Discussion Written exam 8 hours
In-between calls for digital in-between drawings Hands on Exercises Practical exam
drawings Editing/ revising digital in-between key Demonstration Observation in
drawings Viewing multimedia workplace

_____________________________________________________________________________________ 82
TR - ANIMATION NC II (Version 02) Amended February 27, 2018

1. The delivery of training shall adhere to the design of the curriculum. Delivery shall
be guided by the principles of competency-based TVET.

Course design is based on competency standards set by the industry or

recognized industry sector; (Learning system is driven by competencies written
to industry standards)
Training delivery is learner-centered and should accommodate individualized
and self-paced learning strategies;
Training can be done on an actual workplace setting, simulation of a workplace
and/or through adoption of modern technology (Video Conferencing, Webinar,
Assessment is based in the collection of evidence of the performance of work
to the industry required standards;
Assessment of competency takes the trainee’s knowledge and attitude into
account but requires evidence of actual performance of the competency as the
primary source of evidence.
Training program allows for recognition of prior learning (RPL) or current
Training completion is based on satisfactory performance of all specified

The competency-based TVET system recognizes various types of delivery modes, both
on-and off-the-job as long as the learning is driven by the competency standards specified
by the industry. The following training modalities and their variations/ components may be
adopted singly or in combination with other modalities when designing and delivering
training programs:

Institution- Based:

 Dual Training System (DTS)/ Dualized Training Program (DTP) which

contain both in-school and in-industry training or fieldwork components.
Details can be referred to the Implementing Rules and Regulations of the
DTS Law and the TESDA Guidelines on the DTP;
 Distance learning is a formal education process in which majority of the
instruction occurs when the students and instructor are not in the same
place. Distance learning may employ correspondence study, audio, video,
computer technologies or other modern technology that can be used to
facilitate learning and formal and non-formal training. Specific guidelines
on this mode shall be issued by the TESDA Secretariat.
 The traditional classroom-based or in-center instruction may be enhanced
through use of learner-centered methods as well as laboratory or field-work

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 Formal Apprenticeship – Training within employment involving a contract

between an apprentice and an enterprise on an approved apprenticeable

 Informal Apprenticeship - is based on a training (and working) agreement

between an apprentice and a master craftsperson wherein the agreement
may be written or oral and the master craftsperson commits to training the
apprentice in all the skills relevant to his or her trade over a significant
period of time, usually between one and four years, while the apprentice
commits to contributing productively to the work of the business. Training is
integrated into the production process and apprentices learn by working
alongside the experienced craftsperson.

 Enterprise-based Training - where training is implemented within the

company in accordance with the requirements of the specific company.
Specific guidelines on this mode shall be issued by the TESDA Secretariat.


 Community-Based Training – short term programs conducted by non-

government organizations (NGOs), LGUs, training centers and other TVET
providers which are intended to address the specific needs of a
community. Such programs can be conducted in informal settings such as
barangay hall, basketball courts, etc. These programs can also be mobile
training program (MTP).


The trainees who wish to enter the course should possess the following

Must have completed at least 10 yrs. basic education or an alternative learning systems (ALS)
certificate of completion with grade 10 equivalent holder
Able to communicate both oral and written
With drawing skills
Must know how to operate a computer
Must pass the drawing exam/evaluation given by institution

This list does not include specific institutional requirements such as educational
attainment, appropriate work experience and others that may be required from the
trainees by the school or training center delivering the TVET program.

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Recommended list of tools, equipment and materials for the conduct of training in
Animation NC II (minimum class size of 20 students/trainees):


Qty. Description Qty. Description Qty. Description
Lightbox (with animation
Ergonomic computer
21 disc / peg bar) 21 5 reams Animation paper
tables and chairs
21 Peg bar 21 Pen Tablet 4” x 6” 1 pc Tape dispenser
Must have any of the
following 2D software*:
- Toonboom
Desktop computer
- Flash
(software dependent Adhesive tape 1”
- Retas Pro
21 21 specifications) 1 roll (e.g. magic tape,
- After Effects
with mouse and masking tape, etc.)
- CTP Pro
- Open Toonz
- Krita
- TV Paint
May include any of the
following OS:
2 sets Samples of animation
- Windows
21 1 Colored printer (20 sheets model packs –
- Mac per set) cartoony and realistic
- Linux
- Ubuntu
1 pc 1 TB External hard drive 1 Projector 3 boxes Light colored pencils
1 box Eraser 1 pc Speaker 2 boxes Lead Pencil (2B)
4 pcs pencil sharpener
3pcs Ruler
1 pc Line test software
* Can be either educational, license and open-source software

Due to the fast-changing nature of the Information and Communications

Technology (ICT) sector, TVET providers are reminded to use and provide their trainees
with the latest technology tools, equipment and materials where appropriate and

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Based on class size of 20 students/trainees the space requirements for

the teaching/learning and circulation areas are as follows:


Lecture Area 5x8 40 1 40
Learning Resource Area 3x5 15 1 15
Wash & Toilet Area 2x2 4 2 8
Total 63
Facilities / Equipment / Circulation** 20
Total Area 83

** Area requirement is equivalent to 30% of the total teaching/learning areas

Appropriate consideration should be given in providing and allocating workspace,

communications facilities, and the usual workplace amenities to ensure a proper learning
environment. Where applicable, training shall be held or conducted in learning facilities in
accordance with generally accepted industry standards and practice.


Must be a holder of National TVET Trainer Certificate (NTTC) level I in Animation NC II;
Must have at least 2-years relevant industry experience as animator or assistant
animator within the last 5 years.


Institutional assessment is undertaken by trainees to determine their

achievement of units of competency. A certificate of achievement is issued for each
unit of competency. The institutional assessment is administered by the

The result of the institutional assessment may be considered as evidence for

the assessment for national certification.

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TR - ANIMATION NC II (Version 02) Amended February 27, 2018

Competency Assessment is the process of collecting evidence and making

judgments whether competency has been achieved. The purpose of assessment is to
confirm that an individual can perform to the standards expected at the workplace as
expressed in relevant competency standards.

The assessment process is based on evidence or information gathered to prove

achievement of competencies. The process may be applied to an employable unit(s) of
competency in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the national qualification.


4.1 To attain the National Qualification of Animation NC II, the candidate must
demonstrate competency in all the units listed in Section 1. Successful candidates
shall be awarded a National Certificate II level signed by the TESDA Director

4.2 The qualification of Animation NC II may be attained through:

4.2.1 Accumulation of Certificates of Competency (COCs) in all the following

units of competencies:

COC-1: Producing traditional cleaned-up key drawings

 Apply traditional drawing techniques for animation
 Produce traditional cleaned-up key drawings

COC-2: Producing traditional in-between drawings

 Apply traditional drawing techniques for animation
 Produce traditional in-between drawings

COC-3: Producing digital cleaned-up key drawings and in between

 Produce digital cleaned-up key drawings
 Produce digital in-between drawings

Successful candidates shall be awarded a Certificate of Competency

(COC) in each of the core units.

4.2.2 Demonstration of competence through a single comprehensive project-

type assessment covering all required units of competency of this

4.3 Upon accumulation and submission of all COCs acquired for all the relevant units
of competency comprising this qualification, an individual shall be issued the
corresponding National Certificate.

4.4 Assessment shall cover all competencies, with basic and common integrated or
assessed concurrently with the core units of competency .

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4.5 Any of the following are qualified to apply for assessment and certification:

a. Graduate of formal, non-formal, and informal, including enterprise-based,

training programs.

b. Experienced workers (wage employed or self-employed)

4.6 Existing National Certificate (NC) of individuals in Animation NCII will still be in
effect until such time that such NC will have expired. Individuals are advised to
take the assessment/s for this amended TR on or before the expiration of such

4.7 The guidelines on assessment and certification are discussed in detail in the
"Operating Procedures on Assessment and Certification" and "Guidelines on the
Implementation of the Philippine TVET Competency Assessment and Certification
System (PTCACS)".


Self-Assessment Guide. The self-assessment guide (SAG) is accomplished by

the candidate prior to actual competency assessment. SAG is a pre-
assessment tool to help the candidate and the assessor determine what
evidence is available, where gaps exist, including readiness for

This document can:

a. Identify the candidate’s skills and knowledge
Highlight gaps in candidate’s skills and knowledge
Provide critical guidance to the assessor and candidate on the
evidence that need to be presented
Assist the candidate to identify key areas in which practice is needed
or additional information or skills that should be gained prior to

Accredited Assessment Center. Only Assessment Center accredited by TESDA is

authorized to manage the assessment activities of candidates for national

Accredited Competency Assessor. Only competency assessor accredited by

TESDA is authorized to assess the competencies of candidates for national

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Receive and
Practice basic Participate in
Respond to Demonstrate work
Work with Others housekeeping Workplace
Workplace values
procedures Communication
Work in a Team Practice career occupational health Lead Workplace
Lead Small Team
Environment professionalism and safety Communication
Solve Problems Use mathematical
Develop and practice Use relevant Utilize Specialist
Related to Work concepts and
negotiation skills technologies Communication Skills
Activities techniques
Apply Problem Promote
Develop Team and Collect, analyze and Plan and Organize
Solving Techniques in environmental
Individuals organize information Work
the Workplace protection


Apply Quality Perform Computer

Standards Operations


Communicate Provide specialized

Render quality Utilize enterprise/ Conduct contact
effectively in a customer support and assistance
customer service company technology center campaign
contact center to customers
Manage the activities Use medical
Lead a contact center Use business Produce text from audio
of a contact center technology to carry
work team technology transcription
work team out task
Lead a team in Apply traditional Produce traditional
Produce traditional in-
Review/edit documents delivering quality drawing techniques cleaned-up
between drawings
service for animation drawings
Produce Traditional key Produce digital
Create 2D digital Export Animation into Produce digital in-
poses/drawings for cleaned-up
animation Video file format between drawings
animation drawings
Produce background Composite and edit Create 3D digital Produce storyboard Coordinate the
designs animation sequence animation for animation production of animation
Produce over-all Produce key drawings Create 3D models Apply 3D texture and
Set character rigging
designs for animation for animation for animation lighting to 3D models
Produce cleaned-up Use an authoring tool to
Composite and render Create 2D digital
Animate character and in-between create an interactive
animation sequence animation
drawings sequence
Produce key drawings Utilize Software Develop Responsive Create Interactive Develop Website
for animation Methodologies Web Design Websites (Using JavaScript) Backend Systems
Develop designs for a Develop designs for Develop designs for Develop designs for Develop designs for
logo print media user experience user interface product packaging

Design booth and

product/window display

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TR - ANIMATION NC II (Version 02) Amended February 27, 2018


1) Certification - is the process of verifying and validating the competencies of a

person through assessment

2) Certificate of Competency (COC) – is a certification issued to individuals who

pass the assessment for a single unit or cluster of units of competency

3) Common Competencies - are the skills and knowledge needed by all people
working in a particular industry

4) Competency - is the possession and application of knowledge, skills and attitudes

to perform work activities to the standard expected in the workplace

5) Competency Assessment - is the process of collecting evidence and making

judgements on whether competency has been achieved

6) Competency Standard (CS) - is the industry-determined specification of

competencies required for effective work performance

7) Context of Assessment - refers to the place where assessment is to be

conducted or carried out

8) Core Competencies - are the specific skills and knowledge needed in a particular
area of work - industry sector/occupation/job role

9) Critical aspects of competency - refers to the evidence that is essential for

successful performance of the unit of competency

10) Elective Competencies - are the additional skills and knowledge required by the
individual or enterprise for work

11) Elements - are the building blocks of a unit of competency. They describe in
outcome terms the functions that a person perform in the workplace

12) Evidence Guide - is a component of the unit of competency that defines or

identifies the evidences required to determine the competence of the individual. It
provides information on critical aspects of competency, underpinning knowledge,
underpinning skills, resource implications, assessment method and context of

13) Level - refers to the category of skills and knowledge required to do a job

14) Method of Assessment - refers to the ways of collecting evidence and when
evidence should be collected

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15) National Certificate (NC) – is a certification issued to individuals who achieve all
the required units of competency for a national qualification defined under the
Training Regulations. NCs are aligned to specific levels within the PTQF

16) Performance Criteria - are evaluative statements that specify what is to be

assessed and the required level of performance

17) Qualification - is a cluster of units of competencies that meets job roles and is
significant in the workplace. It is also a certification awarded to a person on
successful completion of a course in recognition of having demonstrated
competencies in an industry sector

18) Range of Variables - describes the circumstances or context in which the work is
to be performed

19) Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) – is the acknowledgement of an individual’s

skills, knowledge and attitudes gained from life and work experiences outside
registered training programs

20) Resource Implications - refers to the resources needed for the successful
performance of the work activity described in the unit of competency. It includes
work environment and conditions, materials, tools and equipment

21) Basic Competencies - are the skills and knowledge that everyone needs for work

22) Training Regulations (TR) – refers to the document promulgated and issued by
TESDA consisting of competency standards, national qualifications and training
guidelines for specific sectors/occupations. The TR serves as basis for
establishment of qualification and certification under the PTQF. It also serves as
guide for development of competency-based curricula and instructional materials
including registration of TVET programs offered by TVET providers

23) Underpinning Knowledge - refers to the competency that involves in applying

knowledge to perform work activities. It includes specific knowledge that is
essential to the performance of the competency

24) Underpinning Skills - refers to the list of the skills needed to achieve the
elements and performance criteria in the unit of competency. It includes generic
and industry specific skills

25) Unit of Competency – is a component of the competency standards stating a

specific key function or role in a particular job or occupation; it is the smallest
component of achievement that can be assessed and certified under the PTQF

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1. Action Poses - *see dynamic pose

2. Animation – a simulation of movement created by displaying a series of pictures,
or frames. Cartoons on television are one example of animation. Animation on
computers is one of the chief ingredients of multimedia presentations. There are
many software applications that enable you to create animations that you can
display on a computer monitor.
Animator’s Breakdown/Breakdown Drawing – supplemental key drawing guide to
ensure proper action flow and spacing between two animation keys.
Clean-up - refers to the process of refining the rough artwork of 2D animation. The
purpose of clean-up is to recreate the animation with smooth, consistent line art
and line weights before it is transferred to cels for painting.
Column or Layer - Column is a vertical chart viewed on the exposure sheet. Layer is
a horizontal chart viewed on the timeline.
Construction – Roughing out the shape and volume of the character
Data - objective measurements of the attributes (characteristics) of entities such as
people, places, things, and events.
Digital rough breakdowns - a special digital drawing that is provided only by
animators or directors if needed in the scene.
Dynamic Pose - a pose that appears to be moving, shows movement or action
Documentation – a collection of documents or information.
Edit – to modify the form or format of data
End-user – anyone who uses an information system or the information it produces.
Ergonomics - the science and technology emphasizing the safety, comfort, and ease
of use of human-operated machines. The goal of ergonomics is to produce
systems that are user-friendly: safe, comfortable and easy to use.
Exposure Sheet – This is the technical part of animation which requires all the action
and other details plotted down, also, a numerical and alphabetical order of drawing
labels written down following the sequence of action.
File folders, also called directories, - a way to organize computer files.
In-between drawing - The drawing produced between two key drawings. The middle
drawing between two timing grid lines
Information – data placed in a meaningful and useful context for an end user.
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) - refers to technologies
associated with the transmission and exchange of data in the form of sound, text,
visual images, signals or any combination of those forms through the use of digital
technology. It encompasses such services as telecommunications, posts,
multimedia, electronic commerce, broadcasting, and information technology.
Key frame - is a single still image in an animated sequence that occurs at an
important point in that sequence; key frames are defined throughout an animated

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sequence, in order to define pivotal points of motion before the frames in between
are drawn or otherwise created to "tween" the motion between the two key frames.
Line drawing - a drawing done using only narrow lines, a variation of which, in width
and density, produce such effects as tone and shading.
Lipsync – (short for “lip synchronization”) in animation, lipsync is the art of making an
animated character appear to speak in a prerecorded track of dialogue. *see also
Phonetic Mouth Chart
Local Area Network (LAN) – a communications network that typically connects
computers, terminals, and other computerized devices within a limited physical
area such as an office, building, manufacturing plant and other work sites.
Model Sheet – refers to the model character in different rotating angles. Also, refers to
the set of expressions, action poses, mouth charts of a certain character. Can also
be a model of a prop, object and backgrounds / sceneries
Off – model - A drawing that does not conform the look of the character to the model
Onion skin / Lightbox feature - A feature of the animation software that can show the
previous and next drawings respectively while working on the current in-between
On – model – a character drawn and constructed to the likeness and conforms to the
model sheet
Outsourcing – turning over all or part of an organization’s information systems
operation to outside contractors, known as systems integrators or facilities
management companies.
Phonetic mouth chart – a chart showing different mouth openings that can…
Quality Assurance – methods for ensuring that information systems are free from
errors and fraud and provide information products of high quality.
Rough Breakdown - *see Animator’s Breakdown
Rough expressions - A rough drawing that shows different expressions of a particular
character in its basic construction.
Rough Key Poses - Rough initial drawings of Key drawings which are drawn in lousy
sketches, contain the main construction of the character in the required poses of
the scene to be followed by the clean-up and in-between artist.
Simulation - the process of imitating a real phenomenon with a set of mathematical
formulas. Advanced computer programs can simulate weather conditions, chemical
reactions, atomic reactions, even biological processes.
Software – computer programs and procedures concerned with the operation of an
information system.
Standards – measures of performance developed to evaluate the progress of a
system toward its objectives
System – an assembly of methods, procedures, or techniques unified by regulated
interaction to form an organized whole
Timing grid – bar lines indicating action speed, this enables the animator to control
the speed, spacing and weight of a particular action.

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Timing grid lines - these are horizontal or vertical lines with varying length sizes
dividing a single straight line into specific spaces.
Traditional Cleaned-up Key Drawings - Key drawings that are already on-modeled
and cleaned-up and drawn with similarity to the model sheet.
Turn Around - *see Model Sheet
Tween - is actually short for "in-between", and refers to the creation of successive
frames of animation between key frames. In computer animation, the term is most
commonly used for Flash's "shape tweening" and "motion tweening" processes,
where the user can define two key frames and Flash will automatically create the
in-between frames, either morphing one shape into another over a set period of
time or else moving a shape or shapes from point A to point B over a set period of
time. 3D animation programs also have their own method of "tweening".
User- friendly – a characteristic of human-operated equipment and systems that
makes them safe, comfortable, and easy to use.

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TR - ANIMATION NC II (Version 02) Amended February 27, 2018


Qualification Title : Animation NC II

Qualification Code: ICTANM218

Replaces Version New Version

Revision Document (TESDA Board (TESDA Board Deployment
No. Description Types* Resolution No./ Resolution No./ Circular
Date) Date)
00 Document Created – Not Applicable TB No. 2005-19/ Not Applicable
Animation NC III November 10, 2005

01 Document Amended – TB No. 2005-19/ TB No. 2007-22/ Not Applicable

Animation NC II November 10, 2005 July 27, 2007

02 Document Amended – TB No. 2007-22/ TB No. 2018-04/ TESDA Circular

Animation NC II July 27, 2007 February 27, 2018 No. __ s. 2018

Legend: *Description Types

- Document Created
- Document Amended

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TR - ANIMATION NC II (Version 02) Amended February 27, 2018

The Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) wishes to

extend thanks and appreciation to the many representatives of business, industry,
academe and government agencies who donated their time and expertise to the
development and validation of these Training Regulations.



Animation Council of the Philippines, Inc.


Animation Council of the Philippines, Inc.






 Animation Council of the Philippines, Inc.


o Qualifications and Standards Office (QSO)

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TR - ANIMATION NC II (Version 02) Amended February 27, 2018



Vice President, Animation Council of the Philippines, Inc. (ACPI)
CEO, Top Peg Animation & Creative Studio


Asst. Animator Trainer; Traditional & Digital assistant Animator
Central Luzon School of Digital Arts


2D & 3D Animation Trainer; Traditional & Digital Animator
Human Resource Development Institute


2D Animation Trainer; 2D Traditional & Digital Animator






 RENE B. MISA - Central Luzon School of Digital Arts

 OSCAR A. ADVENTO - Central Luzon School of Digital Arts
 LINA A. VALDEZ - Guhit Pinoy Animation, Inc.
 DARREN MARVIN B. SANCHEZ - Guhit Pinoy Animation, Inc.
 RONILO H. DAYAO - College of St. Benilde / KorPhil IT Center
 ALDWIN M. AYAO - ToonCity Animation
 JOHN MASANGCAY - Top Peg Animation
 WILLIE BLUE B. BUSSELL - Top Peg Animation / Genesis
 FEDERICO R. NIVERBA JR. - Snipple Animation
 ROSARIO G. MONOY - Immersive Animation, Inc.
 ACERON M. RAMIREZ - Central Luzon School of Digital Arts


 Qualifications and Standards Office (QSO)


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TR - ANIMATION NC II (Version 02) Amended February 27, 2018

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