The Effects of Teaching Strategies in The Enhancement of Grade 9 Students Communicative Competence

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The Effects of Teaching Strategies in the Enhancement of Grade 9 Students

Communicative Competence

Biag, Krystal Klein F.

Camus, Ciara Mae M.
Corpuz, John Kevin B.
Del Rosario, Rhovuelyn Jayrmaine L.
Olaguer, Vinz B.
Pedida, Ella L.
Santos, John Kervee T.
Sayco, Michelle M.
Sumalinog, Christyl T.
Ubay, Alvin M.

Rafael L. Lazatin Memorial High School


Title Page ……………………………………………………………………...……1
Table of Contents …………………………………………………………………. 2
Introduction …………………………………………………………...…….……. 4
Review of Related Literature….………………………………………….………....5
Statement of the Problem…………………………………..………………..6
Significance of the Study .……………………………..……………………7
Hypotheses …… ………………………………….………………………..8
Definition of Terms …………………………….…………………………..9
Scope and limitation …………………………………………………….....10
Method ……………………………………………………………………………..11
Type of Research …………………………………………………………...11
Sampling Design..…………………………………………………………...12
Data Gathering Instrument ..……..…………………………………………13
Data Collection Procedure ………………………………………………… 14
Ethical Considerations ……...………………………………………………15
Data Analysis ……………………………………………………………….13
Results and Discussion ……………………………………………………..16
References …………………………………………………………………….........24



Speaking is an action that conveys information and expresses one’s thought and
feelings in spoken language. Speaking is the ability to talk anytime and in any situation. It is
the ability to communicate effectively. Speaking is a way to form connections, influence
discussions, and motivate change. It allows us to express our message into more convincing,
persuasive, passionate, and thoughtful way. Without speaking the working world and life
would be nearly impossible. Forms of speaking such as public speaking is really important
and essential.

Communicative competence is a term which refers to the knowledge of a person to a

certain language. Also, it gives us social knowledge on how and when to use words properly.
Communicative competence refers to the knowledge and fluency with English language.
According to Book Archive (2012) knowing the dimensions of competence is an important
first step toward developing competence. Communication competence is needed in order to
understand communication ethics, to develop cultural awareness, to use computer-mediated
communication, and to think critically.

The most obvious effect in enhancing communicative language is that it gives us fluency
in the desire language we are studying.. These enables the learners to be more confident when
interacting with other people and they also enjoy talking more.
Communicative competence is important in higher education, because language function to
enable students to acquire knowledge and skills in the various disciplines and to develop
individuals into intellectual, social, and civic beings to the benefit of the society.

If a person have a great communication skill it will be very beneficial to the society.
Every community should acquire every individual to enhance their knowledge and skills in
various disciplines and mold people into intellectual, social, and civic beings.

In testing a student’s communicative competence, as a teacher, you can use different

teaching strategies. For example, to enhance someone’s communication skill the teacher can

ask the students to do role plays and reporting. We communicate to express our knowledge
and opinion. Communicative competence is the unconscious knowledge of grammar that
allows the speaker to communicate and to understand.

Communicating is a best tool for us to be educated, if the teacher have a variety of

teaching styles it would give us more chance of leaning more things from that teacher.
Students are more likely to participate into lessons if the way the teacher present it was
entertaining. But of course, it will be quite impossible for a teacher alone to handle a class
with a huge size. The teacher in a big class would have a hard time focusing on enhancing
one student.
Many students think that different teaching styles has no relevance in life or that they
cannot use it in real life situation, but actually this teaching strategies will help you boost
your confidence. Activities such as role plays, reporting and speech will help someone show
their talent in acting and explaining. Group works will help someone interact with other
people, this kind of activities help someone to be part of a social circle.

According to Johnson (2007), the study participants had similarities geographically and
socially and necessitate new teaching technique. All schools are aspired to integrate the
technology curriculum so that students can provide quality education. It has helped to build
advanced knowledge (including the world economy today) and The application of technology
allows much more students to actively reflect on information, to make decisions and to
performance skills than is common in lessons led by teachers.

In enhancing a student’s skill you can use some teaching strategies. Effective
communication is really a key to improve people communication skills. This new learning in
them can help them when they will experience it in real life situations.

The researchers conducted this research for us to see how teaching strategies can effect
students' communicative competence. The researchers want everyone to get away from
having low self-esteem and being antisocial. This research will help students realize that
every activities in school that they have learned will help them someday.

Review of Related Literature

According to Book Archive (2012) knowing the dimensions of competence is an

important first step toward developing competence. Communication competence is needed in
order to understand communication ethics, toe develop cultural awareness, to use computer-
mediated communication, and to think critically.

Johnson (2007) mentioned that the study participants had similarities geographically
and socially and necessitate new teaching technique. All schools are aspired to integrate the
technology curriculum so that students can provide quality education. It has helped to build
advanced knowledge (including the world economy today) and The application of technology
allows much more students to actively reflect on information, to make decisions and to
performance skills than is common in lessons led by teachers.

Souriyavongsa et al.(2013) and Nguyen (2014) stated that uninteresting teaching style,
insufficient time for communicative competence, unclear instruction, large class sizes,
teacher’s limited ability and lack of teaching aids and technology were the causes of
problems of learners’ language learning competence.

According to Schumaker, Denton, and Deshler, 1984 students typically learn to use a
learning strategy in small group, sometimes in a resource room, through short, intensive
lessons over several weeks.

According to Magoosh (n.d) teaching strategy is the method you use to convey
information to your students such as feedback, experiential learning, class discussion and
graphic organizers..

As mentioned by Harmer (1991:46-47) states that when the two people are engaged in
talking to each other we can be sure that they in general way to suggest that a speaker makes
define decision to address someone.

As indicated by Widdowson(1985: 57) that speaking is an oral communication that gives

information involves to elements they are; the speaker who gives the message and the listener
who receives the message in the world, the communication involves the productive skill of

As studied by Walter(1984:54) their are two categories of speaking these are speaking
informatively and speaking persuasively.

According to Chastain(1976: 333) speaking is the productive skill in the oral mode. It is
more complicated than it seems at first an involves more than just pronouncing words.

Martin H. Manser(1991: 80) stated that speaking competence is having the ability of
someone to speak which is supported with adequate skill and knowledge and it is not
assessed how it is delivered.

Al Alami(2014) studied that using literature as an effective way to improve the students
communicative competence in English is through task-based learning approach.

Ampatuan and Jose’s (2016) qualitative study suggests using role play as a
communicative tool to assist students in developing their communicative competence .

As eloquently stated by Hymes(1972), programs for the teaching and testing English as
a second or foreign language have increasingly been evaluated in terms either or their ability
to promote communicative competence or of their sensitivity to a communication view of
language competence and performance.

Nakuma (1997) in her study revealed that the goal of language acquisition is
communicative competence “a person’s ability to get his message across with acceptable
speed and accuracy, using what he judges to be the most appropriate linguistic learning

Chomsky(1972) indicated that communicative competence is distinction between

competence and ability. His primary concern were the “ideal speaker-listener set in a
completely homogeneous speech community, and a perfect language knowledge.”

Bachman(1990) explains that Widdowson’s approach is considered as discourse-based

approach. He indicated that in the normal circumstances of daily life, we are generally
required to use our knowledge of the language system in order to achieve some kind of
communicative purpose.

As stated by Itkovic(1999) that the modern teacher is expected to be able to motivate

students to work with their communication skills and to prevent many students unwanted

Statement of the Problem

The study focused on how teaching strategies affect the enhancement of grade 9 students
communicative competence in Rafael L. Lazatin Memorial High school, it aimed to answer
the following question:

1. How are the respondents be described in terms of:

1.1 Age
1.2 Sex
1.3 Teachers use of teaching strategies
2. How may the communicative competence of students be described?
3. How does teaching strategies affects student’s communicative competence?

Significance of the Study

The study focused on explaining the effect teaching strategies in the enhancement of
grade 9 students communicative competence in Rafael L. Lazatin Memorial High School, the
results of the study will be beneficial to the following:

Administrator. The findings of this study may give them a basis in tapping teachers to use
higher-order teaching strategies in teaching communicative skills.


In this study the students will learn the importance of teaching strategies in
enhancement of their communicative competence. It will give them better perspective on
what ways they can enhance their communication skills.

The teachers can also gain significance in this study. For them, they would know what
teaching strategies is really helpful for their students that can help to improve communicative

Future researchers. The future researchers can use this study as a basis for their studies
related to communicative competence. It may serve this as their guide to gather information
and it may serve them as a building blocks to have a bigger study.


Null Hypothesis (Ho):

There is no significant relationship between the teaching strategies and communicative
competence of the grade 9 students.

Alternative Hypothesis (Ha;)

There is a significant relationship between the teaching strategies and communicative
competence of the grade 9 students.

Definition Of Terms

Communicative competence
It refers to someone’s communication skills. It refers the someone who has the ability
to create grammatically correct pronunciations, and the ability to solve communication
problems as they arise.

Cultural awareness
It refers to cultural sensitivity. Joining people’s culture, race, ability and differences.

Economic development
It is the process by which economic well-being and quality of life of a nation, region
or local community are improve. It involves progress in an economy.

Teaching Strategies
This refers to methods use by teachers to help students in their studies like conducting
activities, multimedia presentation, and more.

Scope and Limitation

The research was conducted to determine the significance of teaching techniques in

helping every student improve their communicative competence. The grade 9 students are the
respondents of this research. The aspects looked into where the qualifications of teachers,
their methods and strategies. In this research we can determine how many grade 9 student
from Rafael L. Lazatin Memorial High School can show that they are confident enough and
that they had improve their communication skills trough the help of the teachers’ teaching

Research Design

The descriptive quantitative method of research was used in this study. According to
Maalikuustia,(2010), a quantitative research is a broad area of scientific method that it
enables you to describe an interpret your object statistically with numbers. A quantitative
research focuses on various modes of classification, exploration of causality comparison and
explanations of phenomena through numeric variables. Quantitative research uses several
kinds of computational and statistical methods of analysis. Since the study was concerned
with the status of effectiveness of teaching strategies in the students communicative
competence, the quantitative of research was the most appropriate to use.

Sampling Design

The sampling technique that was used is stratified random sampling.. Stratified
random sampling gives the researchers a technique where he/she can divide the entire
population into different subgroups and then randomly selects the final subjects. The
researcher choose this because it is easier to use since the grad 9 students were divided by
section. It is more accessible, and this is the most common technique many researchers use.

Data Gathering Instrument

The instrument used for this study is a questionnaire. The questionnaire is divided
into two parts. The first part is about the demographic profile of the respondents. On the other
hand, the second part is a likert scale that contains 25 statements. The questionnaire contains
effects of teaching strategies to students communicative competence.

Data Gathering Procedure

After the permit was granted, the researchers conducted a survey by sending out
questionnaire-checklist, where questions are really congruent to the desire responses. They
were asked by the researchers if all the items of the questionnaire and direction was clear and
understandable. The copies of questionnaire were personally distributed by the researchers to
the respondents. In administrating the questionnaire, the researchers used the time allotted for
vacant to avoid distractions during class hours. The researchers gave them enough time to

answer the questionnaire. The researchers explained the importance of the study, they also
discuss the importance of the respondents to the study. And what will be the benefits of the
respondents towards the study. Before leaving the classroom the researchers should check if
all the questionnaire were given back.

Ethical Consideration

The researchers ensured the respondent’s privacy consideration. In the questionnaire

we gave the respondents choice if they will write their name or not. The researchers also
ensured that it was up to their decision if they will agree to answer the questionnaire or not.
And the researchers make sure that they will not envade the respondents privacy. The aim of
the research and interview method was explained to participants and in the process of the
study, informed consent was obtained from all the participants and they were ensured of the
anatomy of their response.

Data Analysis

The researchers study had prepared some survey questionnaire among Grade 9
students. Upon by approval of the research adviser, the pretested questionnaires was used to
collect data from the respondents. The researcher oriented them on how would they answer
the sheets. The questionnaire have five choices in each statement and this are always, often,
occasionally and never. After that the questionnaires were gathered and evaluated to be used
it as a reference point for the discussion of the result. The total respondents are 220.


TABLE 1: Demographic Profile
n %
Male 125 57%
Female 95 43%
14 years old 49 22%
15 years old 113 51%
16 years old 57 26%
17 Above 1 1%

The table shows that there are more male respondents than females respondents. There
are 125 male respondents which is 57% of the total respondents. Most of the respondents are
15 years old. There are 113 respondents with the age of 15 which is 51% of the total

TABLE 2: The Awareness of Students in Using Different Teaching Strategies

“Your teachers are using variety of teaching strategies?”
Using of teaching strategies n %

Yes 209 95%

No 11 5%
“Does teaching strategies have a impact on students communicative competence”
Impact of the teaching strategies n %

Yes 205 93%

No 15 7%

This chart shows that most of the students are aware that their educator is using
variety of teaching styles. Out of 220, 209 students answered yes in the question “Your
teachers are using variety of teaching strategies?” and 11 students answered no.
Also, this table presents that the respondents are agreeing that teaching strategies have
a impact on students communicative competence.

TABLE 3: The Description of a Enhanced Communicative Competence

5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1

 Item 1 13 80 113 12 2  Item 1 6% 36% 51% 5% 1%

 Item 2 13 66 116 23 2  Item 2 6% 30% 53% 10% 1%

 Item 3 17 76 108 17 1  Item 3 8% 35% 49% 8% 1%

 Item 4 15 81 95 25 4  Item 4 7% 37% 43% 11% 2%

 Item 5 19 60 92 41 8  Item 5 9% 27% 42% 19% 4%

 Item 6 22 76 88 30 4  Item 6 10% 35% 40% 14% 2%

 Item 7 12 53 106 45 4  Item 7 5% 24% 48% 20% 2%

 Item 8 53 89 61 50 2  Item 8 24% 40% 28% 7% 1%

 Item 9 67 96 49 6 1  Item 9 30% 44% 22% 3% 1%

Item10 39 82 80 17 1 Item10 18% 37% 36% 7% 1%

Table 3 shows the first 10 results of the likert scale that the researcher do. We can see
that the majority of the respondents from grade 9 perceived that they agree in most of the
statements from the questionnaire . We can say that if the teachers use teaching strategies it
can improve the communicative skills of the students.

This table shows the effects of teaching strategies toward a students communicative
competence. This are the result of the 11th to 20th question in the questionnaire. Based on the
result given you can see that the respondent s agree that the teaching aids can improve their
communication skills such as their speaking skills, fluency and more.


Specifically, the researcher aims to gather data on the following:

 The respondents demographic profile.
 The effects of teaching strategies on students communicative competence.
 The usefulness of teaching strategies in developing the students communicative competence.

1. The table shows that there are more male respondents than females respondents. There are 125
male respondents which is 57% of the total respondents. Most of the respondents are 15 years old.
There are 113 respondents with the age of 15 which is 51% of the total respondents.

2. In table 2 we can see that 95% of Grade 9 students agree in question 1 that the teaching strategies
are useful. And in question 2, 93% of Grade 9 students answered that different teaching strategies can
improve their communicative competence.

3. In table 3, we can see in the frequency and percentage that most of the answers are neither. 96
people answered agree in the statement “I can communicate with others” which is 44% of the total

4. Table 4 shows that teaching strategies affect the students communicative competence. The 13th
statement states that group reportings can improve someone's communication skill which are agreed
by 104 people which is equivalent to 47% of the total respondents.


1. It can be concluded that the respondents from grade 9 (which are mostly males) are aware of
different teaching strategies that the teacher is using.

2. It can be concluded that teaching strategies can affect grade 9 students communicative competence.
It was studied from the data gathered that teaching strategies can enhance students communicative

.3. It can be concluded that teaching strategies can bring out someone's skills. And it can help students
to be fluent in their desire language.

3. It can be concluded that students are more likely to participate in class if they have a teacher that
uses variety of teaching strategies.

1. As a recommendation,teachers shall continue using variety of learning aids because it has impact
on the students. And it can improve their communication skill

.2. As a recommendation, teachers should use variety of teaching strategies to enhance their students
communicative competence.

3. As a recommendation, teachers may focus on giving tasks that can improve the communication
skills of the students.

4. As a recommendation, students should participate in the activities that the teacher is giving. And
should use this to improve their learning.

Al Alami, S. E. (2014). Promoting Communicative Competence within EFL Contexts: A UAE Case
Study. Journal of Language Teaching & Research, 5(6),1245-1255.
Ampatuan, R. A. & San Jose, A. E. (2016). Role Play As An Approach In Developing Students
Communicative Competence. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research,

Communication Competence - 2012 Book Archive


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