Exercises - False Friend

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Falsos Cognatos (False Friends)

Também chamados de falsos amigos, os falsos cognatos são palavras normalmente derivadas do
latim, aparecendo em diferentes idiomas com ortografia semelhante, mas que ao longo dos
tempos acabaram adquirindo significados diferentes. Essas palavras causam confusão nos
estudantes de qualquer língua estrangeira, fazendo com que os mesmos façam analogias com
palavras parecidas em língua portuguesa, induzindo ao erro. Por isso, é importante estudá-las.


1. Encontre os falsos cognatos no texto abaixo, destacando-os:


In the morning I attended a meeting between management and union representatives. The
discussion was very comprehensive, covering topics like working hours, days off, retirement age,
etc. Both sides were interested in an agreement and ready to compromise. The secretary
recorded everything in the notes. Eventually, they decided to set a new meeting to sign the final
draft of the agreement.

Back at the office, a colleague of mine asked me if I had realized that the proposed agreement
would be partially against the company policy not to accept workers that have already retired. I
pretended to be really busy and late for an appointment, and left for the cafeteria. Actually, I didn ’t
want to discuss the matter at that particular moment because there were some strangers in the

After lunch I attended a lecture given by the mayor, who is an expert in tax legislation and has a
graduate degree in political science. He said his government intends to assist welfare programs
and senior citizens, raise funds to improve college education and build a public library, and
establish tougher limits on vehicle emissions because he assumes this is what the people expect
from the government.

2. Leia o seguinte diálogo e responda: Por que o americano não entendeu o que o brasileiro
One Brazilian and one American are meeting in a coffee shop.

AMERICAN – Hello, my friend! BRAZILIAN – Good afternoon.

AMERICAN – How are you, man? BRAZILIAN – I’m disgust with my girlfriend.
AMERICAN – So what? Can you repeat? I don’t understand.

Ambiguidade Lexical

A ambiguidade lexical acontece quando uma palavra possui mais de um significado possível.
Esses significados são todos contextuais, que variam de situação para situação.

3- A) Assinale o significado correto das palavras em destaque nas sentenças:

1) I need to cancel your documents.

( ) cancelar ( ) carimbar

2) She is the principal of the school.

( ) diretora ( ) principal

3) His mark was terrible.

( ) marca ( ) nota
4) The operator (a) gave me the wrong number of the plant (b).

a- ( ) operador ( ) telefonista
b- ( ) planta ( ) fábrica

We are lost. We need a compass now.

( ) bússola ( ) compasso

He is the most famous bachelor of the party.

( ) bacharel ( ) solteirão

4- Choose the most appropriate word:

1. Did you know that Chris got ………(embarrassed/pregnant) on holiday in Brazil?

2. The …………………… (discipline/subject) I hate most is Maths.

3. ………………. (Actually/Nowadays) I´m living with my parents again.                                    

4. I´ve got a …………. (cold/constipation). Please pass me the tissue.

5. I was only living with my parents …………… (eventually, temporarily).

6. The government have ………. (invested/inverted) a lot of money in the new scheme.

7. Do not ……………. (invert/invest) this package.

8. We did not enjoy the party ……………. (at all/absolutely).

9. English is very ……….. (important/interesting) for my job.

10. My family live in England, but I have some ………. (parents/relatives) in Britain.

11. He …………. (pretends/intends) to be a soldier.

12. ……….. (Eventually/Temporarily) we decided to go on holiday rather than buy a plasma TV.

13. If you eat this plant you will get ……………. (intoxicated/poisoned).

Have a good job!

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