Model Question Paper A01 Revised 2019-1

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First Semester BA/BSc /BCom/BTHM degree exam

Model Question Paper

Marks:60 Common Course (A01) Time:2 hrs

Part-I Speaking Skills

I. Read the following questions and do as directed. All questions can be answered. (Ceiling 20)

1. You feel like drinking an orange juice while walking past the college canteen. How will you
suggest this to your friends?
2. You forgot to invite one of your close friends to a grand party at your house. Express your
regret using should have.
3. Sure but later is the reply to a telephone call. Frame a suitable question used in telephonic
English for this reply.
4. Rearrange the given jumbled sentence to get the correct expression used for interruption.
point /you /sorry/ have missed/ to say/a vital/.
5. Identify the vowel sounds in cook and poor and categorise them.
6. Identify the sounds of the underlined letters in think and lodge and transcribe them.
7. Where your elder brother live? Look at the question and rewrite it correctly. Justify your
8. We accept all types of cards. Frame a ‘Wh’ question for this sentence.
9. She doesn’t update her mobile phone regularly. Identify the verb and helping verb in the
10. Hours before the Prime Minister’s arrival, the police beefed up the security further. Identify
the phrasal verb in the sentence and write its meaning.
11. The college day was very near. So, we started spending more hours for rehearsal. Write the
idiomatic expression for the underlined words.
12. Some people turn to alternative medicine out of curiosity, others out of desperation. Write the
meaning of the underlined word in the given sentence.

II. Read the following questions and do as directed. All questions can be answered. (Ceiling 30)

13. Prepare a short telephonic conversation in which phrases like I’m afraid, hang on, speaking,
etc occur.
14. Elucidate the ways in which the given words differ in articulation and meaning. Support your
answers with examples.
Content (N) & Content (V)
Present(N) & Present (V)
15. Each given sentence has one word missing. Write it in and justify your answer.
This train not stop at Tirur
You live in a house or flat?
16. Reorder the given sentences and identify the tense in them.

17. Choose one phrasal verb and use it in two sentences of yours.
wind up/sort out
18. Choose one idiom and use it in two sentences of yours.
run out of steam/ a bone of contention
19. The sentences below consist of some grammatical mistakes. Identify the mistakes and rewrite
them correctly. Justify your corrections.
I am work here in six years.
She wake up at 6 ‘O’ at the morning.

III. Read the following questions and answer any one of the following. (1x10=10)

20. Make up a reasonably long dialogue which contains expressions used for polite
requests/persuasions/suggestions and their responses.
Speakers: Rinu and Rincy
Situation: Rinu is watching the Discovery Channel on the TV. Her roommate, Rincy
wants to watch a comedy show and she tries to request her to change the channel.


21. Read the text and do as directed.

The Many Faces of Medicine

“Doctor, I am coughing and sneezing. I have itchy eyes, a drippy nose, and I ache all over. What’s
wrong with me? What should I do?”
“Take two aspirin and go to bed.” One doctor advises.
“No, no, drink this herbal tea,” Says another.
“Don’t listen to them,” Argues the acupuncturist. “Come here and let me put some needles in your
Who has the best remedy? All of them, some people would say, because they believe that there is more
than one approach to healing and many ways to practice medicine.

In general, modern medicine treats the body as if it were a machine made up of many separate parts
that can break down independently. Holistic doctors try to take another approach. They believe that
the parts of the body are interconnected and must be treated as a whole.

Medical practices that do not depend on surgery and pharmaceutical drugs are called alternative
forms of medicine. Some of these are more highly respected than others. For example, the Chinese
method of acupuncture, although two thousand years old is considered an effective remedy for chronic

Some forms of alternative medicine are centuries old. Ayurveda and homeopathy are two forms of
alternative medicine that originated in India, but are practiced the world over. African herbalists have
a long history of using tree bark, roots, grasses, and flowers to make teas to treat disease.

At first, modern scientists laughed at herbal healers and called their methods “grandmother’s
remedies”. Today, however, these same researchers are testing certain elements in plants for the
possible treatment of Cancer and AIDS. Treatments that are unconventional or out of the ordinary have
gained enormous prestige and attention. Homeopathy treats disease by giving a patient tiny amounts
of a remedy that would produce symptoms similar to those of the disease in a healthy person. In Europe,
this treatment has been known to help patients with flu, headaches and allergies.

Many people have lost faith in modern medicine because researchers have been unable to find cures
for a variety of problems, from Cancer to the common cold. Some people turn to alternative medicine
out of curiosity, others out of desperation. What many have realized is that often one treatment picks
up where another leaves off. One medical technique can complement another. It seems likely that in
the future the practice of medicine will consist of a combination of approaches drawn from a variety
of cultures. Hopefully this approach will prove to be the best one of all.

Read the following sentences and choose the correct option (2X1=2)
a. The approach of holistic doctors is better than all other doctors False/True
b. The practice of reflexology helps to heal some parts of the body False/True

Re-read the text and guess the meanings of the words in bold from the context. Then choose the
right synonym or antonym. (2X1=2)

c. The word ‘chronic’ is opposite in meaning to………

a. lasting for a long time
b. difficult to cure quickly
c. temporary
d. related to time
d. The word ‘desperation’ in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to…
a. disappointment
b. hopefulness
c. anger
d. frustration

Answer the following questions in complete sentences. The answers need not be directly stated
in the passage. (3X2=6)
e. Why are some forms of alternative medicine respected more than others?
f. Write a single sentence that summarizes the main points in the last paragraph.
g. What message does the writer want to convey through the text?

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