Bootcamp Handout by Braddock & Daxx
Bootcamp Handout by Braddock & Daxx
Bootcamp Handout by Braddock & Daxx
The materials in this handout package were created by Love Systems Master
Instructor ‘Braddock’ with the assistance of Love Systems instructor ‘Daxx.’ Learn
more about these two men – and all whose talents and experience qualify them for
Love Systems instructor status – at
This handout is intended to provide you with some basic reference material. It’s
meant as a complement to your personal notes, but certainly not as a replacement.
We want to thank you for attending our flagship program. As each of us has
attended a bootcamp as a student, we hope it is as life changing for you as it was for
each of us. You should give yourself a pat on the back for having the guts to step up
and get control of this area of your life. After this weekend, your life will never be
the same.
1. Physical
2. Emotional
3. Logistical
Key Points –
1. Always Be Moving Towards the Center
When speaking to a woman and you’re about to do something, always ask
yourself ‘Will this result in me moving forward physically, emotionally or
logistically?’ If not then you probably shouldn’t be doing it. You don’t want to
be too strategic, but you also want to make sure you’re always moving the
2. Get Momentum
When a girl sleeps with a guy and she says ‘It just happened,’ that’s a good
example of having built momentum and let it run its course. Think of it like
the snowball effect; you want to let the physical, emotional, and logistical
snowballs begin to roll down the mountain. The further they roll, the bigger
they get, the faster they roll, and the more momentum they build makes it
harder for them to stop the further each snowball rolls. So, always be moving
forward and building momentum because each phase of the Triad Model you
move through smoothly will build momentum for the next phase. Otherwise,
staying in one place too long (staying in one phase too long and not moving)
will be like the snowball losing momentum, stopping, and it melting to the
ground (her losing interest).
3. Progress In Sync
As you progress through the model, you want to progress through with each
three parts in sync. For example, if you progress through it emotionally and
logically in sync, but you don’t progress physically at the same speed, then
you’ll most likely get stuck in the friend zone. You can make a girl laugh all
you want and have perfect logistics, but you get her back to your place and
haven’t laid a finger on her yet, then the chances of anything other than you
and her being friends is slim as there is no physical/sexual connection.
In another example, if you have a lack of emotional progression but you try to
progress physically and logistically, you’ll be called ‘weird.’ Lastly, a lack of
logistical progression will leave the girl interested but she probably won’t
leave with you, e.g. if you’ve stood at the bar talking to her for four hours but
haven’t moved her once, the odds of her leaving the club with you aren’t
going to be as good as if you had moved her to sit at a couch, moved her
outside to the smoking area, and moved her to meet your friends. Don’t
make avoidable mistakes; be sure to progress in sync.
Just starting a new thread.
Dominate and lead.
Thread cut.
Push/Pull and tease to get her emotional.
DHV with logical facts to fill in the gaps and create intrigue.
Escalate physically.
Make her work for you.
Get her to do things you can REWARD her for with your interest.
Vulnerability – share yourself!
Understanding – cold reads.
Conspiracy – pet names! FMK!
Pull the trigger.
To gain mastery over dating science you may need to change a few of your mindsets.
Dating science is a complex topic with libraries of knowledge. It can be easy to get
lost in the sea of theory. Some guys will literally spend YEARS reading dating
literature without even approaching one woman.
The problem with this approach is that dating science is a body of knowledge that
must be learned primarily through experience. The theory is useful, but the
knowledge builds upon itself and only serves as a very general guideline at best.
The countless subtleties and infinite scenarios that arise in each interaction can
never be fully understood through study alone.
You must saturate yourself with experiences if you ever hope to truly internalize
these principles and make them part of your identity. Guys who simply read or only
take action occasionally are “playing pickup” instead of becoming a truly attractive
To reach this level of mastery we feel you should follow the 80/20 rule. Regardless
of how much time you plan on practicing dating science, we suggest you spend 80%
of that time actually out interacting with women and no more than 20% of that time
studying dating science literature. Remember, repetition is the key to mastery.
Action... action... action!
In my study of the brain I stumbled across the terms “short term and long term
potentiation.” In short, your brain has evolved to hardwire processes that you do
repetitively. The more times you do something, the easier it becomes and the less
you have to ‘consciously’ think about it. This hardwiring process is called “long term
potentiation.” Short term potentiation is obviously the opposite. It is when you do
something so few times or with so much distance between the repetitions that the
brain decides it must not be important and decides it must not be worth hardwiring.
Guys who have done countless approaches have long term potentiation on all the
key areas of dating science. If you ask them what they said to the woman, they often
times won’t be able to answer you because they were on autopilot. This frees them
up to think about other things like logistics, physical escalation, and sexualizing.
Guys who go out only a couple of times per month and interact with only a few
women are not likely to reach long term potentiation on ANY key area. Guys who
try to memorize 300 routines are in the same boat. They spend so much of their
conscious thought trying to recall that ‘perfect routine’ that they end up locking up.
Practicing what you learn this weekend is a blast! You will progress quickly as long
as you never take anything personal and you don’t develop mini crushes on every
girl that is nice to you.
On the other hand, if you allow the inevitable rejections to affect you on a deep
emotional level, this will not be a healthy process. While nobody likes being
rejected, the guys who become the best have a short-term memory when it comes to
rejection. Nothing in life means anything until you decide to apply a meaning to an
event. Does rejection mean you need to change your approach and try again or does
it mean you are a bad person whom women could never like? It’s all about the
meaning you attach to things in your mind.
This game is full of highs and lows. Your ability to not get too high when women like
you and not get too low when they don’t will be the difference between staying with
this long enough to reach mastery. Many guys out there allow the rejection to mean
something about their identity and as a result find going out painful. Don’t be one of
those guys. Rejection means nothing. It’s simply feedback telling you to try a
slightly different approach next time. Have a 3 second memory only lasting long
enough to learn whatever lesson might help you correct your course for the future.
It’s also key to remember that this process takes time. This is a large body of
knowledge. Sometimes you will go out for weeks and feel like you aren’t getting any
better or you may even feel like you are getting worse. This is completely normal.
Simply trust the process that countless guys before you have endured. You must set
numerous small goals on the road toward your larger goals. Don’t get frustrated if
you aren’t a master right away. Chip away and try to get 1% better each weekend.
As the saying goes, “How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.”
“Do what you’ve always done and you will get you what you’ve always gotten.” If
you want something different, then it’s time to change and try something different.
As humans, change (which is essentially jumping out of our comfort zones) feels
weird. You’ll hate it, and people will react differently to you. But that’s okay; just
accept that and realize it will feel weird for a while. Once you are comfortable with
this, it makes the learning process ten times smoother. So unless you’re happy with
what you’re always getting, you have to make a change, and you have to become
comfortable with it feeling uncomfortable at times.
Approach Anxiety
A big obstacle that most guys have to overcome is approach anxiety. The sooner you
understand that it’s normal to feel approach anxiety, it takes a lot of the stress off.
What about those excuses running through your head... “She’s probably got a
boyfriend,” “She’s too hot for me,” “She’s busy,” “She would never date a guy like
me,” etc... Well, the only way to find out is by going and finding out. Would girls put
on makeup, wear high heels that hurt their feet, spend money on a new outfit, spend
two hours doing their hair, etc... if they didn’t want to be hit on? Of course not.
Rejection isn’t a great feeling, but it’s what you relate rejection to and how you
handle it that really matters. Most guys who get rejected walk away hoping a hole
would open up and swallow them, but what about patting yourself on the back for
trying? Why not make a game out of it and make it something you laugh about?
Remember, you could get blown out and rejected nine times out of ten in a night, but
you only need one approach to go well. Remember that the law of increasing
averages is always on your side. Try something enough times and eventually it will
When you’ve been in the house all day your brain is not ready for the shock of a
loud club and you are not in a talkative state. Nerves flare up because you are
asking your brain for too much right away. Think of approach anxiety like
getting into a cold swimming pool. You have two options: you can cannonball in
or you can ease in. Approach anxiety is the same way. Go direct a few times to
shake the nerves (cannonball) or work the room slowly increasing the social
pressure as you relax (easing in).
Easing In: Building Momentum (Notice the gradient of social pressure on you)
Warm up to quiet the storm.
Warm up by getting talkative with everyone. (Don’t think game, think
Don’t fall into the trap of putting pressure on yourself by thinking, “I need
to be gaming... I need to be gaming.” This puts you in a bad head space.
It creates an outcome-dependent state that only allows you to feel good
when things are going perfectly. This will cripple you.
Instead, you should be thinking, “I need to be talkative and playful. I’m
going to try to meet a bunch of women and have fun with them. If one of
them is fun while I’m getting to know her, I’ll turn up the heat and flirt
with her a little while I’m there.”
See the bar as nothing more than a place to go practice. Every night is
practice. Sometimes practice goes well and sometimes practice is hard,
but no matter what happens it’s just practice.
You must take the time to groove mindsets and beliefs that serve you.
Your freedom lies in your ability to take control of your thoughts and engineer
beliefs and mindsets that serve you. Don’t be a slave to old mindsets and beliefs you
accidently absorb from those around you.
Here are some mindsets and beliefs we have found useful in our growth. Remember
your mindsets and beliefs are affecting how you say things and how you act:
Conditioning made me believe women are above men; this is not the case and
now that I know this I can have interactions with women on a neutral level.
Women LOVE to be hit on; this is why do they get dressed up and go to clubs.
Women LOVE sex just as much as men if not more.
Women are nurturers and pleasers, and want to nurture and please me.
No matter what the reaction, good or bad – ‘It’s just another lesson learned.’
Kill your need for validation; you don’t need hers, she needs yours.
You know a woman’s body better than she knows her own body.
You are the prize; she is trying to win you over.
If a girl blows you out, she isn’t rejecting you. She is rejecting your approach.
It is just a game – if you get rejected, essentially it’s like dying in a video
game. Press reset and start again.
There are no one size fits all openers. The environment, conversational relevance,
and group dynamic will have an impact on which opener you should use in any
given situation. Would you want to go extremely direct on a coworker in the office
cafeteria? Of course not. Would it make sense to ask a long opinion opener to a girl
dancing under a loud speaker? Of course not.
ALWAYS WARM UP. No matter how good you get, warming up is key. It
helps your mind relax and access talkative playful states. The first hour of
the night think, “I’m not gaming; I’m just going to go make friends.”
One of the most common mistakes guys make is trying to talk smooth or the
opposite, trying to be overly nice. Especially during the approach, talk to
women in the same tone of voice you would a guy friend.
When approaching women in clubs you must talk loudly. You should talk
loud enough for the person standing directly behind her to clearly hear you.
When it comes to body language you should take the time to watch yourself
in a mirror. Get rid of any awkward tics, strange facial expressions, and fast
body movements.
Approach anxiety creates body tension. Practice in front of a mirror until you
can consistently open with a relaxed smile and zero body tension.
Opening is often like a rough landing in a plane. Keep talking until they open.
It may start off bumpy but it will usually smooth out.
Early in the night you may find it easier to work the room as opposed to
trying to stick it out with your first couple of approaches. Remember that
you can always open, eject on a high note, and then come back and open
them later building off of the momentum from earlier.
There is no rule that you have to open the entire group. Feel free to simply
open one of the women in a group. Be prepared to intercept her friends if
they jump in.
Types of Openers:
Non Verbal
Indirect Openers
Indirect openers are canned conversations that look spontaneous. These openers
should be on topics that are ‘girl friendly’ and should stir up curiosity and quickly
capture attention.
It may seem strange using scripted material, but it can be helpful having something
you have said numerous times. This keeps you from having to come up with a
genius untested line on each new woman and it keeps you from surrendering to the
“I didn’t have anything to say” excuse.
Indirect openers are powerful because they buy you time and allow you a window
to build value and demonstrate cool sides of your personality. With indirect
openers you aren’t asking her to make a decision about you right away.
Make sure you live your indirect opener. I suggest you close your eyes for a
few seconds and really put yourself into the opener so you feel and believe it.
Find a middle ground with the energy you deliver your opener. If you have
too much energy, you sound like a used car salesman. If your energy level is
too low, you sound like you don’t care and you don’t believe what you are
Don’t say these with some sexy delivery. Say them in the same fashion you
would ask a guy, “Hey man, where’s the bathroom?” You would not try to
come across smooth or sexy. You would just talk normally. This is the same
tonality and delivery you will need for opinion openers.
Remember to root your indirect openers.
Indirect openers are only useful when the women are in lower energy parts
of the venue where they can actually hear you. Do not attempt these on the
two girls dancing on each other in the middle of the dance floor or under a
Indirect Structure
False Time Constraint: “Hey guys, settle something for us.” Or “Hey guys, quick
Root: (The reason I’m asking is...): “The reason I’m asking is my buddy is doing a
fundraiser at his work and they are having a mustachathon. Whoever grows the
Illusionary Input 2: Girls: ‘Bla bla blah... I think maybe a porn ‘stache.”
Transition: “Haha... That could work. By the way, how do you two know each
(They respond.)
“Okay, check this out... my friend Nick got really drunk last night and told his
girlfriend that he loved her, then this morning he took it back. Do you think he
meant it?”
(They respond.)
“Here's my take. When you’re drunk you say things that you actually mean but are
afraid to say, so I told her that he probably meant it but just needs more time to say
it sober.”
Friend Zone
This is an awesome opener and you can use it to establish an understanding of their
world and that you’re not here to be their friend later on.
Bill: “Hey guys, real quick. If a guy is in the friend zone with a girl, is there any way
to get out of that?” (Bait)
Bill: “Yeah, you know. Our buddy, he's really into this chick. But I'm like, ‘dude...
you're in the friend zone, man. Nothing can escape. Not even light. It's like a black
Bill: “Well, normally I’d agree, but my buddy has only been dating this girl for like
two months and she’s already saying I love you, wants to move in together, etc...
She’s officially a stage 5 clinger.”
Bill: “Hey guys, settle something for us. What do girls think is more fun, an 80s
themed party or a jungle themed party?”
Girls: “80s.”
Bill: “Why does every girl say 80s? I would have totally guessed jungle. Well, the
reason I’m asking is we are throwing a themed party for my friend Jessica’s birthday
and we are trying to figure out what would be the most fun.”
Direct Openers
Direct openers are what we call “high risk, high reward.” When these openers hit
they can cause massive attraction and cut your workload in half. If they don’t hit,
they can result in an instant rejection. This polarizing reaction is due to the fact that
you are asking for her to make a decision about her attraction toward you right
away based off nothing more than your appearance, body language, and delivery.
When delivering direct openers you must feel it in every fiber of your body. These
usually only work on girls you find very attractive.
Going direct is also a necessary tool in certain situations. If a girl keeps smiling at
you from across the room, it would be strange to walk over to her and ask her an
opinion opener. In this situation you would want to go direct. You will also need to
go direct in loud environments.
The better you get and the less social pressure and approach anxiety effect you, you
will likely find yourself going direct much more often because it is a time saver.
Let’s look at a few examples. Notice that some are extremely direct and some are
much more subtle. Play with each type and see what fits your style.
Situational Openers
These openers simply require noticing something about them or something in the
environment and using it as a reason to start a conversation. It can be funny,
functional, or curious.
Examples of Situational Openers:
Distance Openers
Distance openers are used to create a spark with a woman across the bar or at
minimum out of ear shot. You basically start flirting with each other before ever
actually talking. This works best on women who are already making eye contact
with you, but it can also work on a woman who is not yet invested.
Cold Reads
“I bet you’re the good one and you’re the bad one.”
“Wait, let me guess. She’s the mum of the group.”
“Okay, who would win in a fight? I’ve got my money on her.”
“I bet you’re the leader of the group.”
“I don’t know about you yet. I like you, but you I’m curious.”
Guess their occupation – “You look like a lawyer; you’ve got greedy eyes,” “You
look like a nurse; you’ve got a ‘save the world’ smile.”
“You are an only child, aren’t you?”
Content Transition
Something that goes on in the interaction that you can use to transition with.
Me: “My friend Eddie over there in the green shirt just broke up with his
girlfriend. How long do you think he has to wait before asking her friend out?”
Her: “Umm, I don’t know. My best friend Jane back home in London was in that
situation with two guys. She’d been dating one...”
Me: [interrupting] “You’re from London? Oh my God, I just got back from there.
I had the greatest time.”
Her: “What were you doing in London?”
Observational Transition
Point at a weird/creepy/old/drunk guy and say “Oh my god. I didn’t know your
boyfriend was here, I’m sorry” or “Does your boyfriend mind me talking to you?”
Finger length routine.
A phrasal transition is really “No Transition” with crutches. The crutch is that you
say something to connect the Approaching phase and the Attraction phase like:
In the Attraction Phase we are generating female to male attraction. If you cannot
get her attracted to you on an emotional level, all of the other phases are useless.
State based attraction is the easiest form of attraction to create and also the easiest
to overdo. A lack of state based attraction and you will have a hard time getting her
to feel an emotional pull toward you. Too much state based attraction and you will
come across as try hard and insecure. Ideally you will fuse your state based
attraction with the other forms of attraction and sprinkle it throughout the
Role Plays
Physical Escalation
Funny cold reads
Negative cold reads
Dominant leading
Intrigue based attraction without any state based attraction can feel flat. This is
because intrigue based attraction is logical in nature. State based attraction is the
horse and intrigue based attraction is the cart. Would you ever put the cart in front
of the horse? No. Would the cart move without the horse? No.
Be careful when using intrigue based attraction that you err on the side of being
subtle. Do not make the mistake of bragging or over exaggerating the interesting
sides of yourself. Let things like “what you do,” “where you live,” “what you drive,”
“where you’ve traveled,” etc. be the side note of a story instead of the main feature.
When it comes to attraction always keep in mind how basic human psychology
works. People buy for emotional reasons and backwards rationalize their purchase
with logical reasons. State based attraction is the “emotional” reason a woman buys
and intrigue based attraction is the “logic” she uses to rationalize her purchase.
Passive Attraction
Passive attraction covers all the things that cause attraction without you actually
saying anything directly to her.
She notices you across the room standing with a group of girls.
She sees you have cool friends and you guys all respect one another.
She watches you sweet talk the door guy to get you and your friends in.
Hanging out with your friends and making her find you instead of following
her around like a lost puppy.
A lot of guys think that all you have to do is get the girl attracted to you... this is not
the case. Qualification is showing interest in her for more than her looks. When you
qualify someone, you set the frame that you are the judge, and that you have higher
value than just a girl's looks. This stage is not buying temperature, it's more
emotional connection.
The big problem is that most guys show male-to-female attraction BEFORE
female-to-male attraction. This has to occur AFTER she likes you.
Men are after women for their beauty ALL THE TIME – you’re showing her reasons
that you like her besides her beauty. As a general principle, qualification is an
escalation from a platonic relationship to a personal relationship. The way you go
into the personal is by REWARDING & RELATING.
If you ask –
However, if she didn’t put any effort in answering and she said –
You: “Okay, what’s the most adventurous thing you’ve ever done?”
Her: “I don’t know.”
Then you wouldn’t reward or relate; you don’t reward her acting cold or behaving
like a brat. But, if she puts a lot of effort in answering the question, even if the
answer isn’t a great one, as long as she responds well, you still reward. Like
Braddock says, you don’t spank a puppy for shitting outside, so reward good
compliance (it’s not always essential to relate, but when you do genuinely, then do
Qualification replicates abundance. It shows you don’t just go for anything; it’s a
Qualification used to be seen in terms of hoop theories. You can't just ask a “big
hoop” compliance question right away because it’s unlikely she’ll comply. If she
won’t answer a small hoop, then she sure as hell won’t answer a large hoop.
With Qualification, you always want to be coming from a curious frame – not
arrogant, not judgmental, just curious. Think of it like you genuinely want to find
out about someone.
Qualification is a test to see if she perceives you of value or is attracted yet. If she
isn’t responding to any hoops, then this is an indicator you haven’t got enough value
or attraction built yet, so take it back a step. E.g., if a bum came up to you on the
street and said ‘Tell me what you know about making money and I’ll see if I can
help,” you’d probably respond with something along the lines of, “get lost.” Whereas
if Bill Gates came up to you and said, ‘Tell me what you know about making money
and I’ll see if I can help,” you’d be more than inclined to qualify yourself to him, as
his value to you in the area of making money is high. The same with girls - your
value / attraction to her has to be high enough for her to qualify herself; if not then
she obviously doesn’t see you as someone of value or isn’t attracted yet.
Although the “Comfort Phase” of the model technically starts after Qualification, in
reality you will be subtly building comfort all night long. You just don’t want to go
overboard on building comfort until you have attraction, sexual tension, and she has
qualified herself to you.
To build massive comfort without attraction and sexual tension is a one way ticket
to the friend zone.
If you feel like phone and text game is your sticking point, I recently wrote a book
called “The Ultimate Guide to Text and Phone Game.” It covers topics like:
Let's say you see a very attractive woman at a restaurant waiting for her friends.
Using our techniques, you approach her, attract her, and then get her phone number
so you can “go out sometime.” At that moment, she genuinely would “go out” with
you “sometime”...
Going out “sometime” is different from going out Thursday night (which is why, as
we've discussed in Magic Bullets and in our interview on phone game, this is a bad
way to get a woman’s phone number). To see her “sometime” all you have to do is
be more interesting than doing nothing. That's a pretty low standard. She can agree
to that. And, if she has nothing else to do, she might actually see you.
However, most desirable women rarely have “nothing else to do.” For her to go on a
date, you need to be more interesting than anything else she could be doing, like
friends, hobbies, work, or relaxing at home. Or any other man she met that night - if
you noticed her, other men did too. She likes all of the attention and flirting, but she
doesn't have time to go on nine dates this week.
Even if she did, many desirable women would still hesitate to answer your call, even
if she was attracted to you when you first met. There are many possible reasons for
this - some will apply to some women and some situations more than others:
Safety concerns, especially if she doesn't know you that well or you don't
know people in common.
Naturally, the best way to deal with this is to make as strong an impression as
possible in your first meeting. Most of what we teach on our bootcamps revolves
around this, in order to lead to a more intimate situation the same day or to a date
that won’t fall through (depending on the situation and your preferences). But
sometimes you can’t do this. So that’s why we created the “bridging” technique - to
get from a situation where a woman might have a low commitment to meeting up
again to where the two of you are on a date.
The lower her commitment, the more important these bridging techniques. If
instead of meeting this woman at a restaurant you’d been introduced to her by a
mutual friend, and spent a few sober hours really getting to know each other, asking
each other every question under the sun, spending time alone, kissing, and making
plans to see each other, she would likely be highly committed to seeing you again. In
such situations, you can usually just go ahead and call. However, we will often still
use bridging techniques because A) sometimes we might err and think a woman is
more committed or less flaky than she turns out to be B) they won’t hurt.
Some of these techniques may seem like overkill. Often they are unnecessary, since
with good game you can get most women to answer the phone and make plans.
However, they are important for a couple of reasons. If you meet someone you
really want, it can be worth doing the work to increase your odds from “likely” to
“near certain.” Second, many of us got involved in dating science because we
wanted to date women who would normally be “out of our league.” None of us are
rich, or supermodels. Almost all of our instructors are formerly bootcamp students.
So, what might be overkill when meeting the type of woman who might be attracted
to you anyway can be crucially important when meeting a stunning, intelligent, fun,
and sexy woman who attracts powerful and successful men wherever she goes.
After you meet a woman, use a text message to re-initiate contact instead of a phone
call. Texts don’t require much commitment. People sometimes don’t answer their
phones or listen to their voicemails, but everyone reads their text messages. You
don’t have to worry about her mood or her schedule when you text; if she’s not free,
she’ll read it when she is. And it takes far less commitment on her part to return a
text message than it does to answer the phone or return a call.
Send your first message within 24 hours of meeting her, 48 hours at the most. This
ensures that she remembers as much as possible from your first meeting and that
the good emotions she feels toward you don’t dissipate. This is especially important
with younger women with a more intense social schedule who meet a lot of people.
Your first text is crucial. She has to respond and it has to point the two of you in the
right direction. The best way to do this is to use callback humor. Callback humor
involves recalling topics, ideas, generalities, social or geographic stereotypes
relating to your original conversation that you can twist into a joke. Advanced men
will actually deliberately “seed” the initial conversation with opportunities for
callback humor.
For example, Braddock recently met Katie, a banker. During the initial meeting he
teased her about her supposedly evil corporate ways. So, his first text drew on this:
“Katie the banker! Don’t stay out too late; you have to be up early to foreclose on
that orphanage of blind kids. You’ll need to be fresh!! : ) –Braddock”
Another night, Braddock met Julie. Among other things, they talked about
relationships and pet peeves. They agreed that they both hate clinginess and the
words “cuddle” and “snuggle.” So, Braddock followed up with:
“Nice meeting you Julie. Let’s get together for a ‘snuggle’ session ASAP! –Braddock”
If you’re stuck, then A) plan to introduce subjects for callback humor next time and
B) for now, send something simple like “Nice to meet you [name]. Have a good
night. -[Your name].”
Always sign your name on the first text. It avoids the “who is this?” text message
response, which costs emotional momentum. (Of course, LSi readers should know
CONFIDENTIAL – Copyright © by Love Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved. 31
By Braddock and Daxx
by now to program your name and number into her phone when you get hers. If
you don’t, stop now and get Magic Bullets or the interview on phone game.)
Take things one step at a time. Don’t try to get her to meet up in the first text
message. Don’t try to build comfort or build attraction. These all come later in the
conversation. Right now it’s just about getting on the map. Message her and get her
to reply. Now communication has been established and you can go from there.
After the first exchange of text messages, your goal is to build her commitment level
to meeting up with you again by increasing the frequency and intensity of your
messaging. Keep the conversation moving forward by making statements instead of
asking questions as much as possible. Questions put her on the spot and repeated
questions risk putting her in defensive “interview mode” which isn’t exciting or
attractive. Keep any questions light and simple that if she didn’t answer, it’s not like
she’s blowing you off, and don’t ask too many boring yes or no questions. Going
through Braddock’s sent items folder on his phone, we can see some examples of
good early text messages:
“How did your project turn out? Did they give you a raise or at least give you
a small army of interns to boss around?”
“Just saw the news. Chi town - 20! Let me guess, beach volleyball today?”
“Did you know a blue whale’s tongue weighs as much as an elephant!? That’s
ridiculous... Gotta love Animal Planet during the lunch break...”
Stay away from things that can end a conversation or lose her attraction for you.
Usually this will happen if you do something that assumes a higher commitment
level than she actually has. For example:
Rushing to make plans: “I’m so glad we met! I’ve never met a girl like you.” Or
even “I hope your trip to Chicago was great!!! I want to hear all about it. I would
love to see you when you get home. Do you have plans Friday when you get home?”
When you read sample text messages in this article, some of them might seem silly.
Much of dating science is counter-intuitive, because most of what people have been
taught about social dynamics is wrong. Human attraction does not work the way it
does in TV or movies. Even so-called experts are not in bars, clubs, restaurants,
parks, coffee shops, and lounges interacting with the most beautiful women there,
day after day, and actually practicing what they preach. We use what works, no
matter how unusual it seems on paper, so stay open-minded and let your only judge
be how well these techniques work in the real world.
Presumably, she was attracted to you when you met, but this dissipates over time.
You can’t build a ton of attraction in text messages but you can build some, and you
can use texts to bring her attraction levels back up to the level where you first met
and you can maintain it there. In Magic Bullets we identify and explain the eight
most universal “attraction switches” - things that most women will be attracted to
(Health, Social Intuition, Humor, Status, Wealth, Pre-selection, Confidence, and
Challenging). But that’s a general guide, not a specific plan for an individual woman,
so use your knowledge of her and her personality to calibrate to her.
Attraction is built emotionally, not logically. Through text messaging, it’s best done
with light-hearted messages that assume a level of familiarity, contain wit or humor,
and are flirty without making her uncomfortable. Some good elements to include
Role plays
Random childish jokes
Light sexual teasing or misinterpretation
Funny or teasing pet names
Invoking commonalities you found when you met (this also builds comfort,
see below)
We can’t cover all of these in detail in this article (and it’s not an exhaustive list
anyway), but let’s go through a couple of examples. Role play is a powerful
technique. When Braddock met Claire, he found out that she was from San Diego.
Among other things, they talked about the movie Anchorman. So, even a silly text
message like “I’m Ron Burgundy, I’m kind of a big deal” made her laugh and boosted
her attraction.
It’s not just one-liners either. Sometimes the attraction or humor comes from the
back-and-forth. Returning to the example of Katie the Banker, we can see this
attraction-building conversation:
Braddock: “Are you stealing pennies from the elderly or telling Tiny Tim’s dad that
he has to work an extra shift? You know this could be Tim’s last Christmas...”
Katie: “Who is tiny Tim?”
Braddock: “Wow... missed the Scrooge reference?!? Minus 3 cool points...”
Katie: “Ohhhhh... wait!!! Now I remember the Christmas movie. Not fair, Tiny Tim
threw me off.”
Braddock: “They let retards play with people’s money!?!? Hmmm... What bank do
you work at again? Okay, back to work. Talk to you later, brat. : ) [or suitable
nickname... this one worked here because she was young and already acknowledged
she can be a bit of a brat sometimes]”
Don’t try to impress her through text messages. Trying to thread a bunch of
information that you assume will make her like you more often has the opposite
4. Building Comfort
In addition to maintaining and building attraction, you need to maintain and build
comfort. This is actually easier, since building comfort is as much about what you
don’t do as what you do. In general, just act like a positive, non-threatening
environment in her life. As long as your conversation is going well, time and
communication will build and maintain comfort for you.
Some of the things that break her comfort with you include:
Trying to make plans with her too early. This might make her feel pressured
and on the spot.
Being too predictable. This affects attraction as well. If you always respond
to her messages right away and are clearly trying too hard, this might make
her uncomfortable. Generally, a woman will be more comfortable if you
seem to be at least a little bit of a challenge.
Responding negatively when she shows low commitment. Some women may
be interested but still don’t always reply or will still send short responses. If
you become angry or needy, that kills comfort. Don’t react to low
commitment behavior by apologizing for making jokes and/or asking what
you did wrong. A woman wants a man who is centered and not dependent
on her approval or putting her on a pedestal, especially early on. Always stay
positive and unaffected.
Implying that she is much more committed than she actually is. Assuming
some familiarity is great, but avoid early texts that are overly sweet, or overly
nice. Be real, and don't try to trade kindness for her approval or affection.
Stay away from a text like “I just walked past the most beautiful rose garden.
It reminded me of you. You had a rose pattern on your skirt last Saturday,
right? Hope you are having a wonderful day.” Most women would think this
is creepy and that the man is reaching too hard to try to find commonalities.
Even “did you get home safe?” won’t help you unless it’s in a context in which
you would ask that of any close friend.
Obviously, you’re not going to get very far just by sending low-commitment texts
back and forth. You’re trying to get her on a date. With experience and intuition,
you’ll start to see patterns and know when the moment is ripe. In the meantime,
you can test her commitment level without too much risk by using a technique we
call “baiting.” The bait is usually a non-specific or low-pressure text about the two
of you meeting up. It’s like touching a woman’s arm in conversation. If she is
interested, she’ll respond. If not, you haven’t lost any ground and can keep working
from where you are.
Here are some examples of non-specific invitations. The [random content] means
that you have something - anything - in that slot so the whole text isn’t the
invitation. Any of the examples of good text messages that we’ve already seen
would make good [random content] here and the non-specific invitation can be
tacked onto the end:
If her commitment is lower than usual and you’re not improving things very quickly
in text, you can start baiting with lower-intensity plans. The classic formula is “you
guys should meet us out.” She doesn’t have to be alone or invest a lot to make these
kinds of plans happen, and they’re more likely to actually take place especially with
a woman with a very busy social schedule and lots of male attention. Remember,
we’re not trying to make a woman fall in love over text message - real gains happen
in person. The object is to get her out so we have a chance to connect with her. And
if she doesn’t end up coming out, you don’t really lose any ground with her - you just
invited her and her friends to something you were (in theory) doing anyway and for
all she knows you invited lots of friends.
“We are going to be at X bar; you and your friends should stop by.”
“Sara, we are going to be at X bar Friday night. Your mission, if you choose to
accept it, is to show up between the hours of 11pm and 2am. This message
will self destruct in 30 sec!!! Hope to see you there...”
“Sara! X bar Friday night! Be there or we are breaking up and I’m not taking
you back this time... I’m signing the divorce papers and fighting for full
You can still use [random content] to lead into these, but it’s not necessary. Bait
should never be overly specific or imply a rejection if she doesn’t say yes or come
out. These would be some bad examples:
Damage Control
Some situations are harder than others and sometimes you will feel like you’re not
getting anywhere. Some men who feel a situation slipping through their fingers will
make the fatal mistake of trying to reel her back by texting more and/or longer
texts. Do not ever text from the mindset of: “I need to correct my mistake.” Think
back to a time when a woman chased you when you weren’t giving her any
encouragement and how you lost attraction for her. Once things start going
downhill, it’s really hard to turn them around. Even “good” texts at this point just
come across as try-hard or supplicative.
In general, if it’s not working, stop the bleeding. Stop sending her messages. If it
was a minor mistake, then just stop texting her for a day or two and give her time to
forget about it. Then send her something light in a few days and pretend like it
never happened. Never text her asking if you messed up, or apologize assuming you
did something wrong if you didn’t, or try too hard to be overly funny or say “just
kidding” incessantly. If it was a major mistake, wait longer before re-initiating.
Some women just don’t like texting. In such situations, don’t force the issue; just call
3. Be doing something else when she gets there. Be on the phone, getting
dressed, burning a CD, etc...
5. Drinks are fine. Save classic “dates” until you are pretty sure she likes you.
6. Start at the farthest venue and finish at the one closest to your house.
Going to a couple of places is a good idea. It keeps things fresh and the more
shared experiences you two have, the more comfortable she will be.
Don't get stuck in a 5 hour date that is worthless. If the date is going great,
obviously ignore the time constraint.
“Let’s grab a drink. I gotta get up early, so I’ll probably have you home before 11.”
In general, these are the things you should be considering for improving your skills:
Magic Bullets is the quintessential guide to dating science today, and is the Love Systems
“bible.” It’s also a living book, in that we are constantly experimenting and pushing the
frontiers of knowledge, and new discoveries get added to future versions of the book. If
you bought a legal copy of the book, these updated versions are sent to you, for free,
The Love Systems Routines Manual Volume 1 is a comprehensive guide to learning and
mastering the use of routines. It not only explains how and why routines work, but also
provides a compilation of hundreds of the very best and most effective openers,
conversation starters, and routines from all of the top talent in the world of dating science
including Savoy, The Don, Fader, Mr. M, Sheriff, Braddock, Sinn, IN10SE, Tyler Durden,
and more.
If you want access to 200 pages of what has been called the most practical and
immediately useful information on seduction available anywhere, or you just need a
refresher on the basics of routines, how to use them, and how to create your own, then
check out the Love Systems Routines Manual Volume 1 here (or download the free
Love Systems was also proud to release the follow up book, Routines Manual Volume 2.
Stuffed with hundreds more advanced routines and techniques that you can use right now,
with this volume you will never run out of things to say. Volume 2 also includes bonus
chapters on Cold Reads, Palm Reading, and much, much more. Check it out, along with
free chapters you can download right now, here:
2. Approaching and attempting to seduce random beautiful women, over and over,
anywhere from coffee shops to bars. A professional dating coach will watch and listen
and tell you after each approach what you did right and wrong and how to improve for the
next one. And you’ll keep doing it until you improve.
There’s never a perfect time to take a workshop. There’s always a reason not to. Part of
dating science is internal transformation, and that includes seizing the moment. If you’re
serious about having beautiful women as a normal and easy part of your life, then make it
happen. Now. Waiting a year just means that you will have one year less to enjoy your
new skills once you develop them. You don’t get extra time at the end to enjoy your life
just because you were late getting started.
Another pitfall some people fall into is waiting to take a workshop until their skills
improve. This is backward. The progress people make after a workshop is infinitely
quicker than the progress they made before one. And you should have the results you
want now, or in a few months, as opposed to some distant future point.
If you’ve read Magic Bullets, start planning your workshop now. Pick a date. Sign up.
Pay your deposit. Make it happen for real.
Once you’ve taken a bootcamp, you might also be interested in our variety of specialty
programs. Please note that not all of these programs are available at all times. Check out
our entire lineup of training programs (, and
the current training schedule (
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Some of the most popular and highly demanded interviews include Vol. 1 Approaching &
Transitioning, Vol. 10 Phone Game, Vol. 11 Physical Escalation & Kissing, Vol. 25 How
To Be An Alpha Male, Vol. 40 Turning Things Sexual, and Vol. 50 Intro to Day Game.
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shoes, so we know what it’s like. Write us any time at [email protected].