Operations & Maintenance Manual: Funtime Handels GMBH Project Starflyer Mobile Dubai

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Funtime Handels GmbH

Project; Starflyer Mobile


Operations & Maintenance Manual

VERSION: 2017_09_12
Starflyer Mobile, Dubai Operations & Maintenance Manual

1 Fundamentals, Terms & Definitions ...................................................................................................... 8
1.1 Ride Basics ..................................................................................................................................... 8
2 Electrical Equipment Description ........................................................................................................ 14
2.1 Location Description .................................................................................................................... 14
2.2 Location Overview ....................................................................................................................... 15
2.3 Electrical Interface ....................................................................................................................... 18
2.3.1 Incoming Power ................................................................................................................... 18
2.4 Hydraulic Interface ...................................................................................................................... 18
2.5 Operating Interface ..................................................................................................................... 18
2.5.1 Motor Control Center (+MCC) ............................................................................................. 18
2.5.2 Remote Control Center (+RCC) ............................................................................................ 19
2.5.3 Main Operator Panel (+OP1) ............................................................................................... 20
2.5.4 Remote Operator Panel (+OP2)........................................................................................... 24
2.5.5 Wireless Control Panel (+OP10) .......................................................................................... 26
2.5.6 Winch Control Panel (+JB20) ............................................................................................... 27
2.5.7 Dome Control Panel (+JB40)................................................................................................ 28
2.5.8 Carousel Control Panel (+JB80) ........................................................................................... 28
2.5.9 Safety area control panel (+JB02)........................................................................................ 28
2.6 Terminology................................................................................................................................. 29
2.6.1 Definitions and Conventions ............................................................................................... 29
2.6.2 Definition of Functional Groups .......................................................................................... 29
2.6.3 Definition of Locations ........................................................................................................ 30
2.6.4 Definition of Devices ........................................................................................................... 30
2.6.5 Components on tower......................................................................................................... 31
2.6.6 Components of tower top ................................................................................................... 33
2.6.7 Sled Equipment ................................................................................................................... 35
2.6.8 Components base/winch..................................................................................................... 38
2.6.9 Safety Brake Equipment ...................................................................................................... 40
2.6.10 Fall Brake Equipment........................................................................................................... 42
2.6.11 Star Equipment .................................................................................................................... 43
2.6.12 Seat Equipment ................................................................................................................... 44
3 Functional Description......................................................................................................................... 47
3.1 Overview...................................................................................................................................... 47
3.2 Ride Functions ............................................................................................................................. 48
FUNTIME HANDELS GMBH, Bahnhofstrasse 208, 9991 Dölsach, Austria Seite 2/153
Starflyer Mobile, Dubai Operations & Maintenance Manual

3.2.1 General ................................................................................................................................ 48

3.2.2 Maintenance Mode ............................................................................................................. 49
3.2.3 Test Mode............................................................................................................................ 51
3.2.4 Normal Mode ...................................................................................................................... 53
3.2.5 Evacuation Mode ................................................................................................................. 54
4 Operating Modes................................................................................................................................. 55
4.1.1 Overview Touch Panel ......................................................................................................... 55
4.1.1 Login/Logout........................................................................................................................ 56
4.2 Erecting mode ............................................................................................................................. 57
4.3 Operation Mode Maintenance .................................................................................................... 58
4.3.1 Key Switch Park Position ..................................................................................................... 58
4.3.2 Controlled by OP1 ............................................................................................................... 59
4.3.3 Controlled by OP10 ............................................................................................................. 78
4.3.4 Controlled by JB80 ............................................................................................................... 79
4.4 Test Mode.................................................................................................................................... 80
4.4.1 Over Travel Tower Top ........................................................................................................ 82
4.4.2 Over Travel Tower Bottom .................................................................................................. 82
4.4.3 Over Speed Elevator Up ...................................................................................................... 82
4.4.4 Over Speed Elevator Down.................................................................................................. 82
4.4.5 Over Speed Carousel ........................................................................................................... 82
4.4.6 Test Derope ......................................................................................................................... 82
4.4.7 Valve Test Safety Brake ....................................................................................................... 82
4.4.8 Test Motor Brake ................................................................................................................. 83
4.4.9 Test Safety Brake ................................................................................................................. 83
4.4.10 Test of the mechanical overspeed govener ........................................................................ 83
4.5 Normal Mode .............................................................................................................................. 83
4.5.1 Start the ride........................................................................................................................ 83
4.5.2 Lower the ride into entry position....................................................................................... 84
4.5.3 Program selection................................................................................................................ 84
4.5.4 Carousel jog slow in entry position ..................................................................................... 84
4.5.5 Operating Sequence ............................................................................................................ 85
4.6 Emergency Lowering Procedure ................................................................................................. 86
4.6.1 Evacuation Mode ................................................................................................................. 86
4.6.2 Emergency Lowering in the Event of a Power Failure ......................................................... 87
4.6.3 Releasing the mechanical over speed brake (Fallbrake) ..................................................... 89

FUNTIME HANDELS GMBH, Bahnhofstrasse 208, 9991 Dölsach, Austria Seite 3/153
Starflyer Mobile, Dubai Operations & Maintenance Manual

4.7 Ride Shutdown ............................................................................................................................ 90

4.7.1 Nighttime or storm lock out procedure .............................................................................. 90
4.7.2 Winter Lock Out Procedure ................................................................................................. 90
5 RIDE MAINTENANCE ............................................................................................................................ 91
5.1 DAILY PRE-OPERATION CHECKPOINTS AND PROCEDURES ......................................................... 91
5.1.1 Ride Inspection .................................................................................................................... 91
5.1.2 Helpful Tips for a Thorough Inspection ............................................................................... 91
6 Generelle Sicherheitsvorkehrungen .................................................................................................... 92
6.1 STAFFING ..................................................................................................................................... 92
6.1.1 Certified Operator ............................................................................................................... 92
6.1.2 Loader/Unloader ................................................................................................................. 92
6.1.3 Maintenance Personnel ..................................................................................................... 92
6.2 STAFFING CHECKPOINTS ............................................................................................................. 93
6.3 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES AND UNUSUAL CIRCUMSTANCES.................................................... 94
6.3.1 Panicked Rider ..................................................................................................................... 94
6.3.2 Lightning Strike .................................................................................................................... 94
6.3.3 Electrical Power Failure ....................................................................................................... 94
6.3.4 Major Accidents................................................................................................................... 94
6.4 RIDER WALK THROUGH ............................................................................................................... 95
6.5 PATRON RESTRICTIONS ............................................................................................................... 96
6.5.1 Height .................................................................................................................................. 96
6.5.2 Physical & Mental Conditions.............................................................................................. 96
6.5.3 Weight and Size ................................................................................................................... 96
6.5.4 Additional Rider Restrictions ............................................................................................... 96
6.5.5 Insurance ............................................................................................................................. 97
6.6 SAFETY ......................................................................................................................................... 97
6.6.1 Stunts ................................................................................................................................... 97
6.6.2 Foreign Objects.................................................................................................................... 97
6.6.3 Entering & Exiting the Ride.................................................................................................. 97
6.6.4 Tower Climbing .................................................................................................................... 97
6.6.5 Wind & Lightning Storm Restrictions ................................................................................... 98
6.6.6 Ride Balancing ..................................................................................................................... 98
6.6.7 Alterations ........................................................................................................................... 98
6.6.8 General Safety Rules for STARFLYER Operators .................................................................. 98
6.7 CRITICAL OPERATIONAL ISSUES .................................................................................................. 99

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Starflyer Mobile, Dubai Operations & Maintenance Manual

6.7.1 Alterations ........................................................................................................................... 99

6.7.2 Attitude.............................................................................................................................. 100
6.7.3 Alcohol or Drugs ................................................................................................................ 100
6.7.4 Fatigue ............................................................................................................................... 100
6.7.5 Slips and Falls..................................................................................................................... 101
6.7.6 Housekeeping .................................................................................................................... 101
6.7.7 EMPLOYEE TRAINING ........................................................................................................ 101
7 Troubleshoot ..................................................................................................................................... 102
7.1 Fault Reactions .......................................................................................................................... 102
7.2 Fault List .................................................................................................................................... 103
7.3 Component Display andIndicators ............................................................................................ 112
7.3.1 Allen Bradley 1769-PA4 Power Supply .............................................................................. 112
7.3.2 Allen Bradley 1769-L33ERMS Compact Guard Logix ......................................................... 114
7.3.3 Switch Stratix 5700 ............................................................................................................ 117
7.3.4 Allen Bradley 1734-AENT Point I/O - Ethernet Adapter .................................................... 120
7.3.5 Allen Bradley 1734-IB8 Digitales Eingangsmodul .............................................................. 122
7.3.6 Allen Bradley 1734-OB8 Digitales Ausgangsmodul ........................................................... 123
7.3.7 Allen Bradley 1734-I/OB8S safety Input/ Output Module ................................................ 124
7.3.8 Allen Bradley 1791ES-IB16 Absolut Encoder Input Module .............................................. 126
7.3.9 Allen Bradley DC power Supply ......................................................................................... 129
7.3.10 Allen Bradley Puffer Module ............................................................................................. 130
7.3.11 SEW MOVIDRIVE frequency converter.............................................................................. 130
7.3.12 FI-Relais RCMA................................................................................................................... 150
7.3.13 Phase Monitoring Relais .................................................................................................... 151
7.3.14 Pilz PSEN cs1.1p ................................................................................................................. 152

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Starflyer Mobile, Dubai Operations & Maintenance Manual

Figure 1-1 Overview tower ............................................................................................................................ 9
Figure 1-2 tower top.................................................................................................................................... 10
Figure 1-3 tower bottom / winch ................................................................................................................ 11
Figure 1-4 sled ............................................................................................................................................. 12
Figure 1-5 star.............................................................................................................................................. 13
Figure 2-1 position overview ....................................................................................................................... 17
Figure 2-2 main operator panel layout ....................................................................................................... 20
Figure 2-3 agreement panel layout ............................................................................................................. 24
Figure 2-4 wireless remote operator panel layout..................................................................................... 26
Figure 2-5 tower .......................................................................................................................................... 31
Figure 2-6 Switching of the Proximity ......................................................................................................... 32
Figure 2-7 switch of overtravel.................................................................................................................... 32
Figure 2-8 tower top ................................................................................................................................... 33
Figure 2-9 Sled equipment locations ........................................................................................................... 35
Figure 2-10 Components base/winch ......................................................................................................... 38
Figure 2-11 components safety brake ......................................................................................................... 40
Figure 2-12 components fall brake.............................................................................................................. 42
Figure 2-13 components star ...................................................................................................................... 43
Figure 2-14 seat components ...................................................................................................................... 44
Figure 2-15 Indicator lights for restraints.................................................................................................... 45
Figure 2-16 Manual release for T-bar .......................................................................................................... 45
Figure 2-17 Manual Release belt ................................................................................................................. 46
Figure 4-1 overview touch panel ................................................................................................................. 55
Figure 4-3 Ride off ....................................................................................................................................... 59
Figure 4-4 Pre-Conditions ............................................................................................................................ 60
Figure 4-5 safety I/O Module status............................................................................................................ 61
Figure 4-6 Maintenance main screen .......................................................................................................... 62
Figure 4-7 Emergency push button verification .......................................................................................... 63
Figure 4-8 maintenance screen sections ..................................................................................................... 64
Figure 4-9 Error............................................................................................................................................ 65
Figure 4-10 fault list depending on fault category ...................................................................................... 65
Figure 4-11 message section ....................................................................................................................... 66
Figure 4-14 Details elevator ........................................................................................................................ 67
Figure 4-15 Details encoder motor ............................................................................................................. 67
Figure 4-16 Details encoder winch .............................................................................................................. 67
Figure 4-17 Details safety brakes ................................................................................................................ 68
Figure 4-18 Details brakes ........................................................................................................................... 68
Figure 4-19 Details fallbrake........................................................................................................................ 68
Figure 4-22 Details Carousel ........................................................................................................................ 70
Figure 4-25 seat groups ............................................................................................................................... 71
Figure 4-26 Information Sitzgruppen .......................................................................................................... 71
Figure 4-28 General Section ........................................................................................................................ 73
Figure 4-29 Details General ......................................................................................................................... 73
Figure 4-30 Safety I/O Modules .................................................................................................................. 74
Figure 4-31 Geschwindigkeit / Position....................................................................................................... 74
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Starflyer Mobile, Dubai Operations & Maintenance Manual

Figure 4-32 overview faults ......................................................................................................................... 75

Figure 4-33 trouble shoot ............................................................................................................................ 75
Figure 4-34 statistics.................................................................................................................................... 76
Figure 4-35 lights ......................................................................................................................................... 76
Figure 4-36 Ride not initialized .................................................................................................................... 77
Figure 4-37 Bedienung JB80 ........................................................................................................................ 79
Figure 4-38 test mode ................................................................................................................................. 80
Figure 4-39 test overview ............................................................................................................................ 80
Figure 4-40 test results ................................................................................................................................ 81
Figure 4-41 key switches for testing and resetting the overspeed govener in the JB20 ............................ 83
Figure 4-42 program selection .................................................................................................................... 84
Figure 5-1 evacuation mode........................................................................................................................ 86
Figure 5-2 safety brake ................................................................................................................................ 87
Figure 5-3 motor brake................................................................................................................................ 88
Figure 5-4 fall brake..................................................................................................................................... 89

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Starflyer Mobile, Dubai Operations & Maintenance Manual


Ride Type: Giant swing ride with a slow up/down moving rotating carousel on a square
shaped tower structure.

Passenger Carrier Units (PCU):2 Passengers side by side per arm (32 Passengers)

Number of PCU`s: 16 arms

Ride Structure: The 2.5m (8.2 feet) diameter steel tower is 71,5 (233 feet) tall and is
mounted on a two-part foundation. The carousel is attached to two steel cables with the
lifting unit, who is located in the foundation

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Starflyer Mobile, Dubai Operations & Maintenance Manual

Ride Layout:




Base structure
(foundation) &

Figure 1-1 Overview tower

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Starflyer Mobile, Dubai Operations & Maintenance Manual

Ride parts

Tower Top /Dome

Area at the top of the tower, where two pulleys are located guiding the steel cables for the sled.



Figure 1-2 tower top

Tower Structure
Square shaped tower structure

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Starflyer Mobile, Dubai Operations & Maintenance Manual

Tower base (foundation)/winch

Area at the bottom of the tower, where the winch is located including the following components:
• Electric motors with gears and brakes (Main Brake)
• Erecting hydraulic components
• Hydraulic disc brake (Safety Brake)
• Winch drum (lifting unit)
Winch drum
(lifting unit)


4 Motors with
brakes and gears

Safety Brake

Junction Box
Safety Brake

Figure 1-3 tower bottom / winch

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Starflyer Mobile, Dubai Operations & Maintenance Manual

The first part of the carousel is:

• The sled: non-rotating part is guided by polyurethane wheels along the tower structure. The
4 motors for the carousel are also mounted on the sled.



4 x Motor


Figure 1-4 sled

The second part:

FUNTIME HANDELS GMBH, Bahnhofstrasse 208, 9991 Dölsach, Austria Seite 12/153
Starflyer Mobile, Dubai Operations & Maintenance Manual

• Star: The rotating part with 16 arms holding the seat groups is also guided by polyurethane
wheels. The seats are attached over steel chains to the arms.


16 x arms star

Figure 1-5 star

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Starflyer Mobile, Dubai Operations & Maintenance Manual


The following is a listing of all the locations their acronyms and their description:

+MCC: Motor Control Center is a control cabinet including all the power distribution parts. The
MCC is located inside the electrical equipment room.

+RCC: Ride Control Center is the control cabinet including all the control parts such as the PLC
of the ride. The RCC is located inside the electrical equipment room.

+LCC: Light Control Center is the control cabinet including all the control parts for the lighting
of the ride. The LCC is located in the bottom of the ride, near the foundation.

+OP: Operator Panel is an enclosure used for the human machine interface between
maintenance or operational staff members and the ride. The Main Operator Panel is
located near the load/unload area of the ride. Auxiliary Operator Panels are used for
secondary loading position as well as for maintenance purposes.

+JB: Junction Box is an enclosure including terminal strips and in some cases remote input
output modules as well as other electrical components. Junction Boxes are located in
various locations throughout the ride.

+E..: External is the naming for all components located throughout the ride which are not
part of any cabinet or box.

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Starflyer Mobile, Dubai Operations & Maintenance Manual


The ride has the following electrical equipment locations:

Electrical Equipment Room

+MCC: Control Cabinet including all power components including main circuit breaker for
incoming power.
+RCC: Control Cabinet including all control components such as the Safety-PLC.
+JB02: Control Cabinet including the “key switch” of park position.

Operator Stations
+OP1: Main Operator Panel located at the ride entrance.
+OP2: Remote Operator Panel located at opposite ride side.

+LCC: Control Cabinet including all components required for ride lighting.

Foundation/ Winch
+JB10: Hydraulic cabinet 1 on tower base structure for erecting hydraulic.
+JB11: Hydraulic cabinet 1 on tower base structure for erecting hydraulic.
+JB20: Junction Box at winch including active components such as remote input/output
modules. The JB also includes the Emergency Stop Button.
+EB1: Various components mounted directly to base structure 1 (e.g. solenoid valves,
+EB2: Various components mounted directly to base structure 2 (e.g. solenoid valves,

+ETS1-ETS11: Various components mounted directly on tower sections 1 to 11

Tower Top

+JB40: Junction Box at dome including active components such as remote input/output
modules. The JB also includes the Emergency Stop Button.
+ET1: Various components mounted directly to structure on tower top non-rotating part.
+JB41: Junction Box at the top for lights.
+ET2: Various components mounted directly to structure on tower top rotating part.


+JB80: Junction Box at the sled including control elements such as Emergency Stop Push
Button and Push Button for Jog Down.
+JB81: Junction Box at the sled including motor protection for carousel.
+ESL: Various components mounted directly to sled structure.

FUNTIME HANDELS GMBH, Bahnhofstrasse 208, 9991 Dölsach, Austria Seite 15/153
Starflyer Mobile, Dubai Operations & Maintenance Manual

+JB90: Junction Box at the star (rotating part of the carousel) including active components
such as remote input/output modules and connection for first half of arms.
+JB91: Junction Box at the star (rotating part of the carousel) connection for second half of

+JB101: Junction Box at seat assembly 1 (arm #1).

+JB102: Junction Box at seat assembly 2 (arm #2).
+JB103: Junction Box at seat assembly 3 (arm #3).
+JB104: Junction Box at seat assembly 4 (arm #4).
+JB105: Junction Box at seat assembly 5 (arm #5).
+JB106: Junction Box at seat assembly 6 (arm #6).
+JB107: Junction Box at seat assembly 7 (arm #7).
+JB108: Junction Box at seat assembly 8 (arm #8).
+JB109: Junction Box at seat assembly 9 (arm #9).
+JB110: Junction Box at seat assembly 10 (arm #10).
+JB111: Junction Box at seat assembly 11 (arm #11).
+JB112: Junction Box at seat assembly 12 (arm #12).
+JB113: Junction Box at seat assembly 13 (arm #13).
+JB114: Junction Box at seat assembly 14 (arm #14).
+JB115: Junction Box at seat assembly 15 (arm #15).
+JB116: Junction Box at seat assembly 16 (arm #16).
+ECA: Various components mounted directly to carousel structure.
+EA1-EA16: Various components mounted directly to arms.
+ES01-ES16: Various components mounted directly on seats or chain.

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Starflyer Mobile, Dubai Operations & Maintenance Manual

Tower top +JB40


Tower sections

+JB80 +JB90

+JB81 +JB90

+OP1 +OP2

Base structure,
winch +RCC
+JB10 +JB20 +LCC +JB11

Figure 2-1 position overview

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Starflyer Mobile, Dubai Operations & Maintenance Manual


2.3.1 Incoming Power

+MCC; Motor Control Center (Feeder 1)
Voltagee: 3x400VAC (+- 10%)
Frequency: 50Hz (+- 5%)
Current: 400 A

+MCC; Motor Control Center (Feeder 2)

Voltagee: 3x400VAC (+- 10%)
Frequency: 50Hz (+- 5%)
Current: 160 A


For tower errecting.
For safety brake elevator


2.5.1 Motor Control Center (+MCC)

Equipment: Main switch [Main Power]
Description: Remotely operated main switch which is manually lockable for maintenance

Note: Lockout/Tagout (LOTO) for Maintenance purposes

The primary lock out tag out point for maintenance personnel is located on the Main
Control Center inside the Control Room. The main switch supplying 3x400VAC power
to all motors can be locked and tagged.

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Starflyer Mobile, Dubai Operations & Maintenance Manual

2.5.2 Remote Control Center (+RCC)

Equipment: Red Pilot Light [Fault]

Description: Indicates and fault on the system, refer to the display for more fault information.

Function: Light off: No faults pending or ride is off

Light pulsing: Indicates fault in normal mode
Light blinking fast: Indicates a fault in maintenance mode

Equipment: Red lighted Mushroom Push Button [Emergency Stop]

Description: Stops the ride immediately and takes off all power to motors and brakes on the ride,
trips the main circuit breaker in MCC

Function: Button pressed: Cuts immediately all power to all systems

Button released: All systems ready to become reset

Equipment: Selector switch [Lockout]

Description: The lockable switch is used to activate operation by OP10 in order to perform
maintenance work on the tower.
Lockable switch:
Function: position ON: agreement OP1
position OFF: agreement OP10

Equipment: Key switch [Erecting mode]

Description: Switch is used to activate the erecting mode.
Function: position ON: erecting mode on
position OFF: erecting mode off

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Starflyer Mobile, Dubai Operations & Maintenance Manual

2.5.3 Main Operator Panel (+OP1)

The Main Operator Panel is the primary ride control location. The following ride functions are
executed from this panel:

• Emergency Stop

• Ride Startup

• Operating Mode selection

• Functions of the different modes

• Fault handling, Emergency Stop reset

• Ride Shutdown

Note: Find a detailed description of all ride functions in CHAPTER 3[Functional Description] of this
ride specification.

[5]Red Mushroom Push

Button [Emergency Stop]

[7] Red lighted Push Button


[1] Selector Switch [14] Amber lighted Push Button

[Ride on/off] [Spare]

[9] Amber lighted Push Button

[11] USB Interface
[Restraints Unlock]
[Mouse touch panel]

[12] LAN Interface [10] Amber lighted Push Button

[programing only]
[rotate carousel]

[3] Key Switch

[Operating Mode]
left-left: test mode [2] Key Switch [8] Green lighted Push Button
left: service mode [Panel Enable] [Ride Start]
right: normal mode
right-right: evacuation mode [4] Key Switch [6] Red lighted Push Button
[single operator] [Ride Stop]

Figure 2-2 main operator panel layout

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Starflyer Mobile, Dubai Operations & Maintenance Manual

Equipment: [1] Selector Switch [Ride on/off]

Description: Switch on this selector switch to switch on the ride or switch off the ride
Function: Position On: Ride is switched on
Position Off: Ride is switched off

Equipment: [2] Key Switch [Panel Enable]

Description: Enable the operator panel functions of this panel by choosing the on position of this
key switch
Function: Position On: Operator Panel is enabled
Position Off: Operator Panel is disabled
Note: If the panel is disabled during a ride cycle an immediate ride stop is

Equipment: [3] Key Switch [Operating Mode]

Description: Select with this key switch the required operating mode.
Function: Position 1 Test Mode: Ride is in test mode and ready to execute ride
tests for maintenance purposes only
Position 2 Maintenance Mode: Ride is in maintenance mode and ready to operate
the ride for maintenance mode only
Position 3 Normal Mode: Ride is in normal mode and ready to operate the
ride with guests
Position 4 Evacuation Mode: Ride is in evacuation mode and ready to operate
the ride manually with guests

Equipment: [4] Key Switch [single operator]

Description: Change between single and dual operator mode.
Function: Position left: two operator mode
Position right: one operator mode

Equipment: [5] Red lighted Mushroom Push Button [Emergency Stop]

Description: Stops the ride immediately and takes off all power to motors and brakes on the ride
Function: Button pressed: Cuts immediately all power to all systems
Button released: All systems ready to become reset

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Starflyer Mobile, Dubai Operations & Maintenance Manual

Equipment: [6] Red lighted Push Button [Ride Stop]

Description: Press this button in case of any danger to stop the vertical and rotational movement
of the ride.
Function: Pressed: Stops the vertical and rotational movement of the
Released: Ready to reset the ride stop
Light: When the ride has come to a complete stop the ride stop lamp will come on solid. If
Main Operator Panel Ride Stop created the stop condition the lamp will flash (½
second on ½ second off) after the ride has come to a complete stop.

Equipment: [7] Red lighted Push Button [Acknowledge]

Description: Press this button to reset any pending fault.
Function: Button pressed: Resets in case of a pending fault or activated the
emergency stop circuit
Lights: Light off: No faults pending or ride is off
Light flashing slow: Indicates a warning
Light flashing fast: Indicates a z-stop
Light steady on: Indicates an e-stop

Equipment: [8] Green lighted Push Button [Ride Start]

Description: Executes the selected function in Maintenance Mode and starts Ride Cycle in Normal
Function: Button pressed: Executes the selected function in Maintenance
Mode and starts a Ride Cycle in Normal Mode
Light off: Ride stop
Light blinking slowly: Button is enable
Light steady on: Ride in motion

Equipment: [9] Amber lighted Push Button [Restraints Unlock]

Description: Locks and unlocks the restraints when the ride is in entry position.
Function: Button pressed: Restraints opening will be energized for 2 minutes,
is the button pressed again in this time the
restraints opening are de-energized
Lights: Light flashing slow: Restraints opening energized
Light flashing fast: Restraint opening de-energized, restraints not
Light steady on: Restraint opening de-energized, restraints closed

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Starflyer Mobile, Dubai Operations & Maintenance Manual

Equipment: [10] Amber lighted Push Button [Rotate Carousel]

Description: Carousel rotates slowly in entry position.
Function: Button pressed: Carousel rotate slowly in entry position
Light off: Rotating not active
Light steady on: Carousel rotating

Equipment: [11] USB-Port [Mouse Touch Panel]

Description: Allows connecting a USB-mouse for panel control

Equipment: [12] LAN-Port [Ride Control]

Description: Allows connecting a service computer with ride control
Note: It is not allowed to connect other equipment to this port!!!
Connected equipment could cause high data traffic on ride control
network and could be responsible for faults on the ride!!!

Equipment: food pedal [agreement start]

Description: Is used for agreement in the single operator mode.
Function: Pedal pressed: agreement active

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Starflyer Mobile, Dubai Operations & Maintenance Manual

2.5.4 Remote Operator Panel (+OP2)

[1] Emergency push button


[2] red lighted push button

[ride stop]

[3] green lighted push button

[agreement start]

[4]amber lighted
] push button
[unlock/lock seats]

Figure 2-3 agreement panel layout

Equipment: [1] Red Mushroom Push Button [Emergency Stop]

Description: Stops the ride immediately and takes off all power to motors and brakes on the ride
Function: Button pressed: Cuts immediately all power to all systems
Button released: All systems ready to become reset

Equipment: [2] Red lighted Push Button [Ride Stop]

Description: Press this button in case of any danger to stop the vertical and rotational movement
of the ride.
Function: Pressed: Stops the vertical and rotational movement of the
Released: Ready to reset the ride stop
Light: When the ride has come to a complete stop the ride stop lamp will come on solid. If
Main Operator Panel Ride Stop created the stop condition the lamp will flash (½
second on ½ second off) after the ride has come to a complete stop.

Equipment: [3] Green lighted Push Button [Start Enable]

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Description: Enable push button required to be pressed in order to start ride cycle in normal
mode operation and to allow lowering of the carousel after a ride stop situation.
Function: Button pressed: Start enable active
Light off: Ride stop
Light blinking slowly: Button is enable
Light steady on: Ride in motion

Equipment: [4] Amber lighted Push Button [Restraints Unlock]

Description: Unlocks the restraints when the ride is in home position
Function: Button pressed: Restraints opening will be energized for 2 minutes,
is the button pressed again in this time the
restraints opening are de-energized.
Lights: Light flashing slow: Restraints opening energized
Light flashing fast: Restraint opening de-energized, restraints not
Light steady on: Restraint opening de-energized, restraints closed

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2.5.5 Wireless Control Panel (+OP10)

Equipment: Red colored Push Button [Emergency Stop]

Description: Stops the ride immediately and takes off all power to motors and brakes on the ride
Function: Button pressed: Cuts immediately all power to all systems
Button released: All systems ready to become reset

Equipment: Push Button [Reset]

Description: Reset for all pending faults.
Function: Button pressed: Fault reset

Equipment: Push Button [Jog Elevator Up]

Description: Used to jog up elevator in slow speed.
Function: Button pressed: Jog up of elevator at slow speed
Button released: Stop of jog up move

Equipment: Push Button [Jog Elevator Down]

Description: Used to jog down elevator in slow speed.
Function: Button pressed: Jog down of elevator at slow speed
Button released: Stop of jog down move

Equipment: Push Button [Rotate Carousel Clockwise]

Description: Used to rotate the carousel clockwise in slow speed.
Function: Button pressed: Rotate carousel at slow speed
Button released: Stop rotation

Equipment: Push Button [alarm signal]

Description: acoustic noise on the OP1.
Function: Button pressed: horn on
Button released: horn off

Figure 2-4 wireless remote operator panel layout

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2.5.6 Winch Control Panel (+JB20)

Equipment: Red Mushroom Push Button [Emergency Stop]

Description: Stops the ride immediately and takes off all power to motors and brakes on the ride.
Function: Button pressed: Cuts immediately all power to all systems
Button released: All systems ready to become reset

Equipment: Key Switch [Reset Velocity]

Description: Key switch used to reset the limit switch off the overspeed governor and is inside the
Function: Position On: reset coil energized
Position Off: reset coil de-energized

Equipment: Key Switch [Test Velocity]

Description: Key switch used to test the mechanical overspeed brake and is inside the JB20.
Function: Position On: test coil energized
Position Off: test coil de- energized

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2.5.7 Dome Control Panel (+JB40)

Equipment: Red Mushroom Push Button [Emergency Stop]

Description: Stops the ride immediately and takes off all power to motors and brakes on the ride.
Function: Button pressed: Cuts immediately all power to all systems
Button released: All systems ready to become reset

2.5.8 Carousel Control Panel (+JB80)

Equipment: Red lighted Mushroom Push Button [Emergency Stop]

Description: Stops the ride immediately and takes off all power to motors and brakes on the ride
Function: Button pressed: Cuts immediately all power to all systems
Button released: All systems ready to become reset

Equipment: Key Switch [Panel Enable]

Description: Enables the operation of Jog Down despite a pending lockout in the winch room.
Function: Position On: Jog Down is enabled
Position Off: Jog Down is disabled

Equipment: Black Push Button [Jog Down]

Description: Used to jog down elevator in case of malfunction of +OP10.
Function: Button pressed: Jog down of elevator at slow speed
Button released: Stop of jog down move

2.5.9 Safety area control panel (+JB02)

Equipment: [1] Key Switch [park position]

Description: changes height of park position (rotation height).
Note: If the switch position is changed during a ride cycle an immediate ride stop is
Function: position on: Park position low
Position Aus: Park position high

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2.6.1 Definitions and Conventions

In all provided documents, each item is identically named by its given functional group, location and
device name according to the following convention:

Examples: =G01+MCC-F4.1

2.6.2 Definition of Functional Groups

Referring to the IEC standards, the entire application is split into functional groups. The symbol for a
functional group is “=”.

Examples: =G01 3-phase power 400VAC - incoming and distribution

=E03 elevator parts of the ride - speed/position monitoring

The first digit (letter) is the main group indicator. The following list shows all main groups for this

• =G General parts of the ride

• =E Elevator parts of the ride

• =C Carousel parts of the ride

• =S Seat parts of the ride

• =R Reserve (Spare Inputs & Outputs)

• =L Light parts of the ride

The second & third digit (numbers) are sub group indicators which identify the functional group.
Examples are:

• =G01 3-phase power 400VAC incoming and distribution

• =S01 Seat assembly #1 monitoring

• =L01 Decoration and room lighting

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2.6.3 Definition of Locations

Referring to the IEC standards, all locations are clearly identified. The symbol for the locations is “+”.

Examples: +MCC Motor Control Center

+RCC Ride Control Center

+OP1 Operator Panel 1

+JB20 Junction Box 20

2.6.4 Definition of Devices

Referring to the IEC standards, all devices are clearly identified. The symbol for the devices is “-”.

Examples: -Q power switching components

-F Fuse

-B Sensor

Additional explanation can be found in the following documentation:

• Electrical Schematics (introduction pages)

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2.6.5 Components on tower

Limit Switch [Over Travel Top] (-B87.4)

The limit switch [Over Travel Top] is connected to -B87.4
+JB40. The limit switch [Over Travel Bottom] is
ensuring the upper end of the ride and will cause an
e-stop when being tripped.

Limit Switch [Over Travel Bottom] (-B87.1)

The limit switch [Over Travel Bottom] is ensuring
the bottom end of the ride and will cause an e-stop
when being tripped.


Figure 2-5 tower

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On the sledge of the elevator there are on the bottom boom switching metal plates mounted. The
distance of the proximity switch and the switching plate should be approximately the same. To
ensure the correct working of the device there is a power light (green) and a switched light (orange)
on the proximity switch.

Figure 2-6 Switching of the Proximity Switching of the overtravel limit switches

On the sledge of the elevator there are on the bottom boom switching metal plates mounted. The
distance of the limit switch and the switching plate needs to be tested so that the 90° angle is
switching all the way. In case of wrong settings, the limit switch will be pended and needs to be

Figure 2-7 switch of overtravel

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2.6.6 Components of tower top


+JB41 -B93.2


Figure 2-8 tower top

Junction Box at Dome (+JB40)

All electric equipment is connected to this junction box jb40. A couple of cables are coming from the
control center and from +JB20 via the cable tray of the tower.

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Lighting Junction Box at Dome (+JB41)

All cables for the lights and deco lights are connected in this junction box. For the power supply, the
cable is coming up from the +LCC from the control center. The feedback of the circuit breakers and
the power supplies are connected to JB40.

Lighting Junction Box at Dome rotating decoration (+JB42)

All cables for the lights and deco lights on the rotating part on top are connected in this junction box.
For the power supply, there is cable coming up from +JB41

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2.6.7 Sled Equipment




Slip Rings



-B88.3 -B99.5

Figure 2-9 Sled equipment locations

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Control cabinet on sled (+JB80)

All sensors are connected to +JB80. The cables from the drag chain are connected to. The feeding
cable to the slip ring are also connected to +JB80. For the communication with the components on
the carousel there is a wireless system with a leaky cable realized.

Motor cabinet on sled (+JB81)

All the motors for carousel are connected to +JB81.

Motor 1 Carousel (-M98.1)

The motor 1 carousel is connected to power in +JB81, and also the thermo contact is connected into.

Motor 2 Carousel (-M98.2)

The motor 2 carousel is connected to power in +JB81, and also the thermo contact is connected into.

Motor 3 Carousel (-M98.3)

The motor 3 carousel is connected to power in +JB81, and also the thermo contact is connected into.

Motor 4 Carousel (-M98.4)

The motor 4 carousel is connected to power in +JB81, and also the thermo contact is connected into.

Proximity Switch [Speed/Position 1] (-B99.1)

The proximity Switch is connected to +JB80. It is used to monitor the speed and position of the
rotation of the carousel.

Proximity Switch [Speed/Position 2] (-B99.2)

The proximity Switch is connected to +JB81. It is used to monitor the speed and position of the
rotation of the carousel.

Proximity Switch [Entry Position1] (-B88.1)

The proximity switch [Entry Position 1] is used for initializing the absolute encoder. In addition it is
needed to open restraints and as well to start an automatic procedure in test mode or normal mode.

Proximity Switch [Entry Position2] (-B88.2)

The proximity switch [Entry Position 2] is used for initializing the absolute encoder. In addition it is
needed to open restraints and as well to start an automatic procedure in test mode or normal mode.

Proximity Switch [Bottom Area] (-B88.4)

The proximity switch [Bottom Area] is used to verify the functionality of the absolute encoder in the
bottom part of the tower. Each time the proximity switch is passed by the elevator the verification
will be done.

Proximity Switch [Top Area] (-B88.5)

The proximity switch [Top Area] is used to verify the functionality of the absolute encoder in the
upper part of the tower. Each time the proximity switch is passed by the elevator the verification will
be done.

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Rotary Encoder [Speed] (-B99.5)

The encoder is mounted near the JB80 and controls the speed and standstill from the carousel.

Limit Switch [Fall Brake 1] (-B88.3)

The limit switch is connected to JB80. The switch is controlling the status of the clamping device of
the fallbrake elevator.

Limit Switch [Fall Brake 2] (-B88.6)

The limit switch is connected to JB81. The switch is controlling the status of the clamping device of
the fallbrake elevator.

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2.6.8 Components base/winch




-B86.1 -M78.1-4 -B87.2/-B87.3 -B90.2

Figure 2-10 Components base/winch

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Junction Box in the Winch Room (+JB20)

The power supply and the connection for the network are coming from the control center. The
network cable, the power supply and some other cables are from the JB20 to the top of the tower.

Winch Motor (-M78.1)

The power to the motor is connected to +MCC. The thermo contact is connected into +JB20.

Winch Motor (-M78.2)

The power to the motor is connected to +MCC. The thermo contact is connected into +JB20.

Winch Motor (-M78.3)

The power to the motor is connected to +MCC. The thermo contact is connected into +JB20.

Winch Motor (-M78.4)

The power to the motor is connected to +MCC. The thermo contact is connected into +JB20.

Winch Encoder (-B86.1)

The encoder is connected with a cable to +JB20 and from there with a cable to +RCC. The encoder is
used to feed the drive unit elevator control.

Absolute Encoder (-B90.1)

The absolute encoder is mounted on the winch drum and connected with a cable to the +JB20. The
signal is used for several safety issues depending on the speed and position of the sled.

Absolute Encoder (-B90.2)

The absolute encoder is mounted on the motor and connected with a cable to +JB20. The encoder
controls the speed and position from the sled.

Limit switch [slack rope 1] (-B87.2)

The switch is connected to the +JB20 and monitors slack rope at the Winch.

Limit switch [slack rope 1] (-B87.3)

The switch is connected to the +JB20 and monitors slack rope at the Winch.

Limit Switch [Weight trip unit] (-B89.2)

The limit switch is connected to the +JB20. It is used to monitor if the weight for tension of the speed
governor cable is in proper position.

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2.6.9 Safety Brake Equipment







Figure 2-11 components safety brake

Motor [Hydraulic Pump Safety Brake] (-M83.1)

The motor for the Hydraulic pump safety brake is connected to +JB20. The function of the hydraulic
pump is to provide the pressure to the safety brake and will be switched of when the maximum
pressure of the system is reached.

Solenoid Valve [Safety Brake 1] (-M83.3)

The solenoid valve is connected to +JB20. The solenoid valve is the safety of the brake system and by
energizing them the hydraulic pump is able to build up pressure. By de-energizing the safety brake
will close. Note: both safety valves are needed for this.

Solenoid Valve [Safety Brake 2] (-M83.5)

The solenoid valve is connected to +JB20. The solenoid valve is the safety of the brake system and by
energizing them the hydraulic pump is able to build up pressure. By de-energizing the safety brake
will close. Note: both safety valves are needed for this.

Pressure Switch [Minimum Pressure] (-B84.1)

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The pressure switch is connected to +JB20. It sets the minimum operation pressure of the system and
will create an e-stop if the pressure is under this value.

Pressure Switch [Maximum Pressure] (-B84.2)

The pressure switch is connected to +JB20. It is used to switch off or turn on the hydraulic pump to
get the right pressure to the system.

Level Switch [Oil Level] (-B84.3)

The oil level switch is connected to +JB20 and gives a message to the touch panel.

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2.6.10 Fall Brake Equipment




Figure 2-12 components fall brake

Limit Switch [Fall Brake] (-B89.1)

The limit switch is connected to +JB20. It will be triggered by the mechanical overspeed governor at a
speed of 2.5m/s and will create an e-stop.

Solenoid [Reset Velocity] (-M62.4)

The solenoid is connected to +JB20. It is used to reset the limit switch Fall brake.

Solenoid [Test Velocity] (-M62.3)

The solenoid is connected to +JB20. It is used to manually test the Fall brake system by triggering it.

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2.6.11 Star Equipment

+JB90 +JB91

Figure 2-13 components star

Junction Box Star 1 (+JB90)

The incoming power is connected through the slip ring to the junction box. The junction box +JB90
have connections to +JB91 and Junction box +JB101 to 108 (seat group 1 to 8). The leaky cable for
the wireless communication is also connected to there.

Junction Box Star 2 (+JB91)

Junction box +JB109 to 116 (seat group 9 to 16) are connected to +JB91. A transformer and some
fuses for the seat lights are also in this junction box.

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2.6.12 Seat Equipment

Each seat group has a junction box where all the sensors and actors are connected. There is a locking
system for the T-bar and for the harness. For manual electric opening there is a switch on each seat
junction box to open the locking system. On the junction box there are also LED mounted for
analysing the locking system.







Figure 2-14 seat components

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The restraints are monitored by seat row. To make a more details check of the single restraint there
are indicator lights for each seat provided at the back of the junction box on the seat. Each restraint
has two channels and for each channel an indicator light is provided. The loop of the restraints start
from T-bar left to belt left to T-bar right and ends at belt right. If all indicator lights are on the
restraints are closed, is there a light missing the loop is not closed. Make sure that all the manual
releasing switches are closed.

Figure 2-15 Indicator lights for restraints Manual Release of the restraints (no Power)

For manual releasing of the restraints each restraint lock has a manual release switch provided. The
ones for the T-bar need to be turned with a 14mm wrench

Figure 2-16 Manual release for T-bar

The ones for the belts cannot be touched by the riders and have a handle on the switch and can be
opened by hand.

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Figure 2-17 Manual Release belt

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The following list shall provide an overview over all available ride functions and tasks during regular

Ride Functions in all Operating Modes (General)

• Ride On/Off
• Operating Mode selection
• Emergency Stop
• Restraint release

Ride Functions in Maintenance Mode

• Fault Reset
• Jog Elevator
• Jog Carousel

Ride Functions in Test Mode

• Execution of Test [Slack rope]
• Execution of Test [Over speed elevator up]
• Execution of Test [Over speed elevator down]
• Execution of Test [Over speed carousel]
• Execution of Test [Elevator motor brake]
• Execution of Test [Elevator safety brake]
• Execution of Test [Over travel bottom]
• Execution of Test [Over travel top]
• Execution of Test [Valve safety brake]

Ride Functions in Normal Mode

• Ride Cycle Start
• Ride Stop
• Ride Restart

Ride Functions in Evacuation Mode

• Jog Elevator
• Fault Reset

Ride Functions in Erecting Mode

• Fault Reset
• Jog Elevator

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3.2.1 General
Below listed ride functions are of general natures independent of any operating mode.

FG-00; Ride On
Location: OP1
Human Action: Switch Selector Switch [Ride On/Off] to position ON
Ride Reaction: All Sensors energized

FG-01; Ride Off

Location: OP1
Human Action: Switch Selector Switch [Ride On/Off] to position OFF
Ride Reaction: All Sensors de-energized

FG-10; Operating Mode Selection

Location: OP1
Human Action: Switch Key Switch [Operating Mode] to desired mode position
Ride Reaction: According operating mode selected

FG-20; Emergency Stop

Location: OP1, OP2, OP10, JB20, JB40, JB80, RCC
Human Action: Press Push Button [Emergency Stop]
Ride Reaction: All Actuators de-energized

FG-30; Restraint Unlock (General)

Location: OP1, OP2
Pre-Condition: Ride in Load/Unload position
Human Action: Press Push Button [Restraint Unlock]
Ride Reaction: All Restraint Actuators energized

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3.2.2 Maintenance Mode

Maintenance Mode serves the following purposes:
• Ride inspection (preventive maintenance)
• Prepare ride for Normal Mode operation (Start-Up at beginning of operating day)
• Initial operation

The following is a description of the various functionalities available in Maintenance Mode organized
by the different ride areas, a more detailed description will follow later.

FM-00; Fault Reset

Location: OP1
Human Action: Press push button [Acknowledge]
Ride Reaction: Faults are acknowledged

FM-10; Jog Up Slow

Location: OP1
Pre-Conditions: Maintenance Mode active
Human Action: 1. Select Function [Jog Up Slow]
2. Press and hold present switch and press Push Button [Ride Start]
Ride Reaction: Elevator raising at 0.25m/s and automatically stop at top position

Location: OP10
Pre-Conditions: Ride Lockout on +RCC in off position
Human Action: Press and hold Push Button [Jog up]
Ride Reaction: Elevator raising at 0.25m/s and automatically stop at top position

FM-11; Jog Up Fast

Location: OP1
Pre-Conditions: Maintenance Mode active
Human Action: 1. Select Function [Jog Up Fast]
2. Press and hold present switch and press Push Button [Ride Start]
Ride Reaction: Elevator drives up fast and automatically reduces speed and stops at
top position

FM-12; Jog Down Slow

Location: OP1
Pre-Conditions: Maintenance Mode active
Human Action: 1. Select Function [Jog Down Slow]
2. Press and hold present switch and press Push Button [Ride Start]
Ride Reaction: Elevator lowering at 0.25m/s and automatically stop at load/unload
Location: OP10
Pre-Conditions: Ride Lockout on +RCC in off position
Human Action: Press and hold Push Button [Jog Down]
Ride Reaction: Elevator lowering at 0.25m/s and automatically stop at load/unload

FM-13; Jog Down Fast

Location: OP1
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Pre-Conditions: Maintenance Mode active

Human Action: 1. Select Function [Jog Down Slow]
2. Press and hold present switch and press Push Button [Ride Start]
Ride Reaction: Elevator drives down fast and automatically reduces the speed and
stops at load/unload position
FM-20; Rotate Forward Slow
Location: OP1
Pre-Conditions: Maintenance Mode active
Human Action: 1. Select Function [Rotate forward slow]
2. Press and hold present switch and press Push Button [Ride Start]
Ride Reaction: Carousel rotating at 1 rpm

Location: OP10
Pre-Conditions: Ride Lockout on +RCC in off position
Human Action: Press and hold Push Button [Rotate forward]
Ride Reaction: Carousel rotating at 1 rpm

FM-21; Rotate Forward Fast

Location: OP1
Pre-Conditions: Maintenance Mode active; drive elevator above the safety height
Human Action: 1. Select Function [Rotate forward fast]
2. Press and hold present switch and press Push Button [Ride Start]
Ride Reaction: Carousel rotating at 9.5 rpm

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3.2.3 Test Mode

Test Mode serves the following purposes:
• Execution of periodic functional safety test

FT-11; Test 1 [Over travel tower top]

Location: OP1
Pre-Condition: Test Mode active, Ride in Load/Unload position
Human Action: 1. Select Function [Over travel tower top]
2. Press and hold present switch and press Push Button [Ride Start]
Ride Reaction: Elevator drives up and automatically reduces speed at top position,
then very slowly advancing into over travel position.

FT-12; Test 2 [Over travel at bottom]

Location: OP1
Pre-Condition: Test Mode active, Ride in Load/Unload position
Human Action: 1. Select Function [Test 2 Over travel at bottom]
2. Press and hold present switch and press Push Button [Ride Start]
Ride Reaction: Elevator raising up and then lowering very slowly advancing into over
travel position.

FT-13; Test 3 [Over speed elevator up]

Location: OP1
Pre-Condition: Test Mode active, Ride in Load/Unload position
Human Action: 1. Select Function [Test Over speed elevator up]
2. Press and hold present switch and press Push Button [Ride Start]
Ride Reaction: Elevator raising up and then at random height speeding up triggering
an over speed fault.

FT-14; Test 4 [Over speed elevator down]

Location: OP1
Pre-Condition: Test Mode active, Ride in Load/Unload position
Human Action: 1. Select Function [Test Over speed elevator down]
2. Press and hold present switch and press Push Button [Ride Start]
Ride Reaction: Elevator raising up and then at random height returning in direction
down and triggering an over speed fault.

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FT-15; Test 5 [Over speed carousel]

Location: OP1
Pre-Condition: Test Mode active, Ride in Load/Unload position, Ride
Human Action: 1. Select Function [Test Over speed carousel]
2. Press and hold present switch and press Push Button [Ride Start]
Ride Reaction: Elevator moves up to safe height and then carousel to speed up
triggering an over speed fault.

FT-16; Test 6 [Valve Test Safety Brake]

Location: OP1
Pre-Condition: Test Mode active, Ride in Load/Unload position, no faults pending
Human Action: 1. Select Function [Valve Test Safety Brake]
2. Press and hold present switch and press Push Button [Ride Start]
3. After the test is running, you can release the present switch
Ride Reaction: The PLC checks the both safety valves from the safety brake

FT-19; Test 9 [Motor Brake]

Location: OP1
Pre-Condition: Test Mode active, Ride in Load/Unload position
Human Action: 1. Select Function [Test motor brake downward]
2. Press and hold present switch and press Push Button [Ride Start]
Ride Reaction: Elevator moves up to a programmed height than returns and at a
specific height closing motor brake and automatically measuring
braking distance.

FT-20; Test 10 [Safety Brake]

Location: OP1
Pre-Condition: Test Mode active, Ride in Load/Unload position
Human Action: 1. Select Function [Test safety brake downward]
2. Press and hold present switch and press Push Button [Ride Start]
Ride Reaction: Elevator moves up to a programmed height than returns and at a
specific height closing the safety brake and automatically measuring
braking distance.

FT-21; Test 11 [Slack Rope]

Location: OP1
Pre-Condition: Test Mode active, Ride in Load/Unload position
Human Action: 1. Select Function [Test slack rope]
2. Press and hold present switch and press Push Button [Ride Start]
3. Press Limit switch slack rope under winch drum
Ride Reaction: Ride creates an error slack rope

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3.2.4 Normal Mode

Normal Mode serves the following purposes:
• Drive cycles with passengers

Entire Ride:

FN-10; Start Ride Cycle

Location: OP1 & OP2
Pre-Conditions: Normal Mode active, Ride in Load/Unload position
Human Action: 1. Operators to verify passengers are seated properly and secured
2. Operator to verify that all gates are closed
3. Operator at OP2 to press and hold Push Button [Start Enable]
4. Operator at OP1 to press Push Button [Ride Start]
Ride Reaction: Ride cycle started

FN-11; Ride Stop

Location: OP1, OP2
Pre-Conditions: Normal Mode active, Ride cycle being executed
Human Action: Press Push Button [Ride Stop]
Ride Reaction: Ride cycle aborted, elevator and carousel execute a Safe Stop 1

FN-12; Restart Ride

Location: OP1 & OP2
Pre-Conditions: Normal Mode active, Ride Stop pending
Human Action: 1. Operator at OP2 to press and hold Push Button [Start Enable]
2. Operator at OP1 to press and hold Push Button [Ride Start]
Ride Reaction: Elevator slowly lowering to load/unload position

FN-13; Ride Recovery

Location: OP1 & OP2
Pre-Conditions: Normal Mode active, Ride not in load/unload position, No fault
Human Action: 1. Operator at OP2 to press and hold Push Button [Start Enable]
2. Operator at OP1 to press and hold Push Button [Ride Start]
Ride Reaction: Elevator slowly lowering to load/unload position

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3.2.5 Evacuation Mode

Evacuation Mode serves the following purposes:
• Evacuation from passengers if there are any faults in normal mode
• Fault acknowledge

FE-00; Fault Reset

Location: OP1
Human Action: Press Push Button [Fault Reset]
Ride Reaction: All pending faults reset

FE-10; Evacuation Down

Location: OP1 & OP2
Pre-Conditions: Evacuation Mode active, Ride not in load/unload position, No fault
Human Action: 1. Operator at OP2 to press and hold Push Button [Start Enable]
2. Operator at OP1 to press and hold Push Button [Ride Start]
Stuck on the buttons until ride is in load/unload position.
Ride Reaction: Elevator slowly lowering to load/unload position

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4.1.1 Overview Touch Panel

As shown in the picture below the touch panel is divided into four fields:

1. header

2. footer

3. message column

4. main screen


main screen

message column


Figure 4-1 overview touch panel

The header shows the login user, the status of the panel connection (heart beating shows
connected), the selected operating mode, and the location where the ride is currently operated and
the date.

The footer provides different function select button which change depending on the selected
operating mode and ride conditions

The message column shows the user messages about the ride status, pre-conditions and fault

The main screen has a lot of different features which will be descript in the following chapters.

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4.1.1 Login/Logout

To change the user the select button in the footer “LOGIN” needs to be pressed. A popup window
called Login will appear. Type user name by pressing the button “User”, which will open a keypad and
press Enter to acknowledge. Type password by pressing the button “Password”, which will open a
keypad and press Enter to acknowledge. To finalize the login the Enter button on the popup window
Login needs to be pressed. In the header the new user can be seen.

Figure 4-1: login windows

To Logout the select button in the footer “LOGOUT” needs to be pressed. Automatically the user is
changed to default.

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By dismantling the ride and building up on a new place you need the erecting mode. With this mode
you can spool the rope with the winch.

Attention: The erecting mode is only for qualified staffs.

Danger to life by electric shock!

• At the tower sections are open sliding tracks mounted which are powered.
In the case of maintenance or repair work on the tracks, they must be disconnected from
the power supply and must be checked for voltage-free operation and protected against

To activate the erecting mode following steps need to be done:

• Switch selector switch [Ride On/Off] on the OP1 to position ON

• Switch key switch [operating mode] on the OP1 to position SERVICE MODE
• Switch key switch [panel enable on] on the OP1 to position OFF
• The selector switch in the technical room needs to be disabled and locked
• The key switch [erecting mode] in the technical room needs to be on

Now you can control the ride with the wireless panel (OP10):

• The OP10 needs to be taken out of its rack

• Pull the emergency push button out and press push buttons 7&8 at the same time for three
seconds. The status light should come on in solid green
• To reset the ride press the push button reset (takes about 10 seconds)

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The operation Mode Maintenance Mode needs to be selected by the key switch operating mode, and
allows various functions of the ride as it will be descript later. In general there are three different
operating modes in the maintenance mode.

a) Controlled by OP1(main operator panel)

b) Controlled by OP10 (wireless operator panel)

c) Controlled by JB80 (on star)

NOTE: In maintenance mode there is no transportation of people allowed

This mode is only for maintenance and inspections on the ride.


Danger to life by electric shock!

• At the tower sections are open sliding tracks mounted which are powered.
In the case of maintenance or repair work on the tracks, they must be disconnected from the
power supply and must be checked for voltage-free operation and protected against re-

4.3.1 Key Switch Park Position

Located in the Control Room there is a lockable junction box +JB02 which include Key switch -S61.4.
This is used to choose operation height of carousel rotation.

You have the possibility to choose between two different heights in dependence on the height of
possible obstacles in the environment.

In the case if there higher obstacles you must contact the producer and the Tuev Süd.

Caution, there is a risk of life due to improper operation of the key switch Park position. The space
must be determined and documented in advance before each installation. Settings must only be
carried out by qualified employees.

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4.3.2 Controlled by OP1 Ride Startup
Before the ride is turned on the ride off screen is shown. Turn the key switch panel enable on, enable
the key switch “Maintenance Enable ” and turn the key switch operating mode onto maintenance
mode. In the message column the required pre-conditions to startup the ride are shown. Are there
pre-conditions missing they will be shown on the message column. If all the pre-conditions for the
ride startup are fulfilled the message column will tell you to startup the ride by turning the CAT-0
Ride Lockout at OP1 on. To operate the ride from OP1 also the CAT-0 Ride Lockout at RCC needs to
be switched on.

Figure 4-2 Ride off

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In the case of missing pre-conditions to turn the ride on maintenance can press the select button
“PRE-CONDITIONS” in the footer. A popup window called “Ride On Pre-Conditions” is shown. Here
you can find which preconditions are missing.

Figure 4-3 Pre-Conditions

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To check the status of the Safety I/O modules in the network, the select button “Safety I/O-modules”
needs to be pressed. A popup window will appear where all the safety modules on the ride are
shown. Each one shows the connection status, input status or output status.

Figure 4-4 safety I/O Module status

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Is the ride turned on the following screen will appear, which provides all kind of functions and
information which will be descript in the following chapter.

Figure 4-5 Maintenance main screen

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Starflyer Mobile, Dubai Operations & Maintenance Manual Emergency Push Button Test

After turning on the ride the first time in the day the Emergency Push Button Test needs to be done.
By pressing the select button “Emergency Push Button Test” a popup window called Emergency Push
Button Verification will come on. There are all Emergency Push Buttons listed. Each Emergency Push
Button shows the status when the test needs to be done. The indicator light on the Emergency Push
Button which needs to be tested will blink ½ second on ½ second off. When the Emergency Push
Button is pressed the indicator light will pulse 1/10 second on 9/10 second off and the status will
change to pressed. After the Emergency Push Button is pulled back out the indicator light will go off
and on the status will change to done.

Figure 4-6 Emergency push button verification Lamptest

To start the lamp test the selector button “LAMPTEST” needs to be pressed. Therefore the
Emergency Push Button needs to be pressed to select the lamp test. By pressing the selector button
“LAMPTEST” again the lamp test will stop. Is the lamp test active, all indicator lights at the OP1 and
OP2 will blink 1/2s on 1/2s off. By pressing each button the indicator light will change to solid. Are all
of the lighted push buttons tested the lamp test will stop automatically, to stop the lamp test
manually press the selector button like descript before.

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Starflyer Mobile, Dubai Operations & Maintenance Manual General overview Maintenance Screen

The maintenance main screen is divided into the following sections.

1. Fault section

2. Message section

3. Speed/Position section

4. Tower section

5. Restraint section

6. Gate section

7. Jog section

8. General section
Jog Elevator Restraint Speed/position
9. Carousel section section section section section




Figure 4-7 maintenance screen sections

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Starflyer Mobile, Dubai Operations & Maintenance Manual Fault Section

The ride has three fault categories.

1. E-Stop

2. Zone-Stone Figure 4-8 Error

3. Warning

Depending on the pending fault it will be displayed in the fault section and will be on there until the
fault is acknowledged. By pressing on the fault in the fault section the fault history off the fault
category will be opened in a popup window.

Figure 4-9 fault list depending on fault category

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In the message section various information are given depended on what is happening.

Figure 4-10 message

section Speed/Position Section

In the speed/position section information is given about the speed and position
of the elevator and the carousel. There is also information given about the
absolute encoder initialized status Tower Section

In the tower section an overview of the ride is given. There is an indicator bar which shows
the moving of the elevator and an indicator bar which shows the rotation of the carousel.
The overtravel limit switches, and the proximity switches on the tower are shown and they
will light green when they are activated. If one of them is faulted a red circle will be around
the status light. By pressing the tower on the touch screen a new main screen called Details
elevator will show up where various details about the tower and elevator are given.

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Starflyer Mobile, Dubai Operations & Maintenance Manual Details Elevator

In the details elevator main screen information about the sensors on the tower is given. There are
some more select buttons which open popup windows and show information about the Input and

1. Details
2. Details Drive
3. Details
Safety Brake
4. Details Brake
5. Details Fall

Figure 4-11 Details elevator

Figure 4-12 Details encoder motor Figure 4-13 Details encoder winch

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Figure 4-14 Details safety brakes Figure 4-15 Details brakes

Figure 4-16 Details fallbrake

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By pressing the select button “Drive faults” in the footer following popup screen will appear.

Figure 4-21 fault handling drive elevator

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Starflyer Mobile, Dubai Operations & Maintenance Manual Carousel Section

In the carousel section there is an indicator bar shown, which shows the rotating of it. By pressing
the carousel on the touch screen a new main screen called Details carousel will show up where
various details about the carousel are given

Details Carousel
In the details Carousel main screen information about the Inputs and Outputs of the carousel
depending equipments is given.

Figure 4-17 Details Carousel

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Starflyer Mobile, Dubai Operations & Maintenance Manual Restraint Section

In the restraint section the status of the restraints of each seat row is shown. Green
light indicates the restraints are closed, no light on indicates restraints are opened
and red light indicates the restraints are faulted. By pressing the restraint section
on the touch screen a popup window will appear and gives you information about
restraints and the restraint release.

Figure 4-18 seat groups

Figure 4-19 Detailed information seat groups

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Starflyer Mobile, Dubai Operations & Maintenance Manual Jog Section

In the Jog Section there are select buttons for Jog Elevator UP/DOWN (Fast and Slow)
and Jog Carousel (Fast and Slow). Below the select buttons there is status field. Is the
button selected it will show selected in a red field. Is the function executed it will show
executed in a yellow field. Elevator Jog Up Slow

The elevator will drive with 0.25 m/s in direction up and will stop at the programmed ride limit. Elevator Jog Up Fast

The elevator will drive with 1.60 m/s in direction up and will stop at the programmed ride limit. Elevator Jog Down Slow

The elevator will drive with 0.25 m/s in direction down and will stop at the entry position. Elevator Jog Down Fast

The elevator will drive with 1.80 m/s in direction down and will stop at the entry position. Carousel Jog Forward Slow

The carousel will rotate with 1 rpm. Carousel Jog Forward Fast

The carousel will rotate with 9.5 rpm.

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Starflyer Mobile, Dubai Operations & Maintenance Manual General Section

In the general section there are selector buttons which will chance the main screen to following

• Details General

• Safety-I/O Modules

• Speed / Position Details General Figure 4-20 General

In the details general there are more select button for the different locations and functions
of the control cabinet and the junction boxes. By selecting those details about Inputs and Outputs
are given.

Figure 4-21 Details General

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Starflyer Mobile, Dubai Operations & Maintenance Manual Safety-I/O Module

To check the status of the Safety I/O Modules in the network, the select button “Safety I/O-Modules”
needs to be pressed. A popup window will appear where all the safety modules on the ride are
shown. Each one shows the connection status, input status or output status.

Figure 4-22 Safety I/O Modules Speed / Position

In the Speed Position window a graphic is shown, where the violet line shows the elevator speed
envelop depending on the elevator height and the green line shows the carousel speed envelop
depending on the elevator height. The green dot shows the elevator movement and the violet dots
show the carousel movement.

Figure 4-23 Geschwindigkeit / Position

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Starflyer Mobile, Dubai Operations & Maintenance Manual Faults
By pressing the selector button Faults a new main screen will appear where the fault history is
logged. Each fault has a date, a fault number and a description of the fault.

Figure 4-24 overview faults Trouble Shoot

By pressing the selector button Trouble Shoot a new main screen will appear where the last fault
with his fault category is logged.

Figure 4-25 trouble shoot Statistics
By pressing the selector button Statistics a new main screen will appear where amount of automatic
cycles overall and program wise is displayed.

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Figure 4-26 statistics Lights
By pressing the selector button Lights a new main screen will appear. On this screen there are select
buttons provided to turn the decoration light for the ride on. There is also information provided
about the status of the inputs and outputs for the light control.

Figure 4-27 lights Initializing the absolute encoder

If the absolute encoder needs to be initialized, there will show up a message in the message section
when the operating mode maintenance is changed into normal mode. Therefore the elevator needs
to be driven up into the middle of the tower in maintenance jog mode and bring it back down into
entry position. The encoder is initialized.

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Figure 4-28 Ride not initialized

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4.3.3 Controlled by OP10

This operating mode is provided for maintenance people to do work on the tower, to inspect cables,
wheels spools at the tower. To activate the operation mode following steps need to be done:

• The selector switch at OP1 needs to be ON and the key switch Panel Enable needs to be in
the position OFF.

• The selector switch at +RCC in the control room needs to be disabled and locked.

• The OP10 needs to be taken out of its rack.

• Pull the emergency push button out and press push buttons 7&8 at the same time for three
seconds. The status light should come on in solid green.

• The OP10 is now active.

• To reset the ride press the push button reset (takes about 10 seconds).

• Now the jog function for elevator and carousel are available.


• Maintenance people should make sure that other people are informed that they are
working on the tower. Elevator Jog Down Slow

The Jog down slow will stop at the entry position of the ride, if there is a need to go deeper than this
position the button elevator jog down needs to be released and pressed again. The elevator will
continue to jog down until the overtravel switch area bottom is activated. The ride makes an
emergency stop. After reset the ride the jog function is available to travel to the mechanical end of
the ride. Elevator Jog Up Slow

The Jog up slow will stop at the upper position of the ride, if there is a need to go higher than this
position the button elevator jog up needs to be released and pressed again. The elevator will
continue to jog up until the overtravel switch area top is activated. The ride makes an emergency
stop. After reset the ride the jog function is available to travel to the mechanical end of the ride. Carousel Jog Slow

The carousel Jog Slow enables the maintenance to inspect the functionality of the carousel.

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4.3.4 Controlled by JB80

This operating mode is provided in case maintenance people are

working on the tower with the carousel and the OP10 (wireless
control) is not working anymore and they got stuck on the tower. To
activate this mode the key switch “panel enable” on JB80 needs to be
turned on. By pressing the button Jog down for approximately 10 to
15 seconds the ride faults will be reset and the elevator will jog down.
Stop the elevator by releasing the button. In case of an emergency
press the emergency button on JB80.

Figure 4-29 Bedienung JB80

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Select with the operating mode key switch „Test Mode“. The screen will change into Test mode.
On the left side of the main screen the different tests can be selected

Figure 4-30 test mode

By pressing the “Test Overview” button, a popup window will appear and shows for each test when
it needs to be done again and as well the status message will change when test is been executed or

Figure 4-31
test overview

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To view the results of the past and actual test there is a select button in the footer provided called
test results. By pressing this select button a new main screen will appear and gives the option to
select the different test by pressing them. The test result will be shown, if the test passed or failed.
The test results need to be logged and compared with the previous ones. Are there changes between
them it needs to be verified what caused the changes and make a troubleshooting on the causing

Figure 4-32 test results

To start a test the elevator needs to be in the entry position and the select button on the touch
screen for the required test needs to be pressed. Is the test function selected and the present switch
pressed and hold the indicator light on the push button Ride Start on OP1 will blink 1/2s on 1/2s off,
and will be executed by pressing the push button ride start on OP1. By releasing the present switch
the test function will stop. The provided tests are descripted below.

Daily Tests: Test Derope, Valve Test Safety Brake

Weekly Tests: Over Travel Tower Top, Over Travel Tower Bottom, Over Speed Elevator Up,
Overspeed Elevator Down, Overspeed Carousel, Brake Test Motor Brake Down, Brake Test Safety
Brake Down

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4.4.1 Over Travel Tower Top

The elevator will drive up with 1,6m/s to the upper part of the tower, at a certain height the elevator
speed will reduce to 0,25m/s and will go up until the overtravel switch at top of the tower is
activated. Check the fault message and the test result. Reset the ride by pressing the push button
Acknowledge on OP1 and take the ride back down to entry position in Maintenance Mode by using
the Jog function.

4.4.2 Over Travel Tower Bottom

The elevator will drive up with 1,6m/s to a certain height, and then the elevator speed will reduce to
0,25m/s and will go down until the overtravel switch at bottom of the tower is activated. Check the
fault message and the test result. Reset the ride by pressing the push button Acknowledge on OP1
and take the ride back to entry position in Maintenance Mode by using the Jog function.

4.4.3 Over Speed Elevator Up

The elevator will drive up with 1,9m/s and an e-stop will be triggered. Check the fault message and
the test result. Reset the ride by pressing the push button Acknowledge on OP1 and take the ride
back to entry position in Maintenance Mode by using the Jog function.

4.4.4 Over Speed Elevator Down

The elevator will drive up with 1,6m/s and come back down. On a defined height an e-stop will be
triggered. Check the fault message and the test result. Reset the ride by pressing the push button
Acknowledge on OP1 and take the ride back to entry position in Maintenance Mode by using the Jog

4.4.5 Over Speed Carousel

The elevator will drive up approximately 20m and start the rotation of the carouse. At the overspeed
border of the carousel an e-stop is created. Reset the ride by pressing the push button Acknowledge
on OP1 and take the ride back to entry position in Maintenance Mode by using the Jog function.

4.4.6 Test Derope

The elevator is in load/unload position and the ride is acknowledged. Activate the slack rope switch
manual. Check the fault message and the test result.

4.4.7 Valve Test Safety Brake

The elevator is in load/unload position and the ride is acknowledged. After starting the test, the plc
makes the procedure automatically. If one valve is not ok, the display shows an error message.
Otherwise the test is finish after about 2minutes and you can check the test result.

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4.4.8 Test Motor Brake

The elevator will drive up with 1,6m/s and an e-stop will be triggered at the height of approximately
15m. The safety brake will stay open so there is just the function of the motor brake checked. Check
the fault message and the test result. Reset the ride by pressing the push button Acknowledge on
OP1 and take the ride back to entry position in Maintenance Mode by using the Jog function.

4.4.9 Test Safety Brake

The elevator will drive up with 1,6m/s and an e-stop will be triggered at the height of approximately
15m. The motor brake will stay open so there is just the function of the safety brake checked. Check
the fault message and the test result. Reset the ride by pressing the push button Acknowledge on
OP1 and take the ride back to entry position in Maintenance Mode by using the Jog function.

4.4.10Test of the mechanical overspeed govener

Once time a year the functionality of the mechanical over speed brake needs to be tested. Therefore
two maintenance people are required. One needs to operate the elevator from the main operator
panel OP1 and one need to switch the key switch in the JB20. The one at the main operator panel
takes the elevator all the way up to the top of the tower in Jog Mode. Then he starts to bring the
elevator back down with Elevator Jog Down Fast (1.8m/s). In the lower part of the ride at
approximate 15m height the maintenance guy gives a commando to the maintenance on the JB20 to
switch the key switch for testing the mechanical over speed brake. Now the elevator should be
caught in the catching devices on the sledge. Check for the proper functionality of the catching
devices and check the tripping unit. For releasing please refer to the chapter emergency lowering


Figure 4-33 key switches for testing and resetting the overspeed govener in the JB20


4.5.1 Start the ride

Press and hold the foot pedal. To start, press the push button „start“, after them you can release the
foot pedal

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4.5.2 Lower the ride into entry position

Is the ride cycle finishing and is on its way down to the entry position the push buttons Ride Start will
start blinking 1/2s on and 1/2s off. The operator needs to check clearance in the entry area. The
elevator will stop at a safety height and will wait there until the operator has cleared the entry area
and gives a new start command like descript before.

4.5.3 Program selection

There are eight different automatic cycles. Program 1-4 for the park position 1, program 5-8 for the
park position 2. By pressing the select button “Program Selection” a popup window will appear
where the different automatic cycles can be selected. To change a program you must log in with
supervisor or maintenance.

Figure 4-34 program selection

4.5.4 Carousel jog slow in entry position

It is possible to rotate the carousel slowly in entry position in normal mode. For this function, there is
a push button on OP1 (Jog Carousel). By pressing and holding the push button, the carousel will
rotate with 1 rpm forward.

Attention: ensure before start that all passengers are safe. The second operator at the platform must
ensure that there are no collisions.

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4.5.5 Operating Sequence

The ride will be left by the maintenance people in normal mode in the entry position. There should
be no faults pending.

• The operator needs to turn the main panel OP1 with the key switch panel enable on.

• By pressing the push button “Unlock Restraints” at the OP1 the restraints will be energized
for 2 minutes. The operators need to open all restrains.

• Operators can now load the carousel with the riders and close the restraints.

• Operator need to verify restraints are locked (by pulling on each)

• After all gates and restraints are closed the ride is ready to start and the push buttons ride
start at OP1 and start enable at OP2 is blinking 1/2s on and 1/2s off.

• Before starting the automatic cycle operators need to ensure that the entry area is cleared
and all customers are comfortable.

• The operator at the remote operator panel indicates that from his side everything is Ok for
starting the ride, by pressing and holding the push button start enable at OP2.

• The operator at the main panel will see his indicator light at the push button ride start
flashing 1/10s on and 9/10s off. After he also has ensured that everything is OK on his side he
needs to press the push button ride start.

• The automatic cycle will start now and both operators can released the buttons.

• In case if a rider feels uncomfortable and the ride has already been started the operators can
stop the ride by pressing the push button ride stop on OP1 or OP2.

• By prosecuting the same procedure as before for starting the automatic cycle the ride will
start going down in direction down without rotation of the carousel.

• In case of a malfunction of the ride the ride can be stopped by pressing the mushroom
emergency stop button on OP1 and OP2

• In case of a fault the ride will stop and maintenance needs to be called to reset the fault.

• Is the ride cycle finishing and is on its way down to the entry position the push button Ride
Start at OP1 and start enable at OP2 will start blinking 1/2s on and 1/2s off. The operators
need to check clearance in the entry area.

• When the ride is stopped in entry position the operator can open the restraints and unload

• Now the procedure will start from the beginning

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4.6.1 Evacuation Mode

In case of a malfunction of the ride the operators need to call for a maintenance person. The
maintenance person needs to switch the key switch operating mode onto evacuation mode and need
to reset the fault. Press and hold the foot pedal and the push button ride start. Release both switches
when the elevator stops in the entry position.

After all passengers were unloaded the maintenance staff needs to switch back the ride onto normal

The maintenance staff needs to stay all time on the ride as long as the evacuation mode is activated.
Now the operator can start the evacuation.

Figure 4-35 evacuation mode

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4.6.2 Emergency Lowering in the Event of a Power Failure

In case of power failure and the carousel is up in the air, two to three maintenance people are
needed to lowering the carousel safety in the entry position. The safety brake and the motor brakes
need to open manual.

First the safety brake needs to be opened, by following steps

1. hold up the lever for the both safety valves (releasing them is closing the safety brake)
2. Use the handle to pump up the pressure shown on the gauge to approximately 190 bar
3. The safety brake is now opened and the elevator is just hold on the motor brake

Handle from the

hand pump

Pressure Indicator
190 bar

Safety Valves

Figure 4-36 safety brake

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Starflyer Mobile, Dubai Operations & Maintenance Manual

Second the brakes on motor one and two needs to be opened. With the handles on brake three and
four you can control the brake force and the downward speed from the carousel.

Handle to open motor


Figure 4-37 motor brake

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Starflyer Mobile, Dubai Operations & Maintenance Manual

4.6.3 Releasing the mechanical over speed brake (Fallbrake)

If the mechanical over speed governor trips and the mechanical over speed brakes on the elevator
are activated, the safety catch has to be unhooked by moving the wheel in the opposite direction1

At first you must stretch the loose rope from the winch. For
this, activate the OP10. Than you can to reel the rope on the
winch with the OP10.
When this procedure is finish, activate the OP1 again.

Now we need the fallbrake recovery mode. Under details

elevator fallbrake the indicator light for the fallbrake recovery
will get green. In this mode the drive unit of the elevator is
configured with a boost mode, which means a very short ramp.
The drive could get faulted through this procedure, and needs
to be reset. If the fallbrake recovery is not working the first
time just try it a couple of times more.
Figure 4-38 fall brake

After the fall brakes are released the catching devices on the elevator need to be checked if they are
not damaged and that they are back in normal position. Also the limit switches next to the catching
devices need to be checked for correct function. To reset the limit switch at the overspeed governor
there is a key switch at JB20 provided which is called “Reset”. The brake rail needs to be cleaned in
the area where the elevator was caught

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4.7.1 Nighttime or storm lock out procedure

After operation the elevator should be put in the air so no people can touch the seats.
Then turn on the main operator panel OP10 the key switch panel enable of and turn
the ride lockout off.

4.7.2 Winter Lock Out Procedure

The procedure is the same like before but makes sure, that the heater fuses remain on.

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Starflyer Mobile, Dubai Operations & Maintenance Manual



Prior to each day’s activities, a thorough equipment check must be completed using the supplied
checklist (Appendix A). It also should be noted that this procedure must be given utmost
attention in order to minimize the possibility of an adverse outcome.
We allow for inspection frequency to be based upon time or cycle number. These break down as
• Daily or 250 cycles
• Weekly or 1,500 cycles
• Monthly or 6,000 cycles
• Annually (all annual checks must be performed each year, even if the cycle count
is less than 72,000)

5.1.1 Ride Inspection

2. Load/Unload: Check and make sure all appropriate supplies are available for Certified
3. Fencing: All in place and will deter spectators from entering into the defined area.
4. Safety, Prohibitory and Restrictive signs

5.1.2 Helpful Tips for a Thorough Inspection

Note the difference between mentally checking something and physically checking something. In
activities such as inspections, the individual can become complacent in the methods they are using.
It is imperative that we are able to break this cycle by concentrating on what it is that we are
inspecting. Therefore, confirm all check procedures one at a time. Do not rush through these
procedures. Make sure you are not pre-occupied. Finally, do not put your signature on the Daily
Inspection Log unless you are certain that you have completed the inspection with your full
attention and that all items have been checked and the equipment is in safe operating condition. If
you feel that you are not fully competent with this task consult your superior immediately!

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Starflyer Mobile, Dubai Operations & Maintenance Manual

6.1.1 Certified Operator

The Certified Operator is responsible for overseeing all operations of the site. This person shall
be versed in all operations, procedures, staffing and training. The Certified Operator is ultimately
responsible for all actions and processes of the STARFLYER. The Certified Operator must have
completed a factory authorized training program, which can also be taught by a staff member
who has been trained by Funtime Handels GmbH. A Certified Operator must be physically
present during all STARFLYER operations.

Duties include but are not limited to the performance and supervision of:

1. Pre-Ride check procedures.

2. Rider Safety.
3. Perform the first ride of the day after the inspection procedure.
4. Ensures adherence to the Operations Manual by all staff.
5. Training and advancement of all staff.
6. Daily staffing and rotation of work positions.
7. Knowledgeable of First Aid.

6.1.2 Loader/Unloader
The loader/unloader is responsible for rider order and briefing as well as ensuring guests are secured
in the ride seats. The Loader/Unloader must have completed an onsite training program from a
Funtime Handels GmbH-trained staff member.
Duties include but are not limited to:
1. Pre-Ride checkpoints.

2. Crowd control.

3. Rider order.

4. Ensuring guests are secured in seats.

5. Rider briefing.

6. Assisting guests in getting out of seats.

6.1.3 Maintenance Personnel

These personnel are responsible for daily, weekly, monthly and annual inspections, and for record
keeping. Perform preventative and routine maintenance and maintain logbooks. Monitoring and
replacement of limited use parts i.e., cables, decorative lighting etc.

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It is important that all staff be in a good mood. They must be physically and mentally capable of
performing all duties that they are assigned to. The Certified Operator is responsible for assuring
that all staff are ready for the day’s activities. Some helpful tips for assuring a healthy and
prepared staff are as follows:

1. Comfort Level: How comfortable does your staff feel in expressing their limitations
to the Certified Operator?
2. Responsibility: Are your team members willing to take on the responsibilities that
are placed on them?
3. Awareness: Are your team members aware of all that their duties entail?

4. Review: A good Certified Operator will always be reviewing with his/her team
5. Praise: Let your team members know when they are performing to the standards
that you have placed on them. Also let them know when they are not.
6. Respect: Respect all those you come in contact with. Out of respect comes growth,
knowledge and loyalty. Respect your staff’s limitations concerning assigned duties,
hours of employment and pay scale.

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Starflyer Mobile, Dubai Operations & Maintenance Manual


6.3.1 Panicked Rider

In the case that the rider breaks into hysterics or begins panicking, the Certified Operator should
stop the ride and lower the riders back to the ground. In the event that a rider panics at the top of
the ride cycle, stay calm and use comforting words until they can be lowered.
Your ability to speak calmly and assure them of safety is the key to controlling this type of

6.3.2 Lightning Strike

In the case of lightning striking the structure(s), all equipment must be inspected by trained
maintenance personnel before re-opening. If a person(s) is struck by lightning, follow emergency
procedures as outlined in major accidents. DO NOT operate the STARFLYER if lightning is in the

6.3.3 Electrical Power Failure

In the case of an electrical power failure (black-out) the Star can still be lowered to the ground by
manually opening the brake system.

For more detailed information of emergency lowering procedures refer to “Emergency Lowering
Procedure” in the maintenance section of this manual.

6.3.4 Major Accidents

In the extremely unlikely case of a major accident:


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All riders will go through the following procedures. Deviation from these steps can leave your
operation vulnerable. Remember, prior to processing your first rider, all daily inspection
checkpoints must be completed.
Step 1. Rider arrives at site and is met by the Ride Operator. Answer all questions with the
utmost confidence as these people are seeking your assurance for their well-being. This should
not be taken lightly.
Step 2. Rider(s) arrive at the loading area and are greeted. Here they are briefed on the riding
techniques and protocol. Guests are let into the ride area, choose a seat, and secure seat belt and
lap bar.

Step 3. At this point the Certified Operator gives the riders a thorough check, checking the seatbelts
by pulling on them and making sure that the passenger has no loose items that could fall during the
ride. Also check that the person fits properly into the seat.

Limitation: Large people: Be careful when seeing if large guests fit into the seats. Check that
they fit within the contours of the seat and the restraints fits properly. If this is not so - Do not let
this person ride.

Limitation: Small People: The minimum height for persons able to fit into the STARFLYER
seats is 44 inches. The main point is to make sure that you do not believe the passenger can in
any way slide out of the seat. Make sure the seatbelts are properly latched. If you feel that the
guest cannot safely ride the attraction Do not let this person ride.

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6.5.1 Height
The passengers must be min. 125cm* for proper fitting of the restraint and seat belts. This and all
of the qualifications in section 4.7 need to be posted on site.
*depends on the setting of seats. Size limit, according to TÜV report

6.5.2 Physical & Mental Conditions

Riders must be in good mental and physical condition, specifically not under the influence of drugs
or alcohol. Riders must not have any physical problems, such as heart condition or back injuries,
which could be exacerbated by a STARFLYER ride. Rider must have the ability to hold an upright
sitting position alone.
At a minimum, riders must have legs that include the knee. Riders must have arms that extend at
a minimum to the elbow and one natural, functioning hand on one of the two arms. Prosthetics
may not be worn on the ride.

6.5.3 Weight and Size

There is no minimum or maximum weight except physical size, which may prevent the guest from
properly being secured by the seat and restraint.

6.5.4 Additional Rider Restrictions

• Ride operator instructions must be followed.

• Guests who can endanger themselves or others through their behavior are not
permitted to ride.
• Guests that may be intoxicated or have physical ailments (such as: spine/back
problems, high blood pressure, or pregnancy) are not allowed to ride.
• Riders are not allowed to smoke or hold items in their hands that could be dropped on
other park-goers.
• Earrings that could get caught in the chains, unsecured glasses, long jewelry, open-
toed shoes as well as long scarves must be removed before a rider gets on the ride.
• During the ride, the passengers must sit calmly and remain upright. Guests swinging
their own seats, as well as the holding on to other seats, is forbidden.
• Seat belts must be closed during the ride.
• There is no eating or drinking while riding.

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6.5.5 Insurance
The above restrictions for patrons apply provided that they are compatible with the ride
operator’s liability insurance. Otherwise, the restrictions will be modified, subject to approval by
Funtime Handels GmbH.

The STARFLYER was designed to be a safe amusement ride. However, human errors or deviation
from the design and operation could result in injuries. Examples of dangerous deviations from
procedures include:

6.6.1 Stunts
This can include riders strapping in inanimate objects such as stuffed animals, using different
restraint attachments, trying to hold on to the seat in front or behind the rider, and climbing out
of the seat.
For reasons of safety, staff (during morning testing) and Guests may not try to ride the StarFlyer in
any unsafe manner.

6.6.2 Foreign Objects

Any object dropped by a rider could become a deadly projectile. Therefore, no objects are to be
hand carried by any rider. Objects include cameras, cell phones, purses, etc.

6.6.3 Entering & Exiting the Ride

Always ensure that the riders have unobstructed access while entering and exiting the loading
area. The Certified Operator must advise the riders to use caution and be ready to physically
assist anyone who appears impaired.

6.6.4 Tower Climbing

Each STARFLYER installation is provided with fall protection equipment for trained personnel who
must ascend the towers for inspection, maintenance or repairs. No one is authorized to ascend
without the protection given by a restraint and connecting lanyard.
In addition, a separate safety lanyard and carabineer are provided for support and secondary
protection anytime work must be performed aloft. All tool and equipment carried aloft has to be
attached via a lanyard to the climber or tower. Nothing should be freely carried by the climber.

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6.6.5 Wind & Lightning Storm Restrictions

The ride must not be operated in wind speeds greater than 60 km/h. All towers must be grounded
with lightning/grounding rods. Stop all STARFLYER operations and move all personnel from the site
whenever lightning is likely to occur.

6.6.6 Ride Balancing

The ride should be run as balanced as possible. However, due to people being different shapes and
sizes the ride will always technically be “unbalanced”. Funtime asks that the operators use best
efforts to have riders in corresponding seats across the star. However, having an odd number of
riders or riders with different weights across the star from one-another is permissible.

6.6.7 Alterations
As time goes on and you gain expertise in operating the STARFLYER, inevitably you will come up with
your own unique ideas and procedures that may differ from what is presented in this manual. We do
not allow implementation of any new ideas until you have discussed these ideas with an authorized
representative of Funtime Handels GmbH. Examples include any modifications or operating
procedures. We acknowledge that some of the ideas are good and may be added as procedures. We
still need to investigate, discuss and research these ideas before they can be implemented.

6.6.8 General Safety Rules for STARFLYER Operators

a) If patrons are misusing the ride, shut the operation down until condition
is corrected.
b) Intoxicated persons must not be allowed n the ride
c) Smoking by patrons is not permitted.
d) If an unusual noise or condition develops while the ride is operating, stop it and
notify Certified Operator.
e) Be cautious and ready for the unexpected when small children are present.

f) Ensure that all access gates to the loading area are securely closed during ride
g) Patrons waiting for the next ride must be kept outside of loading area, away
from the moving ride.
h) Be alert when the ride is operating and prepare for an emergency.
i) Take pride in operating safely: a safe guest experience is always the
first priority.

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6.7.1 Alterations

a) Do Report to work on time and be ready to work.

b) Do Be neat, clean and well groomed.
c) Do Know your ride and check it thoroughly BEFORE opening it to the
d) Do Be courteous to ride patrons.
e) Do Conduct yourself in a responsible manner - no horseplay. Remember that we
work while others play.
f) Do Maintain a positive and safe attitude.
g) Do Stay alert and concentrate on the job at hand
h) Do Keep your ride area clean and safe.
i) Do Watch your ride and riders, anticipate potential problems.
j) Do Report any unusual activities or conduct to the Certified Operator.
k) Do Think SAFETY FIRST - if the ride is not functioning normally or if you are
concerned about its mechanical operation SHUT DOWN and get the Certified
Operator and correct the problem.
l) Don’t engage in unnecessary conversation while operating your ride.
m) Don’t argue with the ride patrons. If there is a problem with a guest, call the
Certified Operator.
n) Don’t allow riders to carry any foreign objects such as cameras or cell phones while
riding the StarFlyer.
o) Don’t spend your breaks distracting other operators who are not on break.
p) Don’t leave your post to take a break until your replacement is there.
q) Don’t take prescription or over the counter medication without knowing its effects
on you.
r) Don’t consume alcohol or controlled substances while working.

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6.7.2 Attitude
SAFETY and ATTITUDE are two very important words in every walk of life - they are critical words in
the ride industry. The public visits an amusement ride to be entertained - their primary concern is
to have fun. As a ride operator you are in control of the machine that the public has come to enjoy.
They look to you to maintain a watchful and safe attitude while they are in your care. Yours is a
major responsibility.
There are many jobs in other industries where you might hear it said, “my job or my attitude
doesn’t really matter”. You will never hear that said of a ride operator - your job and your
attitude may well matter the most.

6.7.3 Alcohol or Drugs

When you operate a ride you have the well-being of the riders in your hands. The use of alcohol or
drugs in such situations shall be grounds for immediate dismissal.

It is not only controlled substances that slow your reflexes and impair your ability to react -
medication prescribed by your doctor can have a similar effect. If you are taking medication, tell
your doctor the critical nature of your job, and he will advise you of any necessary precautions.
Don’t jeopardize your safety and that of others when you are less than your best.

6.7.4 Fatigue
Operating a ride is hard work; it is tiring and requires skill and attention. A person must be in
good physical and emotional condition to be a good operator.
Everyone knows that a person is unfit to operate a ride when he or she has been drinking, but
fatigue can be just as dangerous.
Boredom can be viewed as a form of fatigue. The mind is tired or dull and no longer alert. You can
combat fatigue and boredom by taking your scheduled breaks, walking around or by changing your
It is essential that you are 100% focused on what you are doing while operating or assisting
in STARFLYER operations.

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6.7.5 Slips and Falls

Although not as highly publicized as a mechanical failure, the most frequent accident on an
amusement ride is a slip, trip or fall.
Constantly check the areas on and around your ride for objects or liquids that could cause a slip
and fall by a guest or fellow employees.
Watch your step and make sure that the ride enclosure and all rider access areas are free of any
debris, liquids or any other obstructions.

6.7.6 Housekeeping
A messy ride area is a hazard for both employees and the public. Constantly check the ride for
loose or fallen objects, for spillage or obstructions. Safe housekeeping is a constant activity that
goes on throughout the day: it is not a job left for the night time cleanup crew.

Remember that if we have done our job by setting up a clean, exciting and well-lit ride, the
public is only looking at the ride; they are not looking out for hazards or debris where they walk.

Also, remember, patrons may believe that if the operating area is messy and unkempt it could
reflect that the equipment and maintenance is also messy and unkempt.


Ride operators will go through the corporate mandated training and certification program including
proper documentation. These will be made available to Funtime Handels GmbH upon request.

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Starflyer Mobile, Dubai Operations & Maintenance Manual

Depending on the fault category there are three different stop sequences.

• E-Stop(1): cuts immediately the power to the elevator and the carousel and is closing the
safety brake and the motor brake.

• Z-Stop(2):stops the motion of the causing device through a controlled stop

• Warning(3): with a warning pending the ride cycle will finish, but will not allow to start a new

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Below each fault is listed.

FSF[0].0; =G01+MCC-Q2.2, main circuit breaker elevator [400VAC incoming power] not off E-Stop
FSF[0].1; =G01+MCC-Q7.7, safety contactor [400VAC-C brakes/safety brake/fans] not off E-Stop
FSF[0].2; =G01+MCC-Q7.7, safety contactor [400VAC-C brakes/safety brake/fans] not on E-Stop
FSF[0].4; =G01+MCC-Q3.2, main circuit breaker carousel [400VAC incoming power] not off E-Stop
FSF[0].5; =G01+MCC-F3.5, RCD-relay [400VAC supply carousel] triggered E-Stop
FSF[1].0; =G02+RCC-Q15.1, safety contactor [230VAC-B, on/off] not off E-Stop
FSF[1].1; =G02+RCC-Q15.1, safety contactor [230VAC-B, on/off] not on E-Stop
FSF[1].2; =G02+RCC-Q15.2, safety contactor [230VAC-C,E-Stop] not off E-Stop
FSF[1].3; =G02+RCC-Q15.2,safety contactor [230VAC-C,E-Stop] not on E-Stop
FSF[1].4; =G02+RCC-Q15.3, safety contactor [230VAC-C,E-Stop] not off E-Stop
FSF[1].5; =G02+RCC-Q15.3, safety contactor [230VAC-C,E-Stop] not on E-Stop
FSF[2].2; =G03+JB80-Q35.5, safety contactor [24VDC-B, on/off] not off E-Stop
FSF[2].3; =G03+JB80-Q35.5, safety contactor [24VDC-B, on/off] not on E-Stop
FSF[2].4; =G03+JB80-Q35.5, safety contactor [24VDC-B, on/off] off E-Stop
FSF[3].0; =G05+RCC-K42:1, Safety IO Module communication fault E-Stop
FSF[3].1; =G05+RCC-K42:1, Safety IO Module input fault E-Stop
FSF[3].2; =G05+RCC-K42:2, Safety IO Module communication fault E-Stop
FSF[3].3; =G05+RCC-K42:2, safety IO Module input fault E-Stop
FSF[3].4; =G05+RCC-K42:3, Safety IO Module communication fault E-Stop
FSF[3].5; =G05+RCC-K42:3, Safety IO Module input fault E-Stop
FSF[3].6; =G05+RCC-K42:8, Safety IO Module communication fault E-Stop
FSF[3].7; =G05+RCC-K42:8, Safety IO Module output fault E-Stop
FSF[3].8; =G05+RCC-K42:9, Safety IO Module communication fault E-Stop
FSF[3].9; =G05+RCC-K42:9, Safety IO Module output fault E-Stop
FSF[3].10; =G05+JB20-K46:1, Safety IO Module communication fault E-Stop
FSF[3].11; =G05+JB20-K46:1, Safety IO Module input fault E-Stop
FSF[3].12; =G05+JB20-K46:2, Safety IO Module communication fault E-Stop
FSF[3].13; =G05+JB20-K46:2, Safety IO Module input fault E-Stop
FSF[3].14; =G05+JB20-K46:3, Safety IO Module communication fault E-Stop
FSF[3].15; =G05+JB20-K46:3, Safety IO Module input fault E-Stop
FSF[3].16; =G05+JB20-K46:4, Safety IO Module communication fault E-Stop
FSF[3].17; =G05+JB20-K46:4, Safety IO Module input fault E-Stop
FSF[3].18; =G05+JB20-K46:7, Safety IO Module communication fault E-Stop
FSF[3].19; =G05+JB20-K46:7, Safety IO Module output fault E-Stop
FSF[4].26; =G05+JB20-K48:1, Safety IO Module communication fault E-Stop
FSF[4].27; =G05+JB20-K48:1, Safety IO Module input fault E-Stop
FSF[4].28; =G05+JB20-K48:2, Safety IO Module communication fault E-Stop
FSF[4].29; =G05+JB20-K48:2, Safety IO Module input fault E-Stop

FUNTIME HANDELS GMBH, Bahnhofstrasse 208, 9991 Dölsach, Austria Seite 103/153
Starflyer Mobile, Dubai Operations & Maintenance Manual

FSF[3].20; =G05+JB40-K49:1, Safety IO Module communication fault E-Stop

FSF[3].21; =G05+JB40-K49:1, Safety IO Module input fault E-Stop
FSF[3].22; =G05+JB40-K49:2, Safety IO Module communication fault E-Stop
FSF[3].23; =G05+JB40-K49:2, Safety IO Module input fault E-Stop
FSF[3].24; =G05+JB40-K49:3, Safety IO Module communication fault E-Stop
FSF[3].25; =G05+JB40-K49:3, Safety IO Module output fault E-Stop
FSF[3].26; =G05+JB80-K51:1, Safety IO Module communication fault E-Stop
FSF[3].27; =G05+JB80-K51:1, Safety IO Module input fault E-Stop
FSF[3].28; =G05+JB80-K51:2, Safety IO Module communication fault E-Stop
FSF[3].29; =G05+JB80-K51:2, Safety IO Module input fault E-Stop
FSF[3].30; =G05+JB80-K51:3, Safety IO Module communication fault E-Stop
FSF[3].31; =G05+JB80-K51:3, Safety IO Module input fault E-Stop
FSF[4].0; =G05+JB80-K51:5, Safety IO Module communication fault E-Stop
FSF[4].1; =G05+JB80-K51:5, Safety IO Module output fault E-Stop
FSF[4].24; =G05+JB80-K51:6, Safety IO Module communication fault E-Stop
FSF[4].25; =G05+JB80-K51:6, Safety IO Module input fault E-Stop
FSF[4].2; =G05+RCC-K57:1, Safety IO Module communication fault E-Stop
FSF[4].3; =G05+RCC-K57:1, Safety IO Module input fault E-Stop
FSF[4].4; =G05+RCC-K57:2, Safety IO Module communication fault E-Stop
FSF[4].5; =G05+RCC-K57:2, Safety IO Module input fault E-Stop
FSF[4].6; =G05+RCC-K42:11, Safety IO Module communication fault E-Stop
FSF[4].7; =G05+RCC-K42:11, Safety IO Module input fault E-Stop
FSF[4].8; =G05+JB20-K46:5, Safety IO Module communication fault E-Stop
FSF[4].9; =G05+JB20-K46:5, Safety IO Module input fault E-Stop
FSF[4].10; =G05+JB90-K54:1, Safety IO Module communication fault Warning
FSF[4].11; =G05+JB90-K54:1, Safety IO Module input fault Warning
FSF[4].12; =G05+JB90-K54:2, Safety IO Module communication fault Warning
FSF[4].13; =G05+JB90-K54:2, Safety IO Module input fault Warning
FSF[4].14; =G05+JB90-K54:3, Safety IO Module communication fault Warning
FSF[4].15; =G05+JB90-K54:3, Safety IO Module input fault Warning
FSF[4].16; =G05+JB90-K54:4, Safety IO Module communication fault Warning
FSF[4].17; =G05+JB90-K54:4, Safety IO Module input fault Warning
FSF[4].18; =G05+JB90-K54:5, Safety IO Module communication fault Warning
FSF[4].19; =G05+JB90-K54:5, Safety IO Module input fault Warning
FSF[4].20; =G05+JB90-K54:6, Safety IO Module communication fault Warning
FSF[4].21; =G05+JB90-K54:6, Safety IO Module input fault Warning
FSF[4].22; =G05+JB90-K54:8, Safety IO Module communication fault Warning
FSF[4].23; =G05+JB90-K54:8, Safety IO Module output fault Warning
FSF[5].0; =G06+OP1-S64.1, selector switch [ride on/off] not active E-Stop
FSF[5].1; =G06+OP1-S64.1, selector switch [ride on/off] not ok E-Stop
FSF[5].2; =G06+RCC-S61.2, selector switch [OP10] active E-Stop
FSF[5].3; =G06+RCC-S61.2, selector switch [OP10] not ok E-Stop

FUNTIME HANDELS GMBH, Bahnhofstrasse 208, 9991 Dölsach, Austria Seite 104/153
Starflyer Mobile, Dubai Operations & Maintenance Manual

FSF[5].4; =G06+RCC-S61.3, key switch [erecting mode] active E-Stop

FSF[5].5; =G06+RCC-S61.3, key switch [erecting mode] not ok E-Stop
FSF[5].6; =G06+JB80-S63.2, key switch [JB80] active E-Stop
FSF[5].7; =G06+JB80-S63.2, key switch [JB80] not ok E-Stop
FSF[5].8; =G06+OP1-S64.3, foot pedal [OP1] active Warning
FSF[5].9; =G06+OP1-S64.3, foot pedal [OP1] not ok Warning
FSF[5].12; =G06+JB80-S63.3, push button JB80 [elevator down] not ok Warning
FSF[5].13; =G06+OP1-S65.1, key switch [panel enable] not ok Warning
FSF[5].14; =G06+OP1-SP65.2, push button [ride start] always on Warning
FSF[5].16; =G06+OP1-S65.3, key switch [operating mode] not ok E-Stop
FSF[5].17; SW, operatingmode [mode change during ride cycle] not ok E-Stop
FSF[5].21; =G06+OP10-SOP10.1, push button [OP10, jog elevator up] not ok Warning
FSF[5].22; =G06+OP10-SOP10.2, push button [OP10, jog elevator down] not ok Warning
FSF[5].23; =G06+OP10-SOP10.3, push button [OP10, jog carousel clockwise] not ok Warning
FSF[5].24; =G06+OP10-SOP10.4, push button [OP10, jog carousel counterclockwise] not ok Warning
FSF[5].25; =G06+OP10-SOP10.5, push button [OP10, horn] not ok Warning
FSF[5].26; =G06+OP10-SOP10.6, push button [OP10, reset] not ok Warning
FSF[6].0; =G06+RCC-S61.1, emergency push button [RCC] pressed E-Stop
FSF[6].1; =G06+RCC-S61.1, emergency push button [RCC] not ok E-Stop
FSF[6].2; =G06+JB20-S62.1, emergency push button [JB20] pressed E-Stop
FSF[6].3; =G06+JB20-S62.1, emergency push button [JB20] not ok E-Stop
FSF[6].4; =G06+JB40-S62.2, emergency push button [JB40] pressed E-Stop
FSF[6].5; =G06+JB40-S62.2, emergency push button [JB40] not ok E-Stop
FSF[6].6; =G06+JB80-S63.1, emergency push button [JB80] pressed E-Stop
FSF[6].7; =G06+JB80-S63.1, emergency push button [JB80] not ok E-Stop
FSF[6].8; =G06+OP1-S64.2, emergency push button [OP1] pressed E-Stop
FSF[6].9; =G06+OP1-S64.2, emergency push button [OP1] not ok E-Stop
FSF[6].10; =G06+OP2-S67.1, emergency push button [OP2] pressed E-Stop
FSF[6].11; =G06+OP2-S67.1, emergency push button [OP2] not ok E-Stop
FSF[6].12; =G06+OP10-SOP10, emergency push button [OP10] pressed E-Stop
FSF[6].13; =G06+OP10-SOP10, emergency push button [OP10] not ok E-Stop
FSF[6].14; =G06+JB02-S61.4, key switch [park position] active E-Stop
FSF[6].15; =G06+JB02-S61.4, key switch [park position] not ok E-Stop
FSF[11].0; =E01+MCC-Q76.7, safety contactor [elevator, motor supply] not off E-Stop
FSF[11].1; =E01+MCC-Q76.7, safety contactor [elevator, motor supply] not on Z-Stop
FSF[11].2; =E01+ECR-F76.1, brake resistor [elevator] not ok E-Stop
FSF[11].3; =E01+MCC-K77.1, drive unit [elevator, motorbrake] not off Z-Stop
FSF[11].4; =E01+MCC-K77.1, drive unit [elevator, motorbrake] not on Z-Stop
FSF[11].5; =E01+JB20-Q81.1, safety contactor [elevator, motorbrake 1] not off E-Stop
FSF[11].6; =E01+JB20-Q81.1, safety contactor [elevator, motorbrake 1] not on Z-Stop
FSF[11].7; =E01+JB20-Q81.2, safety contactor [elevator, motorbrake 2] not off E-Stop
FSF[11].8; =E01+JB20-Q81.2, safety contactor [elevator, motorbrake 2] not on Z-Stop

FUNTIME HANDELS GMBH, Bahnhofstrasse 208, 9991 Dölsach, Austria Seite 105/153
Starflyer Mobile, Dubai Operations & Maintenance Manual

FSF[11].9; =E01+JB20-Q81.3, safety contactor [elevator, motorbrake 3] not off E-Stop

FSF[11].10; =E01+JB20-Q81.3, safety contactor [elevator, motorbrake 3] not on Z-Stop
FSF[11].11; =E01+JB20-Q81.4, safety contactor [elevator, motorbrake 4] not off E-Stop
FSF[11].12; =E01+JB20-Q81.4, safety contactor [elevator, motorbrake 4] not on Z-Stop
FSF[11].13; =E01+EXT-K79.2, limit switch [elevator, motorbrake 1] not on Z-Stop
FSF[11].14; =E01+EXT-K79.4, limit switch [elevator, motorbrake 2] not on Z-Stop
FSF[11].15; =E01+EXT-K79.6, limit switch [elevator, motorbrake 3] not on Z-Stop
FSF[11].16; =E01+EXT-K79.8, limit switch [elevator, motorbrake 4] not on Z-Stop
FSF[11].20; SW, braketest [motorbrake up] active Z-Stop
FSF[11].21; SW, braketest [motorbrake down] active Z-Stop
FSF[11].22; SW, braketest [motorbrake, zero speed missing] not ok E-Stop
FSF[12].0; =E02+JB20-Q83.1, safety contactor [hydraulic pump] not off E-Stop
FSF[12].1; =E02+JB20-Q83.1, safety contactor [hydraulic pump] not on E-Stop
FSF[12].2; =E02+JB20-Q83.3, safety contactor [valve 1] not off E-Stop
FSF[12].3; =E02+JB20-Q83.3, safety contactor [valve 1] not on E-Stop
FSF[12].4; =E02+JB20-Q83.5, safety contactor [valve 2] not off E-Stop
FSF[12].5; =E02+JB20-Q83.5, safety contactor [valve 2] not on E-Stop
FSF[12].6; =E02+JB35-B84.1, pressure switch [minimum pressure] not off E-Stop
FSF[12].7; =E02+JB35-B84.1, pressure switch [minimum pressure] not on E-Stop
FSF[12].8; =E02+JB35-B84.1, pressure switch [minimum pressure] not on at start E-Stop
FSF[12].9; =E02+JB35-B84.2, pressure switch [maximum pressure] not off E-Stop
FSF[12].10; =E02+JB35-B84.2, pressure switch [maximum pressure] not on E-Stop
FSF[12].16; SW, hydraulic pump [interval] short E-Stop
FSF[12].17; SW, hydraulic pump [interval] too short E-Stop
FSF[12].20; SW, braketest [safety brake, up] active Z-Stop
FSF[12].21; SW, braketest [safety brake, down] active Z-Stop
FSF[12].22; SW, braketest [safety brake, zero speed missing] not ok E-Stop
FSF[13].0; =E03+ETS11-B87.4, emergency limit switch (NC) [tower top] active E-Stop
FSF[13].1; =E03+ETS11-B87.4, emergency limit switch (NC) [tower top] not ok E-Stop
FSF[13].2; =E03+ETS2-B87.1, emergency limit switch (NC) [tower bottom] active E-Stop
FSF[13].3; =E03+ETS2-B87.1, emergency limit switch (NC) [tower bottom] not ok E-Stop
FSF[13].4; =E03+ESL-B88.5, Ind. limit switch (NC) [proxy top] no change of state Z-Stop
FSF[13].5; =E03+ESL-B88.5, Ind. limit switch (NC) [proxy top] not ok Z-Stop
FSF[13].6; =E03+ESL-B88.4, Ind. limit switch (NC) [proxy bottom] no change of state Z-Stop
FSF[13].7; =E03+ESL-B88.4, Ind. limit switch (NC) [proxy bottom] not ok Z-Stop
FSF[13].8; =E03+ESL-B88.1, Ind. limit switch (NO) [proxy entry position 1] no change of state Z-Stop
FSF[13].9; =E03+ESL-B88.1, Ind. limit switch (NO) [proxy entry position 1] not ok Z-Stop
FSF[13].10; =E03+ESL-B88.2, Ind. limit switch (NO) [proxy entry position 2] no change of state Z-Stop
FSF[13].11; =E03+ESL-B88.2, Ind. limit switch (NO) [proxy entry position 2] not ok Z-Stop
FSF[13].12; =E03+EB1-B87.2, limit switch 1 (NC) [elevator, slack rope] active E-Stop
FSF[13].13; =E03+EB1-B90A.4, absolut encoder [elevator, area top] position invalid Z-Stop
FSF[13].14; =E03+EB1-B90A.4, absolut encoder [elevator, area bottom] position invalid Z-Stop

FUNTIME HANDELS GMBH, Bahnhofstrasse 208, 9991 Dölsach, Austria Seite 106/153
Starflyer Mobile, Dubai Operations & Maintenance Manual

FSF[13].15; =E03+EB1-B90A.4, absolut encoder [elevator, position] frozen Z-Stop

FSF[13].16; =E03+EB1-B90A.4, absolut encoder [elevator, position] jump Z-Stop
FSF[13].17; SW, compare absolut encoder not ok E-Stop
FSF[13].19; =E03+EB1-B87.3, limit switch 2 (NC) [elevator, slack rope] active E-Stop
FSF[13].20; SW, elevator direction [commando up, feedback down] incorrect Z-Stop
FSF[13].21; SW, elevator direction [commando down, feedback up] incorrect Z-Stop
FSF[13].22; SW,elevator direction [safety envelope, up, high speed area] exceeded E-Stop
FSF[13].23; SW,elevator direction [safety envelope, up, decel area] exceeded E-Stop
FSF[13].24; SW,elevator direction [safety envelope, up, positioning area] exceeded E-Stop
FSF[13].25; SW,elevator direction [safety envelope, down, high speed area] exceeded E-Stop
FSF[13].26; SW,elevator direction [safety envelope, down, decel area] exceeded E-Stop
FSF[13].27; SW,elevator direction [safety envelope, down, positioning area] exceeded E-Stop
FSF[14].0; =E03+EB1-B89.2, limit switch (NC) [fallbrake, tension weight] active E-Stop
FSF[14].1; =E03+EB1-B89.1, limit switch (NC) [fallbrake, trip unit] active E-Stop
FSF[14].2; =E03+ESL-B88.3, limit switch (NC) [fallbrake clamp 1] active E-Stop
FSF[14].3; =E03+ESL-B88.6, limit switch (NC) [fallbrake clamp 2] active E-Stop
FSF[21].0; =C01+MCC-Q95.7, safety contactor [Carousel, motor supply] not off E-Stop
FSF[21].1; =C01+MCC-Q95.7, safety contactor [Carousel, motor supply] not on Z-Stop
FSF[21].2; =C01+ECR-F95.1, brake resistor [Carousel] not ok E-Stop
FSF[21].3; =C01+MCC-K96.1B, drive unit [Carousel, signal brake] not off Z-Stop
FSF[21].4; =C01+MCC-K96.1B, drive unit [Carousel, signal brake] not on Z-Stop
FSF[23].0; =C03+ESL-B99.1, Ind. limit switch [Carousel, speed/position, channel 1] always on Z-Stop
FSF[23].1; =C03+ESL-B99.1,Ind. limit switch [Carousel, speed/position, channel 1] always off Z-Stop
FSF[23].2; =C03+ESL-B99.2, Ind. limit switch [Carousel, speed/position, channel 2] always on Z-Stop
FSF[23].3; =C03+ESL-B99.2,Ind. limit switch [Carousel, speed/position, channel 2] always off Z-Stop
FSF[23].6; =SW Carousel Speed [Verification proxy] not ok Z-Stop
FSF[23].7; =SW Carousel Speed [positioning jump] not ok Z-Stop
FSF[23].8; =SW Carousel Speed [zero speed in entry position] not ok Z-Stop
FSF[23].9; =SW Carousel Speed [general overspeed] not ok E-Stop
FSF[23].10; =SW Carousel Speed [safety envelope violetion] not ok E-Stop
FSF[23].11; =SW Carousel Speed [encoder] not ok Z-Stop
FSF[30].0; =S00+JB90-Q104.5, safety contactor [seat locken, open 1] not off Warning
FSF[30].1; =S00+JB90-Q104.5, safety contactor [seat locken, open 1] not on Warning
FSF[30].2; =S00+JB90-Q104.6, safety contactor [seat locken, open 2] not off Warning
FSF[30].3; =S00+JB90-Q104.6, safety contactor [seat locken, open 2] not on Warning
FSF[30].4; =S00+JB90-Q104.3, safety contactor [seat open manual 1] not off Warning
FSF[30].5; =S00+JB90-Q104.3, safety contactor [seat open manual 1] not on Warning
FSF[30].6; =S00+JB90-Q104.4, safety contactor [seat open manual 2] not off Warning
FSF[30].7; =S00+JB90-Q104.4, safety contactor [seat open manual 2] not on Warning
FSF[30].8; =S00+JB90-Q104.7, safety contactor [Crowbar] not off Warning
FSF[30].9; =S00+JB90-Q104.7, safety contactor [Crowbar] not on Warning
FSF[30].10; =S00+JB90-Q104.1, safety contactor [seat lock close 1] not off Warning

FUNTIME HANDELS GMBH, Bahnhofstrasse 208, 9991 Dölsach, Austria Seite 107/153
Starflyer Mobile, Dubai Operations & Maintenance Manual

FSF[30].11; =S00+JB90-Q104.1, safety contactor [seat lock close 1] not on Warning

FSF[30].12; =S00+JB90-Q104.2, safety contactor [seat lock close 2] not off Warning
FSF[30].13; =S00+JB90-Q104.2, safety contactor [seat lock close 2] not on Warning
FSF[30].15; =S00+JB90-Q104.2.54, safety contactor [seats closed] channel A Z-Stop
FSF[30].16; =S00+JB90-Q104.2.84, safety contactor [seats closed] channel B Z-Stop
FSF[30].17; =S00+JB90-Q104.6.62, safety contactor [open seats] channel A Z-Stop
FSF[30].18; =S00+JB90-Q104.6.72, safety contactor [open seats] channel B Z-Stop
FSF[30].19; =S00+JB90-Q104.7.22, safety contactor Crowbar Z-Stop
FSF[31].1; =S00+ES01-B_S1, seat lock [seat monitoring, row 1] not ok Warning
FSF[31].2; =S00+ES02-B_S2, seat lock [seat monitoring, row 2] not ok Warning
FSF[31].3; =S00+ES03-B_S3, seat lock [seat monitoring, row 3] not ok Warning
FSF[31].4; =S00+ES04-B_S4, seat lock [seat monitoring, row 4] not ok Warning
FSF[31].5; =S00+ES05-B_S5, seat lock [seat monitoring, row 5] not ok Warning
FSF[31].6; =S00+ES06-B_S6, seat lock [seat monitoring, row 6] not ok Warning
FSF[31].7; =S00+ES07-B_S7, seat lock [seat monitoring, row 7] not ok Warning
FSF[31].8; =S00+ES08-B_S8, seat lock [seat monitoring, row 8] not ok Warning
FSF[31].9; =S00+ES09-B_S9, seat lock [seat monitoring, row 9] not ok Warning
FSF[31].10; =S00+ES10-B_S10, seat lock [seat monitoring, row 10] not ok Warning
FSF[31].11; =S00+ES11-B_S11, seat lock [seat monitoring, row 11] not ok Warning
FSF[31].12; =S00+ES12-B_S12, seat lock [seat monitoring, row 12] not ok Warning
FSF[31].13; =S00+ES13-B_S13, seat lock [seat monitoring, row 13] not ok Warning
FSF[31].14; =S00+ES14-B_S14, seat lock [seat monitoring, row 14] not ok Warning
FSF[31].15; =S00+ES15-B_S15, seat lock [seat monitoring, row 15] not ok Warning
FSF[31].16; =S00+ES16-B_S16, seat lock [seat monitoring, row 16] not ok Warning
FSF[32].1; =S00+ES01-B_S1, seat lock [seat monitoring, row 1] not closed Warning
FSF[32].2; =S00+ES02-B_S2, seat lock [seat monitoring, row 2] not closed Warning
FSF[32].3; =S00+ES03-B_S3, seat lock [seat monitoring, row 3] not closed Warning
FSF[32].4; =S00+ES04-B_S4, seat lock [seat monitoring, row 4] not closed Warning
FSF[32].5; =S00+ES05-B_S5, seat lock [seat monitoring, row 5] not closed Warning
FSF[32].6; =S00+ES06-B_S6, seat lock [seat monitoring, row 6] not closed Warning
FSF[32].7; =S00+ES07-B_S7, seat lock [seat monitoring, row 7] not closed Warning
FSF[32].8; =S00+ES08-B_S8, seat lock [seat monitoring, row 8] not closed Warning
FSF[32].9; =S00+ES09-B_S9, seat lock [seat monitoring, row 9] not closed Warning
FSF[32].10; =S00+ES10-B_S10, seat lock [seat monitoring, row 10] not closed Warning
FSF[32].11; =S00+ES11-B_S11, seat lock [seat monitoring, row 11] not closed Warning
FSF[32].12; =S00+ES12-B_S12, seat lock [seat monitoring, row 12] not closed Warning
FSF[32].13; =S00+ES13-B_S13, seat lock [seat monitoring, row 13] not closed Warning
FSF[32].14; =S00+ES14-B_S14, seat lock [seat monitoring, row 14] not closed Warning
FSF[32].15; =S00+ES15-B_S15, seat lock [seat monitoring, row 15] not closed Warning
FSF[32].16; =S00+ES16-B_S16, seat lock [seat monitoring, row 16] not closed Warning
STF[0].0; =G01+MCC-Q2.2, main circuit breaker elevator [400VAC supply] not on E-Stop
STF[0].1; =G01+RCC-Q2.5, control contactor [400VAC main disconnect] not off E-Stop

FUNTIME HANDELS GMBH, Bahnhofstrasse 208, 9991 Dölsach, Austria Seite 108/153
Starflyer Mobile, Dubai Operations & Maintenance Manual

STF[0].2; =G01+RCC-Q2.5, control contactor [400VAC main disconnect] not on E-Stop

STF[0].3; =G01+RCC-Q2.6, control contactor [400VAC main disconnect] not off E-Stop
STF[0].4; =G01+RCC-Q2.6, control contactor [400VAC main disconnect] not on E-Stop
STF[0].5; =G01+MCC-Q4.7, motor protection switch [400VAC fan brake resistor] triggered Warning
STF[0].6; =G01+MCC-F1.2, circuit breaker [400VAC supply, phase monitoring elevator] triggered E-Stop
STF[0].7; =G01+MCC-K1.2, phase monitoring [400VAC supply, elevator] not ok E-Stop
STF[0].9; =G01+MCC-Q5.1, motor protection switch [400VAC supply, motorbrake 1] triggered E-Stop
STF[0].10; =G01+MCC-Q5.2, motor protection switch [400VAC supply, motorbrake 2] triggered E-Stop
STF[0].11; =G01+MCC-Q5.3, motor protection switch [400VAC supply, motorbrake 3] triggered E-Stop
STF[0].12; =G01+MCC-Q5.4, motor protection switch [400VAC supply, motorbrake 4] triggered E-Stop
STF[0].13; =G01+MCC-F4.4, circuit breaker [400VAC control supply, drive unit elevator ] triggered E-Stop
STF[0].14; =G01+MCC-Q3.3, motor protection switch [400VAC supply, drive unit carousel] triggered E-Stop
STF[0].15; =G01+MCC-Q5.6, motor protection switch [400VAC supply, safety brake] triggered E-Stop
STF[0].16; =G01+MCC-Q5.7, motor protection switch [230VAC supply, fan winch] triggered Warning
STF[0].17; =G01+MCC-Q1.3, motor protection switch [400VAC supply, energy meter] triggered Warning
STF[0].18; =G01+MCC-F4.5, circuit breaker [230VAC supply, A/C control room] triggered Warning
STF[0].19; =G01+MCC-F4.6, circuit breaker [230VAC supply, fans cabinet] triggered Warning
STF[0].20; =G01+MCC-K4.1B, control module [A/C control room alarm message] Warning
STF[0].21; =G01+MCC-Q7.5 control contactor [230VAC cooling control room] not off Warning
STF[0].24; =G01+MCC-K7.8 relay [230VAC A/C control room] not off Warning
STF[0].22; =G01+MCC-Q7.5 control contactor [230VAC cooling control room] not on Warning
STF[0].25; =G01+MCC-K7.8 relay [230VAC A/C control room] not on Warning
STF[0].26; =G01+MCC-Q3.2, main circuit breaker carousel [400VAC supply] not on E-Stop
STF[0].27; =G01+MCC-F3.2, circuit breaker [400VAC supply, phase monitoring carousel] triggered E-Stop
STF[0].28; =G01+MCC-K3.2, phase monitoring [400VAC supply, carousel] not ok E-Stop
STF[1].1; =G02+RCC-F11.3, circuit breaker [230VAC-A permanent, MCC/RCC] triggered E-Stop
STF[1].2; =G02+RCC-F11.4, circuit breaker [230VAC-A permanent, tower] triggered E-Stop
STF[1].3; =G02+RCC-F11.6, circuit breaker [230VAC-B_on/off MCC/RCC] triggered E-Stop
STF[1].4; =G02+RCC-F11.7, circuit breaker [230VAC-C E-Stop, MCC/RCC] triggered E-Stop
STF[2].0; =G03+RCC-F21.1, circuit breaker [24VDC-A permanent, DU/JB20] triggered E-Stop
STF[2].2; =G03+RCC-F21.2, circuit breaker [24VDC-A permanent, MCC/RCC ] triggered E-Stop
STF[2].3; =G03+RCC-F21.3, circuit breaker [24VDC-A permanent, OP1] triggered E-Stop
STF[2].4; =G03+RCC-F22.1, circuit breaker [24VDC-B on/off MCC/RCC] triggered E-Stop
STF[2].5; =G03+RCC-F22.2, circuit breaker [24VDC-B on/off, JB20 ] triggered E-Stop
STF[2].6; =G03+RCC-F23.3, circuit breaker [24VDC-C E-Stop, MCC/RCC] triggered E-Stop
STF[2].7; =G03+RCC-F23.4, circuit breaker [24VDC-C E-Stop, JB20 ] triggered E-Stop
STF[2].8; =G03+RCC-T21.1, power supply [24VDC-A permanent] not ok Warning
STF[2].9; =G03+RCC-T22.1, power supply [24VDC-B Ein/Aus] not ok Warning
STF[2].10; =G03+RCC-T23.1, power supply [24VDC-C E-Stopp] not ok Warning
STF[2].14; =G03+JB40-F29.1, circuit breaker [24VDC-A permanet, JB40] triggered E-Stop
STF[2].16; =G03+JB40-T29.1, power supply [24VDC-A permanet, JB40 ] not ok E-Stop
STF[2].17; =G03+JB80-F33.1, circuit breaker [24VDC-A permanet, JB80] triggered E-Stop

FUNTIME HANDELS GMBH, Bahnhofstrasse 208, 9991 Dölsach, Austria Seite 109/153
Starflyer Mobile, Dubai Operations & Maintenance Manual

STF[2].18; =G03+JB80-F33.2, circuit breaker [24VDC-A permanet, JB80] triggered E-Stop

STF[2].19; =G03+JB80-T33.1, power supply [24VDC-A permanent, JB80] not ok Warning
STF[2].20; =G03+JB90-F37.1, circuit breaker [24VDC JB90] triggerd Warning
STF[2].21; =G03+JB90-F37.2, circuit breaker [24VDC seats opening, group 1-8] triggered Warning
STF[2].22; =G03+JB90-F37.3, circuit breaker [24VDC seats opening, group 9-16] triggered Warning
STF[2].23; =G03+JB90-T37.1, power supply [24VDC JB90] not ok Warning
STF[4].0; =G06+OP1-SP66.5, push button [Carousel jog] always on Warning
STF[4].1; =G06+OP1-SP66.6, push button [spare] always on Warning
STF[4].2; =G06+OP1-SP66.1, push button [acknowledge] always on Warning
STF[4].3; =G06+OP1-SP66.2, push button [ride stop] always on Warning
STF[4].4; =G06+OP1-SP66.4, push button [restraints] always on Warning
STF[4].10; =G06+OP2-SP67.2, push button [agreement start] always on Warning
STF[4].11; =G06+OP2-SP67.4, push button [restraints] always on Warning
STF[4].12; =G06+OP2-SP67.3, push button [ride stop] always on Warning
STF[4].13; SW, windspeed too high Warning
STF[4].31; =G06+WatchDog not ok Warning
STF[11].0; =E01+MCC-K77.1, drive unit [elevator, status] not ok E-Stop
STF[11].1; =E01+MCC-K77.1, drive unit [elevator, ethernet communication] not ok E-Stop
STF[11].2; =E01+MCC-K77.1, drive unit [elevator, position compare] not ok Z-Stop
STF[11].3; =E01+MCC-Q78.1, motor protection switch [motor 1] not ok Z-Stop
STF[11].4; =E01+MCC-Q78.2, motor protection switch [motor 2] not ok Z-Stop
STF[11].5; =E01+MCC-Q78.3, motor protection switch [motor 3] not ok Z-Stop
STF[11].6; =E01+MCC-Q78.4, motor protection switch [motor 4] not ok Z-Stop
STF[11].7; SW, supply drive unit not ok E-Stop
STF[11].8; SW, supply drive unit not ok (reverse direction) E-Stop
STF[12].1; =E02+JB35-B84.3, oil level hydraulic pump [safety brake] not ok Warning
STF[21].0; =C01+MCC-K96.1A, drive unit [carousel, status] not ok E-Stop
STF[21].1; =C01+MCC-K96.1A, drive unit [carousel, ethernet communication] not ok E-Stop
STF[21].2; =C01+JB81-Q97.1-4, motor protection switch [carousel] triggered Warning
FSF[13].18; SW, [elevator, Speed] zero speed not ok E-Stop
FSF[11].17; =E01+RCC-Q77.8, safety contactor [elevator, STO] not off E-Stop
FSF[11].18; =E01+RCC-Q77.8, safety contactor [elevator, STO] not on Z-Stop
FSF[21].5; =C01+RCC-Q96.8, safety contactor [Carousel, STO] not off E-Stop
FSF[21].6; =C01+RCC-Q96.8, safety contactor [Carousel, STO] not on Z-Stop
STF[0].23; =G01+MCC-K4.1A, control module [A/C control room ] not on Warning
FSF[0].3; =G01+MCC-F1.5, RCD-relay [400VAC supply elevator] triggered E-Stop
STF[21].3;=C01+ESL-M98.1.4, motor thermo [carousel] not ok E-Stop
FSF[11].23; =E01+EXT-K79.2, limit switch [elevator, motorbrake 1] not off Z-Stop
FSF[11].24; =E01+EXT-K79.4, limit switch [elevator, motorbrake 2] not off Z-Stop
FSF[11].25; =E01+EXT-K79.6, limit switch [elevator, motorbrake 3] not off Z-Stop
FSF[11].26; =E01+EXT-K79.8, limit switch [elevator, motorbrake 4] not off Z-Stop
FSF[12].11; =E02+EB1-M83.3, test valve 1, [safety brake] stuck on E-Stop

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FSF[12].12; =E02+EB1-M83.5, test valve 2, [safety brake] stuck on E-Stop

STF[41].0; =L00+JB41-F9.5, circuit breaker [aviation light] triggered Warning

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7.3.1 Allen Bradley 1769-PA4 Power Supply

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7.3.2 Allen Bradley 1769-L33ERMS Compact Guard Logix

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7.3.3 Switch Stratix 5700

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7.3.4 Allen Bradley 1734-AENT Point I/O - Ethernet Adapter

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7.3.5 Allen Bradley 1734-IB8 Digitales Eingangsmodul

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7.3.6 Allen Bradley 1734-OB8 Digitales Ausgangsmodul

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7.3.7 Allen Bradley 1734-I/OB8S safety Input/ Output Module

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7.3.8 Allen Bradley 1791ES-IB16 Absolut Encoder Input Module

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7.3.9 Allen Bradley DC power Supply

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7.3.10Allen Bradley Puffer Module

7.3.11 SEW MOVIDRIVE frequency converter

Operating Displays

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7-segment display

The7-segment display shows the operating condition of MOVIDRIVE®and in

the event of an error, an error or warning code.
7-segmentdisplay Unitstatus Meaning
(highbytein statusword1)
0 0 24Voperation(inverternotready)
1 1 Controllerinhibitactive
2 2 Noenable
3 3 Standstillcurrent
4 4 Enable
5 5 n-control
6 6 M-control
7 7 Holdcontrol
8 8 Factorysetting
9 9 Limitswitchcontacted
A 10 Technologyoption
c 12 IPOSplus®referencetravel
d 13 Flyingstart
E 14 Calibrateencoder
F Errornumber Errorindicator(flashing)
H Statusdisplay Manualmode
t 16 Inverteriswaitingfordata
U 17 "STO"active
²(blinkingdot) - IPOSplus®programisrunning
Flashingdisplay - STOPviaDBG60B
1... 9 - RAMdefective

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Error messages and list of errors

Error message via 7-segment display
The fault code is shown in a 7-segment display. The following display sequence is

Following a reset or if the error code resumes the value"0", the display switches to the
operating display.
Sub error code–display
The sub error code is displayed in MOVITOOLS®Motion Studio(asofversion4.50) or in
the DBG60B keypad.

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7.3.12 FI-Relais RCMA

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7.3.13 Phase Monitoring Relais

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7.3.14Pilz PSEN cs1.1p

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