1b Assessment 2 Portfolio Hao Li 19710525

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SC 1B Hao Li 19710525

Assessment task 2 Portfolio

Textiles technology Stage 5

Learning Unit: Pattern printing for textile (project work)
Focus area: Non-apparel

School and Students’ Context

School Students Classroom and timetable Device & resources
X High School 20 Year 10 Textiles This unit of work requires the use of Textile workshop and This unit of work requires the use devices/resources such as
technology students normal classroom. In week 2, class will visit a local fabric digital projector, computers/laptops, digital printers, hand
shop. The unit of work is designed as the Project work drawing toolsets (grid paper, drawing paper, pencil, charcoal
(5 students took textile
unit for Year 10 Textiles Technology. sticks, ruler, eraser, etc.), block printing kits (lino block, lino
unit in Year 9. 2 students
carving tools, roller, block printing inks), and plain thick cotton
have Multimedia 6 weeks in duration, 3 lessons per week. 60 mins per
tote bags. Students can get access to 3D printers.
background and already lesson.
acquire fundamental 3D
printing knowledge)
SC 1B Hao Li 19710525
Assessment task 2 Portfolio

Rationale of this unit

The Stage 5 Textiles Technology syllabus requires the design of unit follows a guidance that maximize the practical approach (NESA, 2019). The ‘Creating a
patterned product’ unit of work strictly follows the professional standard of the textile product design from the following a standardized design thinking process
to the actuation of printing a patterned fabric. The practical meaning of the unit is reflected on the social connectiveness throughout this unit. By visiting fabric
shop/communicating with local fabric designer at generating design idea stage, as well as the summative assessment as a little market for students to gain
realistic feedback from outside of the classroom, this unit embraces social constructivism pedagogical approach to let students gain practical knowledge trough
building a social connection to the outer society. The team based learning and reflecting activities is used as a method that applies sociocultural learning in this
unit, the scaffolding materials are used during the reflecting discussion to enhance the effectiveness of the method substantially (Leganger-Krogstad, 2014).

To guarantee students learning quality, The layout of the lessons are built upon the guidance of Cambridge Learning Model, students’ learning are based on
their acquired knowledge to maintain a stable flow of cognitive load (Wadsworth, 1996), then practice the newly gained knowledge instantly to secure the
learning outcome. The reflective activities at the end of each lesson is a way to maintain the cognitive load as well.

To create a versatile unit to suit the variety of students’ cultural and ability background in contemporary schools, this unit of work embed UDL (Universal design
of learning) to provide various means for students to maximize their chance to acquire knowledge and skills (CAST, 2018). Not only teachers are required to
provide a holistic approach for demonstrating criteria and teaching lesson content, students can utilise their preferred means to deliver the feedback of their
learning outcome. Furtherly, the use of ICT application in this unit of work enlarged the chance for students to actively responding the flexibility of assessment.
By sharing a range of tutorial content and digital worksheet to Google Classroom, students can easily find their preferred resources to meet their learning needs;
In the meantime, teacher can have more time to deliver individualized aiding to help with students’ problems.
SC 1B Hao Li 19710525
Assessment task 2 Portfolio

CAST (2018). Universal Design for Learning Guidelines version 2.2. Retrieved from http://udlguidelines.cast.org
Leganger-Krogstad, H. (2014). From Dialogue to Trialogue: A Sociocultural Learning Perspective on Classroom Interaction. Journal for the Study of Religion, 27(1),
104-128. Retrieved from www.jstor.org/stable/24798872
NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA). (2019). Textile Technology Year 7-10 Syllabus. Retrieved from
Wadsworth, J. (1996). Piaget's theory of cognitive and affective development: foundations of constructivism. White Plains, N.Y., Longman Publishers USA.
SC 1B Hao Li 19710525
Assessment task 2 Portfolio

Unit outline
Subject: Industrial Technology (Textiles Technology) Course: Stage 5 Number of Weeks
Unit: Pattern printing for textile 6 weeks (18 lessons)
Project: Creating a patterned product
Key Concepts/ Big Ideas The importance of this learning
Creating an original pattern and apply it on textile product design. The ‘Creating a patterned product’ unit of work strictly follows the professional standard of
Students to learn the mechanism of traditional block printing and the the textile product design from the following a standardized design thinking process to the
commercialization of pattern printing techniques. The final production actuation of printing a patterned fabric. This unit also build to practice students’ creativity
will be presented as a/a series of sellable item(s) in the little market and becoming reflective learners, potentially gain interest of further study of textile design
presentation, it is to create a sense of social connectiveness to let and making, and eventually found a career path or use it as a way of recreation in the
students link the learning outcome to real life experience. Students future.
learn about effective visual documentation, communication and
presentation during the production of this project.

Unit context within Scope and Sequence/Purpose Syllabus Outcomes

Design (40%) TEX5-7 evaluates the impact of textiles production and use on the individual consumer and society
- skills in the creative documentation, communication and TEX5-8 selects and uses appropriate technology to creatively document, communicate and present
presentation of design ideas. design and project work
- skills in the critical selection and proficient and creative use of TEX5-9 critically selects and creatively manipulates a range of textile materials to produce quality
textile materials, equipment and techniques to produce quality textile items
textile items TEX5-10 selects appropriate techniques and uses equipment safely in the production of quality textile
Textiles and society (20%) projects
- knowledge and skills to evaluate quality in the design and TEX5-11 demonstrates competence in the production of textile projects to completion
construction of textile items (Block printing technique) TEX5-12 evaluates textile items to determine quality in their design and construction
This Project work covers design area of study, focus area is non-
apparel. Related Life Skills outcomes: TEXLS-4, TEXLS-5, TEXLS-6, TEXLS-7, TEXLS-8, TEXLS-9
Literacy Focus Numeracy Focus ICT Focus Differentiation
-Self evaluation -Pattern planning -Google Classroom - Students with/without skillset of textiles design
-Written explanation of creative -General size measuring -Digital documentation tool - Students background knowledge digital model making
ideas and link to audio-visual and calculating (Canvas) - Students learning traits, checklist and visual aid to guide students’
demonstration -Graphic software (Adobe Suite) project management and creative thinking.
-Team communication -3D Printing making (TinkerCAD)
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Assessment task 2 Portfolio

Weekly lesson outlines

Week/ Sequence Syllabus Content Teaching and Learning Strategies including assessment for Resources
Week 1 TEX5-7 evaluates the impact of Clarify the expected production outcome of this unit Digital projector
Introductory lesson textiles production and use on the (Textile Technology Year 10 pattern unit slides Resource 1)
(1) individual consumer and society -Use of technique Google Classroom
TEX5-8 selects and uses -Unit and project goal
Cultural pattern study appropriate technology to -Assessing criteria Mood board software: PowerPoint, Canva or
(2-3) creatively document, communicate -Classroom culture Abode Illustrator
and present design and project -Project design framework: think and work as a textile designer Patterned textile samples from a range of
Location: Classroom work (Unit layout: Research-empathize-ideate-prototype-test) cultures

Designing Activities: Resource 1

use a variety of techniques to - Hook videos to demonstrate the usage and significance of textile with pattern Slideshow for introduction of
communicate and present the 1. Display of African Fashion The unit of work, cultural pattern
development of design ideas 2. Introduction of Australian Design duo Jenny Kee and Linda Jackson Criteria of assessment
(Encourage students to go and check their exhibition in Powerhouse (final production, visual diary, mood board)
identify and creatively document Museum)
sources of inspiration for a textile 3. Aboriginal pattern: dreamtime and songlines (CCP: Aboriginal and Torres Video links:
project Strait Islander Histories and cultures) 1.African fashion design: Can A Pattern Tell
(The ability of storytelling and life reflecting of aboriginal art and pattern) A Story?
identify aesthetic and functional https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bL2PeF2xW14
performance criteria of textile Play and Pause: ask question about the related real-life experience 2.Jenny Kee and Linda Jackson
items Ask question: ‘A glimpse of Jenny Kee's world’
‘What is the name of this pattern?’
3.Aboriginal Art Painting, Dreamtime
Textile and Society ‘What is the cultural background of it?’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AoHAn58-_rg
name and describe activities in the ‘What kind of feature presented the cultural link?’ (colour, shape, …) Songlines: Aboriginal Art and Storytelling
Multicultural textiles industry: ‘What is the information from the pattern?’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zp_vYfEiuGU
-design and pattern making - Use patterned textile samples to let students analyse the sample
Students write down their output on worksheet (Resource 2) Resource 2
Scaffold: Provide word pool for students to describe the pattern. Pattern analysing worksheet
- Create Mood board and visual diary (Mood board software)
Students synthesize the inspiration from visual aids and their own output of
pattern analysis, create a mood board to map out their pattern knowledge
pool to inspire their design.
Scaffold: Teacher display mood board and visual diary from previous students
SC 1B Hao Li 19710525
Assessment task 2 Portfolio

and establish essential features and professional skills of visual

Differentiation: Teacher to address essentials and extended pages of mood board.
And provide basic and advanced templates of mood board on Google Classroom

Reminder: Upload the output to Google Doc.

Week 2 TEX5-8 selects and uses Before the excursion: Students need to check the Excursion briefing post on Digital projector
Visiting local fabric appropriate technology to Google Classroom, and follow the guide to take lesson required equipment (photo
shops (4-5) creatively document, communicate documentation) and check the hand-out to familiarize the content. Google Classroom
(Substitute lesson*: In and present design and project Differentiation: The worksheet will cover most possible façade of the pattern
class Zoom meeting work study, students do not have to fill up everything, instead they can focus on the Digital visual documentation devices
with an established columns they are interested in base on last week’s learning. (camera, smart phone)
local fabric designer) TEX5-12 evaluates textile items to
determine quality in their design Activities: Resource 3 Excursion worksheet
and construction Visiting local fabric shops (excursion alternative: Zoom meeting with local pattern
Project layout and designer) (Zoom for online meeting with fabric
management (6) Designing - Students need to do photo documentation for fabric samples--different designer)
identify aesthetic and functional textile with patterns, inspiration of possible creative outcome of garment or
Location: classroom performance criteria of textile object), cultural factors and use the fabric swatch and research from last Video links:
items, lesson. ‘What is a Gantt chart?’
- Business observing (trend analysis) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fB0wsdmV3Sw
generate and develop design ideas Students focusing on the fabric range of the shop and asking the shop owner
using drawing and rendering in regard to the decision of choosing the range. PowerPoint for Gantt Chart making
techniques Fill up the worksheet (Resource 3)
- Sharing their output on Google Classroom and update Mood board and Visual Resource 4
Producing Diary Gantt chart example
plan and organise the stages Students are encouraged to post and share their annotated imagery
involved in the design and documentation and visual diary.
production of a textile item to (Upload the output to Google Doc.)
ensure quality completion
*Substitute Lesson (incursion as substitution when excursion is not feasible, or the
local fabric shop is not an option)
- Teacher use Zoom to get access to a fabric designer for research consultation
Students will use the worksheet as a format of research aiding to thinking about
their design of pattern based on the consultation with the designer and their
research outcome.

- Briefing the major practical production of this unit: a block printed item
video briefing the feature and the possibility and restrictions.
SC 1B Hao Li 19710525
Assessment task 2 Portfolio

Showing the design criteria of this project:

e.g. the pattern should be adaptable to the final design object/product, size of the
pattern should be appropriate.
Drawing sketches and use the given style of graphic presentation.
- Students to learn to plan their project with a duration of 4 weeks.
Use Gantt chart doc for students to keep their project in check (Resource 4)
Scaffold: Teacher present Gantt chart from previous student
And tutorial video of Using PowerPoint to make Gantt chart
Formative assessment
Students need to upload their Filled Gantt chart to Google Classroom as a
submission for formative assessment.

Week 3 TEX5-9 critically selects and Activities: Video tutorial link:

Pattern design and creatively manipulates a range of - Think-pair-share ‘How to create seamless pattern in
testing (7-9) textile materials to produce quality Students revisit uploaded photos from fabric shop visit and find patterns to think Illustrator’
textile items about questions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ITRZ75OKrG0

Location: Textile TEX5-10 selects appropriate 1. How the correlation of pattern unit works?
techniques and uses equipment 2. What are the pattern ratio and size’s visual effects? Resource 5
safely in the production of quality - Pattern making game Teacher’s demo of making a seamless
textile projects (Students work in pairs to play this game) pattern block
Work in pairs and hand sketch the chosen pattern on the top piece of paper of
Designing stack of 4 layers, then trim out the pattern unit and try to form a pattern like
generate and develop design ideas teacher’s demo. Sketching papers, pencil, ruler, rubber,
using drawing and rendering -watch the video of creating seamless pattern via Illustrator tricoloured markers, scissors.
techniques - Teacher’s demo of making a seamless pattern block with Illustrator on screen.
(Teacher’s demo is colour blocked to help students identify the matching of Access to computer or laptop
experiment with textile materials correlated part of the pattern) (Resource 5) Abode Illustrator
to determine which are most
appropriate for a textile item Differentiation: The demo is for a tricoloured block print pattern; students can
change the skill requirement of design accordingly. The variables could be
Evaluating monotone / tricolour, centred image / seamless correlated repetitive image…
evaluate the designing and
producing of a textile item using a - Students will follow the instruction and sketching their draft, and further using
variety of techniques including self- Adobe Illustrator to digitalize their design.
evaluation and peer evaluation. The draft creating process should follows the product designing process,
empathizing via the consultation with shop owner and fellow students’ interest.

Scaffold: Teacher will regularly pause and checking students’ learning status.
Teacher will deliver individual feedback during the software practice.
Video tutorial is uploaded on
SC 1B Hao Li 19710525
Assessment task 2 Portfolio

upload their design drafts on Google Doc.

Encourage peer feedback on Google Classroom as commenting notes under the
post. Teacher will give individual feedback and send back the annotated jobs.

Numeracy: Pattern planning-- x axis and y axis of the pattern block

During pattern sketching, students need to follow the basic rule of pattern making
1. left side to match right side, top side to match bottom side
3. the indentation of the motif follows the first role (e.g. Left +3mm = Right

Literacy: Students learning basic terminologies of Block Printing.

Students give verbal and written comments to each other.

Week 4 TEX5-9 critically selects and Teacher to brief WHS in textile workshop. Digital projector
Block making & creatively manipulates a range of Reminder: Students are required to complete WHS module of Textile practice
testing (10-12) textile materials to produce quality before attending this week’s lessons. Google Classroom
textile items
TEX5-10 selects appropriate Activities: AutoCAD
Location: Textile techniques and uses equipment - Teacher will display the virtual tutorial on screen of block printing
workshop safely in the production of quality - Teacher's demo of making a monotone block Adobe Suite
textile projects Students willing to make tricoloured block prints will be gathered together
and deliver further tutorial. Students with 3D model making skills can use a Digital printer and printing paper
Producing video tutorial to make their models, teacher will check their 3D models
select and safely use textile individually and give feedback. Students need to get consent front teacher to 3D printer
equipment to construct a quality print their model via 3D printer.
textile item. Block printing kit (lino block, carving tools
-WHS video for workshop safety Differentiation: lino block carving/3D printed block set, block printing inks, roller, colour
-Students need to check the online Students can choose to make the block by traditional hand carving or use 3D transferring film), scrap fabric
module of textile workshop safety. printer to print out the block.
Numeracy: measuring and calculating of block printing Tutorial website link of block printing:
interpret, modify and use Students need to deliver a clear plan on the worksheet as the premise of getting a https://www.boardingallrows.com/block-printing
commercial patterns and/or lino block for further carving practice. (Resource 6)
produce simple patterns for a Detailed annotation to show the practicality of the design. Resource 6
textile item, including notions, Block Printing ready check worksheet
fabric requirements, instruction - After the block making, students need to test their block on scrap fabric.
sheet, pattern markings and layout
Reminder: Require students to document their creative/making procedure during
plan and document a procedure the block printing practice (Written, Verbally and visually)
(sequence) for the construction of Students to upload their updated version of Mood board by the end of the
a textile item session.
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Assessment task 2 Portfolio

Students need to clean up and put back all tools by the end of each lesson.
Week 5 TEX5-9 critically selects and Activities: Digital projector
Prototype display and creatively manipulates a range of - Formative assessment
adjustment (13) textile materials to produce quality Students to display their pattern prototype and giving feedback to each other. Google Classroom
textile items Students demonstrate the design process to peers. Plain cotton tote bags for students not
Making the patterned TEX5-10 selects appropriate Differentiation: students can choose their preferred method for the assessment creating their own objects.
product (14-15) techniques and uses equipment demonstration. (uploaded written material, verbal pitch or audio/video clips)
safely in the production of quality Literacy: written/audio-visual demonstration of the design to peers and teacher. Block printing inks, block printing roller,
textile projects Scaffolding: a detailed pitch template is presented for students to form their colour transferring film.
Location: Textile TEX5-11 demonstrates demonstration. Students can follow the checklist of pitch criteria to cover required
workshop competence in the production of area of demonstration. Students who want to create their own
textile projects to completion - Students work in pairs to share their feedback to the previous presentation, objects need to BYO fabric.
point out the inspiration from other’s work, further related to their own
Evaluating design development and think about how to enhance their design. Needles and treads are provided.
evaluate the designing and The potential enhancement could be better colour scheme, printing Cloth pattern paper and other basic patterns
producing of a textile item using a techniques, carving skills, etc. are provided.
variety of techniques including self- - Making of the product
evaluation and peer evaluation. Students with no extra requirement can use the provided tote bag to do the
first print of the final production.
use feedback from evaluation to Teacher to walk around and check if students need help while making print.
modify project work and ensure a - Making of the product 2
quality result Students who need to make their own object are provided tools to make their
Producing Before the making of the product, students are required to explain the object
and their plan, teacher will evaluate the feasibility of the plan and give
identify the labelling requirements guidance to help them accomplish the goal.
of textile items
Branding concept: (for students with advance requirement to their production)
design and produce a product label As a way of perfecting the presentation of the product, students can create a
and swing tag for textile items label to their product.
produced in project work, for Teacher upload info doc and video tutorial of making a label and the graphic
example design of the label to Google Classroom.
- Label and labelling requirements for the product
Students need to pitch their label design to teacher and will self-evaluate
their label base on the provided criteria.

Reminder: Upload the output of this lesson to Google Doc. Photo documentation
of the assessment should be uploaded by teacher to keep design progress
SC 1B Hao Li 19710525
Assessment task 2 Portfolio

Students need to take note during the group feedback session.

Week 6 TEX5-11 demonstrates Adjustment and group evaluation of the product Digital projector
Project production competence in the production of Activities:
and discussion textile projects to completion - Students form into group of 4 to share their final presentation of the project. Google Classroom
(continuous) (16) Group members will give each other constructive feedback, students still
Evaluating have some time to adjust their presentation. desks
Location: classroom evaluate the designing and
producing of a textile item using a Summative assessment: Little Market for presentation and feedback
variety of techniques including self- Ideally the little market should be held at an open space for students to get access
Little market evaluation and peer evaluation to more viewers and customers of their production.
(Presentation of final Students need to present their patterned fabric product on top of a desk, the
production and use feedback from evaluation to mood boards wok at the explanatory prop next to their product.
feedback) modify project work and ensure a Students are encouraged to actively introduce their products to customers, and
(17-18) quality result they can sell their product after the photo documentation by teacher.

Location: site in By the end of the little market, teacher will mark the presentation and mood
campus board part of the project. Students need to submit their visual diary via Google
Classroom portal, Students will get final mark and individual feedback via their
google Classroom portal.

Assessment Details
Formative assessment:
1. Gantt chart
Students are required to upload their project management plan by week 2, use teacher’s example as the reference. Students need to evaluate their performance of following their plan at the
last part of visual diary.
2. Pattern printing prototype demo
Students present their prototype of pattern printing at the beginning of week 5. This is to keep student’s production on track and giving formative feedback to help them develop further
production of the object.
Summative assessment:
Final Presentation --- Little market and mood board display, visual diary submission on Google Classroom portal.
Students are required to present their final production as a decent design object. The mood board can clearly demonstrate their design thinking process and the cultural inspiration of their design
of pattern. The objects with branding will get extra mark. The submission of visual diary should be on time.
SC 1B Hao Li 19710525
Assessment task 2 Portfolio

Resource 1 Slideshow of this unit

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Assessment task 2 Portfolio
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Assessment task 2 Portfolio
SC 1B Hao Li 19710525
Assessment task 2 Portfolio
SC 1B Hao Li 19710525
Assessment task 2 Portfolio

Resource 2 Pattern analysing worksheet

SC 1B Hao Li 19710525
Assessment task 2 Portfolio
SC 1B Hao Li 19710525
Assessment task 2 Portfolio

Resource 3 Excursion worksheet Fabric imagery/ photos/sketch Trend/business analysis and notes comments
1 (fabric shop owner/designer’s

Excursion Documentation (Textiles tech Year 10) ---- Fabric shop visit
SC 1B Hao Li 19710525
Assessment task 2 Portfolio

Potential selling feature of this design:

Resource 4 Gantt chart example for this unit (students use this as a reference to draft their project management)
SC 1B Hao Li 19710525
Assessment task 2 Portfolio

Resource 5 Pattern design visual instruction (Teacher’s demo via Adobe Illustrator)
SC 1B Hao Li 19710525
Assessment task 2 Portfolio

Resource 6 Block printing ready check worksheet

Block Printing Check

SC 1B Hao Li 19710525
Assessment task 2 Portfolio


2D sketch of your block (annotated, in mm) Feature of my pattern: (tick the box)
(if its tricoloured, need separated colour=3 blocks)
Monotone Tricoloured

What colour are you using?

Red Green
Blue Black
Yellow Orange
Pink Brown
Dark blue Dark green

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