Multiple-Choice Questions Cardiology Questions For (UK) : The MRCP Examination

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Postgrad MedJ7 1998;74:643-648 ©) The Fellowship of Postgraduate Medicine, 1998

Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pgmj.74.877.643 on 1 November 1998. Downloaded from on November 24, 2020 at India:BMJ-PG Sponsored. Protected by copyright.
Multiple-choice questions
Cardiology questions for the MRCP (UK)
Mark Appleby, Derek Rowlands

Answers are given on pages 646-8.

1 Describe the abnormality on the ECG in This 65-year-old man presented with palpita-
figure 1. tions, nausea and vomiting.
2 How would you confirm your diagnosis? 1 What are the two ECG abnormalities shown
in figure 3?
2 What is the most likely underlying cause?
3 Suggest a useful therapeutic measure.

.... ........

Figure 1
tl .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.

Figure 3

A 56-year-old man presents with chest pain. QUESTION 4
What are the two ECG abnormalities shown in
figure 2? 1 Give two abnormalities on the ECG in figure
2 What is the underlying diagnosis?

:.e .:..:.....

Yorkshire Heart Figure 2

Centre, Leeds
M Appleby
Manchester Heart
Centre, Manchester Figure 4
M13 9WL, UK
D Rowlands
Accepted 23 April 1998
644 Appleby, Rowlands

Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pgmj.74.877.643 on 1 November 1998. Downloaded from on November 24, 2020 at India:BMJ-PG Sponsored. Protected by copyright.
This 50-year-old woman presented with short- 1 What investigation is illustrated in figure 7A?
ness of breath and was found to have a motor 2 Name structures A-F.
neuropathy. 3 What is the diagnosis?
1 What does the chest X-ray in figure 5 show ?
2 Suggest three possible underlying diagnoses.

Figur 7A
F ...
.- Figure 7A

1 What investigation has been undertaken in
figure 8 ?
2 What does it show?

Figure S

What does the chest X-ray in figure 6A show?


Figure 8

A 40-year-old man is investigated for shortness
of breath on exertion. The following catheter
-F4 data were obtained:

Pressure (mmHg)
Right atrial end-diastolic 6
Right ventricular end-diastolic 5
Pulmonary artery 54/34
Pulmonary capillary wedge 18
Left ventricular end-diastolic 10
What underlying condition caused the patient
Figure 6A
to be breathless?
Multiple-choice questions in cardiology 645

Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pgmj.74.877.643 on 1 November 1998. Downloaded from on November 24, 2020 at India:BMJ-PG Sponsored. Protected by copyright.
A 60-year-old man suddenly deteriorated 1 What two abnormalities are shown in figure
following a myocardial infarction. A new systo- 1 2A?
lic murmur is detected. The following pres- 2 What may this be associated with?
sures and oxygen saturations are noted at
Swan-Ganz catheterisation:
Mixed venous oxygen saturation (%) 65
Right ventricular oxygen saturation(%) 87
Pulmonary artery pressure (mmHg) 60/25
Pulmonary capillary wedge pressure
(mmHg) 20
What is the most likely diagnosis?
A 15-year-old schoolgirl was admitted to
hospital for further investigation after being
non-specifically unwell for 3 weeks. During this
period she had lost her appetite and was feeling
feverish intermittently. On examination, her
temperature was 38°C, blood pressure 90/60
mmHg, pulse 100 beats/min regular, jugular
venous pressure not raised and there was a soft
systolic murmur at the apex. The lungs were
clinically clear and there were no palpable
abdominal masses.
On investigation, haemoglobin was 10.0 g/dl,
white blood count 11.0 x 109/l (85% neu-
trophils), sodium 138 mmol/l, potassium 3.8
mmol/l, urea 4.7 mmol/l, creatinine 87 mmol/l,
glucose 4.3 mmol/l and ESR 90 mm/h. Three
sets of blood cultures were negative. On analysis
of the urine, there was a trace of protein, with 20
white blood cells per high powered field. During
her hospital stay, the fever continued and after 3
days she became aphasic.
1 What is the diagnosis?
2 Why had she become aphasic?
3 Give three further investigations to consider
for this patient. Figure 12A
646 Appleby, Rowlands

Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pgmj.74.877.643 on 1 November 1998. Downloaded from on November 24, 2020 at India:BMJ-PG Sponsored. Protected by copyright.
Answers The ECG abnormalities may be due to
primary myocardial ischaemia or digoxin
QUESTION 1 toxicity associated with ischaemia secondary to
the tachycardia. In the presence of palpitations,
1 Atrial flutter with 2:1 atrio-ventricular heart nausea and vomiting, the possibility of digoxin
block. toxicity should certainly be considered. Investi-
2 Carotid sinus massage. gation for and treatment of myocardial ischae-
The rhythm is atrial flutter with 2:1 atrio- mia should also be undertaken.
ventricular heart block. The usual flutter rate is Lead I shows one P-wave in front ofeach QRS
300 beats/min. The flutter waves are best seen and one in each ST segment suggesting an atrial
in lead aVF. Alternate flutter waves are partly tachycardia with 2:1 atrio-ventricular block.
obscured by the T-waves. Stimulation of the There is ST segment depression in leads I, aVL
carotid sinus may well increase the degree of and V2 to V6 consistent with digoxin toxicity or
atrio-ventricular block, enabling the flutter myocardial ischaemia, probably at least part
waves to be seen more clearly. Carotid sinus related to the tachycardia. The degree and shape
massage should never be undertaken in anyone of the ST depression in V3-V5 powerfully
with a history of cerebrovascular disease or suggest an ischaemic element in addition to the
with bruits over the carotids. It should be probable effects of digoxin.
applied on one side at a time and should always Effects of high digoxin levels include nausea,
be accompanied by continuous monitoring of vomiting and visual disturbances. An ECG in
cardiac activity. As soon as there is any sign of this situation may show T-wave inversion, par-
ventricular slowing the carotid sinus massage ticularly associated with downsloping ST
must be discontinued. segment depression. Other ECG abnormalities
Intravenous adenosine would have a similar associated with digoxin toxicity include in-
effect in increasing the degree of atrio- creased atrio-ventricular block, ventricular
ventricular block and could be used if carotid ectopic activity, couplets and supraventricular
sinus massage was unsuccessful. arrhythmias. Hypokalaemia exacerbates the
effects of digoxin toxicity. The ECG features of
QUESTION 2 hypokalaemia include ST segment depression,
prolongation of the QT interval, flattening of
The following ECG abnormalities can be seen: the T waves and prominent U waves.
acute inferior myocardial infarction; Mobitz The ECG features of hypokalaemia include
type I second degree heart block (Wenck- ST-depression, prolongation of the QT inter-
ebach); ST-elevation is present in leads II, III val, flattening of the T-wave and prominent
and aVF consistent with an acute inferior myo- U-waves. Hyperkalaemia has a tendency to tall
cardial infarction. pointed T-waves followed by a reduction in
Mobitz type I second degree heart block is P-wave height and R-wave height with widen-
characterised by progressive prolongation of ing of the QRS complexes.
the P-R interval culminating in a non-
conducted P wave. In Mobitz type II second
degree heart block the P-R interval remains QUESTION 4
constant prior to the blocked P wave.
In the setting of an acute myocardial infarc- 1 Junctional bradycardia and the presence of
tion, Mobitz type I second degree heart block J-waves.
more commonly accompanies inferior myocar- 2 Hypothermia.
dial infarction and does not usually require ECG features of hypothermia include sinus
pacing. However, Mobitz type II block is more bradycardia, junctional escape rhythms, long
commonly associated with anterior myocardial QT-interval, J-waves and non-specific ST
infarction and may require temporary or changes.
permanent pacing.
1 The chest X-ray shows pulmonary oedema.
1 Atrial tachycardia with 2:1 atrioventricular 2 A number of systemic conditions are associ-
heart block and reverse tick ST-depression. ated with heart failure and a motor neu-
2 Possible digitoxic effect. ropathy: amyloidosis, diabetes mellitus,
3 Correct the serum potassium level. hypothyroidism, beriberi.
Multiple-choice questions in cardiology 647

Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pgmj.74.877.643 on 1 November 1998. Downloaded from on November 24, 2020 at India:BMJ-PG Sponsored. Protected by copyright.
QUESTION 6 Echocardiography of a heart surrounded by a
pericardial effusion produces an echo-free
Calcified left ventricular aneurysm. space in front of the right ventricle and behind
Calcification is often more easily visualised in the posterior wall of the left ventricle.
a lateral or more penetrated view (figures 6B
and C).
1 Coronary angiogram (left coronary artery).
2 A severe stenosis is visualised in the distal left
main stem.

Mitral stenosis.
The pulmonary artery pressures are high (ie,
there is pulmonary hypertension). The differ-
ence between the pulmonary capillary wedge
pressure and the left ventricular end-diastolic
-I 1 I .|
B *e
pressure (8 mmHg) indicates significant ob-
struction of the mitral valve. This is most prob-
,-- X,v,
S.- ably due to mitral stenosis (other remote possi-
e - 3',',' bilities include atrial thrombus or left atrial
- myxoma). The difference of 1 mmHg between
:r- the right atrial end-diastolic pressure and right
ventricular end-diastolic pressure is not signifi-
.-, ...... cant and therefore there is no evidence of
tricuspid valve obstruction.
Normal values:
Figure 6B
Intracardiac Oxygen
pressure saturation
-!-?':, ., .. (mmHg) (%)
. ... ..a- Right atrial pressure 3 65-75
Right ventricular pressure 20/4 65-75
Pulmonary artery pressure 20/12 65-75
Pulmonary capillary wedge 8
w Left atrial pressure 8 96-98

.. w
. Left ventricular pressure
Aortic pressure

a- -,. QUESTION 10

Ruptured intraventricular septum, causing a

Figure 6C ventricular septal defect.
A new systolic murmur following a myocardial
infarction may be due to a ventricular septal
defect or ruptured papillary muscle leading to
mitral regurgitation. Distinction between these
QUESTION 7 two possibilities may be very difficult on purely
clinical grounds.
1 Transthoracic echocardiogram: parasternal Swan-Ganz catheterisation can be used to
long axis view. identify a ruptured intraventricular septum fol-
2 lowing a myocardial infarction. There is a
raised pulmonary artery pressure, raised pul-
monary capillary wedge pressure and an
A: Pericardial space increase in oxygen saturation from right atrium
B: Right ventricular cavity -
to right ventricle.
C: Anterior mitral valve
D: Left ventricular cavity
E: Posterior wall of left
F: Pericardial space
1 Infective endocarditis ('culture negative').
2 Septic emboli to the brain.
Figure 7B 3 Blood cultures; echocardiography (trans-
thoracic/transoesophageal); brain computed
3 Pericardial effusion. tomography (CT) scan.
648 Appleby, Rowlands

Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pgmj.74.877.643 on 1 November 1998. Downloaded from on November 24, 2020 at India:BMJ-PG Sponsored. Protected by copyright.
Transthoracic echocardiography may identify with hypercholesterolaemia. Cholesterol may
the presence of vegetations. In a patient with a also be deposited in subcutaneous nodules over
good history for endocarditis but no vegeta- tendons as 'tendon xanthomata'. Common sites
tions seen on transthoracic echocardiography, include areas over the patella tendon, Achilles
more detailed valve assessment is obtained tendon and hand tendons.
using transoesophageal echocardiography.
Infective endocarditis often presents gradu-
ally with fevers, sweats, flu-like symptoms,
joint aches, muscle aches and other flu-like
symptoms. The patient may become more
short of breath with further chills and fevers.
On examination, the patient may be pale and
unwell with evidence of weight loss. Petechiae
may be seen on the legs, chest, mucous mem-
branes, conjunctiva or on the fundi as Roths'
spots. Splinter haemorrhages may be seen
more frequently than usual. Small tender areas
in the finger and toe pads may be seen (Osler's
nodes). Various heart murmurs may be noted,
and destruction in a valve may lead to a change
in character of the murmur. Acute regurgita-
tion through a valve can lead to severe pulmo-
nary oedema. Vegetations from valve cusps can Figure 12B
embolise into coronary arteries, causing dif-
fuse myocardial damage. Systemic emboli may
occur to any part of the body. Embolisation to
the brain cause acute neurological distur-
bances and renal emboli sudden loin pain.
Right-sided lesions or ventricular septal de-
fects often produce pulmonary emboli. In-
fected emboli may lead to multiple lung
abscesses. In certain circumstances, right-
sided emboli may pass via the foramen ovale
into the systemic circulation due to the high
right-sided pressures ('paradoxical emboli')
and cause systemic embolic features.
Initially negative cultures do not necessarily
exclude infective endocarditis. Blood serology
should also be checked to exclude some of the
rarer causes of endocarditis. In some cases mul-
tiple repeated cultures over a number of days
may prove negative. The diagnosis is, of course Figure 12C
much easier to sustain when the blood cultures
are positive. When there is a strong presumptive
clinical case of infective endocarditis (known
cardiac lesion, the presence of a murmur, previ-
ous good health, pyrexia, anaemia, leucocytosis,
raised ESR and C-reactive protein level, the
absence of any other evidence of inflammation
or specific localised infection) the condition may
be treated as 'culture negative endocarditis'.
During the initial diagnostic period and subse-
quent treatmient period, frequent (two or three
times weekly) checks on the haemoglobin, white
cell count, ESR, C-reactive protein and creati-
nine levels are helpful.
1 Xanthelasmata; corneal arcus.
2 Hypercholesterolaemia.
Xanthelasmata are subcutaneous cholesterol
deposits at the inner margins of the eyelids. A
corneal arcus is a white circle at the junction of
the cornea and sclera. The presence of xanthe-
lasmata and a corneal arcus are often associated Figure 12D

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