Kinesiology Lesson Plan
Kinesiology Lesson Plan
Kinesiology Lesson Plan
B2.3 Describe the role of nutrition in supporting physical activity (e.g., healthy nutrition maintains the nutrient
balance needed to meet daily activity requirements; macronutrients provide energy and build muscle;
micronutrients and hydration help the body function effectively), and assess the nutritional needs of
individuals or specific groups within the population in relation to their activity levels
Time: 5 After: Consolidation & Connection (Helping students demonstrate what they have Materials
mins learned, providing opportunities for consolidation and reflection)
Exit Task: Identify Macro and Micronutrients of Food Items in our Favourite
Foods Handout
Students will complete a worksheet analyzing the macronutrients and
micronutrients of their favourite food(s)
Assessment Opportunities
Assessment as Learning: Exit Task - Identify Macro and Micronutrients of Food Items
Assessment as Learning: Action - Creating a Nutritional Food Label for a Smoothie
Next Steps
Ensure students are able to use the Canadian food guide to make healthy food choices
Getting students to understand the concept behind supplementation (e.g, vitamins, minerals,
protein, etc)
What parts of your lesson were successful in helping your students understand the Big Idea(s)?
What instructional decisions were successful in meeting the needs of all students?
Reflect on your planning and delivery of the lesson and record any changes/modifications that you might
make as you continue to move forward with unit lesson delivery.