Aron Musulod Ta Sa Balay Sa Ginoo". As We Know To Love As He Did Will Not Be

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Luke reminds us once again this week that we are on the “way to Jerusalem”

with Jesus. This means that the guiding principle in our lives ought to be the
loving concern that took Jesus himself to the climax of his career as he gave his
life for us in Jerusalem. Though it would be nice if we could all visit the
modern city of Jerusalem, this is not what Luke had in mind. He is thinking
instead about the true purpose of this human life that God has given us, that is
Jerusalem in our life, our destination.

As we make this spiritual journey, we must inevitably ask the question posed in
today’s gospel: “Lord, will only a few people be saved?” This question is
understandable since the Jews in the time of Jesus believed that as members of the
Chosen People of God, they have the certain guarantee of salvation. Consequently,
not only were they complacent, but also they looked down on the Gentiles, the non-
Jews. They were too proud and presumptuous so as to exclusively arrogate to
themselves the gift of salvation. For them, only few will be saved.

Jesus answers our question with words that dispel any smugness that we may
have been entertaining: “Strive to enter through the narrow door.” Jesus does
not mention a tribe or people of a certain location but he says about a struggling
persons who puts in mind about struggling “pangsog, pangkamot, panugakod
aron musulod ta sa balay sa Ginoo”. As we know to love as he did will not be
easy and Jesus’ door is narrow because he asks us to open our hearts to him, to
recognize that we are sinners who need of his salvation, his forgiveness and
love. Jesus warns us about the terrible disappointment in store for those who
have not taken his teaching seriously. They will discover, only when it is too
late, that they have not made room in their lives for the One who alone can
bring them to that ultimate joyful banquet that our Creator has prepared for us
in his kingdom.

What a pity it will be if we finally see what life is all about only when it is too
late! But there is still time to resist the powerful distractions that dazzle us and
tell us how much more we need when only one thing is really necessary, that is,
to love our gracious and generous God and to be kind and forgiving toward his
precious people. The question today should change, not how many will enter
but “Lord, am I among those who will make this journey successfully?”

Let us ask mama Mary, Door of heaven to help us cross threshold of faith and
to let her Son transform our life, as he transformed hers to bring everyone the
joy of the Gospel.

Have a blessed week, May God protect you always!


1. 1. Dots for our air con are out, kindly dont leave this place before choosing
one dot for the beauty of God’s house. May God bless you as you build his

2. Last Sunday’s collection.


Ist Collection ---------- 3,081.00

2nd Collection --------- 723.35

Total --------- 3,804.25


Ist Collection -------- 1,523.00

2nd Collection -------- 740.00

Total --------- 2,363.00

Grand Total Collection -------- 6,167.25

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