Simulating DC Circuits Using Pspice Software

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Lab 5

Simulating DC circuits Using Pspice software

PSpice is an acronym for Personal Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit
Emphasis. Spice is a program developed by the EE Department at
the University of California at Berkeley for computer simulation of analog
circuits.  In its original form you tell Spice what elements are in the circuit
(resistors, capacitors, etc.), and then enter the circuit diagram as an ASCII file
showing what nodes each element is connected to.  Every node is assigned a
number, and there is always a ground node, which is Number 0.  You then tell
Spice what information you want -- bias conditions, frequency response,
and/or transient response.  Spice does the circuit analysis and puts out an
ASCII file with the information.

Using Spice was not very intuitive to use because the input is an ASCII file
rather than a circuit diagram, and the output is another ASCII file rather than
a graph. Nowadays Several companies have developed graphical user interfaces
for Spice, which make it much easier to use.  One of the most popular
is PSpice.  PSpice provides a free student version is available on website and in
our lab

To use PSpice, start with the PSpice Schematics program.  When you start up

you will get a screen which looks like this:
For a circuit to be analyzed by PSpice, we must take three steps:

(1) Create the circuit, (2) simulate it, and (3) print or plot the results.

In this section, we learn how to create the circuit using the Schematics
program. Before we discuss how to use the Schematics capture, we need to
Know how to use the mouse to select an object and perform an action. One
uses the mouse in Schematics in conjunction with the keyboard to carry out
various instructions. Throughout this text, we will use the following terms to
represent actions to be performed by the mouse:

Table 1: for Mouse click during simulation

CLICKL click the left button once to select an item
CLICKR click the right button once to abort a mode
DCLICKL double-click the left button to edit a selection or
end a mode
DCLICKR double-click the right button to repeat an action
CLICKLH click the left button, hold down, and move the mouse to drag a
selected item. Release the left button after the item has been
DRAG Drag the mouse (without clicking) to move an item

1. Opening PSpice:

 Find PSpice on the startup menu of your PC. Open Schematics or you

can go to PSpice A_D and then click on the schematic icon .

2. Placing the Parts

Each circuit part is retrieved by following this procedure:

Select Draw/Get New Part to pull down the Draw menu and open up the Part
Browser Basic dialog box (or type <Ctrl G>).Use scroll bar to select the part (or
type the part name, e.g., R for resistor, in the PartName box).

• Once this box is open, select a part that you want in your circuit. This
can be done by typing in the name or scrolling down the list until you find it.

Some common parts are:

r – Resistor, C – capacitor L, – inductor, GND_ANALOG or GND_EARTH -- this
is very important, you MUST have a ground in your circuit, VAC and VDC

• Upon selecting your parts, click on the place button then click where you
want it placed (somewhere on the white page with the blue dots). Don't worry
about putting it in exactly the right place, it can always be moved later.

• Once you have all the parts you think you need, close that box. You can
always open it again later if you need more or different parts.

Click Place & Close (or press <Enter>).DRAG part to the desired location on
the screen CLICKR to terminate the placement mode.

Sometimes, we want to rotate a part 90. To rotate a resistor, for example, select
the part R and click Edit/Rotate (or type <Ctrl R>). To delete a part, CLICKL to
select (highlight red) the part,

Connecting the Circuit:

• Now that your parts are arranged well, you'll have to attach them with

• Go up to the tool bar and

 select "Draw Wire" or Ctrl+W"

 go to "Draw" and select "Wire".

• With the pencil looking pointer, click on one end of a part, when you
move your mouse around, you should see dotted lines appear. Attach the other
end of your wire to the next part in the circuit.

• Repeat this until your circuit is completely wired.

• If you want to make a node (to make a wire go more then one place), click
somewhere on the wire and then click to the part (or the other wire). Or you
can go from the part to the wire.

• To get rid of the pencil, right click.

• If you end up with extra dots near your parts, you probably have an
extra wire, select this short wire (it will turn red), then press "Delete".
• If the wire doesn't go the way you want (it doesn't look the way you
want), you can make extra bends in it by clicking in different places on the way
(each click will form a corner).then click Edit/Cut (or press <Delete>).

Changing the Name of the Part:

You probably don't want to keep the names C1, C2 etc., especially if you didn't
put the parts in the most logical order. To change the name, double click on
the present name (C1, or R1 or whatever your part is), then a box will pop up
(Edit Reference Designator). In the top window, you can type in the name you
want the part to have.

Please note that if you double click on the part or its value, a different box will

Changing the Value of the Part:

If you only want to change the value of the part (if you don't want all your
resistors to be 1K ohms), you can double click on the present value and a box
called "Set Attribute Value" will appear. Type in the new value and press OK.
Use u for micro as in uF is microFarad.

If you double click on the part itself, you can select VALUE and change it in
this box.

Using PSPICE for Circuits with Dependent Sources

The problems in this tutorial and the corresponding homework continue to deal
with the DC analysis of circuits or DC Bias analysis in PSPICE. So far we have
covered circuits with resistors and independent sources. This tutorial
introduces the dependent source elements in PSPICE.

As discussed in class there are four types of dependent sources, two are voltage
sources and two are current sources. The four types of dependent sources are
listed below in table 1 along with their abbreviation, PSPICE name and library.
Dependent Sources Abbrev PSPICE part Library
1 Voltage Controlled Voltage Source VCVS E Analog
2 Current Controlled Current Source CCCS F Analog
3 voltage Controlled Current Source VCCS G Analog
4 Current Controlled Voltage Source CCVS H Analog

 Use bubble to connect dependent sources with their dependent variable

instead of connecting with wires.

Note: properly label/name the bubbles otherwise it will not work. If two
bubbles are at separate location but they have same name, they will be
considered as connected to each other like a wire

 After the circuit is drawn go to analysis setup:

 Bias point means DC analysis; The bias point is calculated for any
analysis whether or not the Bias Point Detail analysis is enabled in the
Analysis Setup dialog box. However, additional information is reported
when the Bias Point Detail analysis is enabled. When Bias Point Detail
analysis is not enabled, only analog node voltages and digital node states
are reported to the output file.
 Enable the following tabs for finding voltage and current
 After simulating the circuit in pspice. Node voltages are found and
currents are known by pressing “V” and “I”.

Task1: simulate the following DC circuit using pspice

1. Grab these circuit elements “Idc”, “R”, “Vdc” for the following circuit
2. Then connect them using “draw wire”
3. Don’t forget to ground the circuit using “agnd”
4. Run the “simulation”
5. Bias point is by default enabled if not then click the bias point in
analysis setup.
6. When simulation is complete. Voltages and currents will be displayed, if
not click the “V” and “I” tabs .

Task2: Simulate the following Dependent source circuit in pspice

1. Grab these circuit elements “Idc”, “R”, “F” for the following circuit
2. Then connect them using “draw wire”
3. Don’t forget to ground the circuit using “agnd”
4. Run the “simulation”
5. Bias point is by default enabled if not then click the bias point in
analysis setup.
6. When simulation is complete. Voltages and currents will be displayed, if
not click the “V” and “I” tabs.

Post Lab:
Verify star delta conversion circuit in Lab4 using pspice and draw the
table for verification

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