Using Critical Debate Technique To Improve Students' Speaking Ability

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(A Classroom Action Research in the Eleventh Grader of SMA Negeri 1 Sakra
Lombok Timur in Academic Year of 2010/2011)


Written to Fullfill One of Requirements of Graduate Degree of English Education


NIM : S890809109



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This thesis has been approved by the Consultants and the Head of English Education of

Graduate School of Sebelas Maret University Surakarta on………………………….

First Consultant Second Consultant

Prof. Dr. H. Joko Nurkamto, M. Pd. Drs. Gunarso Susilohadi, M.Ed TESOL
NIP. 19610124 198702 1 001 NIP. 19540315 198503 1 002

The Head of English Education of Graduate School

Dr. Ngadiso, M. Pd
NIP. 19621212311988031009


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This thesis has been examined by the Board of Thesis Examiners of English

Education Department of Graduate School of Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta.



Board of Examiners Signature

1. Chairman :

Dr. Ngadiso, M. Pd.

NIP. 19621231 198803 1 009 ........................................

2. Secretary :

Dr. Abdul Asib, M. Pd.

NIP. 19520307 198003 1 005 ........................................

3. Examiner I

Prof. Dr. Joko Nurkamto, M. Pd.

NIP. 19610124 198702 1 001 ........................................

4. Examiner II

Drs. Gunarso S, M.Ed TESOL

NIP. 19540315 198503 1 002 ........................................

The Director of Graduate school The Head of English Education

Department of Graduate School,

Prof. Drs. Suranto, M. Sc., Ph.D. Dr. Ngadiso, M. Pd.

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And have patience with what they say, and

leave them with noble (dignity).

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This thesis is dedicated to:

My Parents, Wife, honey Iwan and Icha,

close friends, and all families.

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JUNAIDI, S89809109 Using Critical Debate Technique to Improve the Students’ Speaking
Ability of the Eleventh grade of SMAN 1 Sakra, Lombok Timur. First Consultant: Prof. Dr.
H. Joko Nurkamto, M.Pd. Second Consultant: Drs. Gunarso Susilohadi, M.Ed. TESOL.
Thesis: Surakarta. English Education Departement, Graduate School, Sebelas Maret
University, 2011.

The objective of the research is to examine whether or not Critical Debate

Technique can develop the speaking ability of the second year students of SMAN 1 Sakra,
besides that, the researcher is aimed at knowing the teaching-learning progress when
Critical Debate Technique is applied at the second year students of SMAN 1 Sakra.
The research was conducted at SMAN 1 Sakra located in Lombok Timur-NTB,
from January to April 2011. The subject of the research was the second year of SMAN 1
Sakra, academic year 2010/2011, exactly the science program-consisting 31 students-21
female students and 10 male ones. There were two kinds of data in the research-the
quantitative data and the qualitative one-which were obtained from respondent, the event,
and document. The quantitative data were collected by using test and document analysis,
while the qualitative data were collected by using observation, interview, questionnaire, and
document analysis. The quantitative data were analyzed by using descriptive statistic, while
the qualitative data were analyzed by using constant comparative method suggested by
Hopkins (1993: 149).
The finding proves that the research on developing speaking ability using Critical
Debate Technique at second year students of SMAN 1 Sakra is successful viewed from
several dimensions. First, Critical Debate Technique can improve the students’ speaking
ability, second, Critical Debate Technique can improve the students’ involvement in
learning teaching process, third, Critical Debate Technique may also build appreciation
for diversity and develop tolerance for other viewpoints, fourth Critical Debate
techniques can raise the motivation and interest, fifth, Critical Debate Technique can
establish the psychological therapy, sixth, Critical Debate Technique can promote critical
The research findings of study imply that Critical Debate Technique is a very
appropriate and effective technique to develop the students’ speaking ability. Therefore, it is
recommended that: (1) other speaking teachers apply Critical Debate Technique to develop
the students’ speaking ability; (2) the principal of school encourages of the teachers to apply
Critical Debate by providing better appropriate facility needed in teaching-learning process;
and (3) other researchers develop some dimensions which have not been developed in this

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The researcher realized that the accomplishment of this thesis would not have
run well without any help from the two of my consultants and from the others.
Therefore, the researcher would like to give his sincerest gratitude and appreciation to:
1. The director of Graduate School of Sebelas Maret University for his permission to
conduct the research.
2. Dr. Ngadiso, M. Pd, as the Head of English Departement Graduate of School of
Sebelas Maret University who always guides and motivates the researcher to
conduct this research well.
3. Prof. Dr. H. Joko Nurkamto, M.Pd. and Drs. Gunarso Susilohadi, M.Ed. TESOL as
the first and second consultants who have encouraged and guided the researcher in
planning, conducting the research, and finishing this thesis.
4. The Head Master of SMAN1 Sakra for his permission to conduct this research in his
5. The collaborator, Wardatul Jannah who helped the researcher to conduct this
6. The beloved wife, mother, brother, sister, and his honey Iwan , and Icha who always
help and pray for the researcher to get successful.
This thesis is still too far from being perfect; therefore the researcher expects
criticism and suggestions from the readers and users in order to make improvement to
this thesis. However, the researcher hopes that this thesis can be useful for anybody
who wants to read it.
Surakarta, May 18th 2011

S 890809109

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TITLE…………………………………………………………………………. i
APPROVAL ………………………………………………………………….. ii
MOTTO ……………………………………………………………………….. iv
DIDICATION ………………………………………………………………… vi
ABSTRACT ………………………………………………………………… vi
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT……………………………………………………. vii
TABLE OF CONTENTS……………………………………………….. …… viii
LIST OF TABLES …………………………………………………………… xii
LIST OF FIGURE ……………………………………………………………... xiii
LIST OF APPENDICES………………………………………………………. xiv

A. Background of the Study ......................................................... 1
B. The problems Formulation....................................................... 8
C. The Objectives of the Study..................................................... 8
D. The Benefits of the Study ........................................................ 9


A. Theoretical Description ...................................................... 10
1. Speaking Ability ............................................................ 10
a. The Meaning of Speaking Ability ............................. 10
b. Type of speaking activities ......................................... 16
c. Micro and Macro Skills of Speaki ............................. 18
d. Factors Influencing the Students’Speaking Ability.. 20
2. The Teaching Speaking…………………… ............... 23
a. Goal For Teaching Speaking ……………………… 23
b. Approach in Teaching Speaking…………………… 26

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c. Factor to Consider in Teaching Speaking …… ................. 29

d. Assessing Speaking ........................................................... 32
3. Critical Debat …………………………………………… 38
a. The Meaning of Critical Debate ....................................... 38
b. The Procedure of Critical Debate .................................... 41
c. Some Terms in Critical Debate ...................................... 45
d. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Critical Debate . 48
B. Rationale ............................................................ 51
C. Action Hypothesis ............................................................ 54


A. The Setting and Time of the Research..................................... 55
B. The Subject of the Research .................................................... 57
C. The Method of the Research .................................................... 57
1. Planning ............................................................................. 58
2 . Acting……………………………………………………. 59
3. Observing………………………………………………… 59
2. Reflecting ......................................................................... 60
D. Data and Data Source ............................................................. 60
E. Tehnique of Collecting Data ................................................. 61
F. Technique of Analysing Data ................................................. 64


A. Research finding ............................................................. 67
1. Introduction ............................................................. 67
2. The Implementation of the reseach ...................................... 71
a. Cycle 1 ............................................................. 71
1) Planning ............................................................. 72
2) Acting ............................................................. 72
a) First meeting ............................................................. 73
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b) Second meeting ........................................................... 81

c) Third meeting 89
3) Observing ............................................................. 92
4) Reflecting ............................................................. 97
a) The Strangth………………..………………………… 98
b) The Weakness…………………………..…………… . 99
c) The Recommendation ………………………………... 99
b. Cycle 2 ............................................................. 99
1) Planning ……………………………………… 100
2) Acting ………………………………………. 100
a) First Meeting………………….. ................................. 101
b) Second Meeting ........................................................... 107
c) Third Meeting ............................................................. 113
3) Observing ............................................................. 116
4) Reflecting ............................................................. 122
a) The Strengths………………………………………..... 123
b) The Weaknesses …………………………………… . 124
c) Recommendation ………………………………… ...... 124
c. Cycle 3 ............................................................. 124
1) Planning ............................................................. 125
2) Acting ............................................................. 125
a) First Meeting ............................................................. 126
b) Second Meeting ............................................................. 131
c) Third Meeting ............................................................. 135
3) Observing ............................................................. 138
4) Reflecting ............................................................. 143
a) The Strengths ……………………………………….... 144
b) The Weaknesses …………………………………… ... 145
c) Recommendation …………………………………… .. 145

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B. Discussion ……………………………………………………. 146

1. The Improvement in Speaking Ability…………………… 147
2. The Improvement on the Students’ Involvement
in Learning teaching Process ……………………………. . 150
3. The improvement on appreciation for divercity and
develop tolerance for other viewpoints ………….. .............. 151
4. The Increase on The Motivation and Interest …………… 152
5. The Establishment on the Psychological Therapy ……… ... 153
6. The improvement on students’ ability to promote critical
thinking …………………………………………………… 154


A. Conclusion ............................................................. 156
B. Implication ............................................................. 159
C. Recommendation ………………………………………….. 159

BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................. 162

APPENDICES ............................................................. 165

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A. Background of the Study

Speaking is one of the four skills that need to be mastered by everyone

because by speaking, one is able to convey meaning, express feeling, give

opinion, etc. According to Thornburry (2005: 8) speaking is a speech production

that becomes a part of daily activities which involves interaction. It means that if

one is able to communicate well she or he will be able to interact with the society,

go to many places without having any obstacles, work in any work field because

speaking is of key to pass the interview test, etc.

Furthermore, O’Malley and Pierce (1996: 11) state that speaking seems to

be an important skill that a learner should acquire. They add that speaking skill is

very important to enable students to communicate effectively through oral

language, because disability of the students to speak may result in the inability to

express their ideas even in a simple form conversation. In line with O’Malley,

Pierce and Kayi (2006: 1) state that the teaching of speaking is very important part

of second language learning because it is clearly and efficiently contributes to the

success of the learners in school and success in their life. Thus, it is essential that

language teachers pay great attention to the teaching of speaking. Since speaking

is very important the government emphasizes speaking to be taught at school.

Based on Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan nasional (Tahun 2006. No.23) the

objectives of teaching speaking for senior high School is in order that the students
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are able to express meaning orally in interpersonal and transactional, formal and

1 2

informal in form of recount, narrative, procedure, descriptive, news items, report,

analytical exposition, hortatory exposition, spoof, explanation, discussion, and

review in daily life. It is hoped that the students are able to speak and tell a story

in English, to produce the English speech sound, to select appropriate words and

sentences according to social setting, to organize their thoughts in meaningful and

logical sequence, to use the language quickly and confidently However, the fact

shows that many students are not able to show their speaking ability.

In the classroom during the teaching and learning process the students are

passive, they just listen to the teacher explaining the material without

understanding the meaning and they just keep silent without any response when

the teacher asked them questions or when their friends were having conversation.

Bisedes that, they can hardly use English for communication even in the simple

form, they always use their mother tongue for communication. They are not able

to produce English word correctly and arrange English sentence even in simple

sentence that make them cannot produce the language correctly, etc.

This fact can be proved by looking at percentage of students using English

well in telling their daily activities was only 29% from 31 the total number of

students at SMAN 1 Sakra in 2010/2011 academic year. The researcher found that

there were only 9 students who got mark more than minimum standard (6.3) and

there were 22 students who got under minimum standard. The average score is

53.41 the highest is 72 and the lowest one is 34. They often mispronounced

certain words, often misunderstood with the hoped answer, did not have well

structure, and did not have fluent expressions as well. It can be recognized from
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the average score of the students in content, organization, grammar,

pronunciation, and fluency which were low as shown in table 1. Those low

speaking aspects automatically affect the students’ speaking ability.

Table 1: The Average Score of Speaking Aspects

Average Percentage Maximum
No Aspect
score score
1 Content 2.98 60% 5
2 Organization 2.95 59% 5
3 Grammar 2.59 52% 5
4 Pronunciation 2.32 46% 5
5 Fluency 2.5 50% 5
Total 13.34 53% 25

Based on the result above, it is true that students’ speaking skill in SMAN

1 Sakra is still considered as the most difficult skill because the skill contains a

complex substance such as pronunciation, structure, discourse, and the social

context of culture and situation. Those problems may come from the students

itself and from the outside of the students. The factor that come from the students

cause the students have low speaking ability are passive, less motivated, less

confident, nervous, shy, afraid of making mistake, and afraid of being laugh by


From the result of interview, the researcher obtained the data. When

researcher asked them about their difficulties, a student with data source S10

admitted that:

“Saya kurang aktif mengikuti pelajaran speaking dikelas karna kurang

mengerti apa yang disampaikan
commitoleh guru, sebab kosa kata saya sangat
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kurang, lagi pula cara melafalkan kata-kata sagat sulit, apa lagi kalau di 4

suruh ke depan menyampaikan ungkapan atau pendapat yang berhubung

dengan topic sangat lah sulit dan takut salah, lagi pula kurang berlatih
disekolah maupun dirumah”. (Friday, 20 February 2011).
From the data above, it is indentified that the student with the data source

S10 is less understand because of lack vocabulary, difficult to pronounce English

words, afraid of making mistake and rarely practice at school or at home.

Similar problems - less confident, afraid of making mistake and miss

understand, nervous, and has poor vocabulary are also faced by student with the

data source S15. She wants to have speaking activity in a team because it will be

more comfortable and the students will be able to help each other as the researcher

quoted below;

“Setiap saya maju kedepan, saya kurang percaya diri, saya merasa takut
salah berbicara dalam Bahasa Inggris, gemetaran dan sangat kaku, untuk
menghadapi semua ini saya lebih suka belajar berkelompok atau tim,
untuk menghilangkan rasa malu”. (Friday, 20 February 2011).

Furthermore, students’ learning outcome which is still considered

unsuccessful, has always been the focus of criticism towards the failure of

teaching of English in SMAN 1 Sakra. As a consequence English teachers are

demanded to be responsible for the failure in making the students capable of using

English for communication both productively and receptively. To alleviate this

ordeal, educators, practitioners, and policy makers quite often pay very much

attention to research dealing with the curriculum, methodology, and teachers

excluding such significant variables as the learner perspective. They have rarely

considered the learner perspective as a very important contribution to the learning


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Pertaining to the students’ problems being faced, there are many factors

causing their difficulties in achieving speaking competence, based on the result of

interview that the researcher got from the teacher informally, the causes are stated

specifically as follows.

Firstly in teaching speaking, the teacher tended to teach text

comprehension monotonously. For example, when the teacher taught a certain

topic, he or she just explained the expressions related to the topic while the

students listened to the teacher’s explanation, and took notes, or even for

sometimes took a nap. Then, she/he asked the students to look at the structure of

the dialogue which had been stated in the book to read together after her. After

that she/he asked some of them to practice the dialogue in front of the class in

pairs. She/he asked them to answer the comprehensive questions dealing with the

topic in written. The teacher would feel satisfied if the students could answer the

questions correctly. The weaknesses of what the teacher did were as follows; the

students did not have more enough rehearsal time to practice or to express their

own ideas so that they could not interact one to each other in English

simultaneously. They also tended to be shy, nervous, doubt, inferior, and afraid to

make mistakes because they seldom used their own English to communicate with

others. Besides, they did not have creative and innovative activity.

Secondly, the teacher oriented her/his teaching at the written test which

was held in the mid or end semester, even in the final exam. The teacher felt

guilty if the students could not do the test correctly, because their English mark

automatically would be bad or less than standard score.

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Thirdly, there was no specially allocated time to evaluate the students’

speaking skill at the end of semester or final exam. This caused the teacher tend to

ignore the teaching of speaking communicatively. The marks of speaking skill

were taken from the teacher’s daily observation.

Fourthly, the teacher still taught the students with routine activities

without realizing that it would make the students bored and lost their attention to

the teaching learning process. As a result, the students were not able to catch the

material easily because of their lost interest and participation. This is in line with

statement of Douglas in Suharno (2006: 6)”Routine activities in learning can

make the students bored. As result, their motivation and participation in learning

will decrease”.

Moreover, recognizing students’ problems in learning English especially

in speaking skill, Ur (1996: 121) states some problems that may prohibit the

students to develop their speaking skill. First, students have low motivation in

learning since English is not used all the time in classroom or at school or in their

environment outside the school. Unfortunately, English is a foreign language for

the students. Second, students are lack of prior knowledge especially deals with

vocabulary and grammar of the language. Third, students are lack of ideas, having

low participation and only using their mother tongue to talk in the classroom.

Fourth, the teacher is not able to manage the classroom since he or she is not

familiar with various methods in teaching speaking skill. Fifth, teacher does not

speak in English when giving instructions since most of the students do not

comprehend the teachers` point if learning is done in English. Finally, students are
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not facilitated by the school. School does not have sufficient source of material for

learning to speak. Based on the problems and the causes above, the researcher

proposes Critical Debate Techique as a solution to develop the speaking ability of

the second year students of SMAN 1 Sakra.

According to Barkley, et al. (2005: 4) collaborative learning is the process

of students in which they work in pairs or small groups to achieve shared learning

goals. In further explanation they say clearly:

“To collaborate is to work with another or others. In practice,

collaborative learning has come to mean students working in pairs or small
groups to achieve shared goals. It is learning through group work rather
than learning by working alone. There are other terms for this kind of
activity, such as cooperative learning, team learning, group learning, or
peer-assisted learning. In this case, however, we use the phrase
collaborative learning to refer to learning activities expressly designed for
and carried out through pairs or small interactive groups”.

By applying Critical Debate Technique, students are able to increase their

motivation, enhance their skill, promote critical thinking, and develop

communication proficiency. Besides, the debates expose the class to a focused, in-

depth, multiple-perspective analysis of issues. Because critical debates have the

added dimension of requiring students to assume a position opposite to their own,

they encourage students to challenge their existing assumptions. This can move

students beyond simple dualistic thinking, deepen their understanding of an issue,

and help them to recognize the range of perspective inherent in complex topics. In

this way, critical debate may also build appreciation for diversity and develop

tolerance for other viewpoints.

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Critical Debate Technique has great contribution in speaking since it is a

task-based. It encourages the students to practice their English in real

communication. By using Critical Debate Technique, it can activate the students’

speaking class, improve the students’ achievement-speaking ability such as to

produce the English speech sounds and sound pattern, to select appropriate words

and sentences according to the proper social setting, to organize their thoughts in

meaningful and logical sequence, to use the language quickly and cofidently with

few unnatural pauses which are called as fluency and to overcome the problem

face in learning teaching process.

B. Problem Formulation

Based on the background of the study, the writer would like to know

whether the use of “Critical Debate Technique” in teaching speaking skill can

improve the students’ English speaking ability. The problem can be formulated as


1. To what extent is the use of critical debate technique in improving the

students’ speaking ability in learning English?

2. What happens to the students when the critical debate technique is applied?

C. The Objectives of the Study

Related to the background of the study and the problem formulation

above, there are some objectives which are expected to be achieved in this study.

In general, this study is intended to improve the students’ English speaking

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ability. However, the writer wants to elaborate the objectives of the study as


First, the objectives of this study are intended to know the extent of critical

debate in teaching English improves the students’ speaking ability at the eleventh

grade of SMAN 1 Sakra Lombok Timur NTB. Second, this study is expected to

know the progress that may appear in using Critical Debate.

D. The Benefits of the Study

This study is hoped to be beneficial:

1. To motivate and encourage the students in speaking class because they can

work together with many friends in their team and can express their ideas

without beeing nervourse, afraid, shy, and of course they will be more

confident to speak and express their idea.

2. Provide contribution for the English teacher to apply another technique

dealing with the teaching-learning process, especially in teaching speaking.

By considering this study they will not use the monotonous technique.

3. Provide useful information to conduct further studies for other researchers.

4. Enlarge the writer’s knowledge about the advantages and disadvantages of

using Critical Debate technique in teaching speaking.

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This chapter consists of the following sections; theoretical description,

rationale, and action hypothesis. Meanwhile, the theoretical description presents

some discussions which are related to the present study. It covers the explanation

about speaking skill and critical debate.

A. Theoretical Description

1. Speaking Ability

a. The Meaning of Speaking Ability

The term of ability in this study refers to the competence stated by

Chomsky in Brumfit and Johnson (1988: 13). He defines it as the speaker-hearer’s

knowledge of his language. It is seen as overall underlying linguistic knowledge

and ability thus includes concepts of appropriateness and acceptability. The study

of competence will inevitably entail consideration of such variable as attitude,

motivation, and a number of socio-cultural factors. While in the curriculum 2004,

competence is defined as knowledge, skill, behavior, and values which accustom

to be applied in habitual though and action. It is the person’s ability, power,

authority, skill, knowledge, etc (to do what is needed).

Nolasco (1997: xii) states that speaking ability is not fluent speaking but

conversation. Speaking ability means conversation ability or conversation skill. It

performs nature of mutual interdependent, interactive nature of conversation. It is

a awareness activity as well as feedback activity so that a series of task is

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10 11

developed to sharpen the students’ awareness on the activity and assess their own

progress performance. When those awareness and feedback activities done

gradually, automatic conversation becomes accustomed; speaking ability, in this

case, conversation skill, needs gradual practice-controlled, awareness, and finally

fluency conversation.

Klippel (1999: xii) strengthens the statement. He says that foreign

language teaching should help students achieve some kinds of communication

occurs naturally have to be taken advantage of and many more suitable ones have

to be created. A student is said to have speaking ability when he is able to

converse-to exchange thought and opinion in speech. In fact, there are many kinds

of conversation, but the relevance among others: give and receive information,

collaboration in doing something, and share personal experiences and opinions

with a view to building social relationships. Those define that a student needs to

perform gradual and varied conversation in the course of learning the language

patterns to gain the speaking ability.

Rivers in Richards and Renandya (2002: 208) states that the functions of

spoken language are interactional and transactional. The primary intention of the

former is to maintain social relationships, whereas that of the latter is to convey

information and ideas. In fact, much of our daily communication remains

interactional. Being able to interact in a language is essential. Therefore, language

instructors should provide learners with opportunities for meaningful

communicative behavior about relevant topics by using learner-learner interaction

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as the key to teaching language for communication because” communication

derives essentially from interaction”.

Communication in the classroom is embedded in meaning-focused

activity. This requires teachers to tell their instruction carefully to the needs of

learners and teach them how to listen to others, how to talk with others, and how

to negotiate meaning in a shared context. Out of interaction, learners will learn

how to communicate verbally and nonverbally as their language store and

language skills develop. Consequently, the give- and –take exchanges of messages

will enable them to create discourse that conveys their intentions in real-life


Speaking is “the process of building and sharing meaning through the use

of verbal and non verbal symbols, in a variety of contexts” (Chaney, 1998: 13).

Kayi said what is meant by “teaching speaking is to teach ESL learners to (1)

produce the English speech sounds and sounds patterns; (2) use word and

sentence stress, intonation patterns and the rhythm of the second language; (3)

select appropriate words according to the proper social setting, audience, situation

and subject matter ; (4) organize their thoughts in a meaningful and logical

sentence; (5) use language as means of expressing values and judgments; and (6)

use the language quickly and confidently with few unnatural pauses, which are

called as fluency ( Nunan, in Kayi, 2007: 1 ).

Communicative language teaching and collaborative learning serve best

the students to learn to speak in the second language by interacting. Because

communicative languge teaching is based on real-life situation that requires

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communication, it will give students more opportunity to communicate each other

using the second language. Teacher should be able to create a classroom

environment where students have real-life communication, authentic activities,

and meaningful task that promote oral language. This can occur when students

collaborative in groups to achieve a goal or to complete a task. Teacher should

emphasize the development of oral communication in teaching English as been

stated by Nunan (1989: 32). It should be about: (1) the ability to articulate

phonological feactures of the language comprehensively; (2) mastery of stress,

rhythm, and intonation pattern; (3) an acceptable degree of fluency; (4)

transactional and interpersonal skill; (5) skills in taking short and long speaking

turns; (6) skill in negotiating meaning; (7) conversationl listening skills

(successful conversation require good listeners as well as good speakers); (8) skill

in knowing about negotiating purposes for conversation; and (9) using

appropriate conversational formulate and fillers.

Speaking is a speech production that becomes a part of daily activities

which involve interaction (Thornburry, 2005: 8). While Morrow (1982: 70) states

that speaking is typified as an activity involving two (or more) people in which

the participants both hearers and speakers have to react to what they hear.

Furthermore, Spratt (2005: 34) defines that speaking is a productive skill which

involves using speech to express meaning to other people. Hughes (1999: 135)

states that speaking is fundamentally an interactive task linked to the individual

who produces it.

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The term speaking has several meanings. Widdowson in Suharno (2006:

12) says that speaking has two meanings. First, it refers to the manner in which

language is manifested. Second, it refers to manner in which language is realized

as communication. In addition, speaking is an interactive process of constructing

meaning that involves producing, receiving and processing information (Joyce &

Burns, 1999: 2). In speaking, one needs to know how to articulate the sound in a

comprehensible manner and needs an adequate vocabulary. One also needs to

have mastery of syntax. These various elements add up to linguistic competence.

In line with the above statement, Bailey, Keith, and Morrow (1981) say

that speaking ability is an activity to produce utterances in oral communication.

This activity involves two or more people in which the participants are both

speaker and hearer have to react to what they hear and make their contribution at

high speech, so that each participant has an intention or a set of intention that

he/she to. Hymes in Nunan (1999: 226) proposes the concept of communicative

competence as an alternative to Chomsky’s linguistic competence, a range of

other sociolinguistics and conversational skills that enable the speaker to know

how to say what to whom, and whesn.

In general, there are two kinds of knowledge in speaking: linguistic

knowledge and extra linguistic knowledge. Linguistic knowledge refers to the

knowledge of language features. It consists of genre knowledge, discourse

knowledge, grammar, vocabulary, and phonology Thorburry in Ami (2009: 10).

While extra linguistic knowledge refers to the knowledge outside the language

features. It refers to the socio cultural knowledge.

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Speaking is one of the four language skills. There are three other skills are

listening, reading, and writing. Speaking is closely related to listening and writing,

while speaking is related to listening because both use oral media. It is also related

to writing because both are productive process. Khamkhien (2010: 184) says that

speaking, as a productive skill, seems intuitively the most important of all the four

language skills because it can distinctly show the correctness and language errors

that a language learners makes. Since English speaking tests, in general, aim to

evaluate how the learners express their improvement and success in pronunciation

and communication, several aspects, especially speaking test formats and

pronunciation need to be considered.

Lexically, speaking means a creative process; an active interaction

between speaker and listener that involves thought and emotion (Underwood,

1997: 11). From this definition, it is clear that speaking activity can be taken

place when there is more than one person: speaker and listener. The most common

thing is that speaking includes other people both individually or group as the

speaker and listener. Both get along each other as the speaker and the listener.

In addition, Thornbury (1994: 66) states that speaking is a skill and it is a

behavior or a mental process such as those in oral presentation, discussion etc.

The process comprises of stages of awareness, appropriation, and autonomy.

Control practice sets the students to the appropriation stage. In this stage, students

are guided spontaneously to use the language. Then further, they will come to the

stage of autonomy whereas students can mix verbalize what they know and want

to know to what they have learnt right away without restriction from others.
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b. Types of Speaking Activity

According to Brown (2004: 141) there are five types of speaking activities

as follows:

1) Imitative

At one end of continuum of types of speaking performance is the ability to

simply parrot back (imitate) a word or phrase or possibly a sentence. While this is

purely phonetic level of oral production, a number of prosodic, lexical and

grammatical properties of language may be included in the criterion performance.

We are interested only in what is traditionally labeled “pronunciation”; no

inferences are made about the test taker’s ability or to understand or convey the

meaning or to participate in an interactive conversation.

2) Intensive.

A second type of speaking frequently employed in assessment context is

the production of short stretch of oral language designed to demonstrate

competence in narrow band of grammatical, phrasal, lexical, or phonological

relationships ( such as prosodic elements – intonation, stress, rhythm, juncture).

The speaker must be aware of semantic properties in order to be able respond, but

interaction with the interlocutor or test administrator is minimal at best. Example

of intensive assessment include direct respond task, reading aloud, sentence and

dialogue completion; limited picture – cued tasks including a simple sequences;

and translation up to the simple sentence level.

3) Responsive.

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Responsive assessment tasks include interaction and test comprehension

but at the somewhat limited level of very short conversation, standard greeting,

and small talk, simple request and comments, and the like. The stimulus is always

a spoken prompt (in order to preserve authenticity) with perhaps only one or two

follow – up questions or reports:

4) Interactive.

The difference between responsive and interactive speaking is in the

length and complexity of the interaction, which sometimes includes multiple

exchanges and/or multiple participants. Interaction can take two forms of

transactional language, which have the purpose of maintaining social relationship.

In the interpersonal exchanges, oral production can become pragmatically

complex with the need to speak in causal register the use colloquial language,

ellipses, slang, humor and other sociolinguistics conversations.

5) Extensive (monologue).

Extensive oral production tasks include speech, oral presentation, and

storytelling, during with the opportunity for oral interaction from listeners is either

highly limited (perhaps to nonverbal response) or ruled out together. Language

style is frequently more deliberative (planning is involved) and formal for

extensive tasks, but we cannot rule out certain informal monologue such as

casually delivered speech (for example, my vacation in the mountain, a recipe for

understanding pasta primavera, recounting the plot of a novel or movie).

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c. Micro and Macro Skills of Speaking

Brown (2004: 142) explains that a list of speaking skill can be drawn up

for the purpose to serve as a taxonomy of skills from which we will select one or

several that will become the objective(s) of an assessment task. The micro and

macro- skills total roughly 16 objectives to asses in speaking are described. The

micro-skills, to producing the smaller chunks of language such as phonemes,

morphemes, words, collocations, fluency and phrasal units. The macro-skills

imply the speaker’s focus on the larger elements: accuracy, discourse, style,

cohesion, nonverbal communication, and strategic option as follows:

1) Micro-skills

a) Producing difference among English phonemes and allophonic variant.

b) Producing chunks of language of deferent length.

c. Producing English stress patterns, words in stressed and unstressed positions,

hythmic structure and intonation contours.

d) Producing reduced forms of words and phrases.

e) Using an adequate number of lexical units (words) to accomplish pragmatic


f) Producing fluent speech at different rates of delivery.

g) Monitoring one’s own oral productions and use various strategic devices-pause,

fillers, self-corrections, backtracking-to enhance the clarity of the massage.

h) Using grammatical word classes (noun, verb, etc), system (e.g., tense,

agreement, and pluralization), word order, patterns, rules, and elliptical forms.

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i) Producing speech in natural constituents: in appropriate phrases, pause

groups, breathe groups, and sentence constituents.

j) Expressing a particular meaning in different grammatical form.

k) Using cohesive devices in spoken discourse

2) Macro- skills

a) Accomplishing appropriately communicative function according to situations,

participants, and goals.

b) Using appropriate styles, registers, implicative, redundancies, pragmatic

conventions, conversation rules, floor keeping and- yielding, interrupting, and

other sociolinguistics features in face to face conversations.

c) Conveying links and connections between events and communicating such

relations as focal and peripheral ideas, events and feelings, new information

and given information, generalization and exemplification.

d) Conveying facial features, kinesics, body language, and other nonverbal cues

along with verbal language.

e) Developing and using a battery of speaking strategies, such as emphasizing key

words, rephrasing, providing a context for interpreting the meaning of words,

appealing for help, and accurately assessing how well your interlocutor is

understanding you.

As researcher considers designing task for assessing spoken language,

these skills can act as a checklist of objectives. While the macro-skills have the

appearance of being more complex than the micro-skills, both contain ingredients

of difficulty, depending on the stage and context of the test-taker.

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Referring to the above elaboration, in assessing speaking skill the

researcher has to pay close attention to two main skills as essential substances of

speaking skill namely micro-skill and macro-skill. The micro-skill is concerned to

produce the smaller chunks of language such as phonemes, morphemes, words,

collocations, fluency and phrasal units. While, the macro-skill implies the

speaker’s focus on the larger elements such as accuracy, discourse, style,

cohesion, nonverbal communication, and strategic option.

Based on the theories above, it can be concluded that speaking is one of

language skill in which it is an activity to express or communicate opinions,

thoughts, and ideas orally involving two or more people. The aspects of speaking

skill are content, organization, grammar, pronunciation, and fluency. The

indicators of those aspects are as follows: (1) content, to understand everything

without difficulty; ( 2) organization, to use language in the term of well-designed;

(3) grammar, to make few noticeable errors of grammar or word orders; (4)

pronunciation: to have standard of English accent; (5) fluency, to have fluent

speech without hesitation.

d. Factors Influencing the Students’ Speaking Ability

According to Richards and Reynanda (in Http.//www.proffessor- classroom speaking activities.pdf, p.1.November 1,

2007), there are four factors that affect students’ oral communication ability

namely age or maturational, aural medium, socio-cultural factors and affective

factors. Below are the explanations of the four factors that affect students’

speaking ability.
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1. Age or maturational constraints

Age is one of the most commonly cited determinant factors of success or

failure in foreign language learning. Several experts such as Krashen and

Scarcella argue that learners who begin learning a second language in early

childhood through natural exposure achieve higher proficiency than those

beginning as adults. Many adults fail to reach native-like proficiency in a second

language. Their progress seems to level off at certain stage. This fact shows that

the aging process itself may affect or limit adult learners ability to pronounce the

target language fluently with native-like pronunciation.

2. Aural medium

The central role of listening comprehension in foreign language

acquisition process in now largely accepted. It means that Listening plays an

extremely important role in the development of speaking abilities. Speaking feeds

listening, this precedes it. So, speaking is closely related to or interwoven with

listening which is the basic mechanism through which the rules of language are


3. Socio-cultural factors

Many cultural characteristics of a language also affect foreign language

learning. From a pragmatic perspective, language is a form of social action

because linguistic communication occurs in the context of structured interpersonal

exchange and meaning is thus socially regulated. Thus, to speak a language, one

must know how language is used in a social context. It is will be known that each

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language has its own rules of usage as to when, how, and what degree a speaker

may impose a given verbal behavior of their conversational partner.

In addition, oral communication involves a very powerful nonverbal

communication system which sometimes contradicts the messages provided

through the verbal listening channel. Because of a lack of familiarly with

nonverbal communication system of target language, EFL learners usually do not

know how to pick up nonverbal cues. So, it is an important point to understand the

socio-cultural factor as another aspect that great affects oral communication.

4. Affective factors

The affective side of the learners is probably one of the most important

influences on language learning emotions besides self-esteem, empathy, anxiety,

attitude and motivation. Foreign language learning is a complex task that is

susceptible to human anxiety which is associated with feeling of uneasiness,

frustration, self-doubt and apprehension. Speaking a foreign language in public,

especially in front of native speakers, is often anxiety-provoking.

These four factors play an important role in determining the success and

the failure of students in learning speaking skill. Learning to speak a foreign

language requires more than knowing its grammatical and semantic rules. Factors’

affecting adult EFL learners’ oral communication is the thing that need to be

consider by EFL teacher in order to provide guidance in developing competent

speaker of English. Once the EFL teachers are aware of these things, they will

teach in more appropriate way and it will help them to develop students’ speaking

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2. The Teaching of Speaking

Many EFL learners view speaking ability as a benchmark of the success in

English as foreign language learning. They regard speaking as the most important

skill they can acquire, and judge their progress in terms of their accomplishments

in spoken communication. So, how to best approach the teaching of speaking

skills has long been the focus of the English teachers’ concerns.

a. Goal for Teaching Speaking

Generally communicative competence is taken to be the object of the

language teaching; the production of speakers competent to communicate in the

target language. As Johnson (1999: 25) has pointed out, communication requires

interpersonal responsiveness, rather than more production of language that is

truthful, honest, accurate, stylistically pleasing, etc these characteristics that look

at language rather than at behavior, which is the social purpose of language. The

end product is surely getting things done, easing social tensions, grading ourselves

into doing this or that, and persuading others to do things. Communication arises

when language is used as such interpersonal behavior, which goes beyond

meaningful and truthful manipulation of language symbols. Learning specific

sound and pattern does not necessarily entail the ability to use them, and our

students need practice in using the linguistic forms for the social purpose of

language, as Johnson describes it. Students need to use language for normal

purposes of language: establishing social relation, seeking and giving information,


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Similarly, the National Capital Language Resource, Washington DC

(2004: 1) states that the goal of teaching speaking competence is communicate

efficiency. Learners should be able able to make themselves understood, using

their current, Proficiency to the fullest. They should try to avoid confusion in the

massage due to faulty pronunciation, grammar, or vocabulary, and to observe the

social and cultural rules that apply in each communication situation.

Moreover, The National Capital Language Resource Centre, Washington

DC (2004: 1) says that to help students develop communication efficiency in

speaking, instructors can use a balanced activities approach that combines

language input, structured ouput and communicative output. Language input input

comes in the form of teacher talk, listening activities, reading passages, and the

language heard and read outsides the class. It gives learners the materials they

need to begin producing language themselves. Structured output focuses on may

correct form. In structured output, studends may have options for resposes, but all

of the options require them to use the specifies form or structure that the teacher

has just introduced.

Structured output is designed to make learners confortable producing

specific language items recently introduced, sometimes in combination with

Previousely learned items. Instructors often use structured output exercises as a

transtraction between the presentation stage and the practice stage of the lesson

plan, text book exercises also often make good structured output practice


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In communicate output, the learner’s main purpose is to complete a task,

such as obtaining information, deloping a travel plan, or creating a video. To

complete the task, they may use the language that the instructor has just presented,

but they also may drow on any other vocabulary, grammar and communication

strategies that they know. In communicative output activities, the criterion of

success is whether the learner get the message across. Accuracy is not a

consideration unless the lack of it interferes with the message.

In everyday communication, spoken exchange take place because there is

some sort of information gap between the participants. Communicative output

activities involve a similar real information gap. In order to complete the task,

students must reduce or eliminate the information gap. In these activities,

language is a tool, nat end itself.

In a balanced activitiy approach, the teacher uses a variety of activities

from these different catagories of input and output. Learners at all proficiency

level, including beginners, benefit from this activity, it is more motivating, and it

is more likely to result in effective language learning.

From the explanation above it can be concluded that the goal of teaching

speaking is to make our listeners able to speak with confidence in order to carry

out many of their transactions. It is the skill by which they are most frequently

judget, and through which they may make or lose friends. It is vehicle par

excellence of social solidarity, of social ranking, of professional advancement and

of business. It also a medium through which much language is learnt, and which

for many is particularly conductive for learning (Bygate, 1997: vii).

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b. Approaches in the Teaching of Speaking

Related to the approaches in teaching and learning speaking, Flor et al

(2006: 140) describe three approaches in the teaching and learning EFL speaking

namely environmentalist, innatist and interactionist. These approaches will give

certain pictures and belief of teaching speaking for English teachers to practice in

the classroom.

According to Flor ,et al(2006: 140) environmentalist approach focuses on

speaking as primarily an oral phenomenon. Meaning that learning to speak a

language, in a similar way to any other type of learning, followed a stimulus-

response-reinforcement pattern. This pattern drill describes linguistic input as a

type of external stimulus, and their response consist of imitating and repeating the

input. Eventually, the speakers receive as a positive reinforcement by other

language users within their same environment. Drawing the conclusion, this

approach emphasizes that learning to speak aims at the importance of starting with

teaching oral skill rather than written one. It is assumed that speaking involves

only by repeating, imitating, and memorizing the input that the speakers are

exposed to and this idea also leads to the emergence of the Audiolingual teaching

approach. Dunlap and Weisman (2006: 68) argue that this approach emphasizes

the use of pattern drills, memorization of verb tenses and practice with sentence

structures. In brief, this approach to learning and teaching speaking stresses the

development of oral skills and pays attention to the learning process as being

conditioned by the external environment rather than by human internal mental

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The second approach called innatist, different from the environmentalist,

believes on the assumption that children were born with an innate potential for

language acquisition. This point of view becomes the basis for the innatist

approach to language learning. In addition to that, as learning to speak learners’

language ability is possibly acquired due to the fact that learners internalize a

system of rules which could be transformed into new structures by applying a

series of cognitive strategies. Although the language acquisition particularly

learning to speak is a bit influenced by the environment surrounds the speakers

however, speakers actually produce language from language knowledge they have

acquired and their internal faculty or competence.

The last approach, called interactionist, conveys important shifts in the

field of language learning under the influence of interactionist ideas. This

approach is influenced by the discipline of cognitive psychology as well as the

functional and pragmatic views of language. Regard to this influence, speaking is

viewed as an interactive, social and contextualized communicative events. This

point of view sees that the teaching and learning of speaking is as the process of

communication which does not only focus on the speakers’ intentions, but also on

the effects those intention have on the hearers. In addition to that, speakers learn

to use language in order to fulfill a number of functions given a particular cultural

and social context. Therefore, speaking is seen as a contextualized process in

which both the context of culture and the context of situation influenced the

nature of the language to be used.

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Those approaches of the teaching and learning speaking might contribute

to English teachers’ perception on teaching speaking. Teachers’ thought in

teaching speaking would certainly have the impact on the way how English

teachers perform in the classroom (Ling, 2005: 111).

Many EFL teachers believe that students learn to speak in a second or a

foreign language by interacting. Dunlap and Weisman (2006: 68) acknowledge

that to promote fluency to learn to speak are comprehensible language input and

extensive opportunities for interaction and authentic communication.

Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) serve best for this aim since it is based

on real-life situations that require communication. It is therefore using this

approach in ESL or EFL classes, students will have the opportunity of

communicating each other in the target language. In brief, ESL or EFL teachers

should create a classroom environment where students have real-life

communication, authentic activities, and meaningful tasks that promote their oral

language. This occurs when students collaborate in groups to achieve a goal or to

complete a task.

Speaking is not the result of repeating or memorizing a lot of words in

isolation or just combining a continuum of formal linguistic rules (Flor et, al.

2006: 151). They however point out that speaking nowadays is recognized as an

interactive, social and contextualized process that serves a number of functions.

The teaching of speaking is therefore considered as a very complex

communicative process that requires a variety of linguistic, contextual, cultural,

and interactional aspects among speakers. Consequently, communicative

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framework in the teaching of speaking is believed can contribute to develop the

students’ communicative competence.

In the context of the teaching of EFL speaking in Indonesia, Widiati and

Cahyono (2006: 277) view that the concept CLT is closely connected to the

teaching of EFL speaking since it values interaction among the students in the

process of language learning in the classroom. CLT also deems classroom

activities as a prime role in enabling the students interact and improve their

speaking skills then. It is evident that the teaching of EFL speaking in Indonesian

context is expected to envisage CLT as the English teachers’ concern in

improving the students speaking skills.

c. Factors to Consider in Teaching Speaking

In the teaching of speaking, there are factors that English teachers should

consider as teaching a speaking class. According to Folse (2006: 11-28) suggests

that the success of what happens in a speaking class depends on five factors: (1)

the learners, (2) the curriculum, (3) the topic, (4) the two “languages” , and (5) the

task or activity. Concerning these factors might contribute a lot in the practice of

teaching speaking if English teachers are aware and pay attention to what they

really have in speaking class.

Firstly, Folse describes that learners are the most important of the five

factors in developing a successful speaking class. Considering all pertinent

features of the learners, such as age, proficiency level and goals, is necessary to be

understood by the teachers. Being aware toward these characteristics will help the

teachers to have the potential to impact what happens in the class.

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The second factor, curriculum included school program, is one of five

factors that really influence whether or not the success of a speaking class. It is

assumed that the curriculum or school program determine many certain activities

designated in the teaching plan. It is important for teachers to understand clearly

what type of programs that match or do not match to the students for speaking


The topic being discussed is the third fundamental factor that creates a

successful speaking class. Although to have topics for activities is not hard but

selecting appropriate, viable and interesting topics becomes more crucial. In this

case, the teachers must be aware of the topics to be discussed by considering the

students’ age, time availability, personality, and of course their level. In addition

to that, the teachers should enable to exert their roles to make sure that the topics

covered are conducive to a successful discussion class.

The forth one is the two “languages” means that the teachers are supposed

to know the languages used in speaking tasks. One language is the language used

in the real task, while the second language is the language needed to do the task

meaning this language is required to do the speaking ability by the students. The

last fundamental factor is the task that serves as the vehicle for conversation or

speaking. In fact, in teaching speaking the teachers should provide the task as a

means to make students interact and speak with others. The tasks doing in

speaking class should be specific rather than general tasks since the specific tasks

will involve the students more than less specific ones. A good speaking task

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would give a great deal of time for the students to talk and the teachers should

have no speaking role then just facilitate the students to do their tasks.

The successful speaking class really helps the teachers to consider many

factors to do in speaking class. Kayi (2006) however gives a bit different point of

view for English teachers what to do in teaching speaking

( Here are some suggestions for the teachers

while teaching oral language:

1) Provide maximum opportunity to students to speak the target language

by providing a rich environment that contains collaborative work,
authentic materials and tasks, and shared knowledge.
2) Try to involve each student in every speaking activity; for this aim,
practice different ways of student participation.
3) Reduce teacher speaking time in class while increasing student speaking
time. Step back and observe students.
4) Indicate positive signs when commenting on a student's response.
5) Ask eliciting questions such as "What do you mean? How did you reach
that conclusion?" in order to prompt students to speak more.
6) Provide written feedback like "Your presentation was really great. It was
a good job. I really appreciated your efforts in preparing the materials
and efficient use of your voice…"
7) Do not correct students' pronunciation mistakes very often while they
are speaking. Correction should not distract student from his or her
8) Circulate around classroom to ensure that students are on the right track
and see whether they need your help while they work in groups or pairs.
9) Provide the vocabulary beforehand that students need in speaking
10) Diagnose problems faced by students who have difficulty in expressing
themselves in the target language and provide more opportunities to
practice the spoken language.

The suggestions above might be wholesome and helpful to make the

students feel enthusiastic and motivated to practice and use their target language

particularly in speaking class. As the consequence, the students are able to

improve their language skills especially user 32

d. Assessing Speaking Skill

Assessment is an integral aspect of the teaching – learning process and

happens everyday in the classroom as teachers continually make judgments about

the performance of their students (Burns and joyce, 1999: 102). All good language

teachers constantly evaluate their learners as the lessons actually taking place,

thus teachers should consider assessment even as initial class planning is started.

In line with Burns and Joyce in Folse (2006: 210) state that the most obvious

feedback for teachers is the students` performance. Teachers use the information

about the students` performance day to day to inform the students about their

progress as well as to evaluate the effectiveness of teaching materials and


Furthermore, Folse (2006: 210) explains that continued assessment during

instruction help teachers know who is having problems, what kind of problems

need to be addressed through repetition of a particular activity, or even when to

move on form this particularly activity. This feedback informs the teachers of the

learners` progress as well as of the teachers` own progress in teaching. Good

assessment is built into all good teaching. It does not just `happen` because,

according to Folse (2006: 207), it takes careful planning as well as knowledge of

the subject matter, the learner and general testing.

According to O’Malley and pierce (1996: 61), the implication for

assessment is that assessment for oral language should focus on a student`s ability

to interpret and convey meaning for authentic purpose in interactive context. It

should include both fluency and accuracy. Cooperative learning activities that
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present students with opportunities to use oral language to interact with others are

optimal for assessing oral language. Considering the notion of assessment given

here, language teachers should be careful in planning for the assessment. Teachers

need to identify the assessment purposes before planning it.

After identifying the assessment purposes, teachers may begin planning

for classroom-based assessment for oral language by identifying instructional

activities or tasks the teachers are currently using that can also be used for

assessment. One important step in planning for assessment is to outline the major

instructional goals or learning outcomes and match these to learning activities

and/performance tasks. Deciding whether or not to make an audio or video

recording of students` performance is important to take into account as a part of

planning for oral assessment. Brown and Yule in O`Malley and Pierce 1996: 61)

suggest that a tape for each students can be used if oral language is an essential

part of instruction.

Besides, another important part of planning for assessment is deciding

how often to collect information. Teachers whose purpose is to monitor students`

progress will need to collect information more often than those whose purpose is

for reclassification decision, which may require assessment twice a year. Teachers

who wish to monitor students` progress should plan to incorporate assessment into

their instruction regularly so that a small amount of information can be collected

on individual students periodically over time across a variety of oral language


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A final key component in planning for assessment is deciding when and

how to provide feedback. Teachers need to consider how soon after oral language

assessment learners should be provided with feedback on their performance.

Certainly, students want to know how they did immediately after a task, but there

is another reason for providing feedback as soon as possible after assessment; the

feedback will have more meaning and perhaps will make more of an impact.

An essential step in preparing for oral language assessment is planning

how to engage students in `self-assessment`. According to O`Malley and Pierce

(1996: 66), by providing learners with the skill needed to independently monitor

their learning, teachers enable them to take a greater responsibility for that

learning. Self-assessment may take various forms. It can take the form of yes/no

statements, question/answer, rating scales, sentence completion, and learning logs.

These are not typically graded or scored by teachers. Instead, they are used to

focus learners to their performance and progress in learning.

Additionally, setting criteria is a crucial part of assessment; without

criteria or standards of performance, performance tasks remain simply a collection

of instructional activities (Herman, Aschabacher, & Winters in O`Malley & Pierce

1996: 65). Teachers can establish criterion level of oral language proficiency

based on the goals and objectives of classroom instruction before using

instructional activities for assessment. Teachers then can set criterion level by

designing a scoring rubric, rating scale, or checklist. Teachers need to check the

dimension or aspects of oral language that they want to assess. Gonzales Pino

reminds us, in O`Malley & Pierce (1996: 65) that the dimensions or features of
commit to user 35

oral language to be assessed depends on the level of proficiency of the class and

instructional goals. Besides, for classroom teachers, standards may be used to

monitor students ` performance, to determine who needs extra help, or to assign

grades. If instead of holistic scale, teachers are using analytical scales, they will

need to determine what scores meet the criteria or each dimension of

performance. Brown, 2004: 173 proposes oral proficiency scoring which might be

used to assess oral language.

The following scoring scales are actually suitable to use in the Senior High

School students. The learners are tested on content, organization, grammar,

pronunciation and fluency. They may get a maximum of twenty five points on

each of these five points and one hundred points in all. The scale score of testing

speaking can be seen in table 2.

Table 2. The analytical scoring rubric of oral language Assessment


Score Indicators

1 Students can not relate content to own experience topic

2 Students can relate content to some own experience topic

3 Students can relate content to many own experience topic

4 Students can relate content to all own experience topic

5 Students can highly relate content to all own experience topic

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Score Indicators

1 Has speaking is inadequate to express anything and not be


2 Introduction extremely underdeveloped or missing

3 Introduction either underdeveloped or awkward

4 Effective introduction brings audience to topic

5 Highly effective introduction brings audience to topic


Score Indicators

1 Errors in grammar are frequent, but speaker can be understood by

native speaker used to dealing with foreigners attempting to speak
his language
2 Can usually handle elementary constructions quite accurately but
doesn’t have thorough or confident control of the grammar
3 Control of the grammar is good. Able to speak dealing with
sufficient structural accurate to participate effectively in most
formal and informal conversation on practical, social, and
professional topics
4. Able to use the language accurately on all levels normally pertinent
to professional needs. Errors in grammar are quite rare
5 Equivalent to that of an educated native speaker.

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Score Indicators

1 Errors in pronunciation are frequent that can be understood by a

native speakers used to dealing with foreigners attempting to speak
his language.
2 Accent intelligible though often quite faulty.

3 Errors never interfere with understanding and rarely disturb the

native speakers. Accent may be obviously foreign.
4 Errors in pronunciation re quite rare.

5 Equivalent to and fully accepted by educated native speakers


Score Indicators

1 No specific fluency description.

2 Can handle with confidence but not with facility most social
3 Can discuss particular of competence with reasonable ease

4 Able to use the language fluently

5 Has complete fluency in the language such that his or her speech is
fully accepted by the educated native speaker
Maximum score: 4x25 =


Table 2. shows the analytical scale for oral language assessment. The

points listed above are 25 multiplied by four. Therefore, a top score in all five

areas would result in 100 percent or, in other words, native proficiency. Some sort
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of scale like this accompanies almost all speaking tests using holistic grading

based on assessment for five criteria. The rubric is made simply with a maximum

of 25 points on each of these 5 aspects, 100 points in all.

2. Critical Debate

a. The Meaning of Critical Debate

According to Barkley, et al (2005: 126), critical debate is a fairly complex

Collaborative Learning Technique (CoLT) and thus requires ample preparation.

First, spend sufficient time selecting a controversial topic in the field with two

identifiable, arguable, and opposing sides that are appropriate to debate. Carefully

craft the debate proposition into a one-sentence statement, such as, Universities

should used affirmative action policies to determine student admission.

Proposition statements should avoid ambiguity, yet be general enough to offer

students flexibility in building arguments.

Second, determine whether students need any background information to

address the proposition. Prepare students for the debate through lecture, assigned

reading, discussion, or student research on the topic.

Third, identify ground rules. For example, allow students to use as many

arguments as they wish, or have students spend five to ten minutes brainstorming

all possible arguments supporting their position and then select their five best

arguments. Consider whether each team should select one person as spokesperson,

or whether each member of the team will be responsible for presenting at least one

of the arguments. Thinking about ground rules ahead of time will also provide the

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opportunity to decide whether to assign team members specific role, such as team

leader or timekeeper. In detail, Barkley, et al (2005: 126) says:

“In a critical debate, individual students select the side of an issue that is
contrary to their own views. They then form teams and discuss, present, and
argue the issue against an opposing team. Preparing for, participating in, and
listening to debates offers many benefits to students. Debates can increase
motivation, enhance research skills, promote critical thinking, and develop
communication proficiency. Debates expose the class to a focused, in-depth,
multiple-perspective analysis of issues. Because critical debates have the
added dimension of requiring students to assume a position opposite to their
own, they encourage students to challenge their existing assumptions. This
can move students beyond simple dualistic thinking, deepen their
understanding of an issue, and help them to recognize the range of
perspective inherent in complex topics. In this way, critical debate may also
build appreciation for diversity and develop tolerance for other viewpoints”.

Referring to the above quotation, it is clear that critical debate attracts the

students’ good preparation and participation in order that the debate process runs

well. Besides, the technique demands the students to have deep analysis in certain

problems, strong argumentations and statements, multiple perspective, and deep

thinking in facing problems. Moreover, critical debate also builds the students’

awareness of appreciation for diversity and develops tolerance for other

viewpoints which may appear in the process of discussion. On the other hand,

people hold a debate for a number of possible reasons: to convince other people

that his/her opinion is better, to listen to what other people think of an issue, to

find which solution is the best for a problem, etc. Since competitive debating aims

to convince judges that team’s argument is superior, it gives opportunities to use

commit to user 40

analytical-critical thinking and public speaking skills to the fullest, skill which are

very useful in everyday life.

Meanwhile, in further view, Michael Birshan in ISDC Official Regulation

(2006: 2) says that critical debate is a clash of arguments. For every issue, there

are always different sides of story why people support or disagree with that

certain issue. Debating seeks to explore the reasons behind each side. To make

those reasons understandable and convincing, debaters should deliver their

arguments in good communication skills. In addition, a ccompetitive debating is

debating using a specific format. With formats, people are regulated to speak one

at a time and at side are given the same amount of time and opportunity to prove

their point. This format rules out the possibility of who- speaks-or-fastest shall

win the debate. It encourages people not only to speak out but also to listen to the

other side. In this case, there are many formats of debates: Karl popper format,

British Parliamentary format, Australasian format, World schools format, etc.

Another definition is given by Estaugh (2006: 1) says that a debate is a

contest, or, perhaps, like a game where two or more speakers present their

arguments intent to persuading one another. It is a clash of argument between two

teams that try hard to defence their arguments. The two teams are called the

affirmative team or positive team and the negative team. The affirmative team

supports the motion; the topic is being debated, while the negative team opposes

the motion. The affirmative team acts as the government side and the negative

acts the Opposition Party. A similar definition is given by Wikipedia Indonesia.

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In the encyclopedia it is states that:

Debat adalah kegiatan adu argumentasi antara dua pihak atau lebih, baik
secara perorangan maupun kelompok, dalam mendiskusikan dan
memutuskan masalah dan perbedaan. Secara formal debate banyak
dilakukan dalam intitusi legislative seperti parlemen, terutama di Negara-
negara yang menggunakan system opposisi. Dalam hal ini debate
dilakukan menuruti aturan-aturan yang jelas dan hasil dari debate dapat
dihasilkan melalui votting atau melalui keputusan juri.

From the definition above it can be concluded that basically debate is a

clash of arguments between two teams, the Affirmative team and Negative team,

to solve a problem. The winner of the debate contest is decided by the juries or

adjudicators based on the rules and regulation which have been agreed before.

Each team tries hard to defense its arguments in order to win the debate. The

arguments should explain clearly, why a team supports or opposes the topic being


b. The Procedure of Critical Debate Technique

It is necessary to remember that debating is not a discussion process in

which there is no compromised result as in a discussion. The point of having a

debate is to speak out and listen to different kinds of opinions and at the end

respecting those differences. Barkley (2005: 127) proposes the procedure of

conducting critical debate, they are:

1. Propose the motion and ask students to indentify which side of the proposition

they most support. They can indicate a preference by raising their hands or by

writing their names and choice on a sign up sheet or piece of paper.

2. Explain to students that they will argue the side that is contrary to their own

beliefs, stressing the benefits of arguing against their personal views (for
commit to user 42

example, it helps them to clarify their own ideas and to deepen their

understanding of the issue).

3. Divide student into four-to six member teams, with half the teams’ assigned to

one side of argument and the other half assigned to the opposing argument.

Try to get as many as possible arguing for the side they disagree with,

realizing that especially with compex issue, students will likely not devide


4. Explain ground rules and give the students time to assign role and organize

how they will prepare for and conduct the debate.

5. Give students time to prepare their arguments ( such as fifteen or thirty

minutes ).

6. Pair teams representing opposing sides.

7. Announce and allow time to present arguments (such as five minutes each

side, ten minutes total).

8. Give teams time to prepare rebuttals (such as ten minutes).

9. Announce and allow time to present rebuttals (such as five minutes each side,

ten minutes total).

10. Hold a whole-class discussion to summarize the important issue and to give

students the opportunity to discuss the experience of arguing opinions they do

not hold. So competitive debating is debating using a format. What format

does Indonesians use? How does it work? The Indonesian school debating

championship use the world schools format proposed by Michael Birshan in

ISDC Official Regulation (2006: .2). This format works as follows:

commit to user 43

1. There are 2 teams debating, each consists of 3 (three) debaters who would

be 1st. 2nd, and 3rd speakers of each of the team.

2. One team will be the Government/Affirmative side – the side agreeing

with the motion. The other team will be the opposition/negative side-the

side disagreeing with the motion.

3. Each speaker will deliver a substantial speech of 8 (eight) minutes in

duration, with the affirmative going first. Afterwards, either the 1st or 2nd

speaker on both sides will deliver the reply speech of 4 (four) minutes in

duration, with the negative going first.

4. Thus, the complete order of speaking during a debate is as follow:

1st Aff à 1st Neg à 2nd Aff à 2nd Neg à 3rd Aff à 3rd Negà Reply Neg à

Reply Aff


1st speaker 1st speaker

(8 min) (8 min)

2nd speaker 2nd speaker

(8 min) (8 min)

3nd speaker 3nd speaker

(8 min) (8 min)

Reply speaker Reply speaker

(1st/2nd speaker – 4 min) (1st/2nd speaker – 4 min)

minutes th
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st nd nd th th th th
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

POI not POIs allowed POI not

allowed allowed 44

substantive speech, members of the opposing team are allowed to give an

interruption, called Points of Information (POI), to the speaker delivering

the speech. POIs may be delivered between the 1st and 7th minute of the 8-


5. A time keeper will signal the time. There will be one knock at the end of

the 1st and 7th minutes, to signal the starting and ending times for POI.

And two knocks at the 8th minute to signal that delivery time for speech

has ended. Any debater speaking before 7th minutes shall be considered

under-time and his/her points could be reduced. Any debater speaking

after 8th minutes 30 second shall be considered overtime and his/her

points could be reduce as well

6. For reply speech, there will be one knock at the 3rd minute, to signal that

delivery time is almost over, and two knocks at the 4th minute.

7. Every debate shall be judge by an odd number judges and only the judges

shall decide who wins the debate (there is no draw in result of a debate)

8. In Indonesians 2006, every team is given 30 minutes preparation time after

the motion is released and before the debate begins. During this

preparation time, teams are not allowed to get help from anybody (be it

coaches, teachers, parents or friends) or use laptop, PDAs, or any other

communication devices.

c. Some Terms in Critical Debate.

1) Motion
commit to user 45

Motion also known as topic, is full propositional statement that

determinant what a debate shall be about. In the debate, Affirmative team must

argue to defend the motion while the Negative team must argue to oppose it.


(a) That English is the most important tool in globalization

(b) That students should not be allowed to bring mobile phone to school

(c) That we should stop migrant labor to oversea

(d) That we should give death penalty to drug dealer

As you can see, motions in a debating competition cover various areas;

politics, economy and social issues.

2) Definition

For debating to proceed, both teams need a clear understanding of what

the motion means. This requires the motion to be defined so that everyone

(audience and judges included) knows what is being debated. Problems arise if the

two teams present different understandings of the meaning of the motion. This can

result in a `definitional debate` where the focus of the debate becomes the

meaning of the words in the motion, rather than the motion itself. Interaction and

clash between the two teams become concentrated on whose definition is correct,

rather than the issues raised by the motion. Definition debates should be avoided

wherever possible. They make a mockery of what debating seeks to achieve.

A Definition scopes down or gives limitations on the motion to focus the

debate. It clarifies the motion. It prevents the debate from turning into a confusing

exchange of ideas because of different interpretations teams may have about what
commit to user 46

is actually being debated. Out of the definition should come a clear understanding

of the issues talked about in the debate. A definition must have a logical link to

the motion. The right to give a definition belongs to the Affirmative team. The

affirmative team must provide a reasonable definition for the motion. This means

that on receiving the motion, both teams should ask: “What the issue that simply

to clarify the motion is. The Affirmative team must give a definition that give

room for negative team to oppose it.

3) Arguments

Arguments explain why a point of view should be accepted. Good

arguments are logical and relevant to the point being proven. Given duration of

debate, it is best to have 2 to 4 arguments to support your point of view. This

argument should be divided between the 1st and the 2nd speaker. So some

arguments are explained by the 1st speaker and the rest are explained by the 2nd

speaker. This division is called a team split.

Furthermore, having more than one argument means that teams should

make sure that their arguments are consistent or do not contradict each other.

Contradiction and inconsistency makes a team’s performance seem poor because

it shows as if they’re not agreeing the points among themselves. It is good to have

a main idea that connects or becomes the foundation of the arguments. This is one

way of ensuring arguments don’t contradict with one another. This main idea is

usually named as a team line/theme line in a debate.

Michael Birshan in ISDC Official Regulation (2006: 7) says that a good

argument should consist of four criteria called AREL.” A” means Assertion. It is a

commit to user 47

statement that should be proven. “R” means reasoning. A statement must be

supported by reason that is logical explanation of the statement.”E” mean

Evidence. A good reason must have good evidence. Evidence can be in form of

examples or statistical data, fact, quotation of expert, public opinion, ect. Which

are very essential to support the statement and to back up each point made in the

argument. Each piece of evidence should be relevant and it should be advance the

argument. “L” means link back. It is aconclussion to relate back to the statement.

4) Rebuttals

Rebuttals are responses toward the other team’s arguments. Rebuttals

should prove that the other team’s arguments are not as important as they claim to

be. As with arguments, mere accusation does not equal good rebuttals. It is not

enough to say that the other team’s arguments are inferior, good rebuttals should

also explain the reasoning and evidence of why those arguments are inferior.

Given limited time in a debate, it is not necessary for a team to rebut every

single point and fact raised by the other teams. Better single out the opposing

team’s main arguments and attack those first. Team should prioritize rebutting

strong and important points first and leave the weak ones for last priority

5) POI

Points of information are brief interruptions (preferable in form of

question) between the 1st and 7th minute of speech. The speaker delivering a

speech has full authority to accept or reject a POI. One accepted, a POI should not

exceed 15 minutes and the speaker must answer that POI right after it is given.

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In order to offer a POI, person must stand up, hold out his/her hand and

say” On that point,Sir/Ma’m” or “ on that point of information”. POI shoud be

offered politely, not used to hackle the speaker. When offered a POI, the speaker

having the floor has full authority to either reject or accept the POI. If a person is

rejected a POI, he/she should sit down again.

POI should be brief and expressed as a question so that the speaker is

required to provide an answer. Once accepted, the person offering POI has at most

15 seconds to deliver the POI. The speaker then must anwer or respond to that

POI right after it is given and not wait until later in his/her speech. It is advisable

that the speaker does not answer POI more than 30 seconds as it would make

him/her lost track of his/her speech.

POI should be offered regularly and through out the course of the debate.

Offering POI shows that they understand the issues being discussed during the


D. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Critical Debate.

Previously, it has been stated that applying a debate technique in teaching

speaking skill may affect students’ learning motivation. In this case, students may

be more motivated to have more vocabulary, to read more information and to be

courageous in telling their opinions. In addition, applying critical debate

continually in the language class activities enables the students to be more

familiar with the situation in which it demands them to talk using English.

Talking about the value of critical debate technique in detail, Barkley, et al

(2005: 126) elaborate that in a critical debate, individual students select the side of
commit to user 49

an issue that is contrary to their own views. They then form teams and discuss,

present, and argue the issue against an opposing team. Preparing for, participating

in, and listening to debates offers many benefits to students. Debates can increase

motivation, enhance research skills, promote critical thinking, and develop

communication proficiency. Debates expose the class to a focused, in-depth,

multiple-perspective analysis of issues. Because critical debates have the added

dimension of requiring students to assume a position opposite to their own, they

encourage students to challenge their existing assumptions. This can move

students beyond simple dualistic thinking, deepen their understanding of an issue,

and help them to recognize the range of perspective inherent in complex topics. In

this way, critical debate may also build appreciation for diversity and develop

tolerance for other viewpoints.

The above statements, critical debate is a medium where the students can

train their argumentative competence in form of debating process that demands

them to communicate their opinions, argumentations, statements, and other

substances which support their position in the debate process.

Advantages of Critical debate according to Barkley (2005: 126) as


1) This kind of teaching technique also can give great contribution in increasing


2) Enhancing research skills, promoting critical thinking, developing

communication proficiency, attracting in-depth- multiple-perspective analysis

of issues.
commit to user 50

3) Encouraging students to challenge their existing assumptions, moving them

beyond simple dualistic thinking, deepening their understanding of an issue,

helping to recognize the range of perspective inherent in complex topics,

building appreciation for diversity and developing tolerance for other


4) Thus, critical debate is appropriate to be applied as the medium of teaching

English mainly speaking skill.

Meanwhile, disadvantages of critical debate accorarding to Barkely (2005: 126)

are as follows:

1) Spend sufficient time selecting a controversial topic in the field with two

identifiable, arguable, and opposing sides that are appropriate to debate.

2) Proposition statements sometimes ambiguous, so students are not flexible in

building arguments.

3) Students sometimes don’t have any background information to address the


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B. Rationale

The students’ speaking skill in SMAN 1 Sakra is still considered as the

most difficult skill because the skill contains a complex substance such as

pronunciation, grammar, fluency, discourse, and the social context of culture and


There are two factors causing their difficulties in achieving speaking

ability, the first one is from the students. In the classroom during the teaching and

learning process the students are passive, less motivated, less confident, nervous,

shy, and afraid of making making mistake, afraid of being laugh by friends and

never practice. they just listen to the teacher explaining the material without

understanding the meaning, they just keep silent without any respond when the

teacher asked them questions or when their friends were having conversation, they

can hardly use English for communication even in the simple form, they always

use their mother tongue for communication, they are not able to produce English

word correctly, they are not able to arrange English sentence even in simple

sentence, they cannot produce the language correctly, etc.

While the second one comes from the teacher. The teacher tended to

teach text comprehension monotonously. For example, when the teacher taught a

certain topic, he or she just explained the expressions related to the topic while the

students listened to the teacher’s explanation, and took notes, or even for

sometimes took a nap. The teacher oriented her/his teaching at the written test

which was held in the mid or end semester, even in the final exam. The teacher

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felt guilty if the students could not do the test correctly, because their English

mark automatically would be bad or less than standard score. There was no

specially allocated time to evaluate the students’ speaking skill at the end of

semester or final exam. This caused the teacher tend to ignore the teaching of

speaking communicatively. The marks of speaking skill were taken from the

teacher’s daily observation. The teacher still taught the students with routine

activities without realizing that it would make the students bored and lost their

attention to the teaching learning process. As a result, the students were not able

to catch the material easily because of their lost interest and participation.

Pondering the above causes of students’ difficulties in learning, the teacher

should be able to discover and create a situation that enables the teaching and

learning process to become more easily and enjoyable participated by the

students. In this case, she/he must modify the class into a comfortable condition

and apply proper techniques which are adapted to the materials being taught. So,

the students will be enthusiastic in following the class activity without feeling


Based on the problem and causes above, the researcher proposes Critical

Debate Technique as solution to develop the speaking ability of the second year

student of SMAN 1 Sakra.

Critical debate is a medium where the students can train their

argumentative competence in form of debating process that demands them to

communicate their opinions, argumentations, statements, and other substances

which support their position in the debate process.

commit to user 53

By applying Critical Debate Technique, students are able to increase their

motivation, enhance research skill, promote critical thinking, and develop

communication proficiency. Besides, the debates expose the class to a focused, in-

depth, multiple-perspective analysis of issues. Because critical debates have the

added dimension of requiring students to assume a position opposite to their own,

they encourage students to challenge their existing assumptions. This can move

students beyond simple dualistic thinking, deepen their understanding of an issue,

and help them to recognize the range of perspective inherent in complex topics. In

this way, critical debate may also build appreciation for diversity and develop

tolerance for other viewpoints.

Critical Debate Technique has great contribution in speaking since it is a

task-based. It is encourage the students to practice their English in real

communication. By using Critical Debate Technique, the students will more

confident to speak, more active, freer to talk with their friend in team, without

being afraid of making mistakes and shy or being laugh by friends, lessen their

nervousness mainly in their English speaking ability.

Critical Debate Techhique can improve the students’ achievement-

speaking ability such as produce the English speech sounds and sound pattern,

select appropriate words and sentences according to the proper social setting,

organize their thoughts in meaningful and logical sequence, use the language

quickly and cofidently with few unnatural pauses, which are called as fluency,

understanding of content and to overcome the problem face in learning teaching

commit to user 54

Critical Debate Technique is a collaborative technique which can activate

the students in teaching learning process in speaking class. It is also hoped to

give the students better understanding of the basic elements of speaking. By

understanding the basic elements of speaking, they can improve their ability in


C. Action Hypothesis

Pondering the previous descriptions of related theories and the basic

assumption, the writer can formulate the action hypothesis of the current study

that applying critical debate technique in the teaching learning process can

improve the students’ speaking ability in senior high school level.

commit to user



This chapter presents the research methodology including setting and time

of the research, the method of the research, the procedure of the research,

technique of collecting data, and technique of analyzing data. They would be

explained in the following parts:

A. Setting

This research was conducted at SMAN 1 Sakra. It is located on Jln.

Soekarno- Hatta, Lombok Timur NTB. There are six classes for second semester,

five classes for fourth semester, and five classes for sixth semester. The reasons of

choosing this school as setting, because the researcher is one of the English

teachers there and it has its own facilities such as a library, a language laboratory,

a science laboratory, a multi media laboratory, and a sport hall. The class is very

comfortable for teaching and learning process. It can be seen from the facilities

and the inside situation of the classroom during the teaching.

In the teaching and learning process. The students seem to be comfortable

with their class and enjoy it, because the class only consist of 31 students and it is

easy to be controlled when the teaching learning process. Meanwhile, the research

was carried for 6 months from January until June 2011. The following is the time

schedule of the research activity in which the writer conducted it in SMA Negeri 1

in 2010/2011 school year.

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55 56

Table 3. “Schedule of Research Activity”

Research Schedule

Preliminary Observation February 10th and 15th 2011
Cycle 1 February 20th - March 6th 2011
Planning February 20th - 25th 2011
Implementing February 25th - March 4th 2011
• Meeting I February 25 2011
• Meeting II February 26 2011
• Meeting III February 28th 2011
Evaluating and reflecting March 1st 2011– 5th 2011
Cycle II March 7th – March 20th 2011
Re-planning March 7th - March 9th 2011
Implementing March 10th – March 20th 2011
• Meeting I March 10th 2011
• Meeting II March 12th 2011
• Meeting III March 14th 2011
Evaluating and reflecting March 15th 2011– March 20th 2011
Cycle III March 25th – April 20th 2011
Re-planning March 25th – April 1st 2011
Implementing April 2nd – April 15th 2011
• Meeting I April 4th 2011
• Meeting II April 6th 2011
• Meeting III April 8th 2011
Evaluating and reflecting April 9th – 17th 2011

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B. The Subject of the Research

The subject of the study is the fourth semester that consists of five classes;

they are two classes for social program, one class for culture program and two

classes for natural program which the numbers of students are 150 students. The

researcher chooses the natural program as research subject; because based on the

result of the preliminary study and questionnaire, this class has problems in

learning speaking that must be solved.

Having gotten the data about the students who are sitting in this program,

it shows that they come from different social status and of course have different

characteristics, for instance, from totally 31 students; 4 students come from PNS

families, 5 students come from teacher families, 4 students come from

entrepreneur families, and 18 students come from farmer families. While their

dwelling place of 27 students come from inside the town and the rests or 4

Students come from outside the town. The above conditions influence the

teaching learning process, such as the students coming from outside the town and

moreover from low economic family, they tend to be more humble, low profile,

not too bravery, shy and so on than the students coming from inside the town


C. The Method of the Research

In this research, the researcher applied Classroom Action Research (CAR).

Kemis in Hopkin (1993: 44) states action research is form of self-reflective

inquiry undertaken by participants in social (including educational) situations in

order to improve the rationality and justice of (a) their own social or educational
commit to user 58

practice, (b) their understanding of these practice, and (c) the situations in which

the practices are carried out. It is most rationally empowering when undertaken by

individuals, and sometimes in cooperation with outsiders.

In this research, the researcher’s role was as a teacher and also as an active

participant observation. In this research, the researcher used the four phases

develop by Kurt Lewin in 1946 (in McNiff, 1992 : 23) which involved planning,

acting, observing, and reflecting. Visually, the phases can be seen in figure 3.2.

Figure 4. Basic Model of Action Research by Lewin (McNiff, 1992: 22)

Planning Planning

Reflecting Acting Reflectin Acting


Observing Observing

Developed by Kurt Lewin(in McNiff, 1992: 23)

The procedures of those phases were as follows:

1. Planning

In this phase, the researcher proposed solution- using Critical Debate in

the eleventh grader of SMAN 1 Sakra. In this phase, the researcher designed a

lesson plan using Critical debate Technique to teach speaking. The activity in this
commit to user 59

phase consisted of designing syllabus, preparing learning teaching plan, preparing

media, and preparing test instrument. All these set of teaching equipments were

closed. (see appendix 167-170).

2. Acting

Acting was the implementation of plan. In this phase, the researcher did

what had been planned in the previous phase- planning. The researcher

implemented Critical Debate Technique to teach speaking to develop the speaking

ability of the eleventh grader of SMAN 1 Sakra. In this phase the researcher

taught the students by using Critical Debate Technique. The collaborator was

involved in this phase. The concrete lesson plan was made and can be seen in the

enclose. (See appendix 180)

3. Observing.

This phase was designed to know the effect of acting. The activity in this

phase was observing whether Critical Debate Technique could develop the

speaking ability of the eleventh grader of SMAN 1 Sakra. Besides that, it is also

observed the students’ activities and involvement in learning teaching process.

Finally in this phase it was aimed to observe the strengths and weaknesses of

Critical Debate Technique when it was implemented in speaking learning teaching


These all observations were carried out by writing all the students’

activities and reaction in learning teaching process on the teacher and

collaborators journal which had been prepared in advance. In this phase, the

researcher also gave questionnaires to the students interview about learning

commit to user 60

teaching process using Critical Debate Technique they attended.( see appendix

171 ).

4. Reflecting

Reflecting was the time in which the researcher checked the result. This

phase was aimed to find out what the strengths and weakness of Critical Debate

Technique when it was also to identify what had been reached and what had not

reached. It was also for finding out why it was so and to decide the following plan

that was done.

The researcher discussed about the result of the implementation

with the collaborator. It was done in form of discussion with collaborator. The

discussion with the collaborator was aim to evaluate the process of teaching

speaking using Critical Debate Technique, the problems, the effect, and the

successful or unsuccessful action, as well as to reconstruct the research.

D. Data and Data Source.

In this research, there were two kinds of data-quantitative data qualitative

data. The quantitative data is the data which is the form of number, while

qualitative data is the data which is in form of words or description. The

quantitative data in this research is the achievement of the student speaking ability

obtained from the learning teaching process and also from the test. This

achievement was expressed based on the Minimum Adequacy Criteria

(KKM/kriteria Ketuntantasan Minimal) for speaking is 6.3. It was also in form of

written documentation from result of study- "Rapor.”

commit to user 61

The qualitative data in this research is the student’s behavior, activities and

involvement in learning teaching process and comment from students in the

teaching learning process. The data of the research is obtained from the following


1. The respondent: the student of SMAN 1 Sakra, the teacher, and the


2. The event: the learning teaching process of teaching speaking using Critical

Debate Technique.

3. Document; hand out given to the students, the materials the syllabus, the

teacher's and collaborators’ journal and tape recording, and video shootings.

E. Technique of collecting data

The techniques of collecting data used were test, observation, interview,

document analysis, and questionnaire. To collect the quantitative data, the

researcher used test. To collect the qualitative data, the researcher used

observation, interview, document analysis data, and questionnaire. The following

was a brief description of the techniques used to collect the data.

1. Test

Test was used to obtain the quantitative data. In this research, the

researcher evaluated the result of teaching speaking using Critical Debate

Technique at four semesters of SMAN 1 Sakra at the end of every topic by giving

oral test. The collaborators also took the score from the students in order to

crosscheck the result of test done by teacher. It was aimed at finding out whether
commit to user 62

the students’ speaking ability improved or not after Critical Debate Technique

was implemented. In the test, the teacher and the collaborators used the scoring

rubrics of speaking assessment.

2. Observation

In this research, the observation was done in speaking class when the

teacher implemented Critical Debate Technique. The activity was watching and

recording with personal involvement in the research context and observing the

activities in speaking when Critical Debate Technique was applied. It is supported

by the statement state by Wallace in his book entitle Action Research for language

Teachers. Wallace (1998: 106 ) states that the real observation and Analysis as

learning teaching process actually happens by using any electronic means of

recalling the data and it was done by making checklist or simply taking notes.

In this research, the researcher work together with his collaborator. The

roles of collaborators in this research was to crosscheck and evaluate the teacher

in applying Critical Debate Technique in teaching speaking in order to develop

the student’s speaking ability. Bides that, the collaborators helped the researcher

to create the students’ motivation to speak and evaluated whether the students’

speaking ability improve or not.

The researcher did not only become the observer but he also became

teacher who gives treatment to the students-teaching speaking using Critical

Debate Technique. Besides that, the researcher was the active participant

observation – he did not only observe the process but also became involved in all

commit to user 63

activities. He observed the students’ activities while learning teaching process


The researcher and the collaborator observed the activities of teaching

speaking using Critical Debate Technique for 3 months. The researcher

documented all the activities of learning teaching process by making recording

whatever happen during the actions and make field notes.

3. Interview

Concerning with the issue and allowed the specific issues to be discussed

by other people perspectives. In this research, the researcher interviewed the

students for 10 times. The first interview had be done- in the preliminary phase of

this classroom action research. The other interview were done every the end of the

meeting and after each cycle finished as well as after three cycles finished. While

the last interview, was given at the end of the research.

The aims of giving interview were to find out the students feeling, opinion,

and idea when the teacher taught them speaking using Critical Debate Technique.

Interview was also given to the collaborators to find out any information

concerning with the application of Critical Debate Technique in teaching

speaking. For example, to know the strengths and weaknesses, the problems, the

students’ involvement, whether the learning teaching process is effective or no.

the most important of interviewing the collaborator was that the data obtain can be

used to revise the plan if the result was not successful.

commit to user 64

4. Document Analysis

Document analysis was taken from students ‘speaking achievement in

speaking achievement in speaking “Rapor”, the materials, the handouts, the

syllabus, tape- recording and Video shootings.

5. Questionnaire

Questionnaires was given to the students in order to get the data

concerning with the research. The questionnaires given were open questionnaire

since the researcher to get more data. Questionnaires was given to get the data

concerning with speaking learning teaching process using Critical Debate

Technique. In the research questionnaires were given four times that is in pre-

observation- on Thursday, February 10th 2011, three times after the learning

teaching process using Critical Debate Technique exactly at the end of each

cycle- on Monday, February 28th 2011, on Monday, March 14th 2011, and on

Friday, April 8th 2011.

F. Technique of Analyzing Data

After collecting the data, the next step done in this research was analyzing

the data. The quantitative data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics. The

researcher used mean as a technique to describe the description of speaking ability

based on the average score of students. According to Sugiyono (2007: 49) mean

is obtained by adding all the scores of the students divided by number of the

students in the group. The formula is as follows:

commit to user 65

M = -------

Note: M = means

∑ X = the total score of the whole students

n = the number of the students

The qualitative data were analyzed by using the constant comparative

method as suggested by Hopkins (1993: 149). The researcher described four


of the constant comparative method: (1) comparing incidents applicable to each

category; (2) integrating categories and their properties; (3) delimiting the theory;

and (4) writing the theory. The following is brief description of each step:

1. Comparing incidents applicable to each category.

This process was also similar to specify the nature and dimensions of the

concepts arising from the data. The researcher expresses the result of the test.

Observation, interview, document analysis, and questionnaires in the form of

field note. The researcher took the appropriate information in order to answer

the statement of the problem.

2. Integrating categories and their properties.

In this step, the researcher made information categories based on the similar


3. Delimiting the theory.

In this step, the researcher determined sort of relationship among categories.

commit to user 66

4. Writing the theory.

Finally, the researcher developed her findings into sentences to be shared with

others. At this stage, the researcher developed the theory based on the

relationship among categories in order to express the phenomenon occurred.

commit to user



This chapter sets out to describe the stages of activities as part of

implementation Critical Debate Technique in the classroom action research. The

objective is to present the research findings which provide evidence in order to

answer the problem statement stated in chapter1. The description of finding was

based on the data from the data from the researchers’ field note and journal,

collaborator ‘journal , the observation, the interview, the document analysis, and

the questionnaire. The activities were carried out for 12 weeks which were

divided in three cycles. Each cycle was carried out in four weeks-three meetings.

A. Research Findings

1. Introduction

As stated in chapter 1 of this thesis, the problems faced by students is that

the students had low speaking ability. In SMAN I Sakra the students are taught

speaking until six semesters. As stated in curriculum, the scope of speaking is

focused on functional speaking Teaching. In this case, the main competence

developed is the appropriateness of using the language function, such as how to

express gratitude, to express agreement and disagreement, how to express like and

dislike, how to asked someone opinion, and how to give opinion. Besides that

speaking is aimed at developing the micro linguistics aspects consisting of

grammar, pronunciation, and words choice.

commit to user

67 68

The students’ low speaking ability was identified by low score in

speaking 2.668. The score was obtained from the average score of five aspects of

speaking- content, organization, grammar, pronunciation, and fluency. The

average score of content was 2.98, the average score of organization was 2.95.

The average score of grammar was 2.59. The average score of pronunciation was

2.32. The average score of fluency was 2.5. The complete score can be seen in

appendix 173.

Table 5: The Average Score of Speaking Aspects before the research

No Aspects Average score Percentage Max. score

1 Content 2.98 5
2 Organization 2.95 5
3 Grammar 2.59 5
4 Pronounciation 2.32 5
5 Fluency 2.5 5
Total 13.34 25

Based on the fact that students had low speaking ability, it was recognized

that the student had problems in: (1) pronunciation; (2) fluency; (3) grammar; (4)

organization; and (5) content.

The following is the speaking ability before the research was carried out.

commit to user 69

Table 6: Students Speaking Ability in Pre-test

Number of Level of Speaking

Percentages Speaking score
students ability
9 29.03 % High level Above 6.3
18 58.06 % Average level 4 to 6
4 12.90 % Low level Under 4

From the table above it can be described that the researcher found there

were only 9 students who got mark more than minimum standard (6.3) and there

were 22 students who got under minimum standard. The average score is 53.41

the highest is 72 and the lowest one is 34. See appendix 174.

The problems faced by the students in speaking are caused by the

technique used by the teacher and also the psychological factors from the

students. The first, the teacher tended to teach text comprehension monotonously.

For example, when the teacher taught a certain topic, he or she just explained the

expressions related to the topic while the students listened to the teacher’s

explanation, and took notes, or even for sometimes took a nap. Then, she/he asked

the students to look at the structure of the dialogue which had been stated in the

book to read together after her. After that she/he asked some of them to practice

the dialogue in front of the class in pairs. She/he asked them to answer the

comprehensive questions dealing with the topic in written. The teacher would feel

satisfied if the students could answer the questions correctly. The weaknesses of

what the teacher did were as follows; the students did not have more enough

rehearsal time to practice or to express their own ideas so that they could not
interact one to each other in English to user
simultaneously. They also tended to be shy, 70

nervous, doubt, inferior, and afraid to make mistakes because they seldom used

their own English to communicate with others. Besides, they did not have creative

and innovative activity.

Secondly, the teacher oriented her/his teaching at the written test which

was held in the mid or end semester, even in the final exam. The teacher felt

guilty if the students could not do the test correctly, because their English mark

automatically would be bad or less than standard score.

Thirdly, there was no specially allocated time to evaluate the students’

speaking skill at the end of semester or final exam. This caused the teacher tend to

ignore the teaching of speaking communicatively. The marks of speaking skill

were taken from the teacher’s daily observation.

Fourthly, the teacher still taught the students with routine activities

without realizing that it would make the students bored and lost their attention to

the teaching learning process. As a result, the students were not able to catch the

material easily because of their lost interest and participation.

Pondering the above causes of students’ difficulties in learning, the teacher

should be able to discover and create a situation that enables the teaching and

learning process to become more easily and enjoyable participated by the

students. In this case, she/he must modify the class into a comfortable condition

and apply proper techniques which are adapted to the materials being taught. So,

the students will be enthusiastic in following the class activity without feeling


commit to user 71

Related to the statement, the researcher should apply techniques in which

they can activate the students to embroil in the process of the teaching and

learning. The techniques are applied to upgrade the students’ participation in

discussing the materials actively, so they will not only be able to comprehend

what they are learning in the class but also express their own English orally. Here,

the teacher has a very crucial role in managing and creating the class lively and

actively. Consequently, the class will be possibly crowd but it is enjoyable.

Furthermore, applying a debate technique in teaching speaking skill may

influence students’ learning motivation. In this case, students may be more

motivated to have more vocabulary, to read more information and to be

courageous in telling their opinions. In line with this, correlating between CoLT,

(in this case is critical debate) and language teaching process, they have a very

close relationship mainly in developing students’ speaking ability. Therefore, the

researcher is interested to conduct a research about “Using Critical Debate to

Improve Students’ Speaking Ability at the Eleventh Grade of SMAN 1 Sakra in

2010/2011 academic Year. The researcher used three cycles. Each cycle consisted

of three phases- Planning, Acting, Observing, and Reflecting.

2. The Implementation of The Research

a. Cycle I

In this part, the researcher did a set of activities which consisted of

planning, acting, observing and reflecting. Acting which included three meetings

in which each meeting consisted of opening the class, presentation, practice,

production, and closure.

commit to user 72

1) Planning

To overcome the problems in speaking class in using Critical Debate

Technique, the researcher purpose a planning consisting of some steps: (1)

Socialized the research including reported and asked permission that there would

be a research in SMAN 1 Sakra as well as to the head master of SMAN 1 Sakra

and also told the students that there would be a research in their speaking class.

The researcher made an agreement with the students about the time , the role and

the schedule of the research ; (2) made a lesson plan containing the learning

teaching process in speaking using Critical Debate Technique; (3) discussed and

cooperated with the collaborators in order to create the same assumption and

understanding about the learning teaching process using Critical Debate

Technique and Everything that would be done in the research, for example: what

would be observed in the classroom and assessed in speaking; and (4) prepare the

instruments consisting of speaking assessment using Critical Debate Technique,

interview and observation sheet ( appendix ).

2) Acting

Acting was the implementation of these activities that have been made in

the planning. The stage of acting included 3 meetings for different materials and

the same motion as schedule below:

commit to user 73

Table 7: Schedule of Cycle 1

Meeting Day/ Date Materials

1 Friday, 25 Asking for someone opinion 1
February 2011 Passive Modal 1
Mobile Phone 1
2 Saturday, 26 Asking for someone opinion 2
February 2011 Passive Modal 2
Mobile Phone 2
3 Monday, 28 Assessment on oral test
February 2011 Students should not be allowed to bring mobile
phone to school.

a) First Meeting

The first meeting of cycle 1 was conducted on Friday, 25th April 2011,

there were collaborator-WDJ and 31 students attend the class. This part, the

researcher and collaborators did a set of activities dealing with the teaching

learning process that has been already mentioned before. As follows: opening the

class (warming up), presentation (surviving the materials), practice (practicing

activity), production (checking the students’ understanding about the materials)

and closure (closing the class). The detail information can be explained in the

following part:

(1) Opening the Class (Warming Up)

In this activity, the researcher used opening session to focus the students’

attention. He used greeting before beginning the lesson. The teacher came to the

class and greeted the students. He asked the students about their condition “Good
commit to user
morning students”? “How are you today?” The researcher also asked about the 74

students’ attendance, “Anybody is absent today”? And then the students

responded together” no one absent sir.”

Meanwhile, when the researcher warmed up the class, most of them

seemed to be ready and strived to answer what the teacher asked. However, there

were also some students who looked un-ready to answer the researcher’s

questions. For example, the researcher asked a student like “Why do you keep

silent when I greet you?” The student just smiled and answered slowly ‘I…. I…..

(Held her ear). As the researcher stated before, in doing this activity, then he

moved on from one student to another to give daily light questions randomly.

(2) Presentation (surviving the materials)

Before giving the material , the researcher reviewed the topic that had

been taught in the previous meeting. After that, he gave the explanations about the

way to do critical debate. He explained the procedures of debate and the topic

related to motion. The new material that had been given before conducting the

activity. In this case, the theme of the debate was “Mobile Phone” and the motion

of the theme was “Students should not be allowed to bring mobile phone to


Then, the researcher explained some useful expressions clearly. The

materials related to this theme were: asking for someone’s opinion, structure,

vocabularies and pronunciation. There were five indicators to asses students

speaking activity; they are content, organization, grammar, fluency and

pronunciation. He also gave some examples in order to make students clear as in

the following:
commit to user 75

Examples I:

Asking for someone’s opinion

What do you think of …?
What do you think about …?
What’s your opinion about …?
Do you agree with …?
Do you disagree with …?
Examples II:
Carol : Do you agree if our school prohibits us from using our mobile
phones in our school?
Emma: I don't think that's very fair.
Carol: You mean you disagree with the idea?
Emma: Absolutely! That is too much! I don't believe it!
Carol: Well, Mobile phone has disturbed our class and unhealthy competition
among students.
Emma: That may be true. But can't you think about the advantage? Our family
can contact us at any trine they want. We can also contact them at anytime.
The Structure:
Passive Modal Auxiliaries: Subject + Modal + Be + Past Participle
For example: Mobile phone should be banned
Students who come late will be penalized
The Vocabularies:

Noun: School [skul], mobile [mobail], phone [feun], Competitionf

kompetisyen], student [sfstjudens], advantages [adventejes], thing [thing],

lifef [laifJ, idea [aidiei].

After the teacher had explained those expressions and dialogue, he asked

the students to follow his speech in order to check the students’ pronunciation.

After finishing the explanation the teacher gave direction to do the activity, the
commit to user 76

next step was; the class was talking about those expressions. It meant that, if the

students had some questions or they did not understand about the topic, they could

consult by raising their hands then conveying the question. In this session, the

researcher gave a chance to the students to ask some questions if they did not

understand the material. Here, the researcher always gave opportunity for the

students to share about their problems in mastering the material. Then, the next

activity was doing debate. The students were divided into 5 groups and each

group consisted of 4-6 students.

(3) Practice (Practicing Activity)

In this activity, the researcher asked students doing debate activity. The

students practiced the debate activity with the material or the theme that had been

given by the researcher previously. The researcher asked the students to make five

groups consisting of 4 until 6 students randomly. The first group for pro, second

group for contra, third group for mediator, the fourth group for defender of the

first group (pro group) and the fifth group for defender of the second group

(contra group). The students did the debate activity based on the topic. The

researcher as facilitator provided the material, controlled the implementation of

debate and gave the correctness to the students.

Before doing debate, the researcher reminded the students the ways to do

critical debate and that debating was not a discussion process in which there was

no compromised result as in a discussion. The point of having a debate was to

speak out and listen to different kinds of opinions and at the end respecting those

commit to user 77

differences. In this case, the researcher used a format. The format worked as


(a) There were 2 debating teams, each consisted of 3 (three) debaters who would

be 1st. 2nd, and 3rd speakers.

(b) One team was the Government/Affirmative side – the side agreeing the

motion. The other team was the opposition/negative side-the side disagreeing

the motion.

(c) Every team was given 30 minutes preparation time after the motion released

and before the debate began. During this preparation time, teams were not

allowed to get help from anybody or use laptop, PDAs, or any other

communication devices.

(d) Each speaker delivered a substantial speech of 8 (eight) minutes in duration,

with the affirmative going first. Afterwards, either the 1st or 2nd speaker on

both sides delivered. the reply speech of 4 (four) minutes in duration, with the

negative going first.

The complete order of the debate activity process were as follows:

1st Aff à 1st Neg à 2nd Aff à 2nd Neg à 3rd Aff à 3rd Negà

Reply Neg à Reply Aff

(e) The members of the opposing team were allowed to give an interruption,

called Points of Information (POI) to the speaker delivering the speech. POIs

might be delivered between the 1st and 7th minute of the 8-minute-speech.

(f) A time keeper signaled the time. There was one knock at the end of the 1st and

7th minutes to signal the starting and ending times for POI. There were two
commit to user 78

knocks at the 8th minute to signal that delivery time for speech had ended.

Any debaters speaking before 7th minutes were considered under-time and

his/her points could be reduced.

(g) Any debaters speaking after 8th minutes 30 second were considered overtime

and his/her points could be reduce as well.

(h) For reply speech, there was one knock at the 3rd minute to signal that delivery

time was almost over, and two knocks at the 4th minute.

(i) Every debater was judged by an odd number judges and only the judges

decided who wins the debate (there was no draw in result of the debate)

Every the end of the debate activity, the researcher asked the other

students to give applause; in order the students would be more motivated and

more comfortable in classroom. Consequently, the students were a little noisy but

it was interesting and exciting, not boring. Therefore, the students were excited

and interested in attending the speaking class. Hereby they could achieve a

progress in mastering the English speaking competence.

Besides, while they were doing a debate, the collaborator observed the

teaching learning process related to three indicators as the criteria of success here.

The students’ attitude toward the implementation of Critical Debate technique, the

students’ involvement in the teaching and learning process, and the students’

ability in sharing or delivering argument based on the motion and the information

they have got from their friends. In this case, there was no problem during the

debating process and it meant they could meet the criteria of success in this cycle.

commit to user 79

(4) Production

Checking the students' result on what they had just learned, the researcher

asked the students to do a debate with topic given. There were 2 teams of

debating, each consisted of 3 (three) debaters who would be 1st.2rd and 3rd

speakers of the teams. One team was affirmative side- the side agreeing with the

motion. The other team was the opposition (negative side- the side disagreeing

with the motion). Each speaker delivered a substantial speech of 8 (eight) minutes

in duration, with the affirmative going first. Afterwards, either the 1st or 2rd

speaker on both sides delivered the reply speeches of 4 (four) minutes in duration,

with the negative going first. Each speaker delivered a substantial speech of 8

(eight) minutes in duration, with the affirmative going first. Afterwards, either the

1st or 2nd speaker on both sides delivered the reply speeches of 4 (four) minutes in

duration, with the negative going first.

When the students did a debate, the collaborator observed the

implementation of the activity. The observation was done to gain or record data

about aspects or events occurred during the implementation of the technique .She

observed the researcher’s activities and the students’ attitudes during the

implementation of Critical Debate.

(5) Closure (Closing the class)

At the end of the lesson the teacher did reflection in order to evaluate the

learning teaching process asking the students” what do you think about our lesson

to day? Students replied together “Yes so happy? The teacher continued asking

the students? “did you get involve actively in your team?”. The students answered
commit to user 80

“yes, sir’. The teacher was very happy to hear it. Finally, the students were given

homework- find the material from the internet related to the motion. He did not

forget to remind the students to study harder at home and prepared the following

meeting as good as possible. The teacher appreciated the students’ attention and

participation as well. Then, he closed the meeting by greeting “good morning and

see you next meeting.” it meant that the teacher really wanted to make the

students feel comfortable in all steps of teaching learning process. This condition

would make the students enjoyable and easy to understand the materials.

At the end of the class, the student came to the teacher asked” apakah

minggu depan materi seperti ini lagi? Tehnik ini sangat menarik bagi kami. that

expression had very deep impression and showed that the students really enjoyed

the learning teaching process in that meeting. After the class finished, the teacher

asked the students informally about their feeling when they joined the speaking

class using Critical Debate Technique. The student with the data source S20


“Pembelajaran yang kita ikuti tadi secara umum sangat effective karna saya
dan teman-teman merasakan ada perubahan system belajar, saya dapat
mengungkapkan pendapat saya lebih leluasa karena ada team yang bisa
membantu kerja sama, lagi pula semua kita terlibat dalam proses belajar
mengajar dan banyak kelebihan dalam teknik tadi yaitu bisa merangsang
daya pikir yang kritis, meningkatkan motivasi dan menyenangkan”.
(Friday, 25 February 2011).

Similar statement was given by the student with the data source S25. She

admitted that the learning teaching process was interesting and effective to

improve the students’ pronunciation, fluency and grammar. Besides that, their

psychological problem-shy, nervous, afraid of making mistakes, afraid of being

commit to user 81

laughed by friends. And less confident-be overcome. The statement was as


“Proses belajar seperti tadi membuat saya lebih tertarik karna bisa melatih
ucapan bahasa English dengan baik karena ada team yang bisa membantu
sehingga kami tidak merasa terbebani, tidak merasa takut, percaya diri
walaupun ucapan dan susunan kata-kata yang tersusun salah, yang jelas
saya lebih oke”( Friday, 25 February 2011 ) .

The statement above showed that the students interested in practicing

pronunciation in speaking class. They were very helped by his team, no burden

and feel enjoyed.

Based on the reflection of the first meeting, it was recognized that the

learning teaching process in speaking using Critical Debate Technique generally

was very effective. Besides that, the students had high motivation to speak. It was

recognized from the students’ encouragement to speak. The students were very

active in speaking class. The students also enjoyed the learning teaching process.

That was the end of the first meeting in cycle 1.

b) Second Meeting

The second meeting was conduct on Saturday, 26th February 2011. There

were collaborator-WDJ and 31 students attend the class. In this part, the

researcher and collaborator did a set of activities dealing with the teaching

learning process like at the first meeting. In this meeting, the teacher hoped the

students to be better than previous meeting. They could learn about their lack and

improved it as good as possible because the theme was still the same as the

previous theme ‘Mobile Phone’.

commit to user 82

In this meeting, the activity consisted of five phases such as opening the

class (warming up), presentation (surviving the materials), practice (practicing

activity), production (checking the students’ understanding about the give

materials) and closure (closing the class).

(1) Opening the Class (Warming Up)

This activity was not quite different from the activity in the first meeting.

The researcher used opening session to focus the students’ attention. He used

greeting before beginning the study. The researcher came to the class and greeted

them. He asked the students about their condition and also asked about the

students’ attendance. After that, he reminded and gave the students questions

related to materials that they had already learnt at the first meeting. It was just to

refresh their mind about the materials given.

When the researcher opened the class, the students seemed to be ready to

join the speaking class. They sat on their seat neatly and they mostly paid

attention to their teacher's speaking seriously. However, on the left side there were

students who made a little conversation but they didn't disturb the class because

they spoke with low sound.

Then, when the researcher checked their attendance, they raised their

hands one by one while saying "Yes, any sir" or "Yes, sir” or only "Yes" or even

only raised his/her hand without saying anything after his/her name called by their

teacher. On that day there were no absent students. In that class, they were

complete 31 students. Meanwhile, when the researcher gave questions to check

their memorization about the previous lesson, they mostly could answer well.
commit to user 83

They seemed having mastered the previous material well. It could be seen, when

they answered the questions, there were no misunderstanding. The questions

could be answered correctly and acceptably by students. Even the class looked

alive because there was a life communication between the researcher and the

students interactively.

(2) Presentation (surviving the materials)

In this part, the researcher only repeated the previous expressions by

giving explanation about what they had learned before. It was aimed at enriching

their understanding about the expressions dealing with the topic. In this case, he

gave another model dialogue. Then he read it and asked the students to repeat

after him loudly. After that he pointed some students to read aloud just to

pronounce certain words.

When the researcher explained about the topic related to debate activity,

such as asking for someone ‘s opinion, structure, pronunciation and vocabularies

related to theme “Mobile Phone”, there was a student raised her hand. She asked

“Sir, Could I use another words beside the words which have been discussed

related to expressing someone’s 'opinion?” Such as I behind you (it meant ‘I

agree’)?”. Then the researcher answered the quetions by giving the wise answer

“well, that is a good question!

After that the researcher explained the student’s question ‘the expression

“I behind you.” could be used. It does not matter as long as you know where you

should use the expression and know its mean.

commit to user 84

After answering the student’s question, another student instantly raised his

hand again. The researcher said “what is your question?” The student started

talking “May I add another words to express my opinion, Sir?” The researcher

said again, ‘what is it?’ “Like this Sir", the student responded, “I disagree at

all……” Then the researcher said “that is very good”, it means you really disagree

about your opposite team in delivering their reasons, it is ok, no problem.

Anything else! The researcher asked to the class. Because there was no question

anymore, he continued to describe what they had to do.

(3) Practice (practicing activity)

In this part, the researcher asked the students to repeat their previous topic

by practicing it in front of the class. In this case, they were asked to produce or

use their own English words. The researcher reminded them not to be afraid to

make mistakes, because English was not their own language. So mistake was

common, but later on he committed to correct the mistake together in that class.

Therefore, once more the researcher reminded them not to be afraid to make

mistake. He also reminded that in that second meeting the students had to do

better than before.

In this activity, the researcher asked the students doing a debate activity as

the first meeting. The students practiced doing a debate activity with the material

or the theme that had been given by the researcher. He asked the students to make

five groups consisting of 4 until 6 students randomly. The first group for pro,

Second group for contra, third group for mediator, the fourth group for defender

of the first group (pro group) and the fifth group for defender of the second group
commit to user 85

(contra group). The students did the debate activity based on the topic given. The

researcher as facilitator provided the material, controlled the implementation of

debate and gave the correctness to the students.

There were 2 teams of debating, each consisted of 3 (three) debaters who

would be 1st. 2nd, and 3rd speakers of each of the team.

(a) One team was the Government/Affirmative side – the side agreeing with the

motion. The other team was the opposition/negative side-the side disagreeing

with the motion.

(b) Each speaker delivered a substantial speech of 8 (eight) minutes in duration,

with the affirmative going first. Afterwards, either the 1st or 2nd speaker on

both sides delivered the reply speech of 4 (four) minutes in duration, with the

negative going first.

(c) Every team was given 30 minutes for preparation after the motion was

released and before the debate began. During this preparation time, teams

were not allowed to get help from anybody or use laptop, PDAs, or any other

communication devices.

The debate process was done through the following pattern:

1st Aff à 1st Neg à 2nd Aff à 2nd Neg à 3rd Aff à 3rd Negà

Reply Neg à Reply Aff

(d) Members of the opposing team were allowed to give an interruption, called

Points of Information (POI), to the speaker delivering the speech. POIs might

be delivered between the 1st and 7th minute of the 8-minute-speech

commit to user 86

(e) A time keeper signed the time. There was one knock at the end of the 1st and

7th minutes, to signal the starting and ending times for POI. And two knocks at

the 8th minute signed that delivery time for speech had ended. Any debaters

speaking before

(f) 7th minutes were considered under-time and their points could be reduced.

Any debaters speaking after 8th minutes 30 second were considered overtime

and their points could be reduce, too.

(g) For reply speech, there was one knock at the 3rd minute to sign that delivery

time was almost over, and two knocks at the 4th minute.

(h) Every debater was judged by an odd number judge and only the judges

decided who won the debate (there was no draw in result of a debate).

At the end of the activity, the researcher always gave a stimulation and

spirit to the students by giving applause. This situation could motivate them and

created more comfortable class situation. Consequently, the class would be a little

noisy but it would be interesting and exciting, not boring so that the students

would be excited and interested in joining the class.

When the students practiced, they seemed enjoying the speaking class. It

could be seen from their physical appearance are not to be burdened. They looked

excited to do it. Their expression was good, and their pronunciation, intonation,

their rhythm were good too. They weren't shy and doubt to express it anymore.

They did the activity freely without any burden, they almost did it perfectly. Thus,

they got a loud applause from their friend. After finishing the activity, they

returned to their seat again.

commit to user 87

Next, the second group continued the debate activity in front of the class.

When they practiced it, there was a member who was still a little doubt to express.

Perhaps, she-didn't make preparation well. Because she often responded the

questions lately and sometimes she was a little less clear. Her friends often asked

her to repeat again by saying "pardon me". Basically they could practice it well.

Only, it meant that what they had to communicate to each other could be done

interactively, though they had to be a little patient to wait their friend's response.

Until the last group, they took turns interchangeably. The practice from the

second group until the last group, there were no serious problems. They all could

practice it well. Only a little problem happened to some students as having been

mentioned above.

Once again, at every end of the activity, each group was always applauded

by their friends as the audiences. It was aimed at creating the class not to be bored

and uncomfortable. Otherwise, the class was more attractive, comfortable and

motivated; therefore, the result of the activity was better. This meant that there

ought to be any better progress than before. At least, their willingness to master

English orally was higher so they were able to communicate by using English in

their real daily life.

(4) Production

This part, the researcher did almost the same activity as what he did at the

first meeting. Checking the students' understanding on what they had just learned,

the researcher asked the students did a debate activity freely. The researcher asked

them to make team about ten and gave them the topic. There were 2 debating
commit to user 88

teams consisting of 3 (three) debaters who would be 1st, 2nd, and 3rd speakers of

the team. One team was as affirmative side- the side agreeing with the motion.

The other team was as the opposition (negative side- the side disagreeing with the

motion). Each speaker delivered a substantial speech of 8 (eight) minutes in

duration, with the affirmative going first. Afterwards, either the 1st or 2rd speaker

on both sides delivered the reply speeches of 4 (four) minutes in duration, with the

negative going first.

When the students did the debate process, the collaborator observed the

implementation of Critical Debate. The observation was done to gain or record

data about aspects or events occurred during the implementation of the technique.

And also she observed the researcher’s activities and the students’ attitudes during

the implementation of Critical Debate by using collaborator’s journal and field


(5) Closure (closing the class)

Finishing all the activities on that day, the researcher ended the class by

saying “thanks for joining the lesson actively and attentively”. He hoped so much

that the students could apply their English in their real daily life. Besides, he also

reminded them to prepare the next meeting with the evaluation test dealing with

the previous topic.

Before closing the lesson, the researcher gave the students opportunity to

ask some questions related to the topic and asked them to brose it through

internet. Finally, he said “good bye and see you next meeting.”

commit to user 89

At the end of the class, informally the teacher asked the students about

their opinion when the teacher implemented Critical Debate Technique in

speaking class. The students with the data source S 013 stated that:

“Pebelajaran speaking di kelas sangat menarik bagi kami sebab bisa

melatih pengucapan, memperbanyak kosa kata, tidak menghafal, langsung
menggunakan kata kata sendiri sehingga kami bisa menggungkapan ide
secara langsung dan berani tampil beda.”( Saturday, 26 February 2011)

The students with the data source S17 gave similar statement as follows:

“Menurut saya pebelajaran dengan mengguanakan tehnik tadi sangat apuh

untuk menguji ketrampilan bahasa Enggris siswa teruma anak anak
SMA,selama ini kita hanya diberikan dialogue dan dialogue itu di suruh
untuk menghafal, cara ini tidak efektif, karna tidak keluar dari ide kita
sendiri, yang penting saya harus berlatih terus.” (Saturday, 26 February

c) Third Meeting

The third meeting was conducted on Monday, 28th February 2011. There

were collaborator-WDJ and 31 students. In this part the researcher and

collaborator evaluated the students orally test. The activities only consisted of

three activities namely opening the class (warming up), main activity (doing the

test orally). And closure (ending the class). The following were the detail


(l) Opening the Class

Before going on his duty, the researcher had to greet the student’s first.

Then he didn't forget to check their attendance one by one to make sure that they

had been complete. On that day, there were no absent students. They were

complete 31 students. Then, the researcher explained what they were going to do

commit to user 90

on that occasion. He gave a test to evaluate what they had learned before. The test

was oral test.

In the oral test, the students were given time to prepare their argument and

they might worked together with their team. The motion was “the students should

not be allowed to bring mobile phone to school”. Each speaker had three minutes

maximally to deliver a speech or argument. The researcher gave a lottery to know

their team, in this case affirmative team or negative team.

(2) Main Activity

In this activity, firstly the researcher gave the spoken test to the students.

All students with their teams were ready with the topic. In doing a debate the

researcher and collaborator prepared assessment. There were five indicators:

content, organization, grammar, fluency and pronunciation. They may get a

maximum of twenty five points on each of these five points and one hundred

points in all (the analytical scoring rubric of oral language assessment Brown,

2004: 173).

The teacher explained about the rules of the Critical Debate Technique.

There were 2 debating teams consisting of 3 (three) debaters who would be 1st,

2nd, and 3rd speakers of the team. One team was as affirmative side- the side

agreeing with the motion. The other team was as the opposition (negative side- the

side disagreeing with the motion). Each speaker delivered a substantial speech of

4 (four) minutes in duration, with the affirmative going first. Afterwards, either he

1st or 2rd speaker on both sides delivered the reply speeches of 4 (four) minutes

in duration, with the negative going first.

commit to user 91

When the students did the debate process, the teacher and collaborator

gave score to students, the score was individuals ‘score. After the assessment end,

the teacher did reflection with the students about the teaching learning process

done. The student with the data source S25 admitted as follow:

“Menurut saya proses belajar mengajar yang dilaksanaka seperti tadi sangat
menyenangkan, sebab, kami di test merasa senang dan gembira, sebelum
saya tampil, saya berkolaborasi dulu dengan team saya sebab, dalam debate
itu kita harus menyimak dengan saksama penyataan team lawan, kalau
peryataannya bertentangan dengan team saya, maka itu kesempatan team
saya untuk bisa menyanggah pernyataan team lawan. Sekarang tidak lagi
merasa takut berbicara dedepan team lawan dan juga tidak merasa nervous
karna ada team yang bisa memecahkan kebuntuan.”( Monday, 28 February

Based on the reflection done, it was recognized that the test was

interesting and the students were happy to do it. Besides that, the students were

able to work together with their friend and they did not feel nervous and afraid

any more.

Quite similar answer was given by the student with the data source S26 as


“Dengan mengikuti test seperti tadi, saya merasa tertantang untuk bisa
berbuat lebih banyak terutama dalam segi pengucapan,,penyusunan kata-
kata, dan mengorganisasikan pendapat yang berhubungan dengan motion.
Ada satu hal lagi yang paling menyenangkan dalam berdebat yaitu dimana
pembicara harus menyampikan dengan tenang dengan menggunakan kata-
kata yang sederhana agar bisa dimengerti oleh team lawan.”( Monday, 28
February 2011)”

The statement given by student with the data source S26 showed and

proved that Critical Debate Technique was very effective in speaking assessment

since the students felt more relaxed with his team, besides that students was able

to organize his logical opinion using simple words.

commit to user 92

(3) Closure

Finishing all the activities, the researcher closed the class by saying thanks

to the students’ attention and participation for joining the class well. But before

closing the class, he didn’t forget to remind them to study harder in order they

could master English speaking competence better. Besides, he also gave a chance

to ask the difficult things that they didn’t understand yet. Then, he told the

students the following topic that they were going to study well. Finally, he said

‘good bye to the class for parting’.

3) Observing

The stage of Observing was carried out in order to find out the effect of

the action in developing speaking ability using Critical Debate Technique. It was

aimed to find out whether Critical Debate Technique can develop speaking ability

of the second year students of SMAN 1 Sakra or not. Besides that, it was aimed to

find out how far the teaching technique can make progress to learning process.

The technique used in observing was observation, interview, and

questionnaire. The observation was carried out during the learning teaching

process in speaking using Critical Debate Technique. It was done by collaborator

and the teacher in each meeting. Since there were in cycle 1, the observation was

done for three times-during the first meeting, second meeting and the third


Out after each meeting finished and also after cycle 1 finished. The

interview was carried out by researcher to the students. The interview was done he

directly after the class end by interviewing some students about the learning
commit to user 93

teaching process. The interview was usually done for about 30 minutes. The

researcher did the interview for three times because three meetings in cycle 1-

three times interview after each meeting-exactly on Friday, 25 February 2011,

Saturday, 26 February 2011, and Monday, 28 February 2011 and interview after

the end of cycle 1-

Questionnaire was also given to all students after cycle 1 finished-on

Monday, 28 February 2011, all students were asked to answer the questionnaires

given by the teacher about learning teaching process using Critical Debate

Technique. It was done for 10 minutes.

Based on the observation done it was found out some results of the

research, as follows:

(a) The improvement in speaking ability.

Based on the result of the speaking assessment carried out at the last

meeting of cycle 1, it was found out that that the students’ speaking ability

improved. It was recognized from the score got by students in the assessment of

cycle one. The students’ pronunciation improved. The average score of content

was 3.74, the average score of organization was 3.74. The average score of

grammar was 2.75. The average score of pronunciation was 2.65.The average

score of fluency was 2.51.The complete score can be seen in appendix 183.

commit to user 94

Table 8: The Average Score before the Research and after Cycle 1.

No Aspects Average score

Pre-Research Cycle 1 Percentage Max.score

1 Content 2.98 3.74 75% 5

2 Organization 2.95 3.74 75% 5

3 Grammar 2.59 2.75 55% 5

4 Pronounciation 2.32 2.65 53% 5

5 Fluency 2.5 2.51 50% 5

Total 13.34 15.39 62% 25

Based on the fact that students had low speaking ability, it was recognized

that the student had problems in: (1) pronunciation; (2) fluency; and (3) grammar.

Table 9: Students Speaking Ability in Cycle 1

Number of Level of Speaking

Percentages Speaking score
students ability
20 64.51 % High level Above 6.3
11 35.48 % Average level 4 to 6
0 0% Low level Under 4

From the table above it can be describe that the researcher found that there

were only 20 students who got mark more than minimum standard (6.3) and there

were 11 students who got under minimum standard. The average score is 63.81

the highest is 72 and the lowest one is 56. See appendix 184.

commit to user
(b) The progress on the students’ involvement in learning teaching process. 95

Most of the students involved actively in the activities since they had

much time to talk with their friends in team. They did much activity which was

different from the previous semester. Most of students took part actively in

speaking in team. Many students realized that there were chances in their

speaking habit. Of course, it was very good for speaking class. Most students

practiced actively in speaking instead of keeping silent as they did during this

times. This situation much influenced the speaking ability they had. By having

much practice in the team with many friends are more relax interesting situation,

the students could participate in speaking activity.

They could speak English without being forced by other people. It was

recognized by students’ intensity in joining the activities in team. It was admitted

by the student with the data source S08, as follows:

“Menurut saya pribadi, dengan menggunakan technique ini speaking saya

semakin okey, dimana kita dilatih untuk bisa mengungkapkan ide-ide
secara kreatif dan juga bisa melatih ketrampilan berpikir yang kritis, juga
dapat meningkatkan motivasi siswa dimana siswa bisa berargumentasi
secara aktif kemudian bisa menyagah pernyatan dari team musuh,
disamping itu pula bisa saling melengkapi dan sangat membantu dalam
kerja team, dimana kita bisa bertanya kepada team kita tentang apa saja
yang harus dipersiapkan sebelum tampil di depan kelas. Cara ini membuat
saya lebih menyukai Bahasa Inggris, khususnya speaking karena saya
merasa wawasan saya bertambah.” (Tuesday, 1 March 2011)”

This statement above proved that Critical Debate Technique was

interesting and exciting for students because Critical Debate Technique can

increase the students’ motivation and make them more confident to speak. Besides

that there was progress, students’ involvement in speaking. They were more

active, more confident ,more relax and they could speak English without being

force by other people. commit to user 96

(c) To increase the students’ motivation.

Most of students had high motivation to speak since they had many friends

in team. They were more motivated to speak in speaking class when they have

friends to talk. Besides that, it could make them relax to speak. By having many

friends in the team, the students were able to explore the idea and knowledge they

had in speaking. Besides that they felt that there was a competition in their team

that made students felt challenged to practice. It was recognize by the statement

stated by student with the data source S19, as follows:

“Menurut saya dengan menggunakan technique critical debate motivasi

saya lebih meningkat bila dibandingkan dengan sebelumnya, sebab dengan
critical debate saya bisa mengungkapkan pendapat secara leluasa dengan
mengacu pada topic, secara kebetulan topiknya sangat menatang, sehingga
saya merasa percaya diri tampil di depan team saya maupun team lawan,
kemudian saya langsung memberikan argumentasi dan sanggahan kepada
pihak lawan. Speaking saya semakin lancar dan membuat saya semakin
termotivasi.” (Tuesday,1 March 2011)”

(d) The decrease on the psychological problems

Because of being with many friends in the group, the students could forget

the psychological problems they usually had when they wanted to speak. It was

admitted by many students who were not nervous and afraid any more to speak.

On the other hand, they were more confident and not nervous anymore to speak

because they were together with their friend. They were also felt that there was a

kind competition in team. It was recognized by a student with the data source S

21 writing that:

“Dengan menggunakan tehnik kritikal debat bahasa inggris saya semakin

lancer, karna saya bisa belajar dari tim saya, lagi pula topiknya sangat
menantang kepekaan dalam menaggapi suatu permasalahan, sehingga saya
bersama tim saya tidak merasa redah hati melihat penapilan tim lawan,
karna saya berkerja dengancommit to user
tim”. (Tuesday,1 March 2011)”. 97

(e) The improvement on the social relationship

They become cleverer in having relation with other people. They did not

only speak and discuss with a friend, but they had many different friends to talk

to. It was recognized from the students with the data source S 16 as follows:

“Dengan menggunakan tehnik kritikel debate, saya bisa saling

menukarkan pendapat mengenai topic yang sedang diperdebatkan,
sehingga saya dengan teman-teman dalam tim saya bisa bersosialisai,
saling kenal mengenal satu sama lain. Dengan adanya hubungan yang
intim kami bisa beradaptasi dengan teman teman walaupun ada beberapa
teman yang memiliki pandangan yang berbeda, hendaknya perbedaan itu
menjadi satu pelajaran agar bisa saling hormat menhormati satu-sama lain,
sehingga kita maju terus dalam menggapai suatu cita-cita luhur”.
(Tuesday,1 March 2011)”

4) Reflecting

This stage was aimed at examining the strength and the weaknesses of the

first cycle. The weaknesses then were used as the basis for making the

recommendation which would be used to make planning for cycle two. The

organization of report in this reflection included: (a) the strengths of developing

speaking ability using Critical Debate Technique.; (b) the weaknesses of

developing speaking ability using Critical Debate Technique; and (c)


commit to user 98

a) The strengths

Based on the reflecting done in cycle 1, it was found out many strengths of

the research. They were:

(1) The students’ score increase in content and organization aspect of


(2) The relationship between the students and the teacher become closer as

they often talked and discussed about the learning teaching process, either

during the lesson was done or after the lesson end. However it could create

good motivation to study and attend the speaking class.

(3) The support from collaborator was very good. The researcher always

discussed everything concerning with the learning teaching process, not

only before the research was carried out, but also after the research was


(4) The atmosphere in the class was very good because the students got

something new. The students had to study in so different ways that had

never been got before that made them felt interested in it. That’s why the

students enjoyed the lesson.

(5) The students were more motivated to speak since they had many friends to


(6) The students were more active in speaking class. When the teacher

applied Critical Debate Technique in speaking class.

(7) The students got new knowledge from both the teacher and the other

students in team.
commit to user 99

b) The weaknesses

(1) The students still had poor pronunciation. It was recognized by un

appropriate pronunciation spoken by the students.

(2) The students still had problem in fluency.

(3) The students still had problem in grammar. It was recognized by the

grammar used in speaking was not well arrange.

(4) The slow students still a little passive.

(5) The students still doubt to express their opinion and argument.

c) Recommendation

Based on the weakness happen in cycle 1, it is recommended to do

following things in cycle 2:

(1) The students should be drilled pronunciation.

(2) The students’ grammar should be improved.

(3) The students’ fluency should be improved.

(4) The students should be given high motivation to support their spirit.

(5) The students should be supported not to be worry to make mistake. Give

strong motivation.

b. Cycle 2

Based on the reflection on the previous cycle, the researcher still has

some problems in implementing Critical Debate Technique in speaking class;

they are (1) the students should be drilled pronunciation; (2) the students’

grammar should be improved; (3) the students ‘fluency should be improved. As

the previous cycle, in cycle 2 the researcher describes in details the process of
commit to user 100

teaching speaking using critical debate technique including the four steps done –

planning, acting, observing, and reflecting.

1) Planning

Based on the recommendation in cycle 1, the researcher purposed a

planning to solve the problems and accommodate the possible aspects enabling

the development of the students speaking ability. To overcome the problems in

cycle 1, the researcher did a planning consisting of some steps: (1) make lesson

plans containing the learning teaching process in speaking using Critical Debate

Technique in cycle 2; (2) discuss and cooperate with collaborator in order to

succeed the learning teaching process using Critical Debate Technique and

everything that would be done in cycle 2; (3) prepare the instruments consisting of

speaking assessment using Critical Debate Technique, observation, and protocol


Related with planning in cycle 2, the researcher planned: (1) drill

pronunciation to the students; (2) improve the students’ grammar; (3) improve the

students’ fluency; (4) The students should be given high motivation to support

their spirit; (5) The students should be supported not to be worry to make mistake.

Give strong motivation.

2) Acting

Acting was the implementation of these activities that have been made in

the planning. The stage of acting included 3 meetings for different materials and

the same motion as schedule below:

commit to user 101

Table 10: Schedule of cycle 2

Meeting Day/ Date Materials

1 Thursday, 10 Expressing personal opinion 1
March 2011 Passive Modal 1
The importance of English 1
2 Saturday, 12 Expressing personal opinion 2
March 2011 Passive Modal 2
The importance of English 2
3 Monday, 14 Assessment on oral test
March 2011 English is the most important tool in globalization

a) The first meeting

The first meeting of cycle 2 was conducted on Thursday, 10 March 2011

there were collaborator-WDJ and 31 students attend the class. There was

cameraman in charge of documenting the research- recorded the research and

took the pictures of the research.

In this part, the teacher did a set of activities dealing with the teaching learning

process as mentioned before. The detail information about the steps could be

seen in the following parts:

(1) Opening the Class (Warming Up)

In this activity, the researcher used opening session to focus the students’

attention. He used greeting before beginning the lesson. The researcher came to

the class and greeted them. He asked the students about their condition. He also

commit to user
asked about the students’ attendance. 102

Meanwhile, when the teacher warmed up the class, most of them seemed to

be ready and strived to answer what the teacher asked. However, there were also

some students who looked un-ready to answer the teacher’ question. For example;

the teacher asked a certain student who looked mumble at him “what are you

whispering?” The student just said and answered slowly “nothing, sir! The

teacher responded “are you serious?” Then the student replied again “Yes, sir!

Nothing serious” after that, the researcher continued to greet another student. It

was last for five minutes.

As the teacher stated before, in doing this activity, the teacher moved on

from one student to another to give daily light questions randomly.

(2) Presentation (surviving the materials)

Before explaining the material, the teacher reviewed

the topic that had been taught in the previous meeting. After

that, the researcher gave explanations about the way to do a debate. The teacher

explained the procedures of debate activity and the topic that related to the

motion. The new material had been given by the teacher in the previous meeting

before schedule of speaking class. The topic was: The Importance of English and

the motion was “English is the most important tool in globalization era”.

After that, the teacher explained about the topic that related to motion in

this case the students were going to present the materials related to passive voice,

asking someone’s opinion and enriching vocabularies concerning with the theme

“The importance of English” and For the detail information will be explained in

the following parts:

commit to user 103

(a) Passive Voice

Passive Voice: Subject + To be + Past participle

For examples: It was announced that day

Oil had been discovered of the Coast of Small Island

(b) Expressing personal opinion

Auxiliary/Verb Subject Verb I

What do you

What is About…

do you Agree?

(c) Vocabularies

Noun: world [weld] language [langwij] international [internesyinel]

knowledge [nowledge] development [divelpment] requirement [rekwayment]

country [kantri] applicants [aplikents]

After the researcher had written those expressions, he asked the students to

follow her speech in order to check the students’ pronunciation that consisted


(d) Pronunciation and Intonation Drills

v Substitution Drills:

world [weld] language [langwij] international [internesyinel] knowledge

commit to user 104

development [divelpment] requirement [rekwayment] country [kantri]

applicants [aplikents]

v Structure Drill: Question and Answer Drills

A: What do you think of school senior high school English teachers?

B: In my opinion, senior high school English teachers work hard. They are

not only dedicated to.......

A: What is your opinion about English?

B: In my opinion, English is the……..

v Next step, the researcher gave (drill) dialogue to the students which sat in

the left side as A (as the asking for someone’ opinion) and the students

sat in the right side as the opposite of A (as the responder/B). If they were

done, they could change their position, A become B and on the contrary.

v In giving the drill, words or expressions (utterances), the researcher could

repeat it one more time if the students got difficulties.

After finishing the explanation and direction to do activity, the next

step was; the class was talking about those expressions. It meant that, if

the students had some questions or they did not understand about the topic,

they could consult by raising hand then conveying the question. In this

session, the researcher gave a chance to the students to ask some questions

if they did not understand the material yet.

(3) Practice (Practicing Activity)

In this activity, the researcher asked the students doing a debate activity.

The students practiced the debatecommit to user

with the material or the theme that had been 105

given by the teacher. The researcher asked the students to make five groups

consisting of 4 until 6 students randomly. The first group for pro, second group

for contra, third group for mediator, the fourth group for defender of the first

group (pro group) and the fifth group for defender of the second group (contra

group). The students did the debate activity based on the topic that was given by

the teacher. The teacher as facilitator provided the material, controlled the

implementation of debate and gave correction to the students.

Before doing debate, the researcher reminded the students the ways to do

critical debate and that debating is not a discussion process in which there is no

compromised result as in a discussion. The point of having a debate is to speak

out and listen to different kinds of opinions and at the end respecting those

differences. In this case, the teacher used a format the same as he did in the first

cycle. Therefore, it is not necessary to explain it in this session.

(4) Production

In this part, the teacher did almost the same activity as what he did in the

previous cycle. Checking the students' understanding on what they had just

learned, the teacher asked the students did a debate activity. The teacher asked

them to make team about ten and gave them the topic. There were 2 debating

teams consisting of 3 (three) debaters who would be 1st, 2nd, and 3rd speakers of

the team. One team was as affirmative side- the side agreeing with the motion.

The other team was as the opposition (negative side- the side disagreeing with the

motion). Each speaker delivered a substantial speech of 4 (four) minutes in

duration, with the affirmative going first. Afterwards, either the 1st or 2rd speaker
commit to user 106

on both sides delivered the reply speeches of 4 (four) minutes in duration, with the

negative going first.

When the students did the debate process, the collaborator observed the

implementation of Critical Debate. The observation was done to gain or record

data about aspects or events occurred during the implementation of the technique.

She also observed the teacher’s activities and the students’ attitudes during the

implementation of Critical Debate.

(5) Closure (closing the class)

Finishing all the activities, the researcher closed the class by saying “thanks

for your attention in joining the class”. But before closing the class, he didn’t

forget to remind them to study harder in order they could master English speaking

competence better. Besides, he also gave a chance to ask the difficult things that

they didn’t understand yet. Then, he told the students the following topic that they

were going to study well. Finally, he said “good bye, see you next meeting.”

After the class end, some students were informally interview by the teacher

about the learning teaching process they had just attended. Students with the data

source S 27 said that:

“ Belajar berbicara dengan menggunakan Critical Debate Technique dapat

melatih pengucapan kita menjadi semakin baik, dan penguasaan kosa-kata
juga semakin banyak, siswa dituntut untuk bisa mengungkapkan
argumentasinya berdasarkan pada pokok permasalahan yang sedang
diperdebatkan, kemudian kalau ada kata-kata yang salah pengucapannya
lansung dibetulkan oleh team saya. Speaking saya sekarang bertambah
lancar,walaupun ada sedikit kendala dalam penyusunan kata-kata, yang
penting berani mengungkapkan argumentasi”.( Saturday, 12 March 2011)

Quite different statement was stated by the student with the data source
commit to user
S11, follows: 107

“Belajar speaking dengan menggunakan Critical Debate Technique dapat

menambah ilmu pengetahuan, disamping juga bisa melatih keberanian
untuk bisa berbicara di depan kelas, awalnya saya takut tampil di depan
kelas, tapi karena dilatih terus maka ketakutan itu sirna begitu saja, dan
saya sekarang bisa menyanggah penyataan team lawan dengan
menggunakan alasan yang tepat sesuai dengan masalah yang sedang
diperdebatkan.”(Saturday, 12 March 2011)”

b) Second Meeting

The second meeting of cycle 2 was conducted on Saturday, 12 March

2011, as usual the speaking class was carried out for 90 minutes, 08.45 a.m. until

10.15 a.m. there was a collaborator WDJ and 31 students.

In this part, the teacher did a set of activities dealing with the teaching

learning process like the first meeting. In this meeting, the teacher hoped the

students to be better than previous meeting. They could learn about their

weaknesses and improve it because the theme is still the same as the previous

theme “The Importance of English”.

In this meeting, the activity consisted of five items namely opening the

class (warming up), presentation (surviving the materials), practice (practicing

activity), production (checking the students’ understanding about the give

materials) and closure (closing the class). All activities were done in the same way

as what had been done in the first meeting.

(1) Opening the Class (Warming Up)

This activity was not quite different from the first meeting. The teacher

started from opening session to focus the students’ attention. He used greeting

before beginning the lesson. The teacher came to the class and greeted them. He

asked the students about their condition and also checked about the students’
commit to user 108

attendance. He reminded them not to be noise. He gave them a riddle to guess in

order to focus their concentration to the topic.

When the teacher opened the lesson, the students looked so ready to join

the lesson. They sat on their seat neatly and they mostly paid attention to their

teacher's explanation. However, on the left side part there were students who

made a little conversation but they didn't disturb the class at once.

The teacher gave questions to check students understanding about the

previous lesson; they mostly could answer it well. They mastered the previous

material well. There was no misunderstanding between them.

(2) Presentation (Surviving the Materials)

In this part, the teacher only repeated the previous expressions by giving

explanation about what the students had learned before. It was aimed to enrich

their understanding about the expressions dealing with the topic. In this case, he

gave them other expressions. Then the students’ repeated after him loudly. After

that he pointed some students to pronoun certain words related with the motion.

When the teacher explained about the topic that related to the motion “English is

the most important tool in globalization era.” there was one student raised her

hand. She asked “Sir, Could you give me the formula of passive voice?”

Then the teacher replied” yes of course, I could,” here you are! Anything

else! The teacher asked to the students. Because there were no questions anymore,

the teacher continued to next series of activities.

commit to user 109

(3) Practice (Main Activity)

In this part, the teacher asked the students to repeat their previous topic by

practicing it in front of the class. In this case, they were asked to produce or use

their own idea in English. The teacher reminded them not to be afraid to make

mistakes; English was not their own language. Mistake was common, but later on

he committed to correct their mistake especially five indicators, they were

content, organization, grammar, pronunciations and the last one was fluency.

Therefore, once more the teacher reminded them not to be afraid to make mistake.

He also reminded them to do their best.

There are 2 teams debating, each consists of 3 (three) debaters who would

be 1st.2rd and 3rd speakers of the team. One team shall be affirmative side- the

side agreeing with the motion. The other team shall be the opposition (negative

side- the side disagreeing with the motion). Each speaker will deliver a substantial

speech of 8 (eight) minutes in duration, with the affirmative going first.

Afterwards, either the 1st or 2rd speaker on both sides will deliver the reply

speeches of 4 (four) minutes in duration, with the negative going first.

There are 2 teams debating, each consists of 3 (three) debaters who would

be 1st. 2nd, and 3rd speakers of each of the team.

a) One team will be the Government/Affirmative side – the side agreeing with

the motion. The other team will be the opposition/negative side-the side

disagreeing with the motion.

b) Each speaker will deliver a substantial speech of 8 (eight) minutes in duration,

with the affirmative going first. Afterwards, either the 1st or 2nd speaker on
commit to user 110

both sides will deliver the reply speech of 4 (four) minutes in duration, with

the negative going first.

Thus, the complete order of speaking during a debate is as follow:

1st Aff à 1st Neg à 2nd Aff à 2nd Neg à 3rd Aff à 3rd Negà

Reply Neg à Reply Aff

c) In a substantive speech, members of the opposing team are allowed to give

an interruption, called Points of Information (POI), to the speaker delivering

the speech. POIs may be delivered between the 1st and 7th minute of the 8-


d) A time keeper will signal the time. There will be one knock at the end of the

1st and 7th minutes, to signal the starting and ending times for POI. And two

knocks at the 8th minute to signal that delivery time for speech has ended.

Any debater speaking before 7th minutes shall be considered under-time and

his/her points could be reduced. Any debater speaking after 8th minutes 30

second shall be considered overtime and his/her points could be reduce as well

e) For reply speech, there will be one knock at the 3rd minute, to signal that

delivery time is almost over, and two knocks at the 4th minute.

f) Every debate shall be judge by an odd number judges and only the judges

shall decide who wins the debate (there is no draw in result of a debate)

g) Every team is given 30 minutes preparation time after the motion is released

and before the debate begins. During this preparation time, teams are not

allowed to get help from anybody (be it coaches, teachers, parents or friends)

or use laptop, PDAs, or any other communication devices.

commit to user 111

When the students practiced, they looked so happily enjoying the lesson.

They showed their good physical expression, no burden anymore. They looked

excited to do it. They express some useful expression liked expressing personal

opinions: in my opinion…, from my point of you…, well personally…, what I am

more…, concerned with is…, in my case…, I think …, those were very important

in doing critical debate. They didn't shy and doubt anymore. They did freely

without any burden, they almost did it perfectly. Sometimes their friend gave

applause too. They returned to their seat again.

Then the second group continued practicing in front of the class. When

they practiced it, there was a member who was still a little doubt to express.

Perhaps, she-didn't make preparation well at home. She often responded the

teacher’s questions not serious, a little bit lazy. Her friend often asked her to

repeat again by saying "pardon me". But principally she could practice it well.

The last group took turns, this practicing was better than the others group.

There were some useful expressions that they used like what do you think of …?

What do you think about…? In my opinion…, from my point of view… those

expressions are very importance for students in doing critical debate. There were

no serious problems. They all could practice them well. Only a little problem

happened to students just how to express some useful expression.

The last but not less, the students’ willingness to master English orally

increased significant, they could applied it in their real daily life.

commit to user 112

(4) Production

This part, the researcher and collaborator asked the students did a debate

freely. There are five aspects had to be met to the students namely: content,

organization, grammar, pronunciation and fluency. They may get a maximum of

25 points on each of these five points and one hundred points in all.

The teacher and collaborator asked the students to make ten teams. Then

teacher gave them the topic. The motion was “English is the most important tool

in globalization era”. There are 2 teams debating, each consists of 3 (three)

debaters who would be 1st.2rd and 3rd speakers of the team. One team shall be

affirmative side- the side agreeing with the motion. The other team shall be the

opposition (negative side- the side disagreeing with the motion). Each speaker

will deliver a substantial speech of 8 (eight) minutes in duration, with the

affirmative going first. Afterwards, either the 1st or 2rd speaker on both sides will

deliver the reply speeches of 4 (four) minutes in duration, with the negative going


Each speaker will deliver a substantial speech of 4 (four) minutes in

duration, with the affirmative going first. Afterwards, either the 1st or 2nd speaker

on both sides will deliver the reply speeches of 4 (four) minutes in duration, with

the negative going first.

When the students did a debate, the researcher as a teacher guided them in

doing Critical Debate. The observation was done to gain or record data about

aspects or events which is occurring during the implementation of the strategy.

commit to user 113

Meanwhile, the collaborator observed the researcher’s activities and the students’

attitudes during the implementation of Critical Debate.

(5) Closure (closing the class)

Before closing the lesson, the teacher gave the students’ opportunity to ask

some questions related to the topic. Before closing the meeting, he concluded that

there were some indicators had to be mastered at home namely: content,

organization, grammar, pronunciation and the last one was fluency. The teacher

reminded the students to study harder at home and prepared the next meeting as

good as possible. Thanks you, see you next meeting.

After the class end the teacher called some students to be interviewed

informally about the learning teaching process. The data with data source S 14

stated that:

“Degan menggunakan cara mengajar seperti itu saya sangat termotivasi,

sebab saya bisa bertukar ide dengan team kelompok saya, dan disamping itu
saya menjadi sedikit kritis dalam menanggapi pernyatan team lawan, cara
inilah yang selama ini saya tunggu tunggu, disamping berpikir kritis, kita
juga dilatih untuk mempertajam daya nalar, sehingga kita terlatih menjadi
pembicara yang baik dengan menguasai semua aspek bahasa.”( Saturday, 12
March 2011)

c) Third Meeting

The third meeting was conducted on Monday, 14 March 2011. In this part

the researcher and collaborator evaluated the students orally test. The activities

only consisted of three activities namely opening the class (warming up), main

activity (doing the test orally). And closure (ending the class). The following were

the detail information:

commit to user 114

(l) Opening the Class

Before going on his duty, the researcher had to greet the student’s first.

Then he didn't forget to check their attendance one by one to make sure that they

had been complete. On that day, there were no absent students. They were

complete 31 students. Then, the researcher explained what they were going to do

on that occasion. He gave a test to evaluate what they had learned before. The test

was spoken test.

In the spoken test, the students were given time to prepare their argument

and they might worked together with their team. The motion was “English is the

most important tool in globalization era”. Each speaker had three minutes

maximally to deliver a speech or argument. The researcher gave a lottery to know

their team, in this case affirmative team or negative team.

(2) Main Activity

In this activity, firstly the researcher gave the spoken test to the students.

All students with their teams were ready with the topic. In doing debate the

researcher and collaborator prepared assessment. There were five indicators:

content, organization, grammar, fluency and pronunciation. They may get a

maximum of twenty five points on each of these five points and one hundred

points in all (the analytical scoring rubric of oral language assessment Brown,

2004: 173).

The teacher explained about the rules of the Critical Debate Technique.

There were 2 debating teams consisting of 3 (three) debaters who would be 1st,

2nd, and 3rd speakers of the team. One team was as affirmative side- the side
commit to user 115

agreeing with the motion. The other team was as the opposition (negative side- the

side disagreeing with the motion). Each speaker delivered a substantial speech of

8 (eight) minutes in duration, with the affirmative going first. Afterwards, either

he 1st or 2rd speaker on both sides delivered the reply speeches of 4 (four) minutes

in duration, with the negative going first.

When the students did the debate process, the teacher and collaborator

gave score to students, the score was individuals ‘score. After the assessment end,

the teacher did reflection with the students about the teaching learning process

done. The student with the data source S05 admitted as follow:

“Menurut saya proses belajar mengajar yang dilaksanaka seperti tadi

sangat menantang karena motion yang diberikan sangat sesuai dengan
latarbelakang ilmu pengetahuan yang saya miliki, Sehingga saya sangat
senang mengikuti tes speaking, lagipula saya bisa menyanggah secara
leluasa kepada pihak lawan, pihak alawan kali ini juga menguasai topik
sehingga kedua team saling mempertahankan argumentasi teamnya
masing masing, pokoknya team kami paling hebat dan tidak takut
menhadapi team yang lain.”( Monday, 14 March 2011)
Based on the reflection done, it was recognized that the test was

interesting and the students were happy to do it. Besides that, the students were

able to work together with their friend and they did not feel nervous and afraid

any more.

Quite similar answer was given by the student with the data source S07 as


“Dengan mengikuti test seperti tadi, saya merasa tertantang untuk bisa
menyanggah pernyataan dari pihak lawan. Pihak lawan kali ini juga tidak
kalah seru,mereka bisa menyanggah pernnyatan dari pihak kami dengan
menggunakan alasan yang logis, sehingga dapat mempertajam nalar kami
untuk bisa berpikir kritis,dan teknik ini sangat menyenangkan bagi saya
pribadi.”( Monday, 14 March 2011)
commit to user 116

The statement given by student with the data source S26 showed and

proved that Critical Debate Technique was very effective in speaking assessment

since the students felt more relaxed with his team, besides that student was able to

argue and rebate with a good reason and he feel satisfied with his speaking.

(3) Closure

Finishing all the activities, the teacher closed the class by saying thanks to

the students’ attention and participation for joining the class well. But before

closing the class, he didn’t forget to remind them to study harder in order they

could master English speaking competence better. Besides that, he also gave a

chance to ask the difficult things that they didn’t understand yet. Then, he told the

students the following topic that they had to study well. Finally, he said” good

bye see you next week”.

3) Observing

The stage of Observing was carry out in order to find out the effect of the

action in developing speaking ability using Critical Debate Technique. It was

aimed to find out whether Critical Debate Technique can develop speaking ability

of the second year students of SMAN 1 Sakra or not. Besides that, it was aimed to

find out how far the teaching technique can make progress to learning process.

The technique used in observing was observation and interview. The

observation was carried out during the learning teaching process in speaking using

Critical Debate Technique. It was done by collaborator and the teacher in each

meeting. Since there were in cycle 2, the observation was done for three times-

during the first meeting, second meeting and the third meeting.
commit to user 117

Out after each meeting finished and also after cycle 2 finished. The

interview was carried out by researcher to the students. The interview was done he

directly after the class end by interviewing some students about the learning

teaching process. The interview was usually done for about 30 minutes. The

researcher did the interview for three times because three meetings in cycle 2-

three times interview after each meeting-exactly on Thursday, 10 March 2011,

Saturday, 12 March 2011, and Monday, 14 March 2011 and interview after the

end of cycle 2.

Based on the observation done it was found out some results of the

research, as follows:

(a) The improvement in speaking ability.

Based on the result of the speaking assessment carried out at the last

meeting of cycle 2, it was found out that that the students’ speaking ability

improved. It was recognized from the score got by students in the assessment of

cycle two. The students’ pronunciation improved. The average score of content

was 4.09, the average score of organization was 4.09. The average score of

grammar was 3.32. The average score of pronunciation was 3.69.The average

score of fluency was 3.19.The complete score can be seen in appendix 193.

commit to user 118

Table 11: The Average Score before the Research and after Cycle 2.

Average score

No Aspects Pre- Cycle 1 Cycle 2 Percentage


1 Content 2.98 3.74 4.09 82%

2 Organization 2.95 3.74 4.09 82%

3 Grammar 2.59 2.75 3.32 66%

4 Pronounciation 2.32 2.65 3.69 74%

5 Fluency 2.5 2.51 3.19 64%

Total 13.34 15.39 18.38 74%

Table 12: Students Speaking Ability in Cycle 2

Number of Level of Speaking

Percentages Speaking score
students ability
24 77.41 % High level Above 6.3
7 22.58 % Average level 4 to 6
0 0% Low level Under 4

From the table above it can be describe that the researcher found that there

were only 24 students who got mark more than minimum standard (6.3) and there

were 7 students who got under minimum standard. The average score is 74.13 the

highest is 92 and the lowest one is 56. See appendix 194.

(b) The progress on the students’ involvement in learning teaching process.

Most of the students involved actively in the activities since they had
commit to user
much time to talk with their friends in team. They did much activity which was 119

difference from the previous semester. Most of students took part actively in

speaking in team. Many students realized that there were chances in their speaking

habit. Of course, it was very good for speaking class. Most students practiced

actively in speaking instead of keeping silent as they did during this time. This

situation much influenced the speaking ability they had. By having much practice in

the team with many friends are more relax interesting situation, the students could

participate in speaking activity. They could speak English without being forced by

other people.

It was recognized by students’ intensity in joining the activities in team. It

was admitted by the student with the data source S013, as follows:

“Menurut saya pribadi, dengan menggunakan technique ini speaking saya

semakin lancar, tidak ada lagi kendala dalam mengungkapkan pendapat,.
Saya bisa bertukar pendapat dengan team, sehingga saya bisa tampil
dengan bagus tanpa paksaan dari team lain, teknik ini sangat
menyenangkan dan bisa memotivasi aya untuk mau bicara
banyak.”(Tuesday, 15th March 2011).

This statement above proved that Critical Debate Technique was

interesting and exciting for students because Critical Debate Technique can

increase the students’ motivation and make them more confidence to speak.

Besides that there was progress, students’ involvement in speaking. They were

more active, more confident ,more relax and they could speak English without

being force by other people.

(c) To increase the students’ motivation.

Most of students had high motivation to speak since they had many friends

in team. They were more motivated to speak in speaking class when they have
commit to user 120

friends to talk. Besides that, it could make them relax to speak. By having many

friends in the team, the students were able to explore the idea and knowledge

they had in speaking. Besides that they felt that there was a competition in their

team that made students felt challenged to practice. It was recognize by the

statement stated by student with the data source S19, as follows:

“Menurut saya dengan menggunakan technique critical debate motivasi

saya lebih meningkat bila dibandingkan dengan sebelumnya, sebab dengan
critical debate, saya bisa mengungkapkan pendapat secara leluasa dengan
mengaju kepada topic, secara kebetulan topiknya sangat menantang,
sehingga saya merasa percaya diri tampil didepan team saya maupun team
lawan, kemudian saya langsung memberikan argumentasi dan sanggahan
kepada pihak lawan. Speaking saya semakin lancar dan membuat saya
semakin termotivasi.”( Tuesday, 15th March 2011).

(d)The decrease on the students” psychological problems.

The students’ problems in speaking, such as shy, nervous, afraid, less

confident, and passive were not appeared anymore. Those problems decrease

when Critical Debate Technique was applied to teach speaking. It proves that

Critical Debate Technique can decrease the psychological problems in speaking; it

was admitted by the student with the data source S 04 as follows:

“Pengajaran dengan mengguanakan tehnik debat adalah pengajaran yang

sangat tepat bagi saya pribadi, sebab dengan cara ini perasaan malu saya
semakin berkurang. Lebih-lebih saya disuruh maju kedepan, awalnya ia
tapi labat laun saya semakin okey. Kapan lagi kesempatan ini bisa kita
mampaatkan, tapi saya harap pak guru terus menerapkan teknik seperti
ini,jangan hanya panas-panas tai ayam.” ( Tuesday, 15th March 2011).

(e) The improvement in social relationship

The students were able to make friends better than before. They could

build better relationship with their friends. The students became closer with their

commit to user 121

friends. It was recognized from statement by the student with the data source S 09

saying that:

“Dengan menggunakan cara seperti ini cara berbicara saya semakin okey,
ini ditandai dengan beberapa kali kami maju di depan kelas untuk
mempertahankan argumentasi kami bersama tim kami, ternyata, berlajar
dengan mengguakan tim mempunyai keuntungan sangat besar terutama
dalam berlatih berbicara. Saya bisa bergaul dengan teman yang memiliki
berbagai tipe, namun semua itu adalah pelajaran yang sangat berharga
saya. Harus kita saling hormati satu sama lain,,tidak ada perbedaan satu
sama lain kita semua sama.” ( Tuesday, 15th March 2011).

(f) The improvement on the students’ bravery

Critical Debate Technique really good to improve the students’ bravery

since it could make the students active to express the idea they have freely without

being forced. The students could share their idea in team. The evidence is as

students with the data source S 07 saying that:

“Belajar berbicara dengan menggunakan tehnik debate membutuhkan

keberanian untuk menggunkapkan pendapat, kalau tidak berani berbicara
didepan banyak orang jangan harap kita bisa sukses. Keberanian
merupakan cerminaan seseorang untuk mau maju. Sekarang saya sudah
tidak lagi malu berbicara deadpan teman. Rasa malu itu beransur-ansur
hilang begitu saja, karna tiap kali ada pelajaran speaking bapak guru terus
melatih kami, tanpa pantang menyerah, sehingga kami dilatih untuk
menjadi orang pemberani”. .”( Tuesday, 15th March 2011).

(g) The improvement on the students’ self confident.

Critical Debate Technique could a very effective method to be used in

speaking since it can improve the self-confidence of the students. in small group,

the students were able to increase their confidence by having talking and doing

group work together. Critical Debate Technique could make the student have high

confidence since they had friends to talk and discuss as well as do the task give. It

was admitted by student with the data to user
source S 01, saying that : 122

“Dengan menggunakan pembelajara tehnik berdebat, saya merasa lebib

percaya diri, disini saya dibekali dengan berbagai disiplin ilmu mulai dari
politik sampai dengan isu-isu terhangat. Dengan memperoleh ilmu
pengetahuan tadi saya lebih percaya diri tampil didepan teman bersama
tim kami, saya sebagai ketua tim, membagi tugas masing-masing untuk
mempermudah pekerjaan sehingga kami bisa mempresentasikan didepan
teman-teaman. .”( Tuesday, 15th March 2011).

(h) The improvement on the students’ ability in solving problem.

The students were accustomed to overcome the problem by themselves in

the group because they were given clearly define task. By doing so, the students

learn how to overcome the problem given. Beside that, it was also to train the

students to find the best solution to problem and found its’ logical reason. It was

proved from the statement given by student with the data source S 11 as follows:

“Dengan menggunakan teknik berdebat saya merasa terbantu dalam hal

memecahkan masalah, karena di teknik saya diajar kan bagaimana cara
berargumentasi yang baik berdasarkan mosi yang diberikan oleh bapak
guru, dalam hal ini ada tiga mosi, dan mosi ini saya tertantanguntuk bisa
memecah kan masalah tentu saja dengan menggunakan alsan-alasan yang
logis, yang bisa dipertanggung jawabkan, okey, thank you my teacher, you
gave me everything.”(Tuesday, 15th March 2011).

4) Reflecting
This stage was aimed at examining the strength and the weaknesses of the

first cycle. The weaknesses then were used as the basis for making the

recommendation which would be used to make planning for cycle two. The

organization of report in this reflection included: (a) the strengths of developing

speaking ability using Critical Debate Technique.; (b) the weaknesses of

developing speaking ability using Critical Debate Technique; and (c)


commit to user 123

a) The strengths

Based on the reflecting done in cycle 2, it was found out many strengths of

the research. They were:

(1) Critical Debate Technique improved students speaking ability. The

students’ score increase in all aspects of speaking and significant was on

pronunciation, grammar and fluency.

(2) The relationship between the students and the teacher become closer as

they often talked and discussed about the learning teaching process, either

during the lesson was done or after the lesson end. However it could create

good motivation to study and attend the speaking class.

(3) The support from collaborator was very good. The researcher always

discussed everything concerning with the learning teaching process, not

only before the research was carried out, but also after the research was


(4) The atmosphere in the class was very good because the students got

something new. The students had to study in so different ways that had

never been got before that made them felt interested in it. That’s why the

students enjoyed the lesson.

(5) The students were more motivated to speak since they had many friends to


(6) The students were more active in speaking class. When the teacher applied

Critical Debate Technique in speaking class.

commit to user 124

(7) The students got new knowledge from both the teacher and the other

students in team.

b) The weaknesses

1) The under average students felt too difficult to give argument and rebuttal.

2) The students could disturb the other class by making noise, when they

conduct critical debate.

3) The fast learners’ students felt insufficient when they share opinion with

their slow learners’ team.

c) Recommendation

Based on the weakness happen in cycle 2, it is recommended to do

following things in cycle 3:

(1) The students’ should be train in delivering argument and rebuttal.

(2) The students’ should not make a noise.

(3) The fast learners ‘students should be shared opinion with a good team.

c. Cycle 3

Based on the reflection in the previous , the researcher still has some

problems to be solved in implementing Critical Debate Technique in teaching

speaking in cycle 3. They are(1) the students should be drilled pronunciation; (2)

the students should not make a noise; (3) The fast learners ‘students should be

shared opinion with a good team. As the previous cycle, in cycle 3 the researcher

in cycle 3 the researcher describes in details the process of teaching speaking

using critical debate technique including the four steps done –planning, acting,

observing, and reflecting. commit to user 125

1) Planning

Based on the recommendation in cycle 2, the researcher purposed a

planning to solve the problems and accommodate the possible aspects enabling

the development of the students speaking ability. To overcome the problems in

cycle 2, the researcher did a planning consisting of some steps: (1) made lesson

plans containing the learning teaching process in speaking using Critical Debate

Technique in cycle 3; (2) discuss and cooperate with collaborator in order to

succeed the learning teaching process using Critical Debate Technique and

everything that would be done in cycle 3; (3) prepared the instruments consisting

of speaking assessment using Critical Debate Technique and protocol interview.

Relate with planning in cycle 3, the researcher planned: (1) The students’

should be train in delivering argument and rebuttal; (2) The students’ should not

make a noise; (3) The fast learners ‘students should be shared opinion with a good


2) Acting

Acting was the implementation of these activities that have been made in

the planning. The stage of acting included 3 meetings for different materials and

the same motion as schedule below:

commit to user 126

Table 13: Schedule of cycle 3

Meeting Day/ Date Materials

1 Monday, 4 Expressing Agreement and Disagreement Opinion
April 2011 1
Passive Modal 1
Cars 1
2 Wednesday, 6 Expressing Agreement and Disagreement opinion 2
April 2011 Passive Modal 2
Cars 2
3 Friday, 8 April Assessment on oral test
2011 ‘The cars should be banned in the city”

a) First Meeting

The first meeting of cycle 3 was conducted on Monday, 4 April 2011. In

this activity, the teacher did a set of activities namely opening the class,

presentation, practice, production, and closure. As for the detail descriptions

would be explained in the following parts:

(1) Opening the Class (Warming Up)

After greeting and reminding the session, then the teacher told the students

that the topic was “The cars” and the motion was “the cars should be banned in

the city”. Before the teacher explained what the students had to do, he asked them

first whether the students often used telephone to communicate something to

another people or not, randomly. It was aimed at knowing their understanding

about the topic. Although actually he was sure that it was not strange for them to

do. He also gave a chance to the students to express their difficulties dealing the
commit to user
topic. 127

When the teacher opened the class by giving greeting, the students

responded him well. They could also answer the teacher's questions correctly,

acceptably. They had not seemed to be tense anymore. The students, who were

asked some expressions in this case agreeing and disagreeing opinions by the

teacher randomly, they could answer according to the hoped questions. It meant

that they had better a progress than before.

(2) Presentation (Surviving the materials)

The teacher told that topic they were going to learn was ‘The cars” and the

motion was “the cars should be banned in the city”. In this part the teacher

explained the advantages of the car should be banned in the city, and why car

should be banned in the city.

And closing, he explained related to the theme, they had also to pay

attention to the environment. For example; air pollution, accident zoom. Then the

last, he gave some useful expressions such as agreeing and disagreeing opinions

related to the materials were given. Besides, he also gave the examples of

dialogue expressing “The car should be banned in the city”.

When the teacher explained the materials, they paid attention so much

while sometimes they imitated the expressions as what the teacher said slowly.

They took something nearby to be used as if it were a car then they kept it near

their ears and said slowly according to what they wanted to speak likes real

condition in the city. They also so excited when the teacher led them to

pronounce, some useful expressions such as I am not surprised, that does not

surprise me, yes, the sound like me, I knew it, I thought so, just what I have
commit to user 128

always thought, absolutely!, dealing with the topic. They imitated it loudly.

Moreover, when the teacher asked them to repeat after him, they seemed to be

excited. So that their pronunciation were very clear to hear. In this presentation,

there were no problems for the students. They had understood the materials.

They had also been asked to practice some useful expression before doing debate.

(3) Practice (Main Activity)

In this part the teacher divided the students into small groups of three to

act the critical debate by the motion “The car should be banned in the city”. As he

did before, there were lottery provided by the teacher, and then the students were

asked to take one by one to determine who belongs to affirmative and negative

team. After that the teacher distributed the materials to be learned in five minutes.

Then, they were asked to practice it in front of the class.

As for the media which was used in this activity was wireless that had

been provided by the teacher, it was given to illustrate the real situation so that the

students spoke as if they did it in real situation. In front of the class, there were

two sides of portable telephones. The students had to use them to practice their

spoken English orally using critical debate. The following was flow chart that the

students had to practice in the class:

When the students were given the motion with some useful expression,

then they learned it in detail. They tried to understand, what they had to say

according to the materials given. They needed ten to a quarter minutes to arrange

their expressions. After that they tried to make a little conversation on their own

commit to user 129

seat with their each pair. The class changed to be noisy, because the students did

some exercises orally on their each own seats.

After a few minutes later, the teacher pleased to first pair to come forward

to practice as what they had learned according to their each role (as the

affirmative or rebuttal). They seemed to be excited to do this. If they got some

difficulties, they were not afraid any more to ask their difficulties to their teacher.

Their motivation also looked increased. It could be seen from their appearance to

respond the materials enthusiastically.

(4) Production

This part, the researcher and collaborator asked the students did a debate

freely. There are five aspects had to be met to the students namely: content,

organization, grammar, pronunciation and fluency. They may get a maximum of

25 points on each of these five points and one hundred points in all.

The teacher asked the students to make ten teams. Then teacher gave them

the topic. The motion was “the cars should be banned in the city” There are 2

teams debating, each consists of 3 (three) debaters who would be 1st.2rd and 3rd

speakers of the team. One team shall be affirmative side- the side agreeing with

the motion. The other team shall be the opposition (negative side- the side

disagreeing with the motion). Each speaker will deliver a substantial speech of 4

(four) minutes in duration, with the affirmative going first. Afterwards, either the

1st or 2rd speaker on both sides will deliver the reply speeches of 4 (four) minutes

in duration, with the negative going first.

commit to user 130

Each speaker will deliver a substantial speech of 4 (four) minutes in

duration, with the affirmative going first. Afterwards, either the 1st or 2nd speaker

on both sides will deliver the reply speeches of 4 (four) minutes in duration, with

the negative going first.

When the students did a debate, the researcher as a teacher guided them in

doing Critical Debate. The observation was done to gain or record data about

aspects or events which is occurring during the implementation of the strategy.

Meanwhile, the collaborator observed the researcher’s activities and the students’

attitudes during the implementation of Critical Debate.

(5) Closure (Closing the class)

Before closing the class, the teacher reminded them to study harder and

prepared the practicing for the next meeting. The teacher told them that the

following meeting they would practice the dialogue again with the same topic.

Because of limited time, not all students got a chance to practice it. Therefore,

they had to practice it again by using their really own words. So, they had to do it

again in the following meeting.

When the teacher wanted to end the class and reminded them to study

harder, the students responded him well. As the writer said above that they mostly

excited with critical debate technique in learning English speaking, especially

English oral or spoken English. Then, when the teacher said leave taking, they

responded well, too. They directly came to the teacher and shook their hand one

by one while saying thank for his class.

commit to user 131

After the class end , informally the teacher interviewed the students about

the learning teaching process by asking:” Bagimana pendapat anda tentang

proses pembelajaran speaking?.” Many students had similar answers about it. A

students with the data source S 07 stated that the learning teaching process was

more interesting and exciting than the previous meeting. She realized that the

activities were enjoyable and effective. It was indentified from the statement gave.

“Menurut saya proses pembelajaran hari ini sangat menarik bila

dibandingkan degan minggu sebelumnya. Hari ini rasanya materinya
sangat pas dengan lantar belakang ilmu pengetahuan yang saya miliki,
kami merasa puas dan senang karna saya bisa bisa berbicara didepan
teman team saya maupun team lawan, kali ini motion nya sangat menarik
bagi kami, kami bisa berargumentasi dengan alasan-alasan yang logis yang
bisa diterima oleh team lawan”.( Monday, 4 April 2011.)
A students with the data sourse S 10 stated similar idea about the learning

teaching process as follows:

“Menurut saya hari ini topic nya sangat menarik, kami bersama team
menyiapkan persiapan sebaik mungkin karna debate ini membutuhkan
persiapan yang matang,.secara kebetualan di team kami mendapat bagian
affirmative, di mana team kami mendukung motion yang diberikan. Kami
merasa senang karena dengan cara ini kita dilatih menjadi orang berpikir
kritis.terasa waktu diberikan untuk tampil kedepan sangat terbatas
sehingga ada yang belum saya sampikan, pokoknya saya pribadi sangat
tertarik dan sanang dengan teknik ini”.( Monday, 4 April 2011.)

b) Second Meeting

The second meeting of cycle 3 was conducted on Wednesday, 6 April 2011.

In this activity, the students only repeated the previous topic to practice again

using critical debate. They had to practice their dialogue by using their own words

that they had arranged before. They elaborated their expressions based on their

understanding of the materials.

commit to user 132

Besides, the teacher did a set of activities namely; opening the class (warming

up); presentation (surviving the materials); practice (students' main activity);

production (checking the result); and closure (ending the class). As for detail

information would be explained in the following parts:

(1) Opening the Class (Warming Up)

As the first meeting, the teacher greeted and gave some questions about

the previous lesson to the students randomly. The students responded and

answered the questions well. After that, the teacher told them that they had some

useful expressions.

(2) Presentation (Surviving the Materials)

In this part the teacher would like to give the useful expression, but he

gave a chance for the students to ask their difficulties, either related to the new

vocabularies, pronunciation, or other expressions. The useful expressions was

disagreeing opinions such as you are joking!, you must be joking, I don’t belief it

!, no definitely not !, come on, I don’t think so, I don’t think so, I don’t think that’s

very fair, are you pulling my leg, that news to me. The teacher confirmed that they

would like to practice the expression above.

(3) Practice (Main Activity)

As he did before that the students had been divided into small group of

three, then they had to practice their dialogue with some useful expressions that

they had arranged by themselves at home based on the topic given by the teacher

on the previous meeting. There were twice turns. The first turn was each student

acted characters that he/she had to role at first turn (affirmative side) and then
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secondly he/she had to change to another character interchangeably (negative


Then, the teacher pleased the first pair to come forward in front of the

class to practice it. He asked the others to applaud them. When the first pair had

finished the others students gave a applause happily. Then, it was continued to the

second, third, fourth, and so forth interchangeably.

After all students had finished the first turning, they continued to the

second turning with the different character (as the affirmative side and the

negative side). They had to change the character to each other. It was done to have

the same experience to act many kinds of characters, so that, he/she would be not

confused if he/she had to apply it in the real communication. They had to use the

useful expressions in their daily life communication.

(4) Production

This part, the researcher and collaborator asked the students did a debate

freely. There are five aspects had to be met to the students namely: content,

organization, grammar, pronunciation and fluency. They may get a maximum of

25 points on each of these five points and one hundred points in all.

The teacher and collaborator asked the students to make ten teams. Then

teacher gave them the topic. The motion was “English is the most important tool

in globalization era”. There are 2 teams debating, each consists of 3 (three)

debaters who would be 1st.2rd and 3rd speakers of the team. One team shall be

affirmative side- the side agreeing with the motion. The other team shall be the

opposition (negative side- the side disagreeing with the motion). Each speaker
commit to user 134

will deliver a substantial speech of 4 (four) minutes in duration, with the

affirmative going first. Afterwards, either the 1st or 2rd speaker on both sides will

deliver the reply speeches of 4 (four) minutes in duration, with the negative going


Each speaker will deliver a substantial speech of 4 (four) minutes in

duration, with the affirmative going first. Afterwards, either the 1st or 2nd speaker

on both sides will deliver the reply speeches of 4 (four) minutes in duration, with

the negative going first.

When the students did a debate, the researcher as a teacher guided them in

doing Critical Debate. The observation was done to gain or record data about

aspects or events which is occurring during the implementation of the strategy.

Meanwhile, the collaborator observed the researcher’s activities and the students’

attitudes during the implementation of Critical Debate.

(5) Closure (Closing the class)

As he did before that before he said leave taking he always reminded the

students to study harder and prepare for the next meeting. He confirmed that they

would have an evaluation. The materials were taken from the same topic as they

had just learned. That was “The cars should be banned in the city”.

Finally, the teacher closed the lesson by saying” thank you so much for

joining the lesson and see you next week..” Then the students responded him and

they came to the teacher and the collaborator who observed their activity on the

back seat to shake their hands one by one.

commit to user 135

After the class end, informally the teacher interviewed the students about

the learning teaching process. A students with the data source S 11 stated;

“Menurut saya pembelajaran hari ini adalah pembelajaran yang paling

berkesan, mengapa saya mengatakan demikian, saya tidak mengira bahwa
saya bisa tampil dengan tidak mengecewakan, saya bisa meyanggah
sekaligus berargumentasi dengan menggunakan alasan alasan yang logis.
Saya juga tidak tahu, ini adalah rahmat yang diberikan oleh allah sehingga
saya bisa menyamai teman teman-teman yang bagus speakingnya.. saya
merasa senang dan termotipasi dengan adanya tehnik ini”.( Wednesday, 6
April 2011).

Similar statement also stated by students with the data source S22 as follow:

“Bagi saya pribadi cara ini sangat menantang, karna selama ini
pembelajaran speaking di kelas hanya diberikan dialog saja, kemudian
disuruh menghapal setelah itu disuruh memperagakan didepan kelas. Cara
itu adalah cara lama yang perlu dibuang jauh-jauh, tidak menantang siswa
untuk mengungkapkan idea yang sesuai dengan topic yang diberikan.
Kritikal debat adalah tehnik yang apuh yang bisa membantu siswa untuk
bisa berbicara lebih banyak, lebih lama sesui dengan motion yang
diberikan, pokoknya okey, he…he…he… (Wednesday, 6 April 2011).

c) Third Meeting

The third meeting of cycle 3 was conducted on Friday, 8 April 2011. In

this part, the teacher only gave an evaluation orally. Oral test was given to know

their understanding about the material they had just learned before, their

pronunciation, their vocabularies, their fluency and their grammar (structure). He

gave each student three up to four minutes to deliver their speech orally.

As for teacher's activity in this parts were only opening the class, giving

evaluation (main activity), and closure (ending the class). The following were the

detail information about the oral test.

(l) Opening the Class

commit to user 136

Before going on his activity, the teacher firstly greeted the students and

tasked how they were that day. Then, he told them that they would have an

evaluation test orally. So he hoped so much that they were ready to join it.

(2). Main Activity

In this activity, firstly the researcher gave the spoken test to the students.

All students with their teams were ready with the topic. In doing debate the

researcher and collaborator prepared assessment. There were five indicators:

content, organization, grammar, fluency and pronunciation. They may get a

maximum of twenty five points on each of these five points and one hundred

points in all (the analytical scoring rubric of oral language assessment Brown,

2004: 173).

The teacher explained about the rules of the Critical Debate Technique.

There were 2 debating teams consisting of 3 (three) debaters who would be 1st,

2nd, and 3rd speakers of the team. One team was as affirmative side- the side

agreeing with the motion. The other team was as the opposition (negative side- the

side disagreeing with the motion). Each speaker delivered a substantial speech of

(four) minutes in duration, with the affirmative going first. Afterwards, either he

1st or 2rd speaker on both sides delivered the reply speeches of 4 (four) minutes

in duration, with the negative going first.

When the students did the debate process, the teacher and collaborator

gave score to students, the score was individuals ‘score. After the assessment end,

the teacher did reflection with the students about the teaching learning process

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(3) Closure

As they did before, the teacher thanked to the students for their attendance

and their participation to follow his lesson. He hoped so much that everything that

they had learned together could give some advantages for their English, so that

they could apply it in their real daily communication with others. Finally, he said

leave taking by saying” good bye”. Then the students responded him, and came to

close near him while shaking their hands and saying “thanks so much for the


After the class end , informally the teacher interviewed the students about

the oral test by asking:” Bagimana pendapat anda tentang oral tes tadi?.” Many

students had similar answers about it. A students with the data source S 13 stated;

“Menurut saya tes tadi tidak begitu sulit, saya tidak lagi takut untuk tampil
didepan, sebab gurunya melatih terus kekurangan kita baik yang kelima
aspek, walaupun ada sedikit kendala yaitu masih belum lancar bangat,
namun tadi pak guru dan ibu guru manggut manggut, itu berarti saya okey
dalam tes lisan, pokoknya saya mengharapkan jangan sampai pada saat ini
saja pak guru dan ibu guru melakukan seperti ini, kalau bisa terus sampai
tetesan darah penghabisan ha… ha… ha… (Friday, 8 April 2011).

Similar statement also stated by students with the data source S21 as


“Menurut saya oral tes tadi caranya sangat menantang,, kami bersama
team memang sudah mempersiapkan jauh hari sebelunya, tidak ada yang
saya ragukan karna ini merupakan tugas kelompok namun nilainya sendiri.
Dengan cara ini saya bisa belajar dari team saya sehingga tidak ada
kendala sama sekali, saya tidak takut salah, tidak grogi dan tampil beda.
Tes kali ini adalah luar biasa bagi saya saya mendapat kan banyak
pengalaman dan ilmu pegetahuan, mulai dari tidak bisa bicara menjadi
bisa bicara, terima kasih bapak Guru dan ibu Guru”. (Friday, 8 April
commit to user 138

3) Observing

The stage of Observing was carry out in order to find out the effect of the

action in developing speaking ability using Critical Debate Technique. It was

aimed to find out whether Critical Debate Technique can develop speaking ability

of the second year students of SMAN 1 Sakra or not. Besides that, it was aimed to

find out how far the teaching technique can make progress to learning process.

The technique used in observing was observation and interview. The

observation was carried out during the learning teaching process in speaking using

Critical Debate Technique. It was done by collaborator and the teacher in each

meeting. Since there were in cycle 3, the observation was done for three times-

during the first meeting, second meeting and the third meeting.

Out after each meeting finished and also after cycle 3 finished. The

interview was carried out by researcher to the students. The interview was done he

directly after the class end by interviewing some students about the learning

teaching process. The interview was usually done for about 30 minutes. The

researcher did the interview for three times because three meetings in cycle 3-

three times interview after each meeting-exactly on Monday, 4 April 2011,

Wednesday, 6 April 2011, and interview after the end of cycle 3.

Based on the observation done it was found out some results of the

research, as follows:

(a) The improvement in speaking ability

Based on the result of the speaking assessment carried out at the last

meeting of cycle 3, it was found out that that the students’ speaking ability
commit to user 139

improved. It was recognized from the score got by students in the assessment of

cycle two. The students’ pronunciation improved. The average score of content

was 4.16, the average score of organization was 4.16. The average score of

grammar was 3.45. The average score of pronunciation was 3.74.The average

score of fluency was 3.29.The complete score can be seen in appendix 203.

Table 14:

The Average Score before the Research and after Cycle 3.

Average score
No Aspects Pre- Cycle Cycle Cycle Percentage

Research 1 2 3

1 Content 2.98 3.74 4.09 4.16 83%

2 Organization 2.95 3.74 4.09 4.16 83%

3 Grammar 2.59 2.75 3.32 3.45 69%

4 Pronounciation 2.32 2.65 3.69 3.74 75%

5 Fluency 2.5 2.51 3.19 3.29 66%

Total 13.34 15.39 18.38 18.80 75%

Table 15: Students Speaking Ability in Cycle 3

Number of
Percentages Level of Speaking ability Speaking score
25 80.64 % High level Above 6.3
6 19.35 % Average level 4 to 6

0 0% Low level Under 4

commit to user 140

From the table above it can be describe that the researcher found that there

were only 25 students who got mark more than minimum standard (6.3) and there

were 6 students who got under minimum standard. The average score is 84.26 the

highest is 92 and the lowest one is 60. See appendix 204.

(b) The progress on the students’ involvement in learning teaching process.

Most of the students involved actively in the activities since they had

much time to talk with their friends in team. They did much activity which was

difference from the previous semester. Most of students took part actively in

speaking in team. Many students realized that there were chances in their

speaking habit. Of course, it was very good for speaking class. Most students

practiced actively in speaking instead of keeping silent as they did during this

time. This situation much influenced the speaking ability they had. By having

much practice in the team with many friends are more relax interesting situation,

the students could participate in speaking activity. They could speak English

without being forced by other people. It was recognized by students’ intensity in

joining the activities in team. It was admitted by the student with the data source

S013, as follows:

“Menurut saya pribadi, dengan menggunakan technique ini speaking saya

semakin lancar, tidak ada lagi kendala dalam mengungkapkan pendapat,.
Saya bisa bertukar pendapat demgan team, sehingga saya bisa tampil
dengan bagus tanpa paksaan dari team lain, teknnik ini sangat
menyenangkan dan daya pikirhsaya semakin kritis”. (Saturday 9th April

This statement above proved that Critical Debate Technique was

interesting and exciting for students because Critical Debate Technique can
increase the students’ motivation to userthem more confidence to speak.
and make 141

Besides that there was progress, students’ involvement in speaking. They were

more active, more confident ,more relax and they could speak English without

being force by other people.

(c) To increase the students’ motivation.

Most of students had high motivation to speak since they had many friends

in team. They were more motivated to speak in speaking class when they have

friends to talk. Besides that, it could make them relax to speak. By having many

friends in the team, the students were able to explore the idea and knowledge they

had in speaking. Besides that they felt that there was a competition in their team

that made students felt challenged to practice. It was recognize by the statement

stated by student with the data source S19, as follows:

“Menurut saya dengan menggunakan technique critical debate motivasi

saya lebih meningkat bila dibandingkan dengan sebelumnya, sebab dengan
kritikal debate saya bisa mengungkap pendapat secara leluasa dengan
mengaju kepada topic, secara kebetulan topiknya sangat menatang,
sehingga saya merasa percaya diri tampil didepan team saya maupun team
lawan, kemudian saya langsung membrikan argumentasi dan sanggahan
kepada pihak lawan. Speaking saya semakin lancar dan membuat saya
semakin termotivasi.”( Saturday 9th April 2011 ).

(d) The decrease on the students’ Psychological Problem.

Critical Debate Technique could degrease the student’s psychological

problems, such as feeling of shy. In Critical Debate class the students did not

feel shy anymore since they had many friends in team. They made a mistake in

speaking; they ignored it because the other students also made mistakes. It was

admitted by students with the data source S 05 as follows:

commit to user 142

“Dengan menggunakan tehnik debat dalam pengajaran speaking, saya

tidak malu lagi mengunkapkan ide ide,pokoknya jangan takut salah, kalau
takut salah akan mengalami kesulitan. Salah itu wajar tidak ada didunia
ini yang sampurna, yang namanya belajar harus babak belur ibarat naik
sepeda motor. Saya tidak takut lagi,apalagi guru saya menerima apa
adanya”.( Saturday 9th April 2011).

(e) The improvement on appreciation for diversity and develop tolerance for
other viewpoints.
The students were able to make friends in Critical Debate Technique
classroom because they could interact in their team discussion. Besides that, they
could build relationship with their friends in team or other teams, the evidence
was admitted by student with data source S10 as follows:
“Dengan menggunakan teknik debat, kami bisa bergaul dengan tim kami,
saling kenal mengenal satu sama lain terutama karakter masing-masing.
Saya juga bisa belajar kepada tim saya, karna di tiap tim ada siswa yang
agak pandai, sehinnga saya bisa belajar dari dia,,sekaligus saya bisa
bersosialisasi dengan teman tim yang lain. ”( Saturday 9th April 2011).

(f) The improvement on the students’ bravery.

Critical Debate Technique was really effective to improve the students
bravery. They felt that the team work was interesting for them because they could
be braver to speak and express their idea and opinion. So that, the students were
brave to speak. It was indentified from statement given by the student with the
data source S11, as follows:
“Denagan menggunakan tehnik debat, saya tidak lagi takut salah,
keberanian adalah merupakan kunci kesuksesan seseorang, kalau tidak
berani tapil didepan, jangan harap bisa ngomong dalam bahasa inggris.
Orang pintar berani mengambil resiko apapun yang terjadi yang penting
berani ngomong. Pak guru tidak akan memarahi kita walupun
ngomongnya salah,, ini namanya sedang berlatih. .”( Saturday 9th April

(g) The improvement on the students’ self-confidence

The students self- confidence improve when the teacher applied Critical
Debate Technique in teaching speaking. It was admitted by the student with the
data source S 12 as follows: commit to user 143

“Saya merasa lebih percaya diri dengan menggunakan tiknik berdebat ini,
karna saya bersama tim kami berlatih terus bagaimana cara
berargumentasi yang baik, dengan menggunakan kata-kata yang paling
sederhana agar tim lawan kita mengerti apa yang disampaikan. Di samping
itu pula saya mendapatkan banyak ilmu peangetahuan baik itu dari guru
maupun dari teman-teman, sehingga kami merasa lebih percaya diri. .”(
Saturday 9th April 2011).

(h) The improvement on the students’ ability in solving the problem.

The students were given some problems in this case motion or topic to be
discussed and solved in the team. Such kind of activities hard could train the
students to think tried to get the solution from problem given. The students had to
be able to find the best solution. It was recognized from student with the data
source S03 admitted that:
“Dengan menggunakan tehnik berdebat, kami merasa yakin karna di
tehnik debat ini, guru memberikan,topic, dengan topic ini saya dengan
teman-teman tim bisa berlatih memecahkan masalah dengan menggunakan
alasan-alasan yang masuk akal, dan alasan- alasan itu harus dibuktikan,
bukan hanya bisa ngomong, tapi dilatih untuk bisa memecahkan masalah.
pokok dalam tehnik debate ini, siswa dituntut lebih banyak membaca
sehingga wawasannya lebih luas. .”( Saturday 9th April 2011).

(i) The improvement on students’ ability to promote critical thinking.

By applying Critical Debate Technique, the students were trained to be a
good in critical thinking; they have some reasons in giving a good argumentation
and rebuttal. The students had to be able to find the best solution in delivering a
speech and argumentation. It was recognized from the student with the data
source S 01 admitted that:
“Denagan menggunakan tehnik berdebat, saya dilatih untuk bisa
berpikir lebih kritis, sehingga saya bisa mengungkapkan pendapat
dengan menggunakan alasan yang masuk akal, dan mempertajam daya
ingatan saya.” ( Saturday 9th April 2011).

4) Reflecting
This stage was aimed at examining the strength and the weaknesses of the

first cycle. The weaknesses then were used as the basis for making the
commit to user
recommendation which would be used to make planning for cycle two. The 144

organization of report in this reflection included: (a) the strengths of developing

speaking ability using Critical Debate Technique.; (b) the weaknesses of

developing speaking ability using Critical Debate Technique; and (c)


a) The strengths

Based on the reflecting done in cycle 2, it was found out many strengths of

the research. They were:

(1) Using Critical Debate Technique could stimulate the students to speak.

The students ‘score increased in all aspects of speaking.

(2) The relationship between the students and the teacher become closer as

they often talked and discussed about the learning teaching process, either

during the lesson was done or after the lesson end. However it could create

good motivation to study and attend the speaking class.

(3) The support from collaborator was very good. The researcher always

discussed everything concerning with the learning teaching process, not

only before the research was carried out, but also after the research was


(4) The atmosphere in the class was very good because the students got

something new. The students had to study in so different ways that had

never been got before that made them felt interested in it. That’s why the

students enjoyed the lesson.

(5) The students were more motivated to speak since they had many friends to

commit to user 145

(6) The students were more active in speaking class. When the teacher applied

Critical Debate Technique in speaking class.

(7) The students got new knowledge from both the teacher and the other

students in team.

b) The Weaknesses

(1) The under average students were still poor grade in fluency and


(2) The under average students could not deliver their argument and rebuttal.

(3) The under average students felt the time was too limited.

(4) The class sometimes was so noise.

c) Recommendation

Based on the weakness happen in cycle 3, it is recommended to do

following things in cycle 3:

(1) The students’ should be drilled in pronunciation.

(2) The students’ should train in delivering speech and rebuttal.

(3) The students’ should give sufficiency time.

(4) The students’ should not make a noise.

In fact, the students’ pronunciation, grammar, content, organization and

fluency had improvement in every cycle. However, the problems in speaking

cannot be solved only English teacher, but it must be encouraged by the other

English teacher, such as: organization, content, grammar and so on. Those

English teachers should be taught and learned together because they influence

the students’ speaking ability.

commit to user 146

This research shows good result and it will be much better if there is

follow up after cycle 3. The researcher is sure if the research is continued to

cycle 4, the result will much better and speaking ability will be better. In

conclusion the research was successful because Critical Debate Technique can

develop the speaking ability of the second year students of SMAN 1 Sakra.

However, considering the limited time, the finance, the situation and the

condition mentioned by the researcher, it is needed to do the research concerning

with this problem.

B. Discussion

Chapter 1V of the thesis has provided the overview of research finding of

Critical Debate Technique used in this research. The research found some

important point as follows: (1) the improvement in speaking ability; (2) the

improvement on the students’ involvement in learning teaching process; (3) the

improvement on the students’ motivation; (4) the establishment of emotional

therapy on the students’ physiological problems; (5) the improvement on the

social relationship; (6) the improvement on the students’ bravery; (7) the

improvement on the student’s self confidence; (8) the improvement on the

students’ ability in solving problem; (9) the improvement on the cooperation

among students; (10) The improvement on students’ ability to promote critical


commit to user 147

The finding number 1 refers to the research question number 1. The

finding number 2, 3,4,5,6,7,8,9 refer to the research question number 2. Those 9

values can be classified into six main themes. They are; (1) the improvement in

speaking ability; (2) the improvement on the students involvement in learning

teaching process; (3) The improvement on appreciation for diversity and develop

tolerance for other viewpoints; (4) the raising on the motivation and interest; (5)

the establishment on the psychological therapy; (6) The improvement on students’

ability to promote critical thinking.

1. The improvement in speaking ability

The students speaking ability more increased after the teacher applied

Critical Debate Technique in speaking. It was recognized from improvement on

the students’ speaking aspects – content, organization, grammar, pronunciation

and fluency. The researcher indentified it from the average score on those

aspects which can be seen in appendix ….

Table 15: The Improvement of Speaking Aspects.

No Aspects Average score

Pre-Research Cycle 1 Cycle 2 Cycle 3

1 Content 2.98 3.74 4.09 4.16

2 Organization 2.95 3.74 4.09 4.16

3 Grammar 2.59 2.75 3.32 3.45

4 Pronounciation 2.32 2.65 3.69 3.74

5 Fluency 2.5 2.51

commit to user 3.19 3.29 148

From the improvement on the speaking aspects, automatically the students

speaking achievement improves. The improvement on the speaking achievement

can be seen in the table 6, and graphic 7

The improvement of students’ speaking achievement after applying the

Critical Debate Technique can be identified from the students’ speaking score

from cycle to cycle. The improvement of students speaking achievement is

illustrated on graph 6.1. The graph showed that the speaking achievement was

increased significantly from pre-test to post test or from cycle to cycle. The mean

scores in pre-test is 5.3, the mean of scores in cycle 1 is 6.3, the mean of scores in

cycle 2 is 7.4 and the mean of scores in cycle 3 is 8.4. The description of students’

speaking achievement can also be identified through the mean score of pre-test,

cycle 1, cycle 2 and cycle 3 as can be seen in Table 4.12 and Graph 1 below:

Table 16: Students’ Speaking Achievement from Pre-test to Cycle to Cycle

Pre Test Cycle 1 Cycle 2 Cycle 3

5.3 6.3 7.4 8.4

Graphic 17: Speaking Score

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The improvement in speaking ability proved that Critical Debate

Technique was really effective to develop the students speaking ability. Slavin

(1995: 2) states that there are many reasons that cooperative learning is entering

the mainstream of educational practice. One is the extraordinary research base

supporting the use of cooperative learning to increase student achievement. As

well as such other outcomes as improved intergroup relation, acceptance of

academically handicapped classmates, and increased self –esteem. Slavin (1995:

15) ads that cooperative learning has shown how these strategies can enhance

students achievement, however, this research also has indentified many of reason

that cooperative learning enhance achievement and most importantly, the

elements of cooperative learning that must be place if it is to have a maximum

effect on achievement. That statement shows that Critical Debate Technique is a

really good technique to be used to increase the students’ achievement.

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Dempsey and Sales (1993: 154) state that generally, cooperative effort

result is higher achievement, more positive relationships, and greater

psychological health that do competitive or individualistic effort. The statement

proves that Critical Debate Technique can effectively improve the students’

achievement that is speaking achievement.

2. The improvement on the students’ involvement in learning teaching


The students participate in learning teaching process very actively. It was

recognized from their involvement in speaking using Critical Debate Technique.

The students could be more active in practicing their knowledge in speaking. In

speaking using Critical Debate Technique, there are four or five students in a

group which could make the students more active to speak because they have

opportunities to learn their speaking skill in their group discussion.

Ornstein and Lasley (2000: 311) state that dividing students into small

group seems to provide an opportunity for students to become more actively

engaged in learning and for the teachers to monitor students’ progress better. The

statement improves that by attending Critical Debate classroom, the students can

become more active in joining the learning teaching process.

Orlich , et al. (1998: 263) state that there some benefits from discussion

activities. They are (1) increasing depth of understanding and grasp of course

content; (2) enhancing motivation and generates greater involvement with the

course; (3) developing positive attitudes toward later use of material presented in

the course; (4) developing problem solving skills specific to content of the course;
commit to user 151

and (5) providing practice in the application of concepts and information to

practical problems. The statement proves that in Critical Debate technique

classroom, the students have high involvement in the activities. Critical Debate

Technique can increase the students’ involvement in learning teaching process.

3. The improvement on appreciation for diversity and development

tolerance for other viewpoints.

Critical Debate Technique can build good relation not only among

students but also among collaborators. The relationship among the students

becomes closer and better. The students are also closer to the teacher even to

collaborators. Moreover the teacher also has better relationship with the students

and also with collaborator. It caused by cooperation have been doing- before,

during, and after the learning teaching process. Cooperation can create good team-

work or appreciation for diversity and development tolerance for other viewpoint.

Orlich, et al, (1988: 275) state that cooperative learning experiences have

also been shown to improve the relationships among diverse students. The

statement shows that Critical Debate Technique can improve the relationship

between the teacher and the students, the teacher and the collaborator, and also

among the students. it is caused by condition that in Critical Debate Technique

class the students have to work together and also help each other. So, there is

interdependence among the students which are enabling to build better


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Orlich, et al. (1988: 275) adds that cooperative learning teaches social as

well as academic skills. For learning groups to be effective, students must learn to

honor and respect one another’s differences, to support one another through

learning process, to communicate effectively with one another, and to come to a

consensus or understanding when needed. The statement proves that Critical

Debate Technique can condition the students to build good relationship as they

have to work together in their groups.

Orntein and Lasley (2000: 211) states that small groupings can enhance

students’ cooperation and social skill. Based on the statement above, it is clear

that Critical Debate Technique can motivate the students to make cooperation

among them and also to motivate them to be involved in social skills.

4. The Increase on the Motivation and Interest.

Critical Debate Technique can raise the students’ motivation and interest.

In detail, Barkley, et al (2005: 126) says: Debates can increase motivation,

enhance research skills, promote critical thinking, and develop communication

proficiency. Debates expose the class to a focused, in-depth, multiple-perspective

analysis of issues. Because critical debates have the added dimension of requiring

students to assume a position opposite to their own, they encourage students to

challenge their existing assumptions. This can move students beyond simple

dualistic thinking, deepen their understanding of an issue, and help them to

recognize the range of perspective inherent in complex topics. In this way, critical

debate may also build appreciation for diversity and develop tolerance for other

commit to user 153

viewpoints”. The statement above proves that Critical Debate Technique can

really increase the students’ interest and Motivation.

5. The Establishment on the Psychological Therapy

The fact that Critical Debate Technique could decrease the students’

psychological problem was not doubtful anymore. After joining speaking class

using Critical Debate Technique, the students did not have the psychological

problems as they had the previous semester, such as shy, less confident, afraid of

making mistake, and afraid of being laugh by friends. Critical Debate Technique

could really reduce those psychological problems well.

Fukuda in, states that in

a debate study conducted with Japanese students found that before the debates

only 30.8% of the students were not afraid of expressing their opinions when they

were not the same as others. After the debate this figure rouses to 56.7%.

Orlich, et al. (1998: 261) states that there are five elements of small-group

discussion. They are: (1) a small number of students meeting together; (2)

recognition of a common topic or problem; (3) introduction, exchange, and

evaluation of information and ideas; (4) direction toward some goal or objective;

and (5) verbal interaction, both rational and emotional. Based on the statements

above, it is clear that the students’ psychological condition can be controlled in

Critical Debate Technique classroom. The students’ feeling, such as afraid, shy,

nervous, less confident, less motivated can be reduced in Critical Debate

Technique classroom activities. In order words, Critical Debate Technique can

commit to user 154

establish the psychological therapy because the students can release those feeling

when they attended the Critical Debate Technique classroom.

6. The improvement on students’ ability to promote critical thinking.

Critical Debate Technique can promote critical thinking. In detail,

Barkley, et al (2005: 126) says: Debates can increase motivation, enhance

research skills, promote critical thinking, and develop communication proficiency.

Debates expose the class to a focused, in-depth, multiple-perspective analysis of

issues. Because critical debates have the added dimension of requiring students to

assume a position opposite to their own, they encourage students to challenge

their existing assumptions. This can move students beyond simple dualistic


Finally, the researcher finds that the implementation of Critical Debate

Technique in speaking course can develop the speaking ability of the second-year

students of SMAN 1 Sakra. However, during the implementation of Critical

Debate Technique in speaking course there were some strengths and weakness.

The strengths were as follows: (1) the relationship between the teacher and

students was closer; (2) the support from collaborator was very good; (3) the

atmosphere in the classroom was very good; (4) the students were more motivated

to speak; (5) the students were more active; (6) the students could help each other;

(7) the students could gain new knowledge; (8) the students could have better


While the weaknesses were as follows: (1) the students still had poor

pronunciation; (2) the students still had problem in understanding or miss

commit to user 155

understanding; (3) the students still had bad grammar; (4) the students had less

fluency; (5) the students still have problem in proposition; (6) there were some

empirical weaknesses – there were dominating students, the class was noisy,

Critical Debate Technique took longer time selecting a controversial topic in the

field with two identifiable, arguable, and opposing sides that are appropriate to


Although there were some strengths and weakness, in general the

implementation of Critical Debate Technique in speaking course was effective

since the students’ speaking improves. In other words, Critical Debate Technique

can develop the speaking ability of the eleventh grade of SMAN 1 Sakra during

the learning teaching process, the students were very active.

commit to user



A. Conclusion

Based on the findings of improving students’ speaking ability through

Critical Debate Technique in this research, the major conclusion can be stated that

the implementation of Critical Debate Technique has many advantages to help

students improve their speaking ability and encourage them to be more active in

the speaking class. Based on the result of the research above, it can be concluded

that; 1) Critical Debate Technique can improve students’ speaking ability; 2)

Critical Debate Technique can increase the students ‘involvement in learning

teaching process, and 3) Critical Debate Technique can improve on appreciation

for diversity and develop tolerance for other viewpoints; 4) Critical Debate

Technique can raise motivation and interest; 5) Critical Debate technique build

the establishment on the psychological therapy; 6) Critical Debate Technique can

promote the students’ critical thinking.

1. Critical Debate Technique can improve Students’ speaking Ability

Critical Debate Technique can improve Students’ speaking Ability. It was

proved from the improvement of speaking score obtained by students. The

speaking score increases every cycle. Speaking score in cycle 1 is better than

before the research was carry out. The speaking in cycle 2 is better than cycle 1. It

is also much better in cycle 3. Critical Debate Technique can improve Students’

speaking score in some aspects.commit to user

The improvement on speaking ability can be

156 157

recognized from the improvement on the students’ pronunciation, grammar,

content, organization, and fluency. That improvement automatically improves the

speaking ability of the students which are reflected in their speaking ability. The

average score of those aspects also show good improvement. Every score of

pronunciation in cycle 1 is better than in pre-research. The pronunciation in cycle

2 is better than in cycle1. The pronunciation in cycle 3 is better than in cycle 2.

The average score of content, organization, grammar and fluency also show good

improvement in each cycle.

2. Critical Debate Technique can increase the students ‘involvement in

learning teaching process.

Most of the students become very active in speaking class. they involve in

the activities actively. The students have much time to talk with their friends in

the team. They also take a part actively to speak with their team. Critical Debate

Technique class the students can participate in speaking freely since they are free

to express the idea they have in their team without being afraid and shy. Besides

that, the students can practice speaking without being force by teacher. So the

researcher concludes that Critical Debate Technique can increase the students’

intensity in joining the class.

3. Critical Debate Technique can improve on appreciation for diversity and

develop tolerance for other viewpoints.

The students are becoming closer because they often work and do the task

together in team. They often talk and ask each other to finish their assignment.

The relationship between students and teacher also better since the teacher always
commit to user 158

talk and contact the students to get the data, either during or after the learning

teaching process. That condition makes the students close to the teacher. The

teacher always discuss and cooperate with the collaborator before, during, and

after the learning teaching process in order to build the appreciation for diversity

and develop tolerance for other viewpoints.

The students who always meet the collaborator for 4 months, of course they can

know each other and build good relation among them. So, it can be concluded that

Critical Debate Technique improves appreciation for diversity and develop

tolerance for other viewpoints.

4. Critical Debate Technique can raise motivation and interest.

In speaking using Critical Debate Technique, the students were

encouraged to be active since they have to work in small group. Being with

friends motivate them to speak actively. The teacher is as a facilitator who always

motivates them to speak. The teacher always monitors the class every time the

students work in group. Of course, it encourages the students to be more and more

in speaking.

5. Critical Debate technique builds the establishment on the psychological


Psychological therapy made the students was shy, less confident, nervous,

and passive. They were afraid of being laughed by their friends, and afraid

of making mistakes. Those psychological problems also made the students got

difficulties in speaking. After attending Critical Debate Technique class, the

commit to user 159

students can release these problems. Critical Debate Technique can behave the

students to speak actively in the class. Besides, the students do not feel nervous,

afraid, or even less confident because they always have friends to talk with. That’s

why it can be realized that Critical Debate Technique can build the establishment

on psychological therapy.

6. Critical Debate Technique can promote the students’ critical thinking.

By applying Critical Debate Technique, the students were trained to be

good in critical thinking; they had some reasons in giving good argumentation and

rebuttal. The students had to be able to find the best solution in delivering a

speech and argumentation.

B. Implication

The research finding of this research implies that Critical Debate

Technique is a very appropriate method used in speaking course since it can


1. To develop the speaking ability in eleventh grader of SMAN 1 Sakra.

2. To improve the students’ improvement in learning teaching process.

3. To strengthen the relationship.

4. To improve the motivation and interest

5. To establish better atmosphere to study and the psychological therapy.

C. Recommendation

Realizing that Critical Debate Technique is very appropriate, good, and

effective technique to develop the speaking competence. Some recommendations

commit to user 160

are put forward to the teachers, the school of SMAN 1 Sakra, and the other

researcher, as follow:

1. To the other teachers

a. The teacher should try any technique in teaching in order to find the

appropriate technique to be applied.

b. The teacher should form the small team consisting of not more than 3

students to carry out Critical Debate Technique successfully. Because too

many students in team are not effective.

c. The teacher should form the team by combining the active and passive

ones in order to avoid the dominating students in a team.

d. The teacher should brief the Critical Debate Technique to the students

before it is carried out by explaining them that the score is not only taken

from how much the student talks but also how clever she/he interact their

friend to speak.

e. The teacher gives clearly defined task in Critical Debate Technique to the


f. The teacher should always motivate the students in practicing Critical

Debate Technique.

2. To principle of SMAN 1 Sakra

a. The principal should encourage the teachers to apply Critical Debate

Technique in order to develop the students’ ability.

b. The principal should provide wireless to facilitate Critical Debate

Technique to be applied.
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c. The principal should provide a newspaper in English in order the teachers

and students know more information about the hot issue.

3. To the Other Researchers

a. The other researchers should continue the research concerning with this

research because it is really needed to have qualified output.

b. The other researchers should develop the instruments which have not been

developed in this research.

c. The other researchers should be more active to do the research concerning

with the Technique used to develop the students’ ability.

d. The other researchers should pay more attention on the problems raise in

developing the students’ ability.

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