Gurps Force System

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The document discusses different levels of Force emanations in an area and how they can enhance or weaken Force skills. It also covers rules for using and maintaining various Force skills and abilities.

The document describes levels of Force emanations as Strong, High, Normal, Weak, and None - and explains the bonuses or penalties each level confers to using Force skills. It also notes some levels can favor the Light or Dark Side.

The document states that to maintain continuous Force effects, a minimal level of concentration must be maintained and separate skill rolls must be made once per minute to maintain each effect without penalty. Failing the roll ends the effect.


Force Level
In most regions, emanations of the Force are fairly uniform. However, in some locations the
emanations may fluctuate or favor the Light Side or Dark Side of the Force.
Strong: You gain a +1 to +5 bonus to use any Force skill. High bonuses usually dissipate gradually
from the center of the area. Force emanations can be aspected towards Light Side or Dark Side.
Normal: This is the default level. Force skills and abilities work normally.
Weak: All Force skills perform at -1 to -5 to skill, for all purposes. High penalties usually dissipate
gradually from the center of the area.
None: Force skills can't be used at all. This level is extremely rare, and only occurs in areas of exotic
space or great Force disturbances.

Extra Effort
For all Force Skills, you can improve your effective skill by spending FP. This costs a 1 FP for a +3
bonus to the roll. Extra Effort can only be used on abilities that require a roll to activate or a Quick
Contest with the subject. Passive abilities can't use it.

Continuing Effects
Many Force skills have effects that can be maintained continuously, such as reading a person's
thoughts. As long as the skill is being used in the same way on the same subject, a Concentrate
maneuver is not required to maintain the effect; you can continue using the ability while you take other
However, a minimal level of concentration must always be maintained; for each continuous effect
that you are maintaining, you have a cumulative -1 penalty to all DX, IQ and skill rolls. However, if
your base skill – modified only by Force level, if applicable – is 15 or higher, then it does not carry a
penalty when maintaining it. Furthermore, you must make a separate skill roll once a minute for each
individual Force ability he is maintaining. If you fail, the effect ends. Reactivating the ability requires
a new skill roll, which counts as a repeated attempt.
Additionally, any maintained abilities will stop automatically if you die or go unconscious or the
subject moves out of range. If you are injured or stunned, you must make a Will roll at -3. If you fail,
the effect ends. Reactivating the ability requires a new skill roll, which counts as a repeated attempt.

Repeated Attempts
When the roll to activate a Force skill fails, you can wait five minutes and try again at no penalty. If
you try that particular feat sooner, this is a "repeated attempt" and costs 1 FP. Furthermore, the roll for
the second attempt is at -1. Should this effort fail, you can spend 1 FP and try again at -2, and so on,
until you pass out from FP loss or your effective skill drops below 3, at which point success is
If a repeated attempt succeeds, later attempts at that feat no longer cost FP or worsen skill penalties.
However, the current skill penalty remains until you wait a full five minutes.
Only successive attempts at the same feat are repeated attempts. This means the same skill on the
same subject or an identical one, regardless of the changes in physical circumstances. Repeated use of
an ability that requires a Quick Contest are always repeated attempts when they are attempted on the
same subject.
Rolls for passive skills never suffer penalties for repeated attempts.

Passive Skills
A few Force skills are passive skills. Unlike normal "active" skills, these Force skills require no
concentration to activate or use, and rolls for success are usually made secretly by the GM. Extra Effort
(see above) can never be put into passive uses of a skill.

Light Side Skills

Some Force skills (marked with a *) are designated as being Light Side skills. If you have the Dark
Side Penalty disadvantage, apply it as a penalty to use any Light Side skill.

Dark Side Skills

Some Force Skills (marked with a †) are designated as being Dark Side skills. It is important to note
that the skills themselves are not inherently evil, but rather are not taught by the Jedi, who have labeled
these skill as "evil" due to their common usage. Some of these skills can be used for good. Although it
is said that users of dark powers become evil only when the powers are used for personal gain, it has
been reported that continuous use of these skills has a corrupting effect on Force-users (see Dark Side

Dark Side Points

Using the Force is not without risk. The power, if wielded carelessly or for evil purposes, may
eventually consume the character and make him a slave to the Dark Side, to the negative energy that
feeds on pain and suffering. To turn to the Dark Side means to lose all emotional connection to the rest
of the world, to abandon love and empathy. Once in a while, a very strong-willed Force wielder may
manage to break free from the pull of the Dark Side, but those are rarities and they often relapse back
into evil.
In game terms, a Force-user who abuses his power or commits evil acts will gain Dark Side Points.
At the end of any day in which you gained a Dark Side Point, you must make a Will roll at a penalty
equal to the total number of Dark Side Points you gained. On a failure, you gain a Dark Side Penalty
for every 10 points (or fraction thereof) by which you failed the roll. The Dark Side Penalty is a penalty
to all Light Side skill uses. Its presence is obvious to anyone who can see your aura.
You may only gain 10 levels of Dark Side Penalty. At this point, your soul has become completely
corrupted; any virtuous disadvantages, such as Honesty or Pacifism, are lost and should be replaced by
some dark perversion of the original virtue. You also gain Unnatural Features (Glowing Yellow Eyes) [-
You must still make Will rolls at the end of the day when you gain a Dark Side Point, but at +10.
Failure results in a loss of 5 characters points – either as a reduction of attributes, loss of advantages, or
acquisition of new disadvantages – for every point by which you failed the roll!
Described below are some circumstances and events that will result in a character gaining a Dark
Side Points.
● Causing gratuitous injury or needless suffering.
● Killing, except in self-defense or the defense of others.
● Using the Force out of rage, greed, or petty personal reasons.
● Using the Force to acquire wealth, personal power, or influence.
Calling Upon the Dark Side
Characters, Force Sensitive or not, may call upon the Dark Side, especially when angry or
aggressive. A character automatically receives a Dark Side Point when they attempt to Call Upon the
Dark Side, whether successful or not. To Call Upon the Dark Side you must make a Will roll at a
penalty equal to your Dark Side Penalty. On a success, the character gains a +3 bonus to all rolls made
in the next round. On a critical failure, you take 1 HP of injury and lose 1d FP.
Renouncing the Dark Side
You may try to cleanse yourself of any Dark Side Penalty, but the process is difficult. It requires a
period of reflection and abstinence from all Force use and all sensual pleasures. Make a daily roll
against Will minus your Dark Side Penalty (maximum 13). Three consecutive successes will remove
one level of Dark Side Penalty. On a failure, you take 1 HP of injury and may continue the process. You
cannot naturally recover HP lost this way until you either succeed in removing a level of Dark Side
Penalty or abandon the attempt.

Force Spirits
Any living creature that dies becomes a part of the Force. When a being strong enough in the Force
dies and disappears into the Force, their consciousness remains distinct from the totality of the Force
only as long as the being retains their power over the Force to avoid assimilation. Since the Jedi do not
believe in exploiting or overpowering the Force, their spirits eventually dissipate into the totality of the
Force after a sufficient time. Jedi who are strong enough in the Force and feel a strong enough
connection to those still alive can transform into Force Spirits, usually to pass along critical information
or provide much needed guidance to those still living, but will eventually accept the will of the Force
and fade completely from existence.
In game terms, if you know the Harmony skill at level 20 or higher, have no Dark Side points or
Dark Side Penalty, and have a Will of 14 or higher, then you can become a Force Spirit upon death.
Force Spirits can become Contacts for others and can only be detected by those with Sense Force who
they want to appear to. Force Spirits are not chained to the areas where they died and are free to
manifest anywhere in the galaxy where the Force is strong enough (they can't manifest in areas of weak
When a Force-user tainted with a Dark Side Penalty dies, his spirit can taint the area where he died
with the Dark Side for centuries after his death. Areas strong in the Dark Side of the Force influence
those in them, driving them to evil and depravity. Uncorrupted Force users, not being consumed with
anger and malice, do not leave scars on physical space like Dark Side users do. But the passing of
exceptionally powerful users of the Light Side can lend a calming effect to the surrounding area. Such
areas are usually strong in the Force; any other game effects of such areas is left to the GM's discretion.

Final Strike
It is dangerous to trap a master of the Dark Side, for even in ultimate defeat he can strike his enemies
down. If you have ten levels of Dark Side Penalty and Force Lightning at 15+, you can choose to
unleash all your energy in a single terrible blast at the cost of your own life. The blast deals dice of
crushing damage equal to your Force Lightning skill level. Anything nearby receives "collateral
damage" equal to the the basic damage divided by the distance in meters from the blast.
Force Resistance
3 points/level
You are less likely to be affected by the Force. Subtract your Force Resistance from the skill of
anyone using a Force skill on you, and add it to your roll to resist any Force skill that offers a resistance
Force Resistance only interferes with Force skills that directly target you.
Force Resistance and its precise level, can be recognized by any Force-user who looks at your aura,
or by anyone who uses a Force skill on you.
You cannot combine Force Resistance with Force Sensitive. If you have one level of Force
Resistance, you can't use Force skills at all.

Force Sensitive
100 points
You are sensitive to the ebb and flow of the Force. It is a prerequisite for learning Force skills, or
using them at default. Only sapient beings can be Force Sensitive.
Force Sensitive includes Animal Empathy (p. B40), Danger Sense (p. B47), Empathy (p. B51),
Intuition (p. B63), and Plant Empathy (p.75) and provides all the benefits of those advantages.
To actually learn Force skills, you need the Trained By A Master advantage. Without this advantage,
all training on Force skills is considered self-teaching, and only Force skills with defaults can be

Force Talent
15 points/level
Prerequisites: Force Sensitive.
This talent makes it much easier to learn and use Force skills. Each level gives +1 with all Force
skills. This effectively raises your attribute scores for the purposes of learning Force skills.
Reduce the time required to learn new Force skills by 10% per Force Talent level.

Dark Side Penalty

-3 points/level
Each level gives you -1 to use Light Side Force skills. You may only gain 10 levels of Dark Side
Penalty. At this point, your soul has become completely corrupted; any virtuous disadvantages, such as
Honesty or Pacifism, are lost and should be replaced by some dark perversion of the original virtue.

Force Susceptibility
-3 points/level
Force skills are more likely to affect you. Add your Force Susceptibility to the skill of anyone using a
Force skill on you, and subtract it from your roll to resist any Force skill that you can resist.
Force Susceptibility, and its precise level, can be recognized by any Force-user that looks at your
aura or uses a Force skill on you. You may have no more than five levels of Force Susceptibility.
You can combine Force Susceptibility with Force Power, but not with Force Resistance.
This section details all the available Force skills.

Defaults: None.
Prerequisite: At least two other Force skills.
You manifest an invisible force that acts under your conscious direction at a distant point. To lift an
object make a skill roll.
Modifiers: No modifier for an object up to one kg; -1 for an object up to 5 kg; -2 for an object up to
20 kg; -3 for an object up to 100 kg; every additional 100 kg is an extra -1. Using Apportation with no
hand gestures requires a -2 penalty.
On a successful roll you can levitate the object with a maximum Move equal to 3 + your margin of
success. For barely visibly motion, you get a +2 bonus on your skill roll.
Moving a levitating object requires Concentration; leaving an object suspended in midair requires no
concentration. You can use Move Object on any subject that you can see or otherwise clearly perceive.
No further rolls are required unless the subject breaks your line of sight. In that case a Move Object -3
roll is required to retain contact.
Living subjects can choose to resist with Will; compare the subject's Will roll to your skill roll in a
Quick Contest. If you win, you can levitate the subject; he can't perform any task that requires contact
with the ground and use DX-based skills at -3. Alternatively, you can use Move Object to disarm an
opponent. Make a Move Object roll to lift the object normally; living subjects can resist with Will. On a
successful roll, your opponent must make a ST roll with a penalty equal to twice your margin of
victory. If he fails the ST roll, the item is torn from his grasp.
You can levitate and move multiple objects. Use the combined weight of all the objects to determine
the weight modifier. In combat, you must affect groups of objects in exactly the same way.
Throwing: By applying force for a fraction of the second, you can throw objects faster (and farther)
than you can move them. The maximum distance you can throw a target is equal to 1/2 your effective
skill level + twice your margin of success. A DX-2 or Throwing skill roll is necessary to hit a target
with a thrown object; for the purpose of range penalties, use the sum of the distance from you to the
object and the object to the target. Once you throw something, you have "released" it – you must make
another skill roll to pick it up again.
A successful Apportation check gives you +2 to use Filch, to cheat at Gambling, or to any task that
benefits from High Manual Dexterity.
Note: The scope of this skill is not even close to reflecting the telekinetic ability of Force-users as
portrayed in the Star Wars movies. This was deliberately done to make this skill balanced with the other
Force skills. If a GM doesn't like the rule as presented, he is free to devise any scaling he desires.
Simply scale the weight modifiers up to the desired level.

Defaults: None.
Prerequisite: Sense Force.
To use this ability, take the Concentrate maneuver then roll a Quick Contest: your skill against the
beast's Will. A successful roll excites an animal and gives an automatic “very bad” whenever a reaction
roll is required, for a number of minutes equal to the margin of victory. This ability only works on
nonsapient animals, which typically have a racial IQ of 6 or less. To use this ability, take the
Concentrate maneuver then make a skill roll.
You can affect more than one animal to at time by taking a penalty equal to the number of extra
animals you wish to affect (-1 for two subject, -2 for three subjects, and so on). By default, using Beast-
Soother requires a simple hand gesture; using it with no hand gestures requires a -2 penalty.

Defaults: None.
Prerequisite: Sense Force.
To use this ability, take the Concentrate maneuver then roll a Quick Contest: your skill against the
beast's Will. A successful roll calms an animal and gives you a “very good” reaction. This ability only
works on nonsapient animals, which typically have a racial IQ of 6 or less. No concentration is required
to maintain this ability, and the effect persists until something significantly disturbs the animal.
You can affect more than one animal to at time by taking a penalty equal to the number of extra
animals you wish to affect (-1 for two subject, -2 for three subjects, and so on). By default, using Beast-
Soother requires a simple hand gesture; using it with no hand gestures requires a -2 penalty. This effect
is permanent, until something disturbs the animal.
You can attempt to use this skill to mount and ride a subject creature as though it were a trained,
loyal riding animal. Make another skill roll at -3. The creature must be capable of carrying you, and
you must still make a Riding roll whenever it would normally be required.

Blind Fighting
Defaults: None.
Prerequisite: Combat Sense or Sense Force.
You can sense your targets through the Force and can fight in absolute darkness. A successful roll
allows you make one melee attack or active defense without any penalties for lighting (even in total
darkness), blindness, or an invisible foe. However, attacks made in total darkness, while blind, or
against invisible enemies have an extra -2 to target specific hit locations.
Blind Shot
A successful roll also lets you make one ranged attack without seeing the target, but at a -6 penalty.
You can buy off up to half of the penalty as a skill Technique.

Body Control
Defaults: Meditation-5.
Prerequisite: None.
You can affect involuntary bodily functions such as heart rate, blood flow, and digestion. On a
successful skill roll, you can regain one FP in only two minutes.
Another use of this skill is to enter a deathlike trance, during which only those who can win a Quick
Contest of Diagnosis vs. your Body Control skill even realize that you are alive. In this state, reduce the
amount of oxygen you need to stay alive by 10% times the margin of success (if you make the roll by
10 or more, you don't have to breathe at all), and increase the time you can safely go without food or
water by 100% times the margin of success. You are unaware of your surroundings while in your
trance, but awaken automatically if injured. You may also set a mental 'alarm clock' to awaken you
after a certain amount of time has passed. Entering this state takes a concentration period of (20-skill)
You can also use this skill to flush poisons from your body. To do so, you must first know that you
have been poisoned. In most cases, you only discover this after the first symptoms show! A successful
Body Control roll – adjusted by any modifiers to the HT roll to resist the poison – flushes the poison in
2d minutes, after which it has no further effects.
You may use the higher of this skill and basic HT whenever you could benefit from such an ability
(GM's decision), including bleeding rolls, natural healing rolls, rolls to resist hazards (such as cold or
heat), and rolls to recover from (not resist) disease and poison.

Breaking Blow
Defaults: None.
Prerequisite: Sense Force.
Through the Force, you can find the weakest spot in any object when making a barehanded attack.
Breaking Blow costs 1 FP per attempt, whether or not you hit.
Modifiers: -10 if used instantly, dropping to -5 after 1 turn of concentration, -4 after 2 turns, -3 after
4 turns, -2 after 8 turns, -1 after 15 turns, and no penalty after 30 turns. -1 if your target is wood or
plastic, -3 if brick or stone, or -5 if metal or high-tech composites.
On a success, your next attack gains an armor divisor (5). Additionally, you may treat any
homogeneous opponent as if they were Fragile (Brittle) (p.B136) for this one attack.
On a failure, your next attack gains no special benefits. You can also try again, but this counts as a
repeated attempt. On a critical failure, your next attack gains an armor divisor of (0.5).

Combat Sense
Defaults: None.
Prerequisite: None.
Your awareness extends slightly into the future, which allows you to react to threats before your
reflexes would ordinarily allow you to do so. This is a passive skill. The GM rolls against this skill
secretly, in any situation where immediate danger is nearby; it can also detect faraway danger if it
threatens to come close and strike! Success gives the nature of any danger that is within a minute or so
away; if there is a danger within five minutes, you get a sense of foreboding but no details (except
possibly on a critical success).
In combat, a Combat Sense roll can be attempted once each turn (the GM makes this roll in secret).
Success gives you +1 to all close-combat attacks and defenses that turn, and you are alerted to
attacks far enough in advance to know whether or not they will hit you if you don't defend. Thus, you
only have to declare active defenses if an attacker makes his to-hit roll against you. You may also
attempt to parry any attack just as though you were defending against a melee attack; the attack inflicts
damage on whatever you're using to parry. You also gain a +2 bonus to resist Feints (or Ruses, but not
Beats, see pp. MA100-101).
Success by 3 or more, or critical success, gives +2 to close-combat attacks and defenses, and +4 to
resist Feints (or Ruses, but not Beats, see pp. MA100-101).
Failure reveals nothing, and you act normally in combat. On a critical failure, you misjudge; the GM
lies to you, and you are at -2 to close-combat attacks and defenses.

Defaults: None.
Prerequisite: Send Thoughts.
You can momentarily daze those you can see or touch. To use this ability, take the Concentrate
maneuver and roll a Quick Contest of your skill against the subject's Will. You can use Confuse on any
subject that you can see or otherwise clearly perceive. By default, using Confuse requires a simple hand
gesture; using it with no hand gestures requires a -2 penalty.
Modifiers: +2 to skill if you are touching the subject. A penalty equal to the number of extra subjects
you wish to affect (-1 for two subject, -2 for three subjects, and so on).
On a success, the subject looks and acts normally, but does not notice what is going on around him,
or remember it later, for a number of minutes equal to the margin of victory. A confused guard stands
quietly while you walk past! Any injury or interaction causes the subject to snap out of the confusion
and return to full alert status. On a failure, you may try again, but this counts as a repeated attempt.

Control Energy
Defaults: None.
Prerequisite: Energy Sense.
You can affect the function of electrical devices by altering the electrical current that powers the
object. You can use Control Energy on any area that you can see or otherwise clearly perceive. To use
this ability, take the Concentrate maneuver and make a skill roll. By default, using Control Energy
requires a simple hand gesture; using it with no hand gestures requires a -2 penalty.
Modifiers: +2 to skill if you are touching the subject. A penalty equal to the desired radius of effect
(in meters). +2 if you concentrate for a full minute, or +4 if you concentrate for a full hour.
On a success, you can completely stop the flow of power in the affected area causing all electrical
devices to cease to function. This may or may not cause permanent damage to the devices, depending
on their design. Barring this, any affected device works normally when it leaves the area. However,
some devices may be shielded against this ability; they can resist your ability by making a HT roll with
a penalty equal to your margin of success.
You can also use this skill to cause a power surge in electrical devices. This costs 1 FP per attempt,
successful or not. On a success, the target takes 2d burning damage, with bonus damage equal to the
margin of success. The damage has the No Wounding and Surge modifiers.

Control Other†
IQ/Very Hard
Defaults: None.
Prerequisite: Send Thoughts, Suggest, and IQ 12 or better.
You can mentally dominate those you can see or touch. To use this ability, take the Concentrate
maneuver then roll a Quick Contest: your skill against the subject's Will. You can maintain the benefit
without concentration; no additional skill roll is required.
Modifiers: Range penalties to the subject (see p.B550). +2 to skill if you are touching the subject. -1
per slave already under your control; +2 if you concentrate for a full minute, or +4 if you concentrate
for a full hour.
If you win, your victim will obey your every command until you free him. In effect, he temporarily
gains the Reprogrammable disadvantage (p.B150), with you as his master. Your control persists for as
long as you take uninterrupted Concentrate maneuvers. Once you stop, your control lingers for one
minute per point by which you won the Quick Contest. If you are incapacitated (stunned, knocked out,
etc.), or attempt to force the subject to act against his principles (e.g., commit suicide or harm a loved
one), roll another Quick Contest. If your victim wins, he breaks free. Roll at the moment of truth – you
can march him to the edge of a cliff, but he doesn't roll until he's about to leap.
If you lose, you can try again, but this counts as a repeated attempt. On a critical failure, you can't
use this ability on that subject for 24 hours, and also lose control of anyone else under the influence of
this ability!

Control Temperature
Defaults: None.
Prerequisite: At least three other Force skills.
You can alter the temperature of an object. To use this ability, take the Concentrate maneuver then
make a skill roll. By default, using Control Temperature requires a simple hand gesture; using it with
no hand gestures requires a -2 penalty.
If successful, you can alter the subject's temperature by ±10° per kg of material times the margin of
success (minimum ±10° per kg), per turn of concentration. No further rolls are required unless the
subject breaks your line of sight. In that case a new roll is required, at -3, to retain contact. As a rough
approximation, assume that one kilogram is equivalent to 1 liter of volume. Items must be affected as a
unit; you cannot, for instance, focus on a victim's head while ignoring the rest of his body. The GM
must use common sense, tempered by dramatic license, to decide what constitutes a "unit" here.
Living subjects can resist with Will; compare the subject's Will roll to your skill roll in a Quick
Contest. If you win, you affect the subject normally. If a living being's body temperature (an adult
human is normally 37°) is altered by more than ±2°, he must make a HT+3 roll each turn, at -1 per
additional 0.5°. On a failure, the subject loses FP equal to the margin of failure. On a critical failure, the
subject immediately collapses and goes into a coma (p.B429). If you lose, you can try again, but this
counts as a repeated attempt.
Temperatures: This sourcebook uses generic temperature "degrees," each being roughly equivalent to
one degree Celsius. Some important temperatures: Absolute zero: -273°. Ice melts (at standard
pressure): 0°. Room temperature: 22°. Body temperature of a typical adult human: 37°. Water boils:
100°. Paper bursts into flame: 232°. Wood bursts into flame: 288°. Metal broils: 300°. Lead melts:
325°. Copper melts: 1,082°. Iron melts: 1,530°. Duranium melts: 2,668°. Surface of a sun-like star:

Deflect Energy
Defaults: None.
Prerequisite: Control Energy and at least six other Force skills.
You can deflect harmful energies targeting you. You can use this skill instantly as a defense against
an energy attack. Counts as a parry for all combat purposes. By default, using Deflect Energy requires a
simple hand gesture; using it with no hand gesture requires a -2 penalty.
Modifiers: Apply regular Range modifiers if you are not the target; -1 per 2d damage. Once you have
attempted a parry, further attempts to parry with this skill are at a cumulative -1 per parry. This penalty
only applies to multiply uses of Deflect Energy on the same turn.

Deflect Missile
Defaults: Apportation-5.
Prerequisite: Apportation.
You can telekinetically deflect missiles. You can use this skill instantly as a defense against a
physical attack. Counts as a parry for all combat purposes (p.B376). By default, using Deflect Missile
requires a simple hand gesture; using it with no hand gesture requires a -2 penalty.
Modifiers: Apply regular Range modifiers if you are not the target; -1 for every full 2d damage. Once
you have attempted a parry, further attempts to parry with this skill are at a cumulative -1 per parry.
This penalty only applies to multiply uses of Deflect Missile on the same turn.

IQ/Very Hard
Defaults: None.
Prerequisite: Body Control and at least three other Force skills.
You can make minor changes to your physical appearance. It takes a period of concentration equal to
(20 - skill) seconds, minimum one second. You cannot talk or move during this period.
Modifiers: -1 to -5 for cosmetic changes, such as hair color and length, eye color, skin color, voice,
etc (GM's discretion). -5 to duplicate an existing face or voice (with a good model or picture). -7 or
more to duplicate an existing face or voice from memory (Eidetic Memory is helpful here). -2 to -10 to
appear as a physically similar species. -3 to change appearance by one level. -5 to change gender. +2 if
you concentrate for a full minute, or +4 if you concentrate for a full hour.
You can maintain any changes to your appearance for as long as you wish without concentration (or
further rolls). If you are injured or stunned, you must make a Will roll at -3. If you fail, the effect ends
and your appearance will revert to normal within about one minute.
You cannot use Doppleganger to change your general form. No extra limbs, wings, etc., may be
added. Your mass must remain the same; basic stats do not change.

Energy Sense
Defaults: None.
Prerequisite: Sense Force.
You can sense electromagnetic fields. This passive ability allows you to sense and locate any
operating electrical device in the area. Add +3 to the roll if you are actively searching; this requires one
second of concentration, and the GM rolls in secret. On a success, the you identify the direction ad
approximate distance and strength to the nearest significant source of power. The margin of success
determines the range at which you can sense life. Find the margin of success in the Size column of the
Size and Speed/Range Table (p.B550) and read across to the Linear Measurement; this is the range you
can sense energy. Any known sources of power may be excluded if you specifically mention them
before beginning.

False Aura†
Defaults: None.
Prerequisite: Sense Force.
You can replace your natural aura with a false one. This requires a concentration period of (20-skill)
seconds (minimum 1). Compare your skill roll with the Sense Force skill of anyone trying to read your
aura in a Quick Contest. If you win, the foe's Sense Force is fooled.
You can maintain the benefit without concentration; no additional skill roll is required. On a failure,
you may try again, but this counts as a repeated attempt.

Flying Leap
Defaults: None.
Prerequisite: Apportation.
This skill allows you to make incredible leaps. On a success, you may immediately attempt a jump.
Multiply your standard jump distance by 1/2 your effective skill level.
Your Move while jumping is the greater of your normal ground Move or 1/5 your maximum jump
distance. You can jump at a foe in order to slam him. Figure the slam at your jumping Move!
Also, a successful roll will reduce the effective velocity of a fall by a speed equal to twice your skill

Force Alchemy†
IQ/Very Hard
Defaults: None.
Prerequisite: At least ten other Force skills and IQ 12 or better.
You can use the Force to radically change the properties of living things or inanimate objects. This
skill was primarily used in ancient days by the Sith to enhance the strength of weapons and armor, or to
alter and enhance living creatures to make them more dangerous and easier to control by the Sith
The game rules governing this Force skill are left to the GM to develop, but should be similar to
Enchanting Magic Items (p.M16-22, M56-71).

Force Grip†
Defaults: Apportation-4.
Prerequisite: Apportation.
You can crush or distant objects just as if you were grasping them in a pair of hands. You can use
Force Grip on any subject that you can see or otherwise clearly perceive. To use this ability, take the
Concentrate maneuver and make a skill roll. By default, using Force Grip requires a simple hand
gestures; using it with no hand gestures requires a -2 penalty.
Success deals crushing damage to the subject equal to your margin of success, minimum of 1. The
subject's DR has no effect. The subject will continue to take damage each turn for as long as you
maintain the ability.
Living subjects can resist with Will; compare the subject's Will roll to your skill roll in a Quick
Contest. If you win, the subject takes damage equal to the margin of victory. The subject will continue
to take damage each turn that you maintain your Force Grip! No further rolls are required unless the
subject breaks your line of sight. In that case a new roll is required, at -3, to retain contact. If you lose,
you can try again, but this counts as a repeated attempt.

Force Lightning†
IQ/Very Hard
Defaults: None.
Prerequisite: At least three other Dark Side Force skills.
You can channel the Force to shoot bolts of lightning from your fingertips. Each turn, you must roll
versus DX-2 or Innate Attack (Beam) skill to hit. This attack may be dodged or blocked, but not
parried. Treat it as a melee attack with a very long reach rather than as a ranged attack.
Force Lightning deals burning damage taken from the Swing column of the Damage Table (p.B16)
based on your effective skill level. Force Lightning has a range of 5/10 per die of damage. Treat any
metal armor as DR 1 against it. If the target is wounded, he must make a HT roll, at -1 per 2 HP
suffered, or be stunned. He may attempt a HT roll each turn thereafter to recover. Against electronic
equipment, treat this attack as if it had the Surge damage modifier (p.B105).
You can spread your Force Lightning to affect more than one adjacent target; simply divide the
damage by the number of designated targets.
Force Lightning behaves unpredictably around conductors. It cannot be fired through a metal grid,
between bars, from within a vehicle, etc. – it jumps to the metal and is lost. However, the GM may
allow you to direct your Force Lightning to a metal floor. This would not electrocute those on it, but
could shock all of them, interrupting concentration and doing slight damage (no more than 1 point, and
possibly none at all).

Force Shout
Defaults: None.
Prerequisite: Body Control.
You can channel the Force in a mighty shout that freezes lesser foes. This counts as an attack. Roll a
Quick Contest: your Force Shout vs. your target's Will. Victims resists at +1 for every two full meters
of distance; in an enclosed area, increase this to +1 for every four full meters. Victims also resist at +1
if Hard of Hearing, or at +2 if Deaf! If you win, your target is stunned for a number of seconds equal to
the margin of victory, and deafened for a number of minutes equal to the margin of victory. This skill
works against everyone in earshot.

Force Strike
Defaults: None.
Prerequisite: Sense Force.
You can channel the Force to disable another living thing when you strike them. To use Force Strike,
you must make a successful unarmed attack. This attack is at -2 in addition to any hit location modifier
(p.B398). If at least one point of damage penetrates the target's DR, roll a Quick Contest of Force
Strike vs. the subject's HT.
Modifiers: Physiology modifiers (see p.B181).
If you win, you temporarily disable your target. A limb is paralyzed and effectively crippled for a
number of seconds equal to 5 times the margin of victory; after this time he may roll against HT, every
second to recover. A hit to a torso interferes with the subject's breathing, resulting in suffocation
(p.B436) for a number of seconds equal to your margin of victory; after this time he may roll against
HT, every second to recover. A hit to the face stuns the victim for a number of seconds equal to the
margin of victory; after this time he gets an IQ roll every second to recover. A hit to the skull blinds the
victim for a number of seconds equal to 2 times the margin of victory (p.B124); after this time he gets a
HT roll every second to recover.
Lethal Force Strike
You can also use Force Strike to maim and kill by damaging vital organs and nerve clusters. If you
successfully strike a target (with the additional -2 penalty, as above), make a Force Strike roll at -6
(plus Physiology modifiers). On a success, any damage that penetrates DR is doubled – or tripled if
you targeted the vital organs. In effect, your hands and feet have become impaling weapons!
You can buy off up to half of the penalty to perform a Lethal Force Strike as a skill Technique.

Force Suppression
IQ/Very Hard
Defaults: None.
Prerequisite: Sense Force and at least four other Force skills.
Certain Force Skills have continuous effects that can be maintained. Force Suppression can
immediately cancel these effects. To use this ability, take the Concentrate maneuver and roll a Quick
Contest of your skill vs. the subject's Will. By default, using Force Suppression requires simple hand
gestures; using it with no hand gestures requires a -2 penalty.
Modifiers: -1 per meter of range. +2 if you concentrate for a full minute, or +4 if you concentrate for
a full hour.
If you win, any Force abilities currently being maintained by the subject immediately end.
If you lose, you may try again, but this counts as a repeated attempt.

IQ/Very Hard
Defaults: None.
Prerequisite: Send Thoughts and Suggest.
You can alter the subject's perceptions. To use this ability you must concentrate for one second, then
roll a Quick Contest: your skill against the subject's Will. You can use Hallucination on any subject that
you can see or otherwise clearly perceive.
Modifiers: +2 if you are touching the subject. -2 or more for complex or obviously false
hallucinations (GM's discretion). +2 if you concentrate for a full minute, or +4 if you concentrate for a
full hour.
If you win, the subject is completely convinced that one thing that is not present is (or vice versa); he
can see it, hear it, feel it, and so on. You can maintain the benefit without concentration (the subject
supplies, unconsciously, all the "realism" necessary); no additional skill roll is required. By
concentrating, you can "direct" the hallucination – put words in the mouth of an absent person, have the
revelers head off in a certain direction or start singing a particular song, etc.
If you lose, you can try again but this counts as a repeated attempt.
This skill can be used for positive effect; if the subject is required to walk a narrow log across a
thousand-foot-deep chasm, he might find it easier if the log spans only a shallow streambed...

IQ/Very Hard
Defaults: None.
Prerequisite: Sense Force, Meditation, and IQ 12 or higher.
You are connected to and can tap into the universal unconscious and can simply do things without
knowing. To use this ability you must concentrate for a period of (20 - skill) seconds, minimum one
Modifiers: +2 if you concentrate for a full minute, or +4 if you concentrate for a full hour.
A successful roll allows you to attempt a roll against any mundane skill, using your score in the
appropriate attribute: IQ for IQ-based skills, DX for DX-based skills, etc. You do not incur any default
penalties, but situational and equipment modifiers apply normally. Tech level is irrelevant. This skill
does apply to skills that normally have no default, provided you meet any advantage requirements. It
has no effect on skills you already know, or to other Force skills.
When faced with a number of alternatives (or even moral decisions), and no logical way to choose
among them, you can make a Harmony roll, with a bonus equal to the number of "good" choices and a
penalty equal to the number of "bad" choices. On a success, the GM steers you to the best choice. On a
failure, he gives you no information.
On a failure, you can retry, but this counts as a repeated attempt. A critical failure cripples this ability
for 24 hours.

IQ/Very Hard
Defaults: None.
Prerequisite: Body Control.
You can cure yourself or others of injuries and afflictions. The subject must be willing or totally
helpless (e.g., bound or unconscious) and you must touch the subject. This works on living beings only!
To use this ability you must concentrate for a period of (20 - skill) seconds, minimum one second.
Modifiers: -2 if the subject is unconscious; Physiology modifiers (see p.B181). +2 if you concentrate
for a full minute, or +4 if you concentrate for a full hour.
On a success, you can heal any number of HP. This costs you 1 FP per HP healed. Failure costs 1d
FP, but you can try again; this counts as a repeated attempt; critical failure also causes the recipient 1d
damage. Even 1 HP will stop bleeding. If you completely heal the HP of a lasting crippling injury,
make another Healing roll at -6. On a success, you repair the injury. You cannot heal a permanent
crippling injury.
If you have the Physician skill at level 15 or higher, a critical failure with this skill counts only as an
ordinary failure – unless you are trying to use this ability more than once per day on the same injury.
Heal Radiation: You can also heal radiation damage. You can shed accumulated rads at 10 times the
amount at which you heal missing HP; this will heal "permanent" radiation damage.
Cure Disease: You can also cure disease by making a skill roll at a modifier determined by the GM –
from +1 for the common cold to -15 for AIDS. The FP cost is equal to twice the penalty (minimum 1
Cure Affliction: You can neutralize ongoing Afflictions – including the Affliction-like effects of the
Side Effect and Symptoms enhancements. This requires a skill roll with at -1 per full +50% the target
effect is worth as an enhancement to Affliction. FP cost is equal to twice the penalty (minimum 1 FP).
If used more than once per day on a given subject, apply a cumulative -3 penalty per successful
healing of the same type (injury, radiation, disease, affliction) on that subject. This penalty accumulates
until a full day has passed since the most recent healing.

Hold Breath
Defaults: None.
Prerequisite: Body Control.
A successful roll eliminates your need for air, as if you had Doesn't Breathe (p. B49), for a number of
minutes equal to the margin of success. This ability doesn't actually provide air; it simply delays
suffocation. It also doesn't provide pressure support against vacuum or deep sea pressure.

Imbue Crystal
Defaults: Force Alchemy-3.
Prerequisite: At least three other Force skills.
With this skill you can use the Force to alter the structure of a synthetic carbon-crystal used for
lightsaber construction. The crystal must be about 0.02 kg in size. Imbuing a crystal takes a minimum
of (20-skill) days, minimum of one day. You must work a full eight hours each day. If a work day is
skipped or interrupted, it takes two days to make it up.
Make a success roll for Technics (Lightsaber) and Imbue Crystals at the end of the last day. On a
failure, the crystal doesn't work. The time was wasted and any materials are lost. On a success, the
crystals are properly made and will allow a lightsaber to function normally.
You can attempt to make more potent crystals that have more powerful effects in the lightsabers in
which they are placed. Each +1 damage bonus gives a -1 penalty to your effective skill.

Immovable Stance
Defaults: None.
Prerequisite: Body Control or Apportation.
You can use the Force to anchor yourself to the ground. Make a skill roll whenever an attack would
result in knockback or a fall. On a success, you neither experience knockback nor fall down. On a
failure, you are still knocked back but still get the usual DX roll to avoid falling down. On a critical
failure, you automatically suffer full knockback and you fall down.
This also helps against attacks with the Judo skill (p.B203). If you fail your active defense (or choose
not to defend) against a Judo throw, your attacker must win a Quick Contest of Judo vs. your
Immovable Stance skill, or his throw fails.
Modifiers: -1 per meter of knockback; +4 for Perfect Balance.

IQ/Very Hard
Defaults: None.
Prerequisite: Suggest.
This ability causes all living beings with whom you have social contact to ignore or disregard you.
Activating this ability requires a concentration period of (20 - skill) seconds.
Only beings who have a reason to notice you can resist with Perception. Compare the viewers'
Perception with your skill in a Quick Contest. The viewer's get a bonus to their Perception roll equal to
your total Appearance modifier, whether positive or negative. Viewers must also apply the current
darkness penalty to their Perception roll. Once someone notices you, he is unaffected by this skill until
you can get out of sight somehow (which might be as easy as stepping into a shadow).
Insignificance is limited in magnitude; you could slip unnoticed through a crowd, but would be
stopped by guards if trying to get where you should not. You can get someone's attention by grabbing
them, but are likely to get a negative reaction. If you steal something or commit some other
objectionable act (removing your clothes, perhaps), all witnesses get a new resistance roll. If you attack
someone, that person is automatically released from the effects – furthermore, the victim's cries for
help won't be ignored.
You can maintain the benefit without concentration; no additional skill roll is required.

IQ/Very Hard
Defaults: None.
Prerequisite: Flying Leap, Light Walk, and Apportation.
You can levitate yourself. On a success, you can float through the air, moving as you will. Maximum
Move when levitating is equal to 1/2 your skill level (round down). You can maintain this ability
without concentration; no further rolls are required.
If you fail, you can try again, but this counts as a repeated attempt.
A successful roll also adds +4 to Acrobatics (not Aerobatics), Climbing, Flying Leap, Jumping, and
Light Walk rolls.

Life Extension
HT/Very Hard
Defaults: None.
Prerequisite: Body Control.
You can slow or stop your body from again. This is a passive skill. The GM rolls against your skill at
the start of every year. If the GM succeeds, you will not age at all during the year, or for the next five
years on a critical success. On a failure, you age normally. On a critical failure, you age normally for
the next five years.

Light Walk
Defaults: None.
Prerequisite: Apportation.
You can exert very little pressure when you walk. On a successful roll, you leave no visible tracks.
Tracking rolls to follow you automatically fail unless they rely on something more than sight; thus a
human tracker would be baffled, but bloodhounds would suffer no penalty at all.
You can attempt to walk over fragile surfaces without falling through. Thin ice would require an
unmodified roll, rice paper would be -3, while walking on calm water would require a roll at -5.
Modifiers: No modifier for thin ice; -3 for rice paper; -5 for calm water. No modifier if you move at a
slow walk (Move 1), -2 at a fast walk (Move 2), or -5 at a run (Move 3+).
A successful roll adds +2 to Stealth rolls.

Magnify Senses
Defaults: None.
Prerequisite: Body Control and Sense Force.
You can magnify any one of your senses by taking the Concentrate maneuver and making a skill roll.
You must specify which sense you are magnifying. The most common ones are Magnify Vision,
Magnify Hearing, Magnify Taste and Smell, but you can magnify in innate sense.
Modifiers: +2 if you concentrate for a full minute, or +4 if you concentrate for a full hour.
A success gives you a bonus on the appropriate sense roll equal to 1/2 your effective skill level
(round down). You can maintain the benefit without concentration; no additional skill roll is required. If
you fail, you can try again, but this counts as a repeated attempt. These benefits are not cumulative with
those of technological aids, such as parabolic microphones or binoculars.

IQ/Very Hard
Defaults: None.
Prerequisite: Force Strike and Steal Vitality.
You can manipulate the subject's vital bodily functions in order to afflict him with a harmful
condition. To use this ability you must concentrate for one second, then roll a Quick Contest: your skill
against the subject's Will. By default, using Malacia requires simple hand gestures; using it with no
hand gestures requires a -2 penalty.
Modifiers: -1 per meter of range. +2 if you concentrate for a full minute, or +4 if you concentrate for
a full hour.
If you lose, you can try again, but this counts as a repeated attempt. If you win, you can afflict the
subject with one of the following conditions.
Irritating Conditions: The victim suffers an impairing but non-incapacitating condition for a number
of minutes equal to the margin of victory. The possibilities are: Tipsy requires an unmodified roll,
Coughing is -1, Drunk is -1, Moderate Pain is -1, Nauseated is -2, Drowsy is -2, Severe Pain is -2, or
Terrible Pain is -3.
Incapacitating Conditions: The victim is incapacitated for a number of minutes equal to the margin
of victory. After that, he is stunned until he can make a HT roll (roll once per second). The possibilities
are: Daze requires a roll at -3, Retching is -3, Agony is -5, Choking is -5, Ecstasy is -5, Seizure is -5,
Paralysis is -8, Sleep is -8, or Unconsciousness is -10.
Mortal Conditions: The victim will collapse and likely die without aid. The possibilities are: Coma
requires a roll at -13, Heart Attack is -15.
Malacia Techniques
You can buy off up to half (round up) of the default penalty for any specific harmful condition as a
IQ/Very Hard
Defaults: None.
Prerequisite: None.
This is the ability to calm the emotion\s, isolate the mind from distractions, and relax the body. It
requires a concentration period of (20-skill) seconds, minimum one second. You cannot talk or move
during the initiation of the meditative state.
Modifiers: +2 if you concentrate for a full minute, or +4 if you concentrate for a full hour.
A successful roll allows you to do one of the following:
Improve Concentration: You get +2 to perform a single skill (+3 on a critical success), but -2 to all
unrelated IQ, Perception, and skill rolls.
Rest: You can catch up on lost sleep. The margin of success determines how many effective hours of
sleep are gained per hour of meditation.
Increase Will: You get +2 to Will (+5 on a critical success) for one hour. This applies to all attempts
to resist interrogation, torture, or mental attack. This roll is at -2.
Negate Pain/Fatigue: Cancels the negative effects of being reduced to 1/3 or less your FP or HP (but
not the fatigue or injury itself) for one hour. This roll is at -4. If you fail, you can try again but this
counts as a repeated attempt.

IQ/Very Hard
Defaults: None.
Prerequisite: Send Thoughts.
You can establish full two-way mental communication, like Read Thoughts and Send Thoughts
combined. The subject must be willing. On a success, you and the subject know the whole of each
others' thoughts and what the other is experiencing; you communicate at the speed of thought. Other
people can "enter the link" – a new skill roll (by anyone involved) is required for each new person to
To eavesdrop on an existing mindlink without being noticed is a -4 skill penalty.
If you and the subject know each other and the subject expects the "call," there is no distance penalty.
Otherwise, use the long-distance modifiers (p.B241).
If you fail, you can try again, but this counts as a repeated attempt. Critical failure cripples your
ability for 2d hours.

Object Read
Defaults: Sense Force-6.
Prerequisite: Sense Force.
You can sense the history if a place or inanimate object. To use this skill you must touch the subject
item or location, concentrate for one second, and make a skill roll.
Modifiers: +2 if you concentrate for a full minute, or +4 if you concentrate for a full hour. No
modifier if an event occurred that same day, -1 for one that occurred up to 10 days ago, -2 if one
occurred up to 100 days ago. -3 if up to 3 years ago, -4 if up to 30 years ago, -5 if up to 300 years ago,
and so on. At the GM's option, you might notice very strong impressions on a roll at -4, even if you
aren't concentrating.
On a success, you receive the general sense of emotions and events tied to the place or object…if it is
linked to emotionally charged events. This is not always a good thing – a terrifying impressions might
require a Fright Check (p.B360). On a critical success, you experience an actual vision.
If you fail, you can try again, but this counts as a repeated attempt. On a critical failure, you can't
retry for 24 hours.
A successful roll adds +4 to Tracking rolls, but you need to know who you are following.

Plant Growth*
Defaults: None.
Prerequisite: Plant Sense, Healing.
You can cause plants to grow at an accelerated rate. To use this ability, you must concentrate for (20 -
skill) seconds, minimum one second, and make a skill roll. Plant Growth costs 2 FP per attempt,
successful or not.
Modifiers: A penalty equal to the desired radius of effect (in meters). +2 if you concentrate for a full
minute, or +4 if you concentrate for a full hour.
Success causes the equivalent of one month's growth in about one minute. Trees change only slightly,
while weeds grow tremendously.

Plant Sense*
Defaults: None.
Prerequisite: Sense Force.
You can see and hear minute details known by the plants around you – such as disturbances caused
by passing or hiding creatures. To use this ability you must concentrate for one second, then make a
skill roll. A successful roll gives you a +4 bonus on Tracking, a +2 bonus on all Sense rolls. Works only
in areas with thick plant growth (jungles, forest, etc.); may work at half effect in sparser terrain.

Plant Speech*
Defaults: None.
Prerequisite: Sense Force, Plant Sense.
You can “converse” with plants semi-telepathically. The older the plant, the more detailed the
information that can be gained. For instance, grass could only tell that it had been stepped on recently
(about a day), while an ancient oak could recall details of aroma and sounds. To use this ability you
must concentrate for one second, then make a skill roll.

IQ/Very Hard
Defaults: None.
Prerequisite: Control Other, Sense Link, and at least four other Force skills.
You can move your consciousness to the the subject's body. To use this ability you must concentrate
for one second and roll a Quick Contest: your skill against the subject's Will. Your victim resists at +5 if
he is in combat with you or otherwise wary of you.
Modifiers: +2 if you concentrate for a full minute, or +4 if you concentrate for a full hour. Range
penalties to the subject (see p.B550); +2 if you are touching the subject or +3 if you already control the
subject with Control Other.
If you lose or tie, you are mentally stunned for 1d seconds. In addition, you may never attempt to
possess that subject again – he is immune to you.
If you win, you take over over your victim's body, completely suppressing his personality. Your own
body lies unconscious during the possession, and must be safeguarded.
You gain your the host's ST, DX, and HT (secondary characters are calculated from these scores), as
well as physical advantages and disadvantages. You keep your own IQ, Perception, and Will, and all of
your mental traits. You social traits may apply, depending on the laws and values of your society.
Skills are a special case. Your IQ-, Perception-, and Will-based skills are unchanged. Other skills
remain at the same relative skill level, based on your new attributes scores.
You have sufficient access to the subject's memories to learn his name and daily routine, but not
enough to use his skills. To recall specific facts from the host's memories, you must roll vs. IQ at -1 per
hour since the takeover. Only one attempt is allowed for any given memory.
You can occupy a host until you choose to leave. If your body dies, the possession ends. Whenever
the subject's body takes damage, you must roll against your own body's HT, or take the same damage.
If the subject body dies, you must roll vs. HT or die yourself!

Power Blow
Defaults: Body Control-5.
Prerequisite: Body Control.
You can call upon the Force to temporarily enhance your ST (for damage or lifting purposes). Power
Blow costs 1 FP per attempt, successful or not.
Modifiers: -10 if used instantly, dropping to -5 after 1 turn of concentration, -4 after 2 turns, -3 after
4 turns, -2 after 8 turns, -1 after 15 turns, and no penalty after 30 turns.
On a success, double your ST (for damage or lifting purposes) or Basic Move for the next turn only.
If you know Power Blow at 20 or better, you can triple your ST by accepting an extra -10 to the skill
roll. On a failure, you can try again but this counts as a repeated attempt.

Per/Very Hard
Defaults: None.
Prerequisite: Sense Force.
You receive glimpses of future events. You cannot control the content of these flashes – you just
know that something interesting or important might happen, at some unspecified future date. This is
normally a passive skill.
Nothing about the future is certain, though. Even if the GM has made up his mind, he could
Whenever the GM feels a premonition would be appropriate, he will secretly make a skill roll for
you – usually during an encounter with a person or object.
A deliberate attempt to use Prescience requires a concentration period of (20 - skill) seconds, 2 FP,
and a skill roll at -8. You get +2 if you concentrate for a full minute, or +4 if you concentrate for a full
hour. You can attempt to read your own future, or that of another person. If you can't see or touch the
subject, you have an additional penalty: -1 for family, lovers, or close friends; -3 for casual friends and
acquaintances; or -5 for someone met only briefly. If you fail, you can try again, but this counts as a
repeated attempt.
A successful roll adds +4 to Gambling, Market Analysis, Tactics, Strategy, and Weather Sense.

IQ/Very Hard
Defaults: None.
Prerequisite: Sway Emotions.
You can radiate a charismatic aura that manipulates the emotions of others, making everyone with
whom you have social contact to notice and respect you, whether through love or fear. Activating this
ability requires a concentration period of (20-skill) seconds.
On a successful roll, you gain a modifier on all reaction rolls and influence rolls equal to 1 + half the
margin of success (round down). You can maintain the benefit without concentration; no additional
skill roll is required.
If you fail, you can try again, but this counts as a repeated attempt.

Probe Thoughts
IQ/Very Hard
Defaults: Read Thoughts-7.
Prerequisite: Read Thoughts and IQ 12 or better.
You can probe the subjects thoughts, essentially forcing the the subject to answer any one specific
question that he can answer with a brief sentence. To use Probe Thoughts, You must take the
Concentrate maneuver and roll a Quick Contest of your skill vs. the subject's Will.
Modifiers: -2 if you don't know the subject's native language; -2 if the subject is of a different
species; -4 or more if the subject is totally alien. +2 if you concentrate for a full minute, or +4 if you
concentrate for a full hour.
If you win, you rip the answer from the subject's mind. The answer is what the subject believes to be
true – if he doesn't know, he'll tell you.
If you fail, you can try again, but this counts as a repeated attempt. Should you critically fail, you
cannot probe that person again for 24 hours.
You may use Probe Thoughts to ask as many questions as you wish, but each question is a new use
of the skill, and requires a second of concentration and its own Quick Contest.

Read Thoughts
Defaults: None.
Prerequisite: Sense Force.
You can eavesdrop on the subject's surface thoughts. You must be able to see or touch the subject in
order to affect him. Concentrate for one second and roll a Quick Contest of your skill vs. the subject's
Will. You can use Read Thoughts on any subject that you can see or otherwise clearly perceive.
Modifiers: -4 if you don't know the subject's native language; -2 if the subject is of a different
species; -4 or more if the subject is totally alien. +2 if you concentrate for a full minute, or +4 if you
concentrate for a full hour.
If you win, you can "hear" everything the subject says, subvocalizes, or actively thinks about as a
voice in your head. Received thought comes at the speed of speech. You can maintain Read Thoughts
as long as you wish without further concentration. The subject is not aware his mind is being read. You
can't use this skill on sleeping or unconscious subjects.
If you fail, you can try again, but this counts as a repeated attempt. Should you critically fail, you
cannot read that person again for 24 hours.
A successful roll adds +2 to Influence skills, Tactics, or Strategy is situations where knowing what
the subject is thinking would be useful. This bonus increases to +4 for Detect Lies or Fortune Telling.

Defaults: None.
Prerequisite: None.
You can actively focus your mind to resist Force powers. This skill replaces Will when you resist
Force skills. Rebuke does not replace normal Will rolls. Furthermore, it does not work if you are
stunned, asleep, or unconscious.

Defaults: Meditation-6.
Prerequisite: Meditation.
You can enhance your memory. This requires a concentration period of (20 - skill) seconds.
Modifiers: +2 if you concentrate for a full minute, or +4 if you concentrate for a full hour. +5 if you
have Eidetic Memory, +10 if you have Photographic Memory (only need this ability to restore removed
memories). No modifier if the event or fact occurred within 1 minute, -1 if it occurred within 10
minutes, -2 if it occurred within 1 hour, -3 if it occurred within 10 hours, -4 if it occurred within 4 days,
-5 if it occurred within 40 days, -6 if it occurred within 1 year, -7 if it occurred within 10 years, -8 if it
occurred within 100 years, and so on.
On a success, you can recall a single forgotten or obscure fact or event as if you had Photographic
memory (p.B51). A critical success allows a wiped memory to be restored. If you fail, you can try
again, but this counts as a repeated attempt. Critical failure could cause a false or distorted memory.

Seeker Sense
Defaults: None.
Prerequisite: Sense Force.
You can attune yourself to a single individual or object you are looking for. To use this ability you
must take the Concentrate maneuver and make a skill roll.
Modifiers: Long-distance modifiers to the subject (see p.B241). +2 if you concentrate for a full
minute, or +4 if you concentrate for a full hour. Something associated with the object or person sought
should be available at the time of use; if not, roll at -5. The roll is at +1 if you have held or are very
familiar with the object or person sought.
On a success, you will feel a "pull" toward the subject and know which direction to find it. The
"pull" will get stronger as you close in, or weaken if you turn away. If the roll is made by 3 or more,
you know the approximate distance to the subject. On a critical success, you get a vision as to the exact
location of the subject.
If you fail, you can try again, but this counts as a repeated attempt. Should you critically fail, you
cannot make another attempt on that subject for one day.

Send Thoughts
Defaults: None.
Prerequisite: Read Thoughts.
You can send your thoughts to a subject in a one-way communication. Trans-mission proceeds at
only talking speed, though you may also send simple images. You must take the Concentrate maneuver
and make a skill roll.
Modifiers: +2 if you concentrate for a full minute, or +4 if you concentrate for a full hour. If you
can't see the target use the long-distance modifiers to the subject (see p.B241). If you cannot see or
otherwise perceive your subject, you have an additional penalty: -1 for family, lovers, or close friends;
-3 for casual friends and acquaintances; or -5 for someone met only briefly. -4 if you have no language
in common with the subject. -2 if the subject is of a different species; -4 or more if the subject is totally
If you fail, you can try again, but this counts as a repeated attempt. Should you critically fail, you
cannot make another attempt on that subject for one day.

Sense Force
Defaults: Per-5.
Prerequisite: None.
You can feel the emanations of the Force. This is a passive ability. The GM secretly makes a skill
roll. On a success, the GM tells you the Force level in your immediate area, and whether the Force
level is aspected or otherwise unusual. You automatically get a roll whenever you cross a boundary
between Force levels. Add +3 to the roll if you are explicitly searching for the boundary. This requires
one second of concentration, and the GM rolls in secret.
You can also sense the presence life in the area. Add +3 to the roll if you are actively searching; this
requires one second of concentration, and the GM rolls in secret. On a success, the GM gives you a
general impression of what kind of life (if any) is in the area. The margin of success determines the
range at which you can sense life. Find the margin of success in the Size column of the Size and
Speed/Range Table (p.B550) and read across to the Linear Measurement; this is the range you can
sense life.
You can also focus this ability on a particular subject to sense its particular energy field (or aura). A
successful roll (with range penalties to subject, p.B550) gives you insight into the subject's personality
– the better the skill roll, the better the insight. You could tell if the subject suffered from a fatal
disease, or the status of their health (p.B421); add the margin of success to Diagnosis skill in medical
situations. The aura also shows whether the subject has Force Sensitive, Force Resistance, or Force
Susceptibility (and what level). It also reveals the subject's emotional state; a successful roll adds +2 to
Detect Lies rolls.
Lastly, this skill alerts you to any disturbances of the Force (violent emotions, deaths, use of Force
powers, etc.). The GM secretly makes the skill roll. Add +3 to the roll if you are using this ability
actively; this requires one second of concentration, and the GM rolls in secret. Particularly strong
disturbances (like the loss of thousands of lives) can give a bonus of +1 to +10 or more. The margin of
success determines the range at which you can sense the disturbance. Find the margin of success in the
Size column of the Size and Speed/Range Table (p.B550) and read across to the Linear Measurement;
this is the range you can sense the general nature of the disturbance; success by 2 or more reveals the
approximate distance and direction; success by 5 or more reveals a mental image of the disturbance.

Sense Projection
Defaults: None.
Prerequisite: Sense Force.
You can project your senses to a point outside your body. To initiate this ability, pick the desired
viewpoint (which can be inside something), concentrate for (20 - skill) seconds, and then make a skill
Modifiers: If the viewpoint is out of sight, you must specify the distance and direction (use long-
distance modifiers, p.B241). +2 if you concentrate for a full minute, or +4 if you concentrate for a full
On a success, you can use your ranged senses as if you were physically present at the viewpoint.
Your vision ignores darkness penalties completely. You cannot see through solid objects, but if your
viewpoint were inside a closed chest, you would see what was inside despite the lack of light. You can
maintain Sense Projection as long as you wish.
The projection cannot move; it can only turn to look in different directions. Your body is catatonic
for the duration of use; you cannot act. If you are injured, the projection automatically ends.
If you fail, you can try again, but this counts as a repeated attempt. Critical failure cripples your
ability for 1d hours.
On a successful check, you can add the margin of success of a Sense Projection roll to a Diagnosis,
Security, Surgery, or similar skill were being able to see inside a subject would be useful.

Sever Force
IQ/Very Hard
Defaults: None.
Prerequisite: At least ten other Force skills and IQ 12 or better.
You can nullify the subject's Force Sensitivity. You must touch the subject and concentrate for (20 -
skill) minutes, minimum one minute, and then roll a Quick Contest: your skill against the subject's
Will. Using this ability costs 10 FP per attempt, successful or not.
If you win, the subject loses the Force Sensitive advantage for a number of days equal to your
margin of victory. The subject retains his knowledge of the skills, but cannot use them. At the end that
time, and each day thereafter, the subject can make a Will roll, with a penalty equal to your margin of
victory. Critical Success, or three consecutive successes, restores the subject's Force Sensitivity. On a
failure, nothing happens. Critical failure, or three consecutive ordinary failures, results in the
permanent loss of Force Sensitivity.
If you fail, you can try again, but this counts as a repeated attempt. A critical failure with this skill
results in the loss of your own Force Sensitivity for 2d days. At the end of that time, you should roll vs.
Will; any roll except a critical failure means that the lost Force Power is regained – a critical failure
means that the lost Force Sensitivity is permanent!
Steal Vitality†
Defaults: None.
Prerequisite: Sense Force and Body Control.
You can take FP from a subject to restore your own lost fatigue. This works on living, sapient
subjects only! To use this ability, take the Concentrate maneuver and roll a Quick Contest of your skill
vs. the subject's HT or Will, whichever is higher.
Modifiers: -1 per meter of range. +2 if you concentrate for a full minute, or +4 if you concentrate for
a full hour.
If you win, the subject loses FP equal to your margin of victory. For every 3 FP drained from the
subject, you regain 1 FP. This ability stops when your FP is fully restored, or when the subject's FP
reaches 0 and he falls unconscious.
If you fail, you can try again, but this counts as a repeated attempt. Should you critically fail, you
cannot make another attempt on that subject for 24 hours.
Steal Life
You can also take HP from the subject to heal your own wounds by making a Steal Vitality roll at -6.
For every 3 HP drained from the subject, you regain 1 HP. This ability stops when your HP are fully
restored, or when the subject's HP reaches -1×HP (which automatically kills the subject).
You can buy off up to half of the penalty to Steal Life as a Technique of Steal Vitality.

Defaults: None.
Prerequisite: Sway Emotions.
You can instill a suggestion in the subject's mind. You can use Suggestion on any subject you can see
or clearly perceive. You must concentrate for one second and roll a Quick Contest: your skill against
the subject's Will. The suggestion must be a simple idea; language is no barrier unless the subject's
language cannot encompass the idea. If the suggestion goes against the subject's personal safety, it is
resisted at +5; if it goes against his beliefs, convictions, or knowledge, it is resisted at +3. If you win,
the subject will try to accomplish the suggestion or otherwise act as if the idea were his own.
If you fail, you can try again, but this counts as a repeated attempt. Should you critically fail, you
cannot read that person again for 24 hours.

Sway Emotions
Defaults: None.
Prerequisite: Sense Force.
You can instill the subject(s) with any one emotion you choose. To use this ability, take the
Concentrate maneuver and roll a Quick Contest: your skill against the subject's Will.
Modifiers: +2 if you concentrate for a full minute, or +4 if you concentrate for a full hour.
If you win, the subject(s) experiences the emotion for a number of hours equal to the margin of
success. There is no "game system" effect unless the GM feels it necessary, but the subject should
roleplay it! Some sample emotions: love, hate, lust, anger, greed, jealousy, fear, sadness, joy, peace,
unrest, depression, patriotism, boredom, disgust.
You may attempt to affect multiple people at once, at -1 to skill for each 5 people (or fraction
A successful skill roll may grant you a +2 or +4 bonus on interaction skills or reaction rolls (GM's
If you fail, you can try again, but this counts as a repeated attempt. Should you critically fail, you
cannot sway that person again for 24 hours.

Defaults: Sway Emotions-6.
Prerequisite: Sway Emotions.
You can unhinge the minds of others. To use this ability, you must concentrate for one second and
make a skill roll. On a success, anyone who can see or hear you must make roll an immediate Fright
Check (p.B360) with a penalty equal to half your margin of success, round down. Your victims get +1
per Fright Check after the first within 24 hours.
If a victim succeeds at his Fright Check, he will be immune to this skill for one hour.

This section details all the available Force Techniques.

Reflect Blasters
Defaults: Lightsaber or Lightstaff at -5.
Prerequisite: Combat Sense 12+, and either Lightsaber or Lightstaff. Cannot exceed Lightsaber or
Lightstaff skill.
If you take the Wait maneuver and successfully parry a blaster bolt with a lightsaber (see Combat
Sense, p.12), then you can transform your Wait into an Attack by reflecting the blaster bolt. You must
specify when you take the Wait maneuver that you intend to Reflect a parried attack. Roll against
Reflect Blasters to hit. The attack has no Acc and normal range modifiers apply (p.B550). For the
purpose of determining 1/2D and Maximum Range, use the sum of the distance from the original
attacker to you and from you to your new target.

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