DNS Stability Key DG Module 10 MVH Q 22,23 07.07. 2020

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Tuesday 07.07.

2020 Div 1 & Div 02 1000-1100

DNS DG Module No. 10

Q 22: M.V.Hindship at a draft of F 5.38 m, A 6.17 m, GM(Fluid) 0.83 m, FSC 0.092

m, discharges 430 tonnes from No. 3 TD, Vcg 10.2m, and loads 250 tonnes in 5
LTD. 300 tonnes of Fuel oil was received equally distributed in No. 2 DB tanks P &
S. Calculate her GM(Fluid).

Q22. Procedure for calculation:

1. Calculate Hydrostatic draft as per laid down procedure.

2. Using Hydrostatic draft, calculate KM, interpolating as required.
3. Fill up table as shown below.

KM Put value as per point 2

KG Find using GM(S) & KM
GM(S) Find using GM(F) & FSC
FSC (-) 0.092 m (Given) Start from GM (F) upwards

GM(F) 0.83 m (Given)

4. Calculate initial FSM using Initial Displacement & FSC.

5. Fill up next table as shown below

Compartment Weight (t) KG (m) Vert FSM

Original Displ (point 3) (point 4)
3 TD (-) 430 10.2 (-)
5 LTD (+) 250 (From page 9 of (+)
stability booklet)
2 DB P & S (+) 300 From pg 15 of S/B (+) (+) (i x RD of HFO)
Because tanks
become slack) See
point 6.
Final Cond Final Displ Final VM Final FSM
6. From page 15 of stability booklet see what is 100% capacity of No. 2 DB
tanks P & S. Multiply same with 0.95 which is RD of HFO. Check if tanks will
be full or slack when 150 tonnes are put in each.
7. Find KM for final displacement.
8. Find final KG (Final VM/Final Displ)
9. Find Final FSC (Final FSM / Final Displ)
10.Fill up following table to get final GM(Fluid)

KM Put value as per point 7

KG Put value as per point 8
GM(S) Find using KM & KG
FSC (-) Put value as per point 9
GM(F) Find using GM(S) & FSC


F 5.38 m
A 6.17 m
M: 5.775 m
Trim: 0.79 m by stern

LCF for mean draft: 72.601 m

5.6 m 72.675 m 8.578m

5.8m 72.590m 8.502m

“ta” = 72.601/143.16 x 0.79 = 0.400m (-)

Initial hydrostatic draft = 6.17 – 0.4 = 5.770m

Initial Displacement:11501.7 t

Initial KM: 8.513 m

KG : 7.591 m
GM(S) :0.922 m
FSC(-) : 0.092 m
GM(F) : 0.83 m
Compartment Weight (t) KG (m) VM (tm) FSM
Initial 11501.7 7.591 87309.4 1058.2
3TD (-) 430 10.2 (-)4386 -
5LTD (+) 250 10.69 (+) 2672.5 -
2DB (P&S) (+) 300 0.65 (+)195 1364.2

11621.7 t 85790.9 tm 2422.4 tm

Mom of inertia of No. 2 P & S DB tanks = 718 x 2 = 1436 m4

FSM = 1436 x 0.95 = 1364.2 tm

5.8 m 11569 t 8.502 m

6.0 m 12019 t 8.438 m

KM (For final Displacement) = 8.495 m

KG (-) 7.382 m
GM (S) = 1.113 m
FSC (-) = 0.208 m
GM(F) = 0.905 m

Q 23: M.V.Hindship at a river port in water of RD 1.014 has a displacement of

10,230 tonnes. GM(Fluid) is 0.82 m, FSC 0.077 m. She loads 470 tonnes of cargo
Kg 9.8m. 150 tonnes of water ballast is run into No. 1 DB tank. Find her final GM

Q 23: Procedure for calculation:

1. Since Displacement is given, but in RD 1.014 & not 1.025, we cannot use
the Hydrostatic particulars directly because it is valid for Specific gravity
1.025. Therefore, firstly find Equivalent displacement in SW. For this,
first divide displacement of vessel (10,230 t) by the RD in which she is
floating to get underwater volume. Keeping this underwater volume
same, we have to find what will be the displacement of vessel in SW?
This is the equivalent displacement in SW.
2. Using Equivalent displacement in SW, calculate KM, interpolating as
required. Please note, KM is dependent only on underwater volume &
hence will not change.
3. Fill up table as shown below.

KM Put value as per point 2

KG Find using GM(S) & KM
GM(S) Find using GM(F) & FSC
FSC (-) 0.077 m (Given) Start from GM(Fluid) upwards
GM(F) 1.82 m (Given)

4. Calculate initial FSM using Initial Displacement & FSC. (Please use
5. Fill up table as shown below

Compartment Weight (t) KG (m) Vert FSM

Original Displ 10230 (point 3) (point 4)
Loaded (+) 470 9.8 (+)
1 DB (+) 150 From pg 15 of S/B (+) (+) (i x 1.014)
Because tank
become slack) See
point 6.
Final Cond Final Displ Final VM Final FSM

6. From page 15 of stability booklet see what is 100% capacity of No. 1 DB

tank. Multiply same with 1.014 which is RD of DW in which vessel is
floating. Check if tank will be full or slack when 150 tonnes is loaded
i.e.ballasted. Pls note, here the water is run in, which means outside
water is let into the tank. Outside water density is 1.014.
7. For final displacement, find Equivalent displacement in SW to enter the
tables as explained in point no.1
8. Find KM for equivalent displacement in SW for final condition.
9. Find final KG (Final VM/Final Displ)
10.Find Final FSC (Final FSM / Final Displ)
11.Fill up following table to get final GM(Fluid)

KM Put value as per point 8

KG Put value as per point 9
GM(S) Find using KM & KG
FSC (-) Put value as per point 10
GM(F) Find using GM(S) & FSC

Solution to Q 23:

Equivalent displacement in SW : 10230/1.014 x 1.025 = 10340.9 t

KM: 8.744 m

KG: 7.847 m

GM(S): 0.897 m

FSC(-) 0.077 m

GM(F): 0.82 m

Compartment Weight KG VM FSM

Initial cond 10230 7.847 80274.8 787.71
(+) 470 9.8 (+)4606 -
1DB tank (+) 150 1.14 (+) 171 (+)424.9

10850 t 85051.8 1212.6

Equivalent Disp in SW = 10850/1.014 x 1.025 = 10967.7 t

KM: 8.607 m
KG : (-) 7.839 m
GM (S) 0.768 m
FSC (-) 0.112 m
GM(F) 0.656 m

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