Foundations of Risk Management: FRM Part 1

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FRM Part 1

Foundations of Risk

AIM Statement: Risk Management Failures: What are
They and When Do They Happen?”

Foundations of Risk
FRM Part 1
AIM Statement:
 Define the role of risk management and explain why a large financial loss is
not necessarily a failure of risk management.
 Describe how risk management can fail.
 Describe how risk can be mis-measured.
 Explain how a firm can fail to take known and unknown risks into account in
making strategic decisions.
 Explain the importance of communication in effective risk management.
 Describe how firms can fail to correctly monitor and manage risk on an
ongoing basis.
 Explain the role of risk metrics and describe the shortcomings of existing risk

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Role of Risk Management
 To assess all the risks faced by the firm
 To communicate these risks to the risk-taking decision makers
 To manage and monitor risks to ensure that the firm only bears the risks which is desired by the
shareholders represented by the board of directors

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Is large loss a failure?
• The case of LTCM

• How risk management can fail?

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How risk can be mismeasured
 It can occur when risk managers do not understand the distribution of returns of a single
risky position or the relationships of the distributions among different positions.
 Correlations tend to increase during times of stress
 Occurrence of extreme events
 some departments may wish to understate risks by using subjective m6asures
 Ignoring relevant risks by management

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Failure to include risk in decision making
• Ignoring the known risks
• Not being captured by existing models
• Possibility of unknown risk
• Missing a risk due to categorization

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Communication in effective RM
 Risk managers to provide timely information to top management and board.
 Crucial at the time of crises.
 Communication
 Analyzing, quantifying and assessing  Risk manager

 Decision making to maximize shareholders wealth  Top management

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Managing Risk on an ongoing basis

 Risk keep changing without change in position

 Complex derivatives
 Market factors
 Contingency plans
 Identifying possible solutions in different scenarios

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Role of Risk Metrics

 Historical data not reliable for prediction

 Often do not capture the risks associated with a crises situation
 Value at Risk (VaR) does not explain the magnitude of losses when in excess of VaR.
 The Risk model may not handle sudden illiquidity.
 It may not capture the dynamic interrelation of various factors during crises.

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Thank you

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