EN81-28 Risk of Trapping FlowChart v3

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EN81-20, EN81-28 RISK OF TRAPPING ↔ Date: 28/08/2019 – V.

3 Prepared by: Ahmet EKELiK If there is a danger of

being trapped in areas
other than the well,
Where more than EN81-20 Article 0.4.2 e)
Trapped,  "Top of car" & "Pit" Trapped,  "inside the car"
one person is referred in Article
working at the
same time on a lift,
EN81-20 Between the rescue Between the place from Between Between inside the car and the
Article 0.4.20 Between the rescue
service and the place which the emergency operation inside the car and place from which the emergency
where it was trapped... is carried out and trapping. the rescue service... operation is carried out... service and the place
where it was trapped...

Between Voice communication

unnecessary. Voice
working areas... ?
communication Voice
EN81-20 - Article
required. ... > 30mt < 30m unnecessary.
Intercom unnecessary. In addition,
Voice See. EN81-20 Article 0.4.20
communication Alarm initiation Voice communication required. Voice Intercom
required. device required communication unnecessary.
Alarm initiation device required. inside the car.

Intercom or alarm initiation

Intercom required. Alarm initiation
device required.
device required.
The microphone and speaker are
The microphone and
unnecessary on the alarm initiation device.
speaker are required
Alarm initiation inside the car. The microphone and speaker Intercom
device unnecessary. unnecessary. The microphone
are required place from
ISO 4190-5:2006 Table C.1, No:1 & No:8 and speaker are
which the emergency
pictograms are unnecessary. unnecessary on the
operation is carried out.
Pictograms alarm initiation device.
EN81-20 illuminated
with yellow/green
color is required The place from which the
EN81-20 Alarm ISO 4190-5:2006
inside the car. emergency operation is carried out,
Article a) initiation Table C.1, No:1 & No:8
ISO 4190-5:2006 ISO 4190-5:2006 Table C.1,
device Pictograms are
Table C.1, No:1 & No:8
unnecessary. unnecessary.
No:1 & No:8 pictograms are unnecessary.
EN81-20 5 lux emergency light 5 lux emergency lighting
Article required on top of car. is unnecessary at the pit.
EN81-20, EN81-28 EN81-20, EN81-28 EN81-20 EN81-20, EN81-28

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