1.1. Statement of The Problem

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Statement of the Problem

The number of population in the sub city is increasing due to different reason. This information
gained from in Biqa sub city management system. Many problems happen around the existing
system that initiates us to do this project. Some of the problems that faced are the sub city applies
manual way of recording resident’s information, processing of tasks and has no web site. The
manual resident information management system is time taking, unqualified, and cannot satisfy
the need. Due to this reason, the existing manual processing system has the following noticeable
problems. The resident files are register manually by the record officer so that, record officer
consumes more time to prepare the resident files, File control mechanism is very tedious,
resident files can be lost or cancelled by someone because files are found on the shelf and on
tables of the office, the current file documentation is simply record on paper which is difficult to
retrieve. It takes wide area to store the whole resident profile and it is not protected from
different damage like fire, rain, and flood for a long period of time. The existing system is
manual so there no evidence to back-up the system in case of lost or damage of files. The
problem of Issue of ID cards that poses tremendous difficulties due to loss or misplacement of
personal files. Data recording system is not centralized or not in the modern system which is
difficult to easily search. It creates wastages of material. There is the problem of data
confidentiality, there is a problem of residents can be register two or more times as a resident.
Improper management; the existing system does not create smooth workflow between
employees of the sub city. In addition, the existing system has problems in the manual service
delivery system in the area of ID card and clearance. The data handling and manipulation
mechanism is not secured or exposed damage. And the other thing is that customer is not
satisfied with the service Because of keep long time to get service. This Information is gained
from existing system of Biqa sub city and we interview the administrator.
1.3. Objectives of the project
1.3.1. General objectives
The general objective of this project is to develop web based Resident Record management
system in Adama town for Biqa sub city.

1.3.2. Specific objectives

In order to achieve the general objective, we have the following specific objectives:

 To understand the existing system

 To specify the requirements of resident Information Recording System
 To develop centralized data base
 To design model of the proposed system with appropriate modeling language.
 To design interactive and user-friendly interfaces.
 To deploy the system until it fit the objective.
 To test the system until it fit the objective.
 To secure and safe residents confidential record
 To provides detailed information about the residents.
 To easily updates resident’s profile.

To secure confidential

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