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1. Introduction
The project, Hotel Management System is a desktop
application that allows the hotel manager and staff to
handle all hotel activities in hotel reception. Interactive
GUI and the ability to manage various hotel bookings and
rooms make this system very flexible and convenient.

The hotel manager is very busy person and does not

have the time to sit and manage the entire activities
manually on paper. This application gives him the power
and flexibility to manage the entire system from a single
application system. Hotel management project provides
adding customer, room booking, room details, billing and
other necessary hotel management features.

The Customers can view and book room on hotel

reception through the staff. Admin has the power of either
approving or disapproving the customer’s booking request.
Other hotel services can also be viewed by the staff and
book them. The system is hence useful from both manager
and staff to portable manage the hotel activities.

The Application include:

 Home Page
 Add Customer Details
 Room Booking
 Billing
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2. Definitions

Traditional hotel management does not include all

functions, such as the location of the consumer, the
amount of payment for the reservation, and what they are
doing right now. The hotel is experiencing a number of
issues that are affecting the hotel’s reliability,
performance, efficiency, and effectiveness in day-to-day

Proposed System

The Automated system with distributed architecture

can support issues like.

1) The system maintains the different location that are

available and registered in a central DB, which leads
easy accessibility and consistency.

2) Each Accommodation available units and all the unit

facilities are also available at the click of a mouse.

3) The Units can be booked by the Registered guest

irrespective of the Geographical barriers.

4) The Guest are provided with up to minute information

related to the unit availability and their status. From
their convenient place.

5) The decision process in much faster and more


6) The guest has information at their demand related to any

unit status of their own unit booking status.
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• The new system should be cost effective

• To improve productivity and service and service.

• To enhance user interface.

• To improve information presentation and durability.

• To upgrade systems reliability, availability and flexibility.

• To address human factors for better and uses acceptance.


The present system is presently is an undeveloped form and
manual processes of the overall system is too clumsy and complicated. The
clients in the real time consultancy system can be too thick and may need
many resources to be used upon the system. If the system is developed, in a
distributed over interface with centralized database is the only solution .


Evaluating the technical feasibility is the trickiest part of

a feasibility study. This is because, at this point in time, not
too many detailed designs of the system, making it difficult to
access issues like performance, costs on (on account of the
kind of technology to be deployed) etc. A number of issues have
to be considered while doing a technical Analysis :
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• Understand the different technologies involved in the

proposed system .
• Before commencing the project, we have to be very
clear about what are the technologies that are to be
required for the development of the new system.

• Find out whether the organization currently

possesses the required technologies


• The new system should be cost effective

• To improve productivity and service and service.

• To enhance user interface.

• To improve information presentation and durability.

• To upgrade systems reliability, availability and flexibility.

• To address human factors for better and uses acceptance.


The present system is presently is an undeveloped form and the

manual process of the overall system is too clumsy and complicated.

The clients in the real time consultancy system can be too thick and may
need many resources to be used upon the system. If the system is
developed, in a distributed over interface with centralized database is the
only solution.
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5. Technical Description
The total number of databases that were identified to
build the system is 10. The major part of the Databases is
categorized as administrative components and the user
components. The administrative components are useful is
managing the actual master data that may; be necessary to
maintain the consistency of the system. The administrative
databases are purely used for the internal organizational needs
and necessities.

The user components are designed to handle the transactional

state that arise upon the system whenever the general client
makes a visit onto the system for the sake of the report-based
information. The user components are scheduled to accept
parametrical information for the user as per the systems


For the flexibility of the user, the interface has been
developed in graphical user interface mode. The normal
interface is applied through browser.

The GUIs at the top level has been categorized as:

1) Administrative user interface

2) General user interface

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The administrative user interface concentrates on the

consistent information that is practically, pact of the
organizational activities and which needs proper
authentication for the data collection. The interfaces help the
visitors with all the transactional states like Data insertion,
Data deletion and Data updating with the data search
capabilities. The general user interface helps the users upon
the system in transactions through the required services that
are provided upon the system. The general user interface also
helps the ordinary user is managing their own information in a
customized manner as per their flexibilities.

7. Project Design Description

7.1 Purpose:
The main purpose for preparing this document is to give
a general insight into the analysis and requirements of the
existing system or situation and for determining the operating
characteristics of the system.

7.2 Scope:
This Document plays a vital role in the development life
cycle (SDLC) As it describes the complete requirement of the
system. It is meant for use by the developers and will be the
basic during testing phase. Any changes made to the
requirements in the future will have to go through formal
change approval process.
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8. Functional Requirements:


The major inputs for Integration of Web based

Accommodation Upholding Maintenance System can be
categorized module -wise. Basically, all the information is
managed by the software and in order to access the
information one has to produce one's identity by entering
the user-id and password. Every user has their own domain
of access beyond which the access is dynamically refrained
rather denied.


The major outputs of the system are tables and reports.

Tables are created dynamically to meet the requirements on
demand. Reports, as it is obvious, carry the gist of the whole
information that flows across the institution. This application
must be able to produce output at different modules for
different inputs.

9. Performance Requirements:

Performance is measured in terms of reports generated

weekly and monthly. Intended Audience and Reading
Suggestions The document is prepared keeping is view of the
academic constructs of my Bachelor’s Degree from college as
partial fulfilment of my academic purpose the document
specifies the general procedure that that has been followed by
me, while the system was studied and developed.

The general document was provided by the industry as a

reference guide to understand my responsibilities in developing
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the system, with respect to the requirements that have been pin
pointed to get the exact structure of the system as stated by the
actual client.

The system as stated by my project leader the actual standards

of the specification were desired by conducting a series of
interviews and questionnaires. The collected information was
organized to form the specification document and then was
modelled to suite the standards of the system as intended.

10. Scope of The Development Project:

10.1 Database Tier:
The concentration is applied by adopting the Oracle
Enterprise versions. SQL is taken as the standard query
language. The overall business rules are designed by using the
power of PL/SQL components like stored procedures stored
functions and database triggers.

10.2 User Tier:

The use interface is developed is a browses specific

environment to have distributed architecture. The components
are designed using TKINTER standards and Python power the
dynamic of the page design.

10.3 Data Base Connectivity Tier:

The communication architecture is designed by

concentrated on the standards of. The database connectivity is
established using the SQL Database connectivity.
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11.Software Requirement Specification

11.1 Required Hardware oi3. o 512 MB RAM. o 20 GB Hard

Disk space.

11.2 Required Software o Windows 10 operating system.

Vscode IDE. o MY SQL Database o MY SQL Workbench

12. What is Tkinter?

Python offers various utilities to design the GUI wiz

Graphical User Interface, and one such utility is Tkinter
which is most commonly used. It is indeed one of the fastest
and easiest ways to build GUI applications. Moreover,
Tkinter is cross-platform, hence the same code works on
Windows, and Linux.

Tkinter is based on the Tk GUI toolkit, originally developed

for the Tcl programming language. It provides a bridge between
Python and the Tk toolkit, allowing

developers to create GUI applications using Python code.

Some key features of Tkinter include:

1. Widget Set: Tkinter offers a wide range of built-in

widgets such as buttons, labels, text boxes, check
buttons, radio buttons, menus, and more. These widgets
can be customized and arranged to create complex user
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2. Event-Driven Programming: Tkinter follows an event-

driven programming model, where the program responds
to user actions (e.g., button clicks, mouse movements)
by executing corresponding event handlers or callbacks.

3. Geometry Management: Tkinter provides different

methods for managing the layout and positioning of
widgets within a window or frame. These methods, such
as pack(), grid(), and place(), allow you to control how
widgets are organized and displayed.

4. Cross-Platform: Tkinter is available on multiple

platforms, including Windows, macOS, and Linux,
making it a portable solution for GUI development.

5. Integration with Python: Tkinter seamlessly integrates

with Python, allowing you to use the full power of the
Python language to build GUI applications. You can
combine Tkinter with other Python libraries and
frameworks to create more advanced and feature-rich

While Tkinter is relatively simple and lightweight compared

to other GUI frameworks, it is still capable of creating functional
and visually appealing desktop applications. It's often used for
creating utility programs, data visualization tools, configuration
interfaces, and small to medium-sized applications with a
graphical interface.
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Python is a popular choice for implementing a library

management system due to its simplicity and readability. It offers
a wide range of libraries and frameworks that can be utilized to
build a user-friendly interface, handle database operations, and
implement advanced functionalities.

Overall, a library management system in Python helps

streamline library operations, improve efficiency, and enhance
the user experience for both hotel manager and staff.

13. What is Python?

Python is a high-level, interpreted programming

language known for its simplicity and readability. It was created
by Guido van Rossum and first released in 1991. Python
emphasizes code readability and a clean syntax, which makes it
easier to write and understand, even for beginners.

Python supports multiple programming paradigms,

including procedural, object-oriented, and functional
programming styles. It provides a vast standard library that
offers a wide range of modules and functions for various tasks,
such as file manipulation, networking, web development, data
processing, and much more. Additionally, Python has a large and
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active community that contributes to the development of

numerous third-party libraries and frameworks, expanding its
capabilities even further.

Some notable features of Python include:

 Readability: Python's syntax is designed to be clear and easy

to understand, enhancing code readability and reducing the
cost of maintenance.
 Dynamically Typed: Python is dynamically typed, meaning
variable types are determined automatically at runtime,
providing flexibility and reducing the need for explicit type
 Interpreted: Python programs are executed by an
interpreter, allowing for quick prototyping and a shorter
development cycle.
 Cross-platform: Python is available on multiple platforms,
including Windows, macOS, and various Linux
distributions, making it highly portable.
 Large Standard Library: Python comes with an extensive
standard library that provides a wide range of tools and
modules to accomplish common tasks without needing
external dependencies.
 Integration and Extensibility: Python can easily integrate
with other languages such as C, C++, and Java, allowing
developers to leverage existing code and libraries.

Python is widely used in various domains such as web

development, data analysis, scientific computing, machine
learning, artificial intelligence, automation, and more. Its
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versatility and ease of use have contributed to its popularity

among developers worldwide.

13.1 Installing Python and Visual Studio Code

To install Python on your computer, you can follow these

general steps:

 Visit the official Python website: Go to the Python website at

 Choose the Python version: Python offers different versions,

and you can choose the version that suits your needs. At
the time of writing, the latest stable versions are Python
3.9.x and Python 2.7.x. It is recommended to choose Python
3.x as Python 2.x is no longer receiving new feature
 Select the operating system: On the Python website, you'll
find options for various operating systems. Click on the
appropriate link for your operating system (e.g., Windows,
macOS, or Linux).
 Download the installer: Once you click on the link for your
operating system, you'll be directed to the download page.
Choose the installer package that corresponds to your
operating system and the Python version you selected.
 Run the installer: Locate the downloaded installer file and
run it. Follow the installation wizard's instructions to
proceed with the installation. You may need administrative
privileges on your computer to complete the installation.
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 Customize the installation (optional): During the installation

process, you might have the option to customize the
installation. You can choose the installation location, add
Python to the system PATH (recommended), and select
additional components.
 Verify the installation: After the installation is complete, you
can verify it by opening a command prompt or terminal
window and typing python --version or python3 --version
(depending on your system configuration). If Python is
installed correctly, it will display the installed version
 Python should now be successfully installed on your
computer. You can start writing and running Python
programs using a text editor or an integrated development
environment (IDE) of your choice.
13.2 Installing Visual Studio Code

What is Visual Studio Code?

Visual Studio Code is a code editor in layman’s terms.

Visual Studio Code is “a free-editor that helps the programmer
write code, helps in debugging and corrects the code using the
intelli-sense method”. In normal terms, it facilitates users to write
the code in an easy manner. Many people say that it is half of an
IDE and an editor, but the decision is up to to the coders. Any
program/software that we see or use works on the code that runs
in the background. Traditionally coding was used to do in the
traditional editors or even in the basic editors like notepad! These
editors used to provide basic support to the coders.
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Some of them were so basic that it was very difficult in writing

basic English level programs in them. As time went by, some
programming languages needed a specific framework and
support for further coding and development it, which was not
possible using these editors. VI Editor, Sublime Text Editor, is
one of the many kinds of editors that came into existence. The
most prominent and which supports almost every coding
language is VISUAL STUDIO CODE. Its features let the user
modify the editor as per the usage, which means the user is able
to download the libraries from the internet and integrate it with
the code as per his requirements.

Visual Studio Code has some very unique features. They are
listed as below:

 Support for multiple programming languages: Supports

multiple programming languages. So earlier, programmers
needed Web-Support: a different editor for different
languages, but it has built-in multi-language support. This
also means it easily detects if there’s any fault or cross-
language reference, it’ll be able to detect it easily.
 Intelli-Sense: It can detect if any snippet of code is left
incomplete. Also, common variable syntaxes and variable
declarations are made automatically. Ex: If a certain
variable is being used in the program and the user has
forgotten to declare, intelli-sense will declare it for the user.
 Cross-Platform Support: Traditionally, editors used to
support either Windows or Linux or Mac Systems. But
Visual Studio Code is cross-platform. So it can work on all
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three platforms. Also, the code works on all three platforms;

else, the open-source and proprietary software codes used
to be different.
 Extensions and Support: Usually supports all the
programming languages but, if the user/programmer wants
to use the programming language which is not supported
then, he can download the extension and use it. And
performance-wise, the extension doesn’t slow down the
editor as it rums as a different process.
 Repository: With the ever-increasing demand for the code,
secure and timely storage is equally important. It is
connected with Git or can be connected with any other
repository for pulling or saving the instances.
 Web-Support: Comes with built-in support for Web
applications. So, web applications can be built and
supported in VSC.
 Hierarchy Structure: The code files are located in files and
folders. The required code files also have some files, which
may be required for other complex projects. These files can
be deleted as per convenience.
 Improving Code: Some code snippets can be declared a bit
differently, which might help the user in the code. This
function prompts the user, wherever necessary, to change it
to the suggested option.
 Terminal Support: Many of the times, the user needs to
start from the root of the directory to start with a particular
action, in-built terminal or console provides user support to
not to switch in-between two screens for the same.
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 Multi-Projects: Multiple projects containing multiple

files/folders can be opened simultaneously. These
projects/folders might or might not be related to each other.
 Git Support: Resources can be pulled from Git Hub Repo
online and vice-versa; saving can be done too. Resource
pulling also means cloning the code which is made available
on the internet. This code can later be changed and saved.
 Commenting: A common feature, but some of the
languages do not support it. Commenting on the code helps
the user to recall or track according to the sequence he

Now Procedure to Install Visual Studio Code IDE

To install Visual Studio Code, an Integrated Development

Environment (IDE) , you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Visit the official website of the Visual Studio Code using
any web browser like Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, etc.


Step 2: Press the “Download for Windows” button on the website

to start the download of the Visual Studio Code Application.
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Step 3: When the download finishes, then the Visual Studio Code
icon appears in the downloads folder.


Step 4: Click on the installer icon to start the installation process

of the Visual Studio Code.

Step 5: After the Installer opens, it will ask you for accepting the
terms and conditions of the Visual Studio Code. Click on I accept
the agreement and then click the Next button.

Step 6: Choose the location data for running the Visual Studio
Code. It will then ask you for browsing the location. Then click on
Next button.


Step 7: Then it will ask for beginning the installing setup. Click
on the Install button.
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Step 8: After clicking on Install, it will take about 1 minute to

install the Visual Studio Code on your device.


Step 9: After the Installation setup for Visual Studio Code is

finished, it will show a window like this below. Tick the “Launch
Visual Studio Code” checkbox and then click Next.


Step 10: After the previous step, the Visual Studio Code window
opens successfully. Now you can create a new file in the Visual
Studio Code window and choose a language of yours to begin
your programming journey!

So, this is how we successfully installed Visual Studio Code on

your Windows system.
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A database is a structured collection of data that is
organized, stored, and managed in a way that allows efficient
retrieval, updating, and manipulation of the data. It is a
fundamental component of most software applications, providing
a persistent and reliable storage solution for handling large
volumes of structured information.

Databases are used to store and manage various types of

data, such as customer information, product inventory, financial
transactions, user profiles, and more. They serve as a central
repository for storing and retrieving data, allowing multiple users
or applications to access and manipulate the data concurrently.

14.1 MySQL

MySQL is an open-source relational database

management system (RDBMS) that is widely used for
managing structured data. It was originally developed by MySQL
AB, which was later acquired by Oracle Corporation.

Here are some key features and characteristics of MySQL:

1. Relational Database: MySQL follows the relational database

model, where data is organized into tables with predefined
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relationships between them. It supports the SQL (Structured

Query Language) for querying and manipulating data.

2. Open-Source: MySQL is released under the GNU General

Public License (GPL) and is available for free. This allows users to
download, use, modify, and distribute MySQL without any
licensing costs.

3. Scalability and Performance: MySQL is known for its

scalability and performance, making it suitable for handling
large-scale applications and high-traffic websites. It can
efficiently handle thousands of concurrent connections and
process complex queries.

4. Cross-Platform Compatibility: MySQL is available for various

operating systems, including Windows, macOS, Linux, and Unix.
This ensures compatibility across different platforms and allows
developers to deploy MySQL on their preferred operating system.

5. Replication and High Availability: MySQL supports data

replication, allowing you to create multiple copies of your
database for backup, failover, and load balancing purposes. It
provides options for master-slave replication and master-master

6. Security: MySQL offers robust security features, including user

authentication, access control, encryption, and auditing. It
ensures that only authorized users can access and manipulate
the data stored in the database.
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7. Tools and Ecosystem: MySQL has a rich ecosystem with a wide

range of tools and libraries that enhance its functionality. It has
connectors and APIs for various programming languages, making
it easy to integrate MySQL with applications developed in
different languages.

MySQL is widely used in web applications, content

management systems, e-commerce platforms, data analytics, and
many other scenarios where data storage and retrieval are
critical. It provides a reliable and efficient solution for managing
structured data, and its popularity can be attributed to its ease of
use, performance, and extensive community support.

14.2 MySQL Workbench 8.0 CE

MySQL Workbench 8.0 CE (Community Edition) is a visual

tool for designing, developing, and administering MySQL
databases. It is an integrated development environment (IDE)
specifically tailored for working with MySQL databases and is
available as a free and open-source software.

Here are some key features of MySQL Workbench 8.0 CE:

1. Database Design and Modelling: MySQL Workbench allows you

to visually design and model your database schema using a
graphical interface. You can create tables, define relationships,
set constraints, and generate the corresponding SQL scripts.
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2. SQL Development: It provides a powerful SQL editor with

syntax highlighting, code completion, and formatting. You can
write and execute SQL queries, stored procedures, and functions
directly within the IDE. It also supports visual query building to
construct complex queries without writing manual SQL

3. Database Administration: MySQL Workbench offers

administration tools for managing MySQL servers. You can
configure server settings, monitor server status, manage user
accounts and privileges, import/export data, and perform
database backups and restores.

4. Data Modelling and Migration: You can perform data modelling

tasks, such as forward and reverse engineering of databases, to
create and modify data models from existing databases. It also
supports database migration, allowing you to migrate schemas
and data between different database systems.

5. Visual Performance Tuning: MySQL Workbench provides

visual tools for performance analysis and optimization. It
includes query performance analysis, visual explain plans, and
performance schema reports to help identify and resolve
performance bottlenecks.

6. Database Documentation: It allows you to generate

comprehensive documentation for your databases, including
schema diagrams, table structures, and relationships. This
documentation can be exported in various formats for easy
sharing and collaboration.
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7. Cross-Platform Support: MySQL Workbench is available for

Windows, macOS, and Linux, ensuring compatibility across
different operating systems.

MySQL Workbench simplifies the development and

administration of MySQL databases by providing a user-friendly
graphical interface. It is particularly useful for database
administrators, developers, and data analysts working with
MySQL databases. With its extensive features and intuitive
interface, MySQL Workbench helps streamline database-related
tasks and improves productivity.

14.3 Create Database Schema and Tables

To create a database schema, click on the “Create a new

schema in the connected server” in MySQL Workbench and name
the database as hotel and now click on apply button
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After clicking on apply button we can review the SQL Script to be

applied on the Database. Now after reviewing we can now click on
apply button.
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After clicking on the apply button the SQL script is applied to the
Database. It will show it has successfully applied the script to the
database. Now we can click finish, we have successfully created a
database schema named hotel.
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* To Create a table select the database schema named hotel and

click on the “Create a new table in the active schema in
connected server”. It will simply create a new table and we can
modify it according to our choices. We can create a new column
name, add datatype and much more. For our library
management system we create four tables:

1) register

2) customer

3) room

4) details
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1) register
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2) customer
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3) room
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4) details
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15 Modules Description: Number of modules:

a) Customer Information Module

b) Booking Information Module
c) Details Information Module
d) Facilities Information Module

15.1 Customer Information:

This module maintains all the details of the

Accommodation location that are available and the cccc

units that are available under each location along cccc

with their reference unit types.


This module maintains the information regarding all
the units that are registered as per specifications and their
reference unit types. The module also takes care of the system
from the unit facilities and reference unit facilities that are


This module maintains the information of all the booking

of the units, as pet the guest requirements, it searches itself
with the units station database and the specific registered
guest who have raised the demand upon the booking.
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This module maintains the overall activities in the
facilities that are available are provided for all or some of the
specified units. This module helps in registering the reference
unit facilities that may creep in into the system from time to

• Administrative View
• Guest View

16.1 Administrative View

This view is designed for interacting with the absolute
Meta Data, which becomes the ultimate repository to maintain
the consistency. This view is accessible only to registered
administrators who are recognized by the Watershed
Development central Administration Department.

This Module takes care of the responsibility of the

major Table management for

o Data Insertion

o Data Deletion

o Data Updating
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o Data Selection

All the activities are validated and authenticated to proper

profile to avoid un authorized access.

16.2 Guest View

In this view the guest can view complete details of

available accommodation list information.

17. Performance Requirements:

Performance is measured in terms of reports generated

weekly and monthly.

Intended Audience And Reading Suggestions

The document is prepared keeping is view of the

academic constructs of my Bachelor’s Degree from Science
College Kokrajhar as partial fulfilment of my academic purpose
the document specifies the general procedure that that has
been followed by me, while the system was studied and
developed. The general document was provided by the industry
as a reference guide to understand me responsibilities in
developing the system, with respect to the requirements that
have been pin pointed to get the exact structure of the system
as stated by the actual client. The system as stated by my
project leader the actual standards of the specification were
desired by conducting a series of interviews and
questionnaires. The collected information was organized to
P a g e | 40

form the specification document and then was modelled to

suite the standards of the system as intended

18. Data Flow Diagrams

• This Diagram server two purpose.

• Provides an indication of how date is transformed as

it moves through the system.

• Disputes the functions and sub functions that

transforms the dataflow.



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Customer Info


Booking Info


N Report

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19. ER-Diagrams
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1. Testing
Testing is the process of detecting errors. Testing
performs a very critical role for quality assurance and for
ensuring the reliability of software. The results of testing are
used later on during maintenance also.

Psychology of Testing:

The aim of testing is often to demonstrate that a program

works by showing that it has no errors. The basic purpose of
testing phase is to detect the errors that may be present in the
program. Hence one should not start testing with the intent of
showing that a program works, but the intent should be to
show that a program doesn’t work. Testing is the process of
executing a program with the intent of finding errors.

Testing Objectives:

The main objective of testing is to uncover a host of

errors, systematically and with minimum effort and time.
Stating formally, we can say

 Testing is a process of executing a program with the

intent of finding an error.

 A successful test is one that uncovers an as yet

undiscovered error.

 A good test case is one that has a high probability of

finding error, if it exists.

 The tests are inadequate to detect possibly present


 The software more or less confirms to the quality

and reliable standards.
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Levels of Testing:

In order to uncover the errors, present in different phases

we have the concept of levels of testing. The basic levels of
testing are as shown below…

Client Needs Acceptance Testing

System Testing

Integration Testing


Unit Testing
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Registration Page

Login Page
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Home Page

Customer Page
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Room Booking Page

20. Conclusion and Recommendation

The entire project has been developed and deployed as
per the requirements stated by the user, it is found to be bug
free as per the testing standards that are implemented. Any
specification untraced errors will be concentrated in the
coming versions, which are planned to be developed in near

The system at present does not take care of the money

payment methods, as the consolidated constructs need SSL
standards and are critically to be initiated in the first face, the
application of the credit card transactions is applied as a
developmental phase in the coming days. The system needs
more elaborative technicality for its inception and evolution .
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Control and maintenance of the system are the responsibilities of

the system operator. Control of the system means the operation
of the system as it was designed to operate. Sometimes, well-
intentioned people or operators may make unauthorized changes
to improve the system, changes that are not documented.
Maintenance is closely related to control. Maintenance is that
ongoing activity that
Keeps the MIS at the highest level of effectiveness and
efficiency within cost constraints. Maintenance is directed
towards reducing errors due to design, reducing errors due to
environmental changes and improving the system’s scope and
P a g e | 49

Steven Feuerstein, Bill Pribyl , PL/SQL Programming,
O’Reilly Media, 2014

Jon Duckett , Java Script Programming, Wiley, 2014

Elliotte Rusty Harold , Python Networking, O’Reilly

Media, 2010

Rene Enriquez , Python Security, Packt Publishing,


Bryan Basham, Kathy Sierra , Head First EJB ,O'Reilly

Media; Second edition, 2008

Shadab siddiqui, J2EE Professional, Premier Press; 1

edition, 2002

Joel Murach, Michael Urban., Python, Mike Murach,


Kogent Learning Solutions INC., HTML 5 Black Book,

Dreamtech Press, 2011

Website References:

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