C22-Yb60-M-4763 - 0 Sa3-Ps2, Butterfly Valve, Operating Manuals

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The document appears to provide guidance on handling, installation, operation and maintenance of triple eccentric metal seated valves. It covers topics such as packaging, storage, handling, installation, testing, tightening procedures, and maintenance.

The document discusses procedures for packaging, storage, handling, installation, commissioning, tightening, and maintenance of triple eccentric metal seated valves.

The main sections covered in the document include packing, storage, valve handling and erection, precommissioning and commissioning, tightening procedure, and maintenance.


0 Issued for Information(RR-EH-D-0478) DB AM AF 29/01/2020

A Issued for Review DB AM AF 11/03/2019
‫تنقيح‬ ‫سبب اإلصدار‬ ‫بواسطة‬ ‫راجعها‬ ‫وافق عليها‬ ‫التاري خ‬
‫المملكة العربي ة الس عودي ة‬
‫المؤسسة ال ع ام ة لتحلي ة المي اه المالح ة‬

‫رقم ر‬
Project No.‫المشوع‬ ‫ر‬
‫مشوع أنظمة نقل مياه الشقيق – المرحلة الثالثة‬


‫المق اول‬



C 2 2 - Y B 6 0 - M - 4 7 6 3 1 of 173 0



15 03/03/2015 Update A.Bertolino N.Scalia F.Bracchi
16 03/05/2016 Update A.Bertolino N.Scalia F.Bracchi
17 10/04/2017 Update A.Molinelli N.Scalia F.Bracchi
18 05/07/2017 Update A.Molinelli N.Scalia F.Bracchi



SECTION 1 - PACKING ....................................................................................................... 4
1.1 Packaging for shipment ........................................................................................... 5
1.2 Packing Requirements ............................................................................................. 5
SECTION 2 - STORAGE....................................................................................................... 7
2.1 PRESERVATION PROCEDURE AND STORAGE ACTIVITIES ............................................. 8
SECTION 3 - VALVE HANDLING & ERECTION ............................................................................. 9
3.1 Handling ............................................................................................................. 10
SECTION 4 - PRECOMMISSIONING & COMMISSIONING .................................................................. 12
4.1 Inspection ........................................................................................................... 13
4.2 Installation .......................................................................................................... 13
4.3 Functional Test .................................................................................................... 14
4.4 Troubleshooting Table ............................................................................................ 15
SECTION 5 - TIGHTENING PROCEDURE .................................................................................. 16
5.1 TIGHTENING PROCEDURE......................................................................................... 17
5.2 TIGHTENING NOMINAL TORQUE ................................................................................. 18
5.2.1 BOLTING ........................................................................................................ 18
5.2.2 SCREW NUTS .................................................................................................. 19
5.2.3 PACKING NUTS ................................................................................................ 20
SECTION 6 - MAINTENANCE ............................................................................................... 21
6.1 Packing .............................................................................................................. 22
6.1.1 Packing Test After Maintenance .......................................................................... 23
6.2 Sealing Elements Maintenance .................................................................................. 23
6.2.1 Sealing Elements Test After Maintenance ............................................................... 25
6.3 Bottom Flange Gasket Maintenance ........................................................................... 25
6.3.1 Bottom Flange Test After Maintenance .................................................................. 26
6.4 Bolted seat Elements Maintenance ............................................................................ 26
6.5 LUBRICANT description and table .............................................................................. 28
6.5.1 IDENTIFICATION TABLE ...................................................................................... 28
6.5.2 GUIDANCE FOR USE .......................................................................................... 29
6.5.3 LUBRICANT TABLE ............................................................................................ 30
SECTION 7 - VALVE SERVICE CONDITION ................................................................................ 31
7.1 – VALVE SERVICE CONDITION .................................................................................... 32
7.1.1 INTENDED USE................................................................................................ 33
7.2.2 SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS AND MEASURES ..................................................................... 33
SECTION 8 – PED AND ATEX OPERATING AND SAFETY INSTRUCTION ................................................ 35
8.1 P.E.D. – Pressure Equipment DIrective ........................................................................ 36


8.2 ATEX – EXPLOSIVE ATMOSPHERES DIRECTIVE ................................................................ 37

8.2.1 SCOPE ............................................................................................................ 38
8.2.2 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ................................................................................... 38
8.2.3 PREVENTION OF POTENTIAL IGNITION SOURCES .......................................................... 38
8.2.4 PREVENTION OF POTENTIAL EXPLOSIVE ATMOSPHERE CREATION ...................................... 40
SECTION 9 - OPERATIONAL TEST ......................................................................................... 41
9.1 FULL STROKE TEST + LEAK TEST ............................................................................... 42
9.2 PARTIAL STROKE TEST ............................................................................................ 42





 Pack the valves with the disc in slightly open position; protect the raised faces with protective oil
(i.e. -ENSIS DW 6062 - Brown Wax) and fix plastic or wooden flange protectors with straps on the
flange faces
 In case of bare shaft valves, cover the shaft ends with plastic tubes
 If a “fail open” hydraulic or pneumatic actuator is mounted to the valve, use the manual override to
lock the disc in the closed position; if a manual override is not included, construct a proper protective
 The packing method is to be defined in the Customer’s order and it must be able to ensure safe
transportation and eventual storage


The packing must fulfil the following requirements:

 Protection against mechanical stress and damage such as

- Vibration (e.g. transport over poor roads)
- Forces resulting from frequent loading and transferring
- Compression resulting from lifting with slings

 Protection against environmental factors such as :

- Corrosion caused by effects of relative humidity

- Decomposition and rotting resulting from industrial

exhaust fumes, saline air, rain, snow, splash water, mould etc.


PICTURES OF VALVES - Ready for shipment




For more detail refer to PACKING SHIPPING PROCEDURE





Orton MV Series entire range: double flanged short and long pattern, butt welding end, wafer, lugged
standard versions


For a correct valve preservation & storage, ORTON suggests storing the valves in a closed area to avoid
contact with earth, sand and other solids that could damage the metal seal and the most delicate parts of
the manual actuators.

 The suggested environmental conditions for the storage are:

- Temperature not higher than 50° C.
- Relative humidity less than 65%.
- Direct exposure to sunlight should be avoided
- Clean environment

 During the valves handling caution must be taken to avoid impact between them or with resistant
solid bodies, particularly for metal seals and actuators. We suggest to make sure that the valves discs
are slightly opened and that they do not stick out from valves face to face.
 In case the valve will be in storage for a period longer than 6 months, Orton recommends to perform
at least a functional test, with a minimum of 5 open/close complete cycles, to check valve and
actuator performances before their final installation.
 Carry out periodical checks in the storage area to be sure of the continued above mentioned conditions


Only if the valves have a proper packing, i.e. cases lined with tarred paper and contents well protected
with barrier sacks, the storage in an open area can be considered.





 Crate: handle the packed valves by means of fork lift truck

 Case: use the proper lifting points
 Unpacked valves: the handling must be carried out on pallets, paying attention to the machined
surfaces or, in case of large size using appropriate tools, i.e. brackets, hooks, fasteners, slings, etc.
(see Figs. 1, 2, 3)

Fig.1 - Bare shaft valve or with manual gear Fig.2 - Valves with pneumatic or hydraulic actuator

Fig.3 - Valves with electric actuator


 For valve handling and/or lifting, size and select the equipment considering the valve weight indicated
in the packing list and/or delivery note.
 Take care to avoid damaging to the most delicate parts of actuators (see actuator manual)
 During handling, pay attention to avoid impacting and / or dropping the equipment. Respect and
adhere to all local safety regulations.


In case valve is equipped with lifting lugs or eyebolt, Orton recommend to handle and lift as shown in the
below pictures.

Fig.1 - Bare shaft valve or with manual gear Fig.2 - Valves with pneumatic or hydraulic actuator

Fig.3 - Valves with electric actuator

Also in case of using eyebolts or lifting lugs, following caution must be taken:

 For valve handling and/or lifting, size and select the equipment considering the valve weight indicated in the packing
list and/or delivery note.

 Take care to avoid damaging to the most delicate parts of actuators (see actuator manual)
During handling, pay attention to avoid impacting and / or dropping the equipment. Respect and adhere to all local safety






 Remove the valve from the shipping package, taking care to avoid any damage to the valve and/or
 Remove the flange protectors and clean carefully, then remove the protective oil from both machined
surfaces with a solvent;
 Clean the internal part of the valve with an air line, ensuring the absence of solid objects coming
from the package, plastic coatings etc.;
 Check the integrity of the seal ring, especially in case of “fail-open” actuator presence;
 Check that the materials listed on the valve label are appropriate for the service intended and that
they are as specified;
 Define the preferred mounting orientation with respect to the system pressure. Please remember that
the valve is properly installed when the high pressure acts on the shaft side of the disc (refer to the
arrow label).


 The valve should be installed with shaft in horizontal position, or off of vertical in order to minimise
any problem associated with solid particles present in the media that, otherwise, could deposit in the
lower bearing area;
 It is suggested to install the valve at least 5 times the pipe ND from any curve;
 Unless otherwise specified, the disc should be in the slightly open position to ensure that the seal ring
cannot be damaged during installation. Particular care should be taken with valves equipped with
“fail-open” actuators: if there is no manual override, connect the actuator to the supply media, to
close the disc prior to installation (especially for wafer and lug body styles);
 The valve should be fitted between the pipe flanges inserting two gaskets to guarantee the seal to
 Valve body thermal insulation is suggested for operating temperatures over 200°C;
 The use of hexagonal head bolts or shorter studs is recommended when the valve has threaded tapped
holes in the neck areas; tighten with a load adequate to the chosen gaskets;
 Follow the criteria and instructions of section 2 for handling and lifting of the valves during the


Perform piping flushing before installation; if not possible, keep the disc in fully open position before
starting with flushing. When the pipe is lined, pay attention that the disc does not come in contact with the
lining during its stroke, especially with wafer and lug bodies.



 Valve packing has been already pre settled in ORTON before shipping; if during normal operation a
leakage is detected from packing, tighten the packing just to prevent stem leakage.
Over-tightening increases the operating torque and decreases the packing life (see section 5).
 Stroke the valve to its “full open” and “full closed” positions to check the valve operates correctly
 To verify the valve orientation, the disc position indicator marked on the shaft should rotate between
the cast bosses on the upper flange of the valve body for valves with top circular flanges.
The disc rotates clockwise to close.


If the piping is under pressure with water for testing and if it is shut down after testing for a long time it is
essential to either:
 Use corrosion inhibitor in the water to pressurise the pipe;
 Depressurise the pipe and completely drain the test water after testing;
 Manoeuvre the valve through a complete opening / closing cycle and leave the disc in half-open

Warning - Safety rules for operation

As the media can be corrosive, toxic, inflammable or contaminating, the following safety precautions must
be taken before disassembling the valve from the pipeline:

a) Check if there is upstream and downstream pressure in the pipe and in the valve; it is suggested to
close the upstream and the downstream valve.

b) Furthermore:
- always wear protective glasses
- always wear gloves and overalls
- always wear protective shoes
- make sure there is always running water available close to you
- make sure there is always a fire extinguisher, if the fluid is inflammable



Event Possible Cause Remedy

1. The packing is too tight 1. Loosen gland nuts
2. Actuator has failed 2. Replace or repair
Valve does 3. Valve packed with debris 3. Flush or clean the valve
not rotate 4. Stem key has sheared 4. Find cause of shearing and correctly replace stem key
5. Fluid solidification between bearings
5. Flush bearings using flushing taps (if present)
and shaft

Stem 1. Gland flange nuts too loose 1. Tighten gland flange nuts - See Section 5 “Tightening procedure”
leaking 2. Packing damaged 2. Replace packing - See paragraph 6.1

1. Tighten bottom flange bolting - See Section 5 “Tightening

Bottom 1. Bottom flange bolting loose
gasket 2. Check the spiral groove on the body and replace gasket –
2. Spiral wound gasket damage
leaking See paragraph 6.3

1. Valve not fully closed 1. Close the valve

2. Debris trapped in valve 2. Cycle and flush (with valve open) to remove debris
leaking 3. Actuator mechanical stop improperly
3. Remove the stop for closure and reset properly
4. Seal ring damaged 4. Replace seal ring - See paragraph 6.2
1. Loosen gland nuts, cycle valve, retighten - Section 5 “Tightening
1. Packing is too tight
2. Check for correct pressure and increase air supply pressure
operation 2. Air supply is inadequate
and/or volume if appropriate
3. Actuator / stem adapter misaligned 3. Remove actuator mounting and realign

General Use

The MV Series valves are torque seated, so for:

 Manual operated valves

- Operate the valve applying the required torque;
- Do not force with added levers.
- To close, rotate the hand-wheel clockwise.

 Pneumatically actuated valves

- Be sure of the correct pressure level of the supply media.
- If the manual gear has been used, take care to disconnect it (after the use).
- In case micro switches are used, take particular care in connecting all the components in the
correct way
(e.g. in a such way not to exchange "open" with "closed") to obtain the correct signalling.

 Electrically operated valves

- Be sure of the correct electrical power requirements (Volts)





During the tightening only one screw will be tightened at a time; this factor can bring an anomalous stress
on flange. To avoid this situation the tightening have to be made following a predetermined order.

Step 1: tighten each screw with a third of the final required torque, following the sequence shown in the
above figure;

Step 2: increase the screw tightening torque up to two thirds of the final required torque following the
sequence shown in the above figure;

Step 3: increase the screw tightening torque up to the final required value of the torque following the
sequence shown in the above figure;

Step 4: make a last control on each screw working clockwise.




Note : Orton recommend to apply half the specified torque to the valve seal ring retaining flange screw
above M12





CL.150  CL.300  CL.600  CL.900 
in.  mm  Nm  lbf*in  Nm  lbf*in  Nm  lbf*in  Nm  lbf*in 
3  75  3  2  3  2  ‐  ‐  ‐  ‐ 
4  100  3  2  3  2  17  13  ‐  ‐ 
5  125  3  2  3  2  29  21  ‐  ‐ 
6  150  3  2  3  2  29  21  29  21 
8  200  3  2  8  6  29  21  73  54 
10  250  8  6  8  6  73  54  142  105 
12  300  8  6  8  6  73  54  142  105 
14  350  8  6  17  13  73  54  142  105 
16  400  17  13  17  13  142  105  245  181 
18  450  17  13  29  21  142  105  245  181 
20  500  29  21  29  21  245  181  359  266 
22  550  29  21  29  21  245  181  359  266 
24  600  29  21  73  54  359  266  487  360 
26  650  29  21  73  54  359  266  487  360 
28  700  73  54  73  54  487  360  662  490 
30  750  73  54  73  54  487  360  662  490 
32  800  73  54  73  54  487  360  662  490 
34  850  73  54  73  54  487  360  851  630 
36  900  73  54  73  54  662  490  851  630 
38  950  73  54  73  54  662  490  ‐  ‐ 
40  1000  73  54  142  105  487  360  ‐  ‐ 
42  1050  73  54  142  105  487  360  ‐  ‐ 
44  1100  73  54  142  105  487  360  ‐  ‐ 
46  1150  73  54  142  105  487  360  ‐  ‐ 
48  1200  142  105  142  105  ‐  ‐  ‐  ‐ 
50  1250  142  105  142  105  ‐  ‐  ‐  ‐ 
52  1300  142  105  142  105  ‐  ‐  ‐  ‐ 
54  1350  142  105  142  105  ‐  ‐  ‐  ‐ 
56  1400  142  105  245  181  ‐  ‐  ‐  ‐ 
58  1450  ‐  ‐  ‐  ‐  ‐  ‐  ‐  ‐ 
60  1500  142  105  245  181  ‐  ‐  ‐  ‐ 






If shaft leakage occurs through the packing, tighten the gland nuts slowly and evenly until the leakage stops
(Section 5 “Tightening procedure”).

Proceed as follows:


When tightening the gland nuts, use half-turn increments until leakage has stopped.

 Remove the gear / actuator and relevant connecting keys (2)

 Remove gland nuts (9). If present, remove belleville springs, paying attention to note their assembly
configuration in order to reassemble them correctly.
 Remove packing gland flange (6), anti blow-out ring (5) (if present) and packing follower (4).
 Remove old packing (3); if the packing flush option is present, remove lantern ring too (7).
 Clean packing cavity and shaft and apply a film of lubricant on internal body surface see (Tab.3).
 Insert new packing rings (and the lantern ring if present) in the same sequence as the one followed
during disassembly;
 Reassemble packing follower, anti blow-out if present and gland flange; if applicable, assemble the
belleville springs, as noted in the relative previous point, then assembly the gland nuts and tighten
with torque. See Para. 5.2.3 Packing Nuts;
 Reassemble keys on the upper stem end
 Reassemble the gear / actuator and close the valve (make sure that both the valve and gear are in
the open position when mounting the gear).


Do not force actuator on the stem. This should be a free moving fit!



 Cycle the valve

 Re-pressurise the line
 If a leakage is detected, tighten the gland nuts slowly and evenly until the leakage stops (do not
exceed values in see Section 5 “Tightening procedure”).


Proceed as follows:


Depressurise the line before starting any maintenance. Otherwise, serious personal injury and/or
equipment damage may occur.

 Remove the valve from the line with the disc in closed position. If piping is large enough, the
maintenance can be done inside the line without removing the valve from the line
 Slightly open the valve
 Loosen the seal retaining flange screws (13)
 Completely open the valve
 Remove the retainer flange screws
 Remove retainer flange (10); take extra precautions to prevent damaging the body seat with retainer
during removal
 Remove the seal ring (11) and the spiral wound gasket (12)
 If necessary, clean the body seat with solvent and then with fine abrasive cloth (n°600 or finer)
 Carefully clean the disc seal ring area and the spiral wound gasket groove in order to avoid foreign
particles presence
 Apply a film of lubricant (in accordance with Tab.3) on the disc upper face (9), where the seal ring
(11) and the gasket (10) will be re-fixed


 Assemble the new spiral wound gasket (12) without forcing or damaging
 Replace the seal ring (11), aligning the reference mark (A) - details “X”


Do not use excessive amounts of lubricant.

 Assemble the seal retainer flange (10), aligning the locating hole (B) in the seal retainer flange with
the relevant mark on the seal ring (A), see detail X.
 Carefully clean the bottom of the disc threaded holes with solvent, then apply Loctite 270 or
 Slightly tighten all the fastening screws and then verify that the seal ring can be moved freely by hand
without rotating it


If the valve has a solid seal ring, apply a film of lubricant (according to Table 3) on the body seat and on
the sealing conical surface of the seal ring

 Seat and unseat the valve twice

 Keep the disc in the closed position. Tighten the retaining screws with the crossover method to
avoid any seal ring movement.

Do not exceed the torque values indicated in Section 5 “Tightening procedure”


Test on sealing elements might be performed only if a direct investigation of downstream side of the valve
is possible
If possible, sealing test should be performed according to test pressures and fluid media as indicated the
relevant ITP applied during shop test.

Please contact ORTON for any clarification, for reference please communicate valve serial number that is
indicated on valve label. For reference, see section 7 & 8.


Proceed as follows:
 Remove the bottom flange (6)
 Remove the spiral wound gasket (13)
 Inspect and clean the groove of the spiral wound gasket in the body and in the bottom flange
 Apply a film of lubricant (according to Table 3) on the bottom spiral wound gasket, then insert it in
the bottom flange, centring and positioning all on the body bore; centre the holes with the threaded
holes on the body
 Apply a film of lubricant (according to Table 3) on the threads of the screws, then introduce and
tighten them using a torque value indicated in Section 5 “Tightening procedure”)



Pressurize the valve

Check for any leakage around the bottom flange area
If leakage defected, re-tighten the screws (see Section 5 “Tightening procedure”)
If leakage persist, remove the bottom flange and check for any improper gasket installation or damage.


Depressurise the line before starting any maintenance. Otherwise, serious personal injury and/or
equipment damage may occur.


 Fully open the valve

 Remove all threaded dowel jam screws (1.5)
 Loosen the threaded dowels (1.6) from the seat retainer (1.2) but do not remove at this time
 Remove the reaction clip from the body (1.3)
 Remove the seat retainer (1.2) from the valve body
 Remove the seat (1.1) from the body; take extra precaution to prevent damage to the seat by
other valve components
 Remove the body seat gasket (1.4) and discard
 Carefully clean and dry the body in the seat and gasket area to remove any foreign particles; take
extra precaution not to scratch or otherwise damage the machined surfaces
 Insert the new gasket (1.4) into the seat groove; do not force the gasket as damage may occur
 Carefully insert the seat ring (1.1) into the body. The seat is provided with two recesses that allow
to install the seat in only one position inside the body, by aligning these recesses with the shaft
 Place the seat retainer flange (1.2) into the body
 Screw all the threaded dowels (1.6) until they make contact with the seat
 Insert the retaining clip (1.3) into the body. The retaining clip may have some deformation due to
the disassembly phase and may not easily remain in the groove. While screwing in the threaded
dowels (and the subsequent rise of retaining flange) firmly insert the clip into its groove
 Screw each of the dowels (1.6) EVENLY into the retaining flange until the seat retainer rises up
and reacts against the retaining clip.
 For maximum dowel torque allowable values, see Section 5 “Tightening procedure”
 Close the valve disc
 Visually check the seal ring and seat alignment
 At this point it is possible to pressurise the valve shaft side to check for any leakage
 If a leakage is occurs depressurise the valve, unloose the dowels (2.5) and adjust the seat position
 Screw again the dowels (1.6) and re-check seat position
 Insert threaded jam dowels (1.5) into each hole and firmly tighten (see Section 5 “Tightening




Designation   Identification  Classification 

viscosity  Consistency 
Type  Typology  Trade name  Manufacturer 
VG 460  NLGI 2 
Sapphire Endure  Rocol 
VG 150  NLGI 2 
Fomblin UT 18  Solvay Solexis 
PTFE‐based lubricant 

VG 460  NLGI 2 
Fomblin RT 15  Solvay Solexis 
I  VG 460  NLGI 2 
Krytox GPL  standard grease 207  Du Pont 
VG 220  NLGI 2 
Krytox GPL  anticorrosion grease 226  Du Pont 
VG 460  NLGI 2 
Krytox GPL  anticorrosion grease 227  Du Pont 

n.a.  NLGI 2 
Renolit FLM 2  Fuchs 
Lithium soap + MoS2 

VG 220  NLGI 2 
Molykote Longterm 2 Plus  Dow Corning 

II  VG 100  NLGI 2 

Molykote BR 2 Plus  Dow Corning 
VG 150  NLGI 2 
Molykote G‐4700  Dow Corning 


MoS2 + 

n.a.  n.a. 

Molykote D 321 R  Dow Corning 

PTFE‐based  MoS2 + graphite 
solid lubricant  

n.a.  NLGI 1 
Signal CEP 36 Extra  Viscol 
IV  VG 68  n.a. 
Molykote P74  Dow Corning 



Molykote PTFE‐N UV  Dow Corning  n.a.  n.a. 


V  Interflon Fin Lube TF  Interflon  n.a.  n.a. 



n.a.  n.a. 

Molykote 111  Dow Corning 

VI  Signal Siltemp  Viscol  n.a.  NLGI 2 




n.a.  n.a. 
VII  Kluberalfa YV 93‐302  Lubrication 




- Type I: Homogeneous grease usable for bushing-stem coupling, in the case of chemical agents
(duplex valves) and for a medium/high temperature range.

- Type II: Lithium soap grease usable for bushing-stem coupling and for a medium/high temperature

- Type III: A dry air cured lubricant usable for bushing-stem coupling, on sealing surfaces and

- Type IV: A solid paste lubricant with dispersed graphite usable for bushing-stem coupling, on
sealing surfaces, threads and for high temperature applications.

- Type V: A dry air cured lubricant usable on the outer area, the external stem surface and bushings,
for medium/high temperature range applications.

- Type VI: Clear silicone grease for rubber valves and for metal-plastic-rubber coupling.

- Type VI: A solid paste lubricant, fully synthetic, non-fammable high pressure sliding agent with
good wetting properties. It is suitable as a sliding agent for valves and installations carrying gaseous
and liquid oxygen.






If the valve is supplied with P.E.D. certification

(Pressure Equipment Directive 2014/68/UE) and/or with ATEX certification

(Atmosphere Explosive Directive 2014/34/UE) refer to Section 8



MV Series Valves must be used strictly only in agreement with the service for which they were purchased.

Periodic inspection is highly recommended. For any action, please contact Orton.

Orton S.r.l. decline any responsibility in case of applications over the limits indicated in the nameplate

Where each field /item has the following meaning:

1. Valve series according to Orton Standard 11. Shaft Material
2. Nominal Diameter of the Valve (inch or mm) 12. Seat Test Pressure
3. Product Description (Butterfly valve) 13. Fluid Media
4. Intended Use (On-Off or Modulating) 14. Seat Material
5. Body Material 15. Max Differential pressure
16. Seal Material
6. End Connection standard
7. Year of production 17. Max Operating Pressure at a xxx temperature
18. Min/Max Working Temperature
8. Disc Material
9. Body cold max working pressure 19. Serial Number of the valve
20. Tag Number
10. Weight of the valve assembly
21. Applicable international standards



Intended use of the equipment (valve) is the list of the equipment limitation of use that shall be follow
during all the valve lifetime, in order to avoid or reduce the risks of the residual hazards.
1) Valve is designed in order to work connected to a pipeline with on/off or modulating purpose as
indicated in the valve label dedicated field “INTENDED USE”;
2) Valve is connected to the pipeline in order to:
- work accordingly to the flow direction, as indicated in the approved documentation (bi-directional, uni-
directional shaft side, uni-directional disc side).
- work with the shaft/actuator in horizontal/vertical position accordingly to the order requisition (GA
3) Valve is designed in order to perform pressure retaining functions having been fabricated with the
material indicated in the order (data sheet) and detailed in the name plate fields 5, 8, 11, 14 and 16.
4) Valve is designed in order to work between the minimum and maximum temperature indicated in the
label field 18.
5) Valve is designed in order to perform pressure retaining along the pipeline at the maximum pressure
indicated at the voice ‘Seat PT’ and pressure retaining towards the external ambient at the pressure of
the class indicated as ‘Body max cold WP’.
6) Valve proper function is working on the pipeline respecting the right distance from line discontinuities.
7) Valve shall be operated only by means of the actuator in the ORTON configuration


Special Precautions and measures shall be taken in order to avoid or reduce the risks of the residual
hazards at the time of installation and/or use.

These are reasonably foreseeable misuse that shall be taken in consideration:

1) A valve purchased for seal function (on-off service) is used for flow modulation (modulating service);
2) A valve purchased for flow modulation only is used for seal function;
3) A valve uni-directional shaft-side installed as disc-side;
4) Valve is installed on the line with the shaft in a different position compared to the drawings;
5) Valve executes some cycles but it has not been connected to the pipeline, in order to guarantee the
6) Actuator is removed or modified and the valve is controlled with another device: valve damage risk
(e.g. shaft torsion, seal ring failure, seizure of shaft, bearings, unloosening washer and thrust bearing);
In some cases (e.g. shaft torsion, seal ring failure) pressure retaining of the valve on the pipeline is
reduced; this could be a risk in case of non-flanged valves or welded at both sides;
7) A torque exceeding the maximum allowable torque is applicated to the valve;


8) Bottom flange, Top entry flange or gland flange have been removed or their screw have not been
correctly locked;
9) Seal ring/ seal ring retaining flange not correctly locked-assembled;
10) Valve is used at a temperature out of the range;
11) A different state of the fluid/ different fluid is used on the pipeline on which the valve is installed, or
with a fluid not compatible with the valve materials;
12) Valve is pressurized:
- at T≤ ambient temperature, at a P> P max allowable (as indicated in the valve label);
- at T> ambient temperature, at P>pressure value indicated in Table 2 ASME B16.34;
13) Valve is installed in a position which facilitates some degenerative events like cavitation, which
compromises seal features of the valve. ;






According to the directive 2014/68/UE, valves installed in the European Community are provided with the
following CE label:

Where each field /item has the following meaning:

1. Valve series according to Orton Standard 13. Fluid Media
2. Nominal Diameter of the Valve (inch or 14. Seat Material
15. Max Differential pressure
3. Product Description (Butterfly valve) 16. Seal Material
4. Intended Use (On-Off or Modulating) 17. Max Operating Pressure at a xxx
5. Body Material temperature
6. End Connection standard 18. Min/Max Working Temperature
19. Serial Number of the valve
7. Year of production
8. Disc Material 20. Tag Number
21. Applicable international standards
9. Body cold max working pressure
10. Weight of the valve assembly 22. Fluid group in accordance with PED
11. Shaft Material
12. Seat Test Pressure 23. Atex Directive CE marking and



According to ATEX Directive 2014/34/UE, valves installed in the European Community are provided with the
CE marking name plate, shown in para. 8.1, where the ATEX Certification Identification is:

II 2 GD c Tx min/max WT (*) Tech.File: ST 04-257

II 2 = Group II (surface), category 2

G = Explosive Atmosphere with gases, vapours, mists or air/dust mixtures presence
D = Explosive Atmosphere with dust presence
c = Protection mode for non electrical equipment “constructional safety”
TX = Max Surface temperature

The Orton Equipment (Butterfly Valve) is suitable for all gas group, including group IIC.

The valve is classified TX, since the temperature depends from the process media passing through
the valve.

min / max WT (*) = min / max working temperature : -196°C / + 550°C

The min / max working temperatures are listed in the valve main name plate.

Tech.File: ST 04-257 = reference of Technical File deposited to Notified Body (NEMKO Italy)

Correspondence between hazardous areas, substances and categories

Zona pericolosa Categories in accordance with Directive

Gases, vapours or mists Zone 0 1G
Gases, vapours or mists Zone 1 2G or 1G
Gases, vapours or mists Zone 2 3G, 2G or 1G
Dusts Zone 20 1D
Dusts Zone 21 2D or 1D
Dust Zone 22 3D, 2D or 1D


8.2.1 SCOPE

The aim of this instruction is to inform the final user about the necessary info to correctly and safely use Orton valve in
order to prevent the creation of potentially presence of explosive atmosphere or the ignition of explosion in case the
valve is used in explosive atmosphere.


In case of actuated valve, all the equipments and electrical components installed on it, shall be covered with a separated
certification in accordance with ATEX 2014/34/UE.

All the components shall be suitable for use in classified zones with presence of Gas of group II and/or with presence of
dust (group III).

Orton butterfly valves shall be installed and maintained in accordance with the International standards relevant to
installation in hazardous area with risk of explosion in presence of gases / dusts (i.e. EN 60079-14, EN 60079-17)

In case of combustible dusts, regular clearing shall be performed in order to avoid dusts deposit.
All the maintenance operations shall be performed as explained in the maintenance manual and by qualified personnel



The valve surface temperature can reach the process design maximum temperature. The final user has to verify that
the temperature:

- can’t trigger the potential explosive atmosphere that could be present outside of the valve;
- can’t burn the dust present in the area where the valve is installed. Dust could deposit on the external valve
surface. The fire of that dusts may trigger a potential explosive atmosphere that can be present outside of
the valve.
- Due to solar radiation, the external valve surface can reach temperature higher then dust ignition point.
The dust fire could ignite a potential explosive atmosphere that can be present outside of the valve.

Orton valve are designed to withstand the maximum temperature that the valve could reach due to an external fire in
accordance with ISO 10497 (as indicated on tag plate). It is recommended that final user acknowledge with the limits
indicated in the applicable Fire Safe standard.

The temperature classes and/or the maximum components temperature shall be suitable for the temperature limit of
the installation area.

The min / max working temperature WT are indicated on the valve name plate.

TX: the valve is classified TX because the temperature depends from the process media passing through the valve.

Base on the safety limits indicated in the standard EN 1127-1, it is final user responsibility to limit the external valve
surface temperature under the ignition point of some substances (i.e. gases, dust, liquid, mixture) present in the
hazardous areas (refer to areas classification)

In case of temperature higher than 440°C, the valve surface temperature shall be consider a remaining hazard of
explosion. This hazard shall be evaluated by the final user in accordance with the Directive ATEX 99/92/EC (Equipment
and protective systems for potentially explosive) or with other national standards.



It is prohibited to use, near the valve during normal operation, flames and/or sparks (i.e. grinding) and/or electric arcs
(i.e. any kind of welding). In case some of the above potential sources is used, it is required to ensure that every possible
potential explosive atmospheres, inside and outside of the valve, are completely removed.

Orton valve are designed to withstand the maximum temperature that the valve could reach due to an external fire in
accordance with ISO 10497 (as indicated on tag plate). It is recommended that final user acknowledge with the limits
indicated in the applicable Fire Safe standard.


Ensure that the Ground Connection is directly connected with plant structures.
The valve doesn’t contain any electrical components. The only electrical components, if present, are installed on the
All the electrical components are purchased with ATEX marking and certification in accordance with Customer request
and/or with valve marking and certification. Please refer to dedicated Maintenance manual of each components for any
additional info.


Orton valve design guarantees the electrical continuity between every single components.
It is final user responsibility to ensure the equipotentiality between all the plant components directly connected to the


Orton valve design guarantees the electrical continuity between every single components.


The glitters prevention on non-conductive surface is ensure for group IIG using gases and vapours by group IIA and IIB
with a minimum painting thickness ≤ 2mm. In case of group IIC, the minimum painting thickness shall be ≤ 0,2 mm


It is final user responsibility to protect the valve installed using appropriated protection against thunderbolt.
The thunderbolt protection shall not compromised the corrosion cathodic protection.


It is final user responsibility to verify that no source of electromagnetic waves, ionic radiation, ultrasounds, adiabatic
compression and shock waves are present as indicated in the standard EN 1127-1


The valve materials are in accordance with Customer request and verified with process data supplied.
In case final user decides to use the valve with different fluid, not indicated in the process data previously supplied, it
is final user responsibility to verify the valve material compatibility.




The valves are designed to withstand the maximum temperature that the valve could reach due to an external fire in
accordance with ISO 10497 (as indicated on tag plate). It is recommended that final user acknowledge the limits
indicated in the applicable Fire Safe standard.
After Fire event, the valve shall be completely verified (metallic and non metallic components) before placing it again
in service


When the valve is exposure at a temperature below 0°C, the process media passing through the valve can solidify
increasing it is volume. The volume increase can compromise the valve sealing. In this case, a valve pressurisation with
potential explosive fluid could generate an external leaking and consequently a creation of potential explosive
atmosphere, with a possible propagation of explosion inside of the valve.
It is final user responsibility to verify that the fluid, during testing, normal o malfunction operation, shouldn’t solidify
due to a temperature reduction.


On the valve name plate it is clearly indicated which are the pressure and temperature limits for a correct and safety
valve use.
The Rating overpressure exposure can damage the valve body and compromise the sealing capability.


Orton valve body is different from other type of valve, for example ball or gate valve. The valve body is similar to the
pipeline but it has an higher thickness that allows Orton valve to withstand the pipeline stresses without compromising
the valve performance.
In case the valve is stressed during operation, the weakest point are the connecting flanges. As a matter of fact,
connecting flanges have always a thickness higher than the pipeline on which the valve is connected / installed.


The fabrication and sealing valve material are in accordance with Customer request, verified with process data supplied.
In case final user decides to use the valve with different fluid, not indicated in the process data previously supplied, it
is final user responsibility to verify the valve material compatibility.





The “Full Stroke Test + Leak Test” (“On/Off line”) must be executed to satisfy the PFDAVG (probably of
failure on demand) value.
The frequency of the proof tests shall be decided by the final client using the PFDAVG calculation.

 Recommended Test Interval = 1 year

 Procedure:
 the valve should be operated for n.° 2 open/close complete cycles without
complete closing the valve (to verify both FTO and FTC)
 the valve should be operated for n.° 2 open/close complete cycles closing under
complete torque the valve (to verify LCP)

The following parameters can be verified:

o Correct performing of open – close manouvre

o Required valve trim torque figures
o Required Open – Closure Times
o Internal Leakage
o Pressure Drop across valve trim.

Considering the application of the above described procedure, the “Test Coverage” can be considered


The “Partial Stroke Test” (“On/Off line”) can be performed to decrease the PFD values.

A typical partial stroke value is 20% of total valve travel movement.

The “Partial Stroke Test” (“On line”) must be executed to satisfy PFD (probably of failure on demand)
values reported in SIL Certification document.

 Recommended Test Interval = 1 – 3 months

 Procedure:
o the valves should be operated for n.° 4 open/close cycles till 20% travel movement min.
to verify both FTO and FTC.

The following parameters can be verified:

 Correct performing of partial stroke manouvre
 Required valve trim torque figures
 Required Open – Closure Times

Considering the application of the above described Partial Stroke Test procedure, the “Test Coverage” can
be considered:

 > 60% if Leakage in Closed Position is considered a dangerous failure for the safety function;
 > 90% if Leakage in Closed Position is not considered a dangerous failure for the safety function.

All information are given in good faith. Orton srl can accept no liability for any error or omission and
reserves the right to modification without notice for technical development.



05 08/07/2013 Update A.Bertolino N.Scalia F.Bracchi
06 28/07/2015 Update A.Bertolino N.Scalia F.Bracchi
07 31/05/2016 Update A.Bertolino N.Scalia F.Bracchi



SECTION 1 - PACKING .........................................................................................................4
1.1 Packaging for shipment ..............................................................................................5
1.2 Packing Requirements ...............................................................................................5
SECTION 2 - STORAGE .........................................................................................................7
2.1 PRESERVATION PROCEDURE AND STORAGE ACTIVITIES ...............................................8
SECTION 3 - VALVE HANDLING & ERECTION ...............................................................................9
3.1 Handling ............................................................................................................... 10
SECTION 4 - PRECOMMISSIONING & COMMISSIONING .................................................................. 11
4.1 Inspection............................................................................................................. 12
4.2 Installation ........................................................................................................... 12
4.3 Functional Test ...................................................................................................... 13
4.4 Troubleshooting Table ............................................................................................. 14
SECTION 5 - TIGHTENING PROCEDURE ................................................................................... 15
5.1 TIGHTENING PROCEDURE .......................................................................................... 16
5.2 TIGHTENING NOMINAL TORQUE .................................................................................. 17
5.2.1 BOLTING ......................................................................................................... 17
5.2.2 SCREW NUTS .................................................................................................... 18
5.2.3 PACKING NUTS ................................................................................................. 19
SECTION 6 - MAINTENANCE ................................................................................................. 20
6.1 Packing ................................................................................................................ 21
6.1.1 Packing Test After Maintenance ........................................................................... 22
6.2 Sealing Elements Maintenance ................................................................................... 22
SEALING CAPABILITY .................................................................................................... 24
ASSEBLY TABLE) .......................................................................................................... 25
6.4.1 removal of the valve from the line ........................................................................ 25
6.4.2 VALVE COMPLETE DISASSEmBLy ........................................................................... 25
6.4.3 VALVE COMPLETE ASSEmBLy ............................................................................... 26
6.5 LUBRICANT description and table ............................................................................... 27
6.5.1 IDENTIFICATION TABLE ....................................................................................... 27
6.5.2 GUIDANCE FOR USE ........................................................................................... 28
SECTION 7 - VALVE SERVICE CONDITION ................................................................................. 29
7.1 – VALVE SERVICE CONDITION ..................................................................................... 30
7.1.1 INTENDED USE ................................................................................................. 31
7.2.2 SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS AND MEASURES ...................................................................... 31
SECTION 8 – PED AND ATEX OPERATING AND SAFETY INSTRUCTION ................................................ 33


8.1 P.E.D. – Pressure Equipment DIrective ........................................................................ 34

8.2 ATEX – EXPLOSIVE ATMOSPHERES DIRECTIVE ................................................................. 35
8.2.1 SCOPE ............................................................................................................. 36
8.2.2 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION .................................................................................... 36
8.2.3 PREVENTION OF POTENTIAL IGNITION SOURCES ........................................................... 36
8.2.4 PREVENTION OF POTENTIAL EXPLOSIVE ATMOSPHERE CREATION ...................................... 38





 Pack the valves with the disc in slightly open position; protect the raised faces with protective oil
(i.e. -ENSIS DW 6062 - Brown Wax) and fix plastic or wooden flange protectors with straps on the
flange faces
 In case of bare shaft valves, cover the shaft ends with plastic tubes
 If a “fail open” hydraulic or pneumatic actuator is mounted to the valve, use the manual override to
lock the disc in the closed position; if a manual override is not included, construct a proper protective
 The packing method is to be defined in the Customer’s order and it must be able to ensure safe
transportation and eventual storage


The packing must fulfil the following requirements:

 Protection against mechanical stress and damage such as

- Vibration (e.g. transport over poor roads)
- Forces resulting from frequent loading and transferring
- Compression resulting from lifting with slings

 Protection against environmental factors such as :

- Corrosion caused by effects of relative humidity

- Decomposition and rotting resulting from industrial

exhaust fumes, saline air, rain, snow, splash water, mould etc.


PICTURES OF VALVES - Ready for shipment




For more detail refer to PACKING SHIPPING PROCEDURE





Orton VF Series entire range: double flanged short and long pattern, wafer, lugged standard versions


For a correct valve preservation & storage, ORTON suggests storing the valves in a closed area to avoid
contact with earth, sand and other solids that could damage the metal seal and the most delicate parts of
the manual actuators.

 The suggested environmental conditions for the storage are:

- Temperature not higher than 50° C.
- Relative humidity less than 65%.
- Direct exposure to sunlight should be avoided
- Clean environment

 During the valves handling caution must be taken to avoid impact between them or with resistant
solid bodies.We suggest to make sure that the valves discs are slightly opened and that they do not
stick out from valves face to face.
 In case the valve will be in storage for a period longer than 6 months, Orton recommends to perform
at least a functional test, with a minimum of 5 open/close complete cycles, to check valve and
actuator performances before their final installation.
 Carry out periodical checks in the storage area to be sure of the continued above mentioned conditions


Only if the valves have a proper packing, i.e. cases lined with tarred paper and contents well protected
with barrier sacks, the storage in an open area can be considered.





 Crate: handle the packed valves by means of fork lift truck

 Case: use the proper lifting points
 Unpacked valves: the handling must be carried out on pallets, paying attention to the machined
surfaces or, in case of large size using appropriate tools, i.e. brackets, hooks, fasteners, slings, etc.
(see Figs. 1, 2, 3)

Fig.1 - Bare shaft valve or with manual gear Fig.2 - Valves with pneumatic or hydraulic actuator

Fig.3 - Valves with electric actuator


 For valve handling and/or lifting, size and select the equipment considering the valve weight indicated
in the packing list and/or delivery note.
 Take care to avoid damaging to the most delicate parts of actuators (see actuator manual)
 During handling, pay attention to avoid impacting and / or dropping the equipment. Respect and
adhere to all local safety regulations.






 Remove the valve from the shipping package, taking care to avoid any damage to the valve and/or
 Remove the flange protectors and clean carefully, then remove the protective oil from both machined
surfaces with a solvent;
 Clean the internal part of the valve with an air line, ensuring the absence of solid objects coming
from the package, plastic coatings etc.;
 Check the integrity of the seal ring, especially in case of “fail-open” actuator presence;
 Check that the materials listed on the valve label are appropriate for the service intended and that
they are as specified;


 The VF series valve, if provided with the correct sized actuator, is suitable for a bi-directional service
and sealing capability, thus it can be mounted on the pipeline in any position, with horizontal and
vertical shaft. However, when possible, it is preferable to install the valve with the stem in the
horizontal position and with the lower part of the disc that opens towards the downstream side of the
pipe. The reason of these recommendations are:
- the disc and the stem weight is held by the radial bearing instead of the axial bearing (especially
for large size);
- with the shaft in horizontal position eventual solid deposit, that may accumulate in the lower
part of the pipe, are not affecting the valve bearing area and moreover may be eliminated by the
fluid when the lower part of the disc opens downstream.
 Before the valve installation, the pipeline must be cleaned from impurities, dirt and welding spots
that may eventually influence the valve sealing performance
 It is suggested to install the valve at least 5 times the pipe ND from any curve;
 Unless otherwise specified, the disc should be in the slightly open position to ensure that the seal ring
cannot be damaged during installation. Particular care should be taken with valves equipped with
“fail-open” actuators: if there is no manual override, connect the actuator to the supply media, to
close the disc prior to installation (especially for wafer and lug body styles);
 The valve should be fitted between the pipe flanges inserting two gaskets to guarantee the seal to
Gaskets between the flanges are not required in case of valve Rubber Body Lined,
 The use of hexagonal head bolts or shorter studs is recommended when the valve has threaded tapped
holes in the neck areas; tighten with a load adequate to the chosen gaskets;
 Follow the criteria and instructions of section 2 for handling and lifting of the valves during the


Perform piping flushing before installation; if not possible, keep the disc in fully open position before
starting with flushing. When the pipe is lined, pay attention that the disc does not come in contact with the
lining during its stroke, especially with wafer and lug bodies.



 If the valve is supplied with adjustable packing, the packing has been already pre settled in ORTON
before shipping; if during normal operation a leakage is detected from packing, tighten the packing
just to prevent stem leakage.
Over-tightening increases the operating torque and decreases the packing life (see section 5).
 Stroke the valve to its “full open” and “full closed” positions to check the valve operates correctly
 To verify the valve orientation, the disc position indicator marked on the shaft should rotate between
the cast bosses on the upper flange of the valve body for valves with top circular flanges.
The disc rotates clockwise to close.


If the piping is under pressure with water for testing and if it is shut down after testing for a long time it is
essential to either:
 Use corrosion inhibitor in the water to pressurise the pipe;
 Depressurise the pipe and completely drain the test water after testing;
 Manoeuvre the valve through a complete opening / closing cycle and leave the disc in half-open

Warning - Safety rules for operation

As the media can be corrosive, toxic, inflammable or contaminating, the following safety precautions must
be taken before disassembling the valve from the pipeline:

a) Check if there is upstream and downstream pressure in the pipe and in the valve; it is suggested to
close the upstream and the downstream valve.

b) Furthermore:
- always wear protective glasses
- always wear gloves and overalls
- always wear protective shoes
- make sure there is always running water available close to you
- make sure there is always a fire extinguisher, if the fluid is inflammable



Event Possible Cause Remedy

1. The packing is too tight(if applicable) 1. Loosen gland nuts
2. Actuator has failed 2. Replace or repair
Valve does 3. Valve packed with debris 3. Flush or clean the valve
not rotate 4. Stem key has sheared 4. Find cause of shearing and correctly replace stem key
5. Fluid solidification between bearings
5. Flush bearings using flushing taps (if present)
and shaft
1. Gland flange nuts too loose (if
1. Tighten gland flange nuts - See Section 5 “Tightening procedure”
packing 2. Packing damaged (if applicable) 2. Replace packing - See paragraph 6.1
3. Shaft O’Rings damaged 3. Replace Shaft O’Rings
flange 1. Bottom flange O’Ring damaged 1. Replace bottom flange O’Ring
seal leaking
1. Valve not fully closed 1. Close the valve
2. Debris trapped in valve 2. Cycle and flush (with valve open) to remove debris
leaking 3. Actuator mechanical stop improperly
3. Remove the stop for closure and reset properly
4. Seal ring damaged 4. Replace seal ring - See paragraph 6.2
1. Loosen gland nuts, cycle valve, retighten - Section 5 “Tightening
1. Packing is too tight (if applicable)
2. Check for correct pressure and increase air supply pressure
operation 2. Air supply is inadequate
and/or volume if appropriate
3. Actuator / stem adapter misaligned 3. Remove actuator mounting and realign

General Use

The VF Series valves are torque seated, so for:

 Manual operated valves

- Operate the valve applying the required torque;
- Do not force with added levers.
- To close, rotate the hand-wheel clockwise.

 Pneumatically actuated valves

- Be sure of the correct pressure level of the supply media.
- If the manual gear has been used, take care to disconnect it (after the use).
- In case micro switches are used, take particular care in connecting all the components in the
correct way
(e.g. in a such way not to exchange "open" with "closed") to obtain the correct signalling.

 Electrically operated valves

- Be sure of the correct electrical power requirements (Volts)





During the tightening only one screw will be tightened at a time; this factor can bring an anomalous stress
on flange. To avoid this situation the tightening have to be made following a predetermined order.

Step 1: tighten each screw with a third of the final required torque, following the sequence shown in the
above figure;

Step 2: increase the screw tightening torque up to two thirds of the final required torque following the
sequence shown in the above figure;

Step 3: increase the screw tightening torque up to the final required value of the torque following the
sequence shown in the above figure;

Step 4: make a last control on each screw working clockwise.




Note : Orton recommend to apply half the specified torque to the valve seal ring retaining flange screw
above M12





SHAFT Cl. 150 Cl. 300 Cl. 600 Cl. 900 Cl. 1500 Cl. 2500
12 5
20 5 5 5
24 5 5 25 55
28 5 5 10 15
35 5 5 15 55 105
40 5 5
45 5 5 15 25 90
55 10 15 35 55 110 245
60 10 15 40 130
65 10 15 40 75 125
75 10 20 60 85 215 240
90 15 30 70 120 285
100 20 40 115
105 215 330
110 25 45
120 25 45 150 325
130 25 50
135 270
140 35 65 195
160 40 75 220 345 465
170 360
180 45 85 215
200 45 85 255 315
220 60 115 280
240 60 120 305





If shaft leakage occurs through the packing, tighten the gland nuts slowly and evenly until the leakage stops
(Section 5 “Tightening procedure”).

Proceed as follows:


When tightening the gland nuts, use half-turn increments until leakage has stopped.

 Remove the gear / actuator and relevant connecting keys (2)

 Remove gland nuts (9). If present, remove belleville springs, paying attention to note their assembly
configuration in order to reassemble them correctly.
 Remove packing gland flange (6), anti blow-out ring (5) (if present) and packing follower (4).
 Remove old packing (3); if the packing flush option is present, remove lantern ring too (7).
 Clean packing cavity and shaft and apply a film of lubricant on internal body surface see (Tab.3).
 Insert new packing rings (and the lantern ring if present) in the same sequence as the one followed
during disassembly;
 Reassemble packing follower, anti blow-out if present and gland flange; if applicable, assemble the
belleville springs, as noted in the relative previous point, then assembly the gland nuts and tighten
with torque. See Para. 5.2.3 Packing Nuts;
 Reassemble keys on the upper stem end
 Reassemble the gear / actuator and close the valve (make sure that both the valve and gear are in
the open position when mounting the gear).


Do not force actuator on the stem. This should be a free moving fit!



 Cycle the valve

 Re-pressurise the line
 If a leakage is detected, tighten the gland nuts slowly and evenly until the leakage stops (do not
exceed values in see Section 5 “Tightening procedure”).


Proceed as follows:


Depressurise the line before starting any maintenance. Otherwise, serious personal injury and/or
equipment damage may occur.

 Unloose the bolts (2.3) on the retainer flange (2.2).

 Do not move the position of the grub screw (2.4) that have been set at the factory for the correct
rubber seal ring (2.1) compression.
 Rotate the disc (2) in open position.
 Completely unloose and remove the bolts (2.3)
 Carefully remove the seal ring retaining flange (2.2) to avoid any contact with the body seat.
 Remove the seal ring (2.1)
 Thoroughly clean the seal ring housing on the disc and the retaining flange, removing any traces of
rubber using a sharp tool.
 Inspect and clean the body seat using a cloth and solvent, any signs, scratches or marks can be
smoothed using sand paper N.400
 Protect the cleaned body seat using cloth, cardboard or rubber fixed with tape to avoid any damaging
during re-assembly of the new seal ring and the retaining flange.


 Replace the new seal ring (2.1), making sure that it is perfectly inserted in to the groove of the disc,
the use of a rubber hammer is advised for this.
 Verify the correct seal ring orientation with the smaller conical section on the top surface (the
retaining flange side).
 Re-assemble the retaining flange (2.2) being sure the T section of the rubber seal ring is in the perfect
 Hand tighten the flange retainer bolts (2.3) with the addition of Locktite type 971.
 Grease both the body seat and the edge of the rubber seal ring.
 Close the valve.
 Tighten up, the bolts (2.3) by using the proper key or pneumatic spanners


Do not use excessive amounts of lubricant.

Do not exceed the torque values indicated in Section 5 “Tightening procedure”



The pre-defined position of the grub screw (2.4) acting as a counter reaction, since the new seal ring is
dimensionally the same as the original one.

For this reason, it is enough to install the new seal ring as per procedure at point (2.1) and tight the bolts
(2.3) with the maximum torque (as per section 5).
In this way since the grub screw (2.4) are already set in the original position, the new seal ring will
consequently reach the correct radial compression as per the old seal ring that has been replaced.

However if a variation of the working condition at site are required, may be possible to vary the seal ring
radial compression to achieve a different valve sealing capability by applying a different tightening torque
on the bolts (2.3).

The attached table gives the correct value of torque to apply to the bolts (2.3).

The procedure to set a different seal ring radial compression is to keep the grub screw (2.4) not forced
against the metal surface on the disc, then tightening the bolts (2.3) with a calibrated torque as per the

The tightness of the bolts (2.3) has to be done in a crossed method, as shown in section 5, to tight the
bolts on a flange and then, as a last, screw down the grub screw (2.4), to generate the mechanical
counter-reaction to prevent the un-loosening of the bolts (2.3).

In this way, it is possible to achieve different seal ring (2.1) compression that may result as a different
radial protrusion of the seal ring.

Please note that in fact the difference in radial dimension to achieve a different sealing capability is
minimal, thus there is no any risk of extrusion of the rubber even for high pressure valve rating. Moreover
our seal ring has a "T" section that prevents any extrusion from the groove on the disc.





Depressurise the line before starting any maintenance. Otherwise, serious personal injury and/or
equipment damage may occur.

• Check that the valve is in the closed position;

• Release counter-flange bolts, until the valve is free, and carefully lift the valve ensuring that the
flange contact surface is not damaged, as shown in section 3.


 Disassemble the seal ring as per point 6.2

 Remove the actuator (loosening its' bolts)
 Unscrew the bottom flange bolts (4.2) and remove the bottom flange (4) and O-Ring (4.1)
 Remove the Unloosening washer (9.2)
 Unscrew the thrust bearing screw (9.1)
 Remove the thrust bearing washer (9)
 Unscrew the pin locking nuts (3.3) and take out the shaft pins (3.2)
 Keep the disc (2) suspended using 3 or 4 eyebolts screwed into the threaded holes utilized to fix the
retaining flange to the disc.
 Take out the upper stub shaft (3) and the lower stub shaft (3.1), or the shaft when in one piece.


During axial movement of the shaft particular attention must be taken so that the disc (2) does not damage
the body seat, it is advisable to insert thick rubber or wood between disc edge and valve body.

 After removing the shaft, the disc is free to be taken out of the valve.
 Remove the shaft bearings (8) and replace the O-Rings (8.1 and 8.2) which are used as bearing protector
 Remove the upper bearing (5) from the top flange of the body
 Replace O-Ring (5.1 and 5.2) which are located on upper bearing (5)



Prior to completely assemble the valve, carefully check the body seat.
The seat must be in perfect condition and perfectly clean. To clean the seat use a cloth and solvent. Any
signs, scratches or marks must be removed and smoothed by using Sand paper n.400 and then n.200.

• Before assemble, lightly grease the body seat surface (using type VI of the table in section 6.5.1).
• Be sure that the following components are greased (using type VI of the table in section 6.5.1):
- Internal diameter of the two bearings (8) and upper bearing (5)
- Upper and Lower shaft.
- Thrust bearing group (9, 9.1, 9.2)

Prior to assemble the valve all parts must be perfectly cleaned, move all the components with special
care and caution avoiding any damage.
If some components have been damaged, appropriate tools should be used to fix them.

• Partially introduce the upper (3) and lower (3.1) stub shafts in to the body (1), till the shaft appears
visible in the internal part of the body.
• Keep the disc (2) suspended using 3 or 4 eyebolts, depending on disc weight and dimension, screwed
into the threaded holes utilized to fix the retaining flange to the disc.
• Introduce the disc in to the body in the proper position.
• Perfectly align the two shaft holes in the disc hubs with the relevant shafts.
• Introduce the lower shaft in to the disc and then the upper shaft into the other side of the disc.
• Once the alignment is perfect, push completely the two shafts in the proper final position.
• Rotate the disc until the holes of the pins are perfectly aligned with the relevant pin holes into the
stub shafts.
• Introduce the pins (3.2) and push them to the bottom.
• By using a hammer fix the pins (3.2) and fix the pin locking nuts (3.3) with relevant washers, if
• Rotate the disc in closed position to verify the proper shaft alignment.
• Center the disc (2) in respect of the body seat diameter.
• Introduce the thrust bearing washer (9) by aligning the two holes with the threaded holes on the
bottom part of the shaft.
• Fix the two thrust bearing screw (9.1) and rotate them in order to center the disc in the correct
• Perfectly align the hexagonal head of the bolts (9.1) to allow the assembly of the Unloosening thrust
bearing washer (9.2)
• Introduce the O-Ring (4.1) in the relevant grove on the body
• Fix the bottom flange (4) by using the relevant bolts (4.2) and tighten them using torque values
shown in section 5.

During axial movement of the shaft, particular attention must be taken so the disc (2) does not damage
the body seat, it is advisable to insert thick rubber or wood between disc edge and valve near the shaft




Designation Identification Classification

viscosity Consistency
Type Typology Trade name Manufacturer

VG 460 NLGI 2
Sapphire Endure Rocol
VG 150 NLGI 2
Fomblin UT 18 Solvay Solexis
PTFE-based lubricant

VG 460 NLGI 2
Fomblin RT 15 Solvay Solexis
I VG 460 NLGI 2
Krytox GPL standard grease 207 Du Pont
VG 220 NLGI 2
Krytox GPL anticorrosion grease 226 Du Pont
VG 460 NLGI 2
Krytox GPL anticorrosion grease 227 Du Pont

n.a. NLGI 2
Renolit FLM 2 Fuchs
Lithium soap + MoS2

VG 220 NLGI 2
Molykote Longterm 2 Plus Dow Corning

II VG 100 NLGI 2
Molykote BR 2 Plus Dow Corning
VG 150 NLGI 2
Molykote G-4700 Dow Corning

n.a. n.a.
MoS2 +


Molykote D 321 R Dow Corning

PTFE-based MoS2 + graphite

n.a. NLGI 1
solid lubricant

Signal CEP 36 Extra Viscol

IV VG 68 n.a.
Molykote P74 Dow Corning

Molykote PTFE-N UV Dow Corning n.a. n.a.


V Interflon Fin Lube TF Interflon n.a. n.a.

Molykote 111 Dow Corning n.a. n.a.


VI Signal Siltemp Viscol n.a. NLGI 2


Kluber n.a. n.a.


VII Kluberalfa YV 93-302 Lubrication



- Type I: Homogeneous grease usable for bushing-stem coupling, in the case of chemical agents
(duplex valves) and for a medium/high temperature range.

- Type II: Lithium soap grease usable for bushing-stem coupling and for a medium/high temperature

- Type III: A dry air cured lubricant usable for bushing-stem coupling, on sealing surfaces and

- Type IV: A solid paste lubricant with dispersed graphite usable for bushing-stem coupling, on
sealing surfaces, threads and for high temperature applications.

- Type V: A dry air cured lubricant usable on the outer area, the external stem surface and bushings,
for medium/high temperature range applications.

- Type VI: Clear silicone grease for rubber valves and for metal-plastic-rubber coupling.

- Type VI: A solid paste lubricant, fully synthetic, non-fammable high pressure sliding agent with
good wetting properties. It is suitable as a sliding agent for valves and installations carrying gaseous
and liquid oxygen.




If the valve is supplied with P.E.D. certification

(Pressure Equipment Directive 2014/68/UE) and/or with ATEX certification

(Atmosphere Explosive Directive 2014/34/UE) refer to Section 8



VF Series Valves must be used strictly only in agreement with the service for which they were purchased.

Periodic inspection is highly recommended. For any action, please contact Orton.

Orton S.r.l. decline any responsibility in case of applications over the limits indicated in the nameplate

Where each field /item has the following meaning:

1. Valve series according to Orton Standard 11. Shaft Material
12. Seat Test Pressure
2. Nominal Diameter of the Valve (inch or mm)
3. Product Description (Butterfly valve) 13. Fluid Media
14. Seat Material
4. Intended Use (On-Off or Modulating)
15. Max Differential pressure
5. Body Material
16. Seal Material
6. End Connection standard
7. Year of production 17. Max Operating Pressure at a xxx temperature
18. Min/Max Working Temperature
8. Disc Material
19. Serial Number of the valve
9. Body cold max working pressure
20. Tag Number
10. Weight of the valve assembly
21. Applicable international standards



Intended use of the equipment (valve) is the list of the equipment limitation of use that shall be follow
during all the valve lifetime, in order to avoid or reduce the risks of the residual hazards.
1) Valve is designed in order to work connected to a pipeline with on/off or modulating purpose as
indicated in the valve label dedicated field “INTENDED USE”;
2) Valve is connected to the pipeline in order to:
- work accordingly to the flow direction, as indicated in the approved documentation (bi-directional, uni-
directional shaft side, uni-directional disc side).
- work with the shaft/actuator in horizontal/vertical position accordingly to the order requisition (GA
3) Valve is designed in order to perform pressure retaining functions having been fabricated with the
material indicated in the order (data sheet) and detailed in the name plate fields 5, 8, 11, 14 and 16.
4) Valve is designed in order to work between the minimum and maximum temperature indicated in the
label field 18.
5) Valve is designed in order to perform pressure retaining along the pipeline at the maximum pressure
indicated at the voice ‘Seat PT’ and pressure retaining towards the external ambient at the pressure of
the class indicated as ‘Body max cold WP’.
6) Valve proper function is working on the pipeline respecting the right distance from line discontinuities.
7) Valve shall be operated only by means of the actuator in the ORTON configuration


Special Precautions and measures shall be taken in order to avoid or reduce the risks of the residual
hazards at the time of installation and/or use.

These are reasonably foreseeable misuse that shall be taken in consideration:

1) A valve purchased for seal function (on-off service) is used for flow modulation (modulating service);
2) A valve purchased for flow modulation only is used for seal function;
3) A valve uni-directional shaft-side installed as disc-side;
4) Valve is installed on the line with the shaft in a different position compared to the drawings;
5) Valve executes some cycles but it has not been connected to the pipeline, in order to guarantee the
6) Actuator is removed or modified and the valve is controlled with another device: valve damage risk
(e.g. shaft torsion, seal ring failure, seizure of shaft, bearings, unloosening washer and thrust bearing);
In some cases (e.g. shaft torsion, seal ring failure) pressure retaining of the valve on the pipeline is
reduced; this could be a risk in case of non-flanged valves or welded at both sides;
7) A torque exceeding the maximum allowable torque is applicated to the valve;


8) Bottom flange, Top entry flange or gland flange have been removed or their screw have not been
correctly locked;
9) Seal ring/ seal ring retaining flange not correctly locked-assembled;
10) Valve is used at a temperature out of the range;
11) A different state of the fluid/ different fluid is used on the pipeline on which the valve is installed, or
with a fluid not compatible with the valve materials;
12) Valve is pressurized:
- at T≤ ambient temperature, at a P> P max allowable (as indicated in the valve label);
- at T> ambient temperature, at P>pressure value indicated in Table 2 ASME B16.34;
13) Valve is installed in a position which facilitates some degenerative events like cavitation, which
compromises seal features of the valve. ;






According to the directive 2014/68/UE, valves installed in the European Community are provided with the
following CE label:

Where each field /item has the following meaning:

1. Valve series according to Orton Standard 13. Fluid Media
14. Seat Material
2. Nominal Diameter of the Valve (inch or
15. Max Differential pressure
3. Product Description (Butterfly valve) 16. Seal Material
4. Intended Use (On-Off or Modulating) 17. Max Operating Pressure at a xxx
5. Body Material
18. Min/Max Working Temperature
6. End Connection standard
7. Year of production 19. Serial Number of the valve
20. Tag Number
8. Disc Material
21. Applicable international standards
9. Body cold max working pressure
22. Fluid group in accordance with PED
10. Weight of the valve assembly
11. Shaft Material Directive
23. Atex Directive CE marking and
12. Seat Test Pressure



According to ATEX Directive 2014/34/UE, valves installed in the European Community are provided with the
CE marking name plate, shown in para. 8.1, where the ATEX Certification Identification is:

II 2 GD c Tx min/max WT (*) Tech.File: ST 04-257

II 2 = Group II (surface), category 2

G = Explosive Atmosphere with gases, vapours, mists or air/dust mixtures presence

D = Explosive Atmosphere with dust presence
c = Protection mode for non electrical equipment “constructional safety”
TX = Max Surface temperature

The Orton Equipment (Butterfly Valve) is suitable for all gas group, including group IIC.

The valve is classified TX, since the temperature depends from the process media passing through
the valve.

min / max WT (*) = min / max working temperature : -196°C / + 550°C

The min / max working temperatures are listed in the valve main name plate.

Tech.File: ST 04-257 = reference of Technical File deposited to Notified Body (NEMKO Italy)

Correspondence between hazardous areas, substances and categories

Zona pericolosa Categories in accordance with Directive

Gases, vapours or mists Zone 0 1G
Gases, vapours or mists Zone 1 2G or 1G
Gases, vapours or mists Zone 2 3G, 2G or 1G
Dusts Zone 20 1D
Dusts Zone 21 2D or 1D
Dust Zone 22 3D, 2D or 1D


8.2.1 SCOPE

The aim of this instruction is to inform the final user about the necessary info to correctly and safely use Orton valve in
order to prevent the creation of potentially presence of explosive atmosphere or the ignition of explosion in case the
valve is used in explosive atmosphere.


In case of actuated valve, all the equipments and electrical components installed on it, shall be covered with a separated
certification in accordance with ATEX 2014/34/UE.

All the components shall be suitable for use in classified zones with presence of Gas of group II and/or with presence of
dust (group III).

Orton butterfly valves shall be installed and maintained in accordance with the International standards relevant to
installation in hazardous area with risk of explosion in presence of gases / dusts (i.e. EN 60079-14, EN 60079-17)

In case of combustible dusts, regular clearing shall be performed in order to avoid dusts deposit.
All the maintenance operations shall be performed as explained in the maintenance manual and by qualified personnel



The valve surface temperature can reach the process design maximum temperature. The final user has to verify that
the temperature:

- can’t trigger the potential explosive atmosphere that could be present outside of the valve;
- can’t burn the dust present in the area where the valve is installed. Dust could deposit on the external valve
surface. The fire of that dusts may trigger a potential explosive atmosphere that can be present outside of
the valve.
- Due to solar radiation, the external valve surface can reach temperature higher then dust ignition point.
The dust fire could ignite a potential explosive atmosphere that can be present outside of the valve.

Orton valve are designed to withstand the maximum temperature that the valve could reach due to an external fire in
accordance with ISO 10497 (as indicated on tag plate). It is recommended that final user acknowledge with the limits
indicated in the applicable Fire Safe standard.

The temperature classes and/or the maximum components temperature shall be suitable for the temperature limit of
the installation area.

The min / max working temperature WT are indicated on the valve name plate.

TX: the valve is classified TX because the temperature depends from the process media passing through the valve.

Base on the safety limits indicated in the standard EN 1127-1, it is final user responsibility to limit the external valve
surface temperature under the ignition point of some substances (i.e. gases, dust, liquid, mixture) present in the
hazardous areas (refer to areas classification)

In case of temperature higher than 440°C, the valve surface temperature shall be consider a remaining hazard of
explosion. This hazard shall be evaluated by the final user in accordance with the Directive ATEX 99/92/EC (Equipment
and protective systems for potentially explosive) or with other national standards.



It is prohibited to use, near the valve during normal operation, flames and/or sparks (i.e. grinding) and/or electric arcs
(i.e. any kind of welding). In case some of the above potential sources is used, it is required to ensure that every possible
potential explosive atmospheres, inside and outside of the valve, are completely removed.

Orton valve are designed to withstand the maximum temperature that the valve could reach due to an external fire in
accordance with ISO 10497 (as indicated on tag plate). It is recommended that final user acknowledge with the limits
indicated in the applicable Fire Safe standard.


Ensure that the Ground Connection is directly connected with plant structures.
The valve doesn’t contain any electrical components. The only electrical components, if present, are installed on the
All the electrical components are purchased with ATEX marking and certification in accordance with Customer request
and/or with valve marking and certification. Please refer to dedicated Maintenance manual of each components for any
additional info.


Orton valve design guarantees the electrical continuity between every single components.
It is final user responsibility to ensure the equipotentiality between all the plant components directly connected to the


Orton valve design guarantees the electrical continuity between every single components.


The glitters prevention on non-conductive surface is ensure for group IIG using gases and vapours by group IIA and IIB
with a minimum painting thickness ≤ 2mm. In case of group IIC, the minimum painting thickness shall be ≤ 0,2 mm


It is final user responsibility to protect the valve installed using appropriated protection against thunderbolt.
The thunderbolt protection shall not compromised the corrosion cathodic protection.


It is final user responsibility to verify that no source of electromagnetic waves, ionic radiation, ultrasounds, adiabatic
compression and shock waves are present as indicated in the standard EN 1127-1


The valve materials are in accordance with Customer request and verified with process data supplied.
In case final user decides to use the valve with different fluid, not indicated in the process data previously supplied, it
is final user responsibility to verify the valve material compatibility.




The valves are designed to withstand the maximum temperature that the valve could reach due to an external fire in
accordance with ISO 10497 (as indicated on tag plate). It is recommended that final user acknowledge the limits
indicated in the applicable Fire Safe standard.
After Fire event, the valve shall be completely verified (metallic and non metallic components) before placing it again
in service


When the valve is exposure at a temperature below 0°C, the process media passing through the valve can solidify
increasing it is volume. The volume increase can compromise the valve sealing. In this case, a valve pressurisation with
potential explosive fluid could generate an external leaking and consequently a creation of potential explosive
atmosphere, with a possible propagation of explosion inside of the valve.
It is final user responsibility to verify that the fluid, during testing, normal o malfunction operation, shouldn’t solidify
due to a temperature reduction.


On the valve name plate it is clearly indicated which are the pressure and temperature limits for a correct and safety
valve use.
The Rating overpressure exposure can damage the valve body and compromise the sealing capability.


Orton valve body is different from other type of valve, for example ball or gate valve. The valve body is similar to the
pipeline but it has an higher thickness that allows Orton valve to withstand the pipeline stresses without compromising
the valve performance.
In case the valve is stressed during operation, the weakest point are the connecting flanges. As a matter of fact,
connecting flanges have always a thickness higher than the pipeline on which the valve is connected / installed.


The fabrication and sealing valve material are in accordance with Customer request, verified with process data supplied.
In case final user decides to use the valve with different fluid, not indicated in the process data previously supplied, it
is final user responsibility to verify the valve material compatibility.

Multi-turn actuators
SA 07.2 SA 16.2
SAR 07.2 SAR 16.2
Control unit: electronic (MWG)
with actuator controls
AC 01.2 Non-Intrusive

Profibus DP
Modbus RTU
Modbus TCP/IP
Foundation Fieldbus

Operation instructions Assembly, operation, commissioning

SA 07.2 SA 16.2 / SAR 07.2 SAR 16.2 Control unit: electronic (MWG)
Table of contents AC 01.2 Non-Intrusive

Read operation instructions first.

Observe safety instructions.
These operation instructions are part of the product.
Retain operation instructions during product life.
Pass on instructions to any subsequent user or owner of the product.

Purpose of the document:

This document contains information for installation, commissioning, operation and maintenance staff. It is intended
to support device installation and commissioning.

Reference documents:
Manual (Operation and setting ) of actuator controls AC 01.2 Parallel
Reference documents can be downloaded from the Internet (www.auma.com) or ordered directly from AUMA
(refer to <Addresses>).

Table of contents Page

1. Safety instructions................................................................................................................. 5
1.1. Basic information on safety 5
1.2. Range of application 5
1.3. Applications in Ex zone 22 (option) 6
1.4. Warnings and notes 6
1.5. References and symbols 7
2. Identification........................................................................................................................... 8
2.1. Name plate 8
2.2. Short description 11
3. Transport, storage and packaging........................................................................................ 12
3.1. Transport 12
3.2. Storage 14
3.3. Packaging 14
4. Assembly................................................................................................................................ 16
4.1. Mounting position 16
4.2. Handwheel fitting 16
4.3. Multi-turn actuator: mount to valve/gearbox 16
4.3.1. Output drive type A 16 Stem nut: finish machining 17 Multi-turn actuator (with output drive type A): mount to valve 18
4.3.2. Output drive types B 19 Multi-turn actuator with output drive types B: mount to valve/gearbox 20
4.4. Accessories for assembly 21
4.4.1. Stem protection tube for rising valve stem 21
4.5. Mounting positions of local controls 22
4.5.1. Mounting positions: modify 22

5. Electrical connection............................................................................................................. 23
5.1. Basic information 23
5.2. S/SH electrical connection (AUMA plug/socket connector) 25
5.2.1. Terminal compartment : open 26
5.2.2. Cable connection 27

SA 07.2 SA 16.2 / SAR 07.2 SAR 16.2 Control unit: electronic (MWG)
AC 01.2 Non-Intrusive Table of contents

5.2.3. Terminal compartment : close 28

5.3. Accessories for electrical connection 29
5.3.1. Controls mounted on wall bracket 29
5.3.2. Parking frame 30
5.3.3. DS intermediate frame for double sealing 30
5.3.4. External earth connection 31
6. Operation................................................................................................................................ 32
6.1. Manual operation 32
6.1.1. Engage manual operation 32
6.1.2. Manual operation: disengage 32
6.2. Motor operation 33
6.2.1. Local actuator operation 33
6.2.2. Actuator operation from remote 34
6.3. Menu navigation via push buttons (for settings and indications) 34
6.3.1. Menu layout and navigation 35
6.4. User level, password 36
6.4.1. Password entry 36
6.4.2. Password change 37
6.5. Language in the display 37
6.5.1. Language change 38
7. Indications.............................................................................................................................. 39
7.1. Indications during commissioning 39
7.2. Indications in the display 39
7.2.1. Feedback indications from actuator and valve 40
7.2.2. Status indications according to AUMA classification 43
7.2.3. Status indications according to NAMUR recommendation 43
7.3. Indication lights of local controls 45
7.4. Optional indications 46
7.4.1. Mechanical position indication (self-adjusting) 46
7.4.2. Mechanical position indication via indicator mark 46
8. Signals (output signals)......................................................................................................... 47
8.1. Status signals via output contacts (digital outputs) 47
8.1.1. Assignment of outputs 47
8.1.2. Coding the outputs 47
8.2. Analogue signals 47

9. Commissioning (basic settings)........................................................................................... 49

9.1. Type of seating: set 49
9.2. Torque switching: set 50
9.3. Limit switching: set 51
9.4. Test run 53
9.4.1. Direction of rotation at mechanical position indicator: check 54
9.4.2. Direction of rotation at hollow shaft/stem: check 55
9.4.3. Limit switching: check 55
10. Commissioning (settings/options in the actuator)............................................................. 57
10.1. Switch compartment: open/close 57
10.2. Mechanical position indicator (self-adjusting) 58
10.2.1. Mechanical position indicator: set 58
10.2.2. Gear stage of the reduction gearing: test/set 59

SA 07.2 SA 16.2 / SAR 07.2 SAR 16.2 Control unit: electronic (MWG)
Table of contents AC 01.2 Non-Intrusive

10.3. Mechanical position indication via indicator mark (not self-adjusting) 60

10.3.1. Mechanical position indicator: set 60
10.3.2. Gear stage of the reduction gearing: test/set 60
11. Corrective action.................................................................................................................... 63
11.1. Faults during operation/commissioning 63
11.2. Fault indications and warning indications 63
11.3. Fuses 67
11.3.1. Fuses within the actuator controls 67
11.3.2. Motor protection (thermal monitoring) 69
12. Servicing and maintenance................................................................................................... 70
12.1. Preventive measures for servicing and safe operation 70
12.2. Maintenance 70
12.3. Disposal and recycling 71
13. Technical data......................................................................................................................... 72
13.1. Technical data Multi-turn actuators 72
13.2. Technical data Actuator controls 74

14. Spare parts............................................................................................................................. 79

14.1. Multi-turn actuators SA 07.2 SA 16.2/SAR 07.2 SAR 16.2 79
14.2. AC 01.2 actuator controls 81
15. Certificates.............................................................................................................................. 83
15.1. Declaration of Incorporation and EU Declaration of Conformity 83
Index........................................................................................................................................ 86
Addresses............................................................................................................................... 89

SA 07.2 SA 16.2 / SAR 07.2 SAR 16.2 Control unit: electronic (MWG)
AC 01.2 Non-Intrusive Safety instructions

1. Safety instructions
1.1. Basic information on safety
Standards/directives Our products are designed and manufactured in compliance with recognised
standards and directives. This is certified in a Declaration of Incorporation and an
EU Declaration of Conformity.
The end user or the contractor must ensure that all legal requirements, directives,
guidelines, national regulations and recommendations with respect to assembly,
electrical connection, commissioning and operation are met at the place of installation.

Safety instructions/warn- All personnel working with this device must be familiar with the safety and warning
ings instructions in this manual and observe the instructions given. Safety instructions
and warning signs on the device must be observed to avoid personal injury or property

Qualification of staff Assembly, electrical connection, commissioning, operation, and maintenance must
be carried out by suitably qualified personnel authorised by the end user or contractor
of the plant only.
Prior to working on this product, the staff must have thoroughly read and understood
these instructions and, furthermore, know and observe officially recognised rules
regarding occupational health and safety.

Commissioning Prior to commissioning, it is important to check that all settings meet the requirements
of the application. Incorrect settings might present a danger to the application, e.g.
cause damage to the valve or the installation. The manufacturer will not be held
liable for any consequential damage. Such risk lies entirely with the user.

Operation Prerequisites for safe and smooth operation:

Correct transport, proper storage, mounting and installation, as well as careful
Only operate the device if it is in perfect condition while observing these instruc-
Immediately report any faults and damage and allow for corrective measures.
Observe recognised rules for occupational health and safety.
Observe national regulations.

occur. To prevent possible burns, we recommend checking the surface temper-

ature using an appropriate thermometer and wearing protective gloves, if re-
quired, prior to working on the device.

Protective measures The end user or the contractor are responsible for implementing required protective
measures on site, such as enclosures, barriers, or personal protective equipment
for the staff.

Maintenance To ensure safe device operation, the maintenance instructions included in this manual
must be observed.
Any device modification requires prior written consent of the manufacturer.
1.2. Range of application
AUMA multi-turn actuators are designed for the operation of industrial valves, e.g.
globe valves, gate valves, butterfly valves, and ball valves.
Other applications require explicit (written) confirmation by the manufacturer.

The following applications are not permitted, e.g.:

Industrial trucks according to EN ISO 3691
Lifting appliances according to EN 14502
Passenger lifts according to DIN 15306 and 15309
Service lifts according to EN 81-1/A1

SA 07.2 SA 16.2 / SAR 07.2 SAR 16.2 Control unit: electronic (MWG)
Safety instructions AC 01.2 Non-Intrusive

Continuous duty
Buried service
Continuous submersion (observe enclosure protection)
Potentially explosive areas, with the exception of zone 22
Radiation exposed areas in nuclear power plants
No liability can be assumed for inappropriate or unintended use.
Observance of these operation instructions is considered as part of the device's
designated use.
Information These operation instructions are only valid for the "clockwise closing" standard
version, i.e. driven shaft turns clockwise to close the valve.
1.3. Applications in Ex zone 22 (option)

Actuators of the indicated series basically meet the requirements for applications in
dust hazardous locations of ZONE 22 in compliance with the ATEX directive
To comply with all requirements of the ATEX directive, observe the following points:
Actuators are marked with the explosion protection designation II3D... for use
in ZONE 22.
Maximum surface temperature of actuators

Increased dust deposit on the equipment was not considered for the determin-
ation of the maximum surface temperature.
The following conditions must be fulfilled to respect the maximum permissible
surface temperatures at the actuator:
- Respecting types of duty and technical manufacturer data
- Correct connection of thermal motor protection (thermoswitches or PTC

Ambient temperature Tripping temperature Maximum

Thermal motor protection surface temperature

The connector may only be connected or disconnected when not live.

The cable glands and cable entries used have to meet the requirements of
category II3D and must at least comply with enclosure protection IP67.
The actuators must be connected by means of an external earth connection
(accessory part) to the equipotential earth bonding or integrated into an earthed
piping system.
To ensure combustible dust hazard protection, seal hollow shaft against ingress
of dust:
- Using threaded plug (ref. no. 511.0) and appropriate seal
- Using metallic stem protection tube, protective cap and V-seal (ref. no.
568.1, 568.2, 568.3) for rising valve stem
As a general rule, the requirements of IEC 60079 Parts 14 and 17 must be re-
spected in dust hazardous locations. During commissioning, service, and
maintenance, special care as well as qualified and trained personnel are required
for safe actuator operation.
1.4. Warnings and notes
The following warnings draw special attention to safety-relevant procedures in these
operation instructions, each marked by the appropriate signal word (DANGER,

SA 07.2 SA 16.2 / SAR 07.2 SAR 16.2 Control unit: electronic (MWG)
AC 01.2 Non-Intrusive Safety instructions

Indicates an imminently hazardous situation with a high level of risk. Failure

to observe this warning could result in death or serious injury.

Indicates a potentially hazardous situation with a medium level of risk. Failure

to observe this warning could result in death or serious injury.

Indicates a potentially hazardous situation with a low level of risk. Failure to

observe this warning may result in minor or moderate injury. May also be used
with property damage.

Potentially hazardous situation. Failure to observe this warning may result in

property damage. Is not used for personal injury.

Arrangement and typographic structure of the warnings

Type of hazard and respective source!

Potential consequence(s) in case of non-observance (option)
Measures to avoid the danger
Further measure(s)

Safety alert symbol warns of a potential personal injury hazard.

The signal word (here: DANGER) indicates the level of hazard.
1.5. References and symbols

The following references and symbols are used in these instructions:

Information The term Information preceding the text indicates important notes and information.

Symbol for CLOSED (valve closed)

Symbol for OPEN (valve open)
Important information before the next step. This symbol indicates what is required
for the next step or what has to be prepared or observed.
Via the menu to parameter
Describes the path within the menu to the parameter. By using the push buttons of
the local controls you may quickly find the desired parameter in the display.
<> Reference to other sections
Terms in brackets shown above refer to other sections of the document which provide
further information on this topic. These terms are either listed in the index, a heading
or in the table of contents and may easily be located.

SA 07.2 SA 16.2 / SAR 07.2 SAR 16.2 Control unit: electronic (MWG)
Identification AC 01.2 Non-Intrusive

2. Identification
2.1. Name plate
Figure 1: Arrangement of name plates

[1] Actuator name plate

[2] Actuator controls name plate
[3] Motor name plate
[4] Additional plate, e.g. KKS plate (Power Plant Classification System)

Actuator name plate

Figure 2: Actuator name plate (example)

(= manufacturer logo); (= CE mark)

[1] Name of manufacturer
[2] Address of manufacturer
[3] Type designation
[4] Order number
[5] Serial number
[6] Speed
[7] Torque range in direction CLOSE
[8] Torque range in direction OPEN
[9] Type of lubricant
[10] Permissible ambient temperature
[11] Can be assigned as an option upon customer request
[12] Enclosure protection
[13] Data Matrix code

SA 07.2 SA 16.2 / SAR 07.2 SAR 16.2 Control unit: electronic (MWG)
AC 01.2 Non-Intrusive Identification

Name plate for actuator controls (example)

Figure 3: Name plate for actuator controls (example)

[1] Type designation

[2] Order number
[3] Serial number
[4] Actuator terminal plan
[5] Actuator controls terminal plan
[6] Mains voltage
[7] AUMA power class for switchgear
[8] Permissible ambient temperature
[9] Enclosure protection
[10] Control
[11] Data Matrix code

Motor name plate

Figure 4: Motor name plate (example)

(= manufacturer logo); (= CE mark)

[1] Motor type
[2] Motor article number
[3] Serial number
[4] Current type, mains voltage
[5] Rated power
[6] Rated current
[7] Type of duty
[8] Enclosure protection
[9] Motor protection (temperature protection)
[10] Insulation class
[11] Speed
[12] Power factor cos phi
[13] Mains frequency
[14] Data Matrix code

SA 07.2 SA 16.2 / SAR 07.2 SAR 16.2 Control unit: electronic (MWG)
Identification AC 01.2 Non-Intrusive

Descriptions referring to name plate indications

Type designation Figure 5: Type designation (example)

1. Type and size of actuator

2. Flange size
Type and size
These instructions apply to the following devices types and sizes:
SA.....= Type = Multi-turn actuator for open-close duty
Sizes and generation: 07.2, 07.6, 10.2, 14.2, 14.6, 16.2
SAR.... = Type = Multi-turn actuator for modulating duty
Sizes and generation: 07.2, 07.6, 10.2, 14.2, 14.6, 16.2
AC = Type = AC actuator controls
Size and generation: 01.2

Order number The product can be identified using this number and the technical data as well as
order-related data pertaining to the device can be requested.
Please always state this number for any product inquiries.
On the Internet at http://www.auma.com > Service & Support >myAUMA, we offer
a service allowing authorised users to download order-related documents such as
wiring diagrams and technical data (both in German and English), inspection certificate
and the operation instructions when entering the order number.

Actuator serial number Table 1:

Description of serial number (with example 0516MD12345)
05 16 MD12345
05 Positions 1+2: Assembly in week = week 05
16 Positions 3+4: Year of manufacture = 2016
MD12345 Internal number for unambiguous product identification

Actuator terminal plan Position 9 after TPA: Position transmitter version

I, Q = MWG (magnetic limit and torque transmitter)

AUMA power class for The switchgear used in the actuator controls (reversing contactors/thyristors) are
switchgear classified according to AUMA power classes (e.g. A1, B1, ....). The power class
defines the max. permissible rated power (of the motor) the switchgear has been
designed for. The rated power (nominal power) of the actuator motor is indicated in
kW on the motor name plate. For the assignment of the AUMA power classes to the
nominal power of the motor types, refer to the separate electrical data sheets.
For switchgear without assignment to any power classes, the actuator controls name
plate does not indicate the power class but the max. rated power in kW.

SA 07.2 SA 16.2 / SAR 07.2 SAR 16.2 Control unit: electronic (MWG)
AC 01.2 Non-Intrusive Identification

Control Table 2:
Control examples (indications on actuator controls name plate)
Input signal Description
24 V DC Control voltage 24 V DC for OPEN - CLOSE control via digital inputs (OPEN,
48 V DC Control voltage 48 V DC OPEN - CLOSE control via digital inputs (OPEN,
60 V DC Control voltage 60 V DC OPEN - CLOSE control via digital inputs (OPEN,
115 V AC Control voltage 115 V AC for OPEN - CLOSE control via digital inputs (OPEN,
0/4 20 mA Input current for setpoint control via analogue input

Data Matrix code When registered as authorised user, you may use the AUMA Support App to scan
the Data Matrix code and directly access the order-related product documents without
having to enter order number or serial number.
Figure 6: Link to the AUMA App:

For further Service & Support, software/apps/... refer to www.auma.com.

2.2. Short description

Multi-turn actuator Definition in compliance with EN 15714-2/EN ISO 5210:

A multi-turn actuator is an actuator which transmits torque to a valve for at least one
full revolution. It is capable of withstanding thrust.
AUMA multi-turn actuators SA 07.2 SA 16.2/SAR 07.2 SAR 16.2 are driven by
an electric motor and are capable of withstanding thrust in combination with output
drive type A. For manual operation, a handwheel is provided. Switching off in end
positions may be either by limit or torque seating. Actuator controls are required to
operate or process the actuator signals.
Actuator controls AC 01.2 actuator controls are used to operate AUMA actuators and are supplied
ready for use. The actuator controls may be mounted directly to the actuator or
separately on a wall bracket.
The functions of AC 01.2 actuator controls include standard valve control in
OPEN-CLOSE duty, positioning, process control, logging of operating data right
through to diagnostic functions.
Local controls/ Operation, setting, and display can be performed directly at the actuator controls.
AUMA CDT When set to local control, it is possible to
operate the actuator via the local controls (push buttons and display) and perform
settings (contents of these instructions).
read in or out data or modify and save settings via AUMA CDT software (ac-
cessory), using a computer (laptop or PC). The connection between computer
and actuator controls is wireless via Bluetooth interface (not included in these

Intrusive - Non-Intrusive
Intrusive version (control unit: electromechanical):
Limit and torque setting is performed via switches in the actuator.
Non-Intrusive version (control unit: electronic):
Limit and torque setting is performed via the controls, without removal of actu-
ator or actuator controls covers. For this purpose, the actuator is equipped with
an MWG (magnetic limit and torque transmitter), also capable to supply analogue
torque feedback signals/torque indication and analogue position feedback sig-
nals/position indication at the actuator controls output.

SA 07.2 SA 16.2 / SAR 07.2 SAR 16.2 Control unit: electronic (MWG)
Transport, storage and packaging AC 01.2 Non-Intrusive

3. Transport, storage and packaging

3.1. Transport
For transport to place of installation, use sturdy packaging.

Hovering load!
Risk of death or serious injury.
Do NOT stand below hovering load.
Attach ropes or hooks for the purpose of lifting by hoist only to housing and NOT
to handwheel.
Actuators mounted on valves: Attach ropes or hooks for the purpose of lifting
by hoist to valve and NOT to actuator.
Actuators mounted to gearboxes: Attach ropes or hooks for the purpose of lifting
by hoist only to the gearbox using eyebolts and NOT to the actuator.
Actuators mounted to controls: Attach ropes or hooks for the purpose of lifting
by hoist only to the actuator and NOT to the controls.
Respect total weight of combination (actuator, actuator controls, gearbox, valve)
Secure load against falling down, sliding or tilting.
Perform lift trial at low height to eliminate any potential danger e.g. by tilting.

Figure 7: Example: Lifting the actuator

Table 3:
Weights for multi-turn actuators SA 07.2 SA 16.2 / SAR 07.2 SAR 16.2
with 3-phase AC motors
Type designation Motor type1) Weight2)
Actuator approx. [kg]
SA 07.2/ VD... 19
SAR 07.2 AD... 20
SA 07.6/ VD... 20
SAR 07.6 AD... 21
SA 10.2/ VD... 22
SAR 10.2 AD... 25
SA 14.2/ VD... 44
SAR 14.2 AD... 48

SA 07.2 SA 16.2 / SAR 07.2 SAR 16.2 Control unit: electronic (MWG)
AC 01.2 Non-Intrusive Transport, storage and packaging

Weights for multi-turn actuators SA 07.2 SA 16.2 / SAR 07.2 SAR 16.2
with 3-phase AC motors
Type designation Motor type1) Weight2)
Actuator approx. [kg]
SA 14.6/ VD... 46
SAR 14.6 AD... 53
SA 16.2/ VD... 67
SAR 16.2 AD... 83

1) Refer to motor name plate

2) Indicated weight includes AUMA NORM multi-turn actuator with 3-phase AC motor, electrical con-
nection in standard version, output drive type B1 and handwheel. For other output drive types, heed
additional weights.

Table 4:
Weights for multi-turn actuators SA 07.2 SA 16.2 / SAR 07.2 SAR 16.2
With 1-phase AC motors
Type designation Motor type1) Weight2)
Actuator approx. [kg]
SA 07.2/ VE... 25
SAR 07.2 AE... 28
SA 07.6/ VE... 25
SAR 07.6 AE... 28
AC... 37
SA 10.2/ VE...48-4... 28
SAR 10.2 VE...48-2... 31
AC... 56-4... 40
AC... 56-2... 43
SA 14.2/ VE... 59
SAR 14.2 VC... 61
AC... 63
SA 14.6/ VE... 63
SAR 14.6 VC... 66

1) Refer to motor name plate

2) Indicated weight includes AUMA NORM multi-turn actuator with 1-phase AC motor, electrical con-
nection in standard version, output drive type B1 and handwheel. For other output drive types, heed
additional weights.

Table 5:
Weights for multi-turn actuators SA 07.2 SA 16.2 / SAR 07.2 SAR 16.2
With DC motors
Type designation Motor type1) Weight2)
Actuator approx. [kg]
SA 07.2/ FN... 63-... 29
SAR 07.2 FN... 71-... 32
SA 07.6/ FN... 63-... 30
SAR 07.6 FN... 80-... 44
SA 10.2/ FN... 63-... 33
SAR 10.2 FN... 71-... 36
FN... 90-... 56
SA 14.2/ FN... 71-... / FN... 80-... 68
SAR 14.2 FN... 90-... 100

SA 07.2 SA 16.2 / SAR 07.2 SAR 16.2 Control unit: electronic (MWG)
Transport, storage and packaging AC 01.2 Non-Intrusive

Weights for multi-turn actuators SA 07.2 SA 16.2 / SAR 07.2 SAR 16.2
With DC motors
Type designation Motor type1) Weight2)
Actuator approx. [kg]
SA 14.6/ FN... 80-... / FN... 90-... 76
SAR 14.6 FN... 112-... 122
SA 16.2/ FN... 100-... 123
SAR 16.2

1) Refer to motor name plate

2) Indicated weight includes AUMA NORM multi-turn actuator with DC motor, electrical connection in
standard version, output drive type B1 and handwheel. For other output drive types, heed additional

Table 6:
Weights for output drive type A 07.2 A 16.2
Type designation Flange size [kg]
A 07.2 F07 1.1
F10 1.3
A 10.2 F10 2.8
A 14.2 F14 6.8
A 16.2 F16 11.7

Table 7:
Weights for output drive type AF 07.2 AF 16.2
Type designation Flange size [kg]
AF 07.2 F10 5.2
AF 07.6 F10 5.2
AF 10.2 F10 5.5
AF 14.2 F14 13.7
AF 16.2 F16 23

3.2. Storage

Danger of corrosion due to inappropriate storage!

Store in a well-ventilated, dry room.
Protect against floor dampness by storage on a shelf or on a wooden pallet.
Cover to protect against dust and dirt.
Apply suitable corrosion protection agent to uncoated surfaces.

Damage on display caused by temperatures below permissible level!

AC actuator controls MUST NOT be stored below

Long-term storage For long-term storage (more than 6 months), observe the following points:
1. Prior to storage:
Protect uncoated surfaces, in particular the output drive parts and mounting
surface, with long-term corrosion protection agent.
2. At an interval of approx. 6 months:
Check for corrosion. If first signs of corrosion show, apply new corrosion protec-
3.3. Packaging
Our products are protected by special packaging for transport when leaving the
factory.The packaging consists of environmentally friendly materials which can easily

SA 07.2 SA 16.2 / SAR 07.2 SAR 16.2 Control unit: electronic (MWG)
AC 01.2 Non-Intrusive Transport, storage and packaging

be separated and recycled. We use the following packaging materials: wood,

cardboard, paper, and PE foil. For the disposal of the packaging material, we
recommend recycling and collection centres.

SA 07.2 SA 16.2 / SAR 07.2 SAR 16.2 Control unit: electronic (MWG)
Assembly AC 01.2 Non-Intrusive

4. Assembly

4.1. Mounting position

The product described in this document can be operated in any mounting position.
Restriction: When using oil instead of grease within the actuator gear housing, the
hollow shaft mounting position must be perpendicular, with the flange pointing
downward. The type of lubricant used is indicated on the actuator name plate (short
designation F...= grease; O...= oil).

4.2. Handwheel fitting

Information For transport reason, handwheels with a diameter of 400 mm and larger are supplied
separately within the scope of delivery.

Figure 8: Handwheel

[1] Spacer
[2] Input shaft
[3] Handwheel
[4] Retaining ring

1. If required, fit spacer [1] on input shaft [2].

2. Slip handwheel [3] onto input shaft.
3. Secure handwheel [3] using the retaining ring [4] supplied.
Information The retaining ring [4] (together with these operation instructions) is stored in a
weatherproof bag, which is attached to the device prior to delivery.

4.3. Multi-turn actuator: mount to valve/gearbox

Danger of corrosion due to damage to paint finish and condensation!

Touch up damage to paint finish after work on the device.
After mounting, connect the device immediately to electrical mains to ensure
that heater minimises condensation.

4.3.1. Output drive type A

Application Output drive for rising, non-rotating valve stem
Capable of withstanding thrust

SA 07.2 SA 16.2 / SAR 07.2 SAR 16.2 Control unit: electronic (MWG)
AC 01.2 Non-Intrusive Assembly

Design Output mounting flange [1] with axial bearing stem nut [2] form one unit. Torque is
transmitted to valve stem [3] via stem nut [2].
Figure 9: Design of output drive type A

[1] Output mounting flange

[2] Stem nut with dog coupling
[3] Valve stem

Information To adapt the actuators to available output drive types A with flanges F10 and F14
(year of manufacture: 2009 and earlier), an adapter is required. The adapter can be
ordered from AUMA. Stem nut: finish machining

This working step is only required if stem nut is supplied unbored or with pilot
Figure 10: Output drive type A

[1] Stem nut

[2] Axial needle roller bearing
[2.1] Axial bearing washer
[2.2] Axial needle roller and cage assembly
[3] Spigot ring

1. Remove spigot ring [3] from output drive.

2. Remove stem nut [1] together with axial needle roller bearings [2].

SA 07.2 SA 16.2 / SAR 07.2 SAR 16.2 Control unit: electronic (MWG)
Assembly AC 01.2 Non-Intrusive

3. Remove axial bearing washers [2.1] and axial needle roller and cage assemblies
[2.2] from stem nut [1].
4. Drill and bore stem nut [1] and cut thread.
Information: When fixing in the chuck, make sure stem nut runs true!
5. Clean the machined stem nut [1].
6. Apply sufficient Lithium soap EP multi-purpose grease to axial needle roller and
cage assemblies [2.2] and axial bearing washers [2.1], ensuring that all hollow
spaces are filled with grease.
7. Place greased axial needle roller and cage assemblies [2.2] and axial bearing
washers [2.1] onto stem nut [1].
8. Re-insert stem nut [1] with bearings [2] into output drive.
Information: Ensure that dogs or splines are placed correctly in the keyway of
the hollow shaft.
9. Screw in spigot ring [3] until it is firm against the shoulder. Multi-turn actuator (with output drive type A): mount to valve

Figure 11: Assembly of output drive type A

[1] Valve stem

[2] Output drive type A
[3] Screws to actuator
[4] Valve flange
[5] Screws to output drive

1. If the output drive type A is already mounted to the multi-turn actuator: Loosen
screws [3] and remove output drive type A [2].
2. Check if the flange of output drive type A matches the valve flange [4].
3. Apply a small quantity of grease to the valve stem [1].
4. Place output drive type A on valve stem and turn until it is flush on the valve
5. Turn output drive type A until alignment of the fixing holes.
6. Screw in fastening screws [5], however do not completely tighten.
7. Fit multi-turn actuator on the valve stem so that the stem nut dogs engage into
the output drive sleeve.
The flanges are flush with each other if properly engaged.
8. Adjust multi-turn actuator until alignment of the fixing holes.
9. Fasten multi-turn actuator with screws [3].

SA 07.2 SA 16.2 / SAR 07.2 SAR 16.2 Control unit: electronic (MWG)
AC 01.2 Non-Intrusive Assembly

10. Fasten screws [3] crosswise with a torque according to table.

Table 8:
Tightening torques for screws
Threads Tightening torque [Nm]
Strength class A2-80/A4 80
M6 10
M8 24
M10 48
M12 82
M16 200
M20 392

11. Turn multi-turn actuator with handwheel in direction OPEN until valve flange
and output drive A are firmly placed together.
12. Tighten fastening screws [5] between valve and output drive type A crosswise
applying a torque according to table.
4.3.2. Output drive types B
Application For rotating, non-rising valve stem
Not capable of withstanding thrust

Design Connection between hollow shaft and valve or gearbox via output drive sleeve fixed
to the hollow shaft of the multi-turn actuator via retaining ring.
When exchanging the output drive sleeve, later retrofitting to a different output drive
type is possible
Output drive type B: Output drive sleeve with bore according to DIN 3210
Output drive types B1 B4: Output drive sleeve with bore according to EN ISO
Figure 12: Output drive type B

[1] Flange multi-turn actuator (e.g. F07)

[2] Hollow shaft
[3] Output drive sleeve (illustration examples)
[3] B/B1/B2 and [3]* B3/B4, respectively with bore and keyway)
[4] Gearbox/valve shaft with parallel key

SA 07.2 SA 16.2 / SAR 07.2 SAR 16.2 Control unit: electronic (MWG)
Assembly AC 01.2 Non-Intrusive

Information Spigot at valve flanges should be loose fit. Multi-turn actuator with output drive types B: mount to valve/gearbox

Figure 13: Mounting output drive types B

[1] Multi-turn actuator

[2] Valve/gearbox
[3] Valve/gearbox shaft

1. Check if mounting flanges fit together.

2. Check if output drive of multi-turn actuator [1] matches the output drive of
valve/gearbox or valve/gearbox valve shaft [2/3].
3. Apply a small quantity of grease to the valve or gearbox shaft [3].
4. Fit multi-turn actuator [1].
Information: Ensure that the spigot fits uniformly in the recess and that the
mounting faces are in complete contact.
5. Fasten multi-turn actuator with screws according to table.
Information: We recommend applying liquid thread sealing material to the
screws to avoid contact corrosion.
6. Fasten screws crosswise to a torque according to table.
Table 9:
Tightening torques for screws
Threads Tightening torque [Nm]
Strength class A2-80/A4 80
M6 10
M8 24
M10 48
M12 82
M16 200
M20 392

SA 07.2 SA 16.2 / SAR 07.2 SAR 16.2 Control unit: electronic (MWG)
AC 01.2 Non-Intrusive Assembly

4.4. Accessories for assembly

4.4.1. Stem protection tube for rising valve stem

Figure 14: Assembly of the stem protection tube

[1] Protective cap for stem protection tube (fitted)

[1]* Option: Protective cap made of steel (screwed)
[2] Stem protection tube
[3] V-seal

1. Seal all threads with hemp, Teflon tape, or thread sealing material.
2. Screw stem protection tube [2] into thread and tighten it firmly.
Information: For stem protection tubes made of two or more segments, all
parts have to be thoroughly screwed together.
Figure 15: Protection tube made of segments with threaded sleeves (>900 mm)

[2] Segment of stem protection tube

[3] V-seal
[4] Threaded sleeve
3. Push down the sealing ring [3] onto the housing.
Information: For mounting segments, push down seals of segments down to
the sleeve (connecting piece).
4. Check whether protective cap [1] for stem protection tube is available, in perfect
condition and tightly placed on or screwed to the tube.

Risk of bending or oscillation of protection tubes exceeding a length of 2 m!

Risk of damage at stem and/or protection tube.
Secure protection tubes exceeding 2 m by an appropriate support.

SA 07.2 SA 16.2 / SAR 07.2 SAR 16.2 Control unit: electronic (MWG)
Assembly AC 01.2 Non-Intrusive

4.5. Mounting positions of local controls

Figure 16: Mounting positions

The mounting position of the local controls is implemented according to the order.
If, after mounting the actuator to the valve or the gearbox on site, the local controls
are in an unfavourable position, the mounting position can be changed at a later

4.5.1. Mounting positions: modify

Hazardous voltage!
Risk of electric shock.
Disconnect device from the mains before opening.

Electrostatic discharge ESD!

Risk of damage to electronic components.
Earth both operators and devices.

1. Loosen screws and remove the local controls.

2. Check whether O-ring is in good condition, correctly insert O-ring.
3. Turn local controls into new position and re-place.

Cable damage due to twisting or pinching!

Risk of functional failures.

Carefully assemble local controls to avoid pinching the cables.

4. Fasten screws evenly crosswise.

SA 07.2 SA 16.2 / SAR 07.2 SAR 16.2 Control unit: electronic (MWG)
AC 01.2 Non-Intrusive Electrical connection

5. Electrical connection
5.1. Basic information

Danger due to incorrect electrical connection

Failure to observe this warning can result in death, serious injury, or property damage.
The electrical connection must be carried out exclusively by suitably qualified
Prior to connection, observe basic information contained in this chapter.
After connection but prior to applying the voltage, observe the <Commissioning>
and <Test run> chapters.

Wiring diagram/terminal The pertaining wiring diagram/terminal plan (in German or English) is attached to
plan the device in a weather-proof bag, together with these operation instructions. It can
also be requested from AUMA (state order number, refer to name plate) or
downloaded directly from the Internet (http://www.auma.com).

Permissible networks Actuator controls (actuators) are suitable for use in TN and TT networks with directly
(supply networks) earthed star point for mains voltage up to maximum 690 V AC. Use in IT networks
for nominal voltages up to maximum 600 V AC are permissible. For IT network, a
suitable, approved insulation monitor measuring the pulse code is required.

Current type, mains Type of current, mains voltage and mains frequency must match the data on the
voltage, mains fre- actuator controls and motor name plates. Also refer to chapter <Identification>/<Name
quency plate>.
Figure 17: Motor name plate (example)

[1] Type of current

[2] Mains voltage
[3] Mains frequency (for 3-phase and 1-phase AC motors)

External supply of the For external electronics supply with 24 V DC and simultaneous use of DC motors
electronics (24 V DC, 48 V DC, 60 V DC, 110 V DC, 220 V DC), the 24 V DC controls voltage
supply should be ensured via the XK25/26 terminals, separately from the power
supply (U1, V1). In case of common supply using a single cable (links from U1, V1
with XK25/26, for 24 V DC only !!!), short-term excess or falling below the permissible
voltage limits can be the consequence during switching (24 V DC +10 %/ 10 %).
Any possibly incoming operation commands are not executed outside the admissible
limit values. The actuator controls briefly signal a fault condition.

Protection and sizing on For short-circuit protection and for disconnecting the actuator from the mains, fuses
site and disconnect switches have to be provided by the customer.

The current values for sizing the protection can be derived from the current
consumption of the motor (refer to motor name plate) plus the current consumption
of actuator controls.
We recommend adapting the switchgear sizing to the max. current (Imax) and selecting
and setting the overcurrent protection device in compliance with the indications in
the electrical data sheet.

SA 07.2 SA 16.2 / SAR 07.2 SAR 16.2 Control unit: electronic (MWG)
Electrical connection AC 01.2 Non-Intrusive

Table 10:
Current consumption of actuator controls
Mains voltage Max. current consumption
Permissible variation of the mains voltage 30 %
100 to 120 V AC 750 mA 1,000 mA
208 to 240 V AC 400 mA 750 mA
380 to 500 V AC 250 mA 400 mA
515 to 690 V AC 200 mA 400 mA

Table 11:
Maximum permissible protection
Switchgear Rated power max. protection
(switchgear with power class)1)
Reversing contactor A1 up to 1.5 kW 16 A (gL/gG)
Reversing contactor A2 up to 7.5 kW 32 A (gL/gG)
Reversing contactor A3 up to 15 kW 63 A (gL/gG)
Thyristor B1 up to 1.5 kW
Thyristor B2 up to 3 kW
Thyristor B3 up to 5.5 kW

1) The AUMA power class (A1, B1, ...) is indicated on the actuator controls name plate

Consider the motor starting current (IA) (refer to electrical data sheet) when selecting
the circuit breaker. We recommend tripping characteristics D or K for circuit breakers
in accordance with IEC 60947-2. For controls with thyristors, we recommend safety
fuses instead of circuit breakers.
We recommend refraining from using residual current devices (RCD). However, if
an RCD is used within the mains, the residual current device must be of type B.

For actuator controls equipped with a heating system and external electronics power
supply, the fuses for the heating system have to be provided by the customer (refer
to wiring diagram F4 ext.)

Table 12:
Fuse for heating system
Designation in wiring diagram = F4 ext.
External power supply 115 V AC 230 V AC
Fuse 2 AT 1 AT

If actuator controls are mounted separately from actuator (actuator controls on wall
bracket): Consider length and cross section of connecting cable when defining the
protection required.

Potential of customer All input signals (control inputs) must be supplied with the same potential.
connections All output signals (status signals) must be supplied with the same potential.

Safety standards Safety measures and safety equipment must comply with the respectively valid
national on site specifications. All externally connected devices shall comply with
the relevant safety standards for the place of installation.

Connecting cables We recommend using connecting cables and connecting terminals according
to rated current (IN) (refer to motor name plate or electrical data sheet).
For device insulation, appropriate (voltage-proof) cables must be used. Specify
cables for the highest occurring rated voltage.
Use connecting cable with appropriate minimum rated temperature.
For connecting cables exposed to UV radiation (outdoor installation), use UV
resistant cables.
For the connection of position transmitters, screened cables must be used.

SA 07.2 SA 16.2 / SAR 07.2 SAR 16.2 Control unit: electronic (MWG)
AC 01.2 Non-Intrusive Electrical connection

Cable installation in ac- Signal and fieldbus cables are susceptible to interference. Motor cables are
cordance with EMC interference sources.
Lay cables being susceptible to interference or sources of interference at the
highest possible distance from each other.
The interference immunity of signal and fieldbus cables increases if the cables
are laid close to the earth potential.
If possible, avoid laying long cables and make sure that they are installed in
areas being subject to low interference.
Avoid parallel paths with little cable distance of cables being either susceptible
to interference or interference sources.
5.2. S/SH electrical connection (AUMA plug/socket connector)

Figure 18: S and SH electrical connection

[1] Cover
[2] Socket carrier with screw-type terminals
Short description Plug-in electrical connection with screw-type terminals for power and control contacts.
Control contacts also available as crimp-type connection as an option.
S version (standard) with three cable entries. SH version (enlarged) with additional
cable entries. For cable connection, remove the AUMA plug/socket connector and
the socket carrier from cover.
Technical data Table 13:
Electrical connection via AUMA plug/socket connector
Power contacts Control contacts
No. of contacts max. 6 (3 equipped) + protective 50 pins/sockets
earth conductor (PE)
Designation U1, V1, W1, U2, V2, W2, PE 1 to 50
Connection voltage max. 750 V 250 V
Rated current max. 25 A 16 A
Type of customer connection Screw connection Screw connection, crimp-type (option)
2 2
Connection diameter max. 6 mm (flexible) 2.5 mm
10 mm (solid) (flexible or solid)

Information For some special motors, the connection of the power terminals (U1, V1, W1, U2,
V2, W2) is not performed via the AUMA plug/socket connector but via a terminal
board directly at the motor.

SA 07.2 SA 16.2 / SAR 07.2 SAR 16.2 Control unit: electronic (MWG)
Electrical connection AC 01.2 Non-Intrusive

5.2.1. Terminal compartment : open

Figure 19: Open terminal compartment

[1] Cover (figure shows S version)

[2] Screws for cover
[3] O-ring
[4] Screws for socket carrier
[5] Socket carrier
[6] Cable entry
[7] Blanking plugs
[8] Cable gland (not included in delivery)

Hazardous voltage!
Risk of electric shock.
Disconnect device from the mains before opening.

1. Loosen screws [2] and remove cover [1].

2. Loosen screws [4] and remove socket carrier [5] from cover [1].
3. Insert cable glands [8] suitable for connecting cables.
The enclosure protection IP stated on the name plate is only ensured if suit-
able cable glands are used.
Figure 20: Example: Name plate for enclosure protection IP68

4. Seal unused cable entries [6] with suitable blanking plugs [7].

SA 07.2 SA 16.2 / SAR 07.2 SAR 16.2 Control unit: electronic (MWG)
AC 01.2 Non-Intrusive Electrical connection

5.2.2. Cable connection

Table 14:
Terminal cross sections and terminal tightening torques
Designation Terminal cross sections Tightening torques
Power contacts 1.0 6 mm (flexible) 1.2 1.5 Nm
(U1, V1, W1, U2, V2, W2) 1.5 10 mm (solid)
Protective earth connection (PE) 1.0 6 mm (flexible) with ring lugs 1.2 2.2 Nm
1.5 10 mm (solid) with loops
Control contacts 0.25 2.5 mm (flexible) 0.5 0.7 Nm
(1 to 50) 0.34 2.5 mm (solid)

1. Remove cable sheathing.

2. Insert the wires into the cable glands.
3. Fasten cable glands with the specified torque to ensure required enclosure
4. Strip wires.
Controls approx. 6 mm, motor approx. 10 mm
5. For flexible cables: Use wire end sleeves according to DIN 46228.
6. Connect cables according to order-related wiring diagram.

In case of a fault: Hazardous voltage while protective earth conductor is NOT

Risk of electric shock.
Connect all protective earth conductors.
Connect PE connection to external protective earth conductor of connecting
Start running the device only after having connected the protective earth con-

7. Tighten PE conductors firmly to PE connection using ring lugs (flexible cables)

or loops (solid cables).
Figure 21: Protective earthing

[1] Socket carrier

[2] Screw
[3] Washer
[4] Lock washer
[5] Protective earth with ring lugs/loops
[6] Protective earthing, symbol:
8. For shielded cables: Link the cable shield end via the cable gland to the housing

SA 07.2 SA 16.2 / SAR 07.2 SAR 16.2 Control unit: electronic (MWG)
Electrical connection AC 01.2 Non-Intrusive

5.2.3. Terminal compartment : close

Figure 22: Close terminal compartment

[1] Cover (figure shows S version)

[2] Screws for cover
[3] O-ring
[4] Screws for socket carrier
[5] Socket carrier
[6] Cable gland (not included in delivery)
[7] Blanking plug

Short-circuit due to pinching of cables!

Risk of electric shock and functional failures.
Carefully fit socket carrier to avoid pinching the cables.

1. Insert the socket carrier [5] into the cover [1] and fasten with screws [4].
2. Clean sealing faces of cover [1] and housing.
3. Check whether O-ring [3] is in good condition, replace if damaged.
4. Apply a thin film of non-acidic grease (e.g. petroleum jelly) to the O-ring and
insert it correctly.
5. Fit cover [1] and fasten screws [2] evenly crosswise.
6. Fasten cable glands and blanking plugs applying the specified torque to ensure
the required enclosure protection.

SA 07.2 SA 16.2 / SAR 07.2 SAR 16.2 Control unit: electronic (MWG)
AC 01.2 Non-Intrusive Electrical connection

5.3. Accessories for electrical connection

5.3.1. Controls mounted on wall bracket
Design Figure 23: Design principle with wall bracket

[1] Wall bracket

[2] Connecting cables
[3] Electrical connection of wall bracket (XM)
[4] Electrical connection of actuator (XA)
[5] Electrical connection of controls (XK) - customer plug
Application The wall bracket allows separate mounting of controls and actuator.
If the actuator cannot be accessed.
If the actuator is subjected to high temperatures.
In case of heavy vibration of the valve.

Observe prior to connec- Permissible length of connecting cables: max. 100 m.

tion We recommend: AUMA cable set LSW20.
If the AUMA cable set is not used:
- Use suitable flexible and screened connecting cables.
- Use separate, CAN bus data cable for MWG of 120 Ohm character imped-

ufacturer: Lapp).
- Data cable connection: XM2-XA2 = CAN L, XM3-XA3 = CAN H.
- Voltage supply MWG: XM6-XA6 = GND, XM7-XA7 = + 24 V DC (refer to
wiring diagram).
- For the electrical connection at wall bracket [3], the terminals are made
as crimp connections.
- Use a suitable four indent crimp tool for crimping.
- Cross sections for flexible wires:

When using connecting cables, e.g. of the heater, requiring direct wiring from
the actuator to the XK customer connector (XA-XM-XK, refer to wiring diagram),
these connecting cables must be subjected an insulation test in compliance
with EN 50178. Connecting cables for MWG do not belong to this group. They
may not be subjected to an insulation test.

SA 07.2 SA 16.2 / SAR 07.2 SAR 16.2 Control unit: electronic (MWG)
Electrical connection AC 01.2 Non-Intrusive

5.3.2. Parking frame

Figure 24: Parking frame, example with S plug/socket connector and cover

Application Parking frame for safe storage of a disconnected plug or cover.

For protection against touching the bare contacts and against environmental
5.3.3. DS intermediate frame for double sealing
Figure 25: Electrical connection with DS intermediate frame

[1] Electrical connection

[2] DS intermediate frame
Application When removing the electrical connection or due to leaky cable glands, there is a
potential risk of ingress of dust and water into the housing. This is prevented
effectively by inserting the double sealed intermediate frame [2] between the
plug/socket connector [1] and the housing of the device. The enclosure protection
of the device (IP68) will not be affected, even if the electrical connection [1] is

SA 07.2 SA 16.2 / SAR 07.2 SAR 16.2 Control unit: electronic (MWG)
AC 01.2 Non-Intrusive Electrical connection

5.3.4. External earth connection

Figure 26: Earth connection for multi-turn actuator

Application External earth connection (U-bracket) for connection to equipotential compensation.

Table 15:
Terminal cross sections and earth connection tightening torques
Conductor type Terminal cross sections Tightening torques
Solid wire and stranded 3 4 Nm
Fine stranded 3 4 Nm
For fine stranded (flexible) wires, connection is made via cable lugs/ring terminals. When connecting
two individual wires with a U-bracket, cross sections have to be identical.

SA 07.2 SA 16.2 / SAR 07.2 SAR 16.2 Control unit: electronic (MWG)
Operation AC 01.2 Non-Intrusive

6. Operation

6.1. Manual operation

For purposes of setting and commissioning, in case of motor or power failure, the
actuator may be operated manually. Manual operation is engaged by an internal
change-over mechanism.

6.1.1. Engage manual operation

Damage at the motor coupling due to faulty operation!

Engage manual operation only during motor standstill.

1. Press push button.

Figure 27: Engage manual operation

2. Turn handwheel in desired direction.

To close the valve, turn handwheel clockwise:
Drive shaft (valve) turns clockwise in direction CLOSE.
Information To protect the valve, an overload protection is available as option for manual opera-
tion. If the torque applied at the handwheel exceeds a certain value (refer to order-
related technical data sheet), the shear pins will rupture and thus protect the valve
from damage. The handwheel can no longer transmit the torque (= handwheel is
spinning). Motor operation is still possible.
In case of shear pin rupture due to overload, we recommend replacing the safety

Figure 28: Handwheel without/with overload protection

[1] Handwheel without overload protection (standard)

[2] Handwheel with overload protection/safety hub (option)

6.1.2. Manual operation: disengage

Manual operation is automatically disengaged when motor is started again. The
handwheel does not rotate during motor operation.

SA 07.2 SA 16.2 / SAR 07.2 SAR 16.2 Control unit: electronic (MWG)
AC 01.2 Non-Intrusive Operation

6.2. Motor operation

Perform all commissioning settings and the test run prior to motor operation.

Valve damage due to incorrect basic setting!

Prior to electrical operation of the actuator, the basic settings i.e. type of seating,
torque and limit switching have to be completed.

6.2.1. Local actuator operation

Local actuator operation is performed using the local controls push buttons of actuator
Figure 29: Local controls

[1] Push button for operation command in direction OPEN

[2] Push button STOP
[3] Push button for operation command in direction CLOSE
[4] Push button RESET
[5] Selector switch

Hot surfaces, e.g. possibly caused by high ambient temperatures or strong

direct sunlight!
Danger of burns
Check surface temperature and wear protective gloves, if required.

Set selector switch [5] to position Local control (LOCAL).

The actuator can now be operated using the push buttons [1 3]:
- Run actuator in direction OPEN: Press push button [1] .
- Stop actuator: Press push button STOP [2].
- Run actuator in direction CLOSE: Press push button [3] .
Information OPEN and CLOSE operation commands can be given either in push-to-run or in
self-retaining operation mode. In self-retaining mode, the actuator runs to the defined
end position after pressing the button, unless another command has been received
beforehand. For further information, please refer to Manual (Operation and setting).

SA 07.2 SA 16.2 / SAR 07.2 SAR 16.2 Control unit: electronic (MWG)
Operation AC 01.2 Non-Intrusive

6.2.2. Actuator operation from remote

Risk of immediate actuator operation when switching on!

Risk of personal injuries or damage to the valve
If the actuator starts unexpectedly: Immediately turn selector switch to position
0 (OFF).
Check input signals and functions.

Set selector switch to position Remote control (REMOTE).

Now, it is possible to operate the actuator via remote control, via operation
commands (OPEN, STOP, CLOSE) or analogue setpoints (e.g. 0 20 mA).
Information For actuators equipped with a positioner, it is possible to change over between OPEN
- CLOSE control (Remote OPEN-CLOSE) and setpoint control (Remote SET-
POINT). Selection is made via MODE input, e.g. based on a 24 V DC signal (refer
to wiring diagram).

6.3. Menu navigation via push buttons (for settings and indications)
Menu navigation for display and setting is made via the push buttons [1 4] of the
local controls.
Set the selector switch [5] to position 0 (OFF) when navigating through the menu.

The bottom row of the display [6] serves as navigation support and explains which
push buttons [1 4] are used for menu navigation.
Figure 30:

[1 4] Push buttons or navigation support

[5] Selector switch
[6] Display

SA 07.2 SA 16.2 / SAR 07.2 SAR 16.2 Control unit: electronic (MWG)
AC 01.2 Non-Intrusive Operation

Table 16: Important push button functions for menu navigation

Push buttons Navigation sup- Functions
port on display
[1] Change screen/selection
Change values
Enter figures from 0 to 9
[2] Change screen/selection
Change values
Enter figures from 0 to 9
[3] Confirm selection
Enter <Edit> menu
Display more details
[4] C Enter Main menu
Cancel process
Return to previous display

Backlight The display is illuminated in white during normal operation. It is illuminated in

red in case of a fault.
The screen illumination is brighter when operating a push button. If no push
button is operated for 60 seconds, the display will become dim again.
6.3.1. Menu layout and navigation

Groups The indications on the display are divided into 3 groups:

Figure 31: Groups

[1] Startup menu

[2] Status menu
[3] Main menu

ID Status menu and main menu are marked with an ID.

Figure 32: Marking with ID

S ID starts with = status menu

M ID starts with = main menu
Group selection It is possible to select between status menu and main menu :
For this, set selector switch to 0 (OFF), hold down push button C for approx. 2
seconds until a screen containing the ID appears.
Figure 33: Select menu groups

You return to the status menu if:

SA 07.2 SA 16.2 / SAR 07.2 SAR 16.2 Control unit: electronic (MWG)
Operation AC 01.2 Non-Intrusive

the push buttons on the local controls have not been operated within 10 minutes
or by briefly pressing C

Direct display via ID When entering the ID within the main menu, screens can be displayed directly (without
clicking through).
Figure 34: Direct display (example)

Display indicates in the bottom row:

1. Press push button .
Display indicates:
2. Use push buttons to select figures 0 to 9.
3. Press push button to confirm first digit.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for all further digits.
5. To cancel the process: Press C .
6.4. User level, password
User level The user level defines which menu items or parameters can be displayed or modified
by the active user.
There are 6 different user levels. The user level is indicated in the top row:
Figure 35: User level display (example)

Password A password must be entered to allow parameter modification. The display indicates:

A specific password is assigned to each user level and permits different actions.

Table 17:
User levels and authorisations
Designation (user level) Authorisation/password
Verify settings
No password required
Change settings
Default factory password: 0000
Reserved for future extensions
Change device configuration
e.g. type of seating, assignment of output contacts
Default factory password: 0000
Service staff
Change configuration settings
AUMA administrator

6.4.1. Password entry

1. Select desired menu and hold down push button for approx. 3 seconds.
Display indicates the set user level, e.g

SA 07.2 SA 16.2 / SAR 07.2 SAR 16.2 Control unit: electronic (MWG)
AC 01.2 Non-Intrusive Operation

2. Press to select a higher user level and press to confirm.

Display shows:
3. Use push buttons to select figures 0 to 9.
4. Confirm first digit of password via push button .
5. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for all further digits.
Having confirmed the last digit with , access to all parameters within one
user level is possible if the password entry is correct.

6.4.2. Password change

Only the passwords of same or lower user level may be changed.
Example: The user is signed in as . This authorises him or her to modify
the passwords between user levels (1) to (4).

Menu point is only visible if user level has been set to

or higher.

Select main menu 1. Set selector switch to position 0 (OFF).

2. Press push button C and hold it down for approx. 3 seconds.

Display goes to main menu and indicates:
Change passwords 3. Select parameter either:
click via the menu to parameter, or
via direct display: press and enter ID
- Display indicates:
- The user level is indicated in the top row (1 6), e.g.:

- For user level 1 (view only), passwords cannot be changed. To change pass-
words, you must change to a higher user level. For this, enter a password via
a parameter.
4. For a user level between 2 and 6: Press push button .
The display indicates the highest user level, e.g.:
5. Select user level via push buttons and confirm with .
Display indicates:
6. Enter current password ( enter password).
Display indicates:
7. Enter new password ( enter password).
Display indicates: (example)
8. Select next user level via push buttons or cancel the process
via .
6.5. Language in the display
The AUMATIC actuator controls display is multilingual.

SA 07.2 SA 16.2 / SAR 07.2 SAR 16.2 Control unit: electronic (MWG)
Operation AC 01.2 Non-Intrusive

6.5.1. Language change

Select main menu 1. Set selector switch to position 0 (OFF).

2. Press push button C and hold it down for approx. 3 seconds.

Display goes to main menu and indicates:
Change language 3. Press .
Display indicates:
4. Press .
Display indicates the selected language, e.g.:
5. The bottom row of the display indicates:
continue with step 10
continue with step 6
6. Press .
Display indicates:
7. Select user level via resulting in the following significations:
black triangle: = current setting
white triangle: = selection (not saved yet)
8. Press .
Display indicates:
9. Enter password ( enter password).
Display indicates: and (bottom row)
Language selection 10. Select new language via resulting in the following significations:
black triangle: = current setting
white triangle: = selection (not saved yet)
11. Confirm selection via .
The display changes to the new language. The new language selection is saved.

SA 07.2 SA 16.2 / SAR 07.2 SAR 16.2 Control unit: electronic (MWG)
AC 01.2 Non-Intrusive Indications

7. Indications
7.1. Indications during commissioning
LED test When switching on the power supply, all LEDs on the local controls illuminate for
approx. 1 second.This optical feedback indicates that the voltage supply is connected
to the controls and all LEDs are operable.
Figure 36: LED test

Language selection During the self-test, the language selection can be activated so that the selected
language is immediately indicated in the display. For this, set selector switch to
position 0 (OFF).
Activate language selection:
1. Display indicates in the bottom row:
2. Press push button RESET and hold it down until the following text is displayed
in the bottom line: .
Figure 37: Self-test

The language selection menu follows the startup menu.

Startup menu The current firmware version is displayed during the startup procedure:
Figure 38: Startup menu with firmware version: 04.00.00 xxxx

If the language selection feature has been activated during the self-test, the menu
for selecting the display language will now be indicated. For further information on
language setting, please refer to chapter <Language in the display>.
Figure 39: Language selection

If no entry is made over a longer period of time (approx. 1 minute), the display
automatically returns to the first status indication.
7.2. Indications in the display
Status bar
The status bar (first row in the display) indicates the operation mode [1], the presence
of an error [2] and the ID number [3] of the current display indication.

SA 07.2 SA 16.2 / SAR 07.2 SAR 16.2 Control unit: electronic (MWG)
Indications AC 01.2 Non-Intrusive

Figure 40: Information in the status bar (top)

[1] Operation mode

[2] Error symbol (only for faults and warnings)
[3] ID number: S = Status page
Navigation support If further details or information are available with reference to the display, the following
indications or appear in the navigation support (bottom display row).
Then, further information can be displayed via the push button.
Figure 41: Navigation support (bottom)

[1] shows list with detailed indications

[2] shows further available information
The navigation support (bottom row) is faded out after approx. 3 seconds. Press any
push button (selector switch in position 0 (OFF)) to fade in the navigation support.
7.2.1. Feedback indications from actuator and valve

Display indications depend on the actuator version.

Valve position (S0001)
on the display indicates the valve position in % of the travel.
The bar graph display appears after approx. 3 seconds.
When issuing an operation command, an arrow indicates the direction
Figure 42: Valve position and direction of operation

Reaching adjusted end positions is additionally indicated with symbols (CLOSED)

and (OPEN).
Figure 43: End position CLOSED/OPEN reached

0% Actuator is in end position CLOSED

100% Actuator is in end position OPEN

Torque (S0002)
on the display indicates the torque applied at the actuator output.
The bar graph display appears after approx. 3 seconds.

SA 07.2 SA 16.2 / SAR 07.2 SAR 16.2 Control unit: electronic (MWG)
AC 01.2 Non-Intrusive Indications

Figure 44: Torque

Select unit The push button allows to select the unit displayed (percent , Newton metre
or "foot-pound"
Figure 45: Units of torque

Display in percent 100 % indication equals the max. torque indicated on the name plate of the actuator.
Example: SA 07.6 with 20 60 Nm.
100 % corresponds to 60 Nm of nominal torque.
50 % corresponds to 30 Nm of nominal torque.
Operation commands (S0003)
The display indicates:
active operation commands, like e.g.: Operation in direction CLOSE or in direc-
tion OPEN
the actual value E2 as bar graph indication and as value between 0 and 100
for setpoint control (positioner): setpoint E1
for stepping mode or for intermediate positions with operation profile: pivot
points and operation behaviour of pivot points
The navigation support (bottom row) is faded out after approx. 3 seconds and the
axis/axes for pivot point display are shown.
OPEN - CLOSE control Active operation commands (OPEN, CLOSE, ...) are shown above the bar graph
display. The figure below shows the operation command in direction CLOSE.
Figure 46: Display for OPEN - CLOSE control

E2 Actual position value

Setpoint control If the positioner is enabled and activated, the bar graph indication for E1 (position
setpoint) is displayed.
The direction of the operation command is displayed by an arrow above the bar
graph indication. The figure below shows the operation command in direction CLOSE.

SA 07.2 SA 16.2 / SAR 07.2 SAR 16.2 Control unit: electronic (MWG)
Indications AC 01.2 Non-Intrusive

Figure 47: Indication for setpoint control (positioner)

E1 Position setpoint
E2 Actual position value
Pivot point axis The pivot points and their operation behaviour (operation profile) are shown on the
pivot point axis by means of symbols.
The symbols are only displayed if at least one of the following functions is activated:

Figure 48: Examples: on the left pivot points (intermediate positions); on the right
stepping mode

Table 18: Symbols along the pivot point axis

Symbol Pivot point (intermediate position) Stepping mode
with operation profile
| Pivot point without reaction End of stepping mode
Stop during operation in direction Start of stepping mode in direction
Stop during operation in direction Start of stepping mode in direction
Stop during operation in directions
Pause for operation in direction CLOSE
Pause for operation in direction OPEN
Pause for operation in directions OPEN

Multiport valve positions (S0017)

In case of active multiport valve function, the display indicates a second bar
graph with set positions (valve connections) above the actual position value E2.
Positions (P1, P2, ...) are displayed with a black triangle . Push buttons are
used to select positions. Both positions and the actual position value E2 are displayed
in degrees.

P (P1, P2, ...) selected position (1, 2, ...)

( ) no position selected
E2 Actual position value

SA 07.2 SA 16.2 / SAR 07.2 SAR 16.2 Control unit: electronic (MWG)
AC 01.2 Non-Intrusive Indications

7.2.2. Status indications according to AUMA classification

These indications are available if the parameter is set

to .
Warnings (S0005)
If a warning has occurred, the display shows :
the number of warnings occurred
a blinking question mark after approx. 3 seconds
Figure 50: Warnings

For further information, please also refer to <Corrective action>.

Not ready REMOTE (S0006)
The display shows indications of the Not ready REMOTE group.
If such an indication has occurred, the display shows :
the number of indications occurred
a blinking crossbar after approx. 3 seconds
Figure 51: Not ready REMOTE indications

For further information, please also refer to <Corrective action>.

Fault (S0007)
If a fault has occurred, the display shows :
the number of faults occurred
a blinking exclamation mark after approx. 3 seconds
Figure 52: Fault

For further information, please also refer to <Corrective action>.

7.2.3. Status indications according to NAMUR recommendation

These indications are available, if the parameter is set

to .
Out of Specification (S0008)
The indication shows out of specification indications according to NAMUR
recommendation NE 107.
If such an indication has occurred, the display shows :

SA 07.2 SA 16.2 / SAR 07.2 SAR 16.2 Control unit: electronic (MWG)
Indications AC 01.2 Non-Intrusive

the number of indications occurred

a blinking triangle with question mark after approx. 3 seconds
Figure 53: Out of specification

For further information, please also refer to <Corrective action>.

Function check (S0009)
The indication shows function check indications according to NAMUR
recommendation NE 107.
If an indication has occurred via the function check, the display shows :
the number of indications occurred
a blinking triangle with a spanner after approx. 3 seconds
Figure 54: Function check

For further information, please also refer to <Corrective action>.

Maintenance required (S0010)
The indication shows maintenance indications according to NAMUR
recommendation NE 107.
If such an indication has occurred, the display shows :
the number of indications occurred
a blinking square with an oilcan after approx. 3 seconds
Figure 55: Maintenance required

For further information, please also refer to <Corrective action>.

Failure (S0011)
The indication shows the causes of the failure indication according to NAMUR
recommendation NE 107.
If such an indication has occurred, the display shows :
the number of indications occurred
a blinking circle with a cross after approx. 3 seconds

SA 07.2 SA 16.2 / SAR 07.2 SAR 16.2 Control unit: electronic (MWG)
AC 01.2 Non-Intrusive Indications

Figure 56: Failure

For further information, please also refer to <Corrective action>.

7.3. Indication lights of local controls
Figure 57: Arrangement and signification of indication lights

[1] Marking with symbols (standard)

[2] Marking with figures 1 6 (option)
1 End position CLOSED reached (blinking: operation in direction CLOSE)
2 Tc Torque fault CLOSE
3 Motor protection tripped
4 To Torque fault OPEN
5 End position OPEN reached (blinking: operation in direction OPEN)
6 Bluetooth connection

Modify indication light assignment (indications)

Different indications can be assigned to LEDs 1 5.

Defaut values (Europe):

Further setting values:

Refer to Manual (Operation and setting).

SA 07.2 SA 16.2 / SAR 07.2 SAR 16.2 Control unit: electronic (MWG)
Indications AC 01.2 Non-Intrusive

7.4. Optional indications

7.4.1. Mechanical position indication (self-adjusting)

Figure 58: Mechanical position indicator

[1] End position OPEN reached

[2] End position CLOSED reached
Characteristics Independent of power supply
Used as running indication: Indicator disc (with arrow ) rotates during actu-
ator operation and continuously indicates the valve position
(For clockwise closing version , the arrow rotates in clockwise direction for
operation in direction CLOSE)
Indicates that end positions (OPEN/CLOSED) have been reached
Arrow points to symbol (OPEN) or (CLOSED)
Self-adjusting upon commissioning
(The cover does not have to be opened)
7.4.2. Mechanical position indication via indicator mark
Figure 59: Mechanical position indicator

[1] End position OPEN reached

[2] End position CLOSED reached
[3] Indicator mark at cover
Characteristics Independent of power supply
Used as running indication: Indicator disc rotates during actuator operation and
continuously indicates the valve position
(For clockwise closing version , the symbols / rotate in counterclockwise
direction for operation in direction CLOSE)
Indicates that end positions (OPEN/CLOSED) have been reached
(Symbols (OPEN)/ (CLOSED) point to the indicator mark at cover)

SA 07.2 SA 16.2 / SAR 07.2 SAR 16.2 Control unit: electronic (MWG)
AC 01.2 Non-Intrusive Signals (output signals)

8. Signals (output signals)

8.1. Status signals via output contacts (digital outputs)
Characteristics Output contacts are used to send status signals (e.g. reaching the end positions,
selector switch position, faults...) as binary signals to the control room.
Status signals only have two states: active or inactive. Active means that the
conditions for the signal are fulfilled.
8.1.1. Assignment of outputs
The output contacts (outputs DOUT 1 12) can be assigned to various signals.
Required user level: or higher.

Default values:

8.1.2. Coding the outputs

The output signals can be set either to high

active or low active.
High active = output contact closed = signal active
Low active = output contact open = signal active
Signal active means that the conditions for the signal are fulfilled.
Required user level: or higher.

Default values:

8.2. Analogue signals

Valve position Signal: E2 = 0/4 20 mA (galvanically isolated)
Designation in the wiring diagram:
ANOUT1 (position)
Torque feedback Signal: E6 = 0/4 20 mA (galvanically isolated)
Designation in the wiring diagram:
ANOUT2 (torque)

SA 07.2 SA 16.2 / SAR 07.2 SAR 16.2 Control unit: electronic (MWG)
Signals (output signals) AC 01.2 Non-Intrusive

For further information on this topic, please refer to Manual (Operation and setting).

SA 07.2 SA 16.2 / SAR 07.2 SAR 16.2 Control unit: electronic (MWG)
AC 01.2 Non-Intrusive Commissioning (basic settings)

9. Commissioning (basic settings)

1. Set selector switch to position 0 (OFF).

Information: The selector switch is not a mains switch. When positioned to 0

(OFF), the actuator cannot be operated. The controls' power supply is
2. Switch on the power supply.
Information: Observe heat-up time for ambient temperatures below
3. Perform basic settings.
9.1. Type of seating: set

Valve damage due to incorrect setting!

The type of seating must suit the valve.
Only change the setting with the consent of the valve manufacturer.

Default value:
Setting values:
Seating in end positions via limit switching.
Seating in end positions via torque switching.

Select main menu 1. Set selector switch to position 0 (OFF).

2. Press push button C and hold it down for approx. 3 seconds.

Display goes to main menu and indicates:
Select parameter 3. Select parameter either:
click via the menu to parameter, or
via direct display: Press and enter ID or
Display indicates:
CLOSE or OPEN 4. Use to select:

The black triangle indicates the current selection.

5. Press .
Display indicates the current setting: or
The bottom row of the display indicates either:
- continue with step 6
- continue with step 10
6. Press .
Display indicates:

SA 07.2 SA 16.2 / SAR 07.2 SAR 16.2 Control unit: electronic (MWG)
Commissioning (basic settings) AC 01.2 Non-Intrusive

User login 7. Use to select user:

Information: Required user level: or higher
The symbols have the following meaning:
- black triangle: = current setting
- white triangle: = selection (not saved yet)
8. Press .
Display indicates:
9. Enter password ( enter password).
The screen indicates the pre-set type of seating ( or ) by means
of a black triangle .
Change settings 10. Use to select new setting.
The symbols have the following meaning:
- black triangle: = current setting
- white triangle: = selection (not saved yet)
11. Confirm selection via .
The setting for the type of seating is complete.
12. Back to step 4 (CLOSED or OPEN): Press .
9.2. Torque switching: set
Once the set torque is reached, the torque switches will be tripped (overload protection
of the valve).
Information The torque switches may also trip during manual operation.

Valve damage due to excessive tripping torque limit setting!

The tripping torque must suit the valve.
Only change the setting with the consent of the valve manufacturer.

Default value: According to order data

Setting range: Torque range according to actuator name plate

Select main menu 1. Set selector switch to position 0 (OFF).

2. Press push button C and hold it down for approx. 3 seconds.

Display goes to main menu and indicates:
Select parameter 3. Select parameter either:
click via the menu to parameter, or
via direct display: press and enter ID .
Display indicates:
CLOSE or OPEN 4. Use to select:

The black triangle indicates the current selection.

SA 07.2 SA 16.2 / SAR 07.2 SAR 16.2 Control unit: electronic (MWG)
AC 01.2 Non-Intrusive Commissioning (basic settings)

5. Press .
Display shows the set value.
The bottom row indicates:
6. Press .
Display indicates:
- continue with step 7
- in bottom row continue with step 11
User login 7. Use to select user:
Information: Required user level: or higher.
The symbols have the following meanings:
- black triangle: = current setting
- white triangle: = selection (not saved yet)
8. Press .
Display indicates:
9. Enter password ( enter password).
Display shows the set value.
The bottom row indicates:
10. Press .
Change value 11. Enter new value for tripping torque via .
Information: The adjustable torque range is shown in round brackets.
12. Save new value via .
The tripping torque is set.
13. Back to step 4 (CLOSED or OPEN): Press .
Information The following fault signals are issued if the torque setting performed has been reached
in mid-travel:
In the display of the local controls: Status indication =

The fault has to be acknowledged before the operation can be resumed. The
acknowledgement is made:
1. either by an operation command in the opposite direction.
- For : Operation command in direction CLOSE
- For : Operation command in direction OPEN
2. or, in case the torque applied is lower than the preset tripping torque:
- in selector switch position Local control (LOCAL) via push button RESET.
- in selector switch position Remote control (REMOTE):
- via a digital (I/O interface) with the Reset command if a digital input
is configured for signal.

9.3. Limit switching: set

Valve damage at valve/gearbox due to incorrect setting!

When setting with motor operation: Stop actuator prior reaching end of travel
(press STOP push button).
Allow for overrun when selecting limit seating.

SA 07.2 SA 16.2 / SAR 07.2 SAR 16.2 Control unit: electronic (MWG)
Commissioning (basic settings) AC 01.2 Non-Intrusive

Select main menu 1. Set selector switch to position 0 (OFF).

2. Press push button C and hold it down for approx. 3 seconds.

Display goes to main menu and indicates:
Select parameter 3. Select parameter either:
click via the menu to parameter, or
via direct display: press and enter ID .
Display indicates:
CLOSED or OPEN 4. Use to select:

The black triangle indicates the current selection.

5. Press .
The display indicates either:
- continue with step 9
- continue with step 12
- continue with step 6
User login 6. Use to select user:
Information: Required user level: or higher
The symbols have the following meaning:
- black triangle: = current setting
- white triangle: = selection (not saved yet)
7. Press to confirm to selected user.
Display indicates:
8. Enter password ( enter password).
The display indicates either:
- continue with step 9
- continue with step 12
Set end position 9. Set again end position CLOSED:
CLOSED 9.1 For large strokes: Set selector switch in position Local control (LOCAL)
and operate actuator in motor operation via push button (CLOSE) in
direction of the end position.
Information: Stop actuator before reaching end of travel (press STOP
push button to avoid damage.
9.2 Engage manual operation.
9.3 Turn handwheel until valve is closed.
9.4 Turn handwheel by approximately half a turn (overrun) in the opposite
direction of end position.
9.5 Set selector switch to position 0 (OFF).
Display indicates:

SA 07.2 SA 16.2 / SAR 07.2 SAR 16.2 Control unit: electronic (MWG)
AC 01.2 Non-Intrusive Commissioning (basic settings)

10. Press to accept new end position setting.

Display indicates:
The left LED is illuminated (standard version) and thus indicates that the end
position CLOSED setting is complete.

11. Make selection:

back to step 9: Set end position CLOSED "once again"
back to step 4; either set end position OPEN or exit the menu.
Set end position OPEN 12. Re-set end position OPEN:
12.1 For large strokes: Set selector switch in position Local control (LOCAL)
and operate actuator in motor operation via push button (OPEN) in
direction of the end position.
Information: Stop actuator before reaching end of travel (press STOP
push button to avoid damage.
12.2 Engage manual operation.
12.3 Turn handwheel until valve is open.
12.4 Turn handwheel by approximately half a turn (overrun) in the opposite
direction of end position.
12.5 Set selector switch to position 0 (OFF).
Display indicates:
13. Press to accept new end position setting.
Display indicates:
The right LED is illuminated (standard version) and thus indicates that the end
position OPEN setting is complete.

14. Make selection:

back to step 12: Set end position OPEN "once again"
back to step 4; either set end position CLOSED or exit the menu.
Information If an end position cannot be set: Check the type of control unit in actuator.

9.4. Test run

Only perform test run only once all settings previously described have been
The direction of rotation can be checked at the position indicator if available. (Chapter
<Direction of rotation at mechanical position indicator: check>)
The direction of rotation must be checked at the hollow shaft/stem if no mechanical
position indicator is available. (Chapter <Direction of rotation at hollow shaft/stem:

SA 07.2 SA 16.2 / SAR 07.2 SAR 16.2 Control unit: electronic (MWG)
Commissioning (basic settings) AC 01.2 Non-Intrusive

9.4.1. Direction of rotation at mechanical position indicator: check

Valve damage due to incorrect direction of rotation!

If the direction of rotation is wrong, switch off immediately (press STOP).
Eliminate cause, i.e. correct phase sequence for cable set wall bracket.
Repeat test run.

Information Switch off before reaching the end position.

1. Move actuator manually to intermediate position or to sufficient distance from
end position.
2. Switch on actuator in direction CLOSE and observe the direction of rotation on
the mechanical position indication:
For self-adjusting mechanical position indication:
The direction of rotation is correct if the actuator operates in direction
CLOSE and arrow turns clockwise in direction CLOSE (symbol ).
Figure 60: Direction of rotation (for clockwise closing version )

For mechanical position indication via indicator mark: (not self-adjust-

The direction of rotation is correct if the actuator operation in direction
CLOSE and the symbols ( / ) turn counterclockwise:
Figure 61: Direction of rotation / (for clockwise closing version )

SA 07.2 SA 16.2 / SAR 07.2 SAR 16.2 Control unit: electronic (MWG)
AC 01.2 Non-Intrusive Commissioning (basic settings)

9.4.2. Direction of rotation at hollow shaft/stem: check

Valve damage due to incorrect direction of rotation!

If the direction of rotation is wrong, switch off immediately (press STOP).
Eliminate cause, i.e. correct phase sequence for cable set wall bracket.
Repeat test run.

Information Switch off before reaching the end position.

1. Move actuator manually to intermediate position or to sufficient distance from
end position.
2. Unscrew threaded plug [1] and seal [2] or protective cap for stem protection
tube [4].
3. Switch on actuator in direction CLOSE and observe direction of rotation at hollow
shaft [3] or stem [5]:
The direction of rotation is correct if the actuator moves in direction CLOSE
and the hollow shaft in clockwise direction, or the stem moves downward.
Figure 62: Hollow shaft/stem movement (for clockwise closing )

[1] Threaded plug

[2] Seal
[3] Hollow shaft
[4] Protective cap for stem protection tube
[5] Stem
[6] Stem protection tube
4. Correctly fit/screw on threaded plug [1] and seal [2] or protective cap for stem
protection tube [4], fasten thread.
9.4.3. Limit switching: check

1. Set selector switch to position Local control (LOCAL).

SA 07.2 SA 16.2 / SAR 07.2 SAR 16.2 Control unit: electronic (MWG)
Commissioning (basic settings) AC 01.2 Non-Intrusive

2. Operate actuator using push buttons OPEN, STOP, CLOSE.

The limit switching is set correctly if (default indication):
- the yellow indication light/LED1 is illuminated in end position CLOSED
- the green indication light/LED5 is illuminated in end position OPEN
- the indication lights go out after travelling into opposite direction.
The limit switching is set incorrectly if:
- the actuator comes to a standstill before reaching the end position
- one of the red indication lights/LEDs is illuminated (torque fault)
- the status indication in the display signals a fault.
3. If the end position setting is incorrect: Reset limit switching.

SA 07.2 SA 16.2 / SAR 07.2 SAR 16.2 Control unit: electronic (MWG)
AC 01.2 Non-Intrusive Commissioning (settings/options in the actuator)

10. Commissioning (settings/options in the actuator)

For actuators without mechanical position indicator(cover without indicator glass),
no settings are required within the actuator when commissioning.
When equipped with the self-adjusting mechanical position indicator [A], the position
indicator automatically adjusts upon the initial operation (e.g. from CLOSED to
OPEN). This self-adjustment is generally performed when setting the limit switches
(approaching the end positions). Manual setting and consequently opening the switch
compartment is not necessary when commissioning.
In case the mechanical position indicator integrated within the actuator is NOT
self-adjusting [B], the switch compartment must be opened for mechanical position
indication adjustment when commissioning.
Figure 63: Mechanical position indicators

[A] Mechanical position indicator (self-adjusting)

[B] Mechanical position indicator via indicator mark (not self-adjusting)

10.1. Switch compartment: open/close

Figure 64: Open/close switch compartment

[A] Mechanical position indication (self-adjusting)

[B] Mechanical position indication via indicator mark

Open 1. Loosen screws [2] and remove cover [1] from the switch compartment.
Close 2. Clean sealing faces of housing and cover.
3. Check whether O-ring [3] is in good condition, replace if damaged.
4. Apply a thin film of non-acidic grease (e.g. petroleum jelly) to the O-ring and
insert it correctly.
5. Place cover [1] on switch compartment.
6. Fasten screws [2] evenly crosswise.

SA 07.2 SA 16.2 / SAR 07.2 SAR 16.2 Control unit: electronic (MWG)
Commissioning (settings/options in the actuator) AC 01.2 Non-Intrusive

10.2. Mechanical position indicator (self-adjusting)

Figure 65: Mechanical position indicator (self-adjusting)

The self-adjusting mechanical position indicator shows the valve position by means
of an arrow . When correctly set, the arrow points to symbol (OPEN) or
(CLOSED) in the end positions.

Information The position indications is housed in the actuator switch compartment. Opening the
switch compartment for manual setting is only necessary if the gear stage setting
must be modified of if the factory settings of predefined end position CLOSED (or
OPEN) must be adapted when commissioning.

10.2.1. Mechanical position indicator: set

1. Move valve to end position CLOSED.

2. Push both lower discs with the symbols (OPEN) and (CLOSED) towards
each other. The disc with the arrow is thereby is driven:
Figure 66: Setting position in CLOSED

3. Move actuator to end position OPEN.

The arrow rotates in direction OPEN driving the indicator disc with symbol
(OPEN) until the actuator stops in position OPEN.
Figure 67: Operation in direction OPEN (left) and position OPEN (right)

SA 07.2 SA 16.2 / SAR 07.2 SAR 16.2 Control unit: electronic (MWG)
AC 01.2 Non-Intrusive Commissioning (settings/options in the actuator)

4. Check settings:
The setting of the mechanical position indicator is correct, if the angle between
the symbols (OPEN) and

If all three discs are turned at the same time, the indicator can be shifted in

to <Gear stage of the reduction gearing: test/set>.

10.2.2. Gear stage of the reduction gearing: test/set

The test/setting is only required if the mechanical position indicator cannot be correctly

1. Refer to table and check if turns/stroke correspond to the setting of the reduction
gearing (stages 1 9).
Table 19:
Turns of actuator per valve stroke and suitable reduction gearing setting
for 1 500 turns/stroke for 10 5,000 turns/stroke Reduction gearing
[exceeding to] [exceeding to] Stage
1.0 1.9 10 19 1
1.9 3.7 19 37 2
3.7 7.9 37 79 3
7.9 15.0 79 150 4
15.0 31.5 150 315 5
31.5 60.0 315 600 6
60.0 126 600 1,260 7
126 240 1,250 2,500 8
240 500 2,500 5,000 9

2. To modify settings, lift the lever at the reduction gearing and engage at the se-
lected stage.
Figure 68: Set reduction gearing

SA 07.2 SA 16.2 / SAR 07.2 SAR 16.2 Control unit: electronic (MWG)
Commissioning (settings/options in the actuator) AC 01.2 Non-Intrusive

10.3. Mechanical position indication via indicator mark (not self-adjusting)

Figure 69: Mechanical position indication via indicator mark

The mechanical position indicator shows the valve position via two indicator discs
with symbols (OPEN) and (CLOSED). When correctly set, the symbols
OPEN/CLOSED point to the indicator mark at the cover in the end positions.
Setting elements The position indications is housed in the actuator switch compartment. The switch
compartment must be opened to perform any settings. Refer to <Switch compartment:
10.3.1. Mechanical position indicator: set

1. Move valve to end position CLOSED.

2. Turn lower indicator disc until symbol (CLOSED) is in alignment with the
mark on the cover.

3. Move actuator to end position OPEN.

4. Hold lower indicator disc in position and turn upper disc with symbol (OPEN)
until it is in alignment with the mark on the cover.

5. Move valve to end position CLOSED again.

6. Check settings:
If the symbol (CLOSED) is no longer in alignment with mark on the cover:
6.1 Repeat setting procedure.
6.2 Test/set gear stage of the reduction gearing.

10.3.2. Gear stage of the reduction gearing: test/set

This test/setting is only required if the turns/stroke of the actuator were changed at
a later date. The control unit may possibly have to be exchanged:
Information The adjustable stroke range is indicated on the order data sheet (e.g. "1 500

SA 07.2 SA 16.2 / SAR 07.2 SAR 16.2 Control unit: electronic (MWG)
AC 01.2 Non-Intrusive Commissioning (settings/options in the actuator)

1. Pull off indicator disc using a spanner as lever if required.

2. Refer to table and check if turns/stroke of the actuator correspond to the setting
of the reduction gearing (stages 1 9).
If the setting is not correct: continue with step 3.
If the setting is correct: continue with step 6.
MS5.2 control unit (1 to 500 turns per stroke)
Turns/stroke above to Gear stage
1.0 1.9 1
1.9 3.9 2
3.9 7.8 3
7.8 15.6 4
15.6 31.5 5
31.5 62.5 6
62.5 125 7
125 250 8
250 500 9

MS50.2 control unit (10 to 5,000 turns per stroke)

Turns/stroke above to Gear stage
10.0 19.5 1
19.5 39.0 2
39.0 78.0 3
78 156 4
156 315 5
315 625 6
625 1,250 7
1,250 2,500 8
2,500 5,000 9

3. Loosen screw [1].

4. Set crown wheel [2] to desired level according to table.
5. Tighten screw [1].
6. Place indicator disc on shaft.
7. Set mechanical position indicator.

SA 07.2 SA 16.2 / SAR 07.2 SAR 16.2 Control unit: electronic (MWG)
Commissioning (settings/options in the actuator) AC 01.2 Non-Intrusive

Figure 70: Control unit with reduction gearing

[1] Screw
[2] Crown wheel

SA 07.2 SA 16.2 / SAR 07.2 SAR 16.2 Control unit: electronic (MWG)
AC 01.2 Non-Intrusive Corrective action

11. Corrective action

11.1. Faults during operation/commissioning

Table 20:
Faults during operation/commissioning
Fault Description/cause Remedy
Mechanical position indicator cannot Reduction gearing is not suitable for turns/stroke Set gear stage of the reduction gearing.
be set. of the actuator. The control unit might have to be exchanged.
In spite of correct setting of limit The overrun was not considered when setting the Determine overrun: Overrun = travel covered
switching, actuator operated into the limit switching. from switching off until complete standstill.
valve end position. The overrun is generated by the inertia of both the Set limit switching again considering the over-
actuator and the valve and the delay time of the run. (Turn handwheel back by the amount of
actuator controls. the overrun)
Handwheel rotates on the shaft Actuator in version with overload protection for Dismount handwheel. Replace overload protection
without transmitting torque. manual operation: Shear pin rupture due to excess- and remount handwheel.
ive torque at handwheel.

11.2. Fault indications and warning indications

Faults interrupt or prevent the electrical actuator operation. In the event of a fault,
the display backlight is red.
Warnings have no influence on the electrical actuator operation. They only serve
for information purposes. The display remains white.
Collective signals include further indications. They can be displayed via the
push button. The display remains white.

Table 21:
Faults and warnings via status indications in the display
Indication on display Description/cause Remedy
Instead of the valve position, a status text is dis- For a description of the status texts, refer to Manual
played. (Operation and setting).
Collective signal 02: For indicated value > 0: Press push button
Indicates the number of active warnings. .
For details, refer to <Warnings and Out of specific-
ation> table.
Collective signal 04: For indicated value > 0: Press push button
Indicates the number of active signals. .
For details, refer to <Not ready REMOTE and
Function check> table.
Collective signal 03: For indicated value > 0: Press push button
Indicates the number of active faults. to display a list of detailed indications.
The actuator cannot be operated. For details, refer to <Faults and Failure> table.
Collective signal 07: For indicated value > 0: Press push button
Indication according to NAMUR recommendation .
NE 107 For details, refer to <Warnings and Out of specific-
Actuator is operated outside the normal operation ation> table.
Collective signal 08: For indicated value > 0: Press push button
Indication according to NAMUR recommendation .
NE 107 For details, refer to <Not ready REMOTE and
The actuator is being worked on; output signals are Function check> table.
temporarily invalid.
Collective signal 09: For indicated value > 0: Press push button
Indication according to NAMUR recommendation to display a list of detailed indications.
NE 107
Recommendation to perform maintenance.
Collective signal 10: For indicated value > 0: Press push button
Indication according to NAMUR recommendation to display a list of detailed indications.
NE 107 For details, refer to <Faults and Failure> table.
Actuator function failure, output signals are invalid

SA 07.2 SA 16.2 / SAR 07.2 SAR 16.2 Control unit: electronic (MWG)
Corrective action AC 01.2 Non-Intrusive

Table 22:
Warnings and Out of specification
Indication on display Description/cause Remedy
Collective signal 06: Press push button to display a list of indi-
Possible cause: vidual indications.
Configuration setting is incorrect. For a description of the individual signals, refer to
The device can still be operated with restrictions. Manual (Operation and setting).
Collective signal 15: Press push button to display a list of indi-
Device warnings vidual indications.
The device can still be operated with restrictions. For a description of the individual signals, refer to
Manual (Operation and setting).
The external 24 V DC voltage supply of the controls Check 24 V DC voltage supply.
has exceeded the power supply limits.
Warning on time max. running time/h exceeded Check modulating behaviour of actuator.
Check parameter , re-set
if required.
Warning on time max. number of motor starts Check modulating behaviour of actuator.
(starts) exceeded Check parameter , re-
set if required.
The failure behaviour is active since all required Verify signals:
setpoints and actual values are incorrect. Setpoint E1
Actual value E2
Actual process value E4
Warning: Loss of signal analogue input 1 Check wiring.
Warning: Loss of signal analogue input 2 Check wiring.
Warning: Loss of signal setpoint position Check setpoint signal.
Possible causes:
For an adjusted setpoint range of e.g. 4 20 mA,
the input signal is 0 (signal loss).
For a setpoint range of 0 20 mA , monitoring is
not possible.
The set time (parameter The warning indications are automatically cleared
) has been exceeded. The preset operating once a new operation command is executed.
time is exceeded for a complete travel from end Check valve.
position OPEN to end position CLOSED. Check parameter
Temperature within controls housing too high. Measure/reduce ambient temperature.
Real time clock has not yet been set. Set time.
Voltage of the RTC button cell is too low. Replace button cell.
Partial Valve Stroke Test (PVST) could not be suc- Check actuator (PVST settings).
cessfully completed.
Partial Valve Stroke Test (PVST) was aborted or Perform RESET or restart PVST.
could not be started.
No actuator reaction to operation commands within Check movement at actuator.
the set reaction time. Check parameter .
1) Optical receiving signal (channel 1) incorrect (no or Check/repair FO cables.
insufficient Rx receive level) or RS-485 format error
(incorrect bit(s))
1) Warning: FO cable system reserve reached (critical Check/repair FO cables.
or permissible Rx receive level)
1) Warning FO cable connection is not available. Fit FO cable connection.
Limit value for torque warning in direction OPEN Check parameter , re-set
exceeded. if required.
Limit value for torque warning in direction CLOSE Check parameter , re-
exceeded. set if required.
2) SIL sub-assembly fault has occurred. Refer to separate Manual Functional Safety.

SA 07.2 SA 16.2 / SAR 07.2 SAR 16.2 Control unit: electronic (MWG)
AC 01.2 Non-Intrusive Corrective action

Warnings and Out of specification

Indication on display Description/cause Remedy
Execution of PVST (Partial Valve Stroke Tests) is
Maintenance is required.
3) FQM fault Checking and fault remedy are required. Refer to
FQM operation instructions.

1) For actuator controls with FOC connection

2) For actuators controls in SIL version
3) For actuators with fail safe unit

Table 23:
Faults and Failure
Indication on display Description/cause Remedy
Collective signal 11: Press push button to display a list of indi-
Configuration error has occurred. vidual indications.
For a description of the individual signals, refer to
Manual (Operation and setting).
Collective signal 22: Press push button to display a list of indi-
Configuration error has occurred. vidual indications.
For a description of the individual signals, refer to
Manual (Operation and setting).
Collective signal 14: AUMA service
Internal error has occurred. Press push button to display a list of indi-
vidual indications.
For a description of the individual signals, refer to
Manual (Operation and setting).
Torque fault in direction CLOSE Perform one of the following measures:
Issue operation command in direction OPEN.
Set selector switch to position Local control
(LOCAL) and reset fault indication via push
button RESET.
Torque fault in direction OPEN Perform one of the following measures:
Issue operation command in direction CLOSE.
Set selector switch to position Local control
(LOCAL) and reset fault indication via push
button RESET.
When connecting to a 3-ph AC system and with Test/connect phases.
internal 24 V DC supply of the electronics:
Phase 2 is missing.
When connecting to a 3-ph or 1-ph AC system
and with external 24 V DC supply of the elec-
tronics: One of the phases L1, L2 or L3 is
The phase conductors L1, L2 and L3 are connected Correct the sequence of the phase conductors L1,
in the wrong sequence. L2 and L3 by exchanging two phases.
Only applicable if connected to a 3-ph AC system.
Due to insufficient mains quality, the controls cannot Check mains voltage.
detect the phase sequence (sequence of phase For 3-phase/1-phase AC current, the permiss-
conductors L1, L2 and L3) within the pre-set time ible variation of the mains voltage is 10 %
frame provided for monitoring. (option 30 %). The permissible variation of the
mains voltage is 5 %
Check parameter , extend
time frame if required.
Motor protection tripped Cool down, wait.
If the fault indication display persists after cool-
ing down:
- Set selector switch to position Local con-
trol (LOCAL) and reset fault indication via
push button RESET.
Check fuses.

SA 07.2 SA 16.2 / SAR 07.2 SAR 16.2 Control unit: electronic (MWG)
Corrective action AC 01.2 Non-Intrusive

Faults and Failure

Indication on display Description/cause Remedy
No actuator reaction to operation commands within Check movement at actuator.
the set reaction time.
Potentiometer is outside the permissible range. Check device configuration:
Parameter must be less
than parameter .
LPV: Lift Plug Valve function
The master actuator signals a fault
Loss of signal analogue input 1 Check wiring.
Loss of signal analogue input 2 Check wiring.
Contrary to the configured direction of rotation and Check operation command control.
the active operation command, the motor turns into For 3-phase AC current mains, activate phase
the wrong direction. monitoring (parameter ).
Check device configuration setting (parameter
To delete the fault indication: Disconnect actuator
controls from the mains and perform reboot.
Synchronous link function: Actual position values Check parameter.
of master actuator and slave actuator are not syn-
chronous (excessive deviation).
Synchronous link function: Slave actuator is not Check parameter.
Synchronous link function: Signal loss of actual po- Check wiring.
sition value from master actuator or slave actuator.
1) The torque in direction OPEN, measured at the Check parameter.
output drive shaft using the torque measurement Check parameter.
flange, is too high.
1) The torque in direction CLOSE, measured at the Check parameter.
output drive shaft using the torque measurement Check parameter.
flange, is too high.
2) Collective signal 25: Press push button to display a list of indi-
vidual indications.
For a description of the individual signals, refer to
Manual (Operation and setting).

1) For actuators equipped with torque measurement flange (DMF)

2) For actuators equipped with fail safe-unit

Table 24:
Not ready REMOTE and Function check (collective signal 04)
Indication on display Description/cause Remedy
Collective signal 13: Check operation commands (reset/clear all op-
Possible causes: eration commands and send one operation
Several operation commands (e.g. OPEN and command only).
CLOSE simultaneously, or OPEN and SET- Set parameter to .
POINT operation simultaneously) Check setpoint.
A setpoint is present and the positioner is not Press push button to display a list of indi-
active vidual indications.
For a description of the individual signals, refer to
Manual (Operation and setting).
Selector switch is not in position REMOTE. Set selector switch to position REMOTE.
Operation via service interface (Bluetooth) and Exit service software.
AUMA CDT service software.
Actuator is in operation mode Disabled. Check setting and status of function <Local controls
The EMERGENCY stop switch has been operated. Enable EMERGENCY stop switch.
The motor control power supply (contactors or Reset EMERGENCY stop state by means of
thyristors) is disconnected. Reset command.

SA 07.2 SA 16.2 / SAR 07.2 SAR 16.2 Control unit: electronic (MWG)
AC 01.2 Non-Intrusive Corrective action

Not ready REMOTE and Function check (collective signal 04)

Indication on display Description/cause Remedy
Operation mode EMERGENCY is active (EMER- Detect cause for EMERGENCY signal.
GENCY signal was sent). Verify failure source.
0 V are applied at the EMERGENCY input. Apply +24 V DC at EMERGENCY input.
The actuator is controlled via the I/O interface (par- Check I/O interface.
Manual operation is activated. Start motor operation.
An interlock is active. Check interlock signal.
By-pass function is interlocked. Check states of main and by-pass valve.
Partial Valve Stroke Test (PVST) is active. Wait until PVST function is complete.
1) SIL function is active

1) For actuators controls in SIL version

11.3. Fuses

11.3.1. Fuses within the actuator controls

Fuses used

F1/F2 Table 25:

Primary fuses F1/F2 (for power supply unit)
G fuse F1/F2 AUMA art. no.
Size 6.3 x 32 mm
Reversing contactors 1 A T; 500 V K002.277
Power supply 500 V
Reversing contactors 2 A FF; 690 V K002.665
Power supply > 500 V
Thyristor units for motor power up to 1.5 kW 1 A T; 500 V K002.277
Thyristor units for motor power up to 3.0 kW
Thyristor units for motor power up to 5.5 kW

F3 Internal 24 V DC supply

Table 26:
Secondary fuses F3 (internal 24 V DC supply)
G fuse according to IEC 60127-2/III F3 AUMA art. no.
Size 5 x 20 mm
Voltage output (power supply unit) = 24 V 2.0 A T; 250 V K006.106
Voltage output (power supply unit) = 115 V 2.0 A T; 250 V K006.106

F4 Table 27:
Secondary fuses F4 (internal AC supply)1)
G-fuse according to IEC 60127-2/III F4 AUMA art. no.
Size 5 x 20 mm
Voltage output (power supply unit) = 24 V 1.25 A T; 250 V K001.184
Voltage output (power supply unit) = 115 V

1) Fuse for: Switch compartment heater, reversing contactor control, PTC tripping device (at 24 V AC
only), at 115 V AC also control inputs OPEN, STOP, CLOSE

F5 Automatic reset fuse as short-circuit protection for external 24 V DC supply for

customer (see wiring diagram)

SA 07.2 SA 16.2 / SAR 07.2 SAR 16.2 Control unit: electronic (MWG)
Corrective action AC 01.2 Non-Intrusive

Replace fuses F1/F2

Hazardous voltage!
Risk of electric shock.
Disconnect device from the mains before opening.

1. Loosen screws [1] and remove plug/socket connector [2].

Figure 71:

2. Pull fuse holder [3] out of pin carrier, open fuse cover and replace old fuses by
new ones.
Test/replace fuses F3/F4

1. Loosen screws [1] and remove cover [2] on the rear of the actuator controls.
Figure 72:

The power supply unit has measurement points (solder pins) allowing to perform
a resistance (continuity) measurement:
Table 28:
Verifying Measuring points

2. To replace defective fuses: Carefully loosen power supply unit [3] and pull out.
(The fuses are on the equipped part of the power supply board).

SA 07.2 SA 16.2 / SAR 07.2 SAR 16.2 Control unit: electronic (MWG)
AC 01.2 Non-Intrusive Corrective action

Cable damage due to pinching!

Risk of functional failures.
Carefully assemble power supply unit to avoid pinching the cables.

11.3.2. Motor protection (thermal monitoring)

In order to protect against overheating and impermissibly high surface temperatures

at the actuator, PTC thermistors or thermoswitches are embedded in the motor
winding. The thermoswitch is tripped as soon as the max. permissible winding
temperature has been reached.
The actuator is switched off and the following signals are given:
LED 3 (motor protection trippped) on the local controls is illuminated.
Status indication displays a fault.
The fault is displayed when selecting .
The motor has to cool down before operation can be resumed.
Depending on the parameter setting (motor protection behaviour), the fault signal is
either automatically reset or the the fault signal has to be reset using RESET push
button with selector switch position Local operation (LOCAL).
For further information to this topic, please refer to Manual (Operation and setting).

SA 07.2 SA 16.2 / SAR 07.2 SAR 16.2 Control unit: electronic (MWG)
Servicing and maintenance AC 01.2 Non-Intrusive

12. Servicing and maintenance

Damage caused by inappropriate maintenance!

Servicing and maintenance must be carried out exclusively by suitably qualified
personnel having been authorised by the end user or the contractor of the plant.
Therefore, we recommend contacting our service.
Only perform servicing and maintenance tasks when the device is switched off.

AUMA offers extensive service such as servicing and maintenance as well as
Service & Support customer product training. For the relevant contact addresses, please refer to
<Addresses> in this document or to the Internet (www.auma.com)

12.1. Preventive measures for servicing and safe operation

The following actions are required to ensure safe device operation:

6 months after commissioning and then once a year

Carry out visual inspection:

Check threaded plugs, cable entries, cable glands, blanking plugs, etc. for
correct tightness and sealing.
Consider torques according to manufacturer's details.
Check fastening screws between actuator and gearbox/valve for tightness. If
required, fasten screws while applying the tightening torques as indicated in
chapter <Assembly>.
When rarely operated: Perform test run.
For devices with output drive type A: Press in Lithium soap EP multi-purpose
grease on mineral oil base at the grease nipple with a grease gun.
Lubrication of the valve stem must be done separately.
Figure 73: Output drive type A

[1] Output drive type A

[2] Grease nipple

Table 29:
Grease quantities for bearing of output drive type A
Output drive type A 07.2 A 10.2 A 14.2 A 16.2
Quantity [g] 1) 1.5 3 5 10


For enclosure protection IP68

After submersion:
Check actuator.
In case of ingress of water, locate leaks and repair. Dry device correctly and
check for proper function.
12.2. Maintenance

Lubrication In the factory, the gear housing is filled with grease.

SA 07.2 SA 16.2 / SAR 07.2 SAR 16.2 Control unit: electronic (MWG)
AC 01.2 Non-Intrusive Servicing and maintenance

Grease change is performed during maintenance

- Generally after 4 to 6 years for modulating duty.
- Generally after 6 to 8 years if operated frequently (open-close duty).
- Generally after 10 to 12 years if operated infrequently (open-close duty).
We recommend replacing the seals when changing the grease.
Additional lubrication of the gear housing is not required during operation.
12.3. Disposal and recycling
Our devices have a long lifetime. However, they have to be replaced at one point in
time. The devices have a modular design and may, therefore, easily be separated
and sorted according to materials used, i.e.:
various metals
greases and oils
The following generally applies:
Greases and oils are hazardous to water and must not be released into the
Arrange for controlled waste disposal of the disassembled material or for sep-
arate recycling according to materials.
Observe the national regulations for waste disposal.

SA 07.2 SA 16.2 / SAR 07.2 SAR 16.2 Control unit: electronic (MWG)
Technical data AC 01.2 Non-Intrusive

13. Technical data

Information The following tables include standard and optional features. For detailed information
on the customer-specific version, refer to the order-related data sheet. The technical
data sheet can be downloaded from the Internet in both German and English at ht-
tp://www.auma.com (please state the order number).

13.1. Technical data Multi-turn actuators

Features and functions

Type of duty Standard: Short-time duty S2 - 15 min, classes A and B according to EN 15714-2
(Multi-turn actuators for open-close Option: with 3-phase AC motor:
Short-time duty S2 - 30 min, classes A and B according to EN 15714-2

Type of duty Standard: Intermittent duty S4 - 25 %, class C according to EN 15714-2

(Multi-turn actuators for modulating Option: with 3-phase AC motor:
Intermittent duty S4 - 50 %, class C according to EN 15714-2
Intermittent duty S4 - 25 % (insulation class H required), class C according to EN 15714-

Motors Standard: 3-phase AC asynchronous motor, type IM B9 according to IEC 60034-7, IC410 cooling
procedure according to IEC 60034-6
Option: 1-phase AC motor with permanent split capacitor (PSC),
type IM B9 according to IEC 60034-7, IC410 cooling procedure according to IEC 60034-
1-phase AC motor with integral starting capacitor and solid state switch (CSIR),
type IM B9 according to IEC 60034-7, IC410 cooling procedure according to IEC 60034-
DC shunt motor, type IM B14 according to IEC 60034-7,
cooling procedure IC410 according to IEC 60034-6
DC compound motor, type IM B14 according to IEC 60034-7,
cooling procedure IC410 according to IEC 60034-6
Mains voltage, mains frequency Refer to name plate of actuator controls
Permissible variation of mains voltage: 10 %
Permissible variation of mains frequency: 5 % (for 3-phase and 1-phase AC current)
Overvoltage category Category III according to IEC 60364-4-443
Insulation class Standard: F, tropicalized
Option: H, tropicalized (with 3-phase AC motor)
Motor protection Standard: 3-phase and 1-phase AC motors: Thermoswitches (NC)
DC motors: Without
Option: PTC thermistors (according to DIN 44082)
PTC thermistors additionally require a suitable tripping device in the actuator controls.
Self-locking Self-locking: Output speeds up to 90 rpm (50 Hz), 108 rpm (60 Hz)
NOT self-locking: Output speeds from 125 rpm (50 Hz), 150 rpm (60 Hz)
Multi-turn actuators are self-locking, if the valve position cannot be changed from standstill while torque
acts upon the output drive.
Motor heater (option) Voltages: 110 120 V AC, 220 240 V AC (3-phase and 1-phase AC motors)
380 480 V AC (3-phase AC motors)
DC motors: Without motor heater
Power depending on the size 12.5 25 W
Manual operation Manual drive for setting and emergency operation, handwheel does not rotate during electrical operation.
Option: Handwheel lockable
Handwheel stem extension
Power tool for emergency operation with square 30 mm or 50 mm
Indication for manual operation (op- Indication whether manual operation is active/not active via single switch (1 change-over contact)

SA 07.2 SA 16.2 / SAR 07.2 SAR 16.2 Control unit: electronic (MWG)
AC 01.2 Non-Intrusive Technical data

Features and functions

Electrical connection Standard: AUMA plug/socket connector with screw-type connection
Motor connection for some DC motors via separate motor terminal board
Option: Terminals or crimp connection
Gold-plated control plug (sockets and pins)
Threads for cable entries Standard: Metric threads
Option: Pg-threads, NPT-threads, G-threads
Terminal plan Terminal plan according to order number enclosed with delivery
Valve attachment Standard: B1 according to EN ISO 5210
Option: A, B2, B3, B4 according to EN ISO 5210
A, B, D, E according to DIN 3210
C according to DIN 3338
Special valve attachments: AF, AK, AG, B3D, ED, DD, IB1, IB3
A prepared for permanent lubrication of stem

Electronic control unit (option, only in combination with AC actuator controls)

Non-Intrusive setting Magnetic limit and torque transmitter (MWG)
Turns per stroke: 1 to 500 (standard) or 10 to 5,000 (option)
Position feedback signal Via actuator controls
Torque feedback signal Via actuator controls
Mechanical position indicator (op- Continuous indication, adjustable indicator disc with symbols OPEN and CLOSED
Running indication Blinking signal via actuator controls
Heater in switch compartment Resistance type heater with 5 W, 24 V AC

Service conditions
Use Indoor and outdoor use permissible
Mounting position Any position
Installation altitude 2 000 m above sea level
> 2,000 m above sea level, on request
Ambient temperature Standard:

For exact version, refer to actuator name plate.

Humidity Up to 100 % relative humidity across the entire permissible temperature range
Enclosure protection according to Standard: IP68 (with AUMA 3-phase/1-phase AC or DC motor)
EN 60529 For special motors differing enclosure protection available (refer to motor name plate)
Option: DS Terminal compartment additionally sealed against interior (double sealed)
According to AUMA definition, enclosure protection IP68 meets the following requirements:
Depth of water: Maximum 8 m head of water
Duration of continuous immersion in water: Maximum 96 hours
Up to 10 operations during flooding.
Modulating duty is not possible during continuous immersion.
For exact version, refer to actuator name plate.
Pollution degree according to IEC Pollution degree 4 (when closed), pollution degree 2 (internal)
Vibration resistance according to 2 g, from 10 to 200 Hz (for actuators in AUMA NORM version)
IEC 60068-2-6 1 g, from 10 to 200 Hz (for actuators with mounted AUMA actuator controls)
Resistant to vibration during start-up or for failures of the plant. However, a fatigue strength may not be
derived from this. Indications apply to actuators with AUMA 3-phase AC motor and AUMA plug/socket
connector. They are not valid in combination with gearboxes.

SA 07.2 SA 16.2 / SAR 07.2 SAR 16.2 Control unit: electronic (MWG)
Technical data AC 01.2 Non-Intrusive

Service conditions
Corrosion protection Standard: KS: Suitable for use in areas with high salinity, almost permanent condensation, and high
Option: KX: Suitable for use in areas with extremely high salinity, permanent condensation, and
high pollution.
KX-G : same as KX, however aluminium-free version (outer parts)
Coating Double layer powder coating
Two-component iron-mica combination
Colour Standard: AUMA silver-grey (similar to RAL 7037)
Option: Other colours are possible on request.
Lifetime AUMA multi-turn actuators meet or exceed the lifetime requirements of EN 15714-2. For further details,
please contact AUMA
Noise level < 72 dB (A)

Further information
EU Directives Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC): (2014/30/EU)
Low Voltage Directive: (2014/35/EU)
Machinery Directive: (2006/42/EC)

Technical data for handwheel activation switches

Mechanical lifetime 10 starts
Silver plated contacts:
U min. 12 V DC
U max. 250 V AC
I max. AC current 3 A at 250 V (inductive load, cos phi = 0.8)
I max. DC current 3 A at 12 V (resistive load)

13.2. Technical data Actuator controls

Features and functions

Power supply Refer to name plate

External supply of the electronics 24 V DC +20 %/ 15 %

(option) Current consumption: Basic version approx. 250 mA, with options up to 500 mA
External power supply must have reinforced insulation against mains voltage in accordance with IEC
61010-1 and may only be supplied by a circuit limited to 150 VA in accordance with IEC 61010-1.
Current consumption Current consumption of the actuator controls depending on mains voltage:

100 to 120 V AC = max. 740 mA

208 to 240 V AC = max. 400 mA
380 to 500 V AC = max. 250 mA
515 to 690 V AC = max. 200 mA

100 to 120 V AC = max. 1,200 mA

208 to 240 V AC = max. 750 mA
380 to 500 V AC = max. 400 mA
515 to 690 V AC = max. 400 mA
Overvoltage category Category III according to IEC 60364-4-443
Rated power The actuator controls are designed for the nominal motor power, refer to motor name plate

SA 07.2 SA 16.2 / SAR 07.2 SAR 16.2 Control unit: electronic (MWG)
AC 01.2 Non-Intrusive Technical data

Features and functions

Switchgear Standard: Reversing contactors (mechanically and electrically interlocked) for AUMA power classes
Options: Reversing contactors (mechanically and electrically interlocked) for AUMA power class
Thyristor unit for mains voltage up to 500 V AC (recommended for modulating actuators)
for AUMA power classes B1, B2 and B3
The reversing contactors are designed for a lifetime of 2 million starts. For applications requiring a high
number of starts, we recommend the use of thyristor units.
For the assignment of AUMA power classes, please refer to Electrical data on actuator
Control inputs 6 digital inputs: OPEN, STOP, CLOSE, EMERGENCY (via opto-isolator, thereof OPEN, STOP, CLOSE
with one common and EMERGENCY without common, respect minimum pulse duration for modulating
Control voltage/current consumption Standard 24 V DC, current consumption: approx. 10 mA per input
for control inputs
Options: 48 V DC, current consumption: approx. 7 mA per input
60 V DC, current consumption: approx. 9 mA per input
115 V DC, current consumption: approx. 15 mA per input
100 120 V AC, current consumption : approx. 15 mA per input
All input signals must be supplied with the same potential.
Status signals Standard: 6 programmable output contacts:
(output signals) - 5 potential-free NO contacts with one common, max. 250 V AC, 1 A (resistive
Default configuration: End position CLOSED, end position OPEN, selector switch
REMOTE, torque fault CLOSE, torque fault OPEN
- 1 potential-free change-over contact, max. 250 V AC, 5 A (resistive load)
Default configuration: Collective fault signal (torque fault, phase failure, motor
protection tripped)
Analogue output signal for position feedback
- Galvanically isolated position feedback 0/4 20 mA (load max. 500 )

Options: 6 programmable output contacts:

- 5 change-over contacts with one common, max. 250 V AC, 1 A (resistive load),
1 potential-free change-over contact, max. 250 V AC, 5 A (resistive load)
12 programmable output contacts:
- 10 potential-free NO contacts, 5 with one common each, max. 250 V AC, 1 A
(resistive load), 2 potential-free change-over contacts, max. 250 V AC, 5 A (resistive
6 programmable output contacts:
- 6 potential-free change-over contacts without one common, per contact max. 250
V AC, 5 A (resistive load)
10 programmable output contacts:
- 10 potential-free change-over contacts without one common, per contact max.
250 V AC, 5 A (resistive load)
6 programmable output contacts:
- 4 mains failure proof potential-free NO contacts with one common, max. 250 V
AC, 1 A (resistive load), 1 potential-free NO contact, max. 250 V AC, 1 A (resistive
load), 1 potential-free change-over contact, max. 250 V AC, 5 A (resistive load)
6 programmable output contacts:
- 4 mains failure proof potential-free NO contacts, max. 250 V AC, 5 A (resistive
load), 2 potential-free change-over contacts, max. 250 V AC, 5 A (resistive load),
12 programmable output contacts:
- 8 mains failure proof potential-free NO contacts, max. 250 V AC, 1 A (resistive
load), 2 potential-free NO contacts, max. 250 V AC, 1 A (resistive load), 2 potential-
free change-over contacts, max. 250 V AC, 5 A (resistive load)
12 programmable output contacts:
- 8 mains failure proof potential-free NO contacts, max. 250 V AC, 5 A (resistive
load), 4 potential-free change-over contacts, max. 250 V AC, 5 A (resistive load),
All output signals must be supplied with the same potential.
Voltage output Standard: Auxiliary voltage 24 V DC: max. 100 mA for supply of control inputs, galvanically isolated
from internal voltage supply.
Option: Auxiliary voltage 115 V AC: max. 30 mA for supply of control inputs, galvanically isolated
from internal voltage supply
(Not possible in combination with PTC tripping device)

SA 07.2 SA 16.2 / SAR 07.2 SAR 16.2 Control unit: electronic (MWG)
Technical data AC 01.2 Non-Intrusive

Features and functions

Analogue output (option) 2 analogue outputs:
With position transmitter option: Output of travel and torque as continuous values between 0/4 and 20
Analogue input (option) 2 analogue inputs:
With positioner/process controller option: Input of actual position value/actual process value as continuous
values between 0/4 and 20 mA
Local controls Standard: Selector switch: LOCAL - OFF - REMOTE (lockable in all three positions)
- Local STOP
The actuator can be stopped via push button STOP of local controls if the selector
switch is in position REMOTE. (Not activated when leaving the factory.)
6 indication lights:
- End position and running indication CLOSED (yellow), torque fault CLOSE (red),
motor protection tripped (red), torque fault OPEN (red), end position and running
indication OPEN (green), Bluetooth (blue)
Graphic LC display: illuminated
Option: Special colours for the indication lights:
- End position CLOSED (green), torque fault CLOSE (blue), torque fault OPEN
(yellow), motor protection tripped (violet), end position OPEN (red)

Bluetooth Bluetooth class II chip, version 2.1: With a range up to 10 m in industrial environments, supports the
Communication interface SPP Bluetooth profile (Serial Port Profile).
Required accessories:
AUMA CDT (Commissioning and Diagnostic Tool for Windows-based PC)
AUMA Assistant App (Commissioning and Diagnostic Tool for Android devices)
Application functions Standard: Selectable type of seating, limit or torque seating for end position OPEN and end po-
sition CLOSED
Torque by-pass: Adjustable duration (with adjustable peak torque during start-up time)
Start and end of stepping mode as well as ON and OFF times can be set individually
for directions OPEN and CLOSE, 1 to 1,800 seconds
Any 8 intermediate positions: can be set between 0 and 100 %, reaction and signal
behaviour programmable
Running indication blinking: can be set
Options: Positioner
- Position setpoint via analogue input 0/4 20 mA
- Programmable behaviour on loss of signal
- Automatic adaptation of dead band (adaptive behaviour selectable)
- Split range operation
- MODE input for selecting between OPEN-CLOSE and setpoint control
PID process controller: with adaptive positioner, via 0/4 20 mA analogue inputs for
process setpoint and actual process value
Multiport valve: Up to 16 positions, signals (pulse or edge)
Automatic deblocking: Up to 5 operation trials, travel time in opposite direction can be
Static and dynamic torque recording for both rotation directions with torque measure-
ment flange as additional accessory
Safety functions Standard: EMERGENCY operation (programmable behaviour)
- Digital input: Low active
- Reaction can be selected: Stop, run to end position CLOSED, run to end position
OPEN, run to intermediate position
- Torque monitoring can be by-passed during EMERGENCY operation
- Thermal protection can be by-passed during EMERGENCY operation (only in
combination with thermoswitch within actuator, not with PTC thermistor).

Options: Enabling local controls via digital input Enable LOCAL. Thus, actuator operation can
be enabled or disabled via push buttons on the local controls.
Interlock for main/by-pass valve: Enabling the operation commands OPEN or CLOSE
via two digital inputs
EMERGENCY Stop push button (latching): interrupts electrical operation, irrespective
of the selector switch positions.
PVST (Partial Valve Stroke Test): programmable to check the function of both actuator
and actuator controls: Direction, stroke, operation time, reversing time

SA 07.2 SA 16.2 / SAR 07.2 SAR 16.2 Control unit: electronic (MWG)
AC 01.2 Non-Intrusive Technical data

Features and functions

Monitoring functions Valve overload protection: adjustable, results in switching off and generates fault signal
Motor temperature monitoring (thermal monitoring): results in switching off and generates fault indic-
Monitoring the heater within actuator: generates warning signal
Monitoring of permissible on-time and number of starts: adjustable, generates warning signal
Operation time monitoring: adjustable, generates warning signal
Phase failure monitoring: results in switching off and generates fault signal
Automatic correction of rotation direction upon wrong phase sequence (3-ph AC current)
Diagnostic functions Electronic device ID with order and product data
Logging of operating data: A resettable counter and a lifetime counter each for:
- Motor running time, number of starts, torque switch trippings in end position CLOSED, limit
switch trippings in end position CLOSED, torque switch trippings in end position OPEN, limit
switch trippings in end position OPEN, torque faults CLOSE, torque faults OPEN, motor protection
Time-stamped event report with history for setting, operation and faults
Status signals according to NAMUR recommendation NE 107: "Failure", "Function check", "Out of
specification", "Maintenance required"
Torque characteristics (for version with MWG in actuator):
- 3 torque characteristics (torque-travel characteristic) for opening and closing directions can be
saved separately.
- Torque characteristics stored can be shown on the display.
Motor protection evaluation Standard: Monitoring the motor temperature in combination with thermoswitches within actuator
Options: Thermal overload relay in controls combined with thermoswitches within actuator
PTC tripping device in combination with PTC thermistors within actuator motor
Electrical connection Standard: AUMA plug/socket connector with screw-type connection
Option: Gold-plated control plug (sockets and plugs)
Threads for cable entries Standard: Metric threads
Options: Pg-threads, NPT-threads, G-threads
Wiring diagram Refer to name plate

Further options for Non-intrusive version with MWG in the actuator

Setting of limit and torque switching via local controls
Torque feedback signal Galvanically isolated analogue output 0/4 20 mA (load max. 500 ).

Service conditions
Use Indoor and outdoor use permissible
Mounting position Any position
Installation altitude 2,000 m above sea level
> 2,000 m above sea level, on request
Ambient temperature Refer to name plate of actuator controls
Humidity Up to 100 % relative humidity across the entire permissible temperature range
Enclosure protection according to Standard: IP68
EN 60529
Option: Terminal compartment additionally sealed against interior of actuator controls (double
According to AUMA definition, enclosure protection IP68 meets the following requirements:
Depth of water: Maximum 8 m head of water
Duration of continuous immersion in water: Maximum 96 hours
Up to 10 operations during continuous immersion
Modulating duty is not possible during continuous immersion.
For exact version, refer to actuator controls name plate.
Pollution degree according to IEC Pollution degree 4 (when closed), pollution degree 2 (internal)

SA 07.2 SA 16.2 / SAR 07.2 SAR 16.2 Control unit: electronic (MWG)
Technical data AC 01.2 Non-Intrusive

Service conditions
Corrosion protection Standard: KS: Suitable for use in areas with high salinity, almost permanent condensation, and high
Option: KX: Suitable for use in areas with extremely high salinity, permanent condensation, and
high pollution.
Coating Double layer powder coating
Two-component iron-mica combination
Colour Standard: AUMA silver-grey (similar to RAL 7037)
Option: Available colours on request

Wall bracket For actuator controls mounted separately from the actuator, including plug/socket connector. Connecting
cable on request.
Recommended for high ambient temperatures, difficult access, or heavy vibration during service.
Cable length between actuator and actuator controls is max. 100 m (Not suitable for version with poten-
tiometer in the actuator). Instead of the potentiometer, the actuator has to be equipped with an electronic
position transmitter. (MWG requires a separate data cable.)
Programming software AUMA CDT (Commissioning and Diagnostic Tool for Windows-based PC)
AUMA Assistant App (Commissioning and Diagnostic Tool for Android devices)
Torque measurement flange DMF Accessory for torque measurement for SA/SAR 07.2 SA/SAR 16.2

Further information
Weight Approx. 7 kg (with AUMA plug/socket connector)
EU Directives Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC): (2014/30/EU)
Low Voltage Directive: (2014/35/EU)
Machinery Directive: (2006/42/EC)

SA 07.2 SA 16.2 / SAR 07.2 SAR 16.2 Control unit: electronic (MWG)
AC 01.2 Non-Intrusive Spare parts

14. Spare parts

14.1. Multi-turn actuators SA 07.2 SA 16.2/SAR 07.2 SAR 16.2

SA 07.2 SA 16.2 / SAR 07.2 SAR 16.2 Control unit: electronic (MWG)
Spare parts AC 01.2 Non-Intrusive

Please state device type and our order number (see name plate) when ordering spare parts. Only original AUMA spare parts should be used.
Failure to use original spare parts voids the warranty and exempts AUMA from any liability. Representation of spare parts may slightly vary
from actual delivery.
Ref. no. Designation Type Ref. no. Designation Type
001.0 Housing Sub-assembly 539.0 Screw plug Sub-assembly
002.0 Bearing flange Sub-assembly 542.0 Handwheel with ball handle Sub-assembly
003.0 Hollow shaft Sub-assembly 549.0 Output drive types B/B1/B2/B3/B4/C/E Sub-assembly
005.0 Drive shaft Sub-assembly 549.1 Output drive sleeve B/B1/B2/B3/B4/C/E Sub-assembly
005.1 Motor coupling 551.1 Parallel key
005.3 Manual drive coupling 553.0 Mechanical position indicator Sub-assembly
006.0 Worm wheel 554.0 Socket carrier for motor plug/socket con- Sub-assembly
nector with cable harness
009.0 Manual gearing Sub-assembly 556.0 Potentiometer as position transmitter Sub-assembly
017.0 Torque lever Sub-assembly 556.1 Potentiometer without slip clutch Sub-assembly
018.0 Gear segment 557.0 Heater
019.0 Crown wheel 558.0 Blinker transmitter including pins at wires Sub-assembly
(without impulse disc and insulation plate)
022.0 Drive pinion II for torque switching Sub-assembly 559.0-1 Electromechanical control unit with Sub-assembly
switches, including torque switching heads
023.0 Output drive wheel for limit switching Sub-assembly 559.0-2 Electronic control unit with magnetic limit Sub-assembly
and torque transmitter (MWG)
024.0 Drive wheel for limit switching Sub-assembly 560.0-1 Switch stack for direction OPEN Sub-assembly
025.0 Locking plate Sub-assembly 560.0-2 Switch stack for direction CLOSE Sub-assembly
058.0 Cable for protective earth Sub-assembly 560.1 Switch for limit/torque Sub-assembly
070.0 Motor (only for V... motors incl. ref. no. Sub-assembly 560.2 Switch case
079.0 Planetary gearing for motor drive (only for Sub-assembly 566.0 RWG position transmitter Sub-assembly
V... motors)
155.0 Reduction gearing Sub-assembly 566.1 Potentiometer for RWG without slip clutch Sub-assembly
500.0 Cover Sub-assembly 566.2 Position transmitter board for RWG Sub-assembly
501.0 Socket carrier (complete with sockets) Sub-assembly 566.3 Cable set for RWG Sub-assembly
502.0 Pin carrier without pins Sub-assembly 567.1 Slip clutch for potentiometer Sub-assembly
503.0 Socket for controls Sub-assembly 568.1 Stem protection tube (without cap)
504.0 Socket for motor Sub-assembly 568.2 Protective cap for stem protection tube
505.0 Pin for controls Sub-assembly 568.3 V-seal
506.0 Pin for motor Sub-assembly 568.4 Threaded sleeve
507.0 Cover for electrical connection Sub-assembly 575.1 Stem nut A (without thread)
511.0 Threaded plug Sub-assembly 583.0 Motor coupling on motor shaft Sub-assembly
514.0 Output drive type A (without stem nut) Sub-assembly 583.1 Pin for motor coupling
514.1 Axial needle roller bearing Sub-assembly 584.0 Retaining spring for motor coupling Sub-assembly
514.2 Radial seal for output drive type A 614.0 EWG position transmitter Sub-assembly
516.0 Output drive type D Sub-assembly 627.0 MWG 05.03 cover
516.1 Output drive shaft D S1 Seal kit, small Set
535.1 Snap ring S2 Seal kit, large Set

SA 07.2 SA 16.2 / SAR 07.2 SAR 16.2 Control unit: electronic (MWG)
AC 01.2 Non-Intrusive Spare parts

14.2. AC 01.2 actuator controls

SA 07.2 SA 16.2 / SAR 07.2 SAR 16.2 Control unit: electronic (MWG)
Spare parts AC 01.2 Non-Intrusive

Please state device type and our order number (see name plate) when ordering spare parts. Only original AUMA spare parts should be used.
Failure to use original spare parts voids the warranty and exempts AUMA from any liability. Representation of spare parts may slightly vary
from actual delivery.
Ref. no. Designation Type
001.0 Housing Sub-assembly
002.0 Local controls Sub-assembly
002.3 Local controls board Sub-assembly
002.4 Display face plate
006.0 Power supply Sub-assembly
008.1 I/O board Sub-assembly
009.0 Logic board Sub-assembly
011.1 Relay board Sub-assembly
012.0 Option board
501.0 Socket carrier complete with sockets Sub-assembly
502.0 Pin carrier without pins
503.0 Socket for controls Sub-assembly
504.0 Socket for motor Sub-assembly
505.0 Pin for controls Sub-assembly
506.0 Pin for motor Sub-assembly
507.0 Cover for electrical connection Sub-assembly
508.0 Switchgear Sub-assembly
509.1 Padlock Sub-assembly
510.0 Fuse kit Set
611.0 Cover Sub-assembly
S Seal kit Set

SA 07.2 SA 16.2 / SAR 07.2 SAR 16.2 Control unit: electronic (MWG)
AC 01.2 Non-Intrusive Certificates

15. Certificates
Information Certificates are valid as from the indicated date of issue. Subject to changes without
notice. The latest versions are attached to the device upon delivery and also available
for download at http://www.auma.com.

15.1. Declaration of Incorporation and EU Declaration of Conformity

SA 07.2 SA 16.2 / SAR 07.2 SAR 16.2 Control unit: electronic (MWG)
AC 01.2 Non-Intrusive

SA 07.2 SA 16.2 / SAR 07.2 SAR 16.2 Control unit: electronic (MWG)
AC 01.2 Non-Intrusive

SA 07.2 SA 16.2 / SAR 07.2 SAR 16.2 Control unit: electronic (MWG)
Index AC 01.2 Non-Intrusive

Index Failure - indication on display 44
Fault 63
A Fault - indication on display 43
Accessories (electrical con- 29 Features and functions 77
nection) Flange size 10
Accessories for assembly 21 Frequency range 23
Actual value - indication on 41 Function check - indication on 44
display display
Actuator controls terminal 9 Fuses 67
Actuator operation at the local 33 H
controls Handwheel 16
Actuator operation from re- 34 Heating system 24
mote Hollow shaft 55
Actuator terminal plan 9, 10 Humidity 73
Ambient temperature 8, 9, 73, 77
Analogue signals 47 I
Applications 5 Identification 8
Assembly 16 Indication lights 45
Indications 39
C Indications on display 39
Cable entries 73 Indicator disc 46, 58, 60
Cables 24 Indicator mark 46
Cable set 29 Input current 11
Certificates 83 Input signal 11
Coating 78 Input signals Potential 24
Colour 78 Inspection certificate 10
Commissioning 5 Installation altitude 77
Commissioning (indications 39 Insulation class 9, 72
on display) Intermediate frame 30
Commission number 8 Intermediate position indica- 45
Connecting cable 29 tion via LEDs
Connecting cables 24 Intrusive 11
Control 9, 11
Control inputs Potential 24 L
Control voltage 11 Language in the display 37
Corrective action 63 LEDs (indication lights) 45
Corrosion protection 14, 74, 78 Lifetime 74
Current consumption 23 Local actuator operation 33
Current type 9, 23 Local control 33
Local controls 33
D Local setting 34
Data Matrix code 11 Lubrication 70
Declaration of Incorporation 83
Device type 10
Digital outputs 47
Direct display via ID 36
Direction of rotation 54, 55
Directives 5
Display (indications) 39
Disposal 71
Double sealed 30

Earth connection 31
Electrical connection 23, 73
EMC 25
Enclosure protection 8, 9, 9, 73, 77
Error - indication on display 39
EU Declaration of Conformity 83

SA 07.2 SA 16.2 / SAR 07.2 SAR 16.2 Control unit: electronic (MWG)
AC 01.2 Non-Intrusive Index

Main menu 35 Packaging 14
Mains frequency 9, 9, 72 Parking frame 30
Mains voltage 9, 9, 23, 72 Password 36
Maintenance 5, 70, 70 Password change 37
Maintenance required - indic- 44 Password entry 36
ation on display Positioner - indication on dis- 41
Manual operation 32, 72 play
Mechanical position indicator 46, 46, 58, 60 Position indicator 46, 46, 58, 60
Mechanical position indicator 58 Positions indication on dis- 42
(self-adjusting) play
Menu navigation 34 Position transmitter 10
Motor heater 72 Power class 9
Motor operation 33 Power class for switchgear 10
Motor protection 9, 72 Power factor 9
Motors 72 Power supply of electronics 23
Motor type 9 Production, year 10
Mounting position 77 Protection on site 23
Multiport valve positions in- 42 Protective measures 5
dication on display Push-to-run operation 33

Name plate 8 Qualification of staff 5
Nominal current 9
Nominal power 9 R
Non-Intrusive 11 Range of application 5
Not ready REMOTE - indica- 43 Recycling 71
tion on display Reduction gearing 60
Remote actuator operation 34
O Residual current device 24
Operation 5, 32 (RCD)
Operation commands - indic- 41 Running indication 46, 46
ations on display
Order number 8, 9, 10
Out of specification - indica- 43
tion on display
Output contacts 47
Output drive type A 16
Output drive types B 19
Output signals 47
Output signals Potential 24
Output speed 8, 9
Overvoltage category 72, 74

SA 07.2 SA 16.2 / SAR 07.2 SAR 16.2 Control unit: electronic (MWG)
Index AC 01.2 Non-Intrusive

Safety instructions 5 Year of production 10
Safety instructions/warnings 5
Safety measures 24
Safety standards 24
Self-locking 72
Self-retaining 33
Serial number 8, 9, 10
Service 70
Servicing 70
Setpoint - indication on dis- 41
Short-circuit protection 23
Signals 47
Signals (analogue) 47
Size 10
Spare parts 79
Standards 5
Status menu 35
Status signals 47
Status signals Potential 24
Stem 55
Stem nut 17
Stem protection tube 21
Storage 14
Supply networks 23
Support 70
Support App 11, 11

Technical data 72
Temperature protection 9
Terminal plan 23, 73
Test run 53
Torque - indication on display 40
Torque range 8
Torque switching 50
Transport 12
Type (device type) 10
Type designation 8, 9
Type of duty 9, 72
Type of lubricant 8
Type of networks 23

User level 36

Valve attachment 73
Valve position - indication on 40
Valve stem 21
Voltage range 23

Wall bracket 29
Warnings - indication on dis- 43
Wiring diagram 10, 23

AUMA worldwide

Europe AUMA Finland Oy AUMA-LUSA Representative Office, Lda.

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AUMA Riester GmbH & Co. KG Tel +358 9 5840 22 Tel +351 211 307 100
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Location Muellheim www.auma.fi
DE 79373 Muellheim SAUTECH
Tel +49 7631 809 - 0 AUMA France S.A.R.L. RO 011783 Bucuresti
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Tel +49 711 34803 - 0 AUMA ACTUATORS Ltd. Tel +7 495 221 64 28
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Tel +43 2252 82540 [email protected] www.elsob.sk
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www.zatvor.by NB Engineering Services A.T.E.C.
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AUMA (Schweiz) AG Tel + 356 2169 2647 Tel +20 2 23599680 - 23590861
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Tel +41 566 400945
[email protected] AUMA BENELUX B.V. SAMIREG
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Tel +34 91 3717130
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Tel +48 32 783 52 00 Tel +27 11 3632880
[email protected] [email protected]

AUMA worldwide

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CN 215499 Taicang CORPORATION
AUMA Argentina Rep.Office Tel +86 512 3302 6900 PH 1550 Mandaluyong City
AR Buenos Aires [email protected] Tel +63 2 532 4058
Tel +54 11 4737 9026 www.auma-china.com [email protected]
[email protected]
PERFECT CONTROLS Ltd. M & C Group of Companies
HK Tsuen Wan, Kowloon PK 54000 Cavalry Ground, Lahore Cantt
BR Sao Paulo Tel +852 2493 7726 Tel +92 42 3665 0542, +92 42 3668 0118
Tel +55 11 4612-3477 [email protected] [email protected]
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PT. Carakamas Inti Alam
TROY-ONTOR Inc. ID 11460 Jakarta Petrogulf W.L.L
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Tel +1 705 721-8246 [email protected] Tel +974 44350151
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Tel +56 2 2821 4108 [email protected] Tel + 966 5 5359 6025
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B & C Biosciences Ltda. ITG - Iranians Torque Generator AUMA ACTUATORS (Singapore) Pte Ltd.
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Tel +57 1 349 0475 +982144545654 Tel +65 6 4818750
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AUMA ACTUATORS INC. Al-Arfaj Engineering Co WLL AUMA Vietnam Hanoi RO

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Suplibarca TOO Armaturny Center
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Asia Network Engineering www.barron.com.au
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AUMA Actuators UAE Support Office Tel +961 9 944080
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AUMA Malaysia Office
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Mustafa Sultan Science & Industry Co LLC
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AUMA worldwide

AUMA Riester GmbH & Co. KG
P.O. Box 1362
DE 79373 Muellheim
Tel +49 7631 809 - 0
Fax +49 7631 809 - 1250
[email protected]


For detailed information on AUMA products, refer to the Internet: www.auma.com

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