Technical Bulletin: Audco
Technical Bulletin: Audco
Technical Bulletin: Audco
Iron Taper Plug Valve
FCD AUEETB0002-01 06/13
Experience in Motion
Experience in Motion
Audco Iron Taper Plug Valve FCD
AUEETB0002-01 06/13
mm 15 20 25 32 40 50 65 80 100 125 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 600
Inches ½ ¾ 1 1¼ 1½ 2 2½ 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 24
Standard Type
Screwed ends/ Flanged 9
Inverted Type
Flanged 10
Standard Type
Flanged 11
Old Fig. No. New Fig. No. Page Old Fig. No. New Fig. No. Page
MW 12 MRW122GG 9 BG 11F BRG1FFGN 10
MW14 MRW144GG 9 BG 13 BRG133GG 10
MW 11F MRW1FFGG 9 LW 13 MSW133GG 11
MW 13 MRW133GG 9 LG 11 MSG1DDGG 11
BG 11 BRG1DDGN 10 LG 13 MSG133GG 11
Audco Iron Taper Plug Valve FCD
AUEETB0002-01 06/13
Consult SAV full Overhaul & Repair Manual, available 1 to 10 times daily...... Weekly Monthly
on request, before attempting any maintenance oper-
1 to 30 times monthly...... Monthly Quarterly
ations other than those described here.
Less frequently...... Quarterly Twice Annually 3
Audco Iron Taper Plug Valve FCD
AUEETB0002-01 06/13
Audco sealants are formulated specially for use in Audco valves and no other types of sealant should be used, nor
should Audco valve sealants be used for any purpose other than injecting into Audco plug valves without our express
Audco Iron Taper Plug Valve FCD
AUEETB0002-01 06/13
Standard Construction
Audco Standard Type Valve
The Audco Standard type valve has its integral operating
shank at the large end of the taper plug. The plug is seated
by means of forces applied through the gland packing
housed in the cover which also seals the shank against 3 9
To prevent damage to the packing where it would
otherwise rub on the top of the plug, it bears on a metal 4
shim which is clamped between the body and the cover.
This reduces friction between the plug and the packing and
also acts as a separate and very effective seal against
leakage of the line fluid into the packing space. 5
1 17
3 11
12 12
6 13
7 14
1 Sealant Injector * 10 Stop
2 Indicator 11 Cover
3 Gland Nuts 12 Shim
4 Gland 13 Gasket 14
5 Gland Packing 14 Body
6 Packing Ring 15 Sealant Grooves
7 Sealant Duct 16 Sealant Chamber
8 Plug 17 Gland Studs
9 Check Valve 18 Cover Bolts 5
Audco Iron Taper Plug Valve FCD
AUEETB0002-01 06/13
Standard Construction
Audco Inverted Type Valve
The larger sizes of Audco Regular Pattern valves are of the 2
INVERTED TYPE. In this design, the plug tapers towards 20
its upper end and is firmly seated by means of a loading
screw passing through the cover which seals the valve 21
The sealant chamber is at the upper end of the plug, and
the plug seating is independent of the gland, which serves 3
only to seal the plug shank against leakage to atmosphere.
These large valves are normally operated by a worm gear
unit and handwheel.
1 23
8 12 7
9 13 12
10 8
15 14 9
17 16 10
18 13
1 Sealant Injector 14 Diaphragm 15
2 Check Valve 15 Pressure Plate 16
3 Gear Unit 16 Cover
4 Gland 17 Plug Loading Screw 17
5 Gland Packing 18 Locknut 18
6 Body 19 Cover Bolts 19
7 Plug 20 Gear Unit Nuts
8 Plug Ball Seat 21 Gear Unit Studs
9 Ball 22 Distance Pieces
10 Ball Seat 23 Gland Stud Nuts
11 Indicator 24 Gland Studs
12 Sealant Grooves 25 Key
13 Joint Ring
Audco Iron Taper Plug Valve FCD
AUEETB0002-01 06/13
Figure Numbering
A familiarity with our figure number system is not necessary when specifying or ordering our valves. Providing a full description
of the valve is given, our Sales Office will translate this into a figure number. A full description of the valve would begin with
“Audco Iron Plug Valve”, and would then go on to give size, pressure rating, flanging details etc.
We give an example below in order to illustrate figure number, but if a fuller explanation is required please request Standards
Sheet 0028-4001.
1st Digit Gives Pressure Rating
R - Regular 1 - ANSI 125
Size 50mm Standard Type S - Short
V - Venturi Body Material
Pattern G - Cast Iron
0 5 0 M R W 1 3 3 G G 7
Audco Iron Taper Plug Valve FCD
AUEETB0002-01 06/13
Test Pressures
Test Duration
Each relevant standard defines the minimum length of time for which each test pressure is to maintained and also the testing
operations sequence.
These duration will be adhered to unless a different specification is required against a particular order. If, once fitted into the
line, a valve is to be subjected to a greater test pressure or a longer duration of test, then this should be specified and this can
be covered at the inspection stage of the finished valve before painting.
Audco Iron Taper Plug Valve FCD
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Audco Iron Taper Plug Valve FCD
AUEETB0002-01 06/13
Audco Iron Taper Plug Valve FCD
AUEETB0002-01 06/13 11
Flowserve India Controls Pvt Ltd
B-8, CMDA Industrial Area,
Maraimalai Nagar - 603 209,
Kanchipuram Dist, Tamil Nadu, India.
(T) +91-44-27452323
(F) +91-44-27452327
Email : [email protected]
Flowserve Corporation has established industry leadership in the design and manufacture of its products. When properly selected, this Flowserve product is designed to
perform its intended function safely during its useful life. However, the purchaser or user of Flowserve products should be aware that Flowserve products might be used in
numerous applications under a wide variety of industrial service conditions. Although Flowserve can (and often does) provide general guidelines, it cannot provide specific data
and warnings for all possible applications. The purchaser/user must therefore assume the ultimate responsibility for the proper sizing and selection, installation, operation, and
maintenance of Flowserve products. The purchaser/user should read and understand the Installation Operation Maintenance (IOM) instructions included with the product, and
train its employees and contractors in the safe use of Flowserve products in connection with the specific application.
While the information and specifications contained in this literature are believed to be accurate, they are supplied for informative purposes only and should not be considered
certified or as a guarantee of satisfactory results by reliance thereon. Nothing contained herein is to be construed as a warranty or guarantee, express or implied, regarding any
matter with respect to this product. Because Flowserve is continually improving and upgrading its product design, the specifications, dimensions and information contained
herein are subject to change without notice. Should any question arise concerning these provisions, the purchaser/user should contact Flowserve Corporation at any one of its
worldwide operations or offices.
©2013 Flowserve Corporation, Irving, Texas, USA. Flowserve is a registered trademark of Flowserve Corporation.
Experience in Motion