P1.2 Student Practical: Bungee Jumping

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This experiment investigates the energy transfers that occur during a bungee jump by measuring how high a model bungee jumper rebounds for different starting positions.

The purpose of this experiment is to measure positions of a moving object and describe the energy transfers which take place during a bungee jump.

Repeating the measurements allows you to calculate the mean distance fallen and the mean distance risen after rebound.

Student practical P1.

Name ...................................................................... Class .................. Date .....................

Bungee jumping
Specification references:
 P 1.2.1 Energy transfers in a system
 MS 1c, 2b
 WS 2.4, 2.6, 3.3, 3.5

When a bungee jumper falls, energy is gradually transferred from their
gravitational potential energy store to their kinetic energy store, and then into the
elastic energy store of the bungee cord. When the jumper goes back up again,
further energy transfers take place. In this investigation you will take
measurements to find out how high a model bungee jumper will rebound for
different starting positions.

Learning outcomes
After completing this practical you should be able to:
 measure positions of a moving object
 make repeat measurements and use them to calculate a mean
 describe the energy transfers which take place during a bungee jump.

 Ensure the clamp stand is securely clamped to the table using the G-clamp.
 Wear eye protection, in case the rubber band snaps suddenly.

 Mass holder and masses, with total mass of 300 g
 Long rubber band
 Metre ruler or graph paper
 Set square
 Clamp stand and clamp
 G-clamp
 Eye protection

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Student practical P1.2
Name ...................................................................... Class .................. Date .....................

1 Set up the apparatus as shown in the diagram. Either clamp a metre ruler vertically as shown (using
the set square to check the ruler is vertical), or set up graph paper behind the masses and measure
positions by marking them on the graph paper.
2 Hold the masses at a fixed position near the point the rubber band is hanging from.
3 Record the position of the bottom of the mass holder against the metre ruler or graph paper.
4 Release the masses. Measure the lowest position of the bottom of the mass holder, and the highest
position it rebounds to. Record all your measurements.
5 Repeat steps 2–4 two more times, using the same starting position of the masses.

elastic band

metre ruler

Complete the table below or, in your workbook, you could design a different way
to present your results clearly. Record your results.

Mean distance Mean distance

Start Lowest position Highest position on
fallen to lowest risen after
position reached in cm rebound in cm
position in cm rebound in cm
in cm
1 2 3 Mean 1 2 3 Mean

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Student practical P1.2
Name ...................................................................... Class .................. Date .....................

1 Explain why repeating the measurements is better than taking just one measurement.

(2 marks)

6 For each starting position, calculate:

a the mean distance fallen by the mass holder

(1 mark)

b the mean distance the mass holder rose after the rebound.

(1 mark)

distance risen after rebound

7 Calculate the fraction distance fallen

(1 mark)

8 If the gravitational potential energy store of the masses after the rebound was the same as their
gravitational potential energy store before they fell, the value of the fraction you calculated in
Question 3 would be 1. What does the value of your fraction tell you about the gravitational potential
energy of the masses after the rebound?

(1 mark)

9 A student comments on the results of this experiment, saying, “The results show that the principle of
conservation of energy is not correct.” A second student says, “That’s not true. The ‘lost’ energy has
gone somewhere – we just didn’t keep track of where it went.” Say whether you agree with each
student, and explain why.

(2 marks)

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Student practical P1.2
Name ...................................................................... Class .................. Date .....................

Student follow up

1 The diagram shows a bungee jumper at three different positions: waiting to jump (position 1), at the
point where the bungee rope is fully unwound and about to start stretching (position 2), and at the
lowest point before he rebounds (position 3).
a In which of the three positions is the bungee jumper’s gravitational potential energy store largest?
Explain your answer.

(2 marks)

b In which of the three positions is the bungee jumper’s gravitational energy store smallest?
Explain your answer.

(2 marks)

c In which of the three positions is the rope’s elastic energy store largest? Explain your answer.

(2 marks)

10 Describe and explain the changes in the rope’s elastic energy store as the jumper moves from
position 1 to position 3.

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Student practical P1.2
Name ...................................................................... Class .................. Date .....................

(5 marks)

11 Explain, in terms of energy transfer, why a bungee jumper eventually stops


(3 marks)

12 The diagram shows the sizes of a bungee jumper’s energy stores for different positions of the
bungee jumper.

a The graphs are not entirely realistic. Suggest what assumption has been made in drawing them.

(1 mark)

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Student practical P1.2
Name ...................................................................... Class .................. Date .....................

b Which of the three positions in the bungee jumper diagram corresponds to position A on the
graphs? Explain your answer.

(3 marks)

c Which of the three positions in the bungee jumper diagram corresponds to position B on the
graphs? Explain your answer.

(2 marks)

d Explain why the jumper’s kinetic energy store reaches a maximum and then decreases. Use the
graphs to help you.

(3 marks)

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