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994 C. Demangel et al. Eur. J. Immunol. 2002.

32: 994–1002

Autocrine IL-10 impairs dendritic cell (DC)-derived

immune responses to mycobacterial infection by
suppressing DC trafficking to draining lymph nodes
and local IL-12 production
Caroline Demangel1,2, Patrick Bertolino1 and Warwick J. Britton1,3
Centenary Institute of Cancer Medicine and Cell Biology, Newtown, Australia
Laboratoire d’Ingenierie des Anticorps, Institut Pasteur, Paris, France
Department of Medicine, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia

The production of IL-12 by dendritic cells (DC) early in an immune response is considered
critical for the polarization of CD4+ T lymphocyte response towards a Th1 pattern, a key pro-
cess in the clearance of intracellular pathogens. Infection of bone marrow-derived DC with
Mycobacterium bovis Bacillus Calmette Guérin (BCG) induced a concurrent and dose-
dependent release of IL-10 and IL-12. Here we examined whether the production of IL-10 by
DC affected their IL-12 response to mycobacterial infection and the generation of protective
immune responses in vivo. Compared to wild-type (WT) DC, DC deficient for IL-10 synthesis
(IL-10–/–) showed increased IL-12 production in response to BCG infection and CD40 stimuli
in vitro. Moreover, when transferred into mice, infected IL-10–/– DC were more efficient than
WT DC at inducing IFN- + production to mycobacterial antigens in the draining lymph nodes
(DLN). This effect was associated with increased trafficking of IL-10–/– DC to the DLN and
enhanced IL-12 production by DC within the DLN. These data show that autocrine IL-10
exerts a dual inhibitory effect on the induction of primary immune responses by DC: first, by
down-regulating the migration of infected DC to the DLN and second, by modulating the
IL-12 production by DC in the DLN. Received 5/11/01
Revised 20/12/01
Accepted 21/1/02
Key words: Dendritic cell / Mycobacteria / Cell trafficking / IL-12 / IL-10

1 Introduction IL-12, a pro-inflammatory cytokine governing the devel-

opment of IFN- + -producing T cells [7], is of particular
The orientation of the immune response towards Th1 or importance in this process. The presence of IL-12 during
Th2 phenotype determines the outcome of parasitic early infection is associated with expansion of Th1-like T
infections caused by many intracellular pathogens, cells, and as a consequence with resistance to diseases
including Chlamydia, Mycobacteria and Leishmania. In caused by bacteria, intracellular parasites, fungi, and
these infections, the early priming of antigen-specific viruses [7]. In contrast, IL-10 acts as an immunosuppres-
CD4+ T cells producing IFN- + is crucial for the develop- sive cytokine, exemplified by stronger Th1-like T cell
ment of protective immunity [1–3]. Conversely, redirec- responses and increased resistance to intracellular path-
tion of the immune response towards a Th2 type, as ogens in IL-10-deficient (IL-10–/–) animals [5, 8, 9]. Con-
characterized by CD4+ T cells producing IL-4 and IL-10, sistently in humans, IL-10 levels correlate with the pro-
results in increased susceptibility to infection and slower gression of leishmaniasis, malaria, leprosy, tuberculosis
bacterial clearance in the host [4–6]. The cytokine profile and Mycobacterium avium infections [10]. From these
generated during the early phase of an infection, by observations, it appears that IL-12 and IL-10 are major
polarizing cellular responses into Th1 or Th2 type, there- regulators of the development of Th1 cells during the
fore has a key impact on the resolution of infectious dis- immune response to infection, which play antagonist
eases. roles. Recently, suppression of the endogenous produc-
tion of IL-10 by APC was found to be a potent means for
[I 22596] boosting Th1 immunity against Chlamydia infection [11].
Moreover, when dendritic cells (DC) were engineered to
Abbreviations: CMFDA: 5-Chloromethylfluorescein di-
secrete IL-12, they had an increased capacity to gener-
acetate DC: Dendritic cell DLN: Draining lymph nodes IL-
10–/–: IL-10-deficient MOI: Multiplicity of infection TLR: ate specific IFN- + -producing T cells and to protect mice
Toll-like receptor WT: Wild-type against leishmanial challenge [12, 13]. This suggests that

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Eur. J. Immunol. 2002. 32: 994–1002 Autocrine IL-10 suppresses DC-derived immune responses 995

IL-12 and IL-10 may exert their regulatory role primarily

at the level of the APC.

DC are major APC in the initiation and the maintenance

of anti-microbial immunity [14]. Numerous in vitro data
have shown that IL-12 is produced by DC following stim-
ulation with microbial products or T cell signals such as
the engagement of surface CD40 [14, 15]. Immunization
with antigen-loaded DC induced the development of
protective Th1-like T cell responses in murine models of
leishmaniasis and tuberculosis [13, 16], suggesting that Fig. 1. IL-12 and IL-10 are co-induced in BCG-infected DC.
interaction of DC with incoming pathogens drives them (A) IL-12 and IL-10 production by DC following infection with
to release IL-12 in vivo. This view is supported by the live BCG is shown as a function of the MOI. Data are mean
finding that IL-12 production by DC was detected in and SD of ELISA triplicate measurements and are represen-
tative of two independent experiments. (B) The surface
mice early after injection of microbial antigens [17, 18].
expression of IL-10R was measured for uninfected DC (DC),
Several lines of evidence suggest that DC maturation
and DC infected with BCG at a MOI of 10 (DC + BCG). FACS
and function may be altered by exposure to IL-10 [10]. profiles are representative of two independent experiments
Addition of IL-10 to DC suppresses DC differentiation and include DC staining with an isotype control Ab (ctrl).
from monocytes [19], and blocks DC maturation in
response to LPS stimulation [20]. Treatment of DC with
exogenous IL-10 down-regulates their expression of not affected upon infection and that IL-10 can signal in
mRNA for IL-12, and impairs their capacity to induce DC, regardless of their infection status.
IFN- + -producing cells to a protein antigen in vivo [21].
Recently, antibody neutralization of DC-derived IL-10
was shown to enhance LPS- and CD40-mediated matu- 2.2 Autocrine IL-10 regulates the IL-12 response
ration of DC in vitro [22]. However, whether this mecha- of DC to BCG infection and to CD40
nism of regulation is relevant in situations were DC are stimulation
infected with live organisms, and impairs the develop-
ment of protective immunity remained to be determined. To test whether IL-12 production by DC was affected by
In the present study, we show that endogenous IL-10 endogenous IL-10, DC generated from wild-type (WT) or
suppresses the induction of antimycobacterial cellular IL-10–/– animals were compared for their ability to secrete
responses by DC in vivo, and explore the mechanisms IL-12 following BCG infection. As with WT DC, the pro-
by which IL-10 exerts its regulatory role on DC. duction of IL-12 by IL-10–/– DC increased with increasing
MOI with BCG (Fig. 2A). However, IL-10–/– DC released
significantly higher levels of IL-12 than WT DC. More-
2 Results over, when IL-10 signaling was blocked in WT DC by an
antibody to IL-10R, increased IL-12 production was
2.1 BCG infection induces the production of both observed (Fig. 2B).
IL-12 and IL-10 by DC
Signals from T cells, such as the engagement of surface
Bacterial stimuli induce DC maturation and up-regulate CD40 on DC, potentiate the ability of DC to release IL-
their mRNA expression for a number of cytokines, 12. When DC were infected with BCG at a MOI of 10 and
including IL-12 and IL-10 [14]. To investigate the inter- stimulated with graded amounts of agonistic anti-CD40
play between these two cytokines on DC function follow- antibody [15], a dose-dependent increase in IL-12 pro-
ing mycobacterial infection, bone marrow-derived DC duction was observed (Fig. 3A). IL-12 production was
were incubated with BCG and the release of IL-12 and further augmented in IL-10–/– DC, with CD40 stimulation
IL-10 cytokines measured in culture supernatants. of IL-10–/– DC leading to tenfold higher concentrations of
Fig. 1A shows that secretion of both IL-12 and IL-10 was IL-12 as compared to WT DC. Staining for intracyto-
induced in BCG-infected DC, as compared to uninfected plasmic IL-12 showed that the percentage of IL-12 pro-
DC. The production was augmented in a similar fashion ducing cells was higher in IL-10–/– than in WT DC, and
for IL-12 and IL-10 when the multiplicity of infection that CD40 stimulation gives rise to DC with higher IL-12-
(MOI) was increased from 1 to 10 bacilli per DC. Flow producing capacity (Fig. 3B and data not shown).
cytometric analysis revealed that uninfected and BCG-
infected DC equally express the receptor for IL-10 (IL-
10R) (Fig. 1B), demonstrating that IL-10R expression is
996 C. Demangel et al. Eur. J. Immunol. 2002. 32: 994–1002

nodes (DLN, i.e. inguinal lymph nodes) were restimulated

in vitro with PPD. DLN cells prepared from mice immu-
nized with IL-10–/– DC proliferated to a greater extent to
mycobacterial antigens (Fig. 4A), and generated higher
numbers of IFN- + -producing cells (Fig. 4B), than those
from WT DC injected mice.

2.4 Autocrine IL-10 does not modify the

maturation of DC in vitro

To examine whether this effect of IL-10 on T cell immune

Fig. 2. Endogenous IL-10 regulates the IL-12 response of response was due to differences in maturation of IL-10–/–
DC to BCG infection. (A) IL-12 production by DC derived and WT DC, we investigated the expression of MHC
from WT or IL-10–/– mice, is shown at various MOI with live class II and CD86 costimulatory molecules on DC at the
BCG. (B) IL-12 production by DC infected with BCG at an
time of inoculation. As previously reported [23–25], the
MOI of 10 in the presence of grading amounts of a neutraliz-
expression of both molecules was significantly aug-
ing anti-IL-10R antibody ( § IL-10R Ab), or an isotype control
(ctrl Ab), are compared. Data are mean and standard error mented in WT DC following infection with BCG (Fig. 5).
(SE) of ELISA triplicate measurements on culture superna- However, IL-10–/– and WT DC showed equivalent levels
tants, and are representative of two independent experi- of expression of CD86 and MHC class II molecules,
ments. Differences between groups were analyzed using regardless of the infection with BCG (Fig. 5). Moreover,
ANOVA (* p X 0.01). no differences in the proportion of apoptotic cells, as
measured by staining with Annexin V, were observed
between BCG-infected IL-10–/– and WT DC (data not
2.3 IL-10 inhibits the capacity of BCG-infected shown), demonstrating that endogenous IL-10 did not
DC to generate IFN- q -producing T cells alter DC maturation and viability in this model.
in vivo

If endogenous IL-10 inhibits the IL-12 response of DC to 2.5 IL-10–/– and WT DC differ by their ability to
microbial stimuli and to CD40 stimulation, IL-10–/– DC reach draining lymph nodes following
should be more effective than WT DC at priming IFN- + - transfer
secreting T cells against mycobacterial antigens in vivo.
WT and IL-10–/– DC were infected with BCG in vitro and We thus compared WT and IL-10–/– DC for their migratory
compared for their ability to activate naive T cells follow- capacities following transfer in vivo. Following infection
ing transfer in mice. Seven days following subcutaneous with BCG and prior to s.c. injection, DC were stain-
(s.c.) immunization, cells from pooled draining lymph ed with the fluorescent cell tracker 5-chloromethyl-

Fig. 3. Endogenous IL-10 regulates the IL-12 response of DC to CD40 stimulation. (A) IL-12 production by BCG-infected DC
derived from WT or IL-10–/– mice, in the presence of agonistic anti-CD40 ( § CD40 Ab) or irrelevant (ctrl Ab) antibody, is shown.
Data are mean and SE of triplicate measurements, and are representative of two independent experiments. (B) The percentage
of DC producing IL-12 in response to BCG infection in the presence ( § CD40 Ab), or absence (ctrl Ab), of agonistic anti-CD40
antibody is shown.
Eur. J. Immunol. 2002. 32: 994–1002 Autocrine IL-10 suppresses DC-derived immune responses 997

Fig. 4. IL-10 inhibits the capacity of BCG-infected DC to

generate IFN- + -producing T cells in vivo. Mice immunized by
BCG-infected DC derived from WT or IL-10–/– mice were
compared for proliferation of inguinal lymph node cells (A),
and frequency of IFN- + producing cells in the lymph nodes
(B), following restimulation with PPD. Mean ± SE for tripli- Fig. 6. Autocrine IL-10 suppresses the migration of DC in
cate cultures are shown. Differences between groups were vivo. Detection of a subset of CMFDA+ CD11c+ cells in the
analyzed using ANOVA (* p X 0.01). DLN 24 h after s.c. injection: A representative dot plot is
shown for groups of three mice injected with BCG-infected
WT DC (A) or IL-10–/– DC (B). (C) Percentage of CMFDA+ cells
in total DLN cells, and (D) the total number of CMFDA+ cells
fluorescein diacetate (CMFDA) [26]. Twenty-four hours in the DLN 24 h after inoculation of BCG-infected WT or IL-
later, DLN (inguinal lymph nodes) cell suspensions were 10–/– DC. Similar findings were obtained in separate experi-
prepared and analyzed by flow cytometry. A CMFDA+ ments. Data are mean and SE measured on groups of three
cell subset was detected in the DLN of both mice immu- animals, and differences between groups were analyzed
nized with WT and IL-10–/– DC (Fig. 6A and B). As using ANOVA (* p X 0.05, ** p X 0.01).
expected, this CMFDA+ cell subset had the CD11c+ CD8–
phenotype of bone marrow-derived DC (data not
shown). However, the frequency (Fig. 6C) and the total those immunized with WT DC. This suggested that IL-10
number (Fig. 6D) of CMFDA+ cells in the DLN were signif- release by BCG-infected DC limits their ability to traffic to
icantly higher in mice injected with IL-10–/– DC than in the DLN.

2.6 Transfer of IL-10–/– DC augments the

production of IL-12 by DC in the DLN

To investigate whether IL-10–/– DC have an enhanced

ability to deliver IL-12 at the site of immune induction,
mice were s.c. immunized with CMFDA-labeled WT or
IL-10–/– DC. Control animals injected with PBS or BCG
were included. After 24 and 40 h, DLN cell suspensions
were prepared and stained for intracytoplasmic IL-12.
Fig. 7 shows that the total number of CD11c+ IL-12+ cells
was significantly higher in the group injected with IL-10–/–
DC than in the other groups 24 h and 40 h post transfer,
with significant differences in the frequencies of these
cells 40 h post transfer.
Fig. 5. Autocrine IL-10 does not alter DC maturation. Cell
surface expression of MHC class II and CD86 molecules is
shown for uninfected or BCG-infected WT and IL-10–/– DC at 3 Discussion
day 5 of culture. Analysis was performed 24 h after infection
with BCG at an MOI of 10. Dashed lines correspond to stain- Bacteria and their products are potent inducers of DC
ing in the absence of primary specific antibodies (ctrl). FACS activation, promoting profound changes in DC pheno-
profiles are representative of two independent experiments. type and function [14]. Stimulation of DC with microbial
998 C. Demangel et al. Eur. J. Immunol. 2002. 32: 994–1002

through TLR leads to the induction of NF- ‹ B-controlled

genes, including pro-inflammatory cytokines and costi-
mulatory molecules [31]. In contrast, IL-10 cellular pro-
duction is regulated by alteration of RNA degradation
[10], suggesting that IL-10 and IL-12 responses to micro-
bial stimulation are modulated by distinct molecular
mechanisms in DC. Accordingly, activation of TLR2 on
human monocyte-derived DC by exposure to LPS or a
single M. tuberculosis lipoprotein induced IL-12, but not
IL-10 [28]. The interactions between human DC and
intact pathogens are likely to be more complex, with a
variety of bacterial products interacting with specific
Fig. 7. DC-derived IL-10 down-regulates the production of
DC receptors and contributing to the global cytokine
IL-12 by DC in the lymph nodes. The percentage (A) and
response of DC. For example, M. tuberculosis can signal
total number (B) of IL-12-producing DC in the DLN are
shown 24 h (white) and 40 h (black) after inoculation of via both human TLR2 and TLR4, leading DC to produce
BCG-infected WT and IL-10–/– DC. The IL-12-producing both IL-10 and IL-12, at low but reproducible levels [23].
subset of DC in the DLN was analyzed by gating on CD11c+ Interestingly, although they are closely related mycobac-
cells positive for IL-12, as determined by intracytoplasmic teria species, BCG is far more effective at stimulating IL-
staining. This cell subset was consistently negative for 12 production by DC than M. avium and M. tuberculosis
CMFDA staining, indicating that the IL-12-producing DC (C. Demangel, unpublished). Similarly, different forms of
were of recipient origin (data not shown). Similar findings the same fungus Candida albicans stimulate DC for dis-
were obtained in separate experiments. Data are mean and criminative production of IL-12 or IL-4 [32], while LPS
SE measured on groups of three animals, and differences
extracted from different types of bacteria induce differ-
between groups were analyzed using ANOVA (* p X 0.05).
ential IL-12 production by splenic DC [33]. This suggests
that the innate recognition of bacteria by DC does not
products triggers the up-regulation of a number of mole- result in a standard profile of cytokine response, but in a
cules specialized in the activation of T cells, including distinctive ‘cytokine pattern’ for each parasite. For vac-
MHC class I and II, CD1, B7-1, B7-2 and CD40. Acti- cine development, the measurement of IL-10 and IL-12
vated DC acquire migration capacity, leave the periph- production by DC in response to given pathogens or dif-
eral organs and reach secondary lymphoid tissues. The ferent candidate vaccines may help to predict which are
production of cytokines is also up-regulated in microbial- more likely to elicit Th1-orientated responses in vivo.
stimulated DC, with release of a range of pro-
inflammatory cytokines such as IL-6, IL-1, TNF- § and IL- Constitutive expression of IL-10R has been observed on
12. The fact that IL-10 is often co-induced with IL-12 in murine bone marrow-derived DC (Fig. 1B), lymph node
DC following bacterial stimulation led to the hypothesis DC of both CD8+ and CD8– subsets (data not shown),
that this cytokine might serve as a counter signal for and on human PBMC-derived DC [22], suggesting that
blocking exaggerated T cell responses induced by IL-12 IL-10 and IL-10R constitute a general modulatory loop
[25]. This view is supported by data showing that exoge- for the regulation of DC function. Interestingly, in vitro
nously added IL-10 inhibits LPS- and CD40-dependent stimulation of DC with agonistic anti-CD40 antibody sig-
IL-12 production by DC and impairs their ability to nificantly up-regulated the expression of IL-10R (data not
induce Th1 cells in vivo [20, 21], whereas addition of anti- shown). This modulation of IL-10R surface expression
IL-10 neutralizing antibody or soluble IL-10R to DC cul- was observed regardless of infection with BCG, and sug-
tures results in opposite effects [22, 27]. Our findings that gests that IL-10 might play a regulatory effect more
IL-10–/– DC have an increased ability to produce IL-12 in selectively on CD40-activated DC. This may represent a
response to mycobacterial and CD40 stimuli, and induce mechanism by which DC having migrated to the second-
stronger specific Th1 responses in vivo, further supports ary lymphoid organs and contacted T cells can regulate
the suppressive role of autocrine IL-10 on the generation their own production of IL-12. We are currently examin-
of IL-12-mediated immune responses by DC. ing if the up-regulation of IL-10R is a relevant mechanism
in vivo for the control of IL-12 synthesis by DC in the
The bacterial molecules and signaling pathways leading lymph nodes.
to IL-12 production by DC are incompletely understood;
however, there is evidence that IL-12 is induced by bac- In addition to its effect on IL-12 synthesis by DC, IL-10
terial lipoproteins and LPS in human monocytes, has been described to inhibit the maturation of blood-
monocyte-derived macrophages and DC in a Toll-like derived and dermal DC, as measured by the expression
receptor (TLR)-dependent manner [28–30]. Signaling of costimulatory molecules and their capacity to pro-
Eur. J. Immunol. 2002. 32: 994–1002 Autocrine IL-10 suppresses DC-derived immune responses 999

mote alloantigen-specific T cell responses [10]. However, is an important regulator of DC migration in vivo in
the expression of CD86 and MHC class II molecules was response to microbial stimuli.
comparable in IL-10–/– DC and WT DC (Fig. 5), and was
not modified in splenic DC by treatment with IL-10 [21], Enhanced IL-12 production was observed in the DLN of
suggesting that the effect of IL-10 on DC maturation mice immunized with IL-10–/– DC, as compared to WT
might vary with the type of DC. Moreover, WT and IL- DC. Intriguingly, the CMFDA+ subset of DC in the DLN
10–/– DC did not differ in the percentage of apoptotic or was consistently negative for IL-12 production, indicat-
necrotic cells. Therefore, the differences in the immune ing that the IL-12-producing cells were of recipient ori-
responses driven by IL-10–/– and WT DC following trans- gin. This raises the question as to how the information
fer in mice were essentially due to differential production transfer between the different DC populations occurs. It
of IL-12 and migratory capacities in this model. is possible that although most injected DC do not
migrate, they deliver a cytokine message and/or anti-
Tissue damage, presence of stressed or necrotic cells genic peptides to surrounding uninfected DC, which
and microbial products are danger signals triggering the induces these to migrate to secondary lymphoid organs.
release of locally important concentrations of inflamma- Alternatively, one can speculate that the few migrating
tory mediators of DC migration [34, 35]. The capacity of DC of donor origin are able to activate local DC to
IL-10–/– or WT DC to migrate to the DLN was examined secrete IL-12 when they reach the lymph nodes, result-
24 h after inoculation. Previous studies have shown that ing in a local amplification of the initial response. This
the number of splenic DC trafficking to the DLN after s.c. could be mediated by cytokine release or cell/cell con-
injection reached a maximum within 24 h [26, 36]. tact with resident DC or by recruiting other circulating DC
Accordingly, migrating DC could be detected in DLN fol- in the nodes. Taken together, our results support the
lowing loading of splenic [37] or bone marrow-derived emerging concept (Maraskovsky et al., unpublished) that
[38] DC in the trachea within 24 h and were no longer in physiological situations of infection, only a small sub-
detectable 48 h later, supporting the rapid migration of set of the DC population activated by microbial agents in
DC. However, the proportion of DC migrating to the DLN peripheral tissues migrates effectively to the DLN. In
always constituted a small percentage of the injected contrast, the vast majority of infected DC do not leave
pool (0.1–1.0%). This proportion of migratory DC is con- the site of infection. Our experiments suggest that this
sistent with other studies [26, 36], and questions the fate retention may be IL-10 dependent. Further, IL-10
of the remaining cells. It is likely that some of the injected appears to be an important factor regulating the genera-
DC die at the site of inoculation, and released antigens tion of the appropriate type of immune responses
are recaptured and processed by resident DC. Interest- against microbial infections. Blocking DC-derived IL-10
ingly, T cell priming in the DLN occurs with viable but not appears to be a potent way to stimulate enhanced Th1
with killed antigen-pulsed DC following transfer [39]. immune responses and may contribute to more efficient
Therefore, despite the fact that the proportion of traffick- anti-microbial vaccine strategies.
ing cells is relatively small, the direct migration of
antigen-bearing DC appear to be essential for the initia-
tion of specific T cell responses. If so, then the manipula- 4 Materials and methods
tion of DC to increase their migration properties before
transfer may be a way to improve the efficacy of DC- 4.1 Mice
based therapies.
Six- to eight-week-old C57BL/6 mice were obtained
The trafficking of DC from inflammatory sites to lymphoid from the Animal Resources Centre (Perth, Australia). IL-
tissues has been associated with a chemokine receptor 10–/– mice on a C57BL/6 background [43] were kindly
switch on DC surface, with down-regulation of inflamma- provided by Dr. Donna Rennick (DNAX Research Insti-
tory receptors and induction of CCR7 [40]. Recently, tute, Palo Alto, CA) and kept under specific pathogen-
it was demonstrated that concomitant exposure of free conditions at the Centenary Institute animal facility.
monocyte-derived DC with LPS and IL-10 blocks this
chemokine receptor switch on DC and impairs their abil-
ity to respond to inflammatory chemokines [41], sug- 4.2 DC cultures
gesting that IL-10 can suppress this migration process.
Consistently, FITC-induced epidermal Langerhans cell Bone marrow-derived DC were generated by a modifica-
migration from skin to DLN was enhanced in IL-10–/– tion of the method previously described by Inaba et al.
mice [42]. In the present study, BCG-infected IL-10–/– DC [44]. Briefly, murine bone marrow cell suspensions were
migrated to the DLN more efficiently than WT DC follow- incubated with a mixture of M5.114 (anti-MHC class II),
ing transfer into mice, suggesting that autocrine IL-10 RA3-6B2 (anti-B220), 53-6.7 (anti-CD8), GK1.5 (anti-
1000 C. Demangel et al. Eur. J. Immunol. 2002. 32: 994–1002

CD4) and RB6-8C5 (anti-Ly-6G) mAb. Cells bound to Diego, CA). For DC migration assays, CMFDA fluores-
antibodies were eliminated using Dynabeads M-450 cence was used to distinguish donor-derived DC from
coated with sheep anti-rat IgG. Remaining cells were recipient DC. For intracytoplasmic staining, DC puri-
cultured in complete medium (CM) of RPMI 1640 con- fied from the lymph nodes were fixed with 4% (w/v)
taining 5% FCS, 50 ? M 2-ME, 2 mM glutamine supple- paraformaldehyde 20 min at RT and permeabilized
mented with 2.5 ng/ml recombinant murine granulocyte/ in 0.1% BSA, 0.5% saponin PBS. Cells were then stain-
macrophage colony-stimulating factor and 5 ng/ml ed with PE-conjugated rat anti-mouse IL-12 (C15.6,
recombinant murine IL-4 (both from Peprotech, Rocky PharMingen), and with biotinylated anti-CD11c (HL3,
Hill, NJ). To test the effect of CD40 ligation on DC, a rat PharMingen) followed by streptavidin coupled to PE-
anti-CD40 IgG (clone 1C10) [15, 45] or an irrelevant rat Cy5. Analysis was then performed on CD11c+-gated
IgG (GL113, ATCC HB11679) was added to the CM. For cells. Pre-incubation of the fixed/permeabilized cells
BCG infection, day 4 DC cultures were incubated with with unlabeled C15.6 antibody (20 ? g/ml) prior to stain-
live BCG (Tokyo strain, ATCC 35737) at various MOI ing with PE-C15.6 abolished the detection of intracyto-
(from 1 to 10). Cells were washed after 16 h to eliminate plasmic IL-12, confirming the specificity of the staining
free mycobacteria, and cultured in fresh medium for an (data not shown). Samples were analyzed on a FACScali-
additional 48 h before harvesting culture supernatants bur (Becton Dickinson, San Jose, CA).
for cytokine assays. For transfer experiments, DC were
harvested 4 h after infection with BCG at a MOI of 10,
and washed twice in PBS before inoculation. 4.5 Cytokine production assays

IL-12 production by DC was measured in culture super-

natants using an ELISA kit for IL-12p70 heterodimer
4.3 DC tracking in vivo
detection (PharMingen). IL-10 release was measured by
Before inoculation, DC were labeled with fluorescent cell ELISA using the mAb SXC-4 and SXC-1 [49].
tracker green CMFDA (Molecular Probes, Eugene, OR)
as previously described [26]. DC were then washed 4.6 Proliferation assay and ELIspot for cytokine-
twice, resuspended in PBS (107 cells/ml), and 200 ? l producing cells
(equivalent 2×106 DC) were injected s.c. into the base of
the tail of recipient animals. Mice injected with an equiv- Seven days post immunization by s.c. route, DLN from
alent volume of PBS, or PBS containing 106 live BCG, three mice were pooled, and a single-cell suspension
were used as controls. Twenty-four hours later, cell sus- prepared by sieving and re-suspending the cells in cul-
pensions were prepared from the DLN (inguinal lymph ture medium. For proliferation assay, cell suspensions
nodes) by a modification of the procedure previously were plated in 96-well plates at 5×105 cells per well with
described [46]. Briefly, DLN fragments from three mice either medium alone, 10 ? g/ml PPD of M. tuberculosis
per group were digested for 20 min at room temperature (Statens Seruminstitut, Copenhagen, Denmark) or 10 ? g/
(RT) with DNase-collagenase, and treated with EDTA to ml Con A (Sigma, St. Louis, MO). [3H]Thymidine was
disrupt T cell–DC complexes. The resulting DLN cell added after 48 h of culture and the difference between
preparations were then enriched in DC by centrifugation PPD and medium-supplemented wells ( ¿ cpm) was mea-
in a Nycodenz medium (Nycomed, Oslo, Norway) and sured 6 h later. ELIspot assays were conducted as previ-
elimination of the high-density cells. The remaining frac- ously described [15].
tion was used directly for flow cytometry analysis with
gating on CD11c+ cells.
Acknowledgements: We thank Dr. Kevin Moore (DNAX,
Palo Alto, CA) for giving us anti-IL-10R antibody reagents,
4.4 Flow cytometry Dr. Donna Rennick (DNAX) for providing us with the IL-10–/–
mice, and Dr. Andrew W. Heath (University of Sheffield Medi-
Expression of surface markers was examined by pre- cal School, Sheffield, GB) for giving us the anti-CD40 anti-
body. We also wish to thank Dr. Adrian L. Smith (Centenary
incubating DC with mouse serum and staining with anti-
Institute) for assistance with the staining of DC with CMFDA,
IL-10R (1B13a, kindly provided by Dr. Kevin Moore,
Dr. Jamie A. Triccas (Centenary Institute) and Dr. Andrew G.
DNAX Research Institute, Palo Alto, CA) [47, 48], or the
Bean (CSIRO, Geelong, Australia) for helpful discussions.
isotype control GL113, anti-MHC class II Ab (M5.114) or
The support of the NSW Health Department through its
anti CD86 (GL1), plus FITC-conjugated mouse-adsorbed research and development infrastructure grants program is
anti-rat Ig (Caltag). Flow cytometric analysis was then gratefully acknowledged. This study was funded by the
performed on cells gated for CD11c+ (PE-conjugated National Health and Medical Research of Australia.
HL3) propidium iodide– (PI) (both from PharMingen, San
Eur. J. Immunol. 2002. 32: 994–1002 Autocrine IL-10 suppresses DC-derived immune responses 1001

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