2019-10 Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager

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Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager

Simon Coter
Director of Product Management
Linux and Virtualization, Oracle

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The preceding is intended to outline our general product direction. It is intended for information purposes
only, and may not be incorporated into any contract. It is not a commitment to deliver any material, code,
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release, timing, and pricing of any features or functionality described for Oracle’s products may change
and remains at the sole discretion of Oracle Corporation.

Statements in this presentation relating to Oracle’s future plans, expectations, beliefs, intentions and
prospects are “forward-looking statements” and are subject to material risks and uncertainties. A detailed
discussion of these factors and other risks that affect our business is contained in Oracle’s Securities and
Exchange Commission (SEC) filings, including our most recent reports on Form 10-K and Form 10-Q
under the heading “Risk Factors.” These filings are available on the SEC’s website or on Oracle’s website
at http://www.oracle.com/investor. All information in this presentation is current as of September
2019 and Oracle undertakes no duty to update any statement in light of new information or future events.

Copyright © 2019 Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Oracle Is Committed to Open Source

Platinum Member of 10 Oracle Organizations with

Platinum Member of Cloud Native Computing Foundation 1000+ developers and 300+
The Linux Foundation repos on GitHub

Copyright © 2019 Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Oracle Linux Directions
Building open cloud infrastructure for the enterprise
Cloud Linux Kernel
Easy and quick on- Optimization for the most
boarding to Cloud with the demanding Oracle workloads
same stack on-premises or and Oracle Engineered
in the cloud Systems

Containers and Security

Virtualization Ksplice zero-downtime security
Acceleration of your apps update, compliance and
deployment and service SELinux
delivery, simplified and
integrated management

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Shipping for more than 12 years

Powers Oracle Cloud & Engineered Systems

Tens of thousands of enterprises supported

Oracle Linux
Over 10 million Docker hub downloads
Linux Foundation Platinum board member

Cloud Native Computing Foundation Platinum member

Copyright © 2019 Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Truly Open Operating System

• Free to use, free to distribute and free to update

• ISOs are publicly available, free errata
• Kernel source code is published in a public GIT
repository with all
• Truly open business practices
• Customers choose which systems to cover by support
• No complicated migration from free to paid
• No restrictive contracts or agreements

Copyright © 2019 Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Oracle is a Complete Full-Service Linux Vendor

Product Development Enterprise – Level

and Bug Fixes 24x7 Support
Engineering and Product Management Support and Consulting

ISV / IHV Support
Certifications Partner Services and Certifications
Training & Knowledgebase Development

Copyright © 2019 Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Ksplice Live Patching
Security First

• Rapidly patch zero-day vulnerabilities with no downtime

• Kernels (Oracle and non-Oracle kernels)
• Hypervisors (KVM, Xen and QEMU)
• Critical user space packages (glibc and openssl)
• Keep critical systems patched with no downtime
• Apply updates without rebooting
• Configured by default for Oracle Linux instances in Oracle
• Proven: 1 million+ patches delivered

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Ksplice Known Exploit Detection
Released in April 2019

• As CVEs are patched, Ksplice adds ’tripwires’ to code that

fire when erroneous conditions trigger
• Reports attempted exploitations of a known attack vector
• Enables system admins to monitor systems for suspicious
Ø Default is to log exploit attempt to syslog; email alerts
can also be set
Ø You can take specific action for specific tripwires (report,

Copyright © 2019 Oracle and/or its affiliates.

KVM Hypervisor Enhanced with Oracle Linux
Oracle’s Standard Server Virtualization Technology

• KVM hypervisor performance and security enhancements in Oracle Linux 7

with Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel (UEK) Release 5
• Zero down time security patching for hypervisor, kernel, and user space
• VirtIO drivers 1.1.3 delivered to support Microsoft Windows guests
Working on VirtIO Drivers 2.0 to bring the existing drivers up to date with upstream in terms
of bug fixes and enhancements
• Strong user community and Large partner ecosystem

Copyright © 2019 Oracle and/or its affiliates.

KVM Helps Customers’ Cloud Journey
Customers looking for an Enterprise Management Solution
Ø Multi KVM hypervisor management
Ø Storage Management
Ø Network Management
Ø Cloud Ready
Ø Full Support

Copyright © 2019 Oracle and/or its affiliates.

oVirt Project
• oVirt open-source distributed virtualization solution
• Provides large scale, centralized management for
server virtualization
• Based on leading performance, scalability and
security infrastructure technologies
• Focus on KVM for best integration/performance
• Focus on ease of use/deployment
• Full featured software targeted to support
enterprise infrastructures

Copyright © 2019 Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager 4.2.8
• Based on oVirt 4.2.8
• Integrated, tested and supported by Oracle
• Available on ULN and Oracle Yum:
• http://yum.oracle.com/repo/OracleLinux/OL7/ovirt42/x86_64/index.html
• http://yum.oracle.com/repo/OracleLinux/OL7/ovirt42/extras/x86_64/inde
• Full Documentation Library
• Release Note
• Installation Guide
• Getting Started Guide

Copyright © 2019 Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager 4.2.8

• Key Oracle VM 3.4 features carry forward

VM Management VM HA, Policies
Live Migration RestAPI
Storage, Networking Virtual Appliances
Status, Alerts Maintenance

• New feature support in the 4.2.8 GA release:

Ø Snapshots for improved Backup and Restore functionality
Ø Role Based Access
• Contribute upstream to further enhance oVirt

Copyright © 2019 Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager
Solution Overview

Oracle Linux KVM Guest OS Support

Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager
Server - 7.6 • Oracle Linux 5/6/7
• RHEL 5/6/7
• CentOS 5/6/7
• Windows Desktop
7, 8, 10
Oracle Linux KVM
Server - 7.6 • Windows Server
2008, 2012, 2016,

Oracle Linux KVM

Server – 7.7

Copyright © 2019 Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager Setup
Quick Setup

Simple Yum install process:

1. Install Oracle Linux 7 Update 6 on the host machine.
2. # yum install https://yum.oracle.com/repo/OracleLinux/OL7/ovirt42/x86_64/ovirt-release42.rpm
3. # yum install ovirt-engine
4. Run the engine-setup command to configure Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager
5. Answer the 15 questions (manager DNS name, Admin password, Data Warehouse location, etc) –
or simply select all of the defaults

ØUp and running in 10 minutes

Copyright © 2019 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager 4.2.8

Copyright © 2019 Oracle and/or its affiliates.

OLVM Technology Preview Features
Full support to be added in later phases
• Self Hosted Engine (HA)
• Gluster Storage
• Foreman and Spacewalk integration
• Virt-v2v
• Software Defined Networking
• Datawarehouse migration to remote server
• moVirt
• oVirt Node

Copyright © 2019 Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Oracle Linux KVM Ecosystem
Server, Storage and ISVs
• x86 server certification:
– Covered by the existing Oracle Linux HCL
• Storage Certification:
– HCL storage certifications will not be required. Similar to Oracle Linux,
there is no need to test storage solutions with Oracle Linux KVM
• ISV certifications
– Oracle Linux KVM certifications
– OLVM/oVirt certifications
Copyright © 2019 Oracle and/or its affiliates.

• Execute all tasks in the Admin Portal and even more

• HTTP Actions
• Automate provisioning/Administration through scripting or
• No differences between oVirt and OLVM

Copyright © 2019 Oracle and/or its affiliates.

OLVM – Enterprise Manager integration
EM 13.4 adds support for OLVM

Copyright © 2019 Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Oracle VM vs Oracle Linux Virtualization
Feature Oracle VM Oracle Linux Virtualization
Hypervisor Xen KVM
Manager Oracle Open Source
Parallel job operation No Yes
Multiple user control No Yes
Snapshot No Yes
Advanced features (SR-IOV, moVirt, etc) No Yes

HA and LM without Manager Yes No (Self Hosted Engine)

Solaris Guest support Yes No
Full CLI Yes No
Automated Manager DB backups Yes No (scripting solutions)

Copyright © 2019 Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Value of Oracle Linux Virtualization
• Oracle software certifications
• Oracle Ksplice support
• Zero down time security patching for hypervisor, kernel, and user space
• Oracle Enterprise Manager integration – single pane of glass management
• Oracle Linux
• Oracle Virtualization
• Oracle Products (Database, Middleware and Applications)
• Rapid application deployment with Templates and Virtual Appliances

Copyright © 2019 Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager
Next Oracle targets

• oVirt releases and community expansion

• Applications and Virtual Appliances
• Ecosystem
• Migrations…………

Copyright © 2019 Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Oracle Linux Images for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
Same OS on Cloud and On-Premise
August 2019 Updated Images
Oracle Linux 7.7
Kernel version: kernel-uek-4.14.35-1902.4.8.el7uek.x86_6
Fix for CVE-2019-1125: https://linux.oracle.com/errata/ELSA-2019-4733.html from Oracle Linux 7.6 2019.08.02
Oracle Linux 7.7 GPU
Kernel version: kernel-uek-4.14.35-1902.4.8.el7uek.x86_64
Fix for CVE-2019-1125 (Oracle Linux 7.6 2019.08.02 image)
CUDA version: 10-1-10.1.168-1
cuDNN version: 7.3.1
Oracle Linux 6.10
Kernel version: kernel-uek-4.1.12-124.30.1.el6uek.x86_64
Fix for CVE-2019-1125 (Oracle Linux 7.6 2019.08.02 image)

Copyright © 2019Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Oracle Linux KVM in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
Oracle’s Standard Server Virtualization Technology

Oracle Linux KVM image can be deployed faster directly from Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure (OCI) console
Ø Launch latest KVM image from OCI image catalog

Copyright © 2019 Oracle and/or its affiliates.

On-Premise Cloud

Application Appliation

OL KVM and OLVM Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

• Same hypervisor on-premise and in Cloud
• Migration tools:
• Documented APIs
• Oracle utilities
• Partner utilities
Copyright © 2019 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
Oracle Linux and Virtualization for Open Cloud Infrastructure
Thousands of customers running Oracle Linux and Virtualization today

Best Subscription Value Strategic Differentiation

• World-class software • Zero-downtime kernel updates with Ksplice
• Designed for the enterprise • Diagnostics and tracing with DTrace
• No additional, expensive add-ons • Integration with latest Cloud technologies:
• World-class support, consulting & training Docker, Kubernetes, KVM, Xen, …

Truly Open The Only Linux and Virtualization Distros

• Always free to use, distribute and update Recommended for Oracle Products
• Oracle Development’s standard
• Source code published and ISOs
publicly available • Comprehensive testing across the stack
• All errata is publicly available • Pre-configured Linux containers and VM
templates for rapid deployment of products

Copyright © 2019 Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Stay Connected

Visit us at oracle.com/linux
Copyright © 2019 Oracle and/or its affiliates.

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