Oracle Linux 7 Administrator's Guide

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Oracle® Linux 7

Administrator's Guide

October 2020
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This manual provides an introduction to administering various features of Oracle Linux 7 systems.

Document generated on: 2020-10-15 (revision: 10919)

Table of Contents
Preface .............................................................................................................................................. v
I System Configuration ....................................................................................................................... 1
1 Yum ........................................................................................................................................ 5
2 Ksplice .................................................................................................................................... 7
3 Boot and Service Configuration ............................................................................................... 9
4 System Configuration Settings ............................................................................................... 11
5 Kernel Modules ..................................................................................................................... 13
6 Device Management .............................................................................................................. 15
7 Task Management ................................................................................................................. 17
8 System Monitoring and Tuning ............................................................................................... 19
9 System Dump Analysis .......................................................................................................... 21
II Networking and Network Services .................................................................................................. 23
10 Network Configuration ......................................................................................................... 27
11 Network Address Configuration ............................................................................................ 29
12 Name Service Configuration ................................................................................................. 31
13 Network Time Configuration ................................................................................................. 33
14 Web Service Configuration ................................................................................................... 35
15 Email Service Configuration ................................................................................................. 37
16 High Availability Configuration .............................................................................................. 39
17 Load Balancing Configuration .............................................................................................. 41
18 VNC Service Configuration .................................................................................................. 43
III Storage and File Systems ............................................................................................................. 45
19 Storage Management .......................................................................................................... 49
20 File System Administration ................................................................................................... 51
21 Local File System Administration .......................................................................................... 53
22 Shared File System Administration ....................................................................................... 55
23 Oracle Cluster File System Version 2 ................................................................................... 57
IV Authentication and Security .......................................................................................................... 59
24 Authentication Configuration ................................................................................................. 63
25 Local Account Configuration ................................................................................................. 65
26 System Security Administration ............................................................................................ 67
27 OpenSSH Configuration ....................................................................................................... 69
V Virtualization ................................................................................................................................. 71
28 Linux Containers ................................................................................................................. 75
29 Using KVM With Oracle Linux .............................................................................................. 77

Oracle® Linux 7: Administrator's Guide provides introductory information about administering various
features of Oracle Linux 7 systems, including system configuration, networking, network services, storage
devices, file systems, authentication, and security.


The information in this book has been migrated to separate and more updated
documentation. For the most current information, refer the individual, topic-based
guides in the Oracle Linux 7 Documentation.

This document is intended for administrators who need to configure and administer Oracle Linux. It is
assumed that readers are familiar with web technologies and have a general understanding of using the
Linux operating system, including knowledge of how to use a text editor such as emacs or vim, essential
commands such as cd, chmod, chown, ls, mkdir, mv, ps, pwd, and rm, and using the man command to
view manual pages.

Document Organization
The document is organized as follows:

• Part I, “System Configuration” describes how to configure software and kernel updates, booting, kernel
and module settings, and devices, how to schedule tasks, and how to monitor and tune your system.

• Part II, “Networking and Network Services” describes how to configure network interfaces, network
addresses, name service, network time services, basic web and email services, load balancing, and high

• Part III, “Storage and File Systems” describes how to configure storage devices and how to create and
manage local, shared, and cluster file systems.

• Part IV, “Authentication and Security” describes how to configure user account databases and
authentication, how to add group and user accounts, how to administer essential aspects of system
security, and how to configure and use the OpenSSH tools.

• Part V, “Virtualization” describes how to configure containers to isolate applications from the other
processes that are running on a host system.

Related Documents
The documentation for this product is available at:

Oracle® Linux 7 Documentation

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Part I System Configuration
This section contains the following chapters:

• Chapter 1, Yum describes how you can use the yum utility to install and upgrade software packages.

• Chapter 2, Ksplice describes how to configure Ksplice Uptrack to update the kernel on a running system.

• Chapter 3, Boot and Service Configuration describes the Oracle Linux boot process, how to use the GRUB boot
loader, how to change the run level of a system, and how to configure the services that are available at each run

• Chapter 4, System Configuration Settings describes the files and virtual file systems that you can use to change
configuration settings for your system.

• Chapter 5, Kernel Modules describes how to load, unload, and modify the behavior of kernel modules.

• Chapter 6, Device Management describes how the system uses device files and how the udev device manager
dynamically creates or removes device node files.

• Chapter 7, Task Management describes how to configure the system to run tasks automatically within a specific
period of time, at a specified time and date, or when the system is lightly loaded.

• Chapter 8, System Monitoring and Tuning describes how to collect diagnostic information about a system for Oracle
Support, and how to monitor and tune the performance of a system.

• Chapter 9, System Dump Analysis describes how to configure a system to create a memory image in the event of
a system crash, and how to use the crash debugger to analyse the memory image in a crash dump or for a live
Table of Contents
1 Yum ................................................................................................................................................ 5
2 Ksplice ............................................................................................................................................ 7
3 Boot and Service Configuration ....................................................................................................... 9
4 System Configuration Settings ....................................................................................................... 11
5 Kernel Modules ............................................................................................................................. 13
6 Device Management ...................................................................................................................... 15
7 Task Management ......................................................................................................................... 17
8 System Monitoring and Tuning ....................................................................................................... 19
9 System Dump Analysis .................................................................................................................. 21

Chapter 1 Yum
This chapter describes how you can use the yum utility to install and upgrade software packages.


The information in this chapter has been migrated to separate and more updated
documentation. See Oracle® Linux 7: Managing Software .

For information about creating and using a Yum server that acts as a local mirror of
the ULN channels, see Oracle® Linux: Unbreakable Linux Network User's Guide for
Oracle Linux 6 and Oracle Linux 7.

Chapter 2 Ksplice
This chapter provides a high-level overview of Oracle Ksplice.


The information in this chapter has been migrated to separate and more updated
documentation. See Oracle® Linux: Ksplice User's Guide.

Chapter 3 Boot and Service Configuration
This chapter describes the Oracle Linux boot process, how to use the GRUB 2 bootloader, how to change
the systemd target for a system, and how to configure the services that are available for a target.


The information in this chapter has been migrated to separate and more updated
documentation. See Oracle® Linux 7: Managing Core System Configuration .

Chapter 4 System Configuration Settings
This chapter describes the files and virtual file systems that you can use to change configuration settings
for your system.


The information in this chapter has been migrated to separate and more updated
documentation. See Oracle® Linux 7: Managing Core System Configuration.

Chapter 5 Kernel Modules
This chapter describes how to load, unload, and modify the behavior of kernel modules.


The information in this chapter has been migrated to separate and more updated
documentation. See Oracle® Linux 7: Managing Core System Configuration.

Chapter 6 Device Management
This chapter describes how the system uses device files and how the udev device manager dynamically
creates or removes device node files.


The information in this chapter has been migrated to separate and more updated
documentation. See Oracle® Linux 7: Managing Core System Configuration.

Chapter 7 Task Management
This chapter describes how to configure the system to run tasks automatically within a specific period of
time, at a specified time and date, or when the system is lightly loaded.


The information in this chapter has been migrated to separate and more updated
documentation. See Oracle® Linux 7: Managing Core System Configuration.

Chapter 8 System Monitoring and Tuning
This chapter describes how to collect diagnostic information about a system for Oracle Support, and how to
monitor and tune the performance of a system.


The information in this chapter has been migrated to separate and more updated
documentation. See Oracle® Linux 7: Managing Core System Configuration.

Chapter 9 System Dump Analysis
This chapter describes how to configure a system to create a memory image in the event of a system
crash, and how to use the crash debugger to analyse the memory image in a crash dump or for a live


The information in this chapter has been migrated to separate and more updated
documentation. See Oracle® Linux 7: Managing Core System Configuration.

Part II Networking and Network Services
This section contains the following chapters:

• Chapter 10, Network Configuration describes how to configure a system's network interfaces and network routing.

• Chapter 11, Network Address Configuration describes how to configure a DHCP server, DHCP client, and Network
Address Translation.

• Chapter 12, Name Service Configuration describes how to use BIND to set up a DNS name server.

• Chapter 13, Network Time Configuration describes how to configure the chrony, Network Time Protocol (NTP), or
Precision Time Protocol (PTP) daemons for setting the system time.

• Chapter 14, Web Service Configuration describes how to configure a basic HTTP server.

• Chapter 15, Email Service Configuration describes email programs and protocols that are available with Oracle
Linux, and how to set up a basic Sendmail client.

• Chapter 16, High Availability Configuration describes how to use Pacemaker and Corosync to set up high
availability cluster configurations with networked systems.

• Chapter 17, Load Balancing Configuration describes how to use Keepalived and HAProxy to set up load balancing
for networked systems.

• Chapter 18, VNC Service Configuration describes how to enable a VNC server to provide remote access to a
graphical desktop.
Table of Contents
10 Network Configuration ................................................................................................................. 27
11 Network Address Configuration .................................................................................................... 29
12 Name Service Configuration ........................................................................................................ 31
13 Network Time Configuration ......................................................................................................... 33
14 Web Service Configuration ........................................................................................................... 35
15 Email Service Configuration ......................................................................................................... 37
16 High Availability Configuration ...................................................................................................... 39
17 Load Balancing Configuration ...................................................................................................... 41
18 VNC Service Configuration .......................................................................................................... 43

Chapter 10 Network Configuration
This chapter describes how to configure a system's network interfaces and network routing.


Information in this chapter has been migrated to separate and more updated
documentation. See Oracle® Linux 7: Setting Up Networking.

Chapter 11 Network Address Configuration
This chapter describes how to configure a DHCP server, DHCP client, and Network Address Translation.


Information in this chapter has been migrated to separate and more updated
documentation. See Oracle® Linux 7: Setting Up Networking.

Chapter 12 Name Service Configuration
This chapter describes how to use BIND to set up a DNS name server.


Information in this chapter has been migrated to separate and more updated
documentation. See Oracle® Linux 7: Setting Up Networking.

Chapter 13 Network Time Configuration
This chapter describes how to configure a system to use the chrony, Network Time Protocol (NTP), or
Precision Time Protocol (PTP) daemons for setting the system time.


Information in this chapter has been migrated to separate and more updated
documentation. See Oracle® Linux 7: Setting Up Networking.

Chapter 14 Web Service Configuration
This chapter describes how to configure a basic HTTP server.


Information in this chapter has been migrated to separate and more updated
documentation. See Oracle® Linux 7: Setting Up Networking.

Chapter 15 Email Service Configuration
This chapter describes email programs and protocols that are available with Oracle Linux, and how to set
up a basic Sendmail client.


Information in this chapter has been migrated to separate and more updated
documentation. See Oracle® Linux 7: Setting Up Networking.

Chapter 16 High Availability Configuration
This chapter describes how to configure the Pacemaker and Corosync technologies to create an HA
cluster that delivers continuous access to services running across multiple nodes.


Information in this chapter has been migrated to separate and more updated
documentation. See Oracle® Linux 7: Setting Up Networking.

Chapter 17 Load Balancing Configuration
This chapter describes how to configure the Keepalived and HAProxy technologies for balancing access to
network services while maintaining continuous access to those services.


Information in this chapter has been migrated to separate and more updated
documentation. See Oracle® Linux 7: Setting Up Networking.

Chapter 18 VNC Service Configuration
This chapter describes how to enable a Virtual Network Computing (VNC) server to provide remote access
to a graphical desktop.


Information in this chapter has been migrated to separate and more updated
documentation. See Oracle® Linux 7: Setting Up Networking.

Part III Storage and File Systems
This section contains the following chapters:

• Chapter 19, Storage Management describes how to configure and manage disk partitions, swap space, logical
volumes, software RAID, block device encryption, iSCSI storage, and multipathing.

• Chapter 20, File System Administration describes how to create, mount, check, and repair file systems, how to
configure Access Control Lists, how to configure and manage disk quotas.

• Chapter 21, Local File System Administration describes administration tasks for the btrfs, ext3, ext4, OCFS2, and
XFS local file systems.

• Chapter 22, Shared File System Administration describes administration tasks for the NFS and Samba shared file
systems, including how to configure NFS and Samba servers.

• Chapter 23, Oracle Cluster File System Version 2 describes how to configure and use the Oracle Cluster File
System Version 2 (OCFS2) file system.
Table of Contents
19 Storage Management .................................................................................................................. 49
20 File System Administration ........................................................................................................... 51
21 Local File System Administration .................................................................................................. 53
22 Shared File System Administration ............................................................................................... 55
23 Oracle Cluster File System Version 2 ........................................................................................... 57

Chapter 19 Storage Management
This chapter describes how to configure and manage disk partitions, swap space, logical volumes,
software RAID, block device encryption, iSCSI storage, and multipathing.


The information in this chapter has been migrated to separate and more updated
documentation. See Oracle® Linux 7: Managing Storage and Storage Devices.

Chapter 20 File System Administration
This chapter describes how to create, mount, check, and repair file systems, how to configure Access
Control Lists, how to configure and manage disk quotas.


The information in this chapter has been migrated to separate and more updated
documentation. See Oracle® Linux 7: Managing File Systems.

Chapter 21 Local File System Administration
This chapter describes administration tasks for the btrfs, ext3, ext4, OCFS2, and XFS local file systems.


The information in this chapter has been migrated to separate and more updated
documentation. See Oracle® Linux 7: Managing File Systems.

Chapter 22 Shared File System Administration
This chapter describes administration tasks for the NFS and Samba shared file systems.


The information in this chapter has been migrated to separate and more updated
documentation. See Oracle® Linux 7: Managing File Systems.

Chapter 23 Oracle Cluster File System Version 2
This chapter describes how to configure and use the Oracle Cluster File System Version 2 (OCFS2) file


The information in this chapter has been migrated to separate and more updated
documentation. See Oracle® Linux 7: Managing File Systems.

You can also find more information about OCFS2 at


Part IV Authentication and Security
This section contains the following chapters:

• Chapter 24, Authentication Configuration describes how to configure various authentication methods that Oracle
Linux can use, including NIS, LDAP, Kerberos, and Winbind, and how you can configure the System Security
Services Daemon feature to provide centralized identity and authentication management.

• Chapter 25, Local Account Configuration describes how to configure and manage local user and group accounts.

• Chapter 26, System Security Administration describes the subsystems that you can use to administer system
security, including SELinux, the Netfilter firewall, TCP Wrappers, chroot jails, auditing, system logging, and process

• Chapter 27, OpenSSH Configuration describes how to configure OpenSSH to support secure communication
between networked systems.
Table of Contents
24 Authentication Configuration ......................................................................................................... 63
25 Local Account Configuration ........................................................................................................ 65
26 System Security Administration .................................................................................................... 67
27 OpenSSH Configuration ............................................................................................................... 69

Chapter 24 Authentication Configuration
This chapter describes how to configure various authentication methods that Oracle Linux can use,
including NIS, LDAP, Kerberos, and Winbind, and how you can configure the System Security Services
Daemon feature to provide centralized identity and authentication management.


The information in this chapter has been migrated to separate and more
updated documentation. See Oracle® Linux 7: Setting Up System Accounts and

Chapter 25 Local Account Configuration
This chapter describes how to configure and manage local user and group accounts.


The information in this chapter has been migrated to separate and more
updated documentation. See Oracle® Linux 7: Setting Up System Accounts and

Chapter 26 System Security Administration
This chapter describes the subsystems that you can use to administer system security, including SELinux,
the Netfilter firewall, TCP Wrappers, chroot jails, auditing, system logging, and process accounting.


The information in this chapter has been migrated to separate and more updated
documentation. See the following corresponding documentation:

• For security topics, see Oracle® Linux 7: Security Guide.

• For information about setting up user accounts and authentication, see Oracle®
Linux 7: Setting Up System Accounts and Authentication .

• For information about SELinux, see Oracle® Linux: Administering SELinux.

Chapter 27 OpenSSH Configuration
This chapter describes how to configure OpenSSH to support secure communication between networked


The information in this chapter has been migrated to a separate and more
updated documentation. See Oracle® Linux: Connecting to Remote Systems With

Part V Virtualization
This section contains the following chapters:

• Chapter 28, Linux Containers describes how to use Linux Containers (LXC) to isolate applications and entire
operating system images from the other processes that are running on a host system.

• Chapter 29, Using KVM With Oracle Linux describes how to use an Oracle Linux system as a hypervisor with
Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM) and provides information on installing virtualization packages.


Information about using the Docker engine to manage containers and images under Oracle
Linux is provided in Oracle® Linux: Oracle Container Runtime for Docker User's Guide.
Table of Contents
28 Linux Containers ......................................................................................................................... 75
29 Using KVM With Oracle Linux ...................................................................................................... 77

Chapter 28 Linux Containers
This chapter describes how to use Linux Containers (LXC) to isolate applications and entire operating
system images from the other processes that are running on a host system.


The information in this chapter has been migrated to separate and more updated
documentation. See Oracle® Linux 7: Working With LXC.

For information about how to use the Docker Engine to create application containers, see the Oracle
Container Runtime for Docker User's Guide.

Chapter 29 Using KVM With Oracle Linux
This chapter describes the Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM) feature.


The information in this chapter has been migrated to separate and more updated
documentation. See Oracle® Linux: KVM User's Guide.


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